IUD :: Volume #20 番外篇 欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室

#2290: I am also very interested

———— ———— This instance, as if even time static. 这一个瞬间,仿佛连时间都静止了。 Felt soft tender body of that post back after oneself, Fang Li almost in understood the condition immediately. 感受到那贴在自己后背上的柔软娇躯,方里几乎是在第一时间里明白了状况。 But this condition, makes known in the next second. 而这个状况,亦是在下一秒钟里揭晓。 Because, a pair of slender actually powerful hand extended from behind Fang Li, grasped him. 因为,一双纤细却有力的手从方里的背后伸了过来,抱住了他。 „...... what are you doing?” “……你这是干什么?” Fang Li frowns tightly, sent out the interrogation. 方里紧皱起了眉头,发出了质问。 Seeing only, Kushida Kikyou is the whole person hugs unexpectedly from Fang Li's back, pushed this tender body in his body. 只见,栉田桔梗竟是整个人都从方里的后背上抱来,将这个娇躯都挤在了他的身上 Fang Li even can feel Kushida Kikyou beautiful chest in own latter back touch. 方里甚至能够感受到栉田桔梗姣好的上围在自己的后背上的触感。 Although also and not on Sakura Airi, but Kushida Kikyou similarly suitable being learned, at least was also D. 虽然还及不上佐仓爱里,可栉田桔梗同样相当的有料,起码也得是D了。 Such a figure is beautiful, appearance cute, is in Advanced Nurturing High School popularity king without a doubt, most popular female student, unexpectedly in night cruise deck, tight grasped a male student from the back. 这样一个身材姣好,长相可爱,又是高度育成高中里毋庸置疑的人气王,最受欢迎的女生,竟是在夜晚的游轮甲板上,紧紧的从背后抱住了一个男生。 Moreover, this male student is also associating with B-Class's Ichinose Honami, becomes the lover in people mouth. 而且,这个男生还与B班的一之濑帆波正在交往,成为人们口中的情侣。 This, if by anyone witnessing, perhaps the entire first grade can raise the great unrest? 这一幕,要是被任何一个人给目击到,恐怕整个一年级都要掀起轩然大波了吧? Especially D-Class student, if sees this, thorough being shocked, such as Sakura Airi and Ike Kanji will be greatly will be definitely more disappointed, that also perhaps. 特别是D班的学生,要是看到这一幕,肯定会彻底的惊呆,诸如佐仓爱里池宽治更是会大受打击,那也说不定。 To be honest, this does not seem like the matter that Kushida Kikyou will handle. 说实话,这根本不像是栉田桔梗会做出来的事情。 To become this young girl of friend with anybody, is definitely clear, if this were witnessed, perhaps will change until now entire class nearly all interpersonal relationships. 想与任何人都成为朋友的这个少女,肯定明白,这一幕要是被目击到,恐怕会改变至今为止整个班级近乎所有的人际关系。 If nothing else, Sakura Airi absolutely not again and Kushida Kikyou direct communication? 别的不说,佐仓爱里绝对不会再和栉田桔梗正面来往了吧? This regarding wants to become Kushida Kikyou of friend with anybody, condition that does not want to see absolutely. 这对于想和任何人成为朋友的栉田桔梗而言,绝对是不想看到的状况。 Fang Li does not believe, Kushida Kikyou meets don't understand this matter. 方里不相信,栉田桔梗不明白这件事情。 But, even yes, Kushida Kikyou did that as before. 可是,即使是明白,栉田桔梗依旧这么做了。 In which reason, feared that is very heavy? 其中的理由,怕是很沉重吧? Fang Li thinks slightly, shortly afterwards somewhat understood the reason. 方里稍微想了一想,紧接着就有些明白个中的缘由了。 Only feared, Kushida Kikyou wants to speak such words...... 只怕,栉田桔梗是想说这样的话…… Are you already on the same line as Horikita?” 你已经跟堀北站在同一条线上了吗?” When these words resound from the back, the somewhat ambiguous atmosphere as if sweeping is the same by the ice-cold sea breeze, becomes constrains incomparably. 当这句话从背后响起时,有些暧昧的氛围仿佛被冰冷的海风给吹走一样,变得压抑无比。 