IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#303: Cults

Looks that kneels wails Wang Xi on the ground noon, on the Chen Xi face presented a strange expression immediately. 看着跪在地上哀嚎不已的王希午,陈曦脸上顿时就出现了一种奇怪的表情。 Turns the book ratio to get angry also quickly, your don't tell me does not have to feel own present behavior very low?” “翻书比翻脸还快,你难道就没觉得自己现在的行为很low?” hearing this, Wang Xi noon gawked, raised the head hastily as to explain anything. 闻言,王希午不禁愣了一下,连忙抬起头似乎想要解释些什么。 But at this time, Chen Xi actually selfish continues saying: Saves you? You said actually how I should save you?” 但这时,陈曦却又自顾自的继续说道:“救你?那你倒是说说,我该怎么救你?” Chen Xi expression indifferent looks at Wang Xi noon, actually wants to listen to him to write what story actually. 陈曦表情冷漠的看着王希午,倒是很想听听他究竟会编出个什么样的故事来。 For a while the general idea/careless astrays the cult, finally is deeper and deeper not to have the means to withdraw, now finally comprehends at a glance, only strove to him a starting with a clean slate opportunity?’ ‘一时大意误入邪教组织,结果越陷越深没办法脱身,现在终于幡然悔悟,只求给他一个改过自新的机会?’ Was this plot too the hackneyed stuff...... 这剧情是不是太老套了一些…… Chen Xi is Wang Xi noon is adding the play at heart, but Wang Xi noon actually does not seem to probably become the play fine consciousness. 陈曦在心里为王希午加着戏,可王希午却似乎并没有要成为戏精的觉悟。 After he hears the Chen Xi tone meaning of ridicule, then implored urgently: By your such strength, isn't low in the Martial Arts Federation position? Chen Xi, our relations, you did not look that the monk surface looks at the Buddha surface, looks in the Leilei face, today can put I guaranteed, so long as I can escape this tribulation, repayment that later can double you!” 当他听到陈曦语气中的讥讽之意后,便苦苦哀求道:“以你这样的实力,在武联的地位也不低吧?陈曦,就咱俩这关系,你不看僧面看佛面,看在蕾蕾的面子上,今天能不能放我一马?我保证,只要我能够逃过此劫,以后一定会加倍的报答你!” After listening to the Wang Xi noon words, Chen Xi somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry immediately. 听完王希午的话后,陈曦顿时就有些哭笑不得。 He also thinks Wang Xi noon will write what piece to deceive him, may without thinking of Wang Xi noon absolutely would have no to realize actually own present to be making anything, reason that will beg for mercy, that is also only because he is afraid by Martial Arts Federation is held...... 他原本还以为王希午会编出什么段子来欺骗他,可没想到王希午却根本就没有意识到自己现在究竟在做什么,之所以会求饶,那也只是因为他害怕被武联抓住罢了…… Looks at like this, he should join voluntarily, rather than forced. 看这样子,他应该是自愿加入,而非被人强迫的了。 Since Wang Xi noon is afraid Martial Arts Federation, that also explained that Martial Arts Federation should start to investigate them, but had not found what evidence, therefore had not moved them. 既然王希午这么害怕武联,那也就说明武联应该早就开始调查他们了,只不过没有找到什么证据,所以才一直没有动他们。 Thinks of here, Chen Xi then nods gently, as if complied with the Wang Xi noon request. 想到这里,陈曦便轻轻点了点头,似乎答应了王希午的请求。 Sees that Wang Xi noon great happiness, therefore then struggles to want from the ground to crawl. 见状,王希午不由大喜,于是便挣扎着想要从地上爬起来。 How may regardless of him diligently, that like the mountain general invisible pressure, actually his stubbornly according to the ground, cannot stand. 可无论他怎样努力,那股如同大山一般的无形压力,却还是将他死死的按在地上,怎么也站不起来。 No rush, you first told that me this outcome what's the matter, is who teaches you these things? Otherwise I do not have the means to follow to deliver in person the generation.” “别急,你先跟我说说这究竟是怎么回事,是谁教你这些东西的?不然我没办法跟上面交代。” Saw with own eyes Chen Xi does not seem like the appearance that cracks a joke, after Wang Xi noon hesitant, this clenches teeth ruthlessly, said: Good! I said! Actually is such......” 