IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#349: Sea

Regarding Celestial, riding the winds and sailing about in the void, heaven entering the sea naturally is not the difficult matter. 对于天人来说,凭虚御风、上天入海自然不是什么难事。 Because the little fellow must the reason that follows to go to together, Chen Xi has not then chosen flies to the Dai islet directly, but was the belt/bring little fellow takes plane Central Sea to look for Ning Zhongguo to borrow a yacht, used temporarily as goes to sea the travel. 因为小家伙也要跟着一起去的缘故,陈曦便没有选择直接飞往岱屿,而是带小家伙坐飞机去中海宁仲国借了一艘游艇,权当出海旅行了。 Yacht automatic pilot roaming! 游艇自驾游! This may go bad the little fellow happily, embarks chirp restless to keep. 这可把小家伙给高兴坏了,一上船就叽叽喳喳的闹腾个不停。 This yacht is also Ning Zhongguo previous time that entertains their family of three, altogether has high, middle, and low three, the decoration and disposition are to the utmost luxurious. 这艘游艇也就是宁仲国上次招待他们一家三口的那一艘,共有上中下三层,装饰和配置都是极尽奢华。 The automatic pilot roaming naturally does not need to bring anything to accompany, therefore Chen Xi then sent away the staff on yacht, on this big yacht, only then their family of three. 自驾游自然不需要带什么随从,所以陈曦便屏退了游艇上的工作人员,以至于这偌大的游艇上只有他们一家三口。 Curling sea breeze, clear wave light. 袅袅海风,粼粼波光。 Even the sunlight is abundant, does not have slightly in the summer the burning hot flavor. 即使阳光再盛,也没有丝毫夏季炎热的味道。 The little fellows kneel to sit on the yacht top viewing platform, the small physique will always be swaying from side to side with rocking of yacht unceasingly. 小家伙跪坐在游艇顶层的观景台上,小身板总是会随着游艇的晃动而不断扭动着。 She is gnawing Chen Xi for the fruit that she truncates, while looks at Skyline of distant place, the small face soon had/left the flower happily. 她一边啃着陈曦为她削的水果,一边看着远方的天际线,小脸都快要乐出了花儿来。 Suddenly. 忽然。 This little thing looks like thinks that arrived anything resembles to result, jumped in the Qin Ruoying bosom all of a sudden, then very chatty acting like a spoiled brat said: Mama, we will come out to play next time, can take Wenwen Mingming (clearly)? They may want to come out to play with me together!” 这小东西就像是想到了什么似得,一下子就扑进了秦若盈怀里,然后十分腻歪的撒娇道:“麻麻,我们下次出来玩的时候,可不可以把文文明明都带上?他们可想跟我一起出来玩啦!” hearing this, Qin Ruoying then rubbed her head, responded with a smile: Ok, will come out next time I urged the grandfather, if he agreed that we also took Wenwen and Mingming (clearly), was good?” 闻言,秦若盈便揉了揉她的脑袋,笑着回应道:“可以啊,下次出来的时候我劝一下爷爷,如果他同意的话,我们就把文文明明也带上,好不好?” Good!!!” “好!!!” The little fellows are laughing excitedly, in the eye full is excited and anticipation. 小家伙兴奋的大笑着,眼睛里满是兴奋和期待。 However...... 然而…… This type excited quick vanished. 这种兴奋很快就消失了。 When city Skyline gradually vanishes in the sea level, all around only had the boundless sea water with that limitless sky, even only the bird is very difficult to see again. 当城市天际线逐渐消失于海面的时候,四周就只剩下了茫茫海水与那无边无际的天空,甚至连只鸟儿都很难再见到。 Blue sea water, cloud in vain. 蓝蓝的海水,白白的云。 In the vast sea level, only has a yacht to go forward lonely. 一望无际的海面上,只有一艘游艇在孤独的前进着。 This is an extremely beautiful ideal condition, but will a five -year-old child understand the taste? 这是一种极美的意境,但一个五岁大的孩子又怎会懂得品味呢? Therefore this exciting vigor in the past, the little fellow starts to feel somewhat bored, lying down was motionless on the sofa. 所以这兴奋劲儿过去以后,小家伙就开始觉得有些无聊,躺在沙发上一动也不动了。 