IHPDMB :: Volume #6

#524: The left hand trades the right hand

Has the Mortal World Ancient God Cult rich product resources, has Chen Luoyang's to direct personally, approached twelfth realm Zhang Tianheng, arrives at Mortal World shortly, then breaks through to twelfth realm Martial King peak realm smoothly. 红尘界古神教丰富的物产资源,有陈洛阳的亲自指点,本就逼近第十二境张天恒,来到红尘界没多久,便顺利突破至第十二境武王巅峰的境界 In inspection that in this Divine Demon Palace breathes in fresh air, he is quite strong, in all Martial King candidates, leads the field. 在这次神魔宫纳新的考核里,他极为强势,在所有武王候选者中,独占鳌头。 Now will build Divine Demon Blood, fated he will also welcome a high-speed period of expansion immediately, Martial Emperor realm has waved to him in not far away. 现在修成神魔血,注定他马上又将迎来一段高速发展期,武帝境界已经在不远处向他招手。 Compared his past cultivation martial arts, Divine Demon Blood and Chen Luoyang's Black Sun Scripture, surpassed without doubt too. 相较于他以往修行武学来说,神魔血陈洛阳的黑日圣典,无疑超出太多。 On the other hand, is going to enter in Divine Demon Palace Martial Emperor expert, Su Ye same leader many colleagues. 另一方面,将要进入神魔宫武帝高手中,苏夜同样领袖群伦。 Chen Luoyang's trusted subordinate expert, in this time breathes in fresh air the grand ceremony, shows off completely. 陈洛阳的亲信高手,在这次纳新大典,完全出尽了风头。 Tang Yiming and the others watched, has mixed feelings. 汤乙明等人看在眼里,不禁心情复杂。 As we all know, Cult Master Jiang this time convenes Divine Demon Palace to breathe in fresh air, and lets Chen Luoyang leader, is tacitly consented that he cultivates the trusted subordinate. 大家都知道,江教主这次召开神魔宫纳新,并让陈洛阳主持,便是默许他培植亲信。 But whether the talent endures uses greatly, is another issue. 但人才是否堪大用,则是另一个问题。 If Chen Luoyang hand/subordinate unmanned available, that present is the different scenes. 陈洛阳手下如果无人可用,那眼下就是不同的场面。 But now looks like, not only under Chen Luoyang has the talent, is abundance of capable people. 可现在看来,陈洛阳麾下不仅有人才,更人才济济。 Facing such scene, everyone also only has the silence. 面对此等情景,大家也唯有默然。 After this time breathes in fresh air the grand ceremony, Chen Luoyang in the within the cult prestige, slightly has the promotion. 经过此次纳新大典之后,陈洛阳教内威望,又略有提升。 Divine Demon Palace integrates his grasping completely, others almost water cannot sprinkle. 神魔宫完全纳入他的掌握,旁人几乎水泼不进。 Although there are Zhuang Yuting and the others to enter the palace, but compares in mixes the sand toward Divine Demon Palace, Tang Yiming and the others worried that Zhuang Yuting they be not done the deterioration by Chen. 虽然有庄羽庭等人入宫,但相较于往神魔宫里掺沙子,汤乙明等人更担心庄羽庭他们别被陈某人搞变质。 Chen Luoyang oneself seem like the not at all unnecessary idea, the direction people practice martial art, does not create obstacles or retains, but is the tender guidance. 陈洛阳本人似乎并没有多余想法,指点众人习武,并不刁难或者保留,而是悉心指导。 Including Liu Si of Su Ye, Zhang Tianheng and hidden place, people with concentration cultivation, rapid advancement. 包括苏夜张天恒和暗处的刘思在内,众人潜心修行,快速进步。 Chen Luoyang oneself also practice martial art with single-hearted devotion, reorganizes unceasingly digests itself to study. 陈洛阳本人也专心习武,不断整理消化自身所学。 After grand ceremony, Schoolmate Xie Buxiu, leaves Divine Demon Palace manifestation honorably. 大典过后,谢不休同学,光荣离开神魔宫外放 only not as he expected, stems from others to expect, Cult Master Chen recommended to Cult Master Jiang, threw White Tiger Hall Little Schoolmate Xie. 