IWTOTSDF :: Volume #25

#2492: Perishing together

Do not come!” Han great cold sound said. “别过来!”韩伟冷声说道。 May make use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions is the instinct of lifeform, dark is the terrifying source, actually particularly also not the clear monster places where, Zhao Laosan and the others are how possible, because Han Wei's a few words then stop the footsteps. 可趋利避害是生物的本能,黑暗本来就是恐怖的源泉,尤其是还不清楚怪物究竟身处何处,赵老三等人怎么可能因为韩伟的一句话便停下脚步。 When three people soon rush to Han great nearby shortly, actually stopped suddenly. 眼看三人就快要跑到韩伟的附近时,却突然停了下来。 The vision of Lin Yue doubts swept, immediately becomes dignified. 林越疑惑的目光扫了过去,顿时变得凝重起来。 Sees only three people behind was covered by a jet black shadow, later a terrifying arm stretches out from the shadow, has delimited from their back strangely! 只见三人的身后被一层更加漆黑的阴影所笼罩,随后一只恐怖的手臂从阴影中伸出,诡异地从他们的背后划过! Scoffing- 嗤- With a sound of skeleton smashing, Zhao Laosan and the others the heads stare fall from the neck, ‚’ falls, in the ground rolled into the darkness. 伴随着一阵骨骼粉碎的声响,赵老三等人的头颅直勾勾地从脖子上滑落,‘吧嗒’一声掉在了地上滚入黑暗中。 ......” “呼……” Han great deeply shouted the one breath, has not produced because of three people of deaths vacillates slightly, in discovering the thing of that only eight arm evil spirits came to also got hold of the silver zhang (3.33 m) to aim at its direction. 韩伟深呼一口气,并没有因为三人的死而产生丝毫动摇,在发现那只八臂凶煞之物现身的同时也握紧银丈对准了它的方向。 spring Yongju!” “泉涌聚海!” In a flash, in the entire jet black space hears crash-bang the great waves sound, Lin Yue can feel that the ground of under foot gradually becomes moist, filled the fairyism the ocean waves then to overflow his ankle area quickly. 一瞬间,整个漆黑的空间中传来‘哗啦啦’的浪涛声,林越能够感觉到脚下的地面逐渐变得湿润,充满仙气的海浪很快便没过他的脚踝。 But this strength will as if only have the effect on the goal, Lin Yue is attacked by the ocean waves, but felt that air/Qi of biting cold chill/yin cold spread to his body. 但这股力量似乎只会对目标产生效果,林越并没有遭受到海浪的攻击,只是感觉到了一股彻骨的阴寒之气向他的身上蔓延。 However this degree of strength and is not affected much regarding the Lin Yue present body intensity, let alone Han great at this moment in the , he is more impossible to use the Brilliant Qi strength to resist. 不过这种程度的力量对于林越如今的身体强度而言并无大碍,更何况韩伟此刻就在附近,他也不可能动用曜气的力量来抵挡。 Then, Lin Yue carries the biting cold chill/yin cold to stand in the water, is gazing at another battlefield. 就这样,林越扛着彻骨的阴寒站在水泊中,注视着另外一处战场。 The thing of eight arm evil spirits also contact the great waves that swept across to come, form sudden in shadow, the body starts to tie the quiet blue ice sludge! 八臂凶煞之物也接触到了席卷而来的浪涛,阴影中的身影突然一顿,身上开始结起幽蓝色的碎冰! Ka ka ka- 咔咔咔- In the line of sight of Lin Yue, its whole body to the speed be frozen fast, sends out the intermittent chill in the air. 林越的视线中,它的全身以飞快地速度被冰冻,散发出阵阵寒意。 But another side Han great has not let up this opportunity, holds up the silver zhang (3.33 m) to wield to cut to the direction of thing of evil spirit directly! 而另外一边的韩伟也没有放过这次机会,直接举起银丈冲着凶煞之物的方向挥斩下! - 咔嚓- A sound of ice piece disruption resounds, because the nearby of thing of evil spirit extremely in the blackness, actually Lin Yue has not seen it to receive what injury. 一阵冰块碎裂的声音响起,不过由于凶煞之物的附近太过于漆黑,林越并没有看见它究竟受到了何种伤势。 But since Han great somewhat loud gasping for breath sound can see that just that immortal law had a big consumption regarding him together. 