IWTOTSDF :: Volume #25

#2490: Harboring evil intentions

However at this time they actually Lin Yue that noticed to walk gradually, that scar of knife wound face has not said anything after the time look twinkle of Lin Yue, but Zhao Laosan was stares the big eye to say. 不过这时他们却注意到缓步走来的林越,那名刀疤脸经过林越的时候眼神闪烁并没有开口说什么,而赵老三则是瞪大眼睛说道。 You also dare to come!? Run!” “你怎么还敢过来!?快跑啊!” The Lin Yue look invariably, looks that calmly at present not far away that whole body jet black four monsters narrow the eye slightly. 林越神色不变,冷静地看着眼前不远处那只浑身漆黑的四手怪物微微眯起眼睛。 Although this monster the fairyism of within the body implication are not many, that but the mortal body intensity helps king Ran and black tiger is much stronger, therefore Lin Yue does not plan and opposite party one time meets the tough head-on with toughness comes to fight. 这只怪物的体内蕴含的仙气虽然不多,可肉身强度远比王冉以及黑虎帮的那位强得多,因此林越并不打算和对方硬碰硬地来一次交手。 At this time, that well-dressed youth and another female run staggering side Lin Yue. 这时,那名衣着华丽的青年和另外一名女子踉踉跄跄地跑过林越身旁。 Suddenly, has run up to the Lin Yue behind youth complexion one ruthless, has turned around to lift ruthlessly starts to trample to Lin Yue. 忽然,已经跑到林越身后的青年脸色一狠,转过身狠狠地抬起脚踹向林越 On his face appears to wipe to sneer, said sinisterly, „, since yourself court death, might as well help us delay time!” 他的脸上浮现出一抹冷笑,阴险地说道,“既然你自己找死,不如帮我们多拖延一点时间!” When he touches the body of Lin Yue, complexion actually instantaneous one stiff, later threw off by a huge reacting force in the place. 可当他触碰到林越的身体时,脸色却瞬间一僵,随后被一股巨大的反作用力掀翻在地。 How can......?” “怎么会……?” A youth face looks inconceivable to Lin Yue, he in touching the Lin Yue flash felt oneself kicked probably on a copper coin general. 青年一脸不可思议地看向林越,他在触碰到林越的一瞬间感觉自己像是踢在了一块铜板上一般。 Several people of escaping were shocked by this, but is quick they then to respond that actually to have anything, the youth prepares to keep to delay the monster Lin Yue the speed, actually does not know why falls down. 逃跑的几人都被这一幕惊呆了,但很快他们便反应过来究竟发生了什么,青年是准备将林越留下来拖延怪物的速度,却不知为何自己跌倒在地。 The Lin Yue vision puts aside from the monster, looks excessively indifferently to the youth. 林越的目光从怪物身上移开,偏过头冷漠地看向青年。 Some it seems like people harbor evil intentions......” “看来有些人不怀好意……” „...... Do not come!” The youth said panic-stricken, the body unceasing rearward moves. “别……别过来!”青年惊恐地说道,身体不断向后方挪去。 But was on the one hand grasped the neckband to raise by Lin Yue, the both feet cannot be well-grounded, struggles float in the midair. 可还是被林越一手抓住领口提了起来,双脚不能着地,挣扎地悬浮在半空。 The scar of knife wound face sees this, had a lingering fear shouted a big tone, because he passed through Lin Yue before time also almost made and youth similar action, wanted to delay the monster by this speed, had not chosen to begin after the hesitant moment fortunately at that time. 刀疤脸看见这一幕,心有余悸地呼了一大口气,因为他之前经过林越的时候也差一点做了和青年相似的举动,想要以此来延缓怪物的速度,还好当时在犹豫片刻后还是没选择动手。 I told you, but my father the Liuzhou city provincial governor, you dares to me, my father to be will not let off like this absolutely your!” “我告诉你,我父亲可是柳州城刺史,你敢这样对我,我父亲是绝对不会放过你的!” Lin Yue does not attend to the threat and cursing of hand middle aged, lost that only jet black four monster bodies , before it directly. 林越不顾手中青年的威胁与咒骂,直接将其丢到了那只漆黑的四手怪物身前。 