IHPDMB :: Volume #6

#526: Retraces itself on

In front of true man did not tell the lie, today this poor Daoist looks for Scholar Han, truly with this poor Daoist informed and experienced related.” Zhao Rimian looks at front Han Mei said: This matter, the experience that not only for this poor Daoist individual, without the senior arranges, this poor Daoist also hopes that can obtain the help of Scholar Han, this matter is beneficial to this monastery.” 真人面前不说假话,今日贫道来找韩居士,确实同贫道的历练有关。”赵日眠看着面前的韩莓说道:“不过此事,不只为贫道个人,没有前辈安排的历练,贫道也希望能得到韩居士的帮助,此事于本观有益。” Han Mei hearing this, high and low sizes up Zhao Rimian one: Said to look, what matter?” 韩莓闻言,又上下打量赵日眠一眼:“说说看,什么事?” Zhao Rimian said: This poor Daoist wants to invite scholar, enters my Daoism.” 赵日眠言道:“贫道想邀居士,入我道门。” Han Mei hearing this, is astonished however laughs in spite of trying not to: I do not want to work as the taoist nun.” 韩莓闻言,不禁讶然失笑:“我可不想当道姑。” This poor Daoist also does not make this expectation, Scholar Han, so long as lives in a strange or foreign place then good.” Zhao Rimian said. “贫道亦不做此奢望,韩居士只要客居便行。”赵日眠言道。 Han Mei understands clearly: „Do you want to occupy a receiving and instructing merit?” 韩莓了然:“你想占个接引之功?” Zhao Rimian said: I account for part.” 赵日眠言道:“我占一部分。” The color of Han Mei eye of present doubt, slightly somewhat puzzled looks at Zhao Rimian. 韩莓目现狐疑之色,略有些不解的看着赵日眠 Resembles Scholar Han your such talented talent, this monastery naturally cannot be cold.” Zhao Rimian said: Has this monastery to assist, no matter Scholar Han walk in Mortal World, is through ‚the star palace the that person senior's test, believes can more several points of assurance.” “似韩居士你这样才华横溢的天才,本观自然不会慢待。”赵日眠说道:“有本观相助,韩居士不管是自己在红尘中行走,还是通过‘星宫’那位前辈的考验,相信都能更多几分把握。” Their not good directly to assist. 他们二人彼此之间不好直接相助。 But if Han Mei can ingeniously taking advantage of strength Azure Cow Monastery, naturally be many helps. 韩莓如果能巧妙借力青牛观,自然是多一个臂助。 However Han Mei actually shakes the head: Any person must acknowledge, Azure Cow Monastery is the Daoism leader, enters the disciple, many convenience, I am naturally no exception either, but I like a person, has to disappoint a daoist good intention.” 不过韩莓却摇摇头:“任何一个人都要承认,青牛观道门魁首,入得门下,自然有诸多便利,我亦不例外,但我还是喜欢一个人,只好辜负道长一番好意了。” Zhao Rimian is slightly silent, then said: Scholar Han, since the intention has decided that this poor Daoist was not good to say anything again, if after scholar , the intention changed, but also please contact with this poor Daoist, this monastery high and low, throughout welcome Scholar Han your such capable person.” 赵日眠略微沉默,然后说道:“韩居士既然心意已决,贫道也不好再多说什么,如果居士以后心意改变,还请联系贫道,本观上下,始终欢迎似韩居士你这样的能人。” Many thanks.” Han Mei looks at Zhao Rimian, thinks later saying: Today you, since found here, always quite does not make you fly back without any results, the person, you might as well pays attention to seek, looked whether to persuade him to join in your Azure Cow Monastery, he with you same was in Daoism the person.” “多谢。”