IBJWMC :: Volume #4

#373: Enormous and powerful action

That night, many people lost sleep. 这一夜,许多人都失眠了。 No matter the 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 person is also good, these receive the employment major team also fine, knew in own Captain there making concrete of matter after later, is unable to go to sleep for a very long time. 不管是『夏日逐烟』的人也好,那些受到雇佣的各大团队也罢,都在自家团长那里得知了事情的具体经过以后,久久无法入眠。 In the tenth floor camp, the bonfire is very warm, actually illuminates does not warm most people's heart. 第十层的营地里,篝火很温暖,却照不暖大多数人的心。 Many people are hugging the mood of worrying about, anxious and even is the fear passed that night, making the air in camp appear somewhat heavy. 许多人就都是抱着担忧、不安乃至是害怕的情绪度过这一夜的,让营地里的空气都显得有些沉重了起来。 But no matter how, the time cannot and the others. 但不管如何,时间是不会等人的。 Even if many people worried again, many people are again anxious, many people are afraid again, next day early morning as before punctual arrival. 即使再多人担忧,再多人不安,再多人害怕,次日的清晨依旧准时的到来。 This is after Polar Night Labyrinth present eighth day. 这是自极夜迷宫现界以后的第八天。 By this day, vanished to Polar Night Labyrinth, was only left over about two days. 到了这一天,离极夜迷宫重新消失,都只剩下两天左右的时间而已了。 Looks that does not have the time in the signal terminal demonstrating, the sleepless many people then know, then cannot continue to tow again. 看着没有信号的终端上显示的时间,夜不能寐的许多人便都知道,接下来不能再继续拖下去了。 After all, they must consider to leave this underground labyrinth, leaves this Hidden Wonderland, returns to the ground in the toward evening of tenth day. 毕竟,他们还得考虑离开这座地下迷宫,离开这个隐藏奇境,在第十天的黄昏时分回到地上。 Otherwise, they can only follow this Polar Night Labyrinth to return to present world and Spirit Demon Prison crevice together, is difficult to see outside Sun, outside world. 否则,他们就只能跟着这极夜迷宫一起回到现世灵魔狱的夹缝,再难见到外面的太阳,外面的世界。 Therefore, one by one professional has the courage, starts the departure tent one after another. 于是,一个个职业者都鼓起勇气,开始陆陆续续的离开帐篷。 Some of them are fully-armed. 他们有的全副武装。 Some of them prepare completely. 他们有的准备齐全。 The breakfast was silent comes to an end, making numerous professionals gather in battalion's central open area. 早餐就在一阵寂静无声中宣告结束,让众多的职业者们汇聚到了营地中央的空地里。 And, then included the 《Azure Mercury》 people. 其中,便包括了『湛蓝水银』的众人。 Must start.” “要开始了啊。” Feng Qing'er is somewhat scared witless whispering. 风清儿有些魂不守舍般的呢喃着。 Side, Mu Yan and Tongxin Yao have not spoken, is silent, a somewhat intense appearance, has not actually evaded. 旁边,穆嫣童心瑶没有说话,一个沉默着,一个有些紧张的样子,却都没有逃避。 Su Ming and Chi Qian were needless saying that stood in the middle of people. 苏明池浅更是不用说,就站在众人的中间。 In such a case, leading characters of other teams also arrive one after another. 在这样的情况下,其余团队的领头人物们亦相继到来。 Qiao Liang and Qiao Zhi... 乔梁乔志... Zhu Qian and Zhu Yun... 朱茜朱芸... Captain and Vice-Captain of major teams... 各大团队的团长副团长... In this morning, person then all assembleds of all teams. 在这个早晨,所有团队的人便都聚齐了。 In a while, Xu Xiayan also brings Wang Di and Wang Qian two people, the long in coming. 没过多久,许夏烟亦是带着王狄王倩两人,姗姗来迟。 Captain!” 团长!” Captain!” 团长!” The 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 many members salute immediately in abundance, the attitude is respectful and devout. 『夏日逐烟』的众多成员们顿时纷纷行礼,态度恭敬又虔诚。 Can look, in 《Summer Chasing Smoke》, Xu Xiayan prestige very high, prestige also very big. 可以看得出来,在『夏日逐烟』中,许夏烟的名望非常的高,威望亦非常的大。 