IHPDMB :: Volume #3

#243: Starts not to spare, no one is able to keep off( 4)

The Chen Luoyang's words, making a Pravdhakara nearly blood spurt. 陈洛阳的话,让圆嗔险些一口血喷出来。 Their two, think unexpectedly went together ............ 他们两个,居然想到一起去了………… If heaven pities me, Pravdhakara just now is also the idea. 天可怜见,圆嗔方才也是打的这个主意。 Although this convert has big hidden danger fated unable to be lasting, but copes with the following aspect to be just appropriate. 虽然这种渡化有很大隐患注定无法持久,但应付接下来的局面正合适。 Which once thinks, Chen Luoyang wants to result in him unexpectedly is the same idea. 哪曾想,陈洛阳居然跟他想得是相同的主意。 But ironically, Chen Luoyang wins, but does not have complete volume Demons Passing Through All Living Things on hand, is unable convert his Pravdhakara, only to kill finally him. 但讽刺的是,陈洛阳了,但手头没有完整版魔渡众生,无法渡化圆嗔,结果只能把他打死了事。 His Pravdhakara has complete volume Demons Passing Through All Living Things, the point is that he has not hit Chen Luoyang ............ 圆嗔完整版魔渡众生,可问题是,他没打过陈洛阳………… But at this moment, he must die under Chen Luoyang that remnant volume Tathagata Demon Palm. 而此刻,他就要死在陈洛阳残篇如来魔掌之下了。 This to Pravdhakara, simply great shame. 这对圆嗔来说,简直奇耻大辱。 Dies in Buddhism authentic lineage in the hand, the ratio dies under such palm technique is better! 死在佛门正宗手里,都比死在这样的掌法下要好! What a pity under the severe wound, this black clothes old monk life and death has been beyond control he. 可惜重伤之下,这黑衣老僧生死已经由不得他自己。 The Chen Luoyang palm downward racket falls. 陈洛阳手掌向下拍落。 But at this time, distant blood light flashed before together. 但这时,远方一道血光闪现。 Keeps the person hand/subordinate!” Blood River, crosses the horizon far away, arrives in front of Chen Luoyang, take action, is that Blood River swordsman. “手下留人!”迢迢血河,横贯天际,来到陈洛阳面前,出手者,正是那个血河剑客。 He has been staring at Chen Luoyang. 他一直在盯着陈洛阳 If Chen Luoyang does not begin to strike to kill Pravdhakara, then his also not like works as this person who takes the lead. 如果陈洛阳不动手击杀圆嗔,那么他也不像当这个出头鸟。 But now, leaves behind a Pravdhakara life, then possibly fishes Yan Mingkong. 但现在,留下圆嗔一命,则可能钓出燕明空 Therefore this Blood River swordsman, at this time decisive take action. 所以这血河剑客,这时果断出手了。 But Chen Luoyang palm not at all stops, but continues the downward racket to fall, hits in the Pravdhakara top of the head. 陈洛阳手掌并没有停,而是继续向下拍落,打在圆嗔的头顶。 That Blood River swordsman flies into a rage. 血河剑客勃然大怒。 sword light melts torrential Blood River, from inside the Void, rewinds to Chen Luoyang under. 剑光所化之滔滔血河,从虚空里,向陈洛阳倒卷而下。 Above the Chen Luoyang top of the head appears Chi You Idol, then Chi You takes down a long halberd and a broadsword from above nine divine weapon. 陈洛阳头顶上方现出蚩尤相,然后蚩尤从上空九支神兵里取下一支长戟和一柄大刀。 Blade halberd one vertical one horizontal, Blood River tearing. 刀戟一纵一横,将血河撕裂。 But Blood River has not only been defeated and dispersed, instead also catches blood-color the blade halberd. 血河不仅没有溃散,反而还把刀戟染上一片血色。 After crossing one move, Chen Luoyang at heart approximately confident. 过了一招之后,陈洛阳心里大致有了底。 Blood River of opposite party is seemingly mighty, sword technique actually walks the fine way in every way possible. 对方的血河看似气势恢宏,剑术其实是走精细入微的路数。 That vast Blood River, properly speaking is not together sword light. 