IBJWMC :: Volume #4

#374: Showing talent for the first time Su Ming

"Wū..." “呜...” Becoming the focus of people on the scene all of a sudden, this made somewhat anxious the anxious Tongxin Yao whole body become somewhat stiff, the surface showed one's ignorance the timid color, could not bear hide in behind Su Ming, does not dare to appear. 一下子成为了在场众人的焦点,这让本就有些紧张不安的童心瑶浑身都变得有些僵硬了起来,面露怯怯之色,忍不住躲进了苏明的身后,根本不敢露头。 Without the means that in more than 60 people on the scene, besides Bai Ruxiang and Bai Xiaoyan, others in abundance is high-class professional. 没办法,在场的这六十多人里,除了白茹湘白小颜以外,其余人纷纷都是上级职业者 And, even also many 5-Star professional, and even are 6-Star professional. 其中,甚至还有不少的五星职业者,乃至是六星职业者 By such a group of experts staring, Tongxin Yao cannot naturally be bearing show one's ignorance. 被这样一群高手给盯着,童心瑶自然忍不住露怯了。 Reviews Su Ming, as before is that tranquil, even also showed the little smile. 反观苏明,依旧是那么平静,甚至还露出了一点点的笑容。 That smile, looks extremely secure. 那笑容,看上去极为有恃无恐。 This makes many people first stare, immediately frowns. 这使得不少人先是一愣,随即皱起眉头。 Finally, the Chi Qian stand spoke. 结果,还是池浅站出来发话了。 Moreover, is a few words, then lets present all in average loses one's voice. 而且,还是一句话,便让在场所有人均都为之失声。 Captain and Yaoyao can use High-Class Spiritual Technique.” 团长瑶瑶都能够使用高级灵性术。” When such a few words spread from the Chi Qian mouth, audience people in abundance one static. 当这样的一句话从池浅的口中传出时,全场众人纷纷一静。 High-Class Spiritual Technique?” 高级灵性术?” Let alone was others, was Xu Xiayan, Wang Di and Wang Qian and the others gawked one after next, the whole face was stunned. 别说是别人了,就是许夏烟王狄王倩等人都愣了一下下,满脸错愕。 Real false?” “真的假的?” Qiao Zhi even questioned that made noise. 乔志甚至都质疑出声了。 High-Class Spiritual Technique, that is under forbidden technique strongest technique/spell, has earth-shaking powerful ability. 高级灵性术,那可是禁术之下最强的术式,均拥有着惊天动地的威能 Spiritual Technique of this rank, as a rule, having High-Class Warlock can learn and use. 这种级别的灵性术,通常而言,只有上级术士才能学会并使用。 And what is more, without suitable, does not have appropriate innate skill, even if High-Class Warlock, may be unable to learn any High-Class Spiritual Technique. 更甚者,若是没有适性,没有合适的天赋的话,哪怕是上级术士,都有可能学不会任何一种高级灵性术 technique/spell of this rank, generally speaking, low-class Warlock basic impossible learned. 这种级别的术式,一般来说,下级术士根本不可能学会。 Naturally, everything has the exception, if really with some High-Class Spiritual Technique the nature is extremely high, oneself have spirituality/intelligence in the use of this High-Class Spiritual Technique extremely, has innate skill extremely, then, even if not is High-Class Warlock, there is possibility learned High-Class Spiritual Technique. 当然,凡事都有例外,若是真的与某种高级灵性术的相性极高,自身在这种高级灵性术的使用上极其有灵性,极其有天赋的话,那么,就算不上级术士,也有可能学会这种高级灵性术 This is the Spiritual Technique magical thing, compared with it Hunter's combat technique, regards as important innate skill, regards as important the ability. 这就是灵性术的神奇之处,比之猎人的战斗术,更看重天赋,更看重才能。 But regardless of Su Ming for the time being, Tongxin Yao has innate skill, has the ability? 苏明姑且不论,童心瑶天赋,有才能吗? The answer, naturally is the affirmation. 答案,自然是肯定的。 Yaoyao.” 瑶瑶。” Mu Yan called Tongxin Yao one lightly. 穆嫣淡淡的唤了童心瑶一声。 Tongxin Yao from behind Su Ming slowly finds out the small head, looks at the people, although the also some timid color, may understand wear a look of the meaning of Mu Yan, stood sluggishly. 