IAMVE :: Volume #2

#124: Dug a pit, buries an earth

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Also is in a piece of luxuriant mixed thick patch of grass, Ye Chen comes once more, has not inspected own spoils of war first, he has instead put out that swarthy iron whip, he can so neat takes down three Inner Sect disciples, the merit of this iron whip is biggest. 又是一片繁茂的杂草丛中,叶辰再次现身,没有先去检查自己的战利品,他反而拿出了那根黑不溜秋的铁鞭,他能如此干脆利落的放倒三个内门弟子,这铁鞭的功劳最大。 Does not need not to know, one with having a scare!” High and low sizes up the iron whip in hand, the Ye Chen mouthful is sucking the tongue, „a whip can bleeding profusely from the head that cultivator of Mortal Origin Stage peak hits, your might makes me surprised really!” “不用不知道,一用吓一跳啊!”上下打量着手中的铁鞭,叶辰满嘴咂舌,“一鞭能将一个人元境巅峰的修士打的七窍流血,你的威力着实让我惊讶啊!” Ye Chen starts to realize that was too underestimate this swarthy iron whip. 叶辰开始意识到,是自己太小看了这黑不溜秋的铁鞭。 Since that day buys this iron whip from the auction, he had not used, knocks the person staggering blow to take until today, has not thought to have the so unexpected effect, is really the happiness of accident. 自从那日从拍卖会上买到这铁鞭,他就一直没有用过,直到今日敲人闷棍才拿出来,不曾想会有这般意想不到的效果,着实是意外之喜。 Is intimate a whip, has seriously does not feel better?” Whispered low voice, Ye Chen was taking the iron whip, has rapped own forehead. “挨上一鞭,当真有那么不好受吗?”小声嘀咕了一声,叶辰拿着铁鞭,敲击了一下自己的额头。 ....! 哇….! Immediately, Ye Chen felt immediately at present discredits, then mind also slight buzz cry, especially Soul, but also pains, resembled is pounded to be the same by any thing. 顿时,叶辰顿时感觉到眼前一抹黑,而后脑海还有一阵轻微的嗡鸣,特别是灵魂,还隐隐作痛,似是被什么东西砸了一下一样。 Has flung the head, restored soberly, Ye Chen then exploratory looked to the iron whip in oneself hand, the stunned say|way, you should not hit the person Soul weapon specially!” 甩了甩脑袋,恢复了清醒,叶辰这才试探性的看向了自己手里的铁鞭,错愕道,“你丫该不会是专打人灵魂的兵器吧!” Ye Chen has hesitated, thinks that just after the iron whip has rapped one next, Soul feeling indeed the ache, again associated to former that three Inner Sect disciples, he had determined basically the true ability of this swarthy iron whip, that specially hits Soul of person. 叶辰沉吟了一下,又想了想刚刚自己被铁鞭敲击了一下之后,灵魂的的确确的感觉到了疼痛,再联想到之前那三个内门弟子,他已经基本确定这黑不溜秋的铁鞭的真正能力,那就是专打人的灵魂 Treasure, is really the treasure.” Knew the ability of iron whip, Ye Chen is delighted, was saying did not forget toward the iron whip on the one breath, then also has cleaned with the sleeves, 50 ten thousand Spirit Stone really did not have the white bloom.” “宝贝,真是宝贝。”知道了铁鞭的能力,叶辰乐滋滋的,说着不忘往铁鞭上哈了一口气,而后还用衣袖擦拭了一下,“50万灵石果然没有白花。” Hey! 嘿嘿嘿! Received the iron whip, Ye Chen has jumped out the mixed thick patch of grass once more, afterward can also hear his obloquying sound, gave father to wait, could not be inescapable.” 收了铁鞭,叶辰再次窜出了杂草丛,随后还能听到他的大骂声,“都给老子等着,一个都跑不了。” Soon, he comes in puddle Tanqian. 不久之后,他现身在一汪水潭前。 Then, he has laid down several land mine balls around the puddle, this takes a look to jump in the puddle. 而后,他在水潭周围埋下了几颗地雷弹,这才四下瞅了瞅跳进了水潭之中。 