IUD :: Volume #20 番外篇 欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室

#2240: Said these two people?

Day, gradually shone. 天,渐渐的亮了起来了。 With the appearance of dazzling sunlight, in D-Class's camp, the one by one student starts to wake up. 随着刺眼的阳光的出现,D班的营地里,一个个的学生均都开始醒来。 Early!” “早!” Early! Everyone!” “早啊!大家!” From tent or from hammock students one by one mutual greets, seems like the quite refreshing appearance. 从帐篷里或者是从吊床上下来的同学们一个个的互相打起了招呼,看起来颇为神清气爽的样子。 Obviously, everyone spent very substantial sleep time. 显然,大家都度过了一个非常充实的睡眠时间。 „, Can be so comfortable in the wilderness rest unexpectedly.” “没想到,在野外休息居然都能这么舒服。” Yes, feels compared with the ordinary also strength.” “是啊,感觉比平常还有力气。” The publication of students one by one the opinion, the smile of whole face, is disappearing completely before yesterday the anxiety and confusion. 学生们一个个的发表着意见,满脸的笑容,完全不见了昨天之前的不安和混乱。 Naturally, this did not represent the people completely to forget yesterday evening matter. 当然,这并不代表着众人已经完全忘记了昨天晚上的事情。 Kouenji that fellow, when this special exam conclusion, I must make him attractive!” 高圆寺那个家伙,等到这一次的特别考试结束,我一定要让他好看!” Right right!” “没错没错!” Most violent Sudou Ken takes the lead to speak, traded a support of numerous students. 最暴力的须藤健率先发言,换来了一众同学们的支持。 However, compared with yesterday that full was the indignation appearance, today, the present people are more like the complaint. 不过,比起昨天那满是怨愤的模样,今天,现在的众人更像是抱怨。 It seems like that after the substantial rest, classmates is calms down. 看来,在经过充实的休息以后,班上的同学们已经是冷静下来了。 Fang Li and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka takes the towel, conducts washing that side the stagnant pool, while comes back, saw this scene. 方里绫小路清隆一边拿着毛巾,在积水池那边进行洗漱,一边回来,看到了这个情景。 Everyone's condition very good.” “大家的状态都很不错啊。” Ayanokouji Kiyotaka made the most succinct review. 绫小路清隆做出了最简洁的点评。 Regarding this answers is not Fang Li, but saw after two people, Hirata Yousuke that is approaches. 对此做出回答的不是方里,而是看到两人以后便接近过来的平田洋介 This was lucky Nanaya-san, yesterday's herbal medicine and insect repellent had the effect very much, thank you very much.” “这都多亏了七夜同学,昨天的草药和驱虫剂都很有效果,真的非常的感谢。” Hirata Yousuke by compared with yesterday's neater facial features, expressed the most sincere gratitude toward Fang Li. 平田洋介以比昨天更加清爽的面容,向着方里表达了最真挚的谢意。 In this wilderness, everyone can rest already very good in the tent, as for the pillow and cushioning, is actually including one not to have. 在这种野外,大家能够在帐篷里休息就已经很不错了,至于枕头和软垫,却是连一个都没有。 Namely does not have the pillow, does not have the cushioning, if everyone rests in hard on the ground, next day will get up definitely to feel backbreaking? 即没有枕头,又没有软垫,大家若是都睡在坚硬的地面上,第二天起来肯定会觉得腰酸背痛吧? Let alone, in order to lets everyone has the place to rest, female students in both tent are press together, be at the crowded condition, must sleep unable to be relaxed. 更别说,为了能够让所有人都有地方睡,两个帐篷里的女生都是挤在一起的,处于密集的状态下,要睡觉都无法轻松起来。 In addition is the summer now, the night temperature is also very high, sleeps in the tent, its sultry degree can be imagined. 再加上现在正值暑期,夜里的气温也很高,在帐篷里睡觉,其闷热的程度可想而知。 Luckily, Fang Li made the remedial measure. 幸好,方里都做了补救措施。 The pillow and cushioning add on the thing that the remaining theater curtains sewed to replace with the grass that yesterday sheared, avoid the next day getting up the backbreaking result. 枕头和软垫都用昨天割下来的草加上剩下的幕布缝成的物件来代替,避免了第二天起来腰酸背痛的结局。 