IHPDMB :: Volume #3

#201: He is unable to escape

Facing that pair of dark gold color pupil, the Flame Dragon whole body scales open and close, the body swung, exudes the low and deep dragon roar sound. 面对那双暗金色的眸子,炎龙全身鳞甲开阖,身体摆动了一下,发出低沉的龙吟声。 Then it lord to turn the head, to the Chen Luoyang low giant head. 然后它主动转过脑袋,向陈洛阳低下巨大的头颅。 On him has Buddha sarira, a moment ago last move of time collapsed flew, was not in the explosion center, should have to preserve.” Chen Luoyang told lightly: You go to these Submarine volcano regions, after finding , the belt/bring comes back.” “他身上有一枚佛舍利,刚才最后一招的时候崩飞了,不处于爆炸中心,应该有保存下来。”陈洛阳淡淡吩咐道:“你去这些海底火山区域里,找到后带回来。” In the Flame Dragon double pupil spreads very user-friendly brilliance, obviously gawked. 炎龙的双瞳中传出很人性化的光彩,明显愣了一下。 Its some indefinite looked under one sea level, then raised the head to probe is looking to Chen Luoyang. 它有些不确定的看了一眼下方海面,然后再抬头试探着看向陈洛阳 Truly to his vertical tombstone right.” Saying of Chen Luoyang at a moderate pace: But not influence digs his grave.” “确实是给他立的墓碑没错。”陈洛阳不紧不慢的说道:“但不影响挖他坟。” Saying, in the palm is presenting reversed “卍” symbol, seal in an flame Dragon One corner/horn. 说着,手掌里出现一个逆转的“卍”字符,印在炎龙一支角上。 The Flame Dragon huge figure, falls immediately, sneaks in the sea. 炎龙庞大的身形,顿时落下去,潜入海中。 Although is Flame Dragon, but not influence it moves in the sea water freely. 虽然是炎龙,但并不影响其在海水自由活动。 Although turbulent magma blazing violent, but Flame Dragon can also withstand one or two. 汹涌的岩浆虽然炽热猛烈,但炎龙也可以承受一二 Chen Luoyang seal's Tathagata Demon Palm palm intent in its corner/horn, then the long-distance range stimulates that Buddha sarira intelligence. 陈洛阳印在它角上的如来魔掌掌意,则远距离激发那枚佛舍利的灵性。 Flame Dragon patrols in the seabed broad range, when it after that Buddha sarira certain distance, Buddha sarira runs out from the seabed immediately, sends out the ray and sandalwood, on reversed “卍” symbol toward dragon horn hits. 炎龙在海底广阔范围内游弋,当它靠近那枚佛舍利一定距离后,佛舍利顿时从海底冲出,散发光芒和檀香,朝龙角逆转的“卍”字符打来。 Flame Dragon diverges Tathagata Demon Palm palm intent in corner/horn immediately, that sarira quickly is also tranquil. 炎龙当即散去角上的如来魔掌掌意,那枚舍利也很快平静下来。 However, Flame Dragon is impossible to give it to fall the seabed the opportunity, immediately received sarira, departs the sea level upwardly, returns to front of Chen Luoyang. 不过,炎龙不可能给它重新落回海底的机会,当即将舍利收了,向上飞出海面,回到陈洛阳面前。 After Chen Luoyang received Buddha sarira, with deriving Li Yuanlong that contrasts slightly. 陈洛阳收了佛舍利后,跟得自李元龙那枚略微对比。 Both similarity is very high. 两者相似度很高。 Chen Luoyang calm receives sarira, then raises legs to take a step, mounts dragon head. 陈洛阳淡定的将舍利收好,然后抬腿迈步,登上龙首 Flame Dragon cried loud and long, under fiery red auspicious clouds contrasted, carried Chen Luoyang, turned around to fly to the Grand Land of the Divine Province land. 炎龙长啸一声,火红祥云烘托下,载起陈洛阳,转身向神州浩土大地飞去。 This moment continent littoral, the natural disaster tribulation phenomenon of typhoon tsunami, has started presents. 此刻大陆沿海地带,台风海啸的自然灾劫现象,已经开始呈现。 As the war causes the marine climate change, will then have long-term influence. 