At this moment, ifthere is a vault of heavenbird's eye viewto get down, in the bigwildforest, has the person's shadowto swayin all directions, is the brookis likely ordinary, verytacitgathered the pastin a direction.
It is not wonderful!
不妙!Felt that hasformidableaurato approachin all directions, a Ye Chenfistdraws backYangWeizhen, thenturns aroundto run.
感觉到四面八方都有强大气息逼近,叶辰一拳将阳卫震退,而后转身就跑。„Whichwalks.”YangWeithrewinstantaneously, buthas not thoughtthatjustrantwostepsYe Chensuddenlyto turn around.
吼!Immediately, vigorousDragonYinshengresounds through the jungletogether, the terror of sound waveMad Dragon heavens Furyis roaredfullybyYe Chen, butYangWei who the front surfacehits, solidhas suffered.
啊….!Obviouslytothink ofYe Chenalsothoroughly understandssooverbearingsound wavesecret technique, inYangWei the movedoes not have the suspense, both eyesdiscreditsat the scene, the mindisonebuzz the cry, the stabbing painis more incomparable, bleeds profusely from the head.
显然为想到叶辰还通晓这般霸道的音波秘术,阳卫中招无悬念,双眼当场一抹黑,脑海更是一阵嗡鸣,刺痛无比,七窍流血。„Comes backtome.”Ye Chengoes forwardonestep, will staggerYangWei of backlashto entrain, subsequentlyhas brandishedhim.
“给我回来。”叶辰上前一步,将踉跄后退的阳卫又拽了回来,继而把他抡了起来。Then, washisYe Chenunique skill.
砰!Asthunders, but alsoinYangWei of dizzinesscondition, byYe Chenpoundingmaliciouslyon the ground, the groundhad been pounded a human formto come out, thisguyfive main internal organs (entrails)shifted, an oldbloodspouts more than twozhang (3.33 m)high.
随着一声轰鸣,还在眩晕状态的阳卫,被叶辰狠狠的砸在了地上,地面被砸出一个人形出来,这厮五脏六腑都移了位,一口老血喷出两丈多高。„Blockshim.”TheseInner Sectjuniorsthrewin abundance.
“拦住他。”身后,那些个内门子弟纷纷扑了上来。Go away!
A Ye Chenroaris shocking, a handis graspingYangWeitiao the leg, has treated as the weaponhisbody, brandishescarelessly, rushes toseveralInner Sectdisciples who comes, at the scenebrandishedfluttering.叶辰一吼震天,一只手握着阳卫条腿,把他的身体当做了兵器,胡乱抡动,以至于冲上前来的几个内门弟子,当场就被抡的翻飞了出去。„Fatherhas no free timeto accompanyyouto be insane.”Flungto flyYangWei, Ye Chenslidsmoketo enter the jungledeep place.
吼!Quick, jungledeep placehas then heard the roar of monsterbeast.
很快,丛林深处便传来了妖兽的吼声。At this time, Ye Chenbefore a hugemonsterbeastcorpsebusy, firstdug the body of monsterbeast, then the entirebodywormed one's way into, thismatterheissecondtimehas done, stillremembersthe same day, hehas also evaded the raid of Chu Ling'erthroughthismeans.
此时,叶辰正在一头庞大的妖兽尸身前忙碌,先是刨开了妖兽的身体,而后整个身体都钻了进去,这事儿他已经是第二次干了,犹记得当日,他也是通过这个办法躲过了楚灵儿的搜捕的。Really, hejusthidshortly , the groundthentransmitted the vibration, Kong Caobroughtonegroup of little brothersur-severalpuppetsto kill.
果然,他刚刚躲进去不久,地面便传来了震动,孔曹带着一帮小弟外加十几尊傀儡杀了过去。„Does not needto keep the hand, regardless.”Kong Caosoundexceptionallyclear.
“不用留手,死活不论。”孔曹的声音异常的清晰。„Yourgrandmother, yourboyheartis really ruthlessenough.”In the monsterbeastbelly, Ye Chenhas criticizedone, butoverwhelms with numerical strengthunder the opposite party, hemustturn very quiet, went into hiding the aura.
“你姥姥的,你小子心真够狠的。”妖兽肚子里,叶辰不由的暗骂了一句,但迫于对方人多势众,他只得屏住了呼吸,隐匿了气息。Whenpasses throughtoonegroup of people, heranfrom the belly of monsterbeast, tumblingdashes about wildlyto gotoward a side.
待到一帮人走过,他才从妖兽的肚子里跑了出来,连滚带爬的向着一方狂奔而去。Here, restoredsoberYangWeiandKong Caotheymet.
