IHPDMB :: Volume #3

#244: Except for listening to my, you have no alternative( 5)

The contest of Blood River divine sword is still continuing with Divine Martial Demon Fist. 血河神剑同神武魔拳之间的较量还在继续。 The fist comes the sword toward, as before murderous aura ebullition. 拳来剑往,依旧杀气沸腾。 But the both sides intrinsic atmosphere, has started becomes different. 但双方内在的氛围,已经开始变得不同。 That Blood River swordsman high-pitched and fine gloomy voice resounds: Do not think oneself clever.” 血河剑客尖细阴沉的声音响起:“你不要自作聪明。” Chen Luoyang said indifferently: You choose.” 陈洛阳淡然道:“你自己抉择。” Opposite Blood River descendant is silent. 对面的血河传人再次沉默下去。 If asked that in his moment heart the first response, that most real reply is actually...... terrified! 如果问他此刻心中第一反应,那最真实的回答其实是……惶恐! Because of he biggest secret, was known by others. 因为他最大的秘密,被旁人所知。 Oneself cultivated presented the unmentionable diseasea, has to recuperate the suppression by Flowing Fragrance Powder. 自己修炼中出现了暗疾,不得不靠流芳散来调理镇压。 But also can only control reluctantly, is unable to root out. 可是也只能勉强控制,无法断根。 And painful, only has itself to know. 其中痛苦,唯有自己才知晓。 But worse is, Flowing Fragrance Powder in Mortal World, is gradually getting more and more scarce. 但更糟糕的则是,流芳散红尘界里,渐渐越来越稀少。 The formula has been lost, but the prepared medicine starts nearly in vanishing. 药方已经失传,而成药则开始近乎于绝迹。 This medicine was few person to use, whom therefore does not have to put the thoughts specially on this, seeks again the restoration Flowing Fragrance Powder formula. 这药物本就没有太多人使用,所以也没谁特意花心思在这上面,谋求重新复原流芳散的药方。 spiritual medicine, has the possibility of being lost, but to most people, this insignificant. 一种灵药,有失传的可能,但对绝大多数人而言,这无足轻重。 But to this Blood River swordsman, actually as if forces the rope on his neck, and is tighter, making him start to feel to suffocate. 可是对这个血河剑客来说,却仿佛勒在他脖子上的绳索,且越勒越紧,让他开始感到窒息。 As if looks at gradually move toward the cliff helplessly, actually does not stop the footsteps. 仿佛眼睁睁看着自己一步步走向悬崖,却根本停不下脚步。 Without Flowing Fragrance Powder, he was insufficient to lose the life but actually. 没有流芳散,他倒不至于丢了性命。 But that unmentionable diseasea is unable to suppress, then causes certainly his strength large scale landslide. 但那暗疾无法压制,则必然导致他实力大幅度滑坡。 When the time comes does not need outside foe to look for trouble, oneself Blood River internal opponent discovered, he is bad immediately. 到时候不用外面的仇敌来找麻烦,自家血河内部的冤家对头发现了,他就立刻要糟糕。 Reason that regards as important Yan Mingkong, is not he has what idea to Underworld Sword Technique. 之所以看重燕明空,不是他本人对幽冥剑术有什么想法。 Then ominous and fierce sword technique, at all he of not suitable present this body condition goes to cultivation. 那么凶厉剑术,根本不适合现在这个身体状态的他去修行 To retrieve Yan Mingkong, wants to gain Underworld Sword Technique , because makes a great merit in the gate, or asks for the reward of some top influential figure to regard as important. 想要寻回燕明空,想要获取幽冥剑术,是因为在门中立下一大功,或者讨得某位顶尖大人物的奖赏看重。 Even if so does not have Flowing Fragrance Powder, he can still have no more worries. 如此即便没有流芳散,他也可以高枕无忧。 But if can obtain Flowing Fragrance Powder, that naturally best, but, can obtain the formula particularly, that was better. 但如果能得到流芳散,那自然是最好不过,尤其是能得到药方的话,那就更好了。 