“嗯?”Perhapssuddensky-splitting sound, others cannotdetect,Gao Xu was actually detects.
突如其来的破空声,其他人或许没能察觉到,高旭却是察觉到了。HereachesXu Qianqian's handsuddenly, immediatelyrapidturning around, faced the sky-splitting soundattackdirection.
他伸向许芊芊的手陡然一顿,随即迅速的转过身,面向了破空声来袭的方向。Inthere, a formis carrying more and more loudsonic boom, raises the air wave, drops from the clouds.
The slatingdeafening soundthenhas no emergence of omen, making the fresh breeze of surging forwardmix with the sand dust, changes to the sand storm, swept across.
雷鸣般的震响便没有任何前兆的出现,让汹涌澎湃的劲风都夹杂着沙尘,化作沙尘暴,席卷了开来。Xu Qianqianwas blownto fly.许芊芊被吹飞了。FamilyHunters that surroundingsurroundingcomeswas also blownto fly.
周围包围而来的家族猎人们也被吹飞了。Damages severelybeginningXu Yanyanjustset out, finallybysand storm of comingblowingunstaily.
大伤初愈的许艳艳刚起身,结果就被迎面而来的沙尘暴给吹得东倒西歪。Suddenly, entireby the lighttransparentwallbondedcovering the regionby the sand dustfilling, insidefullwas the fresh breeze of howling.
一时间,整个被薄薄的透明壁障给笼罩起来的区域都被沙尘给填充了,内里满是呼啸的劲风。But the center of fresh breezeandsand storm, istwofists.
而劲风及沙尘暴的中心,乃是两只拳头。Twotobumpingin the same placefist.
“嘭!”In the dull thumping soundsound, righttwoforms of fisttheneach otherseparatedmutually, spread out.
The sand stormalsodivergesinthissplit second, makingeveryoneon the scenesee clearly the presentscene.
沙尘暴也在这一瞬间里散去,让在场的所有人都看清了眼前的光景。„Is that...?”
“那是...?”Xu Yanyanfirstraising the head, somewhatdistressedlookedto the front, shortly afterwardsis shocked.许艳艳第一个抬起头,有些狼狈的看向前方,紧接着愣住了。
Others alsoso, showed the surprisedexpression.
其余人也是如此,纷纷都露出了惊讶的表情。Xu Qianqian that especiallyhad preparedto accept fate, opensowneye after fiercely, immediatelysawis turning away fromownform.
The strong windshave blown, makingopposite partythatcapeflap flapmake noise, continuously the reverberation.
狂风吹过,让对方那身斗篷猎猎作响,不住回荡。Black clothes.
兜帽。Thisisonedoes not see clearly the appearancecompletelymysterious character.
这就是一个完全看不清楚样貌的神秘人物。„Who...... are you?”
“......你是谁?”Gao Xustandsin the opposite of future, the lookis solemn.高旭站在来者的对面,神色冷峻。ThatisevenfacesXu Qianqian, facingmyriadIllusory Demon that onthisdefense lineattacks, has not shownexpression.
那是即使面对许芊芊,面对这道防线上来袭的万千幻魔,都不曾露出过的表情。Thisdoes not have the matter of means.
这也是没办法的事情。Carefullylooked, a Gao Xuhandis hanginginbehind, slightlyshivering.
是的。Thatfist, Gao Xuhad not just gottenanywinning side.
刚刚那一拳,高旭并没有占据任何的上风。Onlythispoint, Gao Xuunderstands, the futureis notgeneralcharacter, being beyond controlheis not prudent.
仅此一点,高旭就明白,来者绝非一般人物,由不得他不慎重。But, the opposite partyhas not actually returned tohima few words, onlyliftedto wear the head of hood, the eye under maskshifts to the direction that Xu Qianqianwas, lookedto the young girl.
The young girlsare still visitinghim, bodyfullis the blood, the abdomenis the heavy lossesis also serious, pitiful of image, compared withjusthad the happened togetherthatnightwithhiminitially, but must win.
少女还在怔怔的看着他,身上满是鲜血,腹部亦是重创严重,形象之凄惨,比当初刚刚与他有所交集的那一个夜晚,还要更胜。Without a doubt, futurepreciselySu Ming.
( Looked likemeto catch upreluctantly.)
(看来我勉强赶上了啊。)Secretrelaxing of Su Minginheart.苏明在心中暗暗的松了一口气。
Since previousandLie and Yin met with, Su Mingputtheirbodytwoalchemysmallspiderssecretly.
Before thattwoalchemysmallspidersandSu Ming, has played the scorpionis different, withoutaggressivity, only then the effect of warning.
那两只炼金小蜘蛛与苏明之前玩过的蝎子不同,没有攻击性,只有警报的效果。Whentheyadhere to stick coherewhenbody of person, so long asitssurroundingshave the dangerous the condition, vibratesimmediatelywithalchemysmallspidernecessaryitem.
当它们附着在人的身上时,只要其周围发生危险的状况,与炼金小蜘蛛配套的道具就会立刻震动起来。Although the effectis simple, but the alchemysmallspiderhas the extraordinaryquiteconcealmenteffect, under normal conditionsis very difficultto be discovered, unusualsuitsis usedto make an establishmentin secret.
效果虽简单,但炼金小蜘蛛有着颇为不凡的隐匿效果,通常情况下很难被发现,非常的适合用来暗中做点设置。Therefore, Su Mingcanencounter the dangerousinXu Qianqianthis time, successfuldetectiontoitsstatus/condition of attack, rushedpromptly.