但从韩伟有些粗重的喘气声可以看出刚刚那一道仙法对于他产生了不小的消耗。 Suddenly, in the mouth of thing of evil spirit expresses distant severe Ming, making the jet black space produce mighty waves. 忽然,凶煞之物的口中发出一声悠远的厉鸣,让漆黑的空间都产生了一丝波澜。 -!” “噗-!” The Han great look also changes, as if suffered the heavy losses to be the same, in the mouth spouted together the blood arrow, the figure could not stop backward suddenly/violently to retreat! 韩伟的神色随之一变,仿佛受到了重创一般,口中喷出一道血箭,身形止不住地向后暴退! Jet black barrier gradually vanishes, the surrounding space also no longer looked like just like that pitch-dark, Lin Yue saw clearly the thing of present situation that evil spirit while this. 漆黑的结界逐渐消失,周围的空间也不再像刚刚那般伸手不见五指,林越趁此看清了那只凶煞之物如今的情况。 Saw only on it the original eight arms only to be left over half, remaining four had also been covered by the quiet ice, is hard to move, and sent out the strong cold air! 只见它身上原有的八条手臂只剩下了一半,剩下的四条也都已经被幽冰覆盖,难以动弹,并散发出浓烈的寒气! Meanwhile, the waist of thing of evil spirit is presenting a profound scar, is flowing to bring the pitch-black sanie of thin film of ice, should then be Han great just that move of consumption huge immortal law created. 同时,凶煞之物的腰间呈现着一道深邃的伤痕,从中正流淌出带着冰碴的深黑脓液,应该便是韩伟刚刚那一招消耗巨大的仙法所造成的。 May compared with the thing of condition pitiful evil spirit, Han great situation not feel better obviously. 可比起状态凄惨的凶煞之物,韩伟的情况显然也不太好过。 His figure fell back on by a very far old tree, a hand builds on the tree trunk is supporting itself, another hand grasps the silver zhang (3.33 m) to droop in the body side, in the mouth coughs unceasingly some blood froth, looks very distressed. 他的身形退到了很远的一颗古树旁,一只手搭在树干上支撑着自己,另外一只手则是握着银丈耷拉在身侧,口中不断咳出一些血沫,看起来很是狼狈。 These two fellows were seemingly evenly matched......” Lin Yue to make the judgment silently. “这两个家伙看起来势均力敌……”林越默默地做出了判断。 Now this situation is to him good, if Han great strength were far less than that the thing of evil spirit, the fight moment will then possibly flee to the wilderness, will not project on now this degree, if the thing of evil spirit were solved conveniently by Han great, his attention may return to the body of Lin Yue, how pondering over him to solve the thing of beforehand that evil spirit by the strength of mortal. 如今这种情况对他而言还算不错,若是韩伟的实力远不如凶煞之物,可能交手片刻便会落荒而逃,根本不会打到如今这种程度,若是凶煞之物被韩伟随手就解决掉,他的注意力可能又会回到林越的身上,琢磨他是如何以凡人之力解决掉之前那只凶煞之物的。 Thinks simply, Lin Yue then decided vanishes this opportunity while jet black barrier, leaves battlefield that both battle. 简单想了一下,林越便决定趁漆黑结界消失这个机会,离开两者交战的战场。 As for their final results, Lin Yue does not feel curious, who wins this fight is not quite to him important, more importantly do not involve his body. 至于他们最终的结果,林越也并不感到好奇,谁赢下这场战斗对于他来说都不太重要,重要的是别牵扯到他的身上。 But at this moment, the thing of that evil spirit does not know that received anything to stimulate, the whole body started to inflate unexpectedly, from original two long rose suddenly high more than four zhang (3.33 m), before the injury of waist grows black granulations, gradually healed. 可就在这时,那只凶煞之物不知受到了什么刺激,全身竟开始膨胀起来,从原本的两长多高暴涨到了四丈多,之前腰间的伤势更是长出一条条黑色肉芽,逐渐愈合了起来。 Sees this one, the Han great pale complexion became uglier, in his mouth meditates the immortal law then to flee here immediately. 见此一幕,韩伟苍白的脸色变得更加难看了,他口中默念起仙法便想立刻逃离此处。 