IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#499: Father small cotton-wadded jacket

Skips a grade? 跳级? The little fellows blink the eye, does not seem to understood the Chen Xi's meaning completely. 小家伙眨巴眨巴眼睛,似乎完全没有听懂陈曦的意思。 Sees that Chen Xi then patient explained to her: Teacher said, your academic record did not use the second grade completely, can go to the third grade directly, studied with Elder Brother elder sisters of third grade, Niannian do you want to go?” 见状,陈曦便耐心的向她解释道:“老师说,你的学习成绩完全不用上二年级了,可以直接去上三年级,和三年级的哥哥姐姐们一起学习,念念你想不想去?” hearing this, the little fellow happily smiled actually. 闻言,小家伙倒是十分得意的笑了起来。 Can the oh! our class schoolmates too be stupid! Then the simple topic will not do! I may be more intelligent than them! I will have made the third-grade the topic!” “可以吖!我们班的同学都太笨了!那么简单的题都不会做!我可比他们聪明多了!我已经会做三年级的题目啦!” The academic record of little fellow is very good, the teacher will give the private lesson to her unavoidably on own initiative, therefore she had actually made the topic of third grade before. 小家伙的学习成绩很好,老师难免会主动给她开小灶,所以她之前其实就已经做过三年级的题目了。 But this, why is also the teacher to Chen Xi will propose that lets basic reason that Niannian skips a grade. 而这,也是为什么老师会主动向陈曦提出让念念跳级的根本原因。 Regarding Chen Xi, academic record anything, naturally is secondary, child's physical and moral integrity is most important. 对于陈曦来说,学习成绩什么的,自然都是次要,孩子的身心健康才是最重要的。 Therefore, even if the little fellow exhibits an eager appearance, the urging that Chen Xi some do not feel relieved: Niannian, you may , to be clear......” 因此,哪怕小家伙摆出一副跃跃欲试的样子,陈曦还是有些不放心的叮嘱道:“念念,你可要想清楚了哦……” You now are two years two classes of students, if skips a grade, you were three years two classes of students......” “你现在是二年二班的学生,如果跳级的话,你就是三年二班的学生了……” You look, three years two classes there......” “你看,三年二班就在那里……” Is saying, Chen Xi while gets by the little fellow the arrived window, then hugs her, hints her to have a look at opposite that classroom. 一边说着,陈曦一边将小家伙领到了窗户旁,然后将她抱起来,示意她看看对面那间教室。 That is three years two classes. 那就是三年二班。 The schoolmate on class, her did not know. 班上的同学,她一个也不认识。 If she chooses to skip a grade, then starting today, she was the student of this class. 如果她选择跳级的话,那么从今天开始,她就是这个班的学生了。 Regarding the child, there is a material object example, naturally can make them understand easily. 对于孩子而言,有实物举例,自然会让他们更加容易的理解。 Therefore, when the little fellow sees for three years in two classes of classrooms, after that strange face, she immediately seemed somewhat hesitant. 因此,当小家伙看到三年二班教室里,那一张张陌生的面孔后,她顿时就显得有些犹豫了。 Later does she want to study in that classroom? 以后她就要在那个教室里念书了? The little fellows stare is looking at opposite that classroom, the expression on small cheek seems particularly serious. 小家伙直勾勾的望着对面那间教室,小脸蛋上的表情显得分外严肃。 She does not have to take a stand immediately. 她没有立刻表态。 However, Chen Xi actually saw hesitant from her, therefore has then turned head to sprinkle toward Teacher stretch/open immediately however smiles. 不过,陈曦却是从她身上看出了犹豫,于是便立刻回过头朝张老师洒然一笑。 This also with saying? 这还用说吗? Niannian was definitely afraid. 念念肯定是害怕了。 Spoils by trying is too helpful with it, puts a strange environment her forcefully, might as well make her treat honestly in two years two classes, will not at least bring too tremendous pressure on her. 与其拔苗助长,强行将她放到一个陌生的环境,不如就让她老老实实的待在二年二班,至少不会给她带来太大的心理压力。 A Chen Xi intention revolution, in the heart had the decision immediately. 陈曦心念一转,心中顿时就有了决定。 Regarding this, Teacher stretch/open has no opinion actually. 对此,张老师倒是没有任何意见。 After all...... 毕竟…… Such situation, she has seen many. 这样的情况,她已经见得太多了。 