IWTOTSDF :: Volume #25

#2489: Night present monster

He may remember that beforehand Zhao Laosan has guaranteed, has him to lead not to have any problem to come, but will also mention in the jungle to encounter the danger now? 他可记得之前赵老三保证过,有他带队不会出现任何问题来着,可现在怎么又会提及丛林内会遇到危险? Zhao Laosan as if also says inadvertently, said , the look seems somewhat awkward, partly after making a sound, replied embarrasedly, „, such big jungle will definitely have the place of danger, but according to I many years of experience walked, under the ordinary circumstances will not bump into, you followed I to avoid.” 赵老三似乎也是说漏了嘴,说完之后神色显得有些尴尬,半响后才讪讪地答道,“是啊,这么大一片丛林肯定会有危险的地方,只不过按照我多年的经验来走,一般情况之下都不会撞见的,你们跟着我就可以避开。” Lin Yue heard that the word nods looking pensive. 林越闻言若有所思地点了点头。 Zhao Laosan saw that is not willing saying that brought up other things to branch off the topic hastily. 赵老三见状也不愿意多说,连忙提起其他的事情将话题岔开。 Then, the group in the jungle went through several double-hour, the situation that Zhao Laosan expects really happened. 就这样,一行人在丛林内穿行了几个时辰后,赵老三预料的情况果然发生了。 Females in that four people said suddenly, „, really could not take a walk, we rest!” 那四人中的一个女子突然说道,“诶呀,实在是走不动了,我们歇息一下吧!” Afterward that four people have not solicited the suggestions to Zhao Laosan, footsteps then stopped. 随后那四人没向赵老三征求意见,一个个脚步便停了下来。 You......” “你们……” Zhao Laosan sees the appearances of these people, some vitality/angry want to say anything. 赵老三看见这些人的样子,有些生气地想说什么。 According to his plan, only needed then to be able across the jungle to arrive in the Liuzhou city for two days and one night, like this they only need to stop over a night in the jungle, the danger also in his control range. 原本按照他的计划,只需要两天一夜便可以穿过丛林到达柳州城,这样他们在丛林内只需要逗留一个夜晚,危险还在他的掌控范围之内。 But if according to the approaching speeds of these fellows, perhaps next evening basic to the Liuzhou city, as the matter stands the danger coefficient will greatly be raised! 可若是按照这几个家伙的行进速度,恐怕第二天晚上根本到不了柳州城,这样一来危险系数将会大大提升! Ok, didn't rest a meeting? Has something to make much ado about nothing, do not forget us is your employer!” That well-dressed young people some said discontentedly. “好了,不就歇息一会吗?有什么可大惊小怪的,别忘了我们才是你的雇主!”那名衣着华丽的年轻人有些不满地说道。 Zhao Laosan sees that is also forced to give up, arrives at plant which grows from the side to have the sulks. 赵老三见状也只好作罢,走到一旁生起闷气。 Lin Yue is actually indifferent, although Zhao Laosan mentioned the danger, but the big probability was also in the jungle a wolf tiglon kind of wild animal, to him and was not affected much, even if met can still solve conveniently. 林越倒是无所谓,赵老三虽然提及危险,但大概率也不过是丛林中狼虎狮一类的野兽,对他而言并无大碍,就算遇上也是可以随手解决。 Rested half double-hour, that four young people then set out one by one. 足足歇息了半个时辰,那四个年轻人这才逐一起身。 Zhao Laosan these has not said anything time, but continues to start to lead the way in the frontline silently. 赵老三这一次也没有说什么,只是默默地继续开始走在最前方开路。 Moves back and forth by this, the time also gradually arrived at the evening, the weather starts to be dim, in addition they place the lonesome and quiet jungle, added many terrifying colors. 以此往复,时间也逐渐来到了晚上,天色开始黯淡起来,再加上他们身处幽静的丛林,更是增添了不少恐怖色彩。 Tonight rests in this, meets me to be able the raising fire of high-piled firewood, do not leave arbitrarily is too far.” Zhao Laosan looked at the eye surrounding scenery, the complexion somewhat said ugly/difficult to look at. “今夜就在此休憩,一会我会升起火堆,不要擅自离开太远了。”