IUD :: Volume #20 番外篇 欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室

#2250: Do not be disgraceful there

Some people came!” “有人过来了!” The resounding shout made in entire D-Class's camp appear instantaneously silent, all sounds were also one after another vanish. 响亮的喊声让整个D班的营地里瞬间出现了寂静,所有的声音亦是纷纷都消失。 That is...” “那是…” Hirata Yusuke and Kushida Kikyou is astonished. 平田洋介和栉田桔梗均都讶异而起。 Recognized newcomer some students of status is also startled at the scene however. 认出了来者的身份的部分学生亦是当场怔然了起来。 Fang Li has transferred the view similarly, looked that to can lead to the only one direction of this stretch of camp, namely the direction of forest. 方里同样转过眼帘,看向了能通往这片营地的唯一一个方向,即森林的方向。 In there, a man and a woman in tandem from the track between forests, saw that gathers people who have the lunch under the tree shade, immediately approached. 在那里,一男一女正一前一后的从林间的小道中走了出来,看到聚集在树荫下吃午饭的众人,立即就靠近了过来。 Hello.” “大家好啊。” By the bright sound toward precisely Ichinose Honami that everyone greeted. 以明朗的声音向着所有人打招呼的正是一之濑帆波 Wears sportswear, magnificent and waist long hair, even if making a long and wearisome journey not to see slight disorderly, before the stature is also , suddenly after curls upwards, without was given to cover up by loose sportswear completely, performs obviously beautiful and graceful B-Class class representative, in special exam's second day, visited D-Class's camp. 身穿运动服,一头华丽的及腰长发即使在长途跋涉中都不见有丝毫的凌乱,身材亦是前突后翘,完全没有被宽松的运动服给遮掩,尽显姣好和曼妙的B班班长,就在特别考试的第二天里,光临了D班的营地 Excuse me, disturbed.” “不好意思,打扰了。” Lowers the head to salute by the calm and modest tone, and follows in Ichinose Honami behind wears sportswear similarly, in the hand also takes guidebook, arrived at B-Class vice class representative of D-Class camp with Ichinose Honami together, Kanzaki Ryuuji. 以冷静和谦虚的口吻低头行礼,并跟在一之濑帆波身后的则是同样身穿运动服,手中还拿着指南手册,与一之濑帆波一起来到了D班营地的B班副班长,神崎隆二 B-Class two central character then simultaneously arrived here. B班的两个中心人物便齐齐的来到了这里。 The entire D-Class student stopped the feed immediately entirely, looked. 整个D班的学生顿时通通都停下了进食,看了过来。 Especially Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Horikita Suzune. 特别是绫小路清隆堀北铃音 „Did B-Class also come finally?” B班终于也过来了吗?” Ayanokouji Kiyotaka looking pensive. 绫小路清隆若有所思而起。 „Is she B-Class's Ichinose?” “她就是B班的一之濑?” Horikita Suzune sized up Ichinose Honami one rapidly, as if is also knows position of Ichinose Honami in B-Class. 堀北铃音迅速的打量了一之濑帆波一眼,似乎也是知道一之濑帆波B班中的地位。 But other know the circumstances of the matter the person who or does not know the circumstances of the matter to only have a performance. 而其余知情或者不知情的人则都只有一个表现。 That is to B-Class the arrival of person expresses surprised and security. 那就是对B班的人的到来表示惊讶和警戒。 Only Hirata Yusuke and Kushida Kikyou sets out together, greeted Ichinose Honami and Kanzaki Ryuuji in a friendly way. 唯独平田洋介和栉田桔梗一同起身,友好的迎接了一之濑帆波神崎隆二 Welcome, Ichinose-san, also Kanzaki-san.” 欢迎光临,一之濑同学,还有神崎同学。” Hirata Yousuke responded in the modest tone. 平田洋介以温和的语气进行回应。 Honami-chan and Kanzaki-san? How will you come here?” 小帆波神崎同学?你们怎么会来到这里啊?” Kushida Kikyou saw the friend who probably the sentiment is better the fleeing gate is the same, heartfelt performance happy facial expression. 栉田桔梗像是看到感情要好的朋友来窜门一样,由衷的表现出了开心的神情。 Regarding two people enthusiasms, Kanzaki Ryuuji also made the response. 