IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#239: Levelling off hilltops

Two avalanches almost achieve under the mountain simultaneously, then relaxed the belt/bring to clash below plain. 两处雪崩几乎同时达到山下,然后在下方的平原缓和带发生了碰撞。 Because is smaller than 45 degrees drift angle to cut into, therefore the collision has not made the avalanche the momentum slow down, instead makes that two avalanches the strength gather one suddenly. 但因为是小于四十五度的斜角切入,所以碰撞并未让雪崩的势头减缓,反而让那两道雪崩的力量骤然汇聚到一处。 Two white Snow Dragon melt instantaneously are , to continue to turn toward the plain under mountain by a more violent momentum to throw fierce. 两条白色雪龙瞬间融为一股,以更加猛烈的势头继续向着山下的平原凶猛扑去。 Storm everywhere, the snow cloud wreaks havoc. 暴雪漫天,雪云肆虐。 The white big dragon face upwards to angrily roar, rumble the sound makes a sound for the first time general like the winter thunder, in this elevation surpasses six kilometers hills to reverberate to shake unceasingly. 白色巨龙仰天怒吼,‘轰隆隆’的声音如同冬雷乍响一般,在这海拔超过六千米的群山之间不断回响震荡。 Only hears that sound, can the heart and liver of person trembling. 光听那声音,都可以把人的心肝给震颤了。 This reaches several million tons rank the wild strength, throws after the summit to the mountain, has not actually stopped, but at an irresistible strength , to continue to throw as before unceasingly forward along the gentle slope. 这股强达数百万吨级别的狂暴力量,从山巅扑到山下后却也没有停下,而是依旧以一种势不可挡的力量,继续沿着缓坡不断向前扑去。 The Snow Dragon place visited, raises all the thick snow fog. 雪龙所过之处,无不升起浓浓的雪雾。 The big piece powdery snow cloud band the ice dregs, is just liking the fragment hand grenade to explode generally, unceasing goes toward the lasing in all directions. 大片粉末状的雪云带着冰渣,犹如碎片手榴弹爆炸了一般,不断的朝着四面八方激射而去。 If some people stand in the , it is estimated that can be shot the screen at the scene. 如果有人站在附近,估计当场就能被射成筛子。 When the frost and snow ceases raining, the rear area of Snow Dragon only left behind a thick snow cover. 等到霜雪初霁时,雪龙的后方只留下了一层厚厚的积雪层。 The snow cover just like the soft cotton candy to be common, the booth opened a shop on the plain. 积雪层犹如松软的棉花糖一般,摊开铺在了平原上。 Looks at such, at least also has more than ten meters thick. 看那样子,起码也有十多米厚。 If so astonishing quilt ** pats to pass to online, it is estimated that can cause a stir in the entire world instantaneously. 如此惊人的一幕如果被**拍下传到网上,估计瞬间就能轰动全世界。 from the avalanche to the mountain, exhausts weak spreading out flat to the strength again on the plain, this entire process does not have over five minutes. 从雪崩扑到山下,再到力量耗尽无力的铺摊在平原上,这整个过程也没超过五分钟。 But within this short five minutes, this shocking everybody big avalanche actually destroyed along the way all things within more than ten kilometers. 但就是在这短短的五分钟之内,这场惊世骇俗的大雪崩却摧毁了沿途十多公里内的所有事物。 When subsides after all, among Heaven and Earth as if was only left over a that white stretch of snow cover. 待到一切平息后,天地间仿佛就只剩下了那白茫茫的一片积雪层。 Except for the snow white white snow, anything did not have. 除了皑皑白雪,什么都没有了。 ...... …… But when the avalanche wreaks havoc is destroying all, the summit actually very towering appearance of distant place two forms. 而就在雪崩肆虐着摧毁一切的时候,远方的山巅却十分突兀的出现了两道身影。 That is men and women. 那是一对男女。 Two people stand in the big stone of summit, is penetrating everywhere wind and snow, static is overlooking below all. 两人站在山巅的一块大石头上,正透过漫天风雪,静静的俯视着下方的一切。 Extremely cold place, the summit of snowy mountain. 极寒之地,雪山之巅。 The men put on the pleat to play the part of the long sleeve and knee shirt, the throat opening slot and mark make the complex fine decoration, on the shoulder are building a long heavy blue shawl. 