Quick, five people of groups search to come, entered the Ye Chen ambush area slowly. 很快,一个五人小组搜索而来,缓缓走进了叶辰的埋伏区。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Quick, had the bad luck Inner Sect disciple to step on the land mine ball, was exploded to flutter at the scene. 很快,就有倒霉的内门弟子踩到了地雷弹,当场就被炸得翻飞了出去。 Be careful.” The disciple who in the feeling the ambush, had not been affected hugged to make one group immediately, sent the signal.” “小心。”感觉中了埋伏,没有被波及到的弟子顿时抱作了一团,“发信号。” Immediately, had the disciple to put out has sent the signal the bamboo tube. 顿时,就有弟子拿出了发信号的竹筒。 But, has not waited for him to untie the ban of bamboo tube, hides Ye Chen in puddle then towering flushed, first 'Sword Qi' crushed the bamboo tube in that disciple hand together, this waved to fling 35 smoke shell. 但,还未等他解开竹筒的禁制,隐藏在水潭中的叶辰便突兀的冲了出来,先是一道剑气击碎了那名弟子手中的竹筒,这才挥手甩出了35颗烟雾弹。 .....! 啊…..! ......! 啊……! Quick, pitiful yell sound then one after another resounds, knows that the iron whip overbearing ability Ye Chen, more uses more convenient seriously, knocks down these five Inner Sect disciples, has only used less than 30 seconds. 很快,惨叫声便接连响起,知道铁鞭霸道能力的叶辰,当真是越用越顺手,把这五个内门弟子撂倒,也只用了不到30秒的时间。 According to such as the first time, he plundered all treasure of these five Inner Sect disciples, then only remains colored underpants that their whole body dug up. 依如第一次,他搜刮走了这五名内门弟子的所有宝贝,而后把他们全身上下扒的只剩一条花裤衩。 Completes these, a Ye Chen fist made a gulf to come out on the ground, bundled five people in the same place, a foot has scored in the gulf. 做完这些,叶辰一拳在地上打出了一个深坑出来,把五个人捆在一起,一脚踢进了深坑中。 Dug a pit, buries an earth.” Ye Chen levels the gulf quickly, as cultivator, even if were buried in underground, 35 days have not been to suppress the non- deceased person . Moreover, these five people will wake up in less than three double-hour. “挖个坑,埋点土。”叶辰很快将深坑填平,作为修士,就算被埋在地下,没个35天是憋不死人的,况且,这五个人用不了三个时辰就会醒来。 Here sleeps well!” Shot a look at a ground, Ye Chen turned around to vanish does not see. “在这里好好睡一觉吧!”瞥了一眼地面,叶辰转身消失不见。 .....! 啊…..! ......! 啊……! Some corner of quick, wild forest, there is a pitiful yell sound to get up, when they rushes to the time to Kong Cao, sees is only 56 is dug up up the Inner Sect disciple of clothes. 很快,荒林的某个角落,又有惨叫声响起,待到孔曹他们赶到时候,看到的就只是56个被扒光衣服的内门弟子。 Damn.” Zuo Qiuming shouted angrily, a palm cut off a sturdy big tree around the middle. “该死。”左丘明怒喝一声,一掌将一棵粗壮的大树给拦腰斩断了。 Ordinary Mortal Origin Stage cannot take him.” In the Kong Cao eye flood the evil different light, can in such a short time solve 56 Mortal Origin Stage, his strength non- True Yang Realm is irresistible.” “普通的人元境根本就拿不下他。”孔曹眼中泛着邪异之光,“能在这么短的时间内解决56个人元境,他的实力非真阳境不能压制。” We in bright, he in dark, moreover this wild forest so is also big, wants to stop up him, does not have is so simple.” Jiang Yang also coldly. “我们在明,他在暗,况且这荒林又这么大,想堵住他,没那么简单。”江阳冷冷一声。 Perhaps, I have the means.” Before was almost jumped by Ye Chen roar dizzy Yang Wei, was attached to three people of ears to talk in whispers, this made on three faces show the strange smiling face. “或许,我有办法。”