韩莓看着赵日眠,想了想之后说道:“今日你既然找到我这里,总不好让你无功而返,有一个人,你不妨留心寻找一下,看能否说动他投身你青牛观,他本就跟你一样是道门中人呢。” Zhao Rimian is pondering over at heart, it seems like rumor not empty, Han Mei relates significantly with Blue Dragon Island, therefore other so simple rejection sacred ground gather. 赵日眠正在心里琢磨,看来传言不虚,韩莓苍龙岛关系匪浅,所以才如此干脆的拒绝其他圣地招揽。 At this time he heard that Han Mei this word, was surprised: In Daoism person?” 这时他闻听韩莓此言,微感意外:“道门中人?” Han Mei nods: Right, his dao name Ban Hai.’ 韩莓颔首:‘对,他道号半海。’ „...... Ban Hai?” Zhao Rimian recalls with rapt attention after long time, shakes the head: This poor Daoist is friendless and unlearned, had never heard has such a person of same belief.” “……半海?”赵日眠凝神回忆半晌后摇摇头:“恕贫道孤陋寡闻,从未听说过有这样一位同道。” Han Mei said: He at least is 16th realm Martial Saint cultivation base, if you can persuade him to join in your Azure Cow Monastery, may be much bigger than with the merit that you go back me.” 韩莓言道:“他最少是第十六境武圣修为,你如果能说动他投身你们青牛观,可比我跟你回去的功劳还要大得多呢。” Zhao Rimian eye presently dignified color: Martial Saint realm? This should not be the obscure individual.” 赵日眠目现凝重之色:“武圣境界?这不该是无名之辈。” Telling the facts, I am also very curious this Ban Hai daoist foundation.” Han Mei somewhat mysterious saying: But, I listen to the person to raise, his really isn't with our same people.” “实话实说,我也很好奇这位半海道长的根底。”韩莓有些神秘的说道:“不过,我听人提过,他并非和我们一样的人。” Zhao Rimian hearing this, has not spoken, calms down looks at Han Mei. 赵日眠闻言,没有吭声,沉住气看着韩莓 Han Mei continues saying: He very possible is humanized monster dragon.” 韩莓则继续说道:“他很可能是妖龙化人。” The Zhao Rimian brow raises suddenly. 赵日眠眉头猛然一扬。 Teaches all comers without discrimination, in the Daoism history has Great Monster that changes to the human form. 有教无类,道门历史上不是没出过化作人形的大妖 However in Mortal World has many years not to see the similar case, therefore Zhao Rimian this moment hearing this, somewhat cannot make up mind. 不过红尘界里已经有多年没见过类似情况,所以赵日眠此刻闻言,也有些拿不定主意。 He is hesitating asking: The Ban Hai daoist that Scholar Han, you know, he only makes my Daoism appearance, obtains enlightenment because of my Daoism, achievement Martial Saint Realm?” 他沉吟着问道:“韩居士,你所认识的这位半海道长,他是只做我道家打扮,还是因我道家得道,成就武圣之境?” In other words , this is Monster Saint that dresses up daoist, is humanized monster dragon Daoism Martial Saint? 换言之,这到底是个打扮成道士妖圣,还是个妖龙化人道门武圣 Han Mei said: Only saw on me on the same day, should be Martial Saint rather than Monster Saint, his origin, I not clear am Clear Tenuity World or Mountain and Sea World, its cultivation base should be Daoism absolute technique without doubt, is similar to your sect, but has the difference slightly.” 韩莓言道:“仅就我当日所见,该是武圣而非妖圣,不过他的来历,我不清楚是清微界还是山海界,其一身修为该是道门绝学无疑,同贵派相似,但稍有不同。” Clear Tenuity and Mountain and Sea two realms, is the outside the Mortal World broad world. 清微山海两界,乃红尘之外的广阔世界。 The former is the Daoism wonderland, the latter is the Great Monster paradise. 前者乃道门妙境,后者则是大妖乐土。 Therefore I have not reminded you no wonder, must make him enter Azure Cow Monastery, you discussed well.” Han Mei said. “所以莫怪我没提醒你,要不要引他入青牛观,你们自己好好讨论一下。”韩莓说道。 Zhao Rimian ponders slightly. 赵日眠略微沉思。 Daoism Martial Saint of unknown origin, no matter the person is the monster, Azure Cow Monastery takes the head of Mortal World Daoism, must do the clear opposite party status as soon as possible. 