When the last patience was rubbed finally completely, after raising the head at present the endless sea level, this little thing got angry to act crazy immediately. 等到最后一丝耐心终于被磨尽,抬起头眼前还是茫茫无际的海面后,这小东西就立马翻脸发飙了。 Is unamusing!” “不好玩!” Is unamusing!” “一点都不好玩!” I must go back!” “我要回去!” Looks at her face suffering appearance, does not know also thinks that she was deceived by Father and Mother...... 看她那一脸委屈的模样,不知道的还以为她是被爸爸妈妈骗来的呢…… Is preparing the lunch in the kitchen Chen Xi hear of arrived her yawp, therefore puts down the work in hand hastily, comes on the arrived flat roof quickly. 正在厨房里准备午饭的陈曦到了她的叫喊声,于是连忙放下手中的活儿,快步来到了露台上。 Chen Xi does not come fortunately, his comes...... 陈曦不来还好,他这一来…… This little thing immediately small mouth one shrivelled, looked that such possibly can ‘Wa’ one cry momentarily. 这小东西立马将小嘴一瘪,看那样子可能随时都会‘哇’的一声大哭起来。 Sees that Chen Xi has an arrow step to go forward, held from the sofa this little thing, then patient asking: Niannian, a moment ago was not also very happy? How suddenly on vitality/angry?” 见状,陈曦只得一个箭步上前,将这小东西从沙发上抱了起来,然后耐心的问道:“念念,刚才不是还挺高兴的吗?怎么突然就生气了呢?” Here is unamusing! I must go back!” “这里不好玩!我要回去!” The little devil disposition of this little thing also came up, turns the body to shout unceasingly must go home. 这小东西的熊孩子脾性也是上来了,扭着身子不断嚷嚷着要回家。 Actually, pouring cannot blame her being capricious, after all this sea may compared with not Sangsanri. 其实,倒也不能怪她反复无常,毕竟这海上可比不上山里。 In the mountain besides having all kinds of plants, the innumerable lovable animals, is this sea? 山里除了有各式各样的植物,还有无数可爱的动物,可是这海上呢? Except for the sea, is the sea. 除了海,还是海。 The sea is grand, is alone. 大海是壮阔的,同时也是孤寂的。 If the navigation time grew, the extremely experienced ancient mariners may suffer from the psychological disease, let alone this five -year-old child? 如果航行时间长了,就连极富经验的老船员都有可能患上心理疾病,更何况她这个五岁大的孩子呢? Chen Xi considers as finished probably according to the Coordinate that Qin Yongyan gives, actually the journey is not far, if according to the present cruising speed, it is estimated that can arrive in the Dai islet island in the evening. 陈曦根据秦永言给的坐标大概算了一下,其实路途也不算远,如果按照现在的航行速度,估计傍晚就能到达岱屿岛。 Although only then 56 hours of flight, but on this ship does not have the network not to have Anime. 虽然只有五六个小时的航程,可这船上没有网络也没有动画片 Even if plays cell phone, will be short of the companion of two brothers, a little fellow person played will still be thinking that did not have the meaning. 就算玩手机,少了兄弟俩的陪伴,小家伙一个人玩着也会觉得没意思。 Therefore, after Chen Xi pondered over one slightly next, then put out his trump card again 因此,陈曦略微琢磨了一下后,便再次拿出了他的杀手锏 Conjure! 变戏法! Niannian, this, Father changes a trick to you, taking care makes you feel fun.” 念念,这样吧,爸爸给你变个戏法,保管让你觉得好玩。” hearing this, a moment ago also restless little thing immediately peaceful. 闻言,刚才还闹腾不已的小东西顿时就安静了下来。 She is taking a look at Chen Xi eagerly, was needless to say also knows, in that small look definitely filled with the anticipation. 她眼巴巴的瞅着陈曦,不用说也知道,那小眼神里肯定是充满了期待。 Without the means that who made the Chen Xi's trick strike root in the hearts of the people? 没办法,谁让陈曦的戏法已经深入人心了呢? So long as mentioned the trick two characters, can attract the complete attention of little fellow instantaneously. 只要一提到戏法两个字,瞬间就能吸引住小家伙的全部注意力。 Niannian, favored......” 念念,看好了啊……” Chen Xi does intentionally mysterious smiling, after the hand pinched the nose of little fellow, then toward the sea gently wields the arm. 