IWTOTSDF :: Volume #25

#2485: The accident/surprise meets by chance

Bang- 砰- Lin Yue hears the hollow sound, in the look also to flash through suddenly together wipes the pleasant surprise. 林越突然听见一道中空的声响,眼神中也随之闪过一抹惊喜。 Unexpectedly really made him bump into, the luck was also good! 居然真的让他碰上了,运气还算是不错! When Lin Yue makes an effort to retard again, that wall cut unexpectedly slowly, revealed a little cave entrance. 林越再次用力一推后,那块墙壁竟然徐徐从中划开,露出了一个小小的洞口。 Lin Yue divine conscious searches into, immediately induces existence of one volume of old books, it seems like that this is that black tiger helps the secret of former master until now hidden, finally fell into his hand today. 林越神念探入其中,立刻从中感应到了一卷古籍的存在,看来这便是那位黑虎帮前任帮主一直以来隐藏的秘密,终于在今日落入他的手中了。 Finally must contact the immortal in this world to say truly, even if even Lin Yue also cannot help but filled with the anticipation. 终于要真正接触到这个世界内的仙道,哪怕连林越也不由得充满了期待。 While Lin Yue takes out the old book from cave entrance, the wall becomes fits together perfectly, the entrance suddenly hears sound of footsteps. 正当林越从洞口中将古籍取出,墙壁又重新变得严丝合缝的时候,门口突然传来一阵脚步声。 In the instigation goods that Lin Yue vision, in some intent outer courts that flock of black tigers help how some people dare to near this room, but suddenly the complexion becomes dignified. 林越目光一顿,有些意外院中那群黑虎帮的怂货中怎么会有人敢接近这个房间,可突然间脸色变得凝重起来。 This sound of footsteps......” “这脚步声……” Because obtained the old book, mind not peaceful static, Lin Yue has not responded immediately, but he has listened to some issues from the sound of footsteps now. 由于刚刚得到古籍,心神不太平静,林越没有在第一时间反应过来,可现在他已经从脚步声中听出一些问题来。 This exquisite control to strength, is not these physiques is grandiose , but also is mortal the people of black tiger help/gang to achieve! 这种对力量的精妙控制,绝非是那些体格壮硕但还属于凡人之列的黑虎帮之人可以做到的! Actually is the future who? 来者究竟是谁? Does the black tiger help have the second immortal cultivation person? 黑虎帮难道还有第二个修仙之人? Lin Yue has turned around, at this time is also opened by the aspect that he closed slowly, presents one Lin Yue unexpected. 林越转过身,已经被他关上的方面也在这时缓缓打开,出现了一个让林越意想不到的人。 Is he......!?” “是他……!?” In the Lin Yue heart presents one with amazement, how thinks deeply about present this situation to solve fast. 林越心中出现一丝骇然,快速思索着如今这这种情况该如何解决。 Because appears is not others, just a palm patted that white hair man who the black tiger helped the former master! 因为出现在门外的不是别人,正是刚刚一掌拍死了黑虎帮前任帮主的那名白发男子! After the opposite party see Lin Yue, the ice-cold vision locked in his hand directly that volume of old books. 对方看见林越后,冰冷的目光直接锁定在了他手上那卷古籍。 During the atmosphere fell into suddenly was quiet. 气氛一时间陷入了沉寂之中。 Actually although Lin Yue isn't clear about the strength of opposite party how? 虽然林越不清楚对方的实力究竟如何? Also does not know that by the degree of own present restoring with a it war? 也不知道以自己如今恢复的程度能否与之一战? But he does not want at this time point, to expose oneself card in a hand. 但他是万万不想在这个时间点,暴露出自己的底牌。 After all is one type is not the cultivation system of this world, in the event of the mistake then possibly makes Lin Yue fall into the beyond redemption position! 