一个来历不明的道门武圣,不管是人是妖,青牛观作为红尘道门之首,都必然要尽快搞明白对方身份。 How to handle as for later, that is something to be talked about later, must look at the result that both sides contact. 至于之后如何处置,那是后话,要看双方接触的结果。 Can make clear such a foundation of mysterious person thing, to him, similarly is great merit one. 能搞清楚这样一个神秘人物的根底,对他来说,同样是大功一件。 Zhao Rimian opens the mouth to ask: Does not know that Scholar Han can contact this Ban Hai daoist method?” 赵日眠开口问道:“不知韩居士可有联络到这位半海道长的方法?” I do not have the means to contact him.” Han Mei shakes the head: You can go to Western Qin Dynasty to try one's luck, heard that he in the person with Western Qin has had the conflict, again and again assassinates a Western Qin imperial prince.” “我没办法联络到他。”韩莓摇摇头:“不过你可以去西秦皇朝碰碰运气,听说他跟西秦中人起过冲突,几次三番刺杀西秦一个皇子。” Daoist Ban Hai appears in Harmonious Moon Mountain Range bewilderedly, Han Mei and Han Zheng two sisters after action review, the opposite party should not come with no reason at all, likely made noisy Leng Ji to be related with the mountain range at that time. 半海道人莫名其妙出现在雍月山脉内,韩莓韩筝姐妹俩事后分析,对方应该不会无缘无故现身,很可能跟当时山脉里闹得沸沸扬扬的冷寂有关。 However Leng Ji is difficult to seek, Western Qin young prince Li Gucheng is easy to look for appeared. 不过冷寂难寻,西秦小王爷李故城则好找多了 She recalled after one next, said: Was assassinated, should be Western Qin young prince Li Gucheng? I remember that calls this name.” 她回想了一下后说道:“被刺杀的,应该是西秦的小王爷李故城吧?我记得是叫这个名字。” Zhao Rimian nods slowly: Li Gucheng ……” 赵日眠徐徐点头:“李故城……” Han Mei said: Good, should be he, Western Qin now is very chaotic, has the wind sound/rumor to spread, this Daoist Ban Hai is related with Abyss of Suffering lineage Demon Buddha descendant, but according to me saw in Harmonious Moon Mountain Range initially, he with Abyss of Suffering descendant not like, who knows?” 韩莓言道:“不错,应该是他,西秦现在很乱,有风声传出,这半海道人苦海一脉魔佛传人有关,但按照我当初在雍月山脉里所见,他跟苦海传人不像一路,不过谁知道呢?” Zhao Rimian thinks, while to a Han Mei ritual: Thanked the Scholar Han direction, this poor Daoist this then went toward Western Qin, such as scholar said that tries one's luck.” 赵日眠一边思索,一边向韩莓一礼:“谢韩居士指点,贫道这便往西秦去一趟,如居士所言,碰碰运气。” Han Mei beckons with the hand: Wish your succeed easily.” 韩莓摆摆手:“祝你马到功成。” Zhao Rimian then no longer stays, says goodbye to leave. 赵日眠便不再多停留,告辞离开。 The red clothes female gazes after its back to disappear, suddenly cheers up, lights up with pleasure: I must really be the unlucky star, how he should look could not find me to be right, I said that the old lady is liked by everybody, the flower sees the flower to bloom, which possibly is the unlucky star?” 红衣女子目送其背影消失,突然高兴起来,喜笑颜开:“我要真是灾星,他应该怎么找都找不到我才对,我就说嘛,老娘人见人爱,花见花开,哪可能是灾星?” Second Miss Han snort/hum song, is leaving immediately with joy. 韩二姑娘当即哼着小曲儿,喜滋滋离开。 After she also leaves, Chen Luoyang's doppelgänger Daoist Ban Hai, a face however, appears the figure resentfully. 在她也离开后,陈洛阳的分身半海道人,一脸悻悻然,现出身形。 "Misery" of this girl, it seems like it is at present stochastic, is insufficient in the coverage scope all goals, at the same time all sweeps. 