At this time before that monster already, was killed the body of female to swallow completely, after seeing the youth, was thrown in the eye the blood light flashes, lifts the hand to meet directly. 此时那只怪物已经将之前被杀害女子的尸体全部吞下,看见被抛过来的青年后眼中血光一闪,直接抬手接去。 But at this moment, an intense pressure drops from the clouds, penetrates in its mind, making its body refuse to compromise instantaneously same place. 可就在这时,一道强烈的威压从天而降,贯入它的脑海之中,令它的身体瞬间僵持在了原地。 Lin Yue selects the eyebrow slightly, although he has restored many, but used divine conscious still to make him endure the enormous burden. 林越微微挑眉,虽然他已恢复许多,但动用神念依然让他承受了极大的负担。 In the mind transmits the tear pain, but Lin Yue can feel weaker than before. 脑海中传来撕裂般的痛楚,不过林越还是可以感受到比之前弱了一些。 It seems like the wound when with the restoration of his body, arrives at this world divine conscious receives also to vanish little. 看来随着他身体的恢复,来到这个世界时神念受到的创伤也在一点点消失。 The next quarter, the Lin Yue form jumps out like the ghosts and demons, arriving at that was only jet black the monster behind, in both hands condenses Brilliant Qi to pound to the back of the body of opposite party! 下一刻,林越的身影如同鬼魅般窜出,来到了那只漆黑怪物的身后,双手中凝聚起一丝曜气向对方的后心捣去! Because on the scene is some mortals, monster that Lin Yue must kill, therefore after he does not care uses Brilliant Qi, will have what not good impact. 因为在场的不过是些凡人,还有一只林越必杀之的怪物,所以他也不在乎动用曜气后会带来什么不好的影响。 After all these mortals have not grasped the immortal law, actually isn't able to distinguish him to display this strength is what? 毕竟那些凡人没有掌握仙法,是根本无法分辨出他所施展这股力量究竟是什么? Tittering- 噗嗤- Like the sharp lance is been ordinary by the double fist that Brilliant Qi attaches, pierced the body of monster without any hindrances. 曜气附着的双拳如同尖矛一般,毫无阻碍地刺穿了怪物的身体。 Blue black sanies flow out from the wound, lend the corrupt aura, making Lin Yue unable to bear knits the brows slightly. 一道道深黑色的脓液从伤口中流出,散发出腐败的气息,让林越忍不住微微皱眉。 However is good because of having Brilliant Qi protects the body, the strength in this sanie is unable to corrode his body. 不过好在有曜气护体,这股脓液中的力量根本无法侵蚀他的身体。 The Lin Yue look concentrates, next quarter both hands catch up to extract from the monster back of the body, later follows a set pattern is the consecutively several fists! 林越眼神一凝,下一刻双手发力从怪物的后心抽出,随后如法炮制地又是连续几拳! Puff pū pū- 噗噗噗噗- Although the strength of this jet black monster is powerful, the mortal body intensity is not bad, may meet has restored many Lin Yue still to be similar to general that the paper sticks, is hard to make any effective resistance radically. 这只漆黑怪物的力量虽然强悍,肉身强度也不差,可遇上已经恢复了许多的林越依然如同纸糊的一般,根本难以做出什么有效的反抗。 Before not to mention Lin Yue, using the divine conscious pressure, conducted a dimensionality reduction to attack to its consciousness, thorough chaotic its combat capability. 更别提林越之前还利用神念的威压,对它的意识进行了一次降维打击,彻底混乱了它的战斗能力。 Is seriously battered one after another, the monster exudes one to angrily roar ear-spittingly, will catch the youth in hand to eject at will, has turned around with filling the double pupil of blood threads is staring at Lin Yue stubbornly. 接连遭受重创,怪物发出一声震耳怒吼,将抓在手中的青年随意抛出,转过身用充满血丝的双瞳死死盯着林越 Bang- 砰- The body of youth pounds ruthlessly in the ground, on the face lost the blood-color instantaneously, in the mouth also flowed out together the blood. 