眼见陈曦不像是开玩笑的样子,王希午犹豫一番后,这才狠狠一咬牙,说道:“好!我说!其实是这样的……” Afterward, Wang Xi noon then simple why can learn this Yin evil cultivation method reason to tell him. 随后,王希午便简单的把他为何会学会这种阴邪功法的缘由讲述了一遍。 Approximately was six months ago, is he after Fang Lei becomes engaged shortly, Wang Xi noon then under recommending of friend, joined an organization named Shinrikyo. 大约是在半年前,也就是他跟方蕾订婚之后没多久,王希午便在一位朋友的引荐下,加入了一个名叫真理教的组织。 This organization recruits the way of member to be very unitary, that one to one recommended. 这个组织招收成员的方式很单一,那就是一对一引荐。 By the age of recommending must below 40 years old, and has certain social position, after teaching the director approves initiates only then. 被引荐者的年龄必须在四十岁以下,且具有一定社会地位,经过教会理事认可后方可入教。 In other words, this is a cult of rise end route. 也就是说,这是一个走高端路线的邪教组织。 With the general cult's different places is, the Shinrikyo has not displayed extremely obvious anti-social nature, after the initiation, only needs to turn in not a poor expense, this/should member can obtain the practice method of being known as unsurpassed mystic method. 跟一般邪教组织不同的地方是,真理教并没有表现出太过明显的反社会性质,入教以后只需要上缴一笔不菲的费用,该成员就能获得一门号称无上秘法修炼法门。 In fact, that is one set of simplest practicing breathing exercises method. 实际上,那就是一套最简单的练气法门。 When this member practices breathing exercises, discovered after own physical ability had the enormous promotion, will naturally believe in the Shinrikyo. 等到这名成员练气有成,发现自己的体能有了极大的提升后,自然就会更加信奉真理教了。 But after this, this/should member, if also wants to obtain cultivation method of higher level, needs to handle something to receive in exchange for the approval of director for the Shinrikyo, then can officially become the follower of Shinrikyo. 而在这之后,该成员如果还想得到更高层次的功法,就需要为真理教做一些事情来换取理事的认可,然后才可以正式成为真理教的信徒。 Naturally, after officially becomes the follower of Shinrikyo, can obtain this set of «Corpse Ying Duhun» that is known as the law of town/subdues teaching. 当然,只有正式成为真理教的信徒以后,才可以得到这套号称镇教之法的《尸婴渡魂》。 The thing that Wang Xi noon confesses is very simple, after Chen Xi listened to a while, then understood this cults probably the operational mode. 王希午交代的东西很简单,陈曦听了一会儿后,便大概明白这个邪教的运作方式了。 This is not the upgraded version of multi-level marketing- 这不就是传销的升级版本- Sub-area chain? 区块链嘛? Yin evil cultivation method walked the shortcut, in a short time can get to know the benefits, naturally has the attraction very much. 阴邪功法本来就是走捷径,短时间内就可以让人尝到甜头,自然很有诱惑力。 Thinks of here, Chen Xi curious asking: „Are you a follower? What matter did you do for the Shinrikyo initially?” 想到这里,陈曦不禁好奇的问道:“你是信徒吧?那你当初替真理教做了什么事儿呢?” hearing this, Wang Xi noon on the face obviously flashed through a unnatural expression, but quick actually does intentionally optional saying: Pays 20 million membership dues, moreover recommended three friends to initiate again, then I can become the follower......” 闻言,王希午脸上明显闪过了一丝不自然的表情,但很快却又故作随意的说道:“交两千万会费,另外再引荐三个朋友入教,然后我就可以成为信徒了……” Then, Wang Xi noon then raised the head with Chen Xi looked at each other one. 说完,王希午便抬起头跟陈曦对视了一眼。 After seeing the Chen Xi's look is still very indifferent, Wang Xi noon then lowering the head of fast. 在看到陈曦的眼神依旧很冷漠后,王希午这才又飞快的低下了头。 Clearly, he is lying. 很明显,他是在说谎。 But Chen Xi actually the meaning that does not seem to probably go into seriously, instead traded an issue, asked: „The supreme headquarters of Shinrikyo where?” 