毕竟是一种不属于这个世界的修炼体系,一旦发生点差错便可能让林越陷入万劫不复的境地之中! Therefore Lin Yue merely is only the moment, the look then said freely, has seen Exalted Immortal.” 因此林越仅仅只是片刻,神色便自如地说道,“见过上仙。” He listened to the person who the black tiger has helped before to the immortal palace immortal cultivation name, therefore has not presented what unusual performance. 他之前听过黑虎帮的人对仙宫修仙者的称呼,因此并没有出现什么异常的表现。 That white hair man has not spoken, but takes a step to enter the room, is close to Lin Yue. 那名白发男子没有出言,只是迈步进入房间,向林越接近。 The danger signal that in a self body produces appears in the Lin Yue heart! 一种自身体中产生的危险信号出现在林越心头! Under this grade of threat, Lin Yue has not shown the vigilant expression, on the contrary is a tranquil appearance. 在这等威胁之下,林越并没有露出警惕的表情,反倒是一副平静的样子。 Suddenly, has approached within the white hair male index reveal unusual look to say to the Lin Yue side zhang (3.33 m), interesting, you do not fear me unexpectedly, these mortals is completely different from I have seen.” 忽然,已经走近到林越身旁丈许之内的白发男子目露异色开口说道,“有趣,你居然一点都不怕我,和我见过的那些凡人都完全不一样。” Lin Yue shakes the head, Exalted Immortal favored, in the final analysis below is also a mortal.” 林越摇了摇头,“上仙抬举了,说到底在下也不过是一介凡人而已。” As for feared a saying, I thought that will not act to a mortal by the status in Exalted Immortal, naturally did not fear.” “至于怕不怕一说,我觉得以上仙的身份并不会对一介凡人出手,自然是不怕的。” The white hair man selects the eyebrow slightly, slightly has the profound meaning to ask, how that you make outside these degenerates not dare to you to act?” 白发男子微微挑眉,略有深意地问道,“那你又是如何让外面那些败类不敢对你出手的呢?” Although he just rushed, before is not clear, had anything, but before entering the room, saw other black tigers to help these people's meanings that this room to the dreading revealed. 他虽然刚刚赶到,不清楚之前发生了什么,但进屋之前也看见了其他黑虎帮那些人对这间屋子露出的忌惮之意。 Therefore also knows that Lin Yue used what method inevitably, can enter this room under glare of the public eye. 因此也知道林越必然是使出了什么手段,才能在众目睽睽之下进入这个房间。 But this method, is he a curious point. 而这个手段,便是他所好奇的一点。 Lin Yue smiles, is some scary excuses, before these people , you were scared by Exalted Immortal, so long as I guide slightly, they then meet the brain to make up some things of fear to come.” 林越轻轻一笑,“不过是一些唬人的说辞罢了,那些人之前被上仙你吓破了胆,我只要稍加引导,他们便会自己脑补出一些畏惧的事情来。” White hair man hears word stares, immediately nods. 白发男子闻言一愣,随即点了点头。 Pouring is also, although meets Lin Yue for the second time , he thought that the opposite party somewhat is at variance with the place of average man, may he not feel the slight fairyism from the body of Lin Yue, is not and he steps into the person of immortal say/way inevitably similarly. 倒也是,虽然第二次遇见林越后,他觉得对方有些异于常人之处,可从林越的身上他没有感受到丝毫的仙气,必然不是和他同样踏入仙道之人。 At this time, Lin Yue dispatched the old book in hand, this was I books that found from the room hidden compartment.” 这时,林越将手中的古籍递出,“这是我从房间暗格中找到的一本书籍。” Lin Yue remembers clearly when the white hair man just opened the door the vision has stared in this old book in own hand, has noticed its specialness inevitably, therefore Lin Yue simply had not planned that can fish in troubled waters. 林越清楚地记得白发男子刚刚开门时目光一直盯在自己手中这本古籍上,必然是已经注意到了它的特殊,所以林越根本没打算能够浑水摸鱼过去。 The person by immortal palace was seen with it exceptionally, handing over this old book also not necessarily is a misdemeanor. 