IHPDMB :: Volume #1

#34: Suspected that the life( asked the recommendation ticket! Sought the collection!)

Absorbs from Dead Sea black tide Black Death Divine Pearl, the rising trend of sea of that death stopped immediately. 黑死神珠死海黑潮中吸取出来,那死亡之海的涨势顿时停止。 Covers the world four directions, viscous such as printing ink terrifying black sea, starts to dissipate to disintegrate. 笼罩天地四方,粘稠如油墨的恐怖黑海,开始消散瓦解。 The distant place, has the foreign race troops to monitor. 远方,有异族人马在监视。 Sees this, they all have a big shock. 看见这一幕,他们全都大惊失色。 Quickly, breaks Dead Sea black tide?” “这么快,就破去死海黑潮?” Is Demon Sovereign personally take action? Isn't his injury truly affected much?” “是魔皇亲自出手?他伤势确实无大碍?” Feels not like Demon Sovereign take action ……” “感觉不像魔皇出手……” Demon Sovereign take action, how Dead Sea won't black tide be reduced and solved personally?” 魔皇不亲自出手,死海黑潮怎么会被化解?” The foreign race people look at each other in blank dismay, in an uproar. 异族众人面面相觑,一片哗然。 Withdraw! Here is not we can process, immediately report to His Highness asked him to decide.” “撤!这里已经不是我们能处理了,立马禀报王上请他定夺。” Old Ninth?” 老九呢?” Does not seem dead, in the person by Demon Cult was captured alive ……” “好像没死,被魔教中人生擒活捉了……” We, no matter he, such directly abandons him to leave, perhaps His Highness will be furious.” “我们不管他,就这么直接扔下他离开,王上恐怕会震怒。” Has no way to rescue! Saves him only to compensate us, he craved greatness and success to let slip to be captured also compensated His Highness Black Death Divine Pearl, he was responsible. My constant speed fast returns His Highness, reported truth that the bright Demon Sovereign state is not affected much, is the urgent matter, the remaining matters hand over by His Highness decide!” “没法救!去救他只会把我们所有人都赔进去,他自己好大喜功失手被擒还赔了王上黑死神珠,他自己负责。我等速速回报王上,禀明魔皇伤情无大碍的真相,才是当务之急,剩下的事交由王上定夺!” Yeah...... also can only so.” “哎……也只能如此了。” One group of foreign race people, don't dare continue to stay, departs hastily. 一群异族人,不敢继续停留,连忙离去。 On six dragons imperial cart, Helian Zhe has not hated the companion, no matter he throws down him. 六龙皇辇上,赫连喆没怨恨同伴不管他死活将他一个人丢下。 Since he insists on stimulates to movement Black Death Divine Pearl to contribute to this merit the time, he then also prepares failure. 从他执意催动黑死神珠要立这一功的时候起,他便也做好失败的准备。 Becoming a great merit name to shake the eternity. 成则大功一件名震千古。 From now on, Virtuous King of the Left subordinate no one dares to despise him again. 从今往后,左贤王帐下再无人敢轻视他。 Entire Northern Desert foreign race. 整个漠北异族 And even entire Grand Land of the Divine Province, will only exclaim in surprise his achievement. 乃至整个神州浩土,都只会惊叹他的成就。 If failed, nothing more to be said. 如果失败,那没什么好说的。 winner is the king, loser is the villain. 成王败寇而已。 Does not succeed then dies for a righteous cause. 不成功便成仁。 only Helian Zhe has not thought that oneself lose is so thorough, such easily. 只是赫连喆没有想到,自己输的这么彻底,这么轻易。 Black Death Divine Pearl transformed into Dead Sea black tide, sweeps away the Martial Emperor realm following all people obviously sufficiently. 明明黑死神珠所化的死海黑潮,足以横扫武帝境界以下一切人。 Even if the Martial King quantity are many, is out of control the sea of black death to follow to be rising tide. 哪怕武王数量再多,也禁不住黑死之海跟着涨潮。 The enemy of each death, will become the Dead Sea black tide further strong nourishment. 每一个死亡的敌人,都将成为死海黑潮进一步壮大的养料。 Over time, black death evil strength will corrode unceasingly also living opponent. 随着时间推移,黑死邪劲会不断侵蚀还活着的对手。 The being locked in a stalemate time is longer, then Dead Sea black tide is stronger, the enemy is weaker. 相持时间越久,则死海黑潮越强,敌人越弱。 Arrived only has a result finally. 到最后只有一个结果。 Dead Sea everywhere, the life exterminates, the chicken dog does not remain. 死海到处,生灵灭绝,鸡犬不留。 Then is Martial Emperor expert, even if can protect oneself, wants to reduce and solve this Dead Sea black tide to be actually beset with difficulties. 