陈曦故作神秘的笑了笑,用手捏了捏小家伙的鼻子后,便朝着大海轻轻挥出了手臂。 Today glorious weather, deep blue sea level like silk gentle. 今天风和日丽,碧蓝的海面就像丝绸一样柔和。 When the breeze raids, the sea level will swing ripples slightly. 等到微风袭来,海面才会微微荡起一阵涟漪。 Also does not know that Chen Xi used what means that in the flash that he waves, the tranquil sea level turned a spray suddenly. 也不知陈曦用了什么办法,就在他挥手的一瞬间,原本平静的海面就突然翻起了一阵浪花。 Detected after change of into the sea, the little fellow then stared in a big way the eye subconsciously. 察觉到海里的变化后,小家伙便下意识的瞪大了眼睛。 But she has not gotten back one's composure with enough time, the innumerable fish leapt from the seabed fiercely! 可她都还没来得及回过神,无数鱼儿就猛地从海底跃了起来! Like legend in fish dive Dragon Gate such, the innumerable fish jumps from into the sea unceasingly high, after delimits an attractive semicircle, in numerous falling into water. 如同传说中的鱼跃龙门那样,数不清的鱼儿不断从海里高高跃起,在空中划出一个漂亮半圆后,才又重重的掉进水里。 The little fellows stare the eldest child the eye, tries to see clearly the appearances of these fish, discovery these fish have red, has yellow, has blue, has purple...... 小家伙把眼睛瞪得老大,试图看清那些鱼儿的样子,却发现这些鱼儿有红的、有黄的、有蓝的、有紫的…… The fish jumps from into the sea unceasingly, colorful scale under shining of sunlight splendid. 鱼儿不断从海里跃起,五颜六色的鱼鳞在阳光的照耀下熠熠生辉。 At first sight goes, as if put up a Rainbow Bridge in this sea level. 乍一看去,仿佛是在这海面上搭起了一座彩虹桥。 Because fish too many reasons, their unceasing jump sea levels, then fall into the sea, the sea resounded one crash-bang bicker, like raining general, crash-bang keeping ringing. 因为鱼儿太多的缘故,它们不断的跳出海面,然后再落回海里,以至于海上响起了一阵‘哗啦啦’流水声,如同下雨一般,哗啦啦的响个不停。 At once, the whole world as if lived it up again. 一时之间,整个世界仿佛又再次热闹了起来。 The little fellows were shocked, opens the small mouth quite a while unable to say a few words. 小家伙被惊呆了,张着小嘴半天也说不出一句话来。 Chen Xi is very satisfied with her response, therefore then patted her gently, asked with a smile: What kind of, likes this trick?” 陈曦对她的反应很是满意,于是便轻轻拍了拍她,笑着问道:“怎么样,喜欢这个戏法吗?” Likes!” “喜欢!” You have a look here again......” “那你再看看这儿……” Is saying, Chen Xi while aimed under the yacht. 一边说着,陈曦一边指向了游艇下方。 The little fellows extend the neck to look downward, discovered by the yacht had/left many plump and fair-complected forms suddenly. 小家伙伸着脖子往下一看,才发现游艇旁边突然多出了许多白白胖胖的身影。 Porpoise! Is the dolphin!!” “海豚!是海豚!!” The little fellows were excited. 小家伙激动了。 As the patron in children's picture album, dolphin in little fellow eyes, but star same existence, therefore was given to recognize by her. 作为儿童画册里的常客,海豚在小家伙眼里可是明星一样的存在,所以一眼就被她给认了出来。 But the into the sea porpoises as if also listen to arrived her voice, therefore is supine immediately the head, unceasing is nodding toward her. 海里的海豚们似乎也听到了她的声音,于是便立刻仰起脑袋,不断的朝她点着头。 Papa! They are notifying me!” 粑粑!它们在跟我打招呼!” How could the little fellows have seen such scene, immediately excited wielded the hand toward this flock of porpoises. 小家伙何曾见过这样的场景,顿时就激动朝这群海豚挥起了手来。 IQ of dolphin is very high, IQ of grown dolphin even is equivalent to the 6-7 child. 海豚的智商很高,成年海豚的智商甚至相当于六七孩子。 Therefore really must say words that the little fellow can become the good friend with this flock of porpoises actually...... 所以真要说起来的话,小家伙倒是可以跟这群海豚成为好朋友呢…… Please remember this book domain name:. cell phone version reading website:. 请记住本书域名:。手机版阅读网址:.
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