IWTOTSDF :: Volume #25

#2493: Last wish

Lin Yue stands in the one side looks at coldly, the youth wants under the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator to him, ending up before is so out is also the retribution. 林越站在一旁冷眼相看,青年之前想对他下黑手,落得如此下场也是报应。 But he has not forgotten at present a more important matter, will immediately focus on That side Han great. 可他没有忘记眼下更要紧的一件事,立刻将视线放在了韩伟那边。 Han great is collapsing at this moment in same place, that immortal law lethality that he just displayed is powerful, is he presses one of the bottom methods, but will also create a big side effect on oneself body, if not for he will not easily display with this hopeless situation. 韩伟此刻正瘫倒在原地,他刚刚施展出的那道仙法杀伤力强大,也是他压箱底的手段之一,但同样会对己身造成不小的副作用,若不是遇此绝境他也不会轻易施展出来。 But the effect similarly is very astonishing, even the figure has inflated, the strength rose the thing of many evil spirit, was still cut to strike the fragment that dozens sizes varied under this immortal law together, died again cannot die! 可效果同样是非常惊人的,即便是已经身形膨胀,实力上涨了不少的凶煞之物,依然在这一道仙法之下被斩击成了数十块大小不一的碎块,死得不能再死了! „...... Has not thought that Han meets body falling here...... Han great to put out extravasated blood unexpectedly, is also mixing with the fragments of many internal organs, saw that the aura even more is also meager, during must fall into dies out. “咳咳……没想到韩某人居然会身陨此处……”韩伟吐出一口淤血,其中还夹杂着许多脏腑的碎片,眼看气息也愈发微薄,就要陷入寂灭之中。 At this time, the Lin Yue half step went forward, the look said sorrowfully, Han Weixian friend, you were good?” 这时,林越快步上前,神色悲痛地说道,“韩伟仙友,你还好吗?” „...... Immortal Lin friend?” “……林仙友?” Sees the status of future, Han great who the semi-closure focuses on to be somewhat surprised, does not seem to expected him also to live. 看见来者的身份,半闭着眼的韩伟有些惊讶,仿佛是没料到他还活着似的。 How you will return safe and sound......” “你怎么会毫发无伤……” Han great was clear that use that together immortal law finally, the covered range achieves the surrounding hundred zhang (333 m) sufficiently, the damage of although from the center more far causing is then smaller, but should not have now this situation is...... 韩伟清楚自己最后施展那一道仙法,覆盖的范围足以达到周围的百丈,虽然距离中心越远造成的伤害便越小,可也不应该出现现在这种情况才是…… Moreover he also noticed existence of Lin Yue with that youth at that time, but has not deliberately received the hand. 而且他当时也注意到了林越与那名青年的存在,不过并没有刻意收手。 On the one hand the reason is worried about the might of immortal law is unable insufficient second of the thing of evil spirit kills that immortal empty boundary, on the other hand also considered for oneself, if these two mortals live, oneself actually become the body of severe wound, is very passive? 一方面原因是担心仙法的威力不足无法秒杀那只仙虚境的凶煞之物,另外一方面也是为了自身考虑,万一这两个凡人活下来,自己却成为了重伤之躯,岂不是很被动? Therefore Han great stimulated to movement that immortal law directly full power, what made him not think, that immortal empty boundary the thing of evil spirit poured into some sanies before dying his wound unexpectedly, was incapable of stopping doing the time that to corrode his mortal body while him seriously, this causes now occurrence of this situation. 因此韩伟直接全力催动了那一门仙法,但令他没想到的是,那只仙虚境的凶煞之物在死之前竟然将一部分脓液注入了他的伤口之中,趁着他无力抽手的时刻严重腐蚀了他的肉身,这才导致如今这种情况的发生。 But he regrets that now , the sanie of thing of evil spirit like violently poisonous has been disintegrating his tissue without enough time generally, his body the oil lamp is completely dry, crosses dozens breaths then to perish again thoroughly...... 