只是出乎他自己预料,也出乎其他人预料,陈教主江教主举荐,把小谢同学扔去了白虎殿 Wields the criminal law domestic protection White Tiger Hall, no matter in Mortal World in Grand Land of the Divine Province, in Ancient God Cult, is the ghost sees to worry that same exists. 执掌刑律内卫的白虎殿,不管在红尘间还是在神州浩土,于古神教内部,都是鬼见愁一般的存在。 Xie Buxiu that lazy and instigates, White Tiger Hall with withering, the feeling of how not to being in tune. 又懒又怂的谢不休,同肃杀的白虎殿,怎么都不搭调的感觉。 But appoints, Xie Buxiu only has to brace oneself to take office. 但任命下来,谢不休唯有硬着头皮去上任。 Before taking office, Chen Luoyang a few words, let Xie Buxiu looking pensive. 上任前,陈洛阳一句话,让谢不休若有所思。 First is familiar with the situation, your transcending mortality and becoming a Saint chance, then in the recent several years.” “先熟悉情况,你超凡入圣的机缘,便在近几年内。” Xie Buxiu hearing this, is out of control to become doubtful at heart. 谢不休闻言,心里禁不住犯嘀咕。 His cultivate Fuxi Changing the Heavens Chapter, arrived at the bottleneck gradually, the transcending mortality and becoming a Saint opportunity in the border line. 修习伏羲易天篇,渐渐也到了瓶颈,超凡入圣的机会在两可之间。 Then if studies diligently slowly, normal, is success ascend and become a Saint, possibly the potential sharp qi exhausts, 16th realm is the final end point. 接下来如果慢慢钻研的话,正常来说,便是成功立地成圣,也可能潜力锐气耗尽,第十六境就是最后的终点。 But Cult Master Chen said that seemed confident, implies another thing. 陈教主所言,却似乎成竹在胸,另有所指。 This makes in the Xie Buxiu heart appeared several points expect. 这让谢不休心中多了几分期望。 He respected and feared to Chen Luoyang. 他对陈洛阳又敬又怕。 Dreads at the same time, is profound to the possess great magical power impression of Cult Master Chen, believes in firmly to the Chen Luoyang's judgment. 畏惧的同时,却也对陈教主神通广大印象深刻,对陈洛阳的判断深信不疑。 If he really can transcending mortality and becoming a Saint, that present Chen Luoyang throw White Tiger Hall him in a short time, perhaps rushes is contending White Tiger Hall chief to go...... 如果他真能在短时间内超凡入圣,那现在陈洛阳把他扔到白虎殿,恐怕是奔着角逐白虎殿首座而去呢…… Besides Black Tortoise Hall, Mortal World Main Ancient God Cult four halls chief, guaranteeing a minimum must be Martial Saint cultivation base, too little better than toomuch. 除了玄武殿以外,红尘古神教总教四殿首座,保底必须是武圣修为,宁缺毋滥。 The present is Du Qiming Elder Du leads the White Tiger Hall line of business temporarily. 眼下是杜期明杜长老暂领白虎殿的职司。 The position that but after within the cult has many people to stare at Hou Jingfei to be dying, this vacancy comes out. 教中已经有不少人盯着侯荆扉死后这个空缺出来的位置。 And is not only young one generation, many old in years but young in heart Elder, can glow the enterprise in the hope second spring. 并不仅仅是年轻一辈,还有很多人老心不老的长老,也在希望能焕发事业的第二春。 This position, cannot long-term vacant. 这个位置,不会长期空置。 If Xie Buxiu achieves 16th realm, capital that then also one struggles. 谢不休如果达到第十六境,便也有一争的资本。 Just, besides Chen Luoyang, others does not favor Xie Buxiu to be able in a short time ascend and become a Saint. 只不过,除了陈洛阳外,其他人不看好谢不休能在短时间内立地成圣 The judgment of Little Schoolmate Xie to Cult Master Chen believes in firmly. 小谢同学陈教主的判断深信不疑。 He also associates to arrive from this is more. 他由此还联想到更多。 Compares in other Mortal World people, he about Zhang Tianheng knew that are more. 相较于红尘界其他人,他对张天恒了解更多。 