之前被叶辰差点吼晕的阳卫又跳了出来,而后附在了三人耳边窃窃私语了一番,这才让三人脸上露出了诡异的笑容。 Late at night, Ye Chen this not law-abiding Lord, is common like the spirit, from time to time appears and disappears, will appear each time will have several Inner Sect disciples to be knocked the corona. 深夜,叶辰这个不安分的主,就像幽灵一般,时而出没,每次出现都会有几个内门弟子被敲晕。 In a dead wood forest, he commits a crime once more, valiant knocking has fainted three Inner Sect disciples, has robbed their all treasure, only remains colored underpants that they dig up from top to bottom. 一片枯木林中,他再次作案,彪悍的敲晕了三个内门弟子,抢走了他们所有的宝贝,把他们浑身上下扒的只剩一条花裤衩。 „! Returns to see.” The racket the buttocks, Ye Chen entered the jet black night once more. “得嘞!回见。”拍拍屁股,叶辰再次走进了漆黑的夜里。 He had not discovered that knocked before fainted that three Inner Sect disciples, the body has pasted on illumination Spirit Rune, because perhaps he was too excited, did not have to realize slightly. 只是,他不曾发现,就在之前敲晕那三个内门弟子之时,身上已经被人贴上了一张发光的灵符,许是因为他太兴奋,以至于没有丝毫察觉。 The nighttime sky is profound, broken star like dust. 夜空深邃,碎星如尘。 Then, Ye Chen has not been arrested again, but hid in a piece of mixed thick patch of grass. 接下来,叶辰并没有再犯案,而是躲进了一片杂草丛中。 But before then, he beyond thousand zhang (3.33 m) has laid down the land mine ball in this stretch of mixed thick patch of grass surrounding area, if some people approach here, will alarm him surely, this is also insufficient extremely passively. 而在此之前,他已经在这片杂草丛方圆千丈之外都埋下了地雷弹,若有人靠近这里,必定会惊动他,这样也不至于太过被动。 Harvests many!” The treasure that in the mixed thick patch of grass, Ye Chen will take by force is placed before the body, vision Yi Yi who looks, will be Spirit Stone has about 400,000, in addition assorted spirit liquid and Spirit Pill merely, absolutely will be a considerable wealth. “收获颇丰啊!”杂草丛中,叶辰将打劫来的宝贝摆在身前,看的眼光奕奕,仅仅是灵石就有将近400000之多,加上杂七杂八的灵液灵丹,绝对是一笔可观的财富。 Is lucky to have you.” Carried that iron whip once more, Ye Chen has cleaned with the sleeves once more. “多亏有你。”再次拎出了那铁鞭,叶辰再次用衣袖擦拭了一下。 Originally, he wholeheartedly only wants through this test, even if spends not to make the unnecessary trouble, but when knows when the iron whip has like that the overbearing ability, he and cancelled instantaneously entered the Inner Sect thought as soon as possible. 本来,他一心只想通过这考验,就算是多花点钱也不想惹来不必要的麻烦,但当知道铁鞭有那般霸道的能力之时,他就又瞬间打消了尽快进入内门的念头。 Has this overbearing iron whip in hand, he some have not hated to leave this wild forest. 有此霸道的铁鞭在手,他已经有些不舍得离开这荒林了。 At least, before leaving this wild forest, he must all snatch other people who encircling kills, this is once in a thousand years getting rich opportunity. 至少,在离开这荒林之前,他要把围杀的他人全都抢一遍,这可是千载难逢的发财机会。 Gives father to wait, cannot be inescapable.” Sneered, Ye Chen turns the hand to receive the iron whip. “都给老子等着,一个都跑不了。”冷笑一声,叶辰翻手收了铁鞭。 Bang! 轰! Quick, beyond thousand zhang (3.33 m) has bellow to resound. 很快,千丈之外有轰鸣声响起。 hears sound, Ye Chen sets out suddenly, because he knows that some people stepped on the land mine ball surely, but that stepped on to the person of land mine ball, likely was Kong Cao they. 