The people of other teams also when noticed that Xu Xiayan brings Wang Di and Wang Qian enters the stage together, the look became different. 其余团队的人也在看到许夏烟带着王狄王倩一起出场的时候,眼神变得不一样了。 Without the means. 没办法。 Three 6-Star professional...” “三个六星职业者啊...” Captain and Vice-Captain of numerous team awe, envies. 众多团队的团长副团长就都是又敬畏,又羡慕。 Especially Qiao Liang, Qiao Zhi, Zhu Qian and Zhu Yun and the others, is so. 尤其是乔梁乔志朱茜朱芸等人,更是如此。 With is the A-Rank team, no matter 《Brilliant Dragon Jade Pavilion》 is also good, is 《Iron Rose》 also fine, compared with presenting any team must come powerful. 同为A级团队,不管是『锦龙玉阁』也好,还是『铁蔷薇』也罢,都比在场任何一个团队要来得强大。 But precisely because of this, Qiao Brothers and Zhu Family master and servant will feel to envy. 正是因为这样,乔氏兄弟朱家主仆才会觉得羡慕。 Although their teams are very powerful, only has 6-Star professional. 他们的团队虽然很强大,却都只有一个六星职业者 Basically, in a A-Rank team has 6-Star professional, could can be withstand/top with. 基本上,一个A级团队中有一位六星职业者,已经能够算得上是顶配了。 In Tianfeng City, in all A-Rank teams, majority has 6-Star professional as highest combat power. 天丰市中,所有的A级团队里,大部分都是只有一位六星职业者作为最高战力 As for 6-Star professional of multiple, that is the combat power scale of S-Rank team, generally in the A-Rank team is unlikely to appear has multiple the situation of 6-Star professional. 至于复数的六星职业者,那是S级团队的战力规模,一般A级团队里是不太可能出现有复数的六星职业者的情况的。 Taking this into consideration, before had two 6-Star professional 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 is regarded as will most be close to the A-Rank team of S-Rank team. 有鉴于此,之前拥有两名六星职业者『夏日逐烟』才会被视为最接近S级团队的A级团队。 Is because in 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 has 6-Star professional of multiple, they can win this great honor. 就是因为『夏日逐烟』中有复数的六星职业者,他们才能获此殊荣。 In an numerous S-Rank team, only has two 6-Star professional S-Rank teams not only has, but also incessantly. 要知道,在一众S级团队中,只拥有两名六星职业者S级团队不但有,还不止一个。 Therefore, compares in these S-Rank teams, Xu Xiayan 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 bad, be only the scale of team, by top combat power, it is not completely inferior in the S-Rank team. 所以,相较于那些S级团队,许夏烟『夏日逐烟』差的真的只有团队的规模而已,论顶级战力,其已经是完全不逊色于S级团队。 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 team scale even and not on 《Brilliant Dragon Jade Pavilion》. 『夏日逐烟』的团队规模甚至及不上『锦龙玉阁』 The establishment still has 20 years of years, high-class professional in team even compared with the S-Rank team must in many 《Brilliant Dragon Jade Pavilion》, true difference only 6-Star professional. 成立至今有着二十年的岁月,团队内的上级职业者甚至比S级团队还要更多的『锦龙玉阁』中,真正差的也只是一位六星职业者而已。 If can 6-Star professional, that 《Brilliant Dragon Jade Pavilion》 be combat power, scale and the equipment complete S-Rank team. 若是能多出一位六星职业者,那『锦龙玉阁』就是完完全全的S级团队的战力、规模及配备。 In such a case, Xu Xiayan is actually demonstrated that 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 three 6-Star professional, how can this not let Qiao Brothers and Zhu Family master and servant envies? 在这样的情况下,许夏烟却是展示出了『夏日逐烟』的三位六星职业者,这如何能不让乔氏兄弟以及朱家主仆羡慕呢? But even they, these even 6-Star combat power no B-Rank team were so needless saying that one by one can only look up to that three powerful 6-Star professional. 而连他们都如此,那些连六星战力都没有的B级团队就更是不用说,一个个只能仰望着那三位威风凛凛的六星职业者 thanks to this, professional in entire 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 raised the head to throw out the chest, a proud proud appearance. 