IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#414: plane

After Chen Xi throws into the ray, passed the feeling of body to wrap him cool immediately. 陈曦一头扎进光芒之后,一股清凉透体的感觉顿时将他包裹了起来。 That feeling...... 那感觉…… Simply like insolation in the desert three days of travelers, suddenly fell into the bottom cold deep pool to be the same. 简直就像在沙漠里暴晒三天的旅人,突然掉进了地底寒潭里一样。 Rushing spiritual energy of heaven and earth floods into within the body unceasingly, made Chen Xi Dantian that dried up give full play to the full of vitality instantaneously. 澎湃的天地灵气不断涌入体内,瞬间就让陈曦早已枯竭的丹田重新焕发出勃勃生机。 The Chen Xi big mouth is breathing heavily, grips crazily is taking surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth. 陈曦大口喘着粗气,疯狂攥取着周围的天地灵气 Actually he has not even gone to manage itself to be where, leaps after the ray, sits cross-legged to sit to control one's breathing directly same place. 他甚至都没有去管自己究竟身在何处,从光芒里跃出后,就直接盘膝坐在原地调息起来。 Manages his anything situation...... 管他什么情况…… In brief first compensated True Essence to say again! 总之先补满了真元再说! After within the body True Essence restored one probably, decadent color that Chen Xi just now loses face. 等到体内真元大概恢复了一层后,陈曦方才一扫脸上的颓败之色。 He at this moment, seems like the eternity famous sword that one just unearthed, the semblance, although also moistens many soils, but after coming out of the sheath, sharp sword edge actually is still sparkling the piercing cold glow. 此刻的他,看上去就像是一把刚刚出土的千古名剑,外表虽然还沾有不少泥土,但出鞘之后,锋利的剑锋却依然闪耀着刺骨的寒芒。 spiritual energy of heaven and earth......” 天地灵气……” My this is how long hasn't felt the so rich spiritual energy?” “我这是多久没有感受过如此浓郁的灵气了?” Feels True Essence that within the body is condensing unceasingly, Chen Xi looks the color of being infatuated, just like the drunkard tastes the arrived fine wine jade reveal general. 感受着体内不断凝聚的真元,陈曦不禁面露陶醉之色,犹如酒鬼尝到了琼浆玉露一般。 Afterward, he opened the eye slowly finally. 随后,他才缓缓终于睁开了眼睛。 After inspects one, on the face showed a pleasant surprise inexplicable expression immediately. 四下巡视一圈后,脸上顿时就露出了一丝惊喜莫名的表情。 ‚Did I really escape?’ ‘我真的逃出来了?’ This place......’ ‘这地方……’ Is it possible that is the macrocosm?’ ‘莫非就是大世界?’ Chen Xi takes a broad view to look, actually sees itself to place a strange place. 陈曦放眼望去,却见自己正身处一个奇怪的地方。 This place giant tree is towering, as high as hundred meters and are very sturdy, in the ground was covered with thick close planting fu that the ferns and scouring rush constituted. 这地方巨木参天,根根高达百米、无比粗壮,地面上则长满了蕨类和木贼所构成的浓密植袚。 The forest scene of so prosperous cover, nearly shook spent the Chen Xi's eye. 如此繁盛茂密的森林景象,险些晃花了陈曦的眼睛。 He 200 years has not seen any object. 要知道,他已经两百年没有看到过任何物体了。 Went to such a full of vitality place suddenly, in the Chen Xi heart had being delivered from oppression joyous feelings immediately. 突然间来到这样一个生机勃勃的地方,陈曦心中顿时就生出了一种重见天日的喜悦之情。 But following close on...... 但紧跟着…… The Chen Xi's complexion actually sank immediately. 陈曦的脸色却又马上沉了下来。 He was stranded the entire 200 years in the dark space, does not know that actually the outside world crossed how long. 他在黑暗空间里被困了整整两百年,也不知外界究竟过了多久。 If the day builds the soul bridge, Yingying has been frightened out of one's wits? 如果天都搭好魂桥,盈盈岂不是早就魂飞魄散了? That how line?! 那怎么行?! Thinks of here, Chen Xi cannot take a seat immediately. 想到这里,陈曦顿时就坐不住了。 He cannot even attend to the supplement True Essence, flies sky over directly the arrived jungle, prepares first to catch individual to ask the situation. 