赵老三看了眼周围的景色,脸色有些难看地说道。 His region person from this route across the jungle, in the scenery regarding this journey also somewhat is more than once familiar, now till they altogether marched forward 1/3 distances, it can be said that he had led in the past in the person conducts efficiency slowest one batch...... 他不止一次地带人从这条路线穿过丛林,对于这条路途中的景色也有些熟悉,现在为止他们一共才行进了三分之一的路程,可以说是他以往带过的人之中进行效率最慢的一批…… But at this moment, he is impossible to lose several people like this in the jungle, no matter, can only be the mute eats the Chinese goldthread rhizome, has bitterly cannot say...... 可事到如今,他也不可能就这样将几人丢在丛林中不管,只能是哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出…… Tidied up the time that the dry firewood was on fire while Zhao Laosan, Lin Yue was also strolling everywhere, has not detected what danger. 趁着赵老三收拾干柴起火的时间,林越也在四处逛了一圈,并没有察觉到什么危险。 Moreover, in the distances of today's these double-hour, Lin Yue is also paying attention to the surrounding situation frequently, although felt twice large-scale wild animals, but has not been aloof in the mediocre range. 不仅如此,在今天这几个时辰的路程当中,林越也时刻注意着周围的情况,虽然感受到了两次大型野兽,但都没有超脱于凡俗的范围。 It seems like this jungle is only the topography will really make people be hard to pass through complex, rather than has the thing that certain mortals cannot resist with all one's strength. 看来这片丛林真的只是地势复杂才会让人难以穿过,而非是存在某些凡人不可力敌的东西。 Thinks of here, Lin Yue starts to think, after waiting to pass through this jungle, before Zhao Laosan the Liuzhou city that mentioned, how his next should? 想到这里,林越开始思索起来,等穿过这片丛林之后,到了赵老三之前提到的柳州城,他下一步该如何? At this moment, in the jungle spreads a sad and shrill scream suddenly! 就在这时,身后的丛林内突然传出一声凄厉的尖叫! „......!!!” “啊啊啊……!!!” Lin Yue was awakened from the ponder, the vision concentrates has turned around hastily. 林越从沉思中被惊醒,目光一凝连忙转过身。 By the branch that hollows out alternately, Lin Yue saw Zhao Laosan's That side scene. 透过交叉镂空的树枝,林越看见了赵老三那边的景象。 Grows four arms, the whole body jet black monster is squatting to sit by the fire of high-piled firewood, a hand seizes females in that four people according to the ground, but others were frightened dull by present one on the spot. 一个长着四条手臂,全身漆黑的怪物正蹲坐在火堆旁,一只手掐住那四人中的一个女子按在地上,而其他人都被眼前的一幕惊吓得呆愣在原地。 This is!?” “这是!?” In Lin Yue heart one startled, he just guessed that the danger in this jungle is only some wild animals, without thinking then appears in quickly unexpected his exists...... 林越心中一惊,他刚刚猜测这片丛林中的危险只是一些野兽,没想到这么快便出现在他意料之外的存在…… Moreover from his sensation, this monster clearly is not mediocre at present! 而且从他的感知当中,眼前这个怪物明显已经不属于凡俗之列了! Is this danger that in Zhao Laosan mouth can avoid? 这就是赵老三口中可以避开的危险吗? This fellow is simply far-fetched! 这家伙简直也太不靠谱了! Lin Yue criticizes to say in the heart. 林越在心中暗骂道。 Zhao Laosan has not personally seen this type of weaponry obviously, at this time the complexion was frightened white, stands in same place moves does not dare to move, for fear that draws the attention of monster. 赵老三显然也是没亲眼见过这种阵仗,此时脸色被吓得唰白,站在原地一动不敢动,生怕引来怪物的注意。 Oh......” “唉……” Lin Yue sighs, gradually walks to go forward. 林越叹了一口气,缓步走上前。 Although he has no favorable impression to that four fellows, does not plan to lend a hand to assist, but he pinned across the hope of this jungle on Zhao Laosan's body, this fellow cannot die. 