IWTOTSDF :: Volume #25

#2486: Observes and emulates the remnant volume

From the beginning discovered when old book that Lin Yue seeks, the white hair man has not left the plan of Lin Yue it, even is only a remnant volume, on gives the immortal palace still to obtain not the poor reward. 一开始发现林越所寻到的古籍时,白发男子并没有将其留给林越的打算,就算只是一份残卷,上交给仙宫依然可以获得不菲的奖励。 However the Lin Yue manner style of speaking made him have a favorable impression, what or does after he also want to take a look to have this and other unusual disposition mortals stepped the road of immortal cultivation, has? 不过林越的举止谈吐都让他生出了一丝好感,或者说他也想瞧瞧拥有这等超凡心性的凡人踏上修仙之路后发生什么? If after Lin Yue, really becomes, his also had a good reason. 若是林越之后真的有所成,他这也算是结下了一桩善缘。 But Lin Yue after hearing the words of white hair man, makes a surprised manner to say intentionally, many thanks Exalted Immortal!” 林越在听见白发男子的话后,故意作出一副惊讶的神态说道,“多谢上仙!” He also holds the attempt attitude to try to make a good impression on the white hair man, never expected that the opposite party really left him this remnant volume. 他也只是抱着尝试地态度试着给白发男子留下一个好印象,没想到对方真的将这份残卷留给了他。 Moreover can know from the mouth of white hair man, although this is only a remnant volume, but can also be quite preciously. 而且从白发男子的口中可以得知,这虽然只是一份残卷,但也算得上比较珍贵的了。 The white hair man beckons with the hand, does not need to call like this, since you have the immortal law in the hand, was the person of immortal cultivation, called me to be able by the Han great immortal friend.” 白发男子摆了摆手,“无需这样称呼,你既然已有仙法在手,便算是修仙之人了,以韩伟仙友称呼我便可。” Han Weixian friend, below Lin Yue.” “韩伟仙友,在下林越。” „The Immortal Lin friend, Han also has the duty of immortal palace in the body, cannot many stop over here, said goodbye in advance, in the future will be predestined friends says goodbye.” 林仙友,韩某还有仙宫的任务在身,不能多在这里逗留,就先行告辞了,日后有缘再见。” Han great nods, later changes into wisp of cool breeze to vanish in the room, just before leaving has not left behind the method that anything contacts with Lin Yue, but said the sentence is predestined friends meets again. 韩伟点了点头,随后化为一缕清风消失在房间中,临走时也没有与林越留下什么联络的手段,只是说了句有缘再相见。 Sees this, Lin Yue is not surprised, although according to Han great said, the hand grasped the immortal law he is also half foot treads into the road of immortal cultivation, but did not have eventually truly successfully, status of both sides was not coordinated, Han great has not mentioned the method of later contact is very normal. 看见这一幕,林越也没有感到意外,虽然照韩伟所说,手握仙法他也算是半只脚踏入了修仙之路,但终究还没有真正成功,双方的身份并不对等,韩伟没有提及之后联络的方法也很是正常。 It looks like in Lin Yue, Han great can leave his one this remnant volume mortal, is the good-hearted generation. 林越看来,韩伟能够将这份残卷留给他一介‘凡人’,就已经算是心地善良之辈了。 At this time, Lin Yue felt suddenly somewhat accidentally/surprisingly, since Han great suddenly appeared had passed good, but outside the room was quiet throughout, has not transmitted a wee bit sounds. 这时,林越突然感觉到有些意外,从韩伟突然出现已经过去了好一阵,可房间外始终静悄悄的,没有传来一丁点声响。 Must know before Lin Yue enters the room, in the institute stands the guy who 20 black tigers are helping, how can a sound not send out. 要知道在林越进屋之前,院内可是站着二十来个黑虎帮的大汉,怎么会一点声响都不发出。 In the heart of Lin Yue has not a good premonition, but this premonition after he opens the door, quick was then confirmed. 林越的心中出现一丝不好的预感,而这种预感在他打开房门后,很快便被验证了。 