随着大战引起海上的气候变化,接下来还会有长时间的影响 At present the coastal area, basically is Demon Cult controls. 目前沿海地区,基本上都为魔教所掌控。 Various aspect troops, are preparing to relief disaster. 各方面人马,都在准备赈灾。 They have the plan to this aspect early, although the situation is dangerous, but everyone is confident, does not dread. 他们对这方面早有预案,虽然局势险恶,但大家心里有底,并不畏惧。 The matter that the Demon Cult people care about at this moment, always above Eastern Sea this two sovereigns fights a decisive battle, final outcome how. 魔教众人此刻更关心的事情,始终还是东海之上这一场双皇决战,最终结果如何。 Although everyone is confident to own Cult Master, but the enemy is not also weak. 虽然大家都对自己教主非常有信心,可敌人同样也不弱。 Sabre Sovereign becomes famous for many years, after this time closes up, has progressive greatly, not easy with it generation. 刀皇成名多年,这次闭关之后又大有进步,绝非易与之辈。 After own Cult Master this time wins, if Sabre Sovereign successfully escapes assigns/life, that this war, may have the change at present. 自家教主这次获胜之后,如果刀皇成功逃得一命,那眼前这场战事,可能还会出现变化。 At least, wants to sweep away Divine Province as soon as possible, will become extremely difficult, at the appointed time will probably need a long time crosscut saw battle. 至少,想要尽快横扫神州,会变得极为困难,届时可能需要更长时间的拉锯交战。 foreign race, then there is a scout, was careful that hidden the whereabouts, similarly gazes at the Eastern sea. 异族,则有探子,正小心隐藏自己行踪,同样注视东方大海。 He also needs first to confirm the result of two sovereigns decisive battle. 他也需要第一时间确认双皇决战的结果。 Unlike the idea of Demon Cult cult members, but is also firm, in foreign race the person believes own Patriarch, can certainly win. 魔教教众的想法不同,但同样坚定,异族中人坚信自家族主,一定能获得胜利。 At the appointed time oneself Northern Desert Imperial Court eight divisions oppression of the people goes south, bountiful land that oneself present places, will become the new pasture. 届时自家漠北皇庭八部铁蹄南下,自己现在身处的富饶土地,都将成为新的牧场。 Various when everyone bosom concerns, ponder over secretly, suddenly sees in the sea level of distant horizon, there is a ray to shine, as if display of vigour and vitality. 大家各怀心事,暗自琢磨之际,突然就见远方天边的海平面上,有光芒亮起,仿佛旭日东升。 However this moment really isn't in the morning. 然而此刻并非清晨。 When that ray is getting more and more bright, the people faint from fear, that really isn't morning sun, but is one as if fiery red auspicious clouds that burns. 待那光芒越来越亮,众人才惊觉,那并非朝阳,而是一朵仿佛正燃烧的火红祥云。 Sees this fiery red auspicious clouds, the foreign race scout immediately the complexion changes. 看见这火红祥云,异族探子顿时脸色一变。 But one crowd of Demon Cult cult members, some people cheer jubilantly, some people instead tightened the face. 而一群魔教教众,有的人兴高采烈欢呼,有的人则反而绷紧了脸。 They also hope that saw own Cult Master triumphs to turn over. 他们同样希望看到自家教主得胜而归。 But at present only sees dragon prestige auspicious clouds, was unable to determine the result. 但眼下只看见龙威祥云,还不能确定结果。 Everyone is broken to the world the eyesight, takes seriously fiery red dragon prestige auspicious clouds intensely. 大家穷极目力,紧张重视火红的龙威祥云。 When to auspicious clouds close, in the cloud layer the scarlet Flame Dragon physique is partly visible. 待到祥云靠近之际,云层中赤红炎龙的身姿若隐若现。 Above huge dragon head, to a person's shadow. 巨大的龙首之上,离着一个人影。 