IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#504: Puppy love

Looks at a daughter depressed appearance, the Chen Xi's heart clutched immediately. m 看着女儿一副郁郁寡欢的模样,陈曦的心顿时就揪了起来。m Sees only, after he pulls the little fellow is going out of the crowd, then immediately squats on the ground, is hugging her patient asking: Niannian, how? Did some people bully you?” 只见,他牵着小家伙走出人群后,便立刻蹲在地上,然后搂着她耐心的问道:“念念,怎么了?是不是有人欺负你了?” Although on the face of little fellow has several points of suffering expression, but after seemingly does not seem like bullied the appearance. 小家伙的脸上虽然带着几分委屈的表情,不过看上去倒不像是被人欺负后的样子。 Also, by her present constitution, if really the vitality/angry initiated the wind, beating savagely the same age little friend definitely is nothing issue. 再说了,以她现在的身体素质,若是真的生气发起了飙来,暴打同龄小朋友肯定是没有任何问题的。 Therefore, the first idea in the Chen Xi brain having is actually...... 因此,陈曦脑子里冒出的第一个想法其实是…… Was Niannian pushed aside by the schoolmate? 念念被同学排挤了? She jumped the child of level after all, in a short time is unable to integrate the new collective, pours is also the normal phenomenon. 她毕竟是跳了级的孩子,短时间里无法融入新集体,倒也属于正常现象。 Regarding this, Chen Xi has been psychologically prepared, actually therefore then starts to ponder over itself should immediately how to enlighten the little fellow. 对此,陈曦早已做好了心理准备,于是便立刻开始琢磨自己究竟该如何开导小家伙。 Person life, the itself is the process that continually adapts. 人这一生嘛,本就是一个不断适应的过程。 If skips a grade does not adapt wants to flinch, after Niannian, how can adapt to other circumstances smoothly? 如果跳级不适应就想退缩的话,念念以后又如何能顺利适应其他环境呢? Must urge her well is. 得好好劝劝她才是。 However changes mind thinks, Chen Xi then had the idea at heart. 不过转念一想,陈曦心里便有了主意。 But at this moment...... 可就在这时…… The little fellow weak opens the mouth said suddenly: Father, some people write to me......” 小家伙却忽然懦懦的开口说道:“爸爸,有人给我写信……” Ah? 啊? Writes a letter?” “写信?” What letter/believes?” “什么信?” Suddenly heard a Niannian such saying, the Chen Xi's mentality is disrupted immediately. 突然听到念念这么一说,陈曦的思路顿时就被打乱了。 Letter/believes? 信? What do you mean? 什么意思? He has not responded completely. 他完全没有反应过来。 The father and daughter stand in the street, is looking at each other intently. 父女俩站在街边,就这么直愣愣的对视着。 In an instant! 刹那间! Chen Xi only thinks that in the brain has electric light together to flash through, almost on understood the meaning in little fellow words instantaneously indistinctly. 陈曦只觉脑中有一道电光闪过,几乎瞬间就隐约明白了小家伙话里的意思。 Therefore, he squeezes a smiling face immediately, then does intentionally the relaxed inquiry: Niannian, is who can Father look at to letter/believes Ah? that you do write?” 于是,他立刻挤出一丝笑容,然后故作轻松的询问道:“念念,是谁给你写的信啊?可以给爸爸看一下吗?” Finishes speaking, Chen Xi then looks to the little fellow who pretends a face to hope. 话音刚落,陈曦便装作一脸期盼的看向小家伙。 However, what he has not thought is...... 然而,他没有想到的是…… Always to his obedient little fellow, this actually after hearing his words, unprecedented swings to him begins. 一向对他百依百顺的小家伙,这回却在听到他的话以后,破天荒的对他摇起了头。 Ended. 完了。 Sees little fellow performance, Chen Xi under the heart sinks immediately. 看到小家伙这番表现,陈曦顿时心下一沉。 Thinks the cabbage that oneself plant laboriously, has not arrived at blossoming and bearing fruit time, had been arched ahead of time by the piglet of next door...... 一想到自己辛辛苦苦栽种的大白菜,都还没有到开花结果的时候,就已经被隔壁的猪仔提前拱掉了…… That flash. 那一瞬间。 