Although must consider the issue of medicine refining difficulty and raw material collection, but that full is in the road ahead of cliff, builds a bridge to be possible for him to pass through. 虽然还要考虑炼药难度和原材料收集的问题,但那满是悬崖的前路上,好歹架起一座桥梁可供他通行。 Under insurance Pravdhakara, is used to direct Yan Mingkong to come, as well as whether to grasp Yan Mingkong, similarly only unknown. 保下圆嗔,用来引燕明空现身,以及能否拿住燕明空,同样都只是未知数。 Really must say the possibility of accomplishing, feared might as well gains the opportunity that the Flowing Fragrance Powder formula comes to be good at present. 真要说成事的可能,怕是还不如眼前获取流芳散药方来的机会好。 only faces Chen Luoyang at this moment, in this Blood River swordsman heart depressed, is extremely anxious simultaneously. 只是此刻面对陈洛阳,这血河剑客心中郁闷至极,同时极度不安。 Depressed , because he is acted bashful now by Chen Luoyang. 郁闷,是因为他现在被陈洛阳拿捏住了。 Originally, he must take itself not to participate to besiege Chen Luoyang for the price and ensure can rescue Pravdhakara, the initiative lies in he. 原本,他是要以自己不参与围攻陈洛阳为代价,确保能救下圆嗔,主动权在于他。 Danger when Pravdhakara, this Demon Monk if really died, he is annoyed , to continue to try to find the solution again. 危险在圆嗔身上,这魔僧真要是死了,他恼火之余,再继续想办法。 But now, the initiative fell on Chen Luoyang completely. 可是现在,主动权完全落到了陈洛阳身上。 The opposite party knew his secret. 对方知道了他的秘密。 Even if Chen Luoyang does not provide the Flowing Fragrance Powder formula, the only threat spreads this secret, can make him think over well the weight. 哪怕陈洛阳不提供流芳散的药方,只是威胁把这个秘密散布出去,就能让他好好掂量一下轻重。 The danger is not on Pravdhakara, but lies on this Blood River swordsman. 危险不在圆嗔身上,而在于这血河剑客自己身上。 This makes in this person of heart be hard to suppress to give birth wildly with rage with killing intent, but was pressed immediately sanely, simultaneously the heart not restrainable appears the terrified sentiment. 这让此人心中难以抑制生出狂怒与杀意,但是又马上被理智压下去,同时心底不可抑制的浮现出惶恐之情。 He really does not think clearly, own secret, how is known by this youth at present. 他实在想不明白,自己的隐秘,如何会被眼前这个青年知道。 This person moves in Grand Land of the Divine Province, both sides simply had not previously contacted, how can being in Mortal World him understands such clearly? 这人在神州浩土活动,此前双方根本没接触过,如何能对身在红尘界的他了解得这么清楚? Then is Mortal World Main Ancient God Cult, is impossible to grasp such secret matter? 便是红尘古神教总教,都不可能掌握这么隐秘的事吧? Actually does this boy how know? 这小子究竟是怎么知道的? When this Blood River swordsman at this time, in the heart is in a terrified way indescribable, more is bewildered. 血河剑客此时,心中惶恐难以言表之余,更多的则是莫名其妙。 In the Chen Luoyang mouth emits the Flowing Fragrance Powder three characters time, that Blood River swordsman almost at the scene, dumb as a wooden chicken. 陈洛阳口中冒出流芳散三个字的时候,那血河剑客差点愣在当场,呆若木鸡。 This is not cheating him. 这绝不是在诈他。 But really knows his details. 而是真的知道他底细。 Otherwise is impossible so accurate hits the mark this strategic point. 否则不可能如此精准的切中这要害。 In Mortal World basic on few cares about Flowing Fragrance Powder this spiritual medicine personally. 红尘界里根本就没几个人在意流芳散这种灵药 Guesses one casually, is insufficient to guess Flowing Fragrance Powder, the probability of being deceived is so small that it can be totally neglected.. 