What obviously continuously with you in the same place is I, why can you also with Horikita such woman in the same place?” “明明一直跟你在一起的是我,为什么你还要跟堀北那样的女人在一起?” Spreads to the words in Fang Li ear, no longer was Kushida Kikyou in the past that sweet and cute voice, but like will hate and hate compresses in a low and deep sound. 传入方里耳中的话语,不再是栉田桔梗以往那甜美可爱的声线,而是如同将憎恶与怨恨都压缩在了一起的一个低沉的声音。 That is the named Kushida Kikyou's young girl original voice. 那是名为栉田桔梗的少女本来的声音。 Now, is grasping the Fang Li's person, is not that Advanced Nurturing High School Little Angel, but opened the Angel mask, finally appearance again in Fang Li front Little Devil. 现在,正抱住方里的人,不是那个高度育成高中小天使,而是揭开天使的面具,终于再一次的出现在了方里面前的小恶魔 This made Fang Li have a feeling. 这让方里产生了一种感觉。 That is, oneself were not grasped after back by a young girl, but was resisted vital point by assassin after back. 那就是,自己不是被一个少女从后背上抱住,而是被一个杀手从后背上抵住了要害 ( Also is really interesting experience...) (还真是有趣的体验…) Fang Li's corner of the mouth raised slightly. 方里的嘴角微微掀了起来。 How could had Fang Li been taken the back by others? How could also to be resisted vital point from the back? 方里何曾被别人拿下过后背?又何曾被人从背后抵住要害 Even in that Clan, can circle Fang Li's back, to person who it conducts the attack, it is estimated that only then that cheap foster father. 就算是在那一族里,能够绕到方里的后背,对其进行袭击的人,估计都只有那个便宜的养父了。 only, Nanaya Kiri, has the means to circle behind Fang Li even, does not have the means to take Fang Li's vital point. 只是,就算是七夜黄理,有办法绕到方里的背后,却没有办法拿下方里的要害 Therefore, Fang Li feels fresh. 所以,方里才觉得新鲜。 Has such feeling, Fang Li spoke with a faint smile. 带着这样的感觉,方里似笑非笑般的出声 If I said that 『Yes』, what to do you do prepare?” “如果我说「是」的话,你准备怎么办?” Such remarks, the deathly stillness fills the air. 此话一出,死寂弥漫。 Kushida Kikyou has not made noise again. 栉田桔梗没有再出声了。 But Fang Li actually knows, what expression the opposite party now is. 方里却知道,对方现在是什么样的表情。 Has definitely bitten the lip, does not know distortion appearance that should believe? 肯定是已经咬住了嘴唇,一副不知道该不该相信的扭曲模样吧? Does not want by Fang Li seeing this appearance, Kushida Kikyou will choose from the back hugs. 就是不想被方里给看到这个面目,栉田桔梗才会选择从后背抱上来。 Shows real side in others' front, this is the Kushida Kikyou's taboo. 在别人的面前展现真实的一面,这可是栉田桔梗的禁忌。 But now, Kushida Kikyou as if cannot suppress the innermost feelings the negativity. 可现在,栉田桔梗似乎压制不住自己内心的负面情绪了。 Actually Horikita... Horikita... Horikita... that woman has well what...!?” 堀北堀北堀北…那个女人究竟有什么好…!?” Kushida Kikyou then like cursing called in a low voice. 栉田桔梗便像咒骂一样的低声叫了起来。 In addition is a looks cute point, the result outstandingly, the woman of use has no, with such woman strike up a good relationship, is to you useful?” “不过是长得可爱一点,成绩优秀一点,除此之外没有任何的用处的一个女人而已,跟那样的女人打好关系,对你来说有什么用?” hearing this, the faint smile on Fang Li face starts becomes satirizes. 闻言,方里脸上的似笑非笑开始变得讽刺。 You also know that is useless with Horikita strike up a good relationship?” Fang Li then said somewhat mockingly: Why can you also with her strike up a good relationship? Even in only surface...” “你也知道跟堀北打好关系没什么用啊?”方里便有些讽刺的说道:“那你为什么还要跟她打好关系呢?就算只是表面上…” I...” Kushida Kikyou becomes silent. “我…”栉田桔梗哑然了。 But Fang Li's expression becomes indifferent. 方里的表情则重新变得淡然。 You should know?” Fang Li indifferently said: In this in Advanced Nurturing High School, the school authorities constructed an environment of competition, for was helps everyone obtain the growth in this environment, finally became available talent.” “你应该知道的吧?”