Sees this person's shadow, liking not dividing Demon Cult cult members to be unquenchable, to cheer. 看见这个人影,爱不分魔教教众再难以抑制,全都欢呼起来。 A small number hold the breath with rapt attention, even atmospheric don't dare leave. 少部分人屏息凝神,连大气都不敢出。 Until everyone sees clearly the person's shadow on dragon head, when a black clothes, eye presently black light, everyone puts down the final heart thoroughly, cheers with one voice. 直到每个人都看清龙首上的人影,一身黑衣,目现乌光之际,大家才彻底放下最后的心,齐声欢呼。 Saw with own eyes that the Chen Luoyang look is indifferent, irritable, the people cheers are more resounding. 眼见陈洛阳神色淡然,不急不躁,众人欢呼声更响亮。 Because that likely means, this two sovereigns fights a decisive battle, really isn't tie or mutually wounded, but was Cult Master wins! 因为那很可能意味着,这场双皇决战,并非平手或者两败俱伤,而是自家教主了! Meanwhile, likely victory incessantly trivial a half move. 同时,很可能胜的不止区区一招半式 This is great victory! 这是一场大胜 Decides the Grand Land of the Divine Province ownership sufficiently great victory! 足以决定神州浩土归属的大胜 The foreign race scout stares dumbfounded, such as the falling ice cave, the body shook shaking, is almost hard to come to a stop. 异族的探子瞠目结舌,如坠冰窟,身体晃了晃,几乎难以站稳。 He unwilling stares the big eye, exhausts looks full power to distant Master of the Demon Cult behind, wants to see clearly there to have others. 他不甘心的瞪大眼睛,用尽全力望向远方魔教教主的身后,想要看清那里有没有其他人。 Although the Master of the Demon Cult manner movement is very relaxed, but this foreign race scout is still not willing to give up hoping. 虽然魔教教主的神态动作都很轻松,但这异族探子仍然不肯放弃希望。 If by some chance, oneself Patriarch in behind? 万一,自家族主在后面呢? Perhaps after is Master of the Demon Cult is defeated not to beat runs away, was being pursued by own Patriarch? 或许是魔教教主落败不敌后逃窜,正被自家族主追击呢? In this person of heart harbors counted on finally, gaze distant place sea level. 这人心中怀着最后指望,注视远方海平面。 But sees with own eyes Flame Dragon to carry Chen Luoyang, to everyone in front, still had not actually seen the Sabre Sovereign Yuwen Feng form rapidly. 但眼见炎龙载着陈洛阳,已经飞速到了大家面前,却仍然不见刀皇宇文峰的身影。 This scout despairs finally. 这探子终于绝望。 However he changes mind thinks, oneself Patriarch possibly in other place landing, not necessarily not oneself here. 不过他转念一想,自家族主可能在别的地方登陆,不一定非在自己这里。 Matter is possible and bad that not like first suspects. 事情可能并不像第一时间猜想的那么糟糕。 Perhaps Patriarch has landed in another coast ............ 或许族主已经在另外一处海岸登陆了………… While he is thinking time, listens to Chen Luoyang in sky to say indifferently: Yuwen Feng was executed, from now on, this cult continues Northern Expedition, till integrates sacred region entire Grand Land of the Divine Province.” 正当他这么想着的时候,就听天空中的陈洛阳淡然说道:“宇文峰已伏诛,即日起,本教继续北伐,直到将整个神州浩土都纳入圣域为止。” That foreign race scout grow cold all over the body, unbelievable. 异族探子遍体生寒,难以置信。 When he recovers, when loses presence of mind at a loss, suddenly a whole body hemp, unable to move even a little bit, was then thrown one side. 当他回过神来,茫然失措之际,突然全身一麻,动弹不得,然后被人扔到一旁。 Current Demon Cult White Tiger Hall chief Zhang Tianheng catches this scout conveniently, gives subordinate cult members to hold down, he to Flame Dragon that flies from the overseas, prostrates oneself to the form on that dragon head. 