那条浩大的血河,准确说来并不是一道剑光 But is tens of thousands, even million, surely, the innumerable say/way blood-color sword light gatherings of trillion ideas. 而是成千上万,甚至数以百万、千万、亿万计的无数道血色的剑光汇聚而成。 Each drop of river water, is equal to together sword light. 每一滴河水,便等同于一道剑光 sword light that is hard to count gathers to become a body, ultimately forms as if the river same bolt of white silk. 难以计数的剑光汇聚成为一体,最终形成仿佛长河一般的匹练。 But in this river, each drop of river water, as if has own life, has own rule, has own rhythm, even has own thought probably. 而在这长河中,每滴河水,都仿佛有自己的生命,有自己的规律,有自己的节奏,甚至像是有自己的思想。 The blade halberd catches blood-color, then stems from sword light that this is hard to count, non-stop attacking the blade halberd, surviving bloodstain same seems to be brilliance, and is not loose for a very long time. 刀戟染上一片血色,便是源于这难以计数的剑光,不停冲击刀戟,残存仿佛血迹一般的光辉,并久久不散。 Blood River falls, as if innumerable waterdrops change into the mighty current, blotting out the sky at the same time, inside has the universe. 血河落下,就仿佛无数水滴化为洪流,铺天盖地的同时,内里别有乾坤。 Chen Luoyang sees that top of the head Chi You Idol vanishes, Zhurong Idol displaces. 陈洛阳见状,头顶蚩尤相消失,祝融相取而代之。 The blazing roaring flame ascension, and fills the horizon fast. 炽热的烈焰升腾而起,并快速弥漫天际。 Big flame God stands erect in the midair, the large flame of whole body tumbles together. 高大的火焰神祇屹立在半空中,全身上下的火舌一起翻滚。 Drops from the clouds, the blood-color sword light transformed into mighty current, launches the intense resistance with the raging fire. 从天而降,血色剑光所化的洪流,同烈火展开激烈的对抗。 Blood drop non-stop being evaporated to disappear, arrives incalculable. “血滴”不停被蒸发泯灭,多到无法计数。 Blood-color river, at naked eye clearly discernible speed, fast withering away. 血色的长河,以肉眼清晰可见的速度,飞快消亡。 However, inundates the heavenly fire flame, even including Zhurong Idol on, was caught blood-color. 不过,漫天火焰,甚至包括祝融相身上,也都被染上一层血色。 The surroundings near thousand li (500 km) surrounding area, does not have the common people at present, at best some Demon Cult disciples stay. 周围近千里方圆,眼下已经没有了平民百姓,充其量还有一些魔教弟子停留。 They felt that at this time is extremely anxious and agitated, wishes one could to slaughter. 他们这时都感觉到极度的焦虑和烦躁,恨不得大开杀戒。 Besides Chen Luoyang previous Chi You Idol, these people receive Blood River sword intent influence. 除了陈洛阳先前的蚩尤相以外,这些人都是受到血河剑意影响 Blood River sword intent evil severe overbearing, world is really rare, its bloody vicious tendencies, let all the lives of nearness, will feel serious ill. 血河剑意之邪厉霸道,着实世间少有,其血腥戾气,让所有靠近的生灵,都会感到严重不适。 Chen Luoyang equally felt that the heart ancient banner has the vacillation of flash. 陈洛阳同样感到心旌有一瞬间的动摇。 However suffering him of "Chi You" exercise, to the negativity in this aspect, has strong controlling force, is insufficient by the degree that Blood River sword intent invades. 不过饱经“蚩尤”锻炼的他,对这方面的负面情绪,有很强的控制力,远不至于被血河剑意所侵染的程度。 In addition Zhurong Idol take action, burns down the most, present situation blood-color sword light, Chen Luoyang can also support greatly. 再加上祝融相出手,将血色的剑光焚烧去大半,眼下的情况,陈洛阳还大可以支撑。 His palm continues strike down, strikes to kill Grandmaster Pravdhakara at the scene! 他的手掌继续打落,当场将圆嗔大师击杀! after Amoghavajra, another Demon Buddha lineage descendant was killed by Chen Luoyang. 继不空之后,又一位魔佛一脉传人陈洛阳杀死。 And, is not thirteenth realm True Form Realm, but is the fourteenth realm Entranced Realm level. 