这丫头的“灾厄”,目前看来是随机的,不至于将覆盖范围内所有目标,在同一时间全扫进去。 Small daoist Zhao escapes death by a hair's breadth, Daoist Ban Hai that he must look for actually met with a disaster. 赵道长幸免于难,他要找的半海道人却遭殃。 Observes Han Mei and Zhao Rimian Ban Hai daoist in one side in secret, within the body suppression refining up three Qi of Black Dragon, suddenly took the wrong road in the breath, almost at the scene cultivation deviation. 在一旁暗中观察韩莓赵日眠半海道长,体内压制炼化三道黑龙之气,突然走岔了一道内息,差点当场走火入魔 Lucky does not need also to face the skilled person to attack like previous Demon Monk No Peace, Daoist Ban Hai can quick mix well own in breath. 万幸不用像先前的不宁魔僧那样还面临强手攻击,半海道人可以很快就重新调匀自己的内息。 He is certain now, Demon Monk No Peace left initially suddenly exceptionally, does obeisance Han Mei to bestow. 他现在可以肯定,不宁魔僧当初突然出了异常,就是拜韩莓所赐。 This "Misery" also ruled by force, sudden, makes one be caught off guard completely. “灾厄”也霸道了,突如其来,完全让人措手不及。 The Daoist Ban Hai whole face however, shakes the head resentfully again and again. 半海道人满脸悻悻然,连连摇头。 The thoughts that Chen Luoyang will be distracted restrain, seriously ponders. 陈洛阳将走神的心思收敛回来,认真思考起来。 Han Mei referred to one saying to Zhao Rimian suddenly, pushed Daoist Ban Hai. 韩莓赵日眠突然指了一条道,将半海道人推了出来。 What kind of response can Azure Cow Monastery be? 青牛观会是怎样的反应呢? Daoist Ban Hai Martial Saint cultivation base, nature compared with Han Mei Martial Emperor more well-respected. 半海道人武圣修为,自然比韩莓武帝更受重视。 The issue is, he is more mystical than trader traveling alone many years of Han Mei, Azure Cow Monastery wants to come to become doubtful at heart, without that can trust Daoist Ban Hai dexterously. 问题是,他比走单帮多年的韩莓还要神秘,青牛观想来心里会犯嘀咕,没那么轻巧就能信任半海道人 But to Chen Luoyang, he was also pondering, lets Daoist Ban Hai this doppelgänger, enters Azure Cow Monastery, is actually the money pouch shortcoming. 而对陈洛阳来说,他也在思考,让半海道人这个分身,就此进入青牛观,究竟是利是弊。 One of Daoist Ban Hai details, then from Azure Cow Monastery supreme treasure Tushita Heavenly Gauze, can therefore have alcoholic Daoism cultivation base like that. 半海道人的底细之一,便是得自青牛观至宝兜率天罗,所以才能有那般醇正的道家修为 In Azure Cow Monastery contacts the Tushita Heavenly Gauze person should not be many, but at least Ye Canmian should contact. 青牛观中接触过兜率天罗的人应该不多,但至少叶蚕眠就该接触过。 Blue Dragon Island Xu Peng has not seen the Daoist Ban Hai within the body white jade dragon bone mystery in a short time, being together time, if grew, not necessarily. 苍龙岛徐鹏短时间内没有看出半海道人体内白玉龙骨的奥妙,相处时间如果长了,就未必了。 Azure Cow Monastery this side is also the same situation, in the view top expert, still possibly saw the clue. 青牛观这边也是相同情况,观中顶尖高手,仍可能看出端倪。 However is good because of Lord of the Azure Cow Monastery presently not. 不过好在青牛观主当前不在。 Chen Luoyang thinks, while lets doppelgänger Daoist Ban Hai, goes to Western Qin Imperial Capital Zhengyang City with Zhao Rimian. 陈洛阳一边思索,一边让分身半海道人,跟着赵日眠前往西秦皇都政阳城 Small daoist Zhao, low-key going Western Qin Dynasty. 赵道长,低调的前往西秦皇朝 Although he not like Ye Canmian, Zhang Chunmian and the others same win great reputation, but now in Azure Cow Monastery is also gradually the young spoiled child of rise. 他虽然不像叶蚕眠张春眠等人一样名声在外,但如今在青牛观中也已经是渐渐崛起的年轻骄子。 