虽然他对那四个家伙没什么好感,并不打算出手相助,但他穿过这片丛林的希望可是寄托在了赵老三的身上,这家伙绝不能死。 At least at present is this. 至少在目前是这样的。 As for that monster, Lin Yue from its body, although felt a strength, but has not helped in that former master compared with the black tiger many. 至于那个怪物,林越从它的身体中虽然感受到了一股力量,但并没有比黑虎帮那位前任帮主强上多少。 Explained that opposite party also a monster that foot treads into an immortal Yuan boundary, has not been aloof in the mediocrity completely. 说明对方也不过只是才一只脚踏入仙元境的怪物,并没有完全超脱于凡俗。 At this time, in the monster opponent that women's continuous squeal of seems like some is not impatient, the arm caught up to tear two sections the opposite party from the waist unexpectedly directly! 这时,怪物对手中那名女子持续不断的尖叫声似乎有些不耐烦了,手臂发力竟然直接将对方从腰间撕裂成了两截! Hiss-! 嘶啦-! Infiltrates person's pitiful yell along with the female, several other people fall down directly panic-stricken. 伴随着女子更加渗人的惨叫,其余几人更是直接惊恐跌倒在地。 Looks that the body has succeeded in giving up two sections, companion but who had not been killed immediately, they as if had seen the following fate, arrives pale wan. 看着身体已经断成两截,但并没有在第一时间丧命的同伴,他们仿佛已经看见了自己接下来的下场,脸色苍白到毫无血色。 Only then that scar of knife wound face is better, supports reluctantly on the ground has not dropped down, but the both legs also keep shaking. 只有那名刀疤脸还好一些,勉强撑在地上没有倒下,但双腿也抖个不停。 Where they have seen so bloody one, even as the wealthy family juniors in Liuzhou city, has heard beside the secret about mediocrity, but this is the first time that they personally saw this scene. 他们哪里见过如此血腥的一幕,即便身为柳州城内的富家子弟,听闻过一些关于凡俗之外的秘密,可这还是他们第一次亲眼所见这种场景。 The monster extends two arms to grasp the upper part of women's, later raised head to throw into the mouth to chew. 怪物伸出两条手臂抓起女子的上半身,随后仰头丢入了口中嘴嚼起来。 Has become the worn out pitiful yell sound these directly to stop suddenly time, goes to the son to bring is being spreads to the people ear that to infiltrate the chewing sound of person. 已经变得有气无力的惨叫声这一次直接戛然而止,去儿带着的则是传入众人耳中那渗人的嘴嚼声。 A short time ago remembers a person who also jumped for joy, the short more than ten breaths had lost the vitality in the past, the people always thought that some are not quite realistic. 想起前不久还活蹦乱跳的一个人,短短十几息过去就已经失去生机,众人总觉得有些不太现实。 We run separatedly......!” “我们分开跑……!” At this time, that scar of knife wound face said trembling, later turned around then to think fled the scene. 这时,那名刀疤脸战战兢兢地说道,随后转身便想着逃离现场。 His status is actually the guard of that youth, this time is to accompany the opposite party comes in this secluded from the world small town to explore. 他的身份其实是那名青年的护卫,这一次是陪同对方前来这个与世隔绝的小镇中探险。 But at this moment, under facing critical situation, his where also dares to intend to protect to the youth. 但此时此刻,在面临着生死攸关的情形之下,他哪里还敢对青年出手相护。 In the face of the life, some become insignificant. 在性命面前,一些都变得微不足道起来。 But several other people of hears word also set out hastily, prepares to run away according to the words of scar of knife wound face separatedly. 而其他几人闻言也连忙起身,准备按照刀疤脸的话分开逃走。 They were clear that this monster the strength is strong, is not their these mortals can resist with all one's strength, all actions will only catch the whole lot in a dragnet, might as well runs away the abundant way out to come out separatedly! 他们清楚这只怪物的力量强大,绝不是他们这些凡人可以力敌的,一切行动只会被一网打尽,还不如分开逃走博一条生路出来!
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