But the sultry weather, Fang Li chose cool mountain spring pouring on the ground or by the theater curtain wrapping in grass, reduced the temperature, making in the tent be able to maintain the cool condition. 而闷热的天气,方里则是选择了将清凉的山泉浇在地面上或者被幕布给包起来的草中,借此降低了气温,让帐篷内得以维持清凉的状态。 As the matter stands, there is an herbal medicine that Fang Li mixes, the people then looks like like that passed might be called the perfect first night in wilderness that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka said. 这样一来,又有方里调配的草药,众人便像绫小路清隆所说的那般,度过了在野外堪称完美的第一个夜晚。 Therefore, regarding Hirata Yousuke this one who keeps on good terms with everybody, can see that classmates are so harmonious and mind/energetic side, should feel quite happy? 因此,对于平田洋介这个滥好人而言,能够看到班上的同学们如此和谐与精神的一面,应该会觉得相当的开心吧? Can make Nanaya-san the team leader, was too good.” “能让七夜同学成为领队,真的太好了呢。” On Hirata Yousuke's face is then carrying the quite gentle happy expression. 平田洋介的脸上便携带着相当温柔的笑意。 Was praised to this share, trades to make others' words, even if on the mouth did not say, in the heart somewhat will be definitely self-satisfied? 被夸到这个份上,换做别人的话,即使嘴上不说,心中肯定会有些得意吧? But must say, Fang Li had not really thought this has anything to be great. 但必须说,方里真的没觉得这有什么了不起的。 Like like that Fang Li that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka said is completely not earnest, only did some basic wilderness work for the time being and directs, could not be regarded anything. 就像绫小路清隆所说的那般,方里并没有完全认真起来,只是姑且做了一些基本的野外工作与指挥而已,算不得什么。 Therefore, facing commendation that Hirata Yousuke spares no effort, Fang Li only spread out the hands. 所以,面对平田洋介不遗余力的称赞,方里只是摊了摊手 Bid goodbye early, the test also entire six days, no one knows that will have anything.” “话别说得太早,考试还有整整六天,谁都不知道会发生些什么。” Fang Li's words, making Hirata Yousuke's smile restrain gradually. 方里的话,让平田洋介的笑容渐渐的收敛了起来。 Said is also.” Hirata Yousuke somewhat heavy nodded, said: After all, withdrawal of Kouenji-san to us is a considerably large attack.” “说的也是。”平田洋介有些沉重的点了点头,道:“毕竟,高圆寺同学的退出对于我们来说算是一个相当大的打击呢。” Lost 30 points all of a sudden, which a class no matter, is a big loss. 一下子失去了30点数,不管是对哪一个班级而言,都是一个大损失。 Under Nanaya-san's help, our class altogether spent 50 points yesterday the buying daily thing, afterward to brew medicine to buy up the pot, spent 5 points, I think this consumption is few.” Hirata Yousuke very earnest said: But withdrawal of Kouenji-san made us lose the entire 30 points, altogether 85 points, do not know how compared the expenses of other class.” “在七夜同学的帮助下,我们班昨天一共花费了50点数来办置日常用品,后来又为了熬药买入了锅,花费了五点数,我认为这个消耗算是很少的了。”平田洋介很认真的这么说道:“但高圆寺同学的退出让我们又损失了整整30点数,一共85点数,不知道相比起其余的班级的消费又如何了。” Hirata Yousuke then feels the anxious appearance about this point. 平田洋介便对这一点感到非常的不安的样子。 Compared with Hirata Yousuke, conversely decided on the true sense class the face of future Fang Li and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka does not have the slight vacillation. 比起平田洋介,反倒是真正意义上决定班级的未来的方里和绫小路清隆的脸上没有丝毫的动摇。 Right, Hirata.” Ayanokouji Kiyotaka then asked suddenly: „Do you know C-Class's Ibuki and Kaneda?” “对了,平田。”绫小路清隆便突然这么问道:“你认识C班的伊吹金田吗?” C-Class student?” Hirata Yousuke is first startled, is actually honest replying: Probably has heard, but is not very clear.” C班的学生吗?”