This Cult Master Chen in the Grand Land of the Divine Province hardcore trusted subordinate, in Divine Province Ancient God Cult, was to then hold the post of the duty of White Tiger Hall chief before. 这个陈教主神州浩土的铁杆亲信,于神州古神教内,之前便是担任白虎殿首座之职。 At present Zhang Tianheng steels oneself for revenge in Divine Demon Palace, cultivation progress. 眼下张天恒神魔宫里卧薪尝胆,修炼进步。 Some day, after Zhang Tianheng cultivation base realm raises, perhaps he can still be Cult Master Chen White Tiger Hall chief. 有朝一日,待张天恒修为境界提上来后,或许他仍会是陈教主白虎殿首座 Xie Buxiu regarding this not at all opinion. 谢不休对此并没有意见。 On the contrary, he wishes for earnestly, only hopes the quicker the better of Zhang Tianheng improvement, with the aim of coming White Tiger Hall to withstand/top his class. 相反,他求之不得,只希望张天恒提升的越快越好,以便来白虎殿顶他的班。 However before then, he only had is first supporting in White Tiger Hall. 不过在此之前,他唯有先在白虎殿撑着了。 If disrupted the plan of Cult Master Chen, his Xie Buxiu feared that must unable to eat to capture. 若是打乱了陈教主的计划,他谢不休怕是要吃不了兜着走。 Little Schoolmate Xie fully proved own ability, so long as is willing to be attentive, does the will not difference, then in White Tiger Hall , the quick familiar situation begins. 小谢同学充分证明了自己的才能,只要肯用心,干什么都不会差,便是在白虎殿内,也很快熟悉情况上了手。 Chen Luoyang is very satisfied. 陈洛阳对此很满意。 He has not flickered Xie Buxiu. 他也没忽悠谢不休 The opposite party truly possibly welcome the chance in the near future. 对方确实可能在近期迎来机缘。 This chance, natural whereabouts in Cult Master Chen also continuously caring Earlier Heaven Palace. 这机缘,自然着落在陈教主也一直惦记的先天宫 At present, still needed the patient waiting, when the conditions are ripe, is naturally clear. 眼下,尚需耐心等待,时机成熟时,自然见分晓。 However before then, oneself can also make some preparations. 不过在此之前,自己也可以做些准备。 After Northern Sea Yanran Mountain disciple Bai Feng issues the order, one month disappears, the time limit will soon approach. 北海燕然山弟子白峰下达命令后,一个月的时间转瞬即逝,时限即将临近。 But Bai Feng has not disappointed Chen Luoyang finally. 白峰最终没有让陈洛阳失望。 Catches up before one month of time limit, pot Distant Sky Illusory Mist that he requests, Bai Feng successfully collects. 赶在一个月时限以前,他要求的一壶远天幻雾,白峰成功凑齐。 Good, the single layer is informed and experienced, you successfully pass.” The Master of the Star Palace that low and deep and dignified sound reverberates in the dark starry sky: This is your reward.” “不错,第一重历练,你成功通过。”星宫主人那低沉而又威严的声音在黑暗星空中回响:“这是属于你的奖励。” Bai Feng calm looks at splendid attire Distant Sky Illusory Mist bronze jar vanishes on hand, displacing is Clouds Swallowing Bag. 白峰沉着的看着自己手头盛装远天幻雾青铜壶消失,取而代之者则是一只吞云袋 Although in heart curious, but he does not have to open Clouds Swallowing Bag at the scene, but cups one hand in the other across the chest toward dark void: „Can senior have the new instruction to show? The younger generation exhausts ability surely.” 心中虽好奇,但他没有当场打开吞云袋,而是向着黑暗的虚空拱拱手:“前辈可有新的吩咐示下?晚辈定竭尽所能。” „It is not busy.” Chen Luoyang said by the Demon Venerable tone lightly: You, and first digests the reward, when earnest cultivation, the conditions are ripe, has double informed and experienced to you.” “不忙。”陈洛阳魔尊的口吻淡淡说道:“你且先消化奖励,认真修行,时机成熟时,自有第二重历练给你。” Yes, the younger generation is compliant.” A Bai Feng ritual, then the scene fluctuates again at present, he re-enters the place that in the Mortal World real world vanished a moment ago. “是,晚辈遵命。”