这边,恢复清醒的阳卫和孔曹他们已经碰面了。„Person?”SeesYangWeiand the others the personal appearanceto be distressed, anddid not see the Ye Chenform, Kong Caocannot bearhas drunkonegreatly.
“人呢?”见阳卫等人身形狼狈,而又不见叶辰的身影,孔曹忍不住大喝了一声。„Runs... Ran, wepursueare pursuingare disappearing, but... MoreoveryourdirectionrunstowardSenior brotherKong Cao, Senior brotherKong Caoyoucometimehasn't bumped intoYe Chen?”
“跑…跑了,我们追着追着就不见了,而…而且是向着孔曹师兄你那个方向跑的,孔曹师兄你们来的时候没有碰到叶辰?”„Youmeant that Iwas blind?”Kong Caocalls outone.
“你的意思是说我眼瞎了?”孔曹暴喝一声。Indeed, hecomestimetrulyhas not metYe Chen, but how theythinkYe Chenthatrare and beautiful flowershid in the belly of monsterbeast, becausehas not thought that thereforehas not paid attention, makesYe Chentake advantage of loopholes.
的确,他来的时候确实没有遇到叶辰,但他们怎会想到叶辰会那么奇葩的躲进了妖兽的肚子里,因为没想到,所以才没注意,以至于让叶辰钻了空子。Quick, Zuo QiumingandJiang Yanghadpersonalsoto rush, severalnatives of Polandwere dumbfounded, suchbigweaponry, made the personrunning away.
很快,左丘明和江阳带人也赶到了,几波人大眼瞪小眼的,这么大的阵仗,还是让人给逃了。„Looksto the father, heruns not far.”
“给老子找,他跑不远。”Quick, justgathered togetherseveralnatives of Polandhave dispersed, orthreepeopleonegroup or fivepeople of onecrowd, started the rug-typesearch.
很快,刚刚聚在一起的几波人又散开了,或是三人一组或是五人一群,开始了地毯式的搜索。Alsoreallylet alone, byYe Chensuchonenoisy, was sent the Inner Sectdisciple in wildforest, 4/5are seeking forYe Chen, because ofso, the pressure of teamXie Yun, Huo TengandQi Yuetheyleadquickly wanes.
还真别说,被叶辰这么一闹,被派进荒林的内门弟子,有4都在寻找叶辰,也因为如此,谢云、霍腾和齐月他们所带领的队伍的压力骤减。Dayalsonotblack, Xie YunandXiao Jing thesetwoteams of people the entrytest, has succeededenteredInner Sect.
以至于,天还没有黑,谢云和萧景这两队人已经通关考验,成功的进入了内门。„Yousuchquicklythroughtesting?” The wildforestexits, before Xie Yunthem, waited forin the Inner Sectfellow apprenticesherethatsawXie Yun their less thandayto kill, was suddenly stunned.
“你们这么快就通过考验了?”荒林出口,谢云他们之前在内门的师兄弟们在这里等待,见谢云他们不到一天就杀出来了,顿然错愕无比。„He. The motherbasicallyopens access.”Xie Yunsighed.
“他.妈一路基本畅通无阻。”谢云唏嘘了一声。„What's the matter.”
“咋回事儿。”„Canwhat's the matter, stop upYe Chen!”Huo Tengshrugs, „Ye Chenknows! Stirsearth-shakingthatOuter Sect.”
“能咋回事儿,都去堵叶辰了呗!”霍腾耸了耸肩,“叶辰知道吧!把外门搅得天翻地覆的那个。”„That manypeoplestop upQi Condensation Realm, ate to the fullhas supported!”
After Xie Yunthem , many teamsgo out of the wildforest, achieved wishesto enterInner Sect, evenseveralteams of battle efficiencyweakdisciplesbecausealsoYe Chensuchonenoisy, muddleheadedadopted the test of wildforest.谢云他们之后,又有很多队伍走出荒林,如愿进入内门,甚至于有几队战斗力薄弱的弟子也因为叶辰这么一闹,稀里糊涂的就通过了荒林的考验。Bang!
轰隆隆!In the wildforest, the bellow, the soundis not continuously small.