陈曦却似乎没有要深究的意思,反而换了个问题,问道:“真理教的大本营在哪儿?” This I do not know, the church one to one recommended the system, I with recommending the person usually approximately meet in the office that we often went, did not need to go to the supreme headquarters......” “这个我也不知道,教会是一对一引荐制度,我跟引荐人平时都约在我们常去的会所见面,不用去大本营……” „Do you become the follower do not undergo the effective approval? Who is the manager?” “你成为信徒不是要经过管事的认可吗?管事是谁?” I do not know......” “我不知道……” Wang Xi noon shakes the head, this continues saying: I have not personally seen the manager, usually we are the video calls, moreover talked over the telephone time must put on the mask......” 王希午摇了摇头,这才继续说道:“我也没有亲眼见过管事,平时我们都是视频通话,而且通话的时候还要戴上面具……” Then, Wang Xi noon also referred to the golden mask on table. 说完,王希午还指了指桌子上的金色面具。 This chapter of Wang Xi noon has not truly lain, he has not really seen the manager, actually also really does not know the Shinrikyo the supreme headquarters where. 这回王希午确实没有撒谎,他是真的没有见过管事,也真的不知道真理教的大本营究竟在哪儿。 Chen Xi is frowning to ponder over some little time. 陈曦皱着眉头琢磨了好一会儿。 Is preparing to continue to ask, Chen Xi actually frowns suddenly. 正准备继续发问的时候,陈曦却忽然皱起了眉头。 Because...... 因为…… Lin Xuan restrictive seal was touched! 林萱身上的禁制被触动了! Left a moment ago, Chen Xi then the arrange/cloth on Lin Xuan got down restrictive seal quietly. 刚才离开的时候,陈曦便在林萱身上悄悄布下了一道禁制 Now restrictive seal was touched, that explained that some people are trying to approach Lin Xuan. 现在禁制被触动了,那就说明有人在试图靠近林萱 Sure enough. 果不其然。 After several seconds later, Chen Xi then detected that he gave Lin Xuan self-defense pendant to be activated initially. 才过了几秒钟后,陈曦便察觉到他当初送给林萱的防身吊坠被激活了。 Some people are trying to harm her! 有人在试图伤害她! Detects all these, the Chen Xi's form almost noon disappears from Wang Xi instantaneously at present. 察觉到这一切,陈曦的身影几乎瞬间就从王希午眼前消失了。 Wang Xi noon before looking at Chen Xi, position that is. 王希午怔怔的望着陈曦之前所在的位置。 After crossing some little time, wish that he struggles stands, actually as before futile, must therefore helpless shouting in the darkroom: Chen Xi? Chen Xi?! Which did you go? First lets loose me!” 足足过了好一会儿后,他才挣扎的想要站起来,却依旧徒劳无功,于是只得在暗室里无奈的喊道:“陈曦陈曦?!你去哪儿了?先放开我啊!” Chen Xi has certainly no free time to respond Wang Xi now noon. 陈曦现在当然没空搭理王希午。 Li Xiuwen in eating meal, the body was passing a evil aura a moment ago, just before leaving before was deep looked at Lin Xuan one, therefore Chen Xi very vigilant the arrange/cloth on Lin Xuan got down restrictive seal. 李修文刚才在吃饭的时候,身上就透着一股邪气,临走之前更是深深的看了林萱一眼,所以陈曦才十分警惕的在林萱身上布下了禁制 Been able to obtain can ruin? 得不到的就要毁掉? Never expected that Li Xiuwen trod this eventually...... 没想到李修文终究还是踏出了这一步…… Chen Xi fast overtakes toward the position that Lin Xuan is, actually discovered that Lin Xuan has been moving, and speed is quick. 陈曦飞快的朝着林萱所在的位置赶了过去,却发现林萱一直在移动,而且速度很快。 don't tell me...... 难道…… Had she been abducted? 她已经被人掳走了? Thinks of here, Chen Xi changed the complexion slightly. 想到这里,陈曦不禁微微变了脸色。 Guard pendant that he manufactures altogether has three, together on Aunt Zhang, together on Niannian, remaining that then on Lin Xuan. 他制作的护身吊坠一共有三块,一块在张婶身上,一块在念念身上,剩下那块便在林萱身上。 How saying that is also the Buddhist musical instrument that he manufactures personally, although the material is very cheap, but was also insufficient to damage quickly? 怎么说也是他亲手制作的法器,虽然材料很粗劣,但也不至于这么快就损坏了吧? When did Li Xiuwen have such big skill? 李修文什么时候有了这么大的本事?
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