闻声,叶辰豁然起身,因为他知道,必定是有人踩到了地雷弹,而那踩到地雷弹的人,很可能就是孔曹他们。 Such quickly looked, you were really also professional enough.” Ye Chen sneers, turned over to jump out the jungle. “这么快就找来了,你们也真够敬业的。”叶辰冷笑一声,翻身跳出了丛林。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Quick, several directions have the bellow to resound, moreover does not divide the priority, this made one that the Ye Chen complexion brushed ugly. 很快,几个方向都有轰鸣声响起,而且是不分先后的,这让叶辰脸色刷的一下变得难看了。 Has the bellow of land mine ball in all directions, this proof some people come in all directions, moreover he in their encirclement rings, this news him, has possibly been possible to be poor. 四面八方都有地雷弹的轰鸣声,这证明四面八方都有人过来,而且他很可能已经在他们的包围圈里了,这个消息于他而言,可不怎么好。 Is the dog noses?” Criticized one, Ye Chen has turned the hand to carry out a smoke shell of wicker basket, then threw to airborne. “都是狗鼻子吗?”暗骂了一声,叶辰翻手搬出了一箩筐的烟雾弹,而后抛向了空中。 Bang! 砰! Bang bang! 砰砰! Immediately, the smoke shell explodes one after another, the thick black fog instantaneous spread is turbulent, nearly has covered surrounding area several hundreds of zhang (333m), for is disturbs Kong Cao their line of sight, in order to while escapes randomly. 顿时,烟雾弹接连爆裂,浓厚的黑雾瞬间蔓延汹涌,近乎笼罩了方圆几百丈,为的就是干扰孔曹他们的视线,以便趁乱逃脱。 Kong Cao their this times are preparation full of , when the black fog is turbulent, the four directions connected some people to use the secret technique. 只是,孔曹他们这次似是准备的很充分,当黑雾汹涌之时,四方就接连有人动用了秘术。 Strong winds anger roar.” “狂风怒啸。” Travel fatigue Secret Art.” “风尘诀。” Storm volume rain.” “暴风卷雨。” As sounds resound, the secret technique that the person who encircles uses is the related wind, has the strong winds to howl in all directions, was just turbulent that thick black fog, by wind blowing off. 随着一道道声音响起,围来的人施展的秘术都是有关风的,以至于四面八方都有狂风呼啸,将那浓厚的黑雾刚刚汹涌而起,就被风给吹散了。 „Is your younger sister, early deliberate?” Saw with own eyes that the black fog was blown off unceasingly, oneself are unable taking the opportunity to escape, Ye Chen complexion once more ugly a point. “你妹的,早有预谋吗?”眼见黑雾不断被吹散,自己无法借机逃脱,叶辰的脸色再次难看了一分。 Ye Chen, looked how your this time to run away.” Quick, calls out the sound then to resound from the East, Zuo Qiuming is hanging a valuable mirror, combative. 叶辰,看你这次如何逃。”很快,暴喝声便从东方响起,左丘明头悬着一面宝镜,杀气腾腾而来。 Runs! You give the father to run again!” Western, the Jiang Yang complexion is mean, head hangs a ancient seal, kills. “跑啊!你再给老子跑啊!”西方,江阳脸色阴狠,头悬一方古印,也随之杀来。 You can die is very ugly.” South, the Kong Cao top of the head a Spirit Artifact copper furnace, leading the little brother to encircle to kill, each devils. “你会死的很难看。”南方,孔曹头顶着一尊灵器铜炉,率领小弟围杀过来,各个凶神恶煞。 You cannot be inescapable.” North, Yang Wei also led one team of people to kill. “你跑不了的。”北方,阳卫也带着一队人扑杀了过来。 Justice is inescapable.” But above the Ye Chen top of the head, flood big net Ling Tian of miraculous glow is also falling at this time. “天网恢恢。”而在叶辰的头顶上方,此时也有一张泛着灵光的大网凌天落下。 Dead end! 死局! The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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