Chen Xi had the heart of murder. 陈曦连杀人的心都有了。 Certainly is these bad children bullies Niannian to be ignorant! 一定是那些坏孩子欺负念念懵懂无知! Otherwise her child, how also to understand the thing that these sentiment love love?! 不然她一个小孩子,又怎么会懂这些情情爱爱的东西?! Broken school! 破学校! The father will open it tomorrow!!! 老子明天就拆了它!!! As a gentle kind and enlightened insightful old father, Chen Xi thinks firmly the daughter can also be saved. 作为一个慈祥和蔼、开明通透的老父亲,陈曦坚定的认为女儿还有救。 Therefore, after he immediately these bewildered guesses throw into the brain, and heavy put out foul air, then exchanged a serious incomparable expression. 因此,他立刻将那些莫名其妙的猜测抛到脑后,并沉沉的吐出了一口浊气,然后换上了一副严肃无比的表情。 In any event, he must make the little fellow realize the gravity of this issue today! 无论如何,他今天必须让小家伙认识到这个问题的严重性! However...... 然而…… When the Chen Xi preparation opens the mouth to admonish, the little fellow actually seems like suddenly thinks that arrived results, unexpectedly calm reply: Letter/believes was ripped by me.” 就在陈曦准备开口训话的时候,小家伙却像是突然想到了似得,竟一脸平静的回答道:“信被我撕了。” Ripped?” “撕了?” Chen Xi is startled. 陈曦一怔。 Following close on, him is then hugging the bosom the little fellow, then incomparably excited laughing said: „The youngest daughter is sensible! Ripped good! Ripped good!” 紧跟着,他便一把将小家伙搂进了怀里,然后无比激动的哈哈大笑道:“幺女懂事儿!撕的好!撕的好!” md! md! Had heard that the present child is very precocious. 早就听说现在的孩子很早熟。 But he has not actually thought...... 但他却也没有想到…… Present child unexpectedly precociously to this degree! 现在的孩子竟会早熟到这种程度! Niannian is only seven years old! 念念才七岁多一点啊! Although she jumped first-level, class schoolmate general ratio she is greatly 1 or 2-year-old, but that is also only ** year child! 虽然她跳了一级,班里的同学普遍比大她一两岁,可那也只是**岁的孩子啊! Doesn't Anime look? 动画片不看了? Doesn't the King glory hit? 王者荣耀不打了? Unexpectedly has the leisurely mood to run to provoke his big Venerate Supreme daughter?! 居然有闲心跑来撩拨他大至尊的女儿?! Fortunately...... 还好…… Niannian has not disappointed him finally. 念念总算没有让他失望。 If not for the guardian of school entrance are many, Chen Xi feared that will also be excited face upwarding will cry loud and long one 若不是校门口的家长很多,陈曦怕是还会激动的仰天长啸一声 Ripped good!!! 撕的好!!! ...... …… Regarding the dealing method of little fellow, Chen Xi is pleased. 对于小家伙的应对方法,陈曦感到十分满意。 May change mind thinks, he was somewhat worried. 可转念一想,他不禁又有些担心了起来。 After all, the puppy love issue compared with skipping a grade does not adapt must serious! 毕竟,早恋问题可是比跳级不适应还要更加的严重啊! Looks at present this lovable little fellow, Chen Xi somewhat was vacant. 看着眼前这个可爱的小家伙,陈曦不禁有些茫然了。 How can I say. 怎么说呢。 In the Chen Xi eye, Niannian radically is the child who sex characteristics have not even shown. 陈曦眼里,念念根本就是一个连性别特征都没有展现的孩子罢了。 The child is a child. 孩子就是孩子。 The child is male and female. 孩子是不分男女的。 But now? 可现在呢? Unexpectedly some people have started to give Niannian to write the love letter! 居然就已经有人开始给念念写情书了! Although Niannian ripped this letter/believes, but this also can only take stopgap measures not to effect a permanent cure. 虽然念念把这封信撕了,可是这也只能治标而不治本。 In fact. 实际上。 Chen Xi actually also is very at heart clear...... 陈曦心里其实也很清楚…… As the child grows up unceasingly, the Niannian's charm will be only getting bigger and bigger. 随着孩子不断长大,念念的魅力只会越来越大。 Like initial Yingying, after growing up Niannian only to need toward that station, should capture nearby all opposite sex attention sufficiently. 