IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#304: Entanglement

Before the time recalls for a half hour . 时间回溯到半个小时以前。 After Lin Xuan takes taxi to leave, ahead of time to Li Xiuwen of field actually does not know where braved suddenly, is then driving to tag along after Lin Xuan to return to neighborhood that arrived she is. 林萱打车离开后,提前离场的李修文却不知从哪儿突然冒了出来,然后便开着车一路尾随林萱到了她所在的小区 However, Li Xiuwen has not followed Lin Xuan to enter neighborhood, but gives Lin Xuan to telephone outside neighborhood, the meaning wants to chat with her face to face. 不过,李修文并没有跟随林萱进入小区,而是在小区外面给林萱打了个电话,话里话外的意思都是想跟她当面聊聊。 He pursued some Lin Xuan also many years, this as if thought through finally, therefore one side wants to see with Lin Xuan finally, everyone by relational pure heart-to-heart talk and chat of friend, was makes to say goodbye. 他追求林萱也有不少年头了,这回似乎终于想通了,所以想跟林萱最后见一面,大家以朋友的关系单纯的谈谈心、聊聊天,算是作个道别。 After this, he will not disturb her again. 从此之后,他就不会再来打扰她了。 After hearing Li Xiuwen this seemingly has the true feelings confession of meaning of bidding farewell heartfeltly, Lin Xuan of telephone that head is silent. 听到李修文这番看似由衷而带有诀别之意的真情告白后,电话那头的林萱沉默了。 She takes cell phone single-handedly, opened the window curtains single-handedly. 她一手拿着手机,一手拉开了窗帘。 The dim light of night dim city, the neon twinkle actually cannot light up the heart deepest corner. 夜色朦胧的城市,霓虹闪烁却始终照不亮心底最深的角落。 At this time this scenery, pours somewhat seems like Huang Jingren in such that «Qi Bosom» in described: 此时此景,倒有些像是黄景仁在《绮怀》里所描述的那样: Under several reclaimed cotton sits plays a flute, the milky way red ocher wall enters looks remote. 几回花下坐吹箫,银汉红墙入望遥。 The stars non- last night, whose set up the night for wind reveal like this. 似此星辰非昨夜,为谁风露立中宵。 Thinks tangled up completely pulls out the remnant cocoon, after the passing through many places heartache is exhausted, broadleaf plants. 缠绵思尽抽残茧,宛转心伤剥后蕉。 When 3-5 year the 3-5 moon/month, the pitiful cup liquor has not disappeared. 三五年时三五月,可怜杯酒不曾消。 The pitiful cup liquor has not disappeared...... 可怜杯酒不曾消呐…… World pain, crosses the unreasoning passion pain not. 世间苦,莫过痴情苦。 Has saying that the image of this unreasoning passion man is truly easy to make the woman tenderhearted. 不得不说,这种痴情男儿汉的形象确实很容易让女人心软。 Therefore after Lin Xuan considers over and over, complied with his request, therefore then goes downstairs to arrive on the Li Xiuwen vehicle to prepare to discuss with him well. 所以林萱考虑再三后,还是答应了他的请求,于是便下楼来到李修文车上准备跟他好好谈一谈。 In fact, reason that Lin Xuan usually to the Li Xiuwen indifferent cold words, is not because she really has that repugnant Li Xiuwen, because she does not hope that Li Xiuwen wastes the too much time on her again. 实际上,林萱平常之所以会对李修文冷眼冷语,并不是因为她真的有那么反感李修文,而是因为她不希望李修文再在她身上浪费太多的时间罢了。 Lin Xuan is a rational woman, is a good woman. 林萱是个理性的女人,同时也是个善良的女人。 For so, therefore she never to look to the Li Xiuwen good complexion, only hopes he can give way before difficulties, do not have any luck. 正是为如此,所以她从来不会给李修文好脸色看,只希望他能够知难而退,不要心存任何侥幸。 After all so many years, even if raises a dog, will have some sentiments somewhat. 毕竟这么多年了,哪怕养条狗,也会多多少少的产生一些感情。 Let alone...... 更何况…… Is that individual? 那还是个人呢? But very much what is a pity is...... 但很可惜的是…… Lin Xuan the heart has the subordinate, but she treats the sentimental the attitude also is very extreme, will not permit itself on. 