拜此所赐,整个『夏日逐烟』中的职业者都纷纷抬头挺胸,一副骄傲自豪的模样。 Xu Xiayan just likes has not thought, only brings Wang Di and Wang Qian two people, arrives at the front of numerous team together. 许夏烟恍若未觉,只是带着王狄王倩两人,一同来到众多团队的面前。 She observed the situation around one, looked at everyone on the scene, like wants to remember presents the appearance of everyone, vision one by one swept. 她环视了一眼四周,看了一眼在场的所有人,如同想记住在场每个人的长相一样,目光一一扫了下来。 Then... 然后... Now, please everyone on the scene according to the plan, be divided into the reconnaissance team and treasure hunt team.” “现在,请在场的诸位按照计划,分为勘察队及寻宝队吧。” Xu Xiayan without many words, comes up is to make the people according to planning to handle affairs. 许夏烟没有再多废话,一上来就是让众人按计划行事。 Captain and Vice-Captains on the scene have not hesitated. 在场的团长副团长们也没有迟疑。 Division!” “分队!” Division!” “分队!” Under their brief instructions, one by one professional likes the well-trained army to be the same immediately, rapid start division. 在他们简短的指示下,一个个职业者立即有如训练有素的军队一样,迅速的开始分队。 Some condition also really meanings of this division. 这分队的状况也着实有些意思。 First, the population of treasure hunt team is overwhelming many, has almost about thousand people. 首先,寻宝队的人数是压倒性的多,几乎有千人左右。 They are low-class professional in major teams. 他们都是各大团队中的下级职业者 And, solely is in 《Summer Chasing Smoke》, had the entire more than 100 people to enter the treasure hunt team, even in 《Iron Rose》 had over a hundred low-class professional to enter the team, what were most was 《Brilliant Dragon Jade Pavilion》 this most established A-Rank team, several hundred low-class professional might be called enormous and powerful, in addition low-class professional of other B-Rank teams, formed over a thousand people of communities, it can be said that was easy. 其中,单单是『夏日逐烟』中,就有整整一百多人进入了寻宝队,连『铁蔷薇』中都有上百个下级职业者入队,最多的是『锦龙玉阁』这个最老牌的A级团队,数百名下级职业者堪称浩浩荡荡,加上其余的B级团队的下级职业者,组成上千人的群体,可以说是轻而易举的。 According to plan that yesterday evening talked about, these over a thousand low-class professional 55 divisions, will form a squad again every five people, broke up the whole into parts, ultimately formed the entire more than 2000 professional squads, will be dispersed to tenth floor each direction, seeks Golden Silk Dream Monster String. 按照昨天晚上谈及的计划,这上千名下级职业者将会再五五分队,每五人组成一个小队,化整为零,最终形成整整两千多支职业者小队,将被分散到第十层的各个方向,去寻找金丝梦妖线 The tenth floor area endures compared with Tianfeng City Longxin District, without so many people searches, wants to discover Golden Silk Dream Monster String in a short time, but also really endures the ratio to look for a needle in a haystack. 第十层的占地面积堪比天丰市龙心区,没有这么多人去搜索,想在短时间内找出金丝梦妖线,还真的堪比大海捞针。 Now, some so many enormous and powerful treasure hunts, the efficiency without doubt will be very together high. 现在,有这么多人一起浩浩荡荡的寻宝,效率无疑会很高。 Xu Xiayan hires the reasons of so many teams, this is also one. 许夏烟雇佣那么多团队的理由,这也是其中的一个。 Compared with the treasure hunt team, another side reconnaissance team population were even few. 与寻宝队相比,另外一边的勘察队人数就算是非常少了。 In the reconnaissance team has about more than 60 people high and low, with enormous and powerful reaches compared with over a thousand people of treasure hunt teams, the quantity are not many. 勘察队中大约只有六十多人上下,与浩浩荡荡多达上千人的寻宝队相比,数量不可谓不少。 