童心瑶苏明的背后缓缓的探出小脑袋,看着众人,虽然还有些面带怯色,可还是明白了穆嫣的意思,慢吞吞的站了出来。 Immediately, Tongxin Yao raises a hand, transfers Spirit Power. 随即,童心瑶举起一只手,调动灵力 Buzz...” “嗡...” With one light buzz the whining noise, one by one ring array appeared in the hand of Tongxin Yao one after another. 随着一声淡淡的嗡鸣声,一个个圆环阵列相继出现在了童心瑶的手上。 ring array altogether has seven. 圆环阵列一共有七个。 Those present are high-class professional, naturally must understand that this scene means anything. 在场的人都是上级职业者,自然不会不明白这景象意味着什么。 According to spiritual rules, Warlock when using Spiritual Technique, Spiritual Technique the height of sequence rank is then proportional with the ring array quantity. 根据灵性规则,术士在使用灵性术时,灵性术的序列排行的高低便是与圆环阵列的数量成正比的。 Sequence rank 1-10 Spiritual Technique , will have ring array to appear in use. 序列排行1-10灵性术,使用时,会有一个圆环阵列出现。 Sequence rank 11-20 Spiritual Technique , will have two ring array to appear in use. 序列排行11-20灵性术,使用时,会有两个圆环阵列出现。 The sequence is ranked 2 1-30 Spiritual Technique, in use, will have three ring array to appear. 序列排行二1-30灵性术,使用时,会有三个圆环阵列出现。 and so on, the sequence is ranked 61- 70 Spiritual Technique, in use, will have seven ring array to appear. 以此类推,序列排行61-70的灵性术,使用时,会有七个圆环阵列出现。 If sequence rank 91-100 forbidden technique, that it will have many ten ring array to appear in use. 若是序列排行91-100禁术,那在使用时,其将会有最多的十个圆环阵列出现。 Tongxin Yao can construct seven ring array, that is representing, technique/spell that , its prepares at this moment, the sequence is ranked lowly is 61. 童心瑶能够构筑出七个圆环阵列,那就代表着,此时此刻里,其所准备的术式,序列排行最低都是六十一。 But sequence rank 61-90 Spiritual Technique, is High-Class Spiritual Technique. 而序列排行61-90灵性术,就是高级灵性术 In other words , Tongxin Yao indeed constructed High-Class Spiritual Technique ring array. 换言之,童心瑶是的的确确构筑出了高级灵性术圆环阵列 Can construct ring array, that can put forth in which Spiritual Technique within this/should sequence range absolutely. 能够构筑出圆环阵列,那就绝对能够使出该序列范围内的其中一种灵性术 Tongxin Yao is then grasping High-Class Spiritual Technique impressively, returns has not promoted to the High-Class Warlock status. 童心瑶便赫然掌握着一种高级灵性术,以还未晋升到上级术士的身份。 But technique/spell that Tongxin Yao constructs at this moment, naturally before is Su Ming, gives her High-Class Spiritual Technique ———— 【Type 66 ・ Green Ivy's Breath】. 童心瑶此时此刻构筑的术式,自然便是苏明之前交给她的高级灵性术————【六十六式·绿萝吐息】 After the effort study of this time period, Tongxin Yao, although has not promoted is High-Class Warlock, actually success grasped 【Green Ivy's Breath】 High-Class Spiritual Technique, becomes grasps the High-Class Spiritual Technique infant prodigy by the low-class Warlock status. 经过这阵子的努力钻研,童心瑶虽还没有晋升为上级术士,却成功的掌握了【绿萝吐息】高级灵性术,成为了以下级术士的身份掌握高级灵性术的天才神童。 The people look at this, cannot help but clamored slightly. 众人看着这一幕,不由得微微喧哗。 Unexpectedly really learned High-Class Spiritual Technique?” “居然真的学会了高级灵性术?” Inconceivable.” “不可思议。” Worthily is Spirit Carrier in hearsay, but also no promotes to the High-Class Warlock boundary can learn High-Class Spiritual Technique.” “不愧是传闻中的携灵者,还没晋升到上级术士的境界就能学会高级灵性术。” „The talent of this rank, my first sight.” “这种级别的天才,我还是第一次见到。” Many people look that the Tongxin Yao look changed. 不少人看着童心瑶的眼神就变了。 