IUD :: Volume #20 番外篇 欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室

#2359: With you very familiar person

Because of Horikita Suzune and Kushida Kikyou the relations of condition suitable understanding, Fang Li confessed how oneself cannot imagine these two together in the vacation harmonious coming out at the scene that plays. 因为对堀北铃音和栉田桔梗的状况相当的了解的关系,方里自认,自己无论怎么样都想象不出这两人一起在假期中和和睦睦的出来玩的场景。 Perhaps, Kushida Kikyou because of wants on the surface and Horikita Suzune strike up a good relationship, and even discovers Horikita Suzune's weakness wishful thinking, has the possibility to invite Horikita Suzune, can Horikita Suzune's personality, Fang Li not think that she will agree with Kushida Kikyou's invitation, goes out with it together. 也许,栉田桔梗会因为想在表面上和堀北铃音打好关系,乃至找出堀北铃音的弱点如意算盘,有可能去邀请堀北铃音,可以堀北铃音的个性,方里并不觉得她会同意栉田桔梗的邀请,与其一同出门。 Fang Li even can imagine, if Kushida Kikyou invited Horikita Suzune to take to the streets together, what Horikita Suzune will say. 方里甚至能够想象到,如果栉田桔梗去邀请堀北铃音一起上街的话,堀北铃音会说出什么样的话。 I reject, sunbathes outside with it, I rather read in the room.” “我拒绝,与其在外面晒太阳,我宁愿在房间中看书。” Do saying such words that Horikita Suzune absolutely will is relentless, and resist outside the door Kushida Kikyou? 堀北铃音一定会毫不留情的说出这样的话,并将栉田桔梗拒之门外吧? But now, Horikita Suzune is Kushida Kikyou is actually acting together, this makes Fang Li very surprised. 可现在,堀北铃音却是和栉田桔梗在一起行动,这着实让方里很是惊讶。 Regarding this, Kushida Kikyou returned to smile, said such words. 对此,栉田桔梗回以一笑,说出了这样的话。 I also thought that very surprised, originally invited Horikita-san came out to drink tea to prepare for the rejected psychology together, who knows, Horikita-san hesitant one agreed unexpectedly, making me unable to believe to the present.” “我也觉得很惊讶呢,本来去邀请堀北同学一起出来喝茶的时候都已经做好了被拒绝的心理准备了,谁知道,堀北同学居然犹豫了一下就同意了,让我到现在都还不敢相信。” Is this perhaps the truth? 这恐怕是实话吧? Can look to the Horikita Suzune's vision from Kushida Kikyou that vague casting aside, this young girl should also still estimate the Horikita Suzune's intention, from the heart does not believe that the Horikita Suzune meeting wants to come out to drink tea in a friendly way, thinks what reason definitely has? 栉田桔梗那隐晦的撇向堀北铃音的目光中就可以看得出来,这个少女应该也还在揣摩着堀北铃音的用意,发自内心的不相信堀北铃音会想和自己友好的出来喝茶,认为其中肯定有什么缘由吧? But Fang Li also thinks. 方里也是这么想的。 Without the words of reason, that Horikita Suzune impossible complies absolutely. 没有缘由的话,那个堀北铃音是绝对没有可能答应出来的。 Naturally, Horikita Suzune also had self-knowledge. 理所当然,堀北铃音自己也有自知之明。 She knows, oneself nod, in others opinion, was full of the questionable point surely. 她知道,自己的点头,在别人看来,必定充满了疑点。 In fact, if makes Horikita Suzune choose, Horikita Suzune wants to reject Kushida Kikyou. 事实上,如果让堀北铃音选择的话,堀北铃音还是想拒绝栉田桔梗 only... 只是... Does not make any change the words, that anything cannot achieve, that type of taste, I have experienced enough many, does not want to experience again.” “不做出任何改变的话,那就什么都做不到,那种滋味,我已经体验得够多了,不想再体验了。” Horikita Suzune that the resembles convinced itself, like thinking aloud the general speech, making Kushida Kikyou crooked the head, whole face puzzled at the same time, let Fang Li suddenly. 堀北铃音那即像说服自己,又像自言自语一般的发言,让栉田桔梗歪着脑袋,满脸不解的同时,也让方里恍然了。 special exam of luxurious cruise, as a result of the Fang Li's involvement, its result big was changed. 豪华游轮的特别考试,由于方里的介入,其结果大大的被改变。 