并且,还不是第十三境真形境,而是第十四境出神境的层次。 The Pravdhakara and Amoghavajra master and disciple two people of completely all bodies die, arrives at the Grand Land of the Divine Province course for this Demon Buddha lineage, draws to a close period. 圆嗔和不空师徒二人尽皆身死,为这次魔佛一脉来到神州浩土的历程,划下句号。 This period is whether perfect, then on different people have different views. 这个句号是否完美,那就见仁见智了。 In above Blood River, that somewhat high-pitched and fine sound, falls into at this moment silent. 上方血河里,那个有些尖细的声音,此刻陷入沉默。 The people died, he instead did not have the thoughts to speak. 人死了,他反而没心思说话了。 He only wants to strike to kill below Chen Luoyang now! 他现在只想击杀下方的陈洛阳 Another side, the Tu Shanyi under foot step moves, seems like prepares take action. 另一边,屠山夷脚下步子动了动,似乎是准备出手 But by him, that flaming Light Radiance ascends, stops the Tu Shanyi footsteps. 但在他旁边,那熊熊光明煌升腾起来,阻拦屠山夷的脚步。 In the Tu Shanyi sneering process approaches unceasingly. 屠山夷冷笑过程中不断逼近。 The golden light roaring flame as if not beat the footsteps that Tu Shanyi approaches. 金光烈焰似乎不敌屠山夷靠近的脚步。 However by this influence, Tu Shanyi was also stopped temporarily, is unable the earliest possible time to rush to that side Chen Luoyang. 但是受此影响,屠山夷也被暂时阻拦,无法第一时间赶往陈洛阳那边。 Under starlight covers Heavenly River swordsman, stands in same place silent. 星光笼罩下的天河剑客,站在原地默然不语。 Blood River lineage descendant strikes to kill Ancient God Cult lineage descendant, and is one possibly with the Underworld Sword Technique concerned person, this to Heavenly River swordsman, is glad to see him succeed. 血河一脉传人击杀古神教一脉传人,并且是一个可能同幽冥剑术有关的人,这对天河剑客来说,乐见其成。 His itself because of the Underworld Sword Technique reason, therefore comes this Grand Land of the Divine Province. 他本就是因为幽冥剑术的缘故,所以才来这神州浩土 If Chen Luoyang is really related with Underworld Sword Technique, that does not use Blood River swordsman take action, his must first say well with Chen Luoyang. 如果陈洛阳真的同幽冥剑术有关,那不用血河剑客出手,他头一个就要跟陈洛阳好好说道一番。 But Chen Luoyang had not previously shown the relations with Underworld Sword Technique. 只不过此前陈洛阳还一直没有展现出同幽冥剑术的关系。 Therefore this Heavenly River descendant, sits pretty at this moment, watches changes quietly. 所以这个天河传人,此刻稳坐钓鱼台,静观其变。 But under another side buddhist light covers, the Minor Western Paradise people look at each other in blank dismay. 而另外一边佛光笼罩下,小西天众人面面相觑。 That as if fierce appearance same big monk makes noise saying: senior brother?” 那仿佛怒目金刚一样的大和尚出声说道:“师兄?” Grandmaster Yanhaprajna said in a soft voice: „After the bodhisattva leaves, said.” 衍慧大师轻声道:“待佛子离开后再说。” Everyone nods together, then turns round to look to that seven color jeweled flagpoles. 大家一起点头,然后回身看向那七彩宝幢。 Around the jeweled flagpole the flashing brilliance, then spreads intermittent brahma sound. 宝幢周围闪动光辉,然后从中传出阵阵梵音 In the brahma sound sound, on these seven color jeweled flagpoles, raises impressively lines after lines of colored glaze buddhist light, shoots up to the sky, goes nonstop to the clouds. 梵音声中,这七彩宝幢上,赫然升起道道琉璃佛光,冲天而起,直通云霄。 This colored glaze buddhist light, penetrates buddhist light that the Minor Western Paradise people haunched to tie, penetrated Grand Land of the Divine Province, as if also penetrated billowing Mortal World, goes to more remote location. 这道琉璃佛光,穿透了小西天众人撑起的佛光结界,穿透了神州浩土,仿佛也穿透了滚滚红尘,直向更遥远的所在而去。 