随便猜一个,也不至于猜流芳散啊,蒙中的概率小到可以完全忽略不计了 In Blood River swordsman heart surprised uncertain. 血河剑客心中惊疑不定。 He filled to Chen Luoyang at this moment dreaded, even don't dare had the thoughts of eliminating a potential informant, who behind the lord knows opposite party was standing. 他此刻对陈洛阳充满了忌惮,甚至都不敢生出灭口的心思,天晓得对方背后是不是有谁站着。 Under Chen Luoyang regarding seizing tortures to force the opposite party to hand over Flowing Fragrance Powder formula matter, wants not to need to think. 至于说擒下陈洛阳严刑拷打迫使对方交出流芳散药方这种事,更是想都不用想。 Draws back 10,000 steps, whom the opposite party back does not have to stand. 姑且退一万步,对方背后没谁站着。 But at present by the strength that Chen Luoyang shows, wants to capture alive , is completely the impossible mission. 但眼下以陈洛阳表现出的实力,想要生擒活捉,也完全是个不可能完成的任务。 At least this Blood River swordsman have not possibly achieved single-handedly, must on-the-spot Minor Western Paradise and Southern Chu Dynasty even Heavenly River lineage person take action help one another is good. 至少这血河剑客自己没可能独力做到,必须要现场的小西天南楚皇朝甚至天河一脉的人出手相助才行。 Even so, no means ensure can hold Chen Luoyang, greatly possibly is dies several person everyone to perish together. 但即便如此,也没办法保证能抓住陈洛阳,更大可能是死几个人大家一起同归于尽。 Before that Chen Luoyang first held to explode his secret with ease. 在那以前,陈洛阳轻轻松松就把他的秘密先捅爆了。 Without Flowing Fragrance Powder, stared by other enemies, such result, is only thinks the feeling of having being afraid. 没有流芳散,又被其他对头们盯上,那样的结果,光是想一想就让人有不寒而栗的感觉。 In this Blood River swordsman heart extremely oppressed discovery, at present as if only then cooperates a choice with Chen Luoyang, places hopes in the opposite party to have the conscience to keep one's word. 血河剑客心中极为憋闷的发现,眼下自己似乎只有跟陈洛阳合作一个选择,寄希望于对方有良心讲信用。 Although vexed, is actually the best result. 虽然窝囊,却已经是最好的结果。 Other choices, are seemingly happy, actually finally equally vexed ............ 其他选择,看似痛快,其实结果一样窝囊………… In Chen Luoyang with this Blood River swordsman fierce struggle, another side Tu Shanyi, breaks through the stop of Southern Chu Jingwang gradually, their this side approaches to Chen Luoyang. 陈洛阳同这血河剑客激斗之际,另一边的屠山夷,渐渐突破南楚景王的阻拦,向陈洛阳他们这边靠近。 But at this moment, colored glaze buddhist light direct impact heaven, then fade and disappear. 但就在这时,琉璃佛光直冲上天,然后消失不见 Covers in buddhist light of Minor Western Paradise people, immediately spreads uniform Buddha zen chant. 笼罩小西天众人的佛光里,顿时传出一声整齐划一的佛号禅唱 That great bright buddhist light ties, spreads to the four directions suddenly, covers all around the world. 紧接着,那宏大光明的佛光结界,就骤然向四方扩散,覆盖周遭天地。 Chen Luoyang, Tu Shanyi and the others, and even that Heavenly River swordsman, everyone was all covered in the middle of buddhist light. 陈洛阳屠山夷等人,乃至那天河剑客,大家全都被笼罩在佛光当中。 Heavenly River swordsman remains unmoved, the facial expression stabilizes as before, all that only static looks at has at present. 天河剑客不为所动,神情依旧安定,只是静静看着眼前发生的一切。 Their Heavenly River lineage with Minor Western Paradise, relations, although does not make closer, but has also communicated, belongs to a Mortal World righteous path side, compared with is at least together with Blood River lineage, Ancient God Cult and Demon Buddha lineage is much better. 他们天河一脉小西天之间,关系虽然不密切,但也有所来往,分属红尘正道一方,至少比跟血河一脉古神教魔佛一脉相处的要好很多。 