High-Class Spiritual Technique, no matter which type has the astonishing effect. 高级灵性术,不管是哪一种都有着惊人的功效。 If attack type technique/spell, that is the most fearful firepower. 若是攻击类术式,那将是最可怕的火力。 If defense type technique/spell, that is the firmest wall barrier. 若是防御类术式,那将是最坚固的壁障。 Spiritual Technique of the rank even High-Class Warlock may not learn, without successfully puts forth fortunately, once successfully puts forth, was High-Class Hunter and High-Class Illusory Demon bumped into, could not do well, must turn over. 上级术士都不一定能够学会的这种级别的灵性术,没有成功使出还好,一旦成功使出,就是上级猎人上级幻魔碰上了,一个搞不好,都得翻车。 Perhaps, when independent combat, they and on same rank Hunter, may not in the battlefield, in the group wartime, their sense of presence be the bursting rank. 或许,单打独斗时,他们及不上同等级猎人,可在战场上,在群战时,他们的存在感将是爆棚级别。 Endures compared with the deterrent force of nuclear weapon, that did not say absolutely casually. 堪比核武器的威慑力,那绝对不是随便说说的。 So long as can succeed to release technique/spell, that base city, the special dealing method, had not been rumbled even ruins, is just the issue of time. 只要能够成功释放出术式,那就算是一座基地市,没有专门的应对手段,被轰成一座废墟,都只不过是时间的问题而已。 This also created can use High-Class Spiritual Technique High-Class Warlock to degenerate into any influence and any family in the eyes sweetie pie. 这也就造成了能够使用高级灵性术上级术士沦为任何一个势力、任何一个家族眼中的香饽饽。 After all, the deterrent force of this rank, which influence doesn't want? 毕竟,这种级别的威慑力,哪个势力不想拥有? Naturally, any professional team also covets incomparably to this talent. 理所当然,任何一个职业者团队也对这种人才眼热无比。 Moves as the unit as the by Team, frequently needs to form a team the Quest professional community, has the Warlock alliance of powerful, without the Warlock alliance of powerful, that is the completely different two conditions. 作为以团队作为单位进行活动,经常都需要组队出任务职业者群体,有强力的术士加盟,和没有强力的术士加盟,那是完全不同的两种状况。 Like previous time goes to Chaotic Area to crusade against Ghoul A-Rank Quest, facing that tens of thousands of Illusory Demon army, even if Chi Qian, Mu Yan and Feng Qing'er High-Class Hunter will feel thorny. 像上次前往混乱地域讨伐食尸鬼A级任务,面对那成千上万的幻魔大军,即便是池浅穆嫣风清儿这样的上级猎人都会感到棘手。 But Su Ming? 苏明呢? Move of 【Karmic Sanskrit】 then makes the world change color, making tens of thousands of Illusory Demon degenerate into the fall guy under disaster, no exceptional, was killed by the group completely. 一招【缈业梵景】便使得天地变色,让成千上万的幻魔都沦为天灾下的牺牲者,没有一只例外,被群杀殆尽。 also, when facing Ghoul, Chi Qian, Mu Yan and Feng Qing'er three people collaborates, although suppressed the opposite party, wants its punitive expedition, is not easy in a short time. 还有,在面对食尸鬼的时候,池浅穆嫣风清儿三人联手,虽压制住了对方,想在短时间内将其讨伐,却也没那么容易。 Finally, Tongxin Yao make a move, even use is not High-Class Spiritual Technique, she can rely on the restraint of Spiritual Technique to Illusory Demon, is relying on own innate skill and Spirit Power, created the sure-kill with several Middle-Class Spiritual Technique actually. 结果,童心瑶出手,就算使用的不是高级灵性术,她还是能够凭借着灵性术幻魔的克制,凭借着自身的天赋灵力,硬是用几个中级灵性术造成了绝杀。 Even if that time were because had the front Hunter companion to act as a cover for it, making her be able to feel at ease use Spiritual Technique without any scruples, she can have victory so, but this still explained exactly, in team war and community wartime, so long as there is a teammate to shield, can use Spiritual Technique powerful Warlock unscrupulously such fearful. 