林萱早已心有所属,而她对待感情的态度偏偏又很极端,绝不允许自己将就。 So-called moves, was certainly the sentiment. 所谓动了心,便是绝了情。 ...... …… Lin Xuan reluctant boarding. 林萱不情不愿的上了车。 Since Li Xiuwen formally starts to pursue her, Lin Xuan has not ridden the Li Xiuwen car(riage) again. 要知道,自从李修文正式开始追求她之后,林萱就再也没有坐过李修文的车了。 When she rides the Li Xiuwen vehicle again, obviously felt that some are not comfortable. 所以当她再次坐上李修文的车子时,就明显感觉有些不自在。 Lin Xuan feels irritable, Li Xiuwen is very excited. 林萱觉得别扭,李修文却十分激动。 Possibly is feared that frightens Lin Xuan, therefore Li Xiuwen is then restraining by force the sound, slightly reveals the restraint said to Lin Xuan: Xuanxuan, I you am not do not know to your sentiment......” 可能是怕吓到林萱,所以李修文便强压着声音,略显克制的对林萱说道:“萱萱,我对你的感情你不是不知道……” However the Li Xiuwen words have not said, Lin Xuan broke him directly. 然而李修文的话还没有说完,林萱就直接打断了他。 Sufficed, Chief Li, I am not listen to your.” “够了,李总,我不是来听你这些的。” The categorical tone, does not have any sentiment Chief Li spread out two people thoroughly. 斩钉截铁的语气,一句不带任何感情的‘李总’更是彻底拉开了两人的距离。 The Lin Xuan attitude is so bad, as if also somewhat comes as a surprise to Li Xiuwen, therefore he at the scene there. 林萱的态度如此恶劣,似乎也有些出乎李修文的意料,所以他当场就愣在了那里。 This time he, which also had the natural stance of what second generation son of the influential and group big boss, just like a patho skirt silk. 这时候的他,哪还有什么二代公子哥、集团大老板的潇洒姿态,活脱脱就是一个悲情的屌丝罢了。 Saw appearance that Li Xiuwen that loses presence of mind at a loss, Lin Xuan was eventually tenderhearted. 看到李修文那副茫然失措的样子,林萱终究还是心软了。 Therefore, after sighed one lightly, the Lin Xuan then gentle voice said: Sorry, I truly have no feeling to you, therefore I must be clear about my attitude performance, in order to avoid you misunderstand anything...... to hope that you can understand......” 于是,在轻叹了一声后,林萱便柔声说道:“抱歉,我对你确实没有任何感觉,所以我必须把我的态度表现明确,以免你误解什么……希望你能够理解……” Li Xiuwen was silent. 李修文沉默了。 In compartment immediately peaceful. 车厢里顿时就安静了下来。 After crossing some little time, he uses a heavy tone, asked: That...... are we friends?” 足足过了好一会儿后,他才用一种沉沉的语气,问道:“那……我们还是朋友吗?” hearing this, Lin Xuan hesitated slightly, this slightly obviously helpless saying: 闻言,林萱稍稍犹豫了一下,这才略显无奈的说道: Should better is not.” “最好不是。” Then, Lin Xuan then prepared to open the door to get out. 说完,林萱便准备开门下车了。 She was not the friend to relate with Li Xiuwen, this time brought to light the words, then wants to make him lose heart thoroughly. 她跟李修文本来就算不上朋友关系,这次把话挑明了,便是想让他彻底死了心。 To be honest, Lin Xuan is actually not willing to harm others like this, but sentimental matter hesitants when a decision needed and must receive chaotically its. 说句心里话,林萱其实也不愿意这样伤害别人,但感情这事儿当断不断、必受其乱。 Few some intertwines, are many some decisive good. 还是少些纠结,多些果断的好。 Is thinking, Lin Xuan while drew the vehicle door, the discovery vehicle door had actually been locked, therefore she then said to Li Xiuwen: Opens the door troublesome, I should go back......” 一边想着,林萱一边拉了拉车门,却发现车门已经被锁上了,于是她便对李修文说道:“麻烦开下门,我该回去了……” However, Li Xiuwen seems like has not actually heard to be the same. 然而,李修文却像是没有听到一样。 His both hands grab the steering wheel, lowers the head slightly does not know that is thinking anything. 他双手抓着方向盘,微微低着头也不知在想些什么。 