青年的身体狠狠地砸在地面上,脸上瞬间失去了血色,口中也流出一道血来。 Although he escapes from the hand of monster by luck, but is a mortal, being under this impact is the injury is naturally heavy. 他虽然从怪物的手中侥幸逃脱,可自身不过是一介凡人,受到这种冲击自然是伤势不轻。 However at this time no one had focused in him, Zhao Laosan, the scar of knife wound face have that females to look tight to Lin Yue, the hope that they will have survived placed the body of Lin Yue. 不过这个时候已经没有人将目光放在他身上了,赵老三、刀疤脸还有那个女子都紧张地看向林越,他们已经将存活下去的希望放在了林越的身上。 Why although not clear Lin Yue has strength so, can hit to have with this only terrifying monster, but this situation obviously before them disperses to run away is much safer. 虽然不清楚林越为何有这般实力,能够与这只恐怖的怪物打得有来有回,但这种情况显然比他们之前分散开逃走要安全得多。 Lin Yue notices the monster to turn around, has not waited for it to make the next response, flushes away to the opposite party preemptive, Brilliant Qi condenses in the hand unceasingly. 林越注意到怪物转过身,也没有等它做出下一步反应,先发制人地向对方冲去,曜气不断在手中凝聚。 The four arms of monster are brandishing crazily, just like four stick sticks to deadlock the surrounding space completely, attempts to reduce and solve the Lin Yue offensive beyond own range. 怪物的四只手臂疯狂挥舞着,犹如四只棍杖将周围的空间全部锁死,企图将林越的攻势化解在自身的范围之外。 But the Lin Yue step as deep as a well, on a breath in the left side of monster, the next breath still has rushed to the monster behind. 林越的步伐令人难以捉摸,上一息还在怪物的左侧,下一息已经奔向怪物的身后。 - 唰- Two forms interlock, produced stagnation of flash. 两道身影交错而过,产生了一瞬间的凝滞。 Partly after making a sound, Lin Yue shakes the head slightly, exhales the one breath. 半响后,林越微微摇头,呼出一口气。 But he head of that monster shot up to the sky behind, tumbles in the ground, the nape of the neck place blowout corrupt black sanie, incomparably felt sick. 而他身后那只怪物的头颅冲天而起,滚落到了地面上,脖颈处喷出腐败的黑色脓液,令人无比作呕。 Lin Yue received Brilliant Qi quietly, has turned around to look this headless monster to the ground. 林越悄然收去了身上的曜气,转过身看向地面上这只无头怪物。 He feels some doubts, why will this monster appear here? 他感到有些疑惑,这只怪物为什么会出现在这里? Although Zhao Laosan mentioned in the jungle to have some dangers before, but this monster does not belong at present obviously one type, first did not say that Zhao Laosan can brave such danger to lead them across the jungle, said that in town other hunting households, which is not upon the jump in the jungle frequently, has not mentioned in the jungle to have this inhuman monster. 虽然赵老三之前提到过丛林内存在一些危险,但眼前这只怪物显然并不属于其中一种,先不说赵老三会不会冒着这样的生命危险来带他们穿过丛林,就说镇子中其他的猎户,哪一个不是经常在丛林中跑来跑去,也从没提及过丛林中存在这种非人的怪物。 At this time, Zhao Laosan and the others also approached slowly, when they saw in the ground the corpse of monster, looks became in high spirits. 这时,赵老三等人也缓缓靠近过来,当他们看见地面上怪物的尸体时,一个个的神色变得兴高采烈起来。 God, is this real? You really killed this monster unexpectedly......!” “天啊,这是真的吗?你居然真的弄死了这只怪物……!” Brothers your strength, has this grade of method unexpectedly, I have not thought.” “兄弟你实力可以啊,居然有这等手段,我是万万没想到的。” Young Master are you also the people in Liuzhou city? My father is the deacon in Wanbao pavilion, after Liuzhou city, I make certainly my father repay you well.” 公子你也是柳州城的人吗?家父是万宝阁的执事,等到柳州城后我一定让家父好好报答你。” The people arrive at side Lin Yue, was saying to him chaotically. 众人来到林越身旁,对着他七嘴八舌地说道。
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