IUD :: Volume #20 番外篇 欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室

#2356: A cheating man

Can restrict Kouenji Rokusuke that Character, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's ability can be inferred. 能够制约住高圆寺六助那种人物,绫小路清隆的能力可见一斑。 Even if oneself has been called as the monster that Kouenji Rokusuke is unable to control, but Kouenji Rokusuke's ability, although is very outstanding, the character quite obviously is easy to understand, so long as looks to the method, making him defer to own meaning to act, will not be difficult. 即使本人一直将高圆寺六助称作无法掌控的怪物,可高圆寺六助的能力虽然很优秀,性格却相当显而易懂,只要找对方法,让其按照自己的意思去行动,并不会很难。 Difficult on difficult to need to maintain in this grasping. 难就难在这种掌握需要一直维持。 By the conceitedness of Kouenji Rokusuke, when changes the mind is not strange. 高圆寺六助的唯我独尊,什么时候改变主意都是一点也不奇怪。 When the time comes, what way even if used to let Kouenji Rokusuke obedient beforehand, this person may still renege very much suddenly, because 『Amusing』 or was 『Aesthetics』 and so on idea, direct out-of-control? 到时候,就算事先用了什么方式让高圆寺六助乖乖听话了,这个人也很有可能会突然变卦,因为「有趣」或者是「美学」之类的想法,直接失控吧? To restrict such Character, that needs 24 hours of entire journey to stare, and prepares the innumerable strategies to cope with him. 想制约住这样的人物,那就需要二十四小时全程盯着,并准备好无数种战略来对付他。 Taking this into consideration, in these days, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's only one Quest diverts Kouenji Rokusuke. 有鉴于此,在这几天里,绫小路清隆的唯一一个任务就是牵制住高圆寺六助 Although succeeded finally, but, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, should this still result in even tired does not make sense? 虽然最后成功了,但想必,就算是绫小路清隆,这会也应该劳累得不像话了吧? Kouenji Rokusuke is such man. 高圆寺六助就是这样的男人。 No matter the enemy is a friend, so long as contacts him, that will receive the wound. 不管是敌是友,只要接触他,那就会受到创伤。 It is not the wound on body, but is wound on mind and spirit. 不是身体上的创伤,而是心灵、精神上的创伤 Therefore, Kouenji Rokusuke is really a poisonous man, who will bump into will feel the pain. 所以,高圆寺六助真的是一个有毒的男人,谁碰到了都会觉得痛苦呢。 However, can let this person obediently completion goal, Fang Li is very satisfied. 不过,能让这个人乖乖的完成目的,方里已经很满足。 What a pity, Kouenji Rokusuke has not signed contract document, should impossible 500,000 private points forwarded to Fang Li. 可惜,高圆寺六助没有签契约书,应该不可能将到手的五十万个人点数转给方里了。 conversely Karuizawa Kei and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and these D-Class students who await orders outside, signed contract document completely. 反倒是轻井泽惠绫小路清隆与那些在外面待命的D班学生们,全部都签下了契约书了。 Therefore, private points that Fang Li can attain actually, is not 75.5 million, but is 75 Million. 因此,方里能够实际拿到的个人点数,并不是七千五百五十万,而是七千五百万 Naturally, this were also many enough. 当然,这也够多了。 Is counted Chabashira Sae to hire the Fang Li's part the words, this summer vacation, Fang Li altogether started time more than 77 million private points. 算上茶柱佐枝雇佣方里的部分的话,这一次的暑假,方里就一共入手了七千七百万以上的个人点数 This great sum of money, lets any student for it dizziness sufficiently. 这巨款,足以让任何一个学生为之眩晕。 At least, Karuizawa Kei very Envy. 至少,轻井泽惠就很嫉妒 When summer vacation finished, the second semester arrives, you can attain so many points, is really a cheating man.” “等到暑假结束,第二个学期到来,你就能拿到那么多的点数了,真是一个作弊的男人。” Regarding this point, Karuizawa Kei is real Envy. 