Sees this stance, Lin Xuan felt immediately was somewhat afraid, therefore then said again: Chief Li, early, I tomorrow do not go to work...... to open the door troublesome, I should go back.” 看到这架势,林萱顿时就感到有些害怕了,于是便再次说道:“李总,不早了,我明天还要上班……麻烦开下门,我该回去了。” Then, Lin Xuan then tried to push the vehicle door again, but could not shove open. 说完,林萱便又试着再次推了推车门,可是却怎么也推不开。 This vehicle should be has re-equipped, once cages lord driving to be able the unlocking. 这车子应该是改装过,所以一旦上锁就只有主驾驶可以解锁。 Lin Xuan did not have idea, must transfer the body to try to convince Li Xiuwen to open the vehicle door. 林萱没辙了,只得转过身子试图说服李修文把车门打开。 But while she just turned around, Li Xiuwen actually started the vehicle suddenly. 可就在她刚刚转身的同时,李修文却突然发动了车子。 A foot accelerator gets down, the vehicle was immediately common like the out of control horse, neighs to clash. 一脚油门下去,车子顿时就像失控马儿一般,嘶鸣着冲了出去。 The huge inertia made Lin Xuan numerous falling at the scene on the chairback. 巨大的惯性当场就令林萱重重的摔在了椅背上。 After recovering, Lin Xuan then startled big shouts: Parking! Parking! I must get out! I reported to the police!” 回过神来后,林萱便惊慌的大喊道:“停车!停车!我要下车!我报警了!” Is shouting, Lin Xuan while take out a phone must call to report to the police. 一边喊着,林萱一边拿出手机就要打电话报警。 Li Xiuwen sees that is actually fierce flings the steering wheel, vehicle immediately street drifting. 李修文见状,却是猛的将方向盘一甩,车子顿时就在马路上来了个漂移。 This also caused Lin Xuan to lose the balance, cell phone in hand lets go to fly immediately. 这也导致林萱失去平衡,手中的手机顿时就脱手飞了出去。 Lin Xuan is then scared thoroughly, must make an effort to whip the shoulder of Li Xiuwen, screamed: Parking!! Puts me to get down!!!!” 林萱这下是彻底慌了神,只得使劲拍打着李修文的肩膀,尖叫道:“停车!!放我下去!!!!” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Li Xiuwen stared Lin Xuan one wickedly, follows close on is then increasing speed again. 李修文恶狠狠的瞪了林萱一眼,紧跟着便再次提速。 With giant sound wave that the engine raises, vehicle immediately on by extremely quick speed hurricane. 伴随着发动机掀起的巨大音浪,车子顿时就以极快的速度狂飙了出去。 Lin Xuan was frightened arrived by Li Xiuwen this performance, stemming from own security concern, therefore she does not dare to make the behavior that any may enrage the opposite party again, must shrink on the copilot, firmly holds the seat belt. 林萱李修文这番表现吓到了,出于自身的安全考虑,所以她不敢再做出任何有可能激怒对方的行为,只得缩在副驾驶上,紧紧抓住安全带。 That cautious appearance, seems like actually especially no use. 那小心翼翼的样子,看上去倒是格外的无助。 Li Xiuwen brings hurricane of Lin Xuan in the urban district, in a while, before then brings a construction of arrived church appearance, Lin Xuan. 李修文带着林萱在市区里一路狂飙,没过多久,便将林萱到了一座教堂模样的建筑前。 Afterward, Li Xiuwen then crude lagged behind the car(riage) Lin Xuan, then towed her to move toward the church directly. 随后,李修文便粗暴的将林萱拉下了车,然后拖着她径直走向了教堂。 „Do you do?! Lets loose me!!” “你干什么?!放开我!!” Lin Xuan goes all out to struggle, but women of her body weight three figures, how also to have possibly resulted in a young and vigorous man stubborn? 林萱拼命挣扎着,可她一个体重不过三位数的女人,又怎么可能拗得过一个年轻力壮的男人呢? Moreover, Li Xiuwen strength as if especially big, only uses a hand merely, unexpectedly like catching chicken, relaxed gave to draw the church her. 而且,李修文的力气似乎格外的大,仅仅只用一只手,居然就像抓小鸡一样,轻松的就把她给拖进了教堂。 Xuanxuan, do you know?” 萱萱,你知道吗?” I had once pledged......” “我曾经发过誓……” This whole life must make you fall in love with me......” “这辈子一定要让你爱上我……”
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