平田洋介先是一怔,却还是老老实实的答道:“好像有听说过,但不是很清楚。” Even if Hirata Yousuke occupies first three on handsome ranking of first grade, is very popular, but Hirata Yousuke usually besides class, what most often mingles among is Club, and also has to participate in the Club person also to other class topic Character to regard as another matter, but was not quite clear to others. 即使平田洋介在一年级的帅气排行榜上占据前三名之列,很受欢迎,但平田洋介平时除了班级以外,最常混迹的是社团,对其余班级的话题人物和同样有参加社团的人还另当别论,但对其余人就不太清楚了。 However... 不过… Kushida-san should know.” Hirata Yousuke said without hesitation: „If Kushida-san, certainly knows many other class people?” 栉田同学应该知道。”平田洋介不假思索的说道:“如果是栉田同学的话,一定认识很多其余班级的人吧?” Resolving to become popularity king of friend with everyone, indeed is most likely to know. 立志要与所有人成为朋友的人气王,的确是最有可能认识的。 If nothing else, before C-Class the information of some students were Kushida Kikyou provide to Fang Li's. 别的不说,之前C班的一些学生的情报就是栉田桔梗提供给方里的呢。 „Can that ask you to make Kushida come?” “那能拜托你让栉田过来一下吗?” Ayanokouji Kiyotaka very rare makes to want with the girl to start visits and discussions the behavior on own initiative. 绫小路清隆很难得的主动做出想和女孩子进行接触的行为。 Naturally does not have the issue.” “当然没问题。” Hirata Yousuke complied immediately, has turned around, entered the camp. 平田洋介立即应了下来,转过身,进入了营地。 In a while, bringing Kushida Kikyou of towel slightly to run over. 没过多久,带着毛巾的栉田桔梗小跑了过来。 Sorry, making you wait for a long time.” “抱歉,让你们久等了。” Kushida Kikyou seemingly also just conducted to wash, looks stands abreast in row Fang Li and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, first blinks, immediately smiled. 栉田桔梗貌似也是刚刚去进行洗漱了,看着并排站在一起的方里和绫小路清隆,先是眨了眨眼睛,随即笑了起来。 Sees you two to stand, always thought that has to plant to have the feeling of very important matter.” “看到你们两个人站在一起,总觉得有种要发生很重要的事情的感觉呢。” D-Class's Little Angel feeling as is always quite keen. D班的小天使一如既往的感觉相当敏锐。 Fang Li anything had not said, only a matter of no concern to oneself stands in the one side, is wiping the face with the towel. 方里什么都没说,只是事不关己般的站在一旁,用毛巾擦着脸。 Sees that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka helplessly spoke. 见状,绫小路清隆无奈出声 Kushida, do you know C-Class's Ibuki and Kaneda?” 栉田,你认识C班的伊吹金田吗?” This issue, obtained Kushida Kikyou's reply immediately. 这个问题,立即得到了栉田桔梗的回答 Was says C-Class Ibuki Mio-san and Kaneda Satoru-san?” “是说C班伊吹澪同学金田悟同学吗?” Kushida Kikyou not lets people down gave the satisfying answer. 栉田桔梗不负众望的给出了让人满意的答案。 I knew that but often did not talk with them, therefore was not very ripe.” “我认识喔,不过却不常跟他们交谈,所以也不是很熟。” This enough. 这就够了。 Even if not very ripe, that still compares anything not to know. 即使不是很熟,那也比什么都不知道好。 Can ask you to say these two people to us?” “能拜托你跟我们说说这两个人吗?” Ayanokouji Kiyotaka spoke requirement, and aggravated the tone in 『We』 this glossary, obviously was the plan gets into the water Fang Li very much, did not make Kushida Kikyou get suspicious, suspected the reason that oneself asked suddenly, reduced own existence feeling as far as possible. 绫小路清隆出言请求,并在「我们」这个词汇上加重了语气,很明显是打算将方里拖下水,不让栉田桔梗起疑心,怀疑自己突然这么问的原因,尽量降低自己的存在感。 But the answer that Kushida Kikyou gives, naturally only has one. 栉田桔梗给出的答案,自然只有一个。 Ok, if can play anything to help, I will be very happy.” “可以啊,如果能够起到什么帮助的话,我会很高兴的。” Kushida Kikyou showed the delightful smile. 栉田桔梗露出了甜美的笑容。 The present two men are the desolate type, the only this smile, feared that can make the male student fall to the enemy? 要不是其眼前的两个男人都属于冷淡的类型,单凭这个笑容,怕是就能让男生沦陷了吧? Therefore, Kushida Kikyou started to explain. 于是,栉田桔梗开始说明了起来。
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