男人穿着褶饰长袖及膝衬衣,颈口开缝且纹制着复杂精致的装饰,肩上则搭着一条长长的藏青色披肩。 But is most noticeable, is his head that with the hat that the kerchief binds. 而最引人注目的,则是他头上那个用头巾裹成的帽子。 Takes to be the same with the China man (Han), this man puts on is actually the traditional clothing of India: Totty. 就跟华夏的汉服一样,这个男人穿的其实是天竺的传统服饰:托蒂。 The men put on Totty, the woman naturally should put on that fine magnificent shalwar. 男人穿着托蒂,女人自然就该穿那精致华丽的纱丽。 The age of this woman roughly about 30 years old, the years has not left any trace on her face, the graceful physique is seems especially charming under contrast of shalwar silk. 这个女人的年纪约莫在三十岁左右,岁月并没有在她的脸上留下任何痕迹,曼妙的身姿在纱丽丝绸的衬托下更是显得格外妩媚。 Her space between eyebrows ignites wipes mauve vermilion chose/point, is relining that profound look, the slightly brown skin color. 她眉间点着一抹绛红色的朱点,再衬着那深邃的眼神、略褐的肤色。 That type only belongs to the India beautiful women is in sole possession of the flavor, as if made this any men in world fall sufficiently. 那种只属于天竺美人的所独有韵味,仿佛足以令这世间的任何男人都为之倾倒。 Just like many natives of India, these two have not worn the shoes, slightly reveals the sepia skin under contrast of snow, actually seems especially garish. 跟许多天竺人一样,这两人并没有穿鞋子,略显棕褐色的皮肤在积雪的衬托下,倒是显得格外扎眼。 But if carefully looks, can discover that they unexpectedly are baseless float above that snow, the lift-off roughly has one inch high appearance. 但如果仔细看去的话,就可以发现他们居然是凭空悬浮在那积雪之上,离地约莫有一寸高的样子。 India is the tropical monsoon climate, the annual high temperature, their wears the appearance to place India also to have nothing special. 天竺是热带季风气候,全年高温,他们这身穿着打扮放在天竺倒也没什么特别的。 But where is here? 但这里是什么地方? Siachen Glacier. 锡亚琴冰川。 The snowstorm howls to neigh, the temperature lowers to 50 degrees below zero, they actually as if cannot feel coldly general. 暴风雪呼啸嘶鸣,气温低至零下50度,他们却仿佛丝毫感受不到寒冷一般。 Obviously, this is two powerhouses from India. 显然,这是两位来自天竺的强者。 When that man noticed that the avalanche a moment ago after the place that submerges the motorcade thoroughly, in the tranquil look actually cannot bear flash through one to disdain. 当那个男人看到雪崩把车队刚才所在的地方彻底淹没后,平静的眼神中却还是忍不住闪过了一丝不屑。 Afterward, he has transferred the body, seemed about to leave. 随后,他转过身子,似乎准备离开了。 But when the man soon must leave, he actually detected that suddenly probably arrived anything resembles to result, then looks hastily in that direction. 可就在男人即将要离开的时候,他却突然像是察觉到了什么似得,连忙回头朝那个方向重新看去。 cloud Aixie goes, the plain relaxed the belt/bring only to have a thick snow cover. 云霭歇去,平原缓和带只剩下了一层厚厚的积雪层。 Three all-terrain vehicles had not been buried under the snow, but is strange flying in in the air. 三辆全地形车并没有被埋在积雪下,而是诡异的飞在空中。 After the avalanche subsides, these three about ten tons all-terrain vehicles fall from the midair slowly, later then seems like the swamp general, unceasing downward settlement. 等到雪崩平息之后,这三辆将近十吨重的全地形车才缓缓从半空中掉落,随后便像是陷入沼泽一般,不断的向下沉陷。 Until after the snow embezzles the caterpillar band of vehicle all, three all-terrain vehicles stopped the submersion finally. 直到积雪将车子的履带都尽数吞没后,三辆全地形车才终于停止了下沉。 Although is away from everywhere flying snow, man actually as before clear looks at arrived this. 虽然隔着漫天飞雪,男人却依旧清楚的看到了这一幕。 But following close on, on his face arrogant actually all turned into being astonished. 但紧跟着,他脸上的高傲却不禁全都变成了讶异。 Because besides that three returning safe and sound all-terrain vehicle, he also looks at a arrived person's shadow fiercely. 