Although the thing of this evil spirit from looking at the hillside that place is born, possibly is hiding with the strong immortal treasure related secret, but in this critical position, where his also dares to keep thinking is looking at that immortal treasure on hillside? 虽然这只凶煞之物是从望山坡上那处诞生而出的,可能隐藏着与强大仙宝有关的隐秘,但在这种生死攸关的境地,他哪里还敢惦记着望山坡上的那件仙宝? At present what is most important is can maintain a livelihood! 目前最要紧的还是能够活命! But Han great immortal law just displayed general, then discovery distant place the thing of evil spirit from vanishes same place does not see, not a good premonition appeared in his mind. 可韩伟的仙法刚刚施展一般,便发现远处的凶煞之物从原地消失不见,一种不好的预感出现在了他的脑海中。 The next quarter, he felt that present line of sight one dark, seemed blocked by anything generally. 下一刻,他感觉眼前的视线一暗,仿佛是被什么挡住了一般。 Bad......!” “糟了……!” In Han great heart one anxious, just before preparing likely, is attacked for the first time when moves aside like that four arms that behind are actually raided lock in firmly! 韩伟心中一急,刚准备像之前第一次遇袭那般躲闪时,却已经被身后袭来的四只手臂牢牢锁住! Situation is not wonderful!” “情况不妙!” The Han great pupil shrinks, whole body then transmitted the fierce ache. 韩伟瞳孔一缩,全身上下便传来了剧烈的疼痛。 - 咔嚓咔嚓- Other thing of only four arms evil spirit catch up, the Han great the skeleton cuns (2.5 cm) smashing of both arms and waist! 凶煞之物仅余下的四条手臂纷纷发力,将韩伟双臂和腰间的骨骼一寸寸粉碎! Han great exudes one to wail, but has not given up, his within the body sweeps across powerful fairyism, formed ripple to proliferate to the whole body a layer upon layer! 韩伟发出一声哀嚎,可并没有就此放弃,他的体内席卷出一股强悍的仙气,形成了一层层波纹向周身扩散! Buzz humming sound- 嗡嗡嗡- Lin Yue of distant place when feeling this fluctuation is also the look concentrates, time what this Han great displays is perishes together no difference attack, wants to use the body hardly anti- is not realistic again. 就连远处的林越在感受到这股波动时也是眼神一凝,这一次韩伟施展的乃是同归于尽般的无差别攻击,再想用身体硬抗根本就不现实。 But, Lin Yue has to offer a sacrifice to Brilliant Qi to cover quietly on the body, resists the immortal law that Han great uses by this. 无奈之下,林越只好悄悄祭出曜气覆盖在身上,以此来抵抗韩伟所施展的仙法。 Scoffs- 嗤嗤嗤- The invisible fluctuation is corroding Lin Yue Brilliant Qi unceasingly, but Lin Yue has restored now, when like just did not arrive at this world is incapable like that facing so oppressed successfully to resist. 无形的波动不断侵蚀着林越曜气,可林越如今已经恢复了许多,根本不像刚来到这个世界时那般无力,面对如此压迫还是成功抵挡了下来。 Although he evaded, but another person did not have good luck like that. 他虽然是躲过了,可另外一人就没有那般好运了。 Before that said the thing of evil spirit youth who own father is the Liuzhou city provincial governors although by four arms lost on the ground, received the great injury, because just moved about with difficulty, just can only lie in jet black barrier in the ground trembles, fortunately survived on the contrary. 之前那名说自己父亲是柳州城刺史的青年虽然被四臂的凶煞之物丢在地上,受了不浅的伤势,但正因为行动不便,刚刚在漆黑结界中只能趴在地面上瑟瑟发抖,反倒是幸存了下来。 But facing Han great undifferentiated immortal law, the moment he then experiences personally several attacks now merely, the flash made into the screen by that invisible fluctuation! 可如今面对韩伟无差别的仙法,仅仅片刻他便身受数道攻击,一瞬间被那种无形的波动打成了筛子! pū pū-! 噗噗噗-! Even the pitiful yell sound sends out without enough time, the youth is direct the life to lose Yellow Springs, turns into an icy corpse. 连惨叫声都来不及发出,青年便直接命丧黄泉,变成一具冷冰冰的尸体。
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