但他现在后悔也已经来不及了,凶煞之物的脓液如同剧毒一般瓦解着他的身体组织,他的身体已经油尽灯枯,再过几十息便会彻底殒命…… Possibly is because I do leave quite far?” Lin Yue looked that said to him. “可能是因为我离得比较远?”林越看向他说道。 The Han great silent half sound, is smiling bitterly shaking the head, „before , you can cut to kill that only four arms the thing of evil spirit I then to feel that some are not right, but without wants then to fall into the fight with enough time, I know that you definitely have your secret, now I at death's door inquire into that again these did not have the significance, but I want to ask you to help my matter......” 韩伟沉默半响,苦笑着摇了摇头,“之前你能斩杀那只四臂的凶煞之物我便感觉有些不对,不过没来得及多想便陷入战斗,我知道你肯定有自己的秘密,如今我死到临头再探究这些也没意义了,但我想请你帮我一件事……” The Lin Yue vision concentrates, later nods. 林越目光一凝,随后点了点头。 His not accidental/surprised Han great can guess correctly comes, after all the ordinary person not possible to survive from just that invisible fluctuation, even if makes the black tiger help that half step step into an immortal person to come, same is unable to escape by luck from this immortal law. 他并不意外韩伟能够猜出一些来,毕竟一般的人不可能从刚刚那种无形的波动中存活下来,哪怕是让黑虎帮那个已经半步踏入仙道的人来,一样无法从这道仙法下幸免。 Good, I promise you.” “好,我答应你。” Hears the reply of Lin Yue, Han great shows a faint smile, then takes out the brocade bag of waist gives Lin Yue, gives together his also has together all over the body the deep green token. 听见林越的回答,韩伟微微一笑,然后将腰间的一个锦袋取出交给林越,一同递给他的还有一块通体碧绿的令牌。 „Is this......?” “这是……?” Some Lin Yue doubts asked. 林越有些疑惑地问道。 This is my accept Wudai also has the status token,...... I hope that you can my status token back immortal palace, this accept Wudai then gives your advantage, after you grasped the fairyism, then can...... Han great say its activation off and on, after speaking the last few words closed the eye thoroughly. “这是我的纳物袋还有身份令牌,咳咳……我希望你可以将我的身份令牌送回仙宫,这个纳物袋便是给你的好处,等你掌握了仙气后便可以将其激活……”韩伟断断续续地说道,在说完最后一句话后彻底闭上了眼睛。 At this moment, the fairyism of his within the body starts to emit in the world, because did not have the resistance of fairyism, before the thing of evil spirit poured into the sanie of his within the body also to start to corrode his mortal body rapidly, quick then turned into ashes his entire body. 这一刻,他体内的仙气开始向天地间散溢,而且由于没了仙气的抵抗,之前凶煞之物注入他体内的脓液也开始迅速腐蚀起他的肉身,很快便将他整个身体变成了一片灰烬。 Lin Yue stands in same place silent, after the moment, sighed deeply saying that „...... you first gave me actually an immortal law.” 林越站在原地沉默不语,片刻后长叹了一声说道,“……你倒是先给我一门仙法啊。” Han great can cut to kill continuously immortal empty boundary the thing of evil spirit, own realm will not definitely lower, in the hand grasped many immortal laws inevitably. 韩伟能够斩杀一直仙虚境的凶煞之物,想必自身的境界肯定也不会低,手中必然掌握了许多仙法。 Is storing up these accept Wudai of immortal law, only then after grasping the fairyism, can activate opens, Lin Yue now the remnant volume that actually only then does not plan to practice, can only look that this accept Wudai stared on helplessly anything not to do. 储存着这些仙法的纳物袋只有掌握仙气后才可以激活开启,林越如今却只有一份不打算修行的残卷,只能看着这个纳物袋干瞪眼什么都做不了。 Sighs reluctantly, these two things of Lin Yue in the hand receives. 无奈地叹了一口气,林越将手中这两个物件收好。 Although accepts the bag he unable to open, criterion that but cultivates the behavior by him, since received the advantage, must complete others last wish after all. 虽然纳物袋他还打不开,但以他做人的准则,既然收了好处,总归是要完成人家遗愿的。 As for this accept Wudai , after can only wait for him to seek a proper immortal law cultivation has, again tries opening. 