IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#415: Dragon Vein

Three months in a hurry. 三个月的时间匆匆而过。 For was not detected exceptionally, Chen Xi grasped massive spiritual energy of heaven and earth on several hundred floating islands these days respectively. 为了不被人察觉异常,陈曦这段时间分别在数百座浮岛上掠取了大量的天地灵气 How saying that he is also Immortal Cultivator of Divine Transformation rank, now iron core must ambush cultivation, how the bystander can easily detect? 怎么说他好歹是也是化神级别的修仙者,如今铁了心要潜伏修行,外人又如何能够轻易察觉呢? Can cause the day to pay attention only, probably was also the spiritual energy dissipation speeds of these floating islands...... 唯一能引起天都注意的,大概也就是这些浮岛的灵气消散速度了…… The Chen Xi's heart is when the soul warning, therefore cultivation, he could not bear find time to transfer several, therefore also gradually had the most basic understanding of the macrocosm. 陈曦的心一直系在魂鉴上,所以修行之余,他还是忍不住抽空出去转了几圈,因此也逐渐对大世界有了最基本的认识。 Macrocosm altogether 120,000 floating islands, if piles the same place all floating islands, its area even also wants on big some compared with Moon, has almost Asia is so big. 大世界一共有十二万座浮岛,如果将所有的浮岛堆到一起的话,其面积甚至比月球还要大上一些,差不多有亚洲那么大。 The floating island is not exists eternal, once spiritual energy of heaven and earth on island exhausts, then this floating island will lose the vigor thoroughly, flutters to floating the archipelago surrounding. 浮岛并不是永恒存在的,一旦岛上的天地灵气耗尽,那么这座浮岛就会彻底失去活力,随之飘到浮岛群外围。 Chen Xi has not made clear the origin of spiritual energy of heaven and earth temporarily. 陈曦暂时还没有搞清楚天地灵气的来源。 However what is certain, here floating island like the accumulator cell, after using up, will not discard directly, but will flutter to the surrounding waits for spiritual energy of heaven and earth to reply slowly. 不过可以肯定的是,这里的浮岛就像蓄电池一样,用完之后并不会直接报废,而是飘到外围等待天地灵气缓缓回复。 As for...... 至于…… Actually the floating island replies the spiritual energy in what kind of way, obviously also needed the Chen Xi again many observations some time. 浮岛究竟是以一种怎样的方式来回复灵气,显然就还需要陈曦再多多观察一段时间了。 In each island has the respective ecosystem, besides heavenly materials and earthly treasures and rare and precious animal, naturally is also living many antiquity Immortal Cultivator descendants. 每个岛上都有各自的生态系统,除了天材地宝、奇珍异兽外,当然也生活着许多上古修仙者的后裔。 Chen Xi went to nearby several floating islands respectively, actually discovery these people look like withdraw Jiang clan in Dai islet island to result, have the obvious ethnic group concept, between the island and island can be said as well water not interfering with river water. 陈曦分别去了附近几座浮岛,却发现这些人就像是龟缩在岱屿岛里的姜氏一族似得,有着明显的族群概念,岛与岛之间可以说是井水不犯河水。 You in your island, I in my island. 你在你的岛,我在我的岛。 Everyone scrupulously follows the duty, has the stance of being never in contact with each other greatly. 大家恪守本分,大有老死不相往来的架势。 ...... …… On this day. 这一日。 After Chen Xi as usual cultivated 36 Great Heavenly Revolution, just now heavy put out foul air. 陈曦照例修行了三十六个大周天后,方才沉沉的吐出了一口浊气。 Although the macrocosm started to deteriorate, when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth rich degree actually endured surged compared with the world of mortals tide, therefore his True Essence restores quickly, at present had restored seven 7 or 8 eight, it is estimated that could not take several days to reappear most flourishing condition. 大世界虽然开始衰败了,但天地灵气的浓郁程度却还是堪比下界潮汐涌动之时,所以他的真元恢复很快,眼下已经恢复了七七八八,估计要不了几天就可以重现全盛之态了。 As the condition rises again, when Chen Xi cultivation the phenomenon that triggers even more is also enormous and powerful. 而随着状态回升,陈曦修行时所引发的异象也愈发浩荡。 Therefore, he on mountain peak, although has to collect the breath spell formation blocking, so long as some people step into, can see that spiritual energy of heaven and earth just like the fog to come in swarms. 因此,他所在山峰上虽有敛息阵法遮挡,但只要有人一踏进阵中,就可以看到天地灵气犹如云雾般蜂拥而来。 Looks from afar, Chen Xi like sitting bottom of a giant funnel, bickers is watering the spiritual energy toward him on unceasingly. 