But, in more than 60 population relatively speaking extremely few reconnaissance teams, is actually almost every member is high-class professional. 但,这六十多个人数相对而言极少的勘察队中,却是几乎每一个成员都是上级职业者 In these teams that Xu Xiayan hires, besides 《Brilliant Dragon Jade Pavilion》 and 《Iron Rose》, other is the B-Rank team. 许夏烟雇佣来的那些团队里,除了『锦龙玉阁』『铁蔷薇』以外,其余的都是B级团队。 Although these B-Rank teams do not have 6-Star professional, but high-class professional has. 这些B级团队虽然没有六星职业者,但上级职业者还是有的。 In them, some strengths are quite weak, 2-3 high-class professional, some strengths are quite strong, 45 high-class professional, the average approximately each B-Rank team will have about three high-class professional, in addition is more than 20. 它们中,有的实力比较弱,有2-3位上级职业者,有的实力比较强,有四五位上级职业者,平均下来大约每个B级团队都会有三名左右的上级职业者,加起来就是二十多位。 high-class professional in several A-Rank teams quite a lot. 几个A级团队中的上级职业者则颇多。 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 after Bai Xuefei joins, altogether had/left ten high-class professional. 『夏日逐烟』白雪菲加入以后,一共出了十位上级职业者 In 《Iron Rose》 this wife regiment, then has altogether seven high-class professional. 『铁蔷薇』这个娘子军团中,则有着一共七位上级职业者 What are most is 《Brilliant Dragon Jade Pavilion》 this most established A-Rank team, entire 17 high-class professional, show disdain for the outstanding heroes. 最多的还是『锦龙玉阁』这个最老牌的A级团队,整整十七位上级职业者,傲视群雄。 high-class professional of these three A-Rank teams add completely, altogether 34 high-class professional, many top aristocratic families of quantity in compared with Tianfeng City must come fearfully. 这三个A级团队的上级职业者全部加起来,一共三十四位上级职业者,数量比天丰市中许多的顶级世家都要来得可怕。 In addition three high-class professional in 《Azure Mercury》( are not Su Ming), in the entire reconnaissance team has altogether more than 60 high-class professional, astonishing incomparable. 再加上『湛蓝水银』中的三位上级职业者(不算苏明),整个勘察队中就有着一共六十多位上级职业者,惊人无比。 What is worth mentioning is, Su Ming and Tongxin Yao these two in people's eyes low-class professional, joined the reconnaissance team outside unexpectedly. 值得一提的是,苏明童心瑶这两个在外人眼中下级职业者,竟是也加入了勘察队。 also, has joined 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 Bai Ruxiang and Bai Xiaoyan, unexpectedly follows as in Bai Xuefei's side, enters to the team of reconnaissance team. 还有,已经加入『夏日逐烟』白茹湘和白小颜,居然依旧跟在白雪菲的身边,进入到勘察队的队伍中。 This causes many people to look at Su Ming, Tongxin Yao, Bai Ruxiang and Bai Xiaoyan entire group, lets the females somewhat light unease sitting or standing outside Su Ming. 这导致不少人都在看着苏明童心瑶白茹湘白小颜一行人,让苏明以外的众女们都有些淡淡的坐立不安。 Only Su Ming, complexion tranquil standing there, without saying a word looks at Xu Xiayan. 唯独苏明,面色平静的站在那里,一言不发的看着许夏烟 Xu Xiayan does not have to look at Su Ming. 许夏烟却没有在看苏明 Sees the team to divide, Xu Xiayan nodded. 见队伍分好,许夏烟点了点头 Obviously, leading characters of major teams after last night goes back, truly according to the conference discusses time such, according to the plan, in this instruction of doing the respective team completed. 显然,各大团队的领头人物们在昨晚回去以后,确实按照会议讨论的时候那样,照着计划,将各自团队里该做的吩咐都做好了。 This also makes the Xu Xiayan province work hard. 这也使得许夏烟省下了不少的功夫。 Everyone, since divided the team, that should also already learned your Quest from the respective team and Vice-Captain there?” “各位既然分好了队,那应该也已经从各自的团队及副团长那里得知了你们的任务了吧?” Xu Xiayan opens the mouth. 许夏烟开口了。 