因为除了那三辆毫发无损的全地形车以外,他还猛地看到了一个人影。 Float in in the air, in the hand as if also takes a person's shadow of weapon. 一个悬浮在空中,手上似乎还拿着一把武器的人影。 Carefully looks, he discovered that person is raising head slightly, flies high is looking at each other with him. 仔细看去,他才发现那人正微微仰着头,凌空与他对视着。 ...... …… Wind and snow as before. 风雪依旧。 After Chen Xi the vehicle puts above the snow cover slowly, this turns the head distant looking to that summit. 陈曦将车子缓缓放到积雪层之上后,这才转头遥遥的望向那山巅。 The motorcade just arrived in Siachen Glacier to meet arrived this to destroy day of big avalanche that extinguishes the place, obviously is the present two person behaviors. 车队刚到锡亚琴冰川就遇到了这场毁天灭地的大雪崩,显然就是眼前的两个人所为。 Such being the case, against propriety not to reciprocate. 既然如此,来而不往非礼也。 Afterward. 随后。 He then lifts the sword to the day, a sword cuts fiercely. 他便举剑向天,猛地一剑斩出。 The azure light departs from the Chen Xi sword together sharp. 一道青光从陈曦剑尖飞出。 Only three chi (0.33 m) came long azure Sword Glow, after a Chen Xi sword cuts, the Sword Glow empty shadow to day each flying height one inch, the sword shadow rises baseless greatly a congealing reality point. 原本仅有三尺来长的青色剑芒,在陈曦一剑斩出之后,剑芒的虚影向天每飞高一寸,剑影就凭空涨大凝实一分。 Almost at the visible speed, cuns (2.5 cm) grows up. 几乎是以肉眼可见的速度,寸寸长大。 In an instant, the hundred zhang (333 m) high sword qi direct impact clouds, the overhead cuts to that to the summit of mountain range the men and women are. 转眼间,百丈高的剑气直冲云霄,当头斩向那对男女所在的山峦之巅。 The Sword Glow empty shadow from top to bottom, sword edge divided directly above that summit! 剑芒虚影由上而下,剑锋直接劈在了那山巅之上! Bang!!!’ ‘轰!!!’ With an earth-shaking loud sound, top the mountain range had a radical explosion unexpectedly. 随着一声惊天动地的巨响,山峦顶部居然发生了一阵剧烈的爆炸。 The giant stone, soil, glacier and snow explode in abundance. 巨石、泥土、冰川、积雪纷纷炸起。 Looks like ordinary in tall buildings that the demolition abandons, this sword divides into two that summit unexpectedly directly. 就像是在爆破废弃的高楼大厦一般,这一剑竟然直接就把那山巅一分为二。 Collapses the giant stone that flies to scatter to fall to pound down from the mountain unceasingly, falls at the ground sends out one thump thump thump the loud sound, as if probably is beating a drum to be the same, drumbeats densely packed does not stand still. 崩飞四溅的巨石不断从山上滑落砸下,掉在地上发出一阵‘咚咚咚’的巨响,仿佛像是在敲鼓一样,鼓点密密麻麻毫不停歇。 Giant stone numerous pounding in the ground, the huge impulse caused the entire land to start to vacillate. 巨石重重的砸在地面,巨大的冲击力导致整个大地都开始动摇了。 If not for had had a big avalanche a moment ago, it is estimated that now will only have a bigger avalanche. 若不是刚才已经发生过一场大雪崩了,估计现在只会发生一场规模更大的雪崩。 Mountain breeze bone-chilling cold, the wind and snow wreak havoc. 山风凛冽,风雪肆虐。 Mist and dust gravel that the explosion raises, instantaneously by that gale blowing off. 爆炸所掀起的烟尘砂砾,瞬间就被那大风给吹散了。 Welcomed the wind and snow to take a broad view to look, that sharp sharp summit cleft in two by a Chen Xi sword unexpectedly. 迎着风雪放眼望去,那尖尖的山巅竟然被陈曦一剑劈成了两半。 Half have dropped to the mountain , the other half still creakies above. 一半已经跌落到山下,另一半则还在上面摇摇欲坠。 Finally, under gale assails unceasingly, the remaining this half cannot insist again, along with one rumble the loud sound, this half mountain massif also collapsed from the summit layer on layer/heavily. 终于,在强风的不断吹袭下,剩下这一半也再也坚持不住,伴随着一阵‘轰隆隆’的巨响,这半边山体也从山巅重重的垮塌了下来。 A brand-new chaotic shitan, formed at the foot of the hill. 一个崭新的乱石滩,就这么在山脚下形成了。
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