白峰再行一礼,然后眼前景象变幻,他重回红尘界现实世界里刚才自己消失的地方。 About observes, Bai Feng first leaves same place, determined after no one pays attention to himself, just now takes out that only Clouds Swallowing Bag to open. 左右观察一番,白峰先离开原地,确定无人注意自己后,方才取出那只吞云袋打开。 Sees the thing of splendid attire, Bai Feng sucked in a breath of cold air. 看到其中盛装的东西,白峰倒吸一口凉气 Galloping Cloud Pearl. 驰云珠 Massive Galloping Cloud Pearl. 大量的驰云珠 Galloping Cloud Pearl that his current cultivation most needs. 他当前修炼最需要的驰云珠 But in Northern Sea Yanran Mountain, this treasure is also quite scarce, can only supply the limited few person. 北海燕然山内,此宝也极为紧缺,只能供应有限的寥寥几人而已。 Bai Feng can obtain little, but saves the result of using is being the influence progressive speed. 白峰能分得少许,但省着用的结果就是影响进步速度。 To go forward in big strides, must have huge quantity heavenly materials and earthly treasures to supply continuously. 想要大踏步前进,就必须要有海量天材地宝源源不断供应。 At that moment he most lacks is Galloping Cloud Pearl. 当下他最缺的就是驰云珠 that person does Master of the Star Palace, so know his situation unexpectedly? 那位星宫主人,竟然如此了解他的情况? This, scratches with the finger seriously his itchiest place, making his heart fiery, is almost hard to dominate the state of mind. 这一下,当真搔到他最痒处,让他心头火热,几乎难以把持心境。 After Bai Feng returning to normal mood, look Yin clear uncertain. 白峰平复心情之后,神色阴晴不定。 In in same place ponder long time, he long puts out foul air, receives Clouds Swallowing Bag. 在原地沉思良久,他长长吐出一口浊气,将吞云袋收好。 The facial expression has returned to normal, on the face reappears that careless happy expression, but the vision was profounder than the past, was firmer. 其神情已经恢复平静,脸上重现那漫不经心的笑意,但目光比以往更加幽深,更加坚定。 Chen Luoyang shows a faint smile. 陈洛阳则微微一笑。 When speaking of these Galloping Cloud Pearl, before must thank Tang Yiming Chief Tang, pounds the Divine Demon Blood quota invested. 说到这些驰云珠,就要感谢汤乙明汤首座之前砸神魔血名额时的投资了。 But that pot Distant Sky Illusory Mist, was traded the right hand by his left hand, moves "tree house" from "Star Palace". 而那壶远天幻雾,则被他左手换右手,从“星宫”挪到“树屋” Then, Mister Venerable old trick heavy, absorbed to attain Life Creating Divine Tree here Ji Zhong. 接着,尊先生故技重施,将姬重摄拿到了创命神树这里来。 In the "tree house" main hall, only has Mister Venerable and Ji Zhong two people. “树屋”大殿中,只有尊先生姬重两人。 Ji Zhong is somewhat inexplicable: Senior excuses me, about Human Sovereign your majesty, younger generation at present not clue ……” 姬重有些莫名:“前辈见谅,关于人皇陛下,晚辈眼下并无线索……” Today invites the little friend to come to be a guest alone, with my entrusting irrelevant.” Mister Venerable is moderate: Is because I suddenly discovered, the little friend you as if meets troublesome some.” “今天单独邀小友前来做客,同我的托付无关。”尊先生语气温和:“是因为我忽然发现,小友你似乎遇到一些麻烦。” In the Ji Zhong heart moves slightly. 姬重心中微微一动。 He is lives simply, but the thoughts are keen, before discovered that the Earlier Heaven Palace same side seems to be monitoring itself faintly, then remains to be careful. 他为人淡泊,但心思敏锐,之前发现先天宫的同门似乎隐隐在监视自己,便留上了心。 Now even more affirms, oneself was monitored, even the sphere of action is restricted. 现在越发肯定,自己受到监视,甚至行动范围受限。 