Yesterday, we also had reached an agreement the search range that respectively each one should be responsible, believes that everyone has also known fairly well.” “昨天,我们也已经各自商量好了各自应该负责的搜查范围,相信各位也已经心中有数。” That, is those words, invited everyone according to the plan, went to carry out respective responsible Quest respectively.” “那么,还是那句话,请各位按照计划,各自前往执行各自负责的任务吧。” My words, wish good luck at this point.” “我的话就说到这里了,祝各位好运。” Then, Xu Xiayan brings Wang Di and Wang Qian, similarly entered in the reconnaissance team. 说完,许夏烟带着王狄王倩,同样进入了勘察队中。 Then, the preparatory work was in place. 就这样,准备工作就绪了。 set off!” 出发!” Xu Xiayan takes the lead to order the 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 person, making them take the action. 许夏烟率先命令『夏日逐烟』的人,让他们做出行动。 set off!” 出发!” set off!” 出发!” The teams and Vice-Captains of major teams also ordered one after another. 各大团队的团队及副团长们也相继下令。 Next second, professional squads on enormous and powerful killed the camp, toward dispersed to go in all directions, left behind numerous high-class professionals of reconnaissance team. 下一秒钟,一支支职业者小队就浩浩荡荡的杀出了营地,向着四面八方分散而去,留下了勘察队的众多上级职业者们 But quick, prospects person also departed of team. 可很快的,勘察队的人也出发了 ...... ...... tenth floor, center. 第十层,中心。 Here has a canyon. 这里有着一片峡谷。 The canyon is not big, actually only then an entrance, goes nonstop to a stretch of topography extremely low basin. 峡谷不算大,却只有一个入口,直通向一片地势极低的盆地。 Some mist are filling the air here, is actually not the mist, but is a light black fog. 些许雾气在这里弥漫着,却不是水雾,而是一种淡淡的黑雾。 Reconnaissance team the appearance of people then simultaneously here, stopped in the entrance of canyon. 勘察队的一众人们便齐齐的出现在了这里,停在了峡谷的入口处。 Ok.” “好了。” Xu Xiayan complexion prudent shift people. 许夏烟面色慎重的转向众人。 „The following action, besides the 6-Star people, others then stays here, waits to aid us.” “接下来的行动,除了六星的众人以外,其余人便都留在这里,等候接应我们吧。” hearing this, numerous high-class professionals looked at each other one in abundance, is serious nodded. 闻言,众多上级职业者们纷纷都对视了一眼,皆是面色凝重的点下了头 This also at the matter that in yesterday's conference reaches an agreement. 这也是在昨天的会议上商量好的事。 When according to the view of Xu Xiayan, to the legendary Nightmare Type mutant conducts the reconnaissance, the population best the fewer the better. 根据许夏烟的说法,对传说中的噩梦种突变体进行勘察时,人数最好越少越好。 The population are less, that more can reduce the discovered risk, can be shocking but not dangerous scouters. 人数越少,那就越是能够降低被发现的风险,能够有惊无险的进行侦察。 But because cannot guarantee that cannot be discovered, prospects the team to have enough combat power, can accept a challenge at any time. 可因为不能保证不会被发现,勘察队这边又得拥有足够的战力,可以随时应战。 The result discussed that is, in all teams, so long as is high-class professional, that joins the reconnaissance team entirely, comes to investigate the Nightmare Type mutant. 结果讨论下来就是,所有的团队里,只要是上级职业者,那就通通都加入勘察队,前来对噩梦种突变体进行调查。 At once, prospects highest combat power in team to be responsible for first acting, others are responsible for aiding outside. 旋即,勘察队中的最高战力们就负责先行动,其余人则都在外面负责接应。 After all, more than 60 people is a much less, not too suitable secret action. 毕竟,六十多人还是有点多,不太适合隐秘行动。 Therefore, first lets have highest combat power 6-Star professionals to be responsible for prospecting, if the action is smooth, after the reconnaissance ended comes out to converge, everyone retreats together, if the action is not smooth, alarmed that Nightmare Type mutant, that 6-Star combat power catch up together outward, converges with all high-class professional, concentrates combat power to meet the enemy. 