至于这个纳物袋,也只能等他寻到一门正经的仙法修炼有成后,再去尝试地开启了。 Suddenly, the reflection flashes through the corner of the eye of Lin Yue together, brought to his attention. 忽然,一道反光闪过林越的眼角,引起了他的注意。 Un? This is......” “嗯?这是……” He notices suddenly, by tearing to shreds the thing of corpse of evil spirit, had dropped out together the black crystal of illumination unexpectedly. 他突然注意到,已经被碎尸万段的凶煞之物尸体中,竟然掉出一块发光的黑色晶体。 But in this black crystal floods one to let he somewhat familiar aura, is somewhat similar to the sanie that in the thing of body beforehand evil spirit drips. 而这黑色晶体中充斥着一股让他有些熟悉的气息,与之前凶煞之物身体中淌出的脓液有几分相似。 The Lin Yue look concentrates, crosses Han great who is reduced to ashes, walks to go forward several steps. 林越眼神微凝,越过化为灰烬的韩伟,走上前几步。 Carefully observed the moment, determined that this black crystal will not conduct after the outside world injures without distinction, Lin Yue then puts out a hand it to pick up. 仔细观察了片刻,确定这块黑色晶体并不会对外界进行无差别地伤害后,林越这才伸手将其拾起。 „The thing of this evil spirit is the immortal empty boundary, after it dies , the thing that falls should not be every thing......” “这只凶煞之物乃是仙虚境,它死后掉落出的东西应该不是凡物……” Although obtains Han great accept Wudai, but after all before grasping the fairyism is unable to open, therefore Lin Yue can be now poorly and blankly besides the wealth of these mortals, naturally does not plan this doubtful is the thing of treasure throws down. 虽然已经得到了韩伟的纳物袋,但毕竟在掌握仙气前无法开启,所以林越如今除了那些凡人的钱财外可以算得上是一穷二白,自然不打算将这个疑似是宝物的东西丢下。 After the black crystal receives, Lin Yue to before by him is solved the place that the thing of that evil spirit perishes to walk, but he had not found similar thing here. 将黑色晶体收好后,林越又向之前被他解决掉那只凶煞之物殒命的地方走去,不过在这里他并没有找到类似的东西。 Naturally this matter has not affected the Lin Yue mood, now what because is placed in front of Lin Yue is another difficult issue. 当然这件事并没有影响林越的心情,因为如今摆在林越面前的是另外一个严峻的问题。 That is Zhao Laosan has died in the subordinate of thing of evil spirit, how should he then pass through this jungle? 那就是赵老三已经死在凶煞之物的手下,他接下来该如何穿过这片丛林? From the Zhao Laosan beforehand complaint, Lin Yue has known that he position has not arrived at half of entire journey at present, but following can only lead the way by him, this not different is very difficult. 从赵老三之前的抱怨中,林越已经知道他目前所处的位置还没有到整段路途的一半,而接下来的只能由他自己一个人前行,这无异是非常困难的。 Late at night , the surrounding darkness, Lin Yue was unable to hurry along in this case, has to choose a direction to go out of the number hundred zhang (333 m) to be far away from just battlefield. 深夜已至,周围一片漆黑,林越也无法在这种情况下赶路,只好选择了一个方向走出数百丈远离了刚刚的战场。 Because he does not know that something of actually how many that evil spirit , to continue to stop over same place in likely meets after the thing of evil spirit catches up with, will such very be how could it not be awkward? 因为他不知道那种凶煞之物究竟有多少只,继续逗留在原地很可能与后赶来的凶煞之物碰见,那样岂不会很尴尬? If presented one again and just the thing of same immortal empty boundary evil spirit...... 若是再出现一只和刚刚一样的仙虚境凶煞之物…… The consequence is simply dreadful! 后果简直不堪设想! Although Lin Yue a moment ago resisted Han great that together immortal law, but will not consider resources bite off more than can chew thinks oneself have really been able to meet the tough head-on with toughness with existence of immortal empty boundary. 林越刚才虽然抗下了韩伟那一道仙法,但不会自不量力地认为自己真的已经可以和仙虚境的存在硬碰硬了。
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