方里淡淡的说道:“在这所高度育成高中里,校方构建起了一个竞争的环境,为的就是让所有人都在这个环境里获得成长,最终成为可用的人才。” This is the Advanced Nurturing High School basis, is its significance of existence. 这是高度育成高中的根本,亦是其存在的意义。 What's the big deal?” “那又怎么样?” Kushida Kikyou's ice-cold voice transmits from the back. 栉田桔梗冰冷的声音从背后传来。 What kind of?” Fang Li curls the lip immediately smiles, said: could it be that, you thought that the school authorities let you and Horikita enter D-Class absolutely not to have the reason together?” “怎么样?”方里顿时撇嘴一笑,道:“难道,你觉得校方让你和堀北一起进入D班是完全没有理由的吗?” Kushida Kikyou's breath obstructs slightly. 栉田桔梗的呼吸微微一窒。 Perhaps, hasn't Kushida Kikyou considered such a possibility from the start? 也许,栉田桔梗压根就没考虑过这样的一个可能性吧? Without a doubt, the school authorities were know you and Horikita past, but actually arranged you in a class, the reason should not only be because you two had the major flaw on personality.” “毫无疑问,校方是知晓你和堀北的过去的,但却还是将你们安排在一个班级,理由应该不仅仅是因为你们两个都有个性上的重大缺陷。” Fang Li has not turned head, only is feeling aura of back young girl, clarified. 方里没有回过头,只是感受着背后的少女的气息,如此讲明。 Although merely is my guess, but grievances between you two, which result will guide finally, perhaps is the matter that the school authorities want to observe.” “虽然仅仅是我的猜测,但你们两个之间的恩怨,最终会导向哪一个结果,或许就是校方想观察的事情。” Facing has not allow knows the past person, Kushida Kikyou will make what kind of dealing? 面对连存在都不容许的知晓自己过去的人,栉田桔梗会做出怎样的应对呢? Hides facing even the true colors, does not know why will hate own person extremely, Horikita Suzune will be making what kind of response? 面对连真面目都隐藏起来,不知为何极度怨恨着自己的人,堀北铃音又会做出怎样的回应呢? Among two people dispute, finally what guides is the good result, is the bad result? 两人之间的纠纷,最终导向的是好的结果,还是坏的结果呢? In the condition of this as incompatible as fire and water, among two people can also establish the competitive relations, thus grows? 在这种水火不容的状况里,两人之间是否也能建立起竞争关系,从而成长起来呢? These, perhaps are the things that the school authorities want to see. 这些,或许就是校方想看到的事情。 „...... What's the big deal?” “……那又怎样?” Kushida Kikyou silent for a while, gives such an indifferent reply immediately. 栉田桔梗沉默了一会,随即给出这样一个冷漠的回答。 Regarding this, Fang Li has not naturally made the obvious response. 对此,方里自然也没有做出明显的反应。 Not much.” “不怎么样。” As such a few words spread, Fang Li's body slightly in a flash, unexpectedly before Kushida Kikyou has not responded, without trace broke free from her hug. 随着这样的一句话传出,方里的身体微微一晃,竟是在栉田桔梗没有反应过来之前,不着痕迹争夺开了她的拥抱 Then, Kushida Kikyou's body stiffened. 然后,栉田桔梗的身体就僵住了。 Because only, Fang Li has turned around suddenly, extend the hand, shouldered Kushida Kikyou's chin, making her face to approaching oneself. 只因为,方里陡然转过了身,伸出手,挑起了栉田桔梗的下巴,让她的脸对向了自己。 Fang Li is gazing at somewhat stiff Kushida Kikyou that exquisite charming face, suddenly smiles. 方里就注视着有些僵硬的栉田桔梗精致的俏脸,蓦然一笑。 My only wants saying that actually, I am also very interested.” “我只是想说,其实,我也挺感兴趣的啊。” Left such words, Fang Li then loosened Kushida Kikyou, left directly. 留下这样的话,方里便松开了栉田桔梗,直接离开。 Kushida Kikyou then responded. 栉田桔梗这才反应了过来。 Looks the direction that Fang Li is departing, fluctuation that Kushida Kikyou's eyes continuously. 望着方里离去的方向,栉田桔梗的眼眸不住的变幻。 The night, passes, but. 夜,就这么流逝而过了。
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