对于这一点,轻井泽惠是真的嫉妒 If my so many points, that anything does not need to worry.” “如果我有那么多的点数,那就什么都不需要烦恼了。” Karuizawa Kei envies seriously. 轻井泽惠羡慕得不得了。 this young girl domineering and arrogant the mask that although camouflages, may spend wastefully seems like real. 这个少女的强势与盛气凌人虽然都是伪装出来的假面具,可花钱大手大脚似乎是真的。 clothes of some of my also many wishes with the ornament, aimed at the good target to list two pages in the memorandum, if I had 77 million, can cross over the following three years like the heaven.” “我也有很多想要的衣服跟装饰品,瞄准好的目标都已经在备忘录里列出了两页了,要是我有七千七百万的话,接下来的三年都可以过得像天堂一样了。” Karuizawa Kei is elaborating the improper delusion, even is also opening both hands, being climbed finger, is muttering the thing of wish, while several fingers one by one. 轻井泽惠就阐述着不该有的妄想,甚至还张开着双手,扳起手指,一边喃喃着想要的东西,一边一下一下的数着手指。 Finally, the fingers of Karuizawa Kei's two hands all counted unexpectedly suddenly. 结果,轻井泽惠的两只手的手指竟是在眨眼间全都数完了。 Thing that this woman, how many some wants to buy? 这个女人,到底有多少想买的东西啊? Fang Li feels funny, while said. 方里一边感到好笑,一边如此说了。 The second semester you can also attain many points in any case, doesn't need to worry for this reason?” “反正第二学期你们也能拿到不少的点数,不需要为此烦恼了吧?” Fang Li pledges 5 Million private points, even according to the population, divided equally completely, all students in D-Class can everyone attain hundreds of thousands. 方里承诺会给的五百万个人点数,就算根据人数,全部平分了下来,在D班里的所有学生都能每人拿到十几万了。 In addition uninhabited island's special exam let D-Class's class points upgraded to 454 points, that means that next month beginning of the month, namely begins school in first day, all D-Class students can also attain more than 45,000 private points. 再加上无人岛的特别考试D班的班级点数提升到了454分,那就意味着,下个月的月初,即开学的第一天里,所有D班的学生还能都拿到四万五千多的个人点数 Such calculates, Karuizawa Kei should also be able to attain near 200,000 private points next month. 这样一算,轻井泽惠在下个月应该也能拿到近二十万个人点数了。 Such a sum of money, regarding the D-Class students who the first month of first semester later have not attained the nice points, was wild with joy sufficiently? 这样的一笔钱,对于在第一学期的第一个月以后就没怎么拿到像样的点数的D班学生们来说,足以欣喜若狂了吧? Especially Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken, it is estimated that can well also ended the debt of being. 尤其是池宽治山内春树须藤健,估计能够好好的还完欠下的债了。 you're going to be fine for a while, right?” 你也能好好的再花上一段时间了吧?” Fang Li said like this. 方里这样子说了。 Trades is actually the movement that Karuizawa Kei shakes the head. 换来的却是轻井泽惠摇头的动作。 If really wants to spend, 3-4 days can all spend.” “如果真的想花的话,三、四天就能花完了。” 3-4 days? 三、四天 Near 200,000 private points, unexpectedly only enough flower 3-4 days? 二十万个人点数,居然只够花三、四天 Fang Li a little suddenly wants to look in the Karuizawa Kei's memorandum row shopping list of items, has a look at itself great sum of money enough she, since succeeds in obtaining spent. 方里都有点突然想看轻井泽惠的备忘录里列的购物清单,看看自己既然到手的巨款够不够她花了。 better economize a little on spending.” Fang Li shakes the head, advises politely: How to say again, private points in the function of Advanced Nurturing High School is huge incomparable, use good words, even can control all aspects, even if you are used for the score that buys the test not to pass an examination, squanders all points on the commodity, this behavior, I did not advocate.” 还是省着点花吧。”