对于两人的热情,神崎隆二同样做出了回应。 We are noticed that here has the smoke of bonfire to rise, speculated that which class camp here has to be situated, therefore comes to see especially.” “我们是看到这里有篝火的烟在上升,推测这边有哪个班级的营地坐落着,所以特地来看一下的。” Why Kanzaki Ryuuji will appear to the two people gave the explanation here. 神崎隆二对自己二人为何会出现在这里做出了解释。 This was also the obvious matter. 这也算是显而易见的事情了。 Occupying this as of a foothold isolated island commanding points, the advantage indeed has many, but the fault also has. 占据这个身为孤岛中的制高点之一的据点,好处的确有不少,可坏处亦不是没有。 And a fault is like, easy exposed position. 其中一个坏处就是会像这样,轻而易举的就暴露位置。 So long as in the forest, saw the cliff raised the smoke, that everybody knows that here has the person. 只要是在森林里,看到悬崖这边升起了烟,那无论是谁都会知道这里有人。 C-Class's Ishizaki Daichi is because discovered D-Class's camp like this, B-Class these two similarly are so. C班的石崎大地是因为这样发现了D班的营地,B班的这两人同样是如此。 Just, compares Ishizaki Daichi furtively, what Ichinose Honami and Kanzaki Ryuuji adopt visits the approach of open and aboveboard. 只不过,相比起石崎大地偷偷摸摸,一之濑帆波神崎隆二采取的是堂堂正正来拜访的做法。 Ichinose Honami then observed the situation entire D-Class's camp, looks that the tent, restroom, bonfire, hammock as well as each article systematic place the neat wooden daily necessities, cannot help but exclaims in surprise to make noise. 一之濑帆波便环视了一眼整个D班的营地,看着井然有序的帐篷、厕所、篝火、吊床以及一件件摆放整齐的木制生活用品,不由得惊叹出声。 D-Class compared with adapts to life in the wild that we imagine, is really surprising.” D班比我们想象的更适应野外生活呢,真是令人惊讶。” Should this be the idea that Ichinose Honami is from the heart? 这应该是一之濑帆波发自内心的想法吧? Kanzaki Ryuuji also same conducted the approval. 神崎隆二也一样进行了赞同。 In order to better in life in the wild, our class also many issues needs to solve, D-Class has actually solved the problems on various life probably appearance, is truly surprising.” “为了能够更好的在野外生活,我们班还有很多问题需要解决,D班却好像已经解决了各种生活上的问题了的样子,确实令人惊讶。” Perhaps, no matter Ichinose Honami or Kanzaki Ryuuji, have not thought that D-Class can achieve this situation? 恐怕,不管是一之濑帆波还是神崎隆二,都没有想到D班能做到这个地步吧? Regarding this, Hirata Yousuke explained actually very much confidently. 对此,平田洋介倒是很坦然的说明了。 If only then we are not definitely able to achieve this situation, these are Nanaya-san's merit.” “如果只有我们的话肯定无法做到这个地步,这些都是七夜同学的功劳。” Hirata Yousuke exposed Fang Li. 平田洋介就这么揭发了方里 Nanaya-san?” 七夜同学吗?” Ichinose Honami first gawked staring, at once is surprised looks to Fang Li. 一之濑帆波先是愣了愣,旋即惊讶般的看向了方里 At this time, Kushida Kikyou also seized every opportunity to supplement the explanation. 这时,栉田桔梗也见缝插针般的追加了说明。 Now is commanding the people of our class is Nanaya-san?” “现在在统率我们班的人就是七夜同学喔?” hearing this, Ichinose Honami blinks, shortly afterwards then smiled. 听到这话,一之濑帆波眨了眨眼睛,紧接着便是笑了。 This lets the condition that the person has not thought.” Ichinose Honami turns toward Fang Li to greet, while teased saying with a smile: „Before Nanaya-san, did not say do oneself have no interest in the class competition?” “这又是让人没想到的状况呢。”一之濑帆波一边向着方里打招呼,一边调侃般的笑道:“七夜同学之前不是说自己对班级竞争没兴趣吗?” hearing this, Fang Li shrugs, will also build in own body Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken three people gives to push aside, replied that and thinks little. 闻言,方里耸了耸肩,将还搭在自己身上池宽治山内春树须藤健三人给扒开,并不以为意的回了一句 only forces somebody to do something he incapable, do not care.” 