现任魔教白虎殿首座张天恒随手抓出这个探子,交给麾下教众按住,他本人则向自海外飞来的炎龙,向那龙首上的身影拜倒。 „The Cult Master invincible might is unparalleled, my Divine Cult is invincible!” 教主神威盖世,我神教战无不胜!” All Demon Cult cult members, prostrate oneself together, the cheers and praise sound of mountainous cry tsunami resound, deafening, and from this beach, is thinking fast the two sides spread unceasingly, one after another, continuously. 所有魔教教众,一起拜倒,山呼海啸的欢呼声和赞颂声响成一片,震耳欲聋,并且从这片海滩,快速想着两边不断蔓延,一声又一声,此起彼伏。 Chen Luoyang bases the Flame Dragon top of the head, the fiery red auspicious clouds place visited, the hurricane tsunami subsides immediately. 陈洛阳立足炎龙头顶,火红祥云所经之处,飓风海啸顿时为之平息。 When he arrives the seashore, here already an uneventfulness. 当他驾临海边之际,这里已然一片风平浪静。 On people 1000, Earth Penetrating day after day, on person 10,000, endless. 人上一千,彻地连天,人上一万,无边无沿。 Here person , to continue this number. 这里的人,远不止这个数目。 At this moment worships to oneself facing the sea of people, Chen Luoyang had several points of concept to these words. 此刻面对人山人海向自己朝拜,陈洛阳对这句话才有了几分概念。 He was fully sharp selected a Flame Dragon giant head gently, the Flame Dragon figure, then fell. 他足尖轻轻点了一下炎龙巨大的头颅,炎龙身形便即落下。 After Chen Luoyang to ground, first looks to lead Zhang Tianheng: „Didn't you in Ancient God Peak, how run this side to come?” 陈洛阳到了地面后,先看向领头的张天恒:“你不在古神峰,怎么跑这边来了?” Zhang Tianheng replied: reporting to the Cult Master, Wang Fei then previously destroyed Zhurong Burning the Heaven Formation, detonates under Ancient God Peak the earth fire chief criminal, his intention again old trick heavy, prevents by Azure Dragon Hall Chief Chen and Great Elder, at present rebels and flees from the mountain, at present we are tracing its whereabouts full power.” 张天恒答道:“禀教主,王飞便是先前破坏祝融焚天阵,引爆古神峰地火的罪魁祸首,他意图再次故技重施,被青龙殿陈首座大长老阻止,眼下从山上叛逃,目前我们正在全力追查其行踪下落。” Chen Luoyang hearing this, selected under the brow tip slightly: Wang Fei? Great Elder and Azure Dragon two people collaborate, hasn't taken him?” 陈洛阳闻言,微微挑了下眉梢:“王飞大长老青龙两人联手,也没拿下他?” After the brain transferred one slightly next , to continue to ask: „Did Wang Fei break through to Martial Emperor realm?” 脑筋稍微转了一下后,继续问道:“王飞突破至武帝境界了?” Moreover, before possibly this boy, plays the role of the pig to eat the tiger, first time time of putting in Two Extremities Heavenly Stone, he is Martial Emperor realm. 而且,很可能这厮之前扮猪吃老虎,第一次投放两极天石的时候,他就已经是武帝境界了。 So, just now can slide main altar quietly, and has hidden the truth from the informers of Great Elder Xie Chong and others. 如此,方才能悄悄溜回总坛,并瞒过大长老谢冲与其他人的耳目。 Others that's the end of it, at that time Xie Chong, even if there is wound in the body, eventually still Martial Emperor. 别人也就罢了,彼时的谢冲即便有伤在身,终究也还是武帝 Yes, Cult Master.” Zhang Tianheng replied: According to Great Elder said that Wang Fei broke through to thirteenth realm, feared already some date and time.” “是的,教主。”