However, if Fang Li has not involved, this special exam result, is Ryuuen Kakeru's outshines others absolutely. 然而,若是方里没有介入的话,这场特别考试的结果,绝对是龙园翔的一枝独秀。 If nothing else, the victory of Dragon Group possibly is the Ryuuen Kakeru's possession. 别的不说,龙组的胜利就只有可能是属于龙园翔的所有物。 Attained all Target List the C-Class's dictator, will take the victory in the elite group. 拿到了所有优待者名单的这个C班的独裁者,将在精英组里拿下胜利。 The consequence that this is Fang Li does not involve the words that can cause. 这就是方里不介入的话将会导致的后果。 Regarding this consequence, Horikita Suzune is not naturally able to accept confidently. 对于这一后果,堀北铃音自然无法坦然接受。 In that type competes under the condition, oneself extremely ugly lost to others, is this Horikita Suzune's feeling? 在那种同台竞技的状况下,自己极为难看的输给了别人,这就是堀北铃音的感觉吧? In addition, on uninhabited island's special exam, Horikita Suzune also realized that the weak feeling, was given to organize by others completely, even is a drag on class, this summer vacation, regarding self-respect quite high Horikita Suzune, performing is some uncomfortable recollections. 再加上,于无人岛的特别考试上,堀北铃音同样体会到了无力的感觉,完全被别人给摆布着,甚至拖着班级的后腿,这个暑假,对于自尊心颇高的堀北铃音而言,尽是一些难受的回忆。 Perhaps to no longer make same mistakes over again, Horikita Suzune realized. 为了不再重蹈覆辙,堀北铃音或许意识到了。 Words that oneself do not change, that is not really good. 自己再不改变的话,那真的不行了。 Had such idea, Horikita Suzune to tread finally the first step. 带着这样的想法,堀北铃音终于踏出了第一步。 This step, is to until now respects and believes in the arrogant and arrogant own compromise. 这一步,就是对一直以来崇信孤高和孤傲的自己的妥协。 Therefore, Horikita Suzune complied with Kushida Kikyou's invitation. 于是,堀北铃音答应了栉田桔梗的邀请 For not other, wants to attempt to change itself, forges ahead. 为的不是别的,就是想尝试改变自己,向前迈进而已。 Even if the opposite party loathes himself, Character of oneself repel, that is still also same. 即使对方是厌恶自己,自己同样排斥的人物,那也一样。 Understood this point, Fang Li held in high esteem to Horikita Suzune all of a sudden. 明白了这一点,方里堀北铃音一下子刮目相看了。 It seems like, summer vacation special exam is not a significance does not have to you.” Fang Li on frank saying: Can step forward this step, is not really easy.” “看来,暑假的特别考试对你来说并不是一点意义都没有啊。”方里就坦率的赞道:“能跨出这一步,着实不容易。” Perhaps, in others opinion, but time is the agreement comes out to drink tea together, at all is not anything. 或许,在别人看来,只不过是同意一起出来喝一次茶而已,根本不算什么。 But that only speaks irresponsibly and sarcastically. 但那只是站着说话不腰疼而已。 Stands in the words that the Horikita Suzune's standpoint comes to see, this was it defeated past self, thus entered into growth crucial one step of stage, others are unable to understand meaning. 站在堀北铃音的立场来看的话,这可是其战胜了过去的自己,从而迈入成长的阶段的关键性一步,旁人根本无法理解这其中的含义。 Although Fang Li is also others, will not actually speak irresponsibly and sarcastically, unusual understanding this small compromise, to Horikita Suzune, actually means anything. 方里虽然也是旁人,却不会站着说话不腰疼,非常理解这个小小的妥协,对堀北铃音而言,究竟意味着什么。 Therefore, Fang Li very rare commendation Horikita Suzune. 所以,方里很罕见的称赞了堀北铃音 But this also lets Horikita Suzune felt accidental/surprised the appearance. 而这也让堀北铃音感到意外了的样子。 You will that commend me unexpectedly honestly, really makes one feel uncomfortable.” “你居然会那么坦诚的称赞我,真是让人觉得不舒服。” Horikita Suzune expressed own idea frankly. 堀北铃音直言不讳的表达了自己的想法。 Without the means. 没办法。 