他甚至连真元都顾不上补充,就直接飞到了密林上空,准备先抓个人来问问情况。 If Yingying were all right said fortunately...... 如果盈盈没事儿还好说…… Once Yingying had what accident/surprise, his second half for fear that is only then died to knock with the day not dead continuous...... 一旦盈盈有了什么意外,他这后半生怕是就只有跟天都死磕到不死不休了…… Chen Xi is making the worst plan at heart, while flies rapidly arrived in the air. 陈曦一边在心里做着最坏的打算,一边急速飞到了空中。 However. 然而。 After he departs the woods arrive at the sky, Chen Xi actually impressively discovered- 当他飞出树林来到天空以后,陈曦却是赫然发现- The present macrocosm and he imagines complete different! 眼前的大世界和他想象中的完全不一样! In the Chen Xi imagination, the macrocosm should with Earth same planet. 陈曦想象中,大世界应该是和地球一样的星球 But now appears before him...... 但现在出现在他面前的…… Actually is innumerable floats the floating island in void. 却是无数座漂浮于虚空中的浮岛。 Like such that movie «Avatar» in shows, these floating islands, in the island the vegetation is big or small luxuriant, has the complete ecological systems. 就像电影《阿凡达》里所展现的那样,这些浮岛或大或小,岛上植被繁茂,都有着完整的生态体系。 In fact, said that is the floating island does not seem right. 实际上,说是浮岛似乎不对。 Mentioned accurately...... 确切说来…… Should call it the mountain. 应该称之为山。 Floats the mountain range in void one after another. 一座又一座漂浮于虚空之中的山峦。 After all, the macrocosm is only small plane in void crack, itself cannot come it by the universe common sense. 毕竟,大世界只是虚空裂缝之中的一个小位面,本身就不能以宇宙常理来度之。 The macrocosm does not have Sun, the light source came from too clear Saint ancestor in the past the seal cutting in stars large formation of plane boundary. 大世界没有太阳,光源全部来自于太清圣祖当年篆刻在位面边界的日月星辰大阵 Under shine of stars large formation, the macrocosm had diurnal variation that is similar Earth. 在日月星辰大阵的映照下,大世界才有了类似地球的昼夜变化。 In a big way actually this space does not know. 这个空间也不知究竟有多大。 Chen Xi is sketchy sweeps, looked floating island that arrived tens of thousands of sizes vary, but the floating island that he 陈曦不过粗略一扫,就看到了成千上万座大小不一的浮岛,而他所在的浮岛已经算是比较小的了。 The floating island position or tall Huodi, each place all has the immortal cloud to surround. 浮岛的位置或高或低,每座皆有仙云环绕。 Chen Xi listens attentively with rapt attention, then the discovery deep woods have the vigorous beast roar to transmit unceasingly. 陈曦凝神倾听,便发现森林深处不断有苍劲的兽吼传来。 Suddenly, a golden giant bird passed over gently and swiftly from Chen Xi at present, grasps after his below forest a build endured compared with the unusual animals of elephant, the giant bird then the tone toward another floating island flew. 忽然,一只金色巨鸟从陈曦眼前掠过,从他下方的森林中抓起了一只体型堪比大象的异兽后,巨鸟便又调头朝另一座浮岛飞了去。 The so strange scene, seems like really amazing. 如此奇异的场景,看上去着实令人称奇。 This......” “这……” Reason that because Chen Xi just got out of trouble from the dark space, therefore he quite understands the dark space. 因为陈曦刚刚从黑暗空间里脱困的缘故,所以他对于黑暗空间还是比较了解的。 Therefore, Chen Xi then looks far into the distance, puts arrived to float outside the archipelago the line of sight, puts arrived the place that stars large formation cannot illuminate...... 于是,陈曦便举目远眺,将视线放到了浮岛群之外,放到了连日月星辰大阵都照不到的地方…… Pleasant is completely the nihility. 入眼尽是虚无。 As before is that inexhaustible darkness. 依旧是那无穷无尽的黑暗。 Although the floating island are many, actually cannot fill up the big dark space. 浮岛虽多,却也填不满偌大的黑暗空间。 At present this macrocosm...... 眼下这个大世界…… Isn't the dark space promotion expansion edition?! 可不就是黑暗空间的升级扩充版本?! Words if nothing unexpected happens, want to come this small plane this/Ben to be similar existence in dark space, inside should does not have any object exist is right. 