与其被仙宫的人看出异常,交出这本古籍也不见得是一件坏事。 Lin Yue such as wants to say. 林越如是想道。 The white hair man heard that the word somewhat looks surprisedly to Lin Yue, he comes here, nothing but is helps the opportunity that the former master attains be somewhat curious to that black tiger, after imitating the mess hall has eaten meal then arrived here. 白发男子闻言有些惊讶地看向林越,他之所以前来此处,也无非是对那名黑虎帮前任帮主所获的机遇有些好奇,所以在仿膳堂吃过饭后便来到了这里。 Has not thought that unexpectedly saw first step to come here Lin Yue, but opposite party after seeing him, not only not startled was not angry, the opportunity of but also on own initiative finding surrendered something submissively, this living simply disposition he still first time saw even. 没想到居然看见了先一步到这里的林越,而对方在见了他之后不但不惊不恼,还主动将找到的机遇拱手让人,这种淡泊的心性即便是他也头一次看见。 The white hair man nods, received the old book from the Lin Yue hand, was in front of his to glance through like this. 白发男子点了点头,从林越手中接过古籍,就这样当着他的面翻阅了起来。 Quick, in his vision presented one to understand clearly. 很快,他的目光中出现了一丝了然。 Really so.” “果然如此。” Although Lin Yue has not made noise, but the white hair man explained on own initiative. 虽然林越并没有出声,可白发男子还是主动解释了起来。 I looked the fairyism that no wonder just that person cultivated is somewhat strange, originally this is just a remnant volume, even the slightest misstep will then overstate, even can cultivation safe and sound, can break through to an immortal Yuan boundary is the limit.” “怪不得我看刚刚那人修炼的仙气有几分怪异,原来这只不过是一份残卷,稍有不慎便会走火入魔,就算能够一直安然无恙地修炼下去,能够突破到仙元境就已经是极限了。” Listens words and expressions that the opposite party is mentioning, in heart of Lin Yue, although also some puzzled, but arched said submissively, „was really is lucky the reminder of Exalted Immortal, that otherwise possibly really helped with the black tiger below was the same, according to this old book attempted to step into that road of immortal cultivation......” 听着对方所提及的词语,林越的心中虽然还有许多不解,但还是拱了拱手说道,“真是多亏上仙的提醒了,不然在下可能真的和黑虎帮的那位一样,按照这本古籍妄图踏入那修仙之路了……” Then, Lin Yue also sighs moved, as if rejoiced is actually mixing with a disappointed meaning. 说完,林越还怅然若失地叹了一口气,仿佛很是庆幸却又夹杂着一丝失望之意。 He was clear that came this black tiger to help the station search for the old book the goal to be obvious in the eyes of opposite party, therefore deliberately went into hiding radically own intention, instead said confidently. 他清楚自己来这黑虎帮驻地搜寻古籍的目的在对方的眼中已经非常之明显了,所以根本刻意隐匿自己的意图,反而是坦然地说了出来。 Because only then this will not make the opposite party be doubtful. 因为只有这样才不会让对方心生怀疑。 After hearing the Lin Yue words, the white hair man look is startled, never expected that the opposite party will express gratitude to oneself suddenly, after intertwining the moment, traded in the old book the hand of Lin Yue. 听见林越的话后,白发男子神色微怔,没想到对方会突然向自己道谢,纠结了片刻后又将古籍换到了林越的手中。 Although is only a remnant volume, but places the big flame home is also especially precious, since were you found alone, naturally was you, the drawback I have said that the cultivation or not made a decision by yourself.” “虽然只是一份残卷,但放在大炎国内也是尤为珍贵的,既然是你单独找到的,自然便属于你,弊端我已经讲过了,修炼与否由你自己决断。”
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