Azure Cow Monastery descendant appears in the Western Qin area, regardless to Western Qin Dynasty to Buddhism sacred ground Minor Western Paradise, or plans the development in Western Qin immediately Abyss of Suffering lineage, is a very sensitive matter. 青牛观传人出现在西秦疆域内,不论对西秦皇朝还是对佛门圣地小西天,又或者当下在西秦谋划拓展的苦海一脉,都是一件很敏感的事情。 Zhao Rimian has to be prudent. 赵日眠不得不慎重。 But person who he must find, Western Qin young prince Li Gucheng, because previously continually assassination in Harmonious Moon Mountain Range, therefore is also accepting the strict protection at present. 而他要找的人,西秦小王爷李故城因为先前在雍月山脉连番遇刺,所以眼下也正接受严密的保护。 Zhao Rimian had troubles, just now sees little Prince Li. 赵日眠费了一番周折,方才见到小李王爷 If little Prince Li this moment surface spirit money, seemingly weakly, although spunks up, no matter what who can see that his severe wound has not recovered. 小李王爷此刻面若金纸,看上去虚弱不已,虽然强打起精神,但任谁都能看出他重伤未愈。 daoist Zhao, why does the institute come?” Li Gucheng asked slowly. 赵道长,所为何来?”李故城徐徐问道。 Disturbs the prince to go to bed, this poor Daoist is terrified.” Zhao Rimian said: For not Prince influence recuperation, the poor daoist words saying short, today thank your for your hospitality, comes for the same day assassin.” “打扰王爷安歇,贫道惶恐。”赵日眠言道:“为了不影响王爷休养,贫道长话短说,今日叨扰,正是为了当天的刺客而来。” Li Gucheng looks at he: „, daoist knows that who that assassin is?” 李故城看着他:“哦,道长知道那刺客是谁?” Zhao Rimian shakes the head gently: This poor Daoist does not know, but heard that is a dao name Ban Hai Daoism senior, therefore investigates especially, the prince and he has contacted, does not know that can have the clue?” 赵日眠轻轻摇头:“贫道不知,但听说乃是一个道号半海道门前辈,因此特来查访,王爷与他接触过,不知可有线索?” little Prince Li looked at the opposite party after long time, said slowly: „Does Azure Cow Monastery, know nothing unexpectedly?” 小李王爷看了对方半晌后,徐徐说道:“青牛观,竟毫不知情?” Zhao Rimian said: This poor Daoist presents the life of my master to come, knows limitedly, had previously even never listened to the name of Ban Hai, but also asked the prince to be liberal with the direction.” 赵日眠言道:“贫道奉家师之命前来,所知有限,此前甚至从未听过半海之名,还请王爷不吝指点。” „Since my Great Qin expert, these days, was also hunting down this person, later, may have the result, at the appointed time asked daoist Zhao to consider in detail together.” Li Gucheng said slowly: your sect rules the world Daoism roost, this matter, hoping your sect can give me a view.” “我大秦高手,这些日子以来,也在搜捕此人,晚些时候,或许会有结果,届时请赵道长一起参详一下。”李故城慢慢说道:“贵派执天下道门牛耳,此事,希望贵派能给我一个说法。” This poor Daoist meets report to in the monastery to take responsibility surely.” Zhao Rimian hit to bow toward Li Gucheng: Here first apologized to the prince.” “贫道定会禀报观里做主。”赵日眠李故城打了个稽首:“这里先谢过王爷。” Said.” Li Gucheng waves, has the servant to see a visitor out. “好说。”李故城挥挥手,自有下人送客。 After small daoist Zhao leaves, little Prince Li sweeps the sickly appearance immediately, becomes vivid, a power and influence does not reveal, by far formerly. 待小赵道长离开后,小李王爷顿时一扫病容,重新变得生龙活虎,一身威势含而不露,更远胜从前。 Estimates the Zhao Rimian purpose in coming, Li Gucheng hesitates does not speak. 揣摩赵日眠来意,李故城沉吟不语。
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