Then in this buddhist light, seven color jeweled flagpoles, and person's shadow under jeweled flagpole, starts gradually becomes pale, as if gets makes by the entity the nihility. 然后就在这道佛光内,七彩宝幢,以及宝幢下的人影,开始渐渐变淡,仿佛由实体变作虚无。 Under the jeweled flagpole, spreads the sounds of people: Thank Senior Brother everyone the great kindness, for these days, thank your for your hospitality.” 宝幢下,传出人声:“感谢诸位师兄盛情,这几天来,叨扰了。” Grandmaster Yanhaprajna and the others, gathers ten to the jeweled flagpole that vanishes about to together is the rituals: senior brother spoke discreetly, please for our Minor Western Paradise, give regards to Heavenly Buddha.” 衍慧大师等人,一起向行将消失的宝幢合十为礼:“师兄言重了,请代吾辈小西天,向天佛问好。” Fellow fellow apprentices take care.” The jeweled flagpole vanishes gradually. “各位师兄保重。”宝幢渐渐消失。 But Grandmaster Yanhaprajna and the others each other looked at each other one at this time again, nods: Should begin.” 衍慧大师等人这时再彼此对视一眼,都点点头:“该动手了。” But when they see off outside that Mortal World the bodhisattva departs, another side aspect is entirely different. 可是就在他们恭送那红尘外佛子离去的时候,另外一边的局面已经截然不同。 Chen Luoyang is in front of that Blood River swordsman, a palm patted Pravdhakara Demon Monk. 陈洛阳当着那血河剑客的面,一掌拍死了圆嗔魔僧 Not only cut off the opposite party intention to make the bait to fish the thoughts that through this person Yan Mingkong came out, made this Blood River swordsman lose the face countenance greatly. 不仅仅断绝了对方意图通过此人做饵钓燕明空出来的心思,同时也让这血河剑客大失颜面。 Chen Luoyang does not know in the opposite party heart to think, but looked that this person so regards as important Pravdhakara suddenly, in the heart the faint appeared guess. 陈洛阳不知对方心中所想,但看此人突然如此看重圆嗔,心中隐隐多了些猜测。 However under his hand not at all is forgiving, still patted dead Pravdhakara. 不过他手底下并没有留情,仍然拍死圆嗔 in today's battle, not being able to allow him to have the half a point to show weakness, must continuously strongly. 今日一战,容不得他有半分示弱,必须一直强硬到底。 In Mortal World the person, was too strong facing the a world from the lower realm psychological advantage and superiority feeling. 红尘界中人,面对界下一方天地的心理优势和优越感都太强了。 This does not favor both sides then having to do, including with Mortal World red Divine Cult is also same. 这非常不利于双方接下来打交道,包括跟红尘神教也是一样。 Regarding this moment him, many slaughtering, mean then a stronger strength. 对于这一刻的他来说,越多的杀戮,就意味着接下来越强的实力。 Living off the government. 以战养战。 Although does not have the accumulation to use death qi absolute technique, however slaughters, can help him increase blood red nectar in black pot. 虽然没有积累利用死气绝学,但是杀戮,能帮他增添黑壶中的血红琼浆 But regarding at present this Blood River swordsman, before striking to kill Pravdhakara, he in the heart has known how things stand probably. 而对于眼前这个血河剑客,在击杀圆嗔之前,他就已经心中大概有数。 Previously struck to kill Cheng Huyuan, making blood red nectar in black pot save not few. 先前击杀程虎元,让黑壶内的血红琼浆积攒了不少。 The Eastern Sea jade bucket island by the Blood River lineage attack, was initiated a slaughtering catastrophe. 东海玉勺岛被血河一脉袭击,引发一场杀戮的浩劫。 Besides Tao Wangji master and disciple several people, before others such as, Xia Dynasty Third Prince Li Cheng they, all die an untimely death at the scene. 除了陶忘机师徒几人外,其他人如前夏朝三皇子李澄他们,全都横死当场。 