如无意外的话,想来这个小位面里本应该是类似于黑暗空间的存在,里面本应该没有任何物体存在才对。 Too clear Saint ancestor discovered after this plane, does not know where moved in the innumerable mountain ranges, therefore makes the macrocosm turn into today's this grade of scale. 太清圣祖发现这个位面后,就不知从哪儿搬来了无数座山峦,因此才让大世界变成了今天这等规模。 mountain can moves, but...... 山可以搬,但是…… Where that rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth brings in? 那浓郁的天地灵气又是从哪儿引来的呢? Chen Xi was shaken by too clear Saint ancestor's great writer. 陈曦被太清圣祖的大手笔震住了。 Until at this moment, him discovered oneself were extremely really one-sided regarding the understanding of too clear Saint ancestor. 直到此刻,他才发现自己对于太清圣祖的了解着实太过片面了。 This one's effort builds to endure to compare the Heavenly Jade practice sacred place the dark space, and saved the antiquity Immortal Cultivator great person by this, actually to reach arrived what rank? 这位一己之力将黑暗空间打造成堪比天璇修炼圣地,并以此拯救了上古修仙者的大人物,究竟达到了什么级别? Insightful Emptiness? Dao Fusion? 洞虚合道 Also or Tribulation Cleansing real immortal in legend? 亦或是传说中的浴劫真仙? Chen Xi is frowning to ponder over for a long time, actually must put out of one's mind these questions finally temporarily. 陈曦皱着眉头思忖了许久,最终却只得暂时将这些疑问放在脑后。 After all...... 毕竟…… He currently also has a more important matter to do. 他现在还有更重要的事情要做。 To come is because the macrocosm is unable to have the spiritual energy the reason, therefore Chen Xi rest a while, spiritual energy of heaven and earth in discovery macrocosm also merely is only richer than Earth. 想来是因为大世界无法自行产生灵气的缘故,所以陈曦休息一会儿,就发现大世界里的天地灵气也仅仅只比地球浓郁一些。 But is this, possibly the day the basic reason that decides to return to? 而这,可能才是天都决定回归的根本原因吧? For Yingying, Chen Xi must prevent the day to build the soul bridge. 为了盈盈,陈曦必须要阻止天都搭建魂桥。 Those words...... 还是那句话…… Even 200 years of captivity, cannot obliterate the hope that in his heart only has. 即使两百年的囚禁,也未能磨灭他心中仅存的希望。 Without with own eyes testimony, then Yingying is still waiting for him to save forever...... 如果没有亲眼见证,那么盈盈就永远都还在等着他去拯救…… Chen Xi collects figure, going through quietly in each floating islands. 陈曦敛去身形,悄悄的穿行于各个浮岛之间。 He grips is taking spiritual energy of heaven and earth on each island, the direction that while is at toward the day flew rapidly. 他一边攥取着各个岛上的天地灵气,一边朝着天都所在的方向急速飞了过去。 What a pity white rainbow and water Hunan do not know where ran went, otherwise Chen Xi can also prepare the combat plan beforehand. 可惜白虹和水湘不知跑哪儿去了,不然陈曦还可以事先准备作战计划。 Must ask how Chen Xi does know the day where? 要问陈曦怎么知道天都在哪儿的? Isn't this idle talk? 这不是废话吗? And spiritual energy richest, a volume biggest floating island...... 其中灵气最浓郁、体积最大的一座浮岛…… Isn't don't tell me day supreme headquarters? 难道不是天都的大本营? Chen Xi not close to that biggest floating island. 陈曦没有靠近那座最大的浮岛。 Because his present True Essence dries up, at least takes three months to restore in peak condition. 因为他现在真元枯竭,至少需要三个月才可以恢复到巅峰状态。 200 years boiled, let alone only three months? 两百年都熬过去了,更何况区区三个月呢? Chen Xi does not worry. 陈曦不着急。 In order to observes day sound when necessary, he then ambushed on a nearby floating island. 为了能够随时观察天都的动静,他便在附近的一座浮岛上潜伏了下来。 Three months......’ ‘三个月……’ Yingying, waits for wait for me again......’ 盈盈,再等等我……’ When my True Essence restored day, then when was the past completely breaks......’ ‘待我真元恢复之日,便是前尘尽断之时……’
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