即使那个时候是因为有前排猎人同伴替其做掩护,让她能够安心又毫无顾忌的使用灵性术,她才能拥有这般战果,可这也恰恰说明了,在团队战、群体战时,只要有队友掩护,能够肆无忌惮的使用灵性术的强大术士就是这么的可怕。 What a pity, Warlock quantity distant is less than Hunter, can learn High-Class Spiritual Technique talent Warlock is very few, even High-Class Warlock not necessarily can accomplish. 可惜,术士的数量远远的少于猎人,能够习得高级灵性术的天才术士更是少之又少,连上级术士都不一定能办到。 In addition to Warlocks, so long as joins Warlock's Guild, that can study various Spiritual Technique in inside, the major influences eagerly seek people of talent to them, they rarely have to join the professional team. 加上对术士们来说,只要加入术士公会,那就能够在里面专研各种灵性术,各大势力又对他们求贤若渴,他们就很少有加入职业者团队的。 Tongxin Yao can use High-Class Spiritual Technique, that even she is low-class Warlock, in in the eyes of these professional teams, value not under High-Class Warlock, will compare these not to use High-Class Spiritual Technique High-Class Warlock more valuable. 童心瑶能够使用高级灵性术,那就算她是下级术士,在这些职业者团队的眼中,价值都不下于上级术士,甚至比那些不会使用高级灵性术上级术士更有价值。 At that moment, they look that the Tongxin Yao look naturally changed, even is somewhat fiery, is somewhat ready to make trouble. 当下,他们看着童心瑶的眼神自然变了,甚至有些火热,有些蠢蠢欲动。 Only has Xu Xiayan, the attention completely not in Tongxin Yao body, looked on the contrary to another person. 只有许夏烟,注意力完全不在童心瑶身上,反倒看向了另外一人。 „Can you also use High-Class Spiritual Technique?” “你也能够使用高级灵性术?” Xu Xiayan looks that Su Ming's look somewhat is inexplicable. 许夏烟看着苏明的眼神就有些莫名。 Su Ming shrugs, extend the hand. 苏明耸了耸肩,伸出手 Buzz...” “嗡...” Familiar buzz in the whining noise, one by one ring array then appeared from Su Ming's hand on, enters presented everyone's view. 熟悉的嗡鸣声中,一个个圆环阵列便自苏明的手上出现,进入了在场所有人的眼帘。 ring array, as before is seven. 圆环阵列,依旧是七个。 But, is these seven ring array, blocked everyone's mouth, dashed the suspicion of anyone. 但,就是这七个圆环阵列,堵上了所有人的嘴,打消了任何一个人的怀疑。 „Can he really use unexpectedly?” “他居然真能使用?” In Qiao Zhi heart slightly shakes. 乔志心中微震。 Originally somewhat looks down upon Su Ming, with Su Ming some of him of conflict, really cannot believe, this can obtain the rookie who Chi Qian follows in his in the eyes only good luck, unexpectedly has this skill. 本来就有些看不起苏明,又和苏明有些冲突的他,实在不敢相信,这个在他眼中只是好运才能获得池浅追随的新人,居然有这种本事。 Let alone was Qiao Zhi, was Wang Di and Wang Qian is so. 别说是乔志了,就是王狄王倩都是如此。 They have not looked down upon Su Ming's meaning, may be able to obtain Chi Qian to follow this matter regarding Su Ming, must say Su Ming by the real skill, some of their also really suspicions. 他们倒没有瞧不起苏明的意思,可对于苏明能够获得池浅追随这件事,要说苏明是靠真本事,他们还真有些怀疑。 In their in the eyes, they also treat as the 《Azure Mercury》 representative Chi Qian, rather than Su Ming. 在他们眼中,他们也是将池浅当做『湛蓝水银』的代表,而不是苏明 But now, Su Ming's performance, is the feelings of some pā pā a slap in the face. 可现在,苏明的表现,已然是有些啪啪打脸的感觉了。 Regardless of he is an rookie, no matter also he is what rank, so long as these seven ring array come out brightly, obtained anybody's facing up to sufficiently, anybody's holding in high esteem. 无论他是不是新人,也不管他是什么等级,只要这七个圆环阵列亮出来,那就足以获得任何人的正视,任何人的刮目相看。 Really, he is not simple.” “果然,他不简单。” Actually Qiao Liang and Zhu Qian, although for this, some looks concentrate, is actually insufficient to have the too big response. 倒是乔梁朱茜,对此虽有些眼神微凝,却还不至于有太大反应。 