However this Heavenly River swordsman was still not busy take action at this moment , to continue to stand by, pays attention every action and every movement of others. 不过这天河剑客此刻仍然不忙着出手,继续作壁上观,留心其他人的一举一动。 Especially pays attention Chen Luoyang take action. 尤其是留心陈洛阳出手 He wants to confirm that the opposite party whether such as Tao Wangji master and disciple said that had Underworld Sword Technique. 他想要确认对方是否如陶忘机师徒所言,身怀幽冥剑术 But under this moment buddhist light covers, everyone top of the head, as if presents a giant lotus flower. 而此刻佛光笼罩下,大家头顶,仿佛都出现一朵巨大的莲花。 A golden lotus, blooms bright insightful buddhist light. 一朵金莲,绽放出明亮通透的佛光 Black Lotus with Demon Buddha lineage, clearly on the contrary, but forms the suppression to the spirit of person. 魔佛一脉黑莲,截然相反,但是都对人的精神形成镇压。 Usually in Minor Western Paradise barely uses similar method, today for subdue monsters and defeat demons, lets loose the scruples finally. 平日里小西天很少采用类似手段,今日为了降妖伏魔,终于放开顾忌。 The lotus petal opens in abundance blooms, spreads the great buddhist chants Zen sound, not noisy ear, but actually as if can enter the will of the people. 莲瓣纷纷打开绽放,从中传出宏大的佛唱禅音,并不如何吵耳,但却仿佛可以直入人心。 Chen Luoyang has Tathagata Demon Palm, regarding this is sensitive, immediately has a depressing feeling. 陈洛阳身怀如来魔掌,对此非常敏感,顿时生出一股压抑的感觉。 But besides him, another person also is quite distressed. 而除了他以外,还有另外一人也极为狼狈。 The Pravdhakara and Amoghavajra master and disciple two people, were struck to kill by Chen Luoyang. 圆嗔、不空师徒二人,都被陈洛阳击杀。 Before Demon Buddha lineage, in this's three big chancellor characters, then is only left over one Bloody Kasaya Demon Monk Vandhyarhab. 魔佛一脉之前在此的三大主事人物,便只剩下一个“血袈裟空屠魔僧 Sees with own eyes Pravdhakara to be defeated, the matter may not, also there is in Minor Western Paradise the person to stare in one side, Vandhyarhab has not continued to stop over, but is the earliest possible time attempts to run away. 眼见圆嗔落败,事不可为,又有小西天中人在一旁盯着,空屠没有继续多逗留,而是第一时间尝试逃走。 Only pitifully, he has the wound in the body, the speed is hard to raise thoroughly. 只可惜,他有伤在身,速度难以彻底提起来。 At present buddhist light of Minor Western Paradise side ties opens, still also covered Demon Monk Vandhyarhab. 眼下小西天一方的佛光结界一张开,仍然将空屠魔僧也笼罩进来。 Although Demon Monk Vandhyarhab doesn't cultivate Tathagata Demon Palm, but demon art, is Demon Buddha lineage direct legacy. 空屠魔僧虽然不修如来魔掌,但一身魔功,也都是魔佛一脉嫡传 At this time tied facing Minor Western Paradise buddhist light, feeling was more intense than Chen Luoyang. 这时面对小西天佛光结界,感受比陈洛阳还要强烈。 Above the golden lotus throne, buddhist light condenses a big buddha faintly. 金色的莲台之上,佛光隐隐凝聚成一尊大佛。 In this big buddha mouth makes the Zen sound, the acoustic shock thousand li (500 km), prolonged. 这大佛口中发出禅音,声震千里,经久不绝。 As if the heavenly thunder stirs general, near everyone ear, resounds in everyone heart. 仿佛天雷鼓荡一般,在每个人耳边,更在每个人心底响起。 Minor Western Paradise being well-known entire Mortal World absolute technique, Lesser Thunderclap. 正是小西天闻名整个红尘界绝学,小雷音 Like Minor Western Paradise all absolute technique divine ability, in the name had one slightly character, but no one will therefore actually despise Lesser Thunderclap, despises Minor Western Paradise any absolute technique. 