荒林之中,轰鸣声此起彼伏,动静不小。Ye Chenonce moreshapedistressedescaped from the encirclement ring, thisdaylater, hismore than onceencounteredbesieging and pursuing of Inner Sectdiscipleto block off, independent combathenot to fearanybody, butnearlybesieging and pursuing about No. 110personblocked off, does not haveTemper that hehit.叶辰再次形态狼狈的逃出了包围圈,这一天下来,他不止一次的遭遇了内门弟子的围追堵截,单打独斗他不惧任何人,但近近110号人的围追堵截,着实将他打的没脾气了。„Where, surroundshim.”Justescaped fromYe Chen of encirclement ring, has not had a restin a moment, thenheardbehindsomepeopleto call out.
“在哪里,围住他。”刚刚逃出包围圈的叶辰,还未等歇歇脚,便听到身后有人嘶喊。„Quick, puts the signal.”
“快,放信号。”„Yourhe. Mother.”Ye Chenhas criticizedone, fleesonce moreruns away.
轰隆!Quick, quietsoonwildforest, once morebecomeslively.
很快,沉寂不久的荒林,再次变得热闹起来。At this moment, the weatherwas dim, nightfalls.
此刻,天色已经昏暗,夜幕降临。Hiding that in a piece of luxuriantmixedthick patch of grass, Ye Chenpants there, the bodyhas the scar, the blooddrips, the complexionispale white, on this day, makinghimconsumeenormously.
一片繁茂的杂草丛中,叶辰气喘吁吁的躲在那里,身上多有伤痕,还有鲜血淌出来,脸色更是一阵苍白,这一天,让他消耗极大。„Youare flamboyant.” The mouthwas foul-mouthed, Ye ChengraspedtwoRecovery Xuan Pillto force in the mouth.
After a double-hour, hisauraonce morebecomesvigorous, the overbearingresiliencymakeshisscarvanishbasicallydoes not see.
一个时辰之后,他的气息再次变得雄浑,霸道的恢复力让他的伤痕基本消失不见。Took a look atHaoyustarry sky, Ye Chenslipped away the mixedthick patch of grasssecretly, „has chased downfatheroneday, thisNow My Turn, before fatherme, but did the member of intelligence organization, catchme? Yourmagical skillsalsomissedfar.”
瞅了一眼浩宇星空,叶辰偷偷溜出了杂草丛,“追杀了老子一天,这次换我了,老子我以前可是情报组织的成员,抓我?你们的道行还差远了。”Ran the mixedthick patch of grass, the Ye Chenformshuttled back and forthunceasinglyin the wildforest, finally the skilljumped upagilelyon a sturdybig tree, taking advantage ofcovering up of branches and leaves, has turned very quiet the aura.
跑出了杂草丛,叶辰身影不断穿梭在荒林之中,最后身手敏捷的跳上了一棵粗壮的大树上,借着枝叶的遮掩,屏住了气息。Quick, not far awaythreeformshave mapped the view.
很快,不远处又三道身影映入了眼帘。„A Mortal Origin Stagepeak, a Mortal Origin Stage8th Layerday, a Mortal Origin Stage7th Layerday.”On the big tree, Ye Chenmutteredone, thensawthesethreepeople of cultivatingis, secret passageticketcando.
“一个人元境巅峰,一个人元境八重天,一个人元境七重天。”大树上,叶辰喃喃一声,一眼便看出了这三人的修为,暗道这一票可以干。ThatthreeInner Sectdisciplesareleftlookrighttake a look, hopes that canfind a Ye Chentrail.
那三个内门弟子一路都是左看右瞅,希望可以找到叶辰的一丝踪迹。Xiaoqiang who „Ye Chenthatboycannot killreally! That manypeoplebesiege, was escapedbyhimobstinately, it seems likeOuter Sectrumorreal, thisQi Condensation Realmpreparatory discipleis highly regarded.”
“叶辰那小子真是打不死的小强啊!那么多人围攻,愣是被他逃脱了,看来外门的传言是真的,这个只有凝气境的实习弟子不可小觑。”„WehavethreeTrue Yang Realm, heis a yarn.”
“我们有三个真阳境,他算个毛线。”„Look! Hewill be seizedbyussooner or later.”
“看着吧!他早晚会被我们逮住。”Threepeoplewere saying, just likehad not discoveredhidesYe Chenonbig treesneeredvisitsthem.
三人你一言我一语的说着,俨然未曾发现躲在大树上的叶辰正冷笑的看着他们。„Camenot to walk.”Ye Chenis sneering, wavedto throw35grayironeggs.
“来了就别走了。”叶辰冷笑着,挥手扔出去了35颗灰不溜秋的铁蛋。Be careful!
小心!Threepeople of responsesalsocalculatedslowly, have not wieldedin the handimmediately the long sword, without bias and without favorcleft in twothat35pitch-blackironeggs, the ironeggwas broken out, immediatelyhad the thickblackfogturbulently.