Can arrive in this tenth floor in Su Ming calmly, the calm action starts, they know, this 《Azure Mercury》 Captain not like in the hearsay mentioned, only new rookie Warlock. 早在苏明能够在这第十层中从容登场,从容行动开始,他们就知道,这个『湛蓝水银』团长并不像传闻中提及的那样,只是个刚出道的新人术士 Xu Xiayan is also deeply looked at Su Ming, was anything had not said. 许夏烟亦是深深的看了苏明一眼,却是什么都没说。 In those present, most felt that inconceivable person, probably was Bai Xuefei, Bai Ruxiang and Bai Xiaoyan these three Bai Family female Hunter. 在场的人里,最感到不可思议的人,大概是白雪菲白茹湘白小颜这三个白家的女猎人了。 Originally Young Master Su is so fierce...” “原来苏少爷这么厉害...” Inconceivable of Bai Ruxiang face. 白茹湘一脸的不可思议。 Can use High-Class Spiritual Technique 1-Star Warlock?” “能够使用高级灵性术一星术士?” Bai Xiaoyan face at a loss. 白小颜一脸茫然 „......” “......” Bai Xuefei is silent, only feels somewhat shamefacedly. 白雪菲沉默着,只觉得心中有些羞愧。 As fellow villager who in same base city comes out, Su Ming present performance, Bai Family female Hunters that regarding once treated as not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth the rookie regards him, the effect estimate of pā pā a slap in the face is strongest. 作为同一个基地市里出来的老乡,苏明现在的表现,对于曾将他当做一个“不知天高地厚”的新人来看待的白家猎人们而言,啪啪打脸的效果估计是最强的。 Especially Bai Xuefei. 特别是白雪菲 Bai Ruxiang and Bai Xiaoyan is good, two people has no special repel to Su Ming, instead previously discussed really happy, faintly some feelings of sticking together, only finds it hard to believe now, was renovated the cognition. 白茹湘和白小颜还好,两人苏明没有什么特别的排斥,反而先前相谈甚欢,隐隐有抱团的感觉,现在只是觉得不可思议,被刷新了认知而已。 Bai Xuefei was different. 白雪菲就不一样了。 She has felt, the Demon-Hunting School four years has not read like Su Ming fully, but was on the second grade chose to graduate in a hurry, but also ran up to the pure rookie who Tianfeng City this professional Holy Land came, was really some dashing spirit of fearless young people. 她可是一直觉得,像苏明这样连猎魔学院的四年都没有读满,只不过是上了二年级就匆匆选择毕业,还跑到天丰市这种职业者圣地来的纯新人,实在是有些初生牛犊不怕虎。 Especially rejected the invitation of Xu Xiayan in Su Ming, chooses a person, when Tianfeng City wanderer, Bai Xuefei feels him not to know the immensity of heaven and earth, sooner or later will run into a wall, dingy runs, seeks the asylum of Xu Xiayan. 尤其是在苏明拒绝了许夏烟的邀请,选择一个人在天丰市闯荡的时候,白雪菲更是觉得他不知天高地厚,迟早会碰壁,灰溜溜的跑回来,寻求许夏烟的庇护。 This cannot say is the contempt, does not favor is the affirmation. 这不能说是轻视,可不看好是肯定的。 In addition was the Bai Family person, Bai Xuefei body brings to repel the bad custom of male somewhat, just came Tianfeng City that meeting, she could really not have taken a liking to Su Ming, even disregarded his existence frequently. 加上身为白家人,白雪菲身上多多少少带了一些排斥男性的坏习惯,刚来天丰市那会,她还真不怎么瞧得上苏明,甚至经常无视他的存在。 Finally, others told Bai Xuefei with the fact, her vision superficial. 结果,人家却用事实告诉了白雪菲,她的眼光有多肤浅。 Successfully established 《Azure Mercury》 this emerging team of record broke 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 to leave behind is also good, gathers to Chi Qian, Mu Yan, Feng Qing'er, Tongxin Yao and other prominent character also fine, Su Ming is using the fact to tell Bai Xuefei, he did not know the immensity of heaven and earth, but really can succeed. 无论是成功成立了『湛蓝水银』这个打破了『夏日逐烟』留下的记录的新兴团队也好,招揽到池浅穆嫣风清儿童心瑶风云人物也罢,苏明都在用事实告诉白雪菲,他并不是不知天高地厚,而是真能成功。 Now shows this High-Class Spiritual Technique again, Su Ming proved itself, was not the only good luck obtained the favor of Chi Qian. 