只是赶鸭子上架而已,别在意。” Fang Li superficial this issue uncovering. 方里轻描淡写的将这一问题给揭过。 But Ichinose Honami naturally cannot by this view deceiving. 一之濑帆波自然不会被这种说法给糊弄。 Too will make people think modestly does not have the politeness?” “太谦虚可是会让人觉得没有礼貌的喔?” Ichinose Honami brought Kanzaki Ryuuji to approach together, arrived in front of Fang Li, is exposing the smile to Fang Li. 一之濑帆波带着神崎隆二一起靠近了过来,来到方里的面前,对着方里展露出笑容。 Then regarding Ichinose Honami, should the only very normal performance. 那对于一之濑帆波而言,应该只是很正常的表现。 Ichinose Honami and Fang Li are not the stranger, for the time being can be called is the acquaintance and even the friend, shows the amiable smile is very normal to Fang Li. 一之濑帆波方里本来就不是什么陌生人,姑且能够称得上是熟人乃至朋友,向方里露出平易近人的笑容也很正常。 only, Ichinose Honami the action, brought to the attention of many. 只是,一之濑帆波的这番举动,还是引起了不少人的注意。 For example hauled in Sakura Airi that in own group dines by Kushida Kikyou, looks at Ichinose Honami close to the Fang Li's appearance, the expression appears somewhat starts to speak but hesitates. 比如被栉田桔梗拉进自己的团体里进餐的佐仓爱里,看着一之濑帆波靠近方里的样子,表情显得有些欲言又止。 also treats in Fang Li's side gentlemen. 还有就是待在方里身边的一众男士们。 Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is good, even facing Ichinose Honami, as before that unshakeable light appearance. 绫小路清隆还好,即使面对一之濑帆波,依旧还是那个雷打不动的平淡模样。 But Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken were different. 池宽治山内春树须藤健就不同了。 so cute...” 好可爱…” Does not lose to Kushida-chan and Sakura completely...” “完全不输给小栉田佐仓呢…” If only Horikita could be as cheerful as her...” 要是堀北也能像她这么开朗的话就好了…” Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken appear some delay. 池宽治山内春树须藤健显得有些呆滞而起。 It seems like that beautiful girl shows the intimate smile, regarding just when the youngster of puberty, the lethality is big. 看来,美少女露出亲近的笑容的一幕,对于正值青春期的少年们而言,杀伤力不小呢。 Sees that nearby gentlemen were unable to continue watching. 见状,旁边的男士们都看不下去了。 Your several, should not be disgraceful there!” “你们几个,别在那里丢人现眼了!” Hurries to give me to come!” “赶紧给我过来!” Several male students then dragged away Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken together. 几个男生便将池宽治山内春树须藤健给一起拖走了。 what are you doing? Quick let go!” 你们干嘛啦?快放手!” Makes me look at both eyes! Has with other class the opportunity of beautiful girl speech with great difficulty!” “让我多看两眼啊!好不容易才有跟别的班级美少女说话的机会!” Why does not draw in Ayanokouji!?” “为什么不拉上绫小路啊!?” Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken three people of protestingly spoke, were actually disregarded, towed the one side entirely. 池宽治山内春树须藤健三人出声抗议了,却是被无视,通通拖到了一旁。 Ahaha...” 啊哈哈…” Perhaps is the sound makes too greatly, Ichinose Honami seemingly also heard anything, shows the awkward smile all of a sudden. 或许是动静闹得太大,一之濑帆波貌似也听到了什么了,一下子露出尴尬的笑容。 Ok, sat down.” “好了,坐下吧。” Fang Li has not paid attention to these farces, looks at Ichinose Honami and Kanzaki Ryuuji, shows a faint smile. 方里没有理会那些闹剧,看着一之濑帆波神崎隆二,微微一笑。 You should not only be greet?” “你们应该不仅仅是来打个招呼的而已吧?” Fang Li that assured view, let Ichinose Honami and Kanzaki Ryuuji looked at each other one, immediately nodded. 方里那笃定的说法,让一之濑帆波神崎隆二对视了一眼,随即点了点头 That disturbs.” “那就打扰一下吧。” Disturbed.” “打扰了。” At that moment, Ichinose Honami and Kanzaki Ryuuji sat. 当下,一之濑帆波神崎隆二坐了下来了。
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