远远望去,陈曦就像坐在一个巨大的漏斗底部,斗嘴正不断往他身上浇灌着灵气。 But when Chen Xi is busy combing within the body True Essence...... 而就在陈曦忙着梳理体内真元的时候…… A person's shadow the floating island that is at from the day departs suddenly, in an instant sky over the floating island that comes arrived Chen Xi to be. 一个人影突然从天都所在的浮岛里飞出,转眼就来到了陈曦所在的浮岛上空。 Chen Xi is sketchy sweeps, discovery this person of True Essence is vigorous, aura is very powerful, at least is also existence of white rainbow that rank. 陈曦不过粗略一扫,就发现这人真元浑厚、气息无比强大,至少也是白虹那个级别的存在。 Divine General?’ 神将?’ In fact, Chen Xi was for three months here, has discovered a strange. 实际上,陈曦在这儿待了三个月,早就发现了一件怪事。 Beside floating island that except that the day is, he has not discovered the Divine General rank on other floating islands Immortal Cultivator. 除了天都所在的浮岛之外,他在其他浮岛上都没有发现神将级别的修仙者 This did not gather the common sense on some obviously...... 这显然就有些不合常理了…… So-called knows oneself and other side, can be undefeated in many battles. 所谓知己知彼,方能百战不殆。 Although Chen Xi was disrupted the overall scheme by the sudden dark space, but he actually understood the day cardinal principle structure from white Hongkou beforehand. 陈曦虽然被突然出现的黑暗空间打乱了全盘计划,但他事先却还是从白虹口中了解了天都的大体结构。 First, is headed by jade vast domain day to revere and the others Ten side Zhutian reveres, Then is entire day core. 首先,以玉寰天尊等人为首的【十方诸天尊】,便是整个天都的核心。 These ten people are also most powerhouses in macrocosm. 这十人同时也是大世界里的最强者。 Chen Xi has not revered to fight with the day, but through description of white rainbow, Chen Xi basically can conclude- 陈曦还没和天尊交过手,但通过白虹的形容,陈曦基本可以断定- The day reveres to be equivalent to Divine Transformation Stage Immortal Cultivator. 天尊应该相当于化神期修仙者 Who reveres as for the day with Divine Transformation who is weak, this issue obviously only then Chen Xi knew with it fight personally. 至于天尊和化神孰强孰弱嘛,这个问题显然就只有陈曦亲自与之交过手才知道了。 Besides ten side Zhutian reveres, the day also has assumes the east, south, west, north, and center respectively Five side Divine General, Altogether 36 people. 除了十方诸天尊以外,天都还有分别坐镇东南西北中的【五方神将】,一共三十六人。 Ten days revere, 36 five side Divine General. 十位天尊,三十六位五方神将 In addition 72 strengths are next to Divine General Demons star Monarch, And innumerable Celestial. 另外还有七十二位实力仅次于神将的【罗刹星君】,以及无数天人 The Chen Xi long others spirit extinguishes the power and prestige actually not, but by day such strength and mastery, even if also dominated a side in Heavenly Jade World sufficiently. 倒不是陈曦长他人志气灭自己威风,而是以天都这样的实力和底蕴,哪怕在天璇界也足以称霸一方了。 Since these three months, Chen Xi had not seen any Divine General or the day revere, therefore also make him gradually somewhat uneasy. 这三个月以来,陈曦没有看到过任何神将或天尊,因此也让他逐渐变得有些忐忑不安。 Difficult to be inadequate...... 难不成…… Did the day has built the soul bridge, go to the world of mortals? 天都已经搭好魂桥,前往下界了? Often thinks of here, Chen Xi somewhat cannot repress worry of innermost feelings, very urgent wants the day to have a look at the situation. 每每想到这里,陈曦都有些按捺不住内心的担忧,十分迫切的想要去天都看看情况。 But considered own cultivation base has not restored, raises one's head not to fall any good end inevitably, Chen Xi to forcefully this fearful thought according to getting down. 但考虑自己修为尚未恢复,强出头必然落不到什么好下场,陈曦只得强行将这个可怕的念头按下去。 200 years passed by, are also not meaningful eagerly for a while. 两百年都过去了,急于一时也没有任何意义。 Therefore, Chen Xi has even made the worst plan. 因此,陈曦甚至已经做了最坏的打算。 If Yingying is all right fortunately, once Yingying has an accident...... 如果盈盈没事还好,一旦盈盈出了什么事…… He is at cost of this life, must bite a next bulk meat the day inevitably! 他就是拼上这条老命,也势必要将天都生生咬下一大块肉来! Since the remaining years of life cannot support each other with the Sir/minister, then the remaining years of life must revenge for her surely...... 既然余生不能与卿相守,那么余生就定要为她报仇…… Dying. 至死方休。 ...... …… In Chen Xi heart thousand chapters of hundred revolutions. 陈曦心中千回百转。 Saw after this Divine General appears, he immediately not startled counter- happy, hastily secretly with. 看到这名神将出现后,他顿时不惊反喜,连忙偷偷跟了上去。 