方里还是摇了摇头,奉劝道:“再怎么说,个人点数高度育成高中的作用都是巨大无比的,利用的好的话,甚至可以掌控所有的局面,就算你用来买考试不及格的分数都可以,在商品上花光所有点数,这个行为,我可不提倡。” I also want to save.” Karuizawa Kei somewhat refuses to accept saying: But has not succeeded to save each time, what means do I have?” “我也想省啊。”轻井泽惠有些不服般的说道:“可每次都没有成功省下来,我有什么办法?” ...... It looks like, Karuizawa Kei in Advanced Nurturing High School life imagine appearance that also moistens, where has the half a point, because bullying has left behind the psychological trauma appearance? ......看来,轻井泽惠高度育成高中过的生活比自己想象的还滋润的样子,哪有半分因为霸凌留下过心理创伤的模样啊? Ok.” Fang Li sighs, said: In brief, this thanks for your trouble.” “算了。”方里叹了一口气,道:“总之,这次辛苦你了。” It‘s nothing, accords to his need.” Karuizawa Kei shot a look at Fang Li one, after a moment of hesitation, said in a low voice: Do not forget to comply with my matter then it will be alright.” “没什么,各取所需而已。”轻井泽惠瞥了方里一眼,犹豫了一下以后,低声说道:“别忘了答应我的事就行了。” Naturally.” Fang Li complexion usual returning said: Till that scar on your abdomen is completely eliminated, I will be responsible for providing the herbal medicine to you, but also meets helps you massage every day, absorbs the efficacy, similarly, your past matter, my will not divulge.” “当然。”方里面色如常的回道:“直到你腹部上的那道疤完全被消除为止,我都会负责提供草药给你,还会每天帮你按摩,吸收药力,同样的,你过去的事情,我一件都不会泄露。” That is good.” The Karuizawa Kei's expression then appeared attractive many. “那就好。”轻井泽惠的表情这才显得好看了不少。 Later, Fang Li and Karuizawa Kei also chatted several mutually, and also each other left the telephone number. 之后,方里轻井泽惠又互相聊了几句,并且还彼此留了电话号码。 Provides the herbal medicine to Karuizawa Kei, but must help her massage, does not exchange words that contacts the way, that is not convenient. 轻井泽惠提供草药,还得帮她按摩,不交换一下联络方式的话,那就太不方便了。 Then, Fang Li and Karuizawa Kei also chatted the respective matter. 然后,方里轻井泽惠又都聊了各自的事情。 „Are you with B-Class's Ichinose also the lover who disguises as? Like this?” “你跟B班的一之濑也是假扮的情侣吧?这样好吗?” „Did you have the qualifications to say me?” “你有资格说我吗?” I for position, you for what?” “我是为了地位,你又是为了什么?” Not for anything, on a only also Ichinose favor.” “不为了什么,就只是一之濑一个人情而已。” Favor... really does not have the persuasive power, you should not like others actually, wants to start out insincerely but end up seriously taking advantage of this?” “人情啊...真是没有说服力,你该不会其实非常喜欢人家,想借此来假戏真做吧?” You looked that I do seem like want to do this matter?” “你看我像是想做这种事吗?” „...... Indeed not like.” “......的确不像。” That cannot lo.” “那不就得囖。” Fang Li and Karuizawa Kei then chatted the matter that the respective fake lover related respectively, unexpectedly was faint some feelings of having same problem. 方里轻井泽惠便各自聊到了各自的假情侣关系的事情,竟是隐隐的有些同病相怜的感觉。 only, actually this is the feeling. 只是,这究竟还是感觉而已。 Fang Li and Karuizawa Kei are very different. 方里轻井泽惠还是很不一样的。 Fang Li for favor. 方里是为了人情。 Karuizawa Kei for position. 轻井泽惠是为了地位。 Two people for the respective goal, then, will also continue with own scandal lover, maintains this false relations? 两人都为了各自的目的,接下来,还会继续和自己的绯闻情侣,维持这段虚假的关系吧? Perhaps because of this, Karuizawa Kei will say so many to Fang Li. 也许就因为这样,轻井泽惠才会跟方里说那么多。 Two people in such chat, spent the time of being together gradually. 两人就在这样的聊天中,渐渐的度过了相处的时间。 The luxurious cruise, approached continent finally. 豪华的游轮,终于靠近了大陆
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