I like receiving cordially the guest, likes becoming friends with the friend.” Mister Venerable said: Now my guest and friend had troublesome, will not sit by and do nothing, naturally, this must regard little friend your wish, if you want, I can help you retrieval the freedom.” “我喜欢款待客人,喜欢结交朋友。”尊先生说道:“现在我的客人与朋友有了麻烦,自不会坐视不理,当然,这要视乎小友你本人的意愿,如果你愿意,我可以帮你重获自由。” Ji Zhong is silent, after long time, first to a Mister Venerable ritual: Senior justice and humanity, the younger generation is deeply grateful, not thinks the report.” 姬重默然,半晌之后,先向尊先生一礼:“前辈大仁大义,晚辈感激不尽,无以为报。” after a slight pause, he continues saying: If Ok, I want to continue to stay in the palace now.” 稍微顿了一下后,他继续说道:“如果可以,我现在想继续留在宫中。” I grew up in the palace since childhood, since childhood also never before goes out several times, after leaving, solid does not know what course to follow.” Ji Zhong said confidently: In palace strange, I detected, I want to stay behind come to see, actually because of what reason.” “我自幼在宫中长大,从小也不曾出门几次,离开后实不知何去何从。”姬重坦然说道:“宫里古怪,我有察觉,我想留下来看看,究竟是因为什么原因。” Chen Luoyang mentally said. 陈洛阳心道果然。 This boy lives simply to most matter mentalities, but really isn't does not have to ask. 这小子对绝大多数事情心态淡泊,但并非全无所求。 On the contrary, at extremely individual things, his astonishing focus. 相反,在极个别事情上,他惊人的执着。 He has really also detected some clue, definitely wants to seize the chance to make clear the matter. 他自己果然也已经察觉一些端倪,肯定想趁机把事情搞清楚。 Chen Luoyang cannot bear want to him to select a to praise. 陈洛阳忍不住想给他点个赞。 Young fellows, wanted is your. 小伙子,要的就是你这样。 Little friend has this heart, I not reluctantly.” Chen Luoyang plays the role of "Mister Venerable" that makes saying: But, provides against contingencies, we should also make some preparations, is my small intention.” “小友有此心,我自不会勉强。”陈洛阳扮做的“尊先生”说道:“不过,以防万一,我们也该做些准备,算是我的一点小小心意。” Saying, on Ji Zhong front round table, appears a porcelain bottle. 说着,姬重面前圆桌上,现出一个瓷瓶。 In porcelain bottle splendid attire naturally is Distant Sky Illusory Mist that Bai Feng collects. 瓷瓶中盛装的自然是白峰收集来的远天幻雾 Discrete in order, Chen Luoyang original vessel bronze jar will change into the porcelain bottle. 谨慎起见,陈洛阳将原本的容器青铜壶换成了瓷瓶。 Ji Zhong curious looks, sees in the porcelain bottle, is the light cyan liquid, sends out several points of inexplicable smell, making one hear whole body was comfortable. 姬重好奇的看去,就见瓷瓶中,乃是淡青色的液体,散发出几分莫名的气味,令人闻了通体舒泰。 „Does this seem like...... extremely northern Distant Sky Illusory Mist?” Ji Zhong muttered to oneself: So many, gather the water shape, can have one entire bottle.” “这好像是……极北的远天幻雾?”姬重喃喃自语:“这么多,聚拢成水状,都能有一整瓶了。” Earlier Heaven Palace as one of the righteous path five big sacred ground, the ancient book storage is vast. 先天宫作为正道五大圣地之一,典籍储存自是广博。 Before Ji Zhong , although has not seen true Distant Sky Illusory Mist, but has seen the writing description in the old book. 姬重以前虽然没有见过真正的远天幻雾,但在古籍上见过文字描述。 Truly is Distant Sky Illusory Mist.” The Mister Venerable sound is warm: Can to the little friend you, add an opportunity of self-preservation.” “确实是远天幻雾。”尊先生声音温暖和煦:“可以给小友你,添一点自保的机会。” Ji Zhong austere accommodates, to the Mister Venerable serious ritual: Thanked the senior obligation!” 姬重肃容,向尊先生郑重一礼:“谢前辈大恩!”
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