In yard that in the middle the black tiger helps a silence, before Lin Yue has seen these people covered with blood have fallen down, vented anger the multi- air admissions little unable to live shortly completely. 之间黑虎帮的大院内一片寂静,之前林越见过的那些人都已经血肉模糊地瘫倒在地,出气多进气少眼看全部都活不成了。 Lin Yue smacks the lips saying that looks like immortal cultivation so-called good-hearted also targeted......” 林越咂咂嘴说道,“看来修仙者所谓的心地善良也是有针对性的……” Obviously, Han great is not any good-hearted person, before the attitude to Lin Yue was also because was moved by his manner, otherwise the Lin Yue fate will perhaps not compare person good many that these black tigers helped, after all regarding immortal cultivation of keeping aloof, the mortal all was the ants. 显然,韩伟并不是一个什么老好人,之前对林越的态度也不过是因为被他的举止所打动,若不然林越的下场恐怕不会比这些黑虎帮的人好多少,毕竟对于高高在上的修仙者而言,凡人皆是蝼蚁。 Helps since the black tiger in simply the room of former master plunders some wealth, Lin Yue Han great gives back to his old book to receive, turned around to leave here. 简单从黑虎帮前任帮主的房间内搜刮一些钱财后,林越将韩伟还给他的古籍收起,转身离开了这里。 When are not many, Lin Yue was admitted to a inn in town. 不多时后,林越住进了镇子中的一家客栈内。 Now his in the hand has from imitating the mess hall just before leaving that uncle to his several money, the wealth that plunders from the black tiger help/gang, through understanding of Lin Yue in price of this world, these money can maintain several months of normal life at least. 如今他手中有从仿膳堂临走时那位老伯给他的几枚钱币,还有从黑虎帮内搜刮到的钱财,通过林越对这个世界中物价的了解,这些钱起码可以维持几个月的正常生活。 In the guest room, Lin Yue sits well near the table, observed and emulated the old book in hand carefully. 客房中,林越端坐在桌边,仔细观摩起了手中的古籍。 Crash-bang- 哗啦- Just opened the old book to have a liking for two, an indistinct feeling then spread to the Lin Yue heart, the characters on these pages filled the fairyism, as if his reading can penetrate his within the body to be the same directly. 刚刚翻开古籍看上两眼,一股缥缈的感觉便传入林越的心头,这些书页上的字充满了仙气,仿佛随着他的阅读可以直接贯入他的体内一般。 Lin Yue defends stubbornly the mind, has not easily immersed to be one of them, because before he remembers Han great, has said that in his hand this immortal law is a remnant volume , can only practice high an immortal Yuan boundary. 林越固守心神,并没有轻易地沉浸在其中,因为他记得韩伟之前说过,他手中这一本仙法不过是一份残卷,最高也只能修行到仙元境。 Although he is really at present few regarding the understanding of immortal cultivation, but can also listen to an immortal Yuan boundary in the Han great mouth is very realm of foundation. 虽然他目前对于修仙的了解甚少,但也能够听出仙元境在韩伟的口中不过是很基础的一个境界 Therefore Lin Yue wants to know about the road of many several points immortal cultivation through this remnant volume, had not planned same really by this immortal cultivation with the former master who the black tiger helps. 因此林越只是想通过这份残卷对修仙之路多几分了解,并没打算和黑虎帮的前任帮主一样真的以此来修仙。 After a double-hour, Lin Yue puts down the old book in hand, closed the eye slowly. 一个时辰后,林越放下手中的古籍,缓缓阖上了眼睛。 This remnant volume name for the Sanyang real stream that branches and merges again secret art, is a majoring in immortal law, because the content is incomplete, can only cultivation the immortal Yuan boundary peak, wants to continue to cultivate, can only seek its law in addition. 这份残卷名为三阳真汜诀,属于一门主修的仙法,因为内容残缺不全,只能够修炼到仙元境巅峰,想要继续修炼下去,就只能另寻它法了。 Although this remnant volume seems like to Lin Yue has no help, but popularizes the general knowledge that many immortal cultivation related for him. 虽然这份残卷看起来对林越没什么帮助,但为他普及了不少有关修仙的常识。 