Basically, every year has several children to face such choice. 基本上,每年都有几个孩子会面临这样的选择。 Skipping a grade incident originally advantages are accompanied by disadvantages, therefore she is only responsible for putting forward the proposal, finally decision-making power in the hand of guardian. 跳级一事本就有利有弊,所以她只负责提出建议,最终决定权还是在家长的手上。 Thanks Teacher stretch/open to care......” “谢谢张老师关心……” You also look at arrived, this child does not seem like wants very much, therefore skips a grade this matter......” “您也看到了,这孩子似乎不是很愿意,所以跳级这事儿……” Chen Xi transfers the body to express gratitude to Teacher stretch/open. 陈曦转过身子向张老师道谢。 But at this moment, the little fellow actually made noise to interrupt his words suddenly. 可就在这时,小家伙却忽然出声打断了他的话。 „Does Father, what advantage skip a grade?” 爸爸,跳级有什么好处吗?” Then, the little fellow was raises head to look at Chen Xi, in the eye was filling curiously. 说完,小家伙更是仰头望着陈曦,眼睛里则充满了好奇。 Advantage? Has.” “好处?有很多呢。” You looked that the elementary school must read the full six years.” “你看啊,小学是要读满六年的。” Your such a skips a grade, will little read compared with others for a year, thus earlier entry middle school, and even university......” “你这么一跳级,就会比别人少读一年,从而更早的进入中学,乃至大学……” Drew back 10,000 steps saying that if your later result were not good, even can also fail a grade for a year compared with others, how this calculates that was gains......” “退一万步说,如果你以后成绩不好的话,甚至还可以比别人多留级一年,这样怎么算都是赚的……” Naturally, by your result, what fails a grade anything is definitely impossible!” “当然,以你的成绩,留级什么的是肯定不可能的!” Father believes you!” 爸爸相信你!” Chen Xi said to the little fellow simply a skipping a grade advantage, has not forgotten to give her to inflate finally to encourage. 陈曦给小家伙简单说了一下跳级的好处,最后还不忘给她打气鼓励了一番。 hearing this, the little fellow actually made an appearance of thinking. 闻言,小家伙却是做出了一副思索的模样。 She had understood the advantage of skipping a grade. 她已经明白了跳级的好处。 As for the fault of skipping a grade, actually does not use the Chen Xi explicit point, little fellow can feel arrived clearly. 至于跳级的坏处嘛,其实都不用陈曦明确的点出来,小家伙自己就能清楚的感受到了 Chen Xi never reluctant little fellow. 陈曦从来不会勉强小家伙。 Therefore he saw Niannian to look the hesitant color, in the heart had the decision immediately. 所以他一看到念念面露犹豫之色,心中顿时就有了决定。 However. 不过。 Chen Xi had not actually noticed...... 陈曦却是没有留意到…… The little fellows have learned to watch a person's every mood. 小家伙已经学会察言观色了。 Even if therefore he has not indicated any attitude, the little fellow can also keen detection, the Father innermost feelings hope she chooses to skip a grade. 所以哪怕他没有表明任何态度,小家伙也能够敏锐的察觉到,爸爸的内心还是希望她选择跳级的。 After all, regarding any guardian, child, if can skip a grade, that is a huge good matter. 毕竟,对于任何一个家长来说,孩子如果能够跳级的话,那都是一件天大的好事儿。 Because this explained oneself child outstanding! 因为这说明了自家孩子的优秀啊! Chen Xi loves dearly the little fellow, just like the little fellow also loves dearly him to be the same. 陈曦心疼小家伙,正如小家伙也心疼他一样。 Niannian does not want to disappoint Chen Xi. 念念不想让陈曦失望。 Therefore, she seriously pondered, then a face firm said to Chen Xi: Father, I want to skip a grade!” 因此,她认真思考了一番后,便一脸坚定的对陈曦说道:“爸爸,我想跳级!” Then was one's turn Chen Xi to be surprised. 这下轮到陈曦惊讶了。 He thinks that Niannian does not understand formidable, therefore then speaks to inquire immediately: Niannian do you really want to skip a grade?” 他以为念念不懂其中利害,于是便立刻出言询问道:“念念你真的想跳级?” „Aren't you afraid?” “你不害怕吗?” „After skipping a grade, you not in present this class and grade......” “跳级以后,你就不在现在这个班级了……” Perhaps three years two class schoolmates may compared with you are one year old, they also join up to bully you greatly......” “三年二班的同学可都比你大一岁呢,说不定他们还会联合起来欺负你呢……” Such remarks, Teacher stretch/open on the face flashed through an awkwardness immediately. 