如同小西天所有绝学神通,名字中都带了一个“小”字,但却没有任何人会因此看低小雷音,看低小西天任何一门绝学 In name belt/bring small character, the implication is, true Western Paradise wonderland and under Buddhism thunder sound first existence. 名字里带个“小”字,其中寓意乃是,真正的西天妙境、佛门雷音之下第一的存在。 In Buddhist's first prestigious family sacred ground as Mortal World, Minor Western Paradise absolute technique has its powerful originality. 作为红尘界中佛家第一名门圣地,小西天绝学自有其强大独到之处。 This moment thunder sound gets up, shakes the people state of mind to fluctuate, the aura is not steady. 此刻雷音响起,震得众人都心绪浮动,气息不稳。 On Chen Luoyang the Blood River swordsman with the delight that hits, at this time met with thunder sound to suppress, without made concessions slightly, was one drinks to Fang Jinlian Buddha. 陈洛阳手上跟血河剑客打的不亦乐乎,这时遭逢雷音镇压,则没有丝毫退让,冲着上方金莲佛陀就是一声喝。 Follows his drinking sound, in the world presents a jet black big buddha again. 伴随他的喝声,天地间再次出现一尊漆黑的大佛。 Belongs to Chen Luoyang's Demon Buddha. 属于陈洛阳的魔佛相。 This jet black big buddha, the double palm makes an effort, about ten dynasty chest front rackets, then promotes toward the above. 这尊漆黑大佛,双掌用力,合十朝胸前一拍,然后朝上方推出。 The wild air wave, congeals immediately one bunch, the sharp blade breaks open to Chen Luoyang thunder sound. 狂暴的气浪,顿时凝结成一束,利刃般破开向陈洛阳袭来的雷音。 Sees his this move Destroying Maha with a Shout, numerous Minor Western Paradise expert, all the double palm gathers ten, mouth chanting Buddha's name: Crime crime.” 看见他这一招喝破摩诃,一众小西天高手,全都双掌合十,口喧佛号:“罪过罪过。” That as if fierce appearance same big monk, goes out in big strides forward. 那仿佛怒目金刚一般的大和尚,大踏步向前走出。 This poor monk Yanhaghavajra, asks for advice one or two to Benefactor Chen.” This monk gets angry the sound to shout: Benefactor Chen extinguishes my Buddhism lineage in this Grand Land of the Divine Province many legacy, makes kills the evil boundlessly, this poor monk asks Benefactor Chen to repay some karma today!” “贫僧衍空,向陈施主讨教一二。”这和尚怒声喝道:“陈施主灭我佛门一脉在这神州浩土的多支传承,造无边杀孽,贫僧今天请陈施主偿还一些果报!” He drinks in the sound greatly, the double palm raises, then Buddha, appears in the Chen Luoyang top of the head. 他大喝声中,双掌一提,然后便有一尊佛陀,出现于陈洛阳头顶。 But all these, merely only start. 而这一切,仅仅只是个开始。 The Buddha light shadow that another intelligent circle thinks, appears in the world together, then forms a battle formation together, blossoms in radiant splendor. 一尊又一尊智慧圆觉的佛陀光影,一起出现在天地间,然后共同结成一个阵势,大放光明。 Altogether 30 two phases, under the union, are wise, as if have both indestructible and destroying the hardest defenses twofold strength concept simultaneously. 一共三十二相,结合之下,充满智慧,仿佛同时兼具坚不可摧与无坚不摧两重力量意境 The Buddha view, the Vajrapani 30 two phases arrive together, toward Chen Luoyang overhead suppression. 佛陀说法,金刚三十二相一起降临,朝着陈洛阳当头镇压。 While Grandmaster Yanhaghavajra take action, Grandmaster Yanhaprajna and other Minor Western Paradise expert, revealed the method at this time. 衍空大师出手的同时,衍慧大师等其他小西天高手,这时也纷纷显露手段。 Suddenly, the zen chant sound proliferates all over the sky, give an exaggerated account of things, wells up treasure lotus. 一时间,满天禅唱声遍布,天花乱坠,地涌宝莲 This piece of plateau, seemed changed to Buddhism Pure Land. 这一片高原,仿佛都被化作佛门净土
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