Although cultivation base realm is highest also on Martial King, but the quantity are really many, is blood red nectar in black pot adds one again. 虽然修为境界最高也就武王,但数量着实不少,为黑壶内的血红琼浆再添一笔。 Later inquired Tang Xinming and the others or the matters, although some consumptions, but the surplus nectar total quantity, were still very considerable. 之后查询汤辛明等人或事,虽然有些许消耗,但剩余的琼浆总量,仍然很可观。 After arriving at plateau, then struck to kill thirteenth realm Demon Monk Amoghavajra, was a supplement. 来到高原后,再击杀了第十三境不空魔僧,又是一笔补充。 Here especially many in addition thanked the contribution of Mr. Cheng Huyuan. 这里尤其多加感谢程虎元先生的贡献。 Also wants many thanks black pot this to strike to kill personally, increases blood red nectar component more characteristics. 同时也要多谢黑壶这个亲手击杀,增加血红琼浆份量更多的特点。 Before Pravdhakara begins, Chen Luoyang had confidence that inquired this fourteenth realm expert information. 所以在跟圆嗔动手前,陈洛阳有把握查询这个第十四境强者的信息。 However he does not have to do. 但是他没有那么做。 blood red nectar that therefore saves, enabling him to invest into at present the body of this Blood River swordsman. 于是省下来的血红琼浆,让他可以投入到眼前这个血河剑客的身上。 Before a directly palm pats dead Pravdhakara, Chen Luoyang the mind has communicated black pot in mind, inquired the information and material of opposite party. 直接一掌拍死圆嗔前,陈洛阳已经心神沟通自己脑海里的黑壶,查询对方的信息与资料。 Then, some valuable information heave in sight. 然后,一些有价值的信息映入眼帘。 Also makes him put down the heart thoroughly, pats dead Pravdhakara unrestrained/no trace of politeness at the scene. 也让他彻底放下心,毫不客气当场拍死圆嗔 Strikes to kill this fourteenth realm Demon Buddha lineage expert, let him previously because of blood red nectar that inquiring the Blood River swordsman bordered on to dry up, was full again, can wait to deal with other enemies. 击杀这个第十四境魔佛一脉高手,让他先前因为查询血河剑客而濒临枯竭的血红琼浆,再次充盈起来,可以留待对付其他敌人。 But at present this Blood River lineage descendant ............ 而眼前这个血河一脉传人………… „Is Flowing Fragrance Powder easy-to-use?” Chen Luoyang wants the rampage opponent facing this eye looks at, shakes the fist with it socializing, while tone superficial asking. 流芳散好用吗?”陈洛阳面对这个眼看着暴走的对手,一边挥拳与之周旋,一边语气轻描淡写的问道。 His these words, the sound has not let loose, but is crop one bunch, sends in Blood River sword light. 他这句话,声音没有放开,而是收成一束,送入血河般的剑光内。 The movement of that Blood River swordsman non-stop. 血河剑客的动作不停。 But murderous aura in sword intent, after raises a level suddenly, the immediately fast drop, was obviously paler than previously. 剑意中的杀气,在骤然拔高一个层次后,立马快速下降,明显比先前淡了许多。 After that is one type was ascertained the secret , the subconsciousness wants to silence a witness of crime, but quick resumes the calm response. 那是一种被人窥破秘密之后下意识想要杀人灭口,但很快又恢复冷静的反应。 In torrential Blood River, as if eye is gazing at Chen Luoyang, hesitates does not speak. 滔滔血河中,仿佛有一双眼睛在注视陈洛阳,沉吟不语。 Chen Luoyang continues to congeal one bunch to send out the sound: Does not need such looks at I, Flowing Fragrance Powder, here not...... ……” 陈洛阳继续将声音凝结成一束送出:“不必这么看着我,流芳散,我这里没有…………” The Blood River swordsman is silent. 血河剑客沉默。 He does not think that Chen Luoyang whiles away the time specially he, this then has certainly something to be talked about later. 他不认为陈洛阳专门消遣他,这接下来一定有后话。 Really, Chen Luoyang tone optional saying: Formula, has one actually.” 果然,陈洛阳语气随意的说道:“药方,倒是有一张。”
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