三人的反应还算不慢,当即挥动了手中长剑,不偏不倚的将那35个乌黑的铁蛋劈成了两半,铁蛋被劈开,顿时就有浓厚的黑雾汹涌而出。„Damn, smoke shell.”Threepeoplecannot help butobloquied, knew the ambush, instantaneouslyback to backbyinone.
“该死,烟雾弹。”三人不由得大骂,知道中了埋伏,瞬间背对背靠在了一起。At this time, Ye Chenhad already jumped downbig tree, being quietlyhas enteredin the blackfog, and has fished out a swarthyiron whipfromstorage bag, butthisiron whip, that alsofromspending500,000to have boughtfrom the nether worldblack market, ithardexceptionally, was usedto pound the personto be most appropriate.
啊….!Quick, pitiful yellsoundthenpassed from the thickblackfog, thatMortal Origin Stage7th LayerdayInner Sectdisciple, poundedbleeding profusely from the head, faintedat the scene.
很快,惨叫声便从浓厚的黑雾中传了出来,那个人元境七重天的内门弟子,就被砸的七窍流血,当场就昏了过去。„Idepend, thisiron whipis so overbearing.”Poundedto faintthatdisciple, Ye Chenhid in the blackfoginstantaneously, on the one hand the iron whip in matchfeltsurprised, a whipbleeding profusely from the head that a Mortal Origin Stage7th Layerdisciplehit, thismighthas gone beyondhisexpectation.
“我靠,这铁鞭这么霸道。”砸晕了那名弟子,叶辰瞬间又躲进了黑雾之中,一方面又对手里的铁鞭感到惊讶,一鞭就把一个人元境七重的弟子打的七窍流血,这威力着实超出了他的预料。„Anyone, get lost.” A threesomepersonwas knocked down, surplustwocall outin abundance, the terrifyingsecret techniquehas madeone after another.
“谁,滚出来。”三人小组一人被打晕,剩余的两人纷纷暴喝,恐怖的秘术已经接连打出。Ye Chenoncatintheirnot far away, whenputs the bigmove after them, butbroadmindedkilling, has then raised the iron whip, a stick the bleeding profusely from the headfaint that Mortal Origin8th Layerdisciplehitin the past.叶辰就猫在两人不远处,待到两人放完大招之后,豁然扑杀而至,而后扬起了铁鞭,一棍将那个人元第八重的弟子打的七窍流血昏厥了过去。Took downonce more, the Ye Chenstealthenteredin the blackfogonce more.
再次放倒一个,叶辰再次隐身进了黑雾中。„Ye Chen, Iknowamyou, with the smoke shell, the act, seriouslyis so mean.”Thatdiscipleroaringsoundis unceasing.
“叶辰,我知道是你,用烟雾弹,如此行径,当真下作。”那名弟子怒吼声不断。„Mean?”In the thickblackfog, the Ye Chensoundflutterstoerratically, coldlysaid with a smile, „weren't youmean? These manypeopleencirclekillmyQi Condensation Realm, puts the smoke shellcompared withme, youare not concerned about face!”
“下作?”浓厚的黑雾中,叶辰的声音飘离不定,冷冷笑道,“难道你们就不下作吗?这么多人围杀我一个凝气境,比起我放烟雾弹,你们更不要脸吧!”„HassingleTiao, fewtheseside doorheretical ways.”
“有种单挑,少正这些旁门左道。”„Ifyouhope.” A Ye Chenapejumpsto kill, thenhas not waited forthatdiscipleto respond that pitch-blackiron whipLing Tianhas divided.
啊…..!Along with a pitiful yell, disciplealsopoundedbleeding profusely from the head of thisMortal Origin Stagepeak, the boardboardentirelarge characterpastedin the ground.
随着一声惨叫,这个人元境巅峰的弟子也被砸的七窍流血,板板整整一个大字贴在了地面上。Knockedfaintsthreepeople, Ye Chenhas not daredto stay, received the iron whip, thenpracticed fraud, gaveto plunderthreepeople of storage bagandtreasure, endedtheirclothesalsoto be dug upup, onlyremainingcoloredunderpants.
敲晕了三人,叶辰不敢有所停留,收了铁鞭,便上下其手,将三人身上的储物袋、宝贝都给搜刮走了,完了就连他们的衣服也被扒光了,只剩下身一条花裤衩。Completesthese, hethenturns aroundto disappeardoes not see.
做完这些,他这才转身消失不见。【Authorwritesover-formal language】: ImmortalEmperor WuVenerable the bookfriendgroup: 264670852
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