How long Divine General has not from the sky stayed, took a fast look around the floating island in a hurry one week later, falls in the arrived floating island central square directly. 神将并未在空中停留多久,匆匆扫视了浮岛一周后,就直接落到了浮岛中央的广场上。 This Divine General roughly 30 years old, as if compared with white rainbow old, the semblance is quite rough, an armor cold light twinkle, seeming like especially is actually imposing. 这位神将约莫三十来岁,似乎比白虹年长一些,外表颇为粗犷,一身铠甲寒光闪烁,看上去倒是格外威风。 Just fell to the ground, Divine General is frowning toward the people asks: Is the startled dragon that who sounds?” 刚一落地,神将就皱着眉头朝众人问道:“是谁敲响的惊龙?” But at this time, the residents on island also gathered arrived here all. 而这时,岛上的居民们也都尽数聚到了此处。 And an old man seems like the head of this floating island, therefore then goes forward to answer immediately: Qingyang Divine General, the old man is this peak seat of honor pays reply peacefully, is the old man assigns/life the startled dragon drum that the person sounds......” 其中一位老者似乎是这座浮岛的负责人,于是便立刻上前回话道:“回禀青阳神将,老夫乃是此峰首座付安生,是老夫命人敲响的惊龙鼓……” hearing this, this man who is called Qingyang Divine General then sized up old man up and down. 闻言,这个被称为青阳神将的男人便上下打量了老者一番。 This floating island named purple Cuifeng, the seat of honor is the supreme leader of this floating island, is equivalent to a village head in village probably. 这座浮岛名为紫翠峰,首座便是这座浮岛的最高领导人,大概就相当于一个村的村长。 „Can you know sound the startled dragon Gu consequence carelessly?” “你可知胡乱敲响惊龙鼓的后果?” Old man knows, is only this matter is really serious, but also looks at Qingyang Divine General to be able for my purple Cuifeng to help people overcome their difficulties......” “老夫自是知晓,只是此事着实严重,还望青阳神将能够为我紫翠峰排忧解难矣……” Actually behavior what matter?” “究竟所为何事?” Qingyang Divine General bore the temper to inquire, later knew the cause and effect from the old man mouth. 青阳神将耐着性子询问了一番,随后从老者口中得知了前因后果。 Originally is Dragon Vein of purple Cuifeng has problems. 原来是紫翠峰的龙脉出了问题。 A floating island only then Dragon Vein, Dragon Vein is not only the life of entire floating island, is the source of floating island spiritual energy is also. 一座浮岛只有一条龙脉,龙脉既是整座浮岛的命脉,同时也是浮岛灵气的源头所在。 Normally, Dragon Vein of purple Cuifeng at least also needs over a hundred years to dry up. 正常情况下,紫翠峰的龙脉至少还要上百年才会枯竭。 But now this Dragon Vein actually does not know to have problems, the spiritual energy of every day delivering gradually reduces, these days are the air/Qi, if gossamer. 但如今这条龙脉却不知出了什么问题,每日产出的灵气逐渐减少,这几日更是气若游丝。 If continue, purple Cuifeng feared that could not take several months to abandon. 照此下去,紫翠峰怕是要不了几个月就会废弃了。 Since old man as a peak seat of honor, at this moment how can there be unhurried principle? 既然老者作为一峰首座,此刻又岂有不慌之理? Leads me to have a look.” “带我去看看。” After a simple negotiation, the old man then led Qingyang Divine General to go to Dragon Vein to examine. 一番简单的交涉后,老者便领着青阳神将前往龙脉查看了一番。 Clearly, Dragon Vein of purple Cuifeng dries up with Chen Xi is related. 很明显,紫翠峰的龙脉枯竭跟陈曦有关。 This floating island distance day is recent, Chen Xi is longest in the time on this floating island treating, the spiritual energy that therefore Dragon Vein delivers was almost clipped by him most, has not thought that actually therefore alarmed day Divine General. 这座浮岛距离天都最近,陈曦在这座浮岛上待的时间最长,所以龙脉产出的灵气几乎被他截去大半了,没想到却因此惊动了天都神将 At present Chen Xi fires off stops work for the day, Dragon Vein naturally returned to normal. 眼下陈曦打完收工,龙脉自然又恢复了正常。 Qingyang Divine General examined carefully, after finding the problem is not very big, immediately quite angry exclaimed toward the old man: jade vast domain day reveres to order to convene five side Divine General to get together in Huangjidian, finally you for this minor matter does sound startled dragon Gu?” 青阳神将仔细查看了一番,发现问题并不是很大后,顿时颇为恼怒的朝老者吼道:“玉寰天尊下令召集五方神将齐聚皇极殿,结果你就为了这点小事敲响惊龙鼓?” I thought that you are the elderly person hang oneself-” “我看你是老寿星上吊-” Tired of living isn't?!” “活腻了不是?!”
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