就像当初的盈盈一样,长大后的念念只需要往那一站,应该就足以吸引附近所有异性的目光。 Now since presented the first love letter, then definitely presents second and third, is as for seals innumerably. 如今既然出现了第一封情书,那么接下来肯定就出现第二封、第三封,乃至于无数封。 Then the issue came. 那么问题来了。 As the guardian, actually should he be what to do good? 作为家长,他究竟应该怎么办才好呢? Even if besieges facing four big honorable people, Chen Xi not such anxious. 哪怕面对四大真人围攻的时候,陈曦也没有这么紧张过。 He closely is frowning, told itself do not want unceasingly is too many, but he actually couldn't help thinking toward the fault. 他紧紧皱着眉头,不断告诉自己不要想太多,可是他却始终忍不住要往坏处想。 Some matters, are really more want more fearful...... 有些事儿呐,真的是越想越可怕…… Chen Xi is frowning silent. 陈曦皱着眉头沉默不语。 The little fellows waited some little time, after seeing with own eyes Father is a distressful appearance, slightly was then crooked the head to ponder over. 小家伙足足等了好一会儿,眼见爸爸还是一副愁眉苦脸的样子后,便微微歪着脑袋琢磨了起来。 She is a very intelligent child, naturally knows that Father is worried about anything. 她是一个很聪明的孩子,自然知道爸爸在担心什么。 Therefore, after Niannian hesitant one next, then hugs the Chen Xi's neck to say on own initiative gently: Father, you could rest assured that I cannot the puppy love!” 于是,念念犹豫了一下后,便主动搂着陈曦的脖子轻轻说道:“爸爸,你放心,我不会早恋的!” „......” “呃……” Chen Xi swallowed a saliva subconsciously. 陈曦下意识咽了口唾沫。 How he in hesitates should open the mouth, never expected that the little fellow asks arrived this issue actually on own initiative. 他还在犹豫着该如何开口呢,没想到小家伙这边倒是主动提到了这个问题。 However seven years old of point child, unexpectedly follows a prescribed pattern and guardian discussed the puppy love topic. 不过七岁多点的孩子,居然一板一眼的和家长讨论起早恋话题。 Such scene, does the light think to feel somewhat awkward and strange? 这样的情景,光想想都会觉得有些尴尬和怪异吧? Niannian, you know that what meaning the puppy love is?” 念念,你知道早恋是什么意思?” I know that in our class many person puppy loves, but I have not told the teacher.” “我知道吖,以前我们班里就有很多人早恋,只不过我没有告诉老师罢了。” Really?!” “真的?!” Chen Xi startled. 陈曦惊了。 Clearly, the class and grade that in the little fellow mouth mentioned referred to for a year two classes. 很明显,小家伙口中提到的班级是指一年二班。 Was the child learned of first grade in love?! 一年级的孩子都学会谈恋爱了?! This world actually how...... 这个世界究竟怎么了…… Has saying that Chen Xi's three views by the arrived enormous impact. 不得不说,陈曦的三观受到了极大的冲击。 However changes mind thinks...... 不过转念一想…… He poured also somewhat feels relaxed. 他倒也有些释然了。 The situation should not have serious that he imagines. 情况应该还没有他想象的那么严重。 After all, the present network information was too developed, the information content that the children can obtain went far beyond ** the child who ten ages, will naturally understand compared with the beforehand child. 毕竟,现在的网络资讯太发达了,孩子们所能获得的信息量远远超过了**十年代的孩子,自然会比以前的小孩子懂得更多。 The being in love itself is immediately the popular hot word. 谈恋爱本就是当下流行的热词。 Child's curiosity is also strong, naturally from various channel learned types slightly obviously novel being together way. 孩子的好奇心又强,自然就会从各种渠道学会这种略显‘新奇’的相处方式。 In addition the particularity of school environment, in this type passes on ten and ten to pass on under hundred malignant influences, in a class had the situations of many young lovers is also nothing unusual...... 再加上学校环境的特殊性,在这种一传十、十传百的恶性影响下,一个班里出现许多小情侣的情况也就不足为奇了……
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