便是武帝强者,纵使能自保,想要化解这死海黑潮却困难重重。 Helian Zhe knows, Black Death Divine Pearl actually has the flaw. 赫连喆知道,黑死神珠其实有破绽。 Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe this treasure gives him the time had had the direction. 左贤王修哲将此宝给他的时候曾经有过指点。 Also because of this, he can stimulate to movement to rein this treasure. 也正因为如此,他才能催动驾御这件宝物。 however, the Demon Cult obviously saw this treasure for the first time, even has not contacted Black Death Divine Pearl truly, how can know that the Black Death Divine Pearl six flaws, do reduce and solve Dead Sea black tide depending on this? 但魔教明明第一次见识此宝,甚至从来没有真正接触过黑死神珠本身,如何能知道黑死神珠的六处破绽,更凭此化解死海黑潮 Moreover, is not Demon Sovereign Chen Luoyang personally take action. 而且,还不是魔皇陈洛阳亲自出手 He spoke thoughtlessly the direction subordinate to solve with ease! 他随口指点手下人就轻松解决了! To be honest, if Demon Sovereign shows heaven-shocking cultivation base, breaks it by the strength forcefully, Helian Zhe is not so possibly shocking. 说心里话,如果魔皇展现惊天修为,强行以力破之,赫连喆可能还没这么震惊。 But now, subverts his cognition completely. 可现在,完全颠覆他的认知。 Some Helian Zhe this moment suspicion lives. 赫连喆此刻有些怀疑人生。 He looks up difficultly. 他艰难抬头望去。 Keeps aloof Chen Luoyang that sits, as if becomes illusory is not real. 高高在上坐着的陈洛阳,仿佛变得虚幻不真实起来。 Two people age is actually close. 两人年纪其实相近。 Helian Zhe young achievement Martial Ancestor realm, in Grand Land of the Divine Province already rare. 赫连喆年纪轻轻成就武宗境界,在神州浩土已算难得。 but compared with that person of the same age who sits at the top, each other distance is so remote. 但比起上方端坐的那个同龄人,彼此距离却那么遥远。 After the mind is slightly sober, Helian Zhe remembers another issue. 头脑略微清醒后,赫连喆想起另一个问题。 Master of the Demon Cult, oneself, although not take action, but seemed to have discovered unexpectedly, foreign race Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe at present not in this place. 魔教教主,自己虽然不出手,但竟似乎早已发现,异族左贤王修哲眼下并不在此地。 Therefore has that child, don't steal grown up things from your home and go out to play. 所以才有那句“小孩子别偷拿家长东西出门玩”。 Was regarded as the young fellow by actual same age Master of the Demon Cult, Helian Zhe is not angry. 被实际同龄的魔教教主看作毛头小子,赫连喆并不恼怒。 He deeply knows the disparity. 他深深知道彼此之间的差距。 But how Master of the Demon Cult can affirm early, Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe not here? 魔教教主如何能早早肯定,左贤王修哲不在这里? Thinks of this point, in the Helian Zhe heart vacant. 想到这一点,赫连喆心中一片茫然。 Was what flaw previously showed that calling Master of the Demon Cult to see through? 是自己先前露出什么破绽,叫魔教教主看穿了? Puzzling at the same time, Helian Zhe has the deep chill in the air at heart. 迷惑不解的同时,赫连喆心里生出深深寒意。 The above eye presently black light, as if an demon god immeasurably deep youth, asking him to feel the unprecedented fear. 上方目现乌光,仿佛一尊魔神般深不可测的青年,叫他感到前所未有的恐惧。 The Chen Luoyang line of sight has swept under weary in place Helian Zhe, the facial expression is calm. 陈洛阳视线扫过下方委顿在地的赫连喆,神情波澜不惊。 Somewhat has mixed feelings. 心情却有些复杂。 To a certain extent, the opposite party is caught in one's own trap. 某种程度上,对方是作茧自缚。 When Dead Sea black tide spreads, swallows surrounding area over a thousand li (0.5 km) mountains time, in Chen Luoyang consciousness in that mysterious black pot, some appeared blood red nectar. 死海黑潮蔓延开来,吞噬方圆上千里山川的时候,陈洛阳意识中那尊神秘的黑壶里,多了一些血红琼浆 This means that besides these spiritual beast, some people dies in this disaster. 这意味着,除了那些灵兽外,有人死在这场灾难中。 Moreover many people. 而且还是不少人。 Qian Prefecture multi- high mountain ridge, the environment is dangerous, sparsely inhabited. 黔州多崇山峻岭,环境险恶,人烟稀少。 Range that but just now Dead Sea black tide covers, is extremely really huge. 但方才死海黑潮覆盖的范围,实在太过巨大。 In the so broad world, dispersed eventually was occupied by many people. 如此广阔的天地里,终究还是分散了居住了不少人。 But Dead Sea everywhere, completely barren. 