张天恒答道:“按大长老所言,王飞突破至第十三境,怕是已经有些时日了。” He not only breaks through thirteenth realm, cultivates Great Sun Heavenly King Body and Moon Sovereign True Body simultaneously, and combines two great absolute technique, creates to be he himself alone, in Great Sun Heavenly King Body golden sun above purple sun.” “他不仅突破到第十三境,更同时修炼成大日天王身月皇真身,并将两大绝学合二为一,创出独属于他自己,更在大日天王身金日’之上的‘紫日’。” Zhang Tianheng replied seriously: According to his described, he was hearing something never heard of before Peaceful Union of Yin-Yang Body, the physique is quite special, when youngster not obviously outside, after grown, just now highlighted, thus this bastard cultivation base realm progressed by leaps and bounds, in secret the body of achievement Martial Emperor.” 张天恒郑重答道:“按其自己所描述,他是闻所未闻的阴阳交泰之体,体质极为特殊,少年时不显于外,直到成年后,方才凸显出来,因而此獠修为境界突飞猛进,暗中成就武帝之身。” Chen Luoyang hears dumbfounded. 陈洛阳听得一愣一愣的。 The first picture that in his moment mind appears, mentioned somewhat does not make sense, when he remembered initially with for Nie Guangyuan of spy clutched, Wang Fei with Nie Guangyuan to spurting scene. 他此刻脑海里浮现的第一个画面,说来有些无厘头,他想起当初自己把同为奸细的聂广源揪出来时,王飞聂广源对喷的场面。 Disorderly in addition was not just like happy. 活脱脱没头脑加不高兴。 But recalls now, who is disorderly, who is not happy, perhaps is a little not good to say. 可如今回想起来,谁是没头脑,谁是不高兴,恐怕还有点不好讲。 Chen Luoyang the thought that oneself flee, pulls back, said lightly: He is unable to escape.” 陈洛阳把自己走脱的思维,重新拉回来,淡淡说道:“他跑不了。” Zhang Tianheng replied: subordinate is tracing its whereabouts full power, Great Elder with Chief Chen, at present still keeps on Ancient God Peak, preventing this bastard to go to return.” 张天恒答道:“属下正全力追查其下落,大长老陈首座,眼下仍然留在古神峰上,防止此獠去而复返。” Chen Luoyang looked at opposite party one eyes. 陈洛阳看了对方一眼。 He actually does not care to Ancient God Peak at this moment. 他此刻其实对古神峰已经不怎么在意了。 Although is pulling the finger headage day, according to the original situation, oneself also takes several days to be restored to health thoroughly. 虽然扳着手指头数日子,按原先的情况,自己还需要几天才能彻底康复。 Result that but this fights, he had the unexpected harvest. 但这一战的结果,他有了意料之外的收获。 At this moment, in mind illusory black pot, a blood-color light ball, is tumbling. 此刻,脑海中虚幻的黑壶内部,一个血色的光球,正不停翻滚。 In light ball, one page of paper relatively peaceful float. 光球中,一页纸张则相对安静的悬浮。 When not like previously just came in such moves restlessly. 不像先前刚进来时那样躁动。 In the pot blood red nectar is not much left. 壶中血红琼浆所剩无几。 Strikes to kill Sabre Sovereign Yuwen Feng, originally makes black pot here have a huge income, even it can be said that unprecedented huge quantity nectar. 击杀刀皇宇文峰,本来让黑壶这里有一笔巨大的进账,甚至可以说是前所未有的海量琼浆 However at this moment almost consumes. 然而此刻几乎消耗一空。 But to Chen Luoyang, is fully worth. 但对陈洛阳来说,完全值得。 because he succeeded in suppressing that strange page. 因为他成功镇压住了那诡异的一页纸 At present on the paper, "Life" character is partly visible, massive vitalities nourish his whole body, making his injury flying half step to recover thoroughly. 眼下纸张上,一个“生”字若隐若现,大量生机滋养他全身,让他一身伤势飞快步向彻底痊愈。 So long as fist is hard enough, many issues no longer are the issues. 只要自己拳头够硬,很多问题都不再是问题。 Where goes to look for Wang Fei as for the present? 至于现在去哪里找王飞 Walks, walks toward the north.” Chen Luoyang calm saying. “走,往北走一趟。”陈洛阳淡定的说道。
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