此话一出,张老师脸上顿时闪过了一丝尴尬。 Does not skip a grade does not skip a grade, where has frightens the child? 不跳级就不跳级呗,哪有这么吓唬孩子的? Let alone, is our school that ignores campus Tyrant Ling third-class school?! 更何况,咱们学校是那种放任校园霸凌的三流学校吗?! Teacher stretch/open starts to speak but hesitates, that side Niannian actually opens the mouth to respond directly: Did not fear!” 张老师这边欲言又止,念念那边却是直接开口回应道:“不怕!” I, although is smaller than them, is I am more intelligent than them! Why must fear!” “我虽然比他们小,可是我比他们聪明!为什么要怕呢!” I am the class leaders of our class! Later I must work as for three years two classes of class leaders!” “我还是我们班的班长呢!以后我也要当三年二班的班长!” Also has, in our class may no one dare to bully me!” “还有还有,我们班里可没有人敢欺负我!” Who dares to bully me to punch who!” “谁敢欺负我就揍谁!” At this point, Niannian grasps the small fist, very self-satisfied added: This is Father you teaches me! Father did you forget?” 说到这里,念念更是握起小拳头,十分得意的补充道:“这还是爸爸你教我的!爸爸你都忘了吗?” hearing this, Chen Xi somewhat is immediately awkward. 闻言,陈曦顿时有些尴尬不已。 Somewhat embarrassed after shooting a look at Teacher stretch/open, he then stopped brave words of little fellow hastily: Do not talk nonsense, Father has not taught you to hit the person......” 有些不好意思的瞥了张老师一眼后,他这才连忙制止了小家伙的豪言壮语:“别胡说,爸爸可没教过你打人……” Father your Mingming (clearly) had to say!” 爸爸明明有说过的!” Where has? When? The teacher in side, you do not speak irresponsibly......” “哪有?什么时候?老师就在旁边,你可别乱说哦……” Has! Has! Father brazen!” “就有!就有!爸爸赖皮!” The father and daughter teased several. 父女俩这边打趣了几句。 Teacher stretch/open sees that toward has not gone actually at heart, instead on the selfish return seat, and takes in front of a form arrived Chen Xi with a smile. 张老师见状,倒是没有往心里去,反而自顾自的回到座位上,并笑着将一份表格拿到了陈曦面前。 Mr. Chen, this is child's skipping a grade request form......” 陈先生,这是孩子的跳级申请表……” You fill in actually, after filling, I will report the school verification......” “您照实填一下吧,填好之后,我会上报学校审核……” When the school verifies, after the material submits to the Bureau of Education, within probably seven working days can complete the school register change of child......” “等到学校这边审核完毕,把资料递交给教育局后,大概七个工作日以内就可以完成孩子的学籍变动……” Naturally, these are the thing on flow......” “当然,这些都是流程上的东西……” Today happen to begins school, if you do not have other opinions, Niannian can go for three years two classes to report with me directly......” “今天正好开学,如果您没有其他意见的话,念念就可以直接跟我去三年二班报道了……” This then it will be alright? 就行了? Chen Xi slightly hesitant received the request form from the teacher hand. 陈曦略显犹豫的从老师手上接过申请表。 After all, he does not know that the little fellow has own idea, only thinks that little fellow this does not understand formidable, thought that this is a very fun matter. 毕竟,他并不知道小家伙已经有了自己的想法,只以为小家伙这是不懂其中利害,觉得这是一件很好玩的事儿罢了。 Regarding this, firmness of especially little fellow actually performance. 对此,小家伙倒是表现的格外坚定。 She did not fear. 她不怕。 Moreover the ratio that she can also display was better before, certainly will not disappoint Father! 而且她还会表现的比以前更好,一定不会让爸爸失望的! To come, if Chen Xi knew the true idea of little fellow innermost feelings, certainly by this intimate small cotton-wadded jacket affected shedding bitter tears...... 想来,陈曦如果得知了小家伙内心的真实想法的话,一定会被这贴心的小棉袄感动的痛哭流涕吧…… ...... …… ...... …… Excuse me, over the two days reorganized the following plot, therefore renewed is a little slow, but also invited to excuse me...... 不好意思,这两天整理后续情节,所以更新有点慢,还请诸位见谅……
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