死海到处,寸草不生 Chen Luoyang this days observe to summarize the blood red nectar fluctuation rule. 陈洛阳这段日子来观察总结血红琼浆的增减规律。 From oneself certain range, there is martial way cultivation base in the person death of body, possibly made blood red nectar in black pot increase. 距离自己一定范围内,有武道修为在身的人死亡,才可能让黑壶中的血红琼浆增加。 The ordinary mortal will not change. 普通凡人不会有所变化。 At present nectar in black pot increased. 眼下黑壶里的琼浆增加了一些。 The disaster that because this Dead Sea black tide brings, claims the lives of more person without doubt. 但因为这死海黑潮带来的灾难,无疑夺走更多人的生命。 Just now facing the black death sea, Chen Luoyang stood firm the mind forcefully, warned oneself kept calm. 方才面对黑色的死亡海洋,陈洛阳强行稳住心神,告诫自己保持冷静。 His thought communicates black pot, asked two issues. 他念头沟通黑壶,提出两个问题。 Provides the foreign race Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe material? 提供异族左贤王修哲的资料? how to solve this Death Sea' black tide that's in front of him? 如何化解眼前这死海黑潮 No matter which issue, consumes in the pot massively blood red nectar. 不管哪个问题,都大量消耗壶中血红琼浆 Because of the reason of this catastrophe, blood red nectar is just sufficient. 因为这场浩劫的缘故,血红琼浆刚好够用。 After two issues, black pot is almost dry. 两个问题之后,黑壶几乎干涸。 Lucky, Chen Luoyang the answer that oneself want. 万幸,陈洛阳得到自己想要的答案。 First looks at the entire life experience of Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe beforehand. 第一件事先看左贤王修哲的生平经历。 Under the time press Chen Luoyang does not look at the front part. 时间紧迫下陈洛阳都不看前面部分。 His directly looks at last. 直接看最后一句。 There confessed that Xiuzhe fanned out in several groups to disperse in Qian Prefecture with Helian Zhe and the others looks for Chen Luoyang one group of whereabout. 那里交代修哲赫连喆等人兵分几路在黔州分散寻找陈洛阳一行人的下落。 After dividing forces, has not mentioned them to converge. 分兵之后,没提及他们汇合。 This indicated, at present this Dead Sea black tide, is Helian Zhe several person handles affairs. 这说明,眼下这场死海黑潮,是赫连喆几个人自己行事。 Virtuous King of the Left Xiuzhe not at all hides behind black sea waits for the opportunity to act. 左贤王修哲并没有躲在黑海后面伺机而动。 Therefore Chen Luoyang puts down the final worry, unperturbed deploys troops, decodes this Dead Sea black tide. 于是陈洛阳放下最后的担心,老神在在调兵遣将,破解这场死海黑潮 Chief criminal Helian Zhe, was captured alive to grasp by Xiao Yuntian. 罪魁祸首赫连喆,也被萧云天生擒抓回。 Tidies up here.” Chen Luoyang optional beckoning with the hand. “把这里收拾一下。”陈洛阳随意的摆摆手。 Demon Cult people respectful sound said: Respectfully follows Cult Master to command.” 魔教众人恭声道:“谨遵教主谕令。” The Dead Sea black tide dissipation retreats. 死海黑潮消散退去。 What remains to be in-situ is piece of Bleached Bone and slough. 留在原地的是一片白骨和腐肉。 Soon, here will definitely have the plague, spreads to periphery. 用不了多久,这里必然会生出瘟疫,向周围扩散。 The land will also leave uncultivated completely. 土地也会完全荒废。 Qian Prefecture is the Demon Cult domain, naturally cannot ignore. 黔州魔教自家地盘,自然不能置之不理。 To them, is not difficult. 对他们来说,却也不难。 Without terrifying black death evil strength that the Dead Sea black tide embodiment contained, what the Demon Cult people means are many are. 没了死海黑潮内蕴含的恐怖黑死邪劲,魔教众人办法多的是。 Zhang Tianheng subordinate Daoist of Insects emits massive poisonous insects that oneself train, immediately large expanse of cleaning up surviving Bleached Bone and slough. 张天恒麾下虫道人放出自己培养的大量毒虫,立即成片清理残存的白骨和腐肉。 Cult Master please advance, the dirty and polluted scene, won't disturb your purity.” Zhang Tianheng said. 教主请先行,场面腌臜污秽,别扰您清净。”张天恒说道。 Chen Luoyang optional nod, six dragons imperial cart then leaves again 陈洛阳随意的点点头,六龙皇辇便再次起行 After he looked at Helian Zhe, has not said anything, only told to detain. 他看了一眼赫连喆后,没有多说什么,只吩咐收押。 Captures alive this person, is Chen Luoyang tells specially. 生擒这个人,是陈洛阳特意吩咐的。 More importantly person live whereabouts in his in the hand. 重要的是人活着落在他手里 How Helian Zhe thinks, immaterial. 赫连喆本身怎么想,无关紧要。
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