所以,先让拥有最高战力六星职业者们去负责勘察,若是行动顺利,就在勘察结束以后出来汇合,所有人一同退走,若是行动不顺利,惊动了那噩梦种突变体,那六星战力们就一起往外赶,与所有的上级职业者汇合,集中战力应敌。 Starts.” “开始吧。” Xu Xiayan lead stood, lets Wang Di and Wang Qian going forward without hesitation 许夏烟率先站了出来,让王狄王倩毫不犹豫的上前 Big Brother.” Qiao Zhi couldn't help saying: Be careful.” 大哥。”乔志情不自禁的道:“小心啊。” I know.” The Qiao Liang unemotional nod, stood. “我知道。”乔梁面无表情的点头,站了出来。 Young lady.” Zhu Yun worries looks to Zhu Qian. “小姐。”朱芸不无担忧的看向朱茜 Zhu Qian anything had not said that going forward silently. 朱茜什么都没说,默默的上前。 shortly afterwards, Su Ming and Chi Qian also came out together. 紧接着,苏明池浅也一起出来了。 Captain.” 团长。” Elder Sister Qianqian.” 浅浅姐。” Mu Yan, Feng Qing'er and Tongxin Yao three people of showed a look of worry. 穆嫣风清儿童心瑶三人面露担忧之色 Relax.” Chi Qian comforted one, said with a smile: All right, waits for our good news.” “放心。”池浅宽慰了一声,笑道:“没事的,等我们的好消息吧。” Three females immediately or silent, or was worried, the corner of the eye nodded with tears. 三女顿时或是沉默,或是担心,或是眼角含泪的点头了。 Su Ming has not spoken. 苏明没有说话。 But, sees him to come out, some people cannot bear make noise eventually. 但,看到他出来,终究是有人忍不住出声。 „Can you really come together?” “你真的要一起来吗?” Wang Di is frowning. 王狄就皱着眉头。 You should with that Spirit Carrier same place of your team, to the treasure hunt team that side.” “你应该跟你们团队的那个携灵者一起,到寻宝队那边去的。” Wang Qian is also lightly uttered. 王倩亦是淡淡的出声 Although others have not expressed the opinion, but their expressions told the people, they also think. 其余人虽然没有发表意见,可他们的表情却告诉了众人,他们也是这么想的。 The people have not thought really, Su Ming and Tongxin Yao two people will also appear here team unexpectedly. 众人着实没有想到,苏明童心瑶两人居然也会出现在这边的队伍里。 conversely Bai Ruxiang and Bai Xiaoyan, no one said them. 反倒是白茹湘和白小颜,没有人说她们。 Because, in the hand of these two people, is holding large quantities of instruments. 因为,这两人的手里,正抱着大批的仪器。 Without a doubt, they are responsible for act as an assistant. 毋庸置疑,她们是负责来打下手的。 To the reconnaissance of Nightmare Type mutant, solely did not confirm with the eye, but must carry on the scanning, to analyze and transmit the material with various alchemical device and alchemy instrument. 噩梦种突变体的勘察,并不是单单用眼睛去确认,而是必须用各种炼金装置炼金仪器进行扫描、分析和传输资料。 These materials can feed in Tianfeng City, to supply the Tianfeng City high levels to conduct the discussion and resolution. 这些资料都会传回天丰市,以供天丰市高层们进行讨论和决议。 These instruments and equipment, numerous high-class professionals will not definitely use, does not have the time to study. 这些仪器及装置,一众上级职业者们肯定是不会用的,也没有时间去学。 What they are responsible for is aids, is combat power, making them spend the time to study these, without doubt is careless and wasteful use of nature's products. 他们负责的是接应,是战力,让他们费时间去学这些,无疑是暴殄天物。 Finally, Bai Ruxiang and Bai Xiaoyan was selected by Xu Xiayan, is responsible for studying the use of these instrument and equipment, in order to be responsible for act as an assistant at this time. 结果,白茹湘和白小颜就被许夏烟选中,负责去学这些仪器及装置的使用,以便在这个时候来负责打下手 Knows this point, the people had no question to the appearance of these two people. 知道这一点,众人就对这两人的出现没有任何疑问了。 But, Su Ming and Tongxin Yao what's the matter? 可,苏明童心瑶又是怎么回事呢?
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