In this world, immortal cultivation can cultivation many immortal laws, but majors in actually can only be, but realm of immortal cultivation also decides according to the progress in this Lord immortal cultivation law. 在这个世界中,修仙者可以修炼多门仙法,但主修的却只能是其中的一门,而修仙者的境界也是根据在这门主修仙法上的进度而定的。 Therefore chooses one to suit own immortal law as majoring is an extremely important matter, will elect to be twice the result with half the effort well, elects naturally not to delay the rise of strength well enormously. 所以选好一门适合自己的仙法作为主修是极为重要的一件事,选得好了可以事半功倍,选不好自然会极大地拖延实力的提升。 On the other hand, Lin Yue from this remnant volume also knows that an immortal Yuan boundary indeed is realm of unusual foundation, the mortal and immortal then do not lie in whether stepped into an immortal Yuan boundary, only then grasps the revolution of whole body immortal lineage/vein, is free about fairyism receiving and dispatching, is steps into an immortal Yuan boundary to become an immortal truly. 另外一方面,从这本残卷中林越也知道仙元境的确是非常基础的一个境界,凡人与仙人之别便在于是否踏入了仙元境,只有掌握全身仙脉的运转,对仙气收发自如,才算是踏入仙元境真正地成为了一名仙人。 Is only half foot enters into an immortal Yuan boundary like the master who former that black tiger helped, even if the strength were big several times compared with the common mortal, the skill also became very vigorous, but is unable to control the fairyism freely, in the final analysis cannot step into an immortal Yuan boundary. 像之前那位黑虎帮的帮主就只是半只脚迈入仙元境,纵然力量比起寻常的凡人大出数倍,身手也变得十分矫健,可无法自如地控制仙气,归根到底还是未能踏入仙元境。 If he really becomes an immortal, it is estimated that will not be patted like that at will by a Han great palm. 他若真的成为了一名仙人,估计也不会被韩伟那般随意地一掌拍死了。 Lin Yue cannot bear guess in the heart, Han great strength in what kind of level? 林越忍不住在心中揣测起来,韩伟的实力又是在何等层次? The information that although knows from the remnant volume is not profound, but Lin Yue knows after immortal Yuan boundary, is a level of named immortal empty boundary, later he is not again clear. 虽然从残卷中得知的信息都不算高深,但林越还是知道了仙元境之后,是一个名为仙虚境的层次,再之后他便也不清楚了。 Therefore I at present most urgent should seeks a Lord immortal cultivation law, best have effect that can cover the strength aura, as the matter stands I but then Brilliant Qi of use within the body but does not need to be worried about other......” “所以我目前最紧迫的应该是寻得一份主修仙法,最好拥有可以掩盖力量气息的效果,这样一来我便可是动用体内的曜气而无需担心其他了……” Lin Yue is thinking in the heart silently, in the mind flashes through many thoughts. 林越在心中默默地思索着,脑海中闪过许多念头。 Now his body receives to exist in the God King Token Zhongyang nourishing of immortal base, completely dry Brilliant Qi had restored 70 – 80%, although does not know after this strength fully recovers, is equivalent to what realm strength under the suppression of this world, when used divine conscious sensation king Ran also to observe Han great from before to act the condition, went far beyond absolutely their. 如今他的身体受到存在于神王令中阳间仙基的滋养,原本已完全干涸的曜气都恢复得七七八八,虽然不知道这股力量完全恢复后在这个世界的压制下相当于什么境界的实力,但从之前用神念感知王冉还有观察韩伟出手时的状态,绝对是远远超过他们的。 He passes through repeated battle body, although had been weakened under the powerful principle of this world, but after it fully restores also similarly is a highly regarded strength. 还有他经过千锤百炼的战体,虽然在这个世界的强大法则之下已经被削弱了许多,但当它完全恢复后也同样是一股不可小觑的力量。 Then, is studying the content of this remnant volume, while gains to nourish from the world of the living immortal base, recuperation of Lin Yue in the inn five days of went out again. 就这样,一边专研着这份残卷的内容,一边从阳间仙基中获取滋养,林越在客栈内休整了五天的时间才再一次外出。
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