Before who lets Fang Li, has not looked straight at to look at her, even also denial Horikita Suzune's ability? 谁让方里之前从来没有正眼瞧过她,甚至还一次次的否定堀北铃音的能力呢? Commended Horikita Suzune like, absolutely was the unprecedented behavior. 像这样称赞堀北铃音,绝对是破天荒的行为。 Horikita Suzune will feel accidental/surprised, that is also very normal. 堀北铃音会觉得意外,那也很正常。 only... 只是... I am so always honest, this/should commendation time will commend honestly, this/should time honest criticizing of criticizing.” Fang Li shrugs, thinking little was saying to Horikita Suzune: You feel accidental/surprised, only, because before you, has not handled the matter that has made me commend sufficiently, that is all.” “我一向都这么坦诚,该称赞的时候就会坦诚称赞,该指摘的时候就会坦诚的指摘。”方里耸了耸肩,不以为意的对着堀北铃音说道:“你觉得意外,只是因为你之前都没有做过足以让我称赞的事情,仅此而已。” hearing this, Horikita Suzune corner of the eye twitched, gazed at Fang Li, the look is starting becomes somewhat dangerous. 闻言,堀北铃音眼角一跳,注视着方里,眼神开始变得有些危险了。 This looked that is the omen that Horikita Suzune will soon get angry. 这一看就是堀北铃音即将发怒的前兆。 Perhaps, this way, is Fang Li intimate hand chop is not strange even? 恐怕,再这样下去,方里就算挨上一手刀都不奇怪吧? But Fang Li does not have point worry, as before whole face indifferent standing there, making Horikita Suzune think that hot was bigger. 方里却没有一点的担忧,依旧满脸无所谓的站在那里,让堀北铃音觉得更火大了。 When Horikita Suzune will soon act crazy, Kushida Kikyou acts finally. 就在堀北铃音即将发飙的时候,栉田桔梗终于出面。 ma ma, both people are calm, do not quarrel.” 嘛嘛,两个人都冷静一下,别吵架啦。” Kushida Kikyou persuasion inserted two people middle, while said such a line without hesitation. 栉田桔梗一边劝说似的插进了两人的中间,一边不假思索的说了这么一句 Nanaya-san and Horikita Suzune's sentiment is very obviously good, can't have clashes of opinion?” 七夜同学堀北铃音的感情明明就很好,不可以闹矛盾喔?” These words, almost in the instance of falling, welcomed two replies immediately. 这句话,几乎是在落下的瞬间,立即迎来了两个回答。 This is the misunderstanding, Kushida.” “这是误会啊,栉田。” Only then this matter, I must deny.” “只有这件事情,我必须否认。” Fang Li and Horikita Suzune then with one voice said the words that denied respectively, let Kushida Kikyou with a smile. 方里堀北铃音便异口同声般的各自说出了否认的话语,让栉田桔梗笑吟吟了起来。 Obviously, this young girl does not believe. 显然,这个少女根本就不相信。 Nanaya-san here is preparation and other Ichinose-san, goes to date together?” 七夜同学在这里是准备等一之濑同学,一起去约会吗?” Kushida Kikyou changed the topic, shifted to curiosity from the beginning the topic. 栉田桔梗转移了话题,将话题转向了一开始的好奇。 conversely Horikita Suzune, looks at Fang Li by the suspicion look. 反倒是堀北铃音,以怀疑的眼神看着方里 could it be that, you think that what shameful matter is handling secretly?” 难道,你又想在暗地里做什么见不得人的事情了吗?” This saying, wants coarse, coarse. 这话,要有多难听,就有多难听。 only, this time, Fang Li has not refuted Horikita Suzune again, but by teasing the look looks at this young girl. 只是,这一次,方里没有再反驳堀北铃音,而是以戏谑般的眼神看着这个少女 Indeed may be must handle the shameful matter.” Fang Li then said with a faint smile: Moreover, does with you very familiar person together?” “的确有可能是要做见不得人的事情呢。”方里便似笑非笑的说道:“而且,还是跟你很熟悉的人一起做喔?” With I very familiar person?” Horikita Suzune frowns. “跟我很熟悉的人?”堀北铃音皱起了眉头。 This response, radical disappearance in next second. 这个反应,在下一秒钟里彻彻底底的消失。 What replaces it is delay. 取而代之的是呆滞。 Complete delay. 完完全全的呆滞。 Waited for a long time.” “久等了。” With such a desolate sound, Fang Li's 『date partner』 appeared. 伴随着这样一个冷淡的声音,方里的「约会对象」出现了。
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