现在再展现这一手高级灵性术,苏明又是证明了自己,不是单凭好运才获得了池浅的青睐。 conversely she, Bai Xuefei, in this month, it may be said that bumped into many walls, knows one should always strive for better, outside the person had the person, the arrogance restrained much. 反倒是她,白雪菲,在这一个多月里,可谓是碰上了不少壁,得知天外有天,人外有人,傲气都收敛了不少。 This in comparison, which one is good and which one is bad, clear. 这两相比较之下,孰优孰劣,一目了然。 Does this make Bai Xuefei not feel ashamed? 这让白雪菲如何不感到羞愧呢? Naturally, these, Su Ming does not know, did not care is right. 当然,这些,苏明都不知道,更不在意就对了。 must say, is different from the past at this time, in presenting in so many high-class professional, Bai Xuefei this talent also really not eye from Longyao City, making Su Ming not focus on her body. 不得不说,今时不同于往日,在在场这么多的上级职业者里,白雪菲这个来自陇曜市的天才还真不怎么起眼,让苏明都没怎么将注意力放在她的身上 Now, he is the focus of audience, instead Bai Xuefei a little vanishes however numerous meaning. 如今,他才是全场的焦点,反而白雪菲有点泯然众矣的意思。 Therefore, Su Ming has not really paid attention to Bai Xuefei, did not care about her previously is what idea and view. 所以,苏明真没怎么注意白雪菲,更不在意她先前是什么想法和看法。 Now, the two people standpoint conducted the exchange with before completely, is the human affairs is really variable. 现在,两人的立场就和之前完全进行了对调,着实是世事无常。 Present also the matter of here to my Captain and member has the opinion?” “各位现在还对我的团长和团员在这里的事情有意见吗?” Chi Qian observes the situation the people on the scene. 池浅环视在场众人。 Everyone on the scene loses one's voice one after another, no longer said a word. 在场的所有人相继失声,不再言语。 Feeling that Wang Di and Wang Qian that opens the mouth from the beginning, a little cannot get out. 就是一开始开口的王狄王倩,都有点下不来台的感觉。 Qiao Zhi is some faint facial colors is uglier, looks that even is not willing to say Su Ming of a few words, only feels annoyed. 乔志更是隐隐有些面色难看,看着甚至都不愿意多说一句话的苏明,只觉得恼火。 As for Qiao Liang and Zhu Qian, only static looks at all these, the watched critically appearance, seems indifferent about all. 至于乔梁朱茜,只是静静的看着这一切,冷眼旁观的模样,仿佛对一切都漠不关心。 Finally, Xu Xiayan spoke. 最后,还是许夏烟发话了。 Since Captain and Miss Tong can use High-Class Spiritual Technique, comes with us together, is naturally good.” Xu Xiayan said: Having Warlock that can use High-Class Spiritual Technique plunders, even if really has problems, can still spell.” “既然团长童小姐都能使用高级灵性术,跟我们一起过来,自然再好不过。”许夏烟如此说道:“有能够使用高级灵性术术士掠阵,就算真出了什么问题,也能拼一把。” Facing the Nightmare Type mutant, presents any Hunter to be at wit's end. 面对噩梦种的突变体,在场任何一个猎人都是无计可施的。 Does not have the means that power to differ too in a big way, no one thought that has the odds of success. 没办法,力量相差太大,没人觉得有胜算。 But if has High-Class Spiritual Technique, that is uncertain. 可若是有高级灵性术,那就不一定了。 Even if the Nightmare Type mutant, may be called has earth-shaking powerful ability High-Class Spiritual Technique to the long jab, even if not dies, impossible is perfect. 哪怕是噩梦种的突变体,被堪称拥有惊天动地的威能高级灵性术给直击,就算不死,都不可能完好无损。 Warlock's Spiritual Technique, has like, turns around the situation the effect and position. 术士的灵性术,就是有像这样,扭转战局的效果和地位。 Especially High-Class Spiritual Technique, is so. 尤其是高级灵性术,更是如此。 Ok, let's go.” “好了,我们出发吧。” Xu Xiayan no longer hesitates, orders. 许夏烟不再迟疑,一声令下。 People immediately heavily nodded. 众人顿时重重点下了头
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