( Luckily, coversaroundthistransparentwallbarrierdoes not seem to be ableto preventoutsidepersonto come.)
(幸好,笼罩这周围的透明壁障似乎不能防止外面的人进来。)Su Mingshot a look ataround a transparentwallbarrier, shortly afterwardsthrew the visiontoGao Xu's body.苏明瞥了一眼四周的透明壁障,紧接着就将目光投至高旭的身上。Looks atGao Xuthatwhole facesolemnappearance, the Su Mingfeelingisverymarvelous.
看着高旭那满脸冷峻的模样,苏明感觉还是挺奇妙的。After all, first time time of seeingGao Xu, sense of presence and faintfeeling that opposite partybodysends out were too intense, intenselytoletting the Su Mingimpressionveryprofound.
毕竟,第一次见到高旭的时候,对方身上散发出来的存在感及淡漠感实在太强烈了,强烈到让苏明印象非常的深刻。At that time, Su Minghas not changedbloodline, has not awakenedVision Mark, onlyalsoinsmallWarlock that on3-Starstruggled.
那个时候,苏明还没有改变血脉,没有觉醒见纹,只是个还在三星上挣扎的小术士。Whooncethinks,twodays of pass by, againfacingGao Xu, before oneselfno longerarethat.
谁曾想,两天的时间过去而已,再面对高旭,自己已然不再是之前的那个自己。PresentGao Xusense of presenceis still intense, whydoes not know, Su Mingcould not have felt the toobigthreat.
如今的高旭存在感依旧强烈,可不知为何,苏明已然感受不到太大的威胁。Hadsuchstate of mind, Su Mingto look atwhole bodydripping with bloodXu Qianqianone.
带着这样的心境,苏明又看了浑身鲜血淋漓的许芊芊一眼。Lookonecold, Su Mingshifted toGao Xu.
神色一冷,苏明转向了高旭。„Do youdo?”
The low and deepsound, spreadsfrom the mouth under Su Minghood.
低沉的声音,从苏明兜帽下的口中传出。„Who are you?”
“你是谁?”Gao Xuhas not paid attention toSu Ming's interrogation, is frowningtightly, question that againcoldly.高旭没有理会苏明的质问,紧皱着眉头,冷冷的再次发问。„Do youdo?”
“你干的?”Su Ming also has not paid attention toGao Xu , to continue to ask.苏明同样没有理会高旭,继续问着。
The sound, compared withjust must low and deep.
The Gao Xubrowwrinkleis deeper.高旭眉头越皱越深。Hedoes not likeexplaininganything'scharacter.
他不是喜欢解释些什么的性格。Hedoes not excelemptywith the winding, talked at random, said that some did not have.
他也不擅长与人虚与委蛇,扯东扯西,说些有的没有的。Naturally, hedoes not want a person of easyregressingsimilarly.
理所当然,他同样不是愿意轻而易举的退步的一个人。Therefore, facingSu Ming's interrogation, Gao Xureturned tosucha few words.
因此,面对苏明的质问,高旭回了这样的一句话。„Has nothing to dowithyou.”
“与你无关。”simplea few words, actuallycompletelybreak the atmosphere that both sidesrefuse to compromise.简简单单的一句话,却是将双方僵持的气氛给彻底打破。„Bang!”
“磅!”Su Mingthensticks out suddenlysuddenly, raises the cape, steps on the brokenground, inassailing, butinfresh breezeandthunderclapcracks in the earthsound, plunderedtoGao Xu.苏明便陡然暴起,扬起斗篷,踩碎地面,在吹袭而起的劲风及炸雷般的地裂声中,掠向了高旭。„Bang——!”
The slatingdeafening soundonappearanceagain, the impactstorm that raisesin the sand dustwithbindingalsoto change to the sand stormagain, sweeps across the audience.
雷鸣般的震响就再一次的出现,掀起的冲击风浪在沙尘的携裹下也再次化作沙尘暴,席卷全场。Su Ming and Gao Xufistthenheavilybanginone, onesuch aspreviouslylike that aroused the astonishingsound.苏明与高旭的拳头便重重的轰在了一起,一如先前那般,激起了惊人的动静。„Aaaaaah!”
“啊啊啊啊啊啊!”SurroundingfamilyHuntersjustset out, had not responded that what happened, blowingto flyby the fresh breeze.
“可恶!”Xu Yanyanstood firmfigurereluctantly, is swayingin the storm, distressedretreat that can only clench teeth.许艳艳勉强稳住了身形,在风浪中摇摇晃晃着,只能咬着牙的狼狈后退。Xu Qianqianalsorespondedfinally, while the severely woundedbody, ignores the severe pain, draws backagain and again.许芊芊也终于是反应了过来,趁着重伤的身体,不顾剧痛,连连退开。On the spot, turned intoSu Ming and Gao Xutwo peoplebattlefieldall of a sudden.
“嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭——!”Nextinstantaneous , the innumerablesay/waybangsappearloudly.
下一个瞬间里,无数道巨响轰然出现。Su MingandGao Xuundereveryone'sgaze, to the opposite party, are wielding a mightpeerlessfistshadow.苏明与高旭就在所有人的注视下,对着对方,挥出了威力绝伦的一连片拳影。
The fistshadow and fistshadoware collidingmutually, counter-balancing, shelling, conflicting, everytobumpingcanarouseonetimestartling thunderclapcrack the sound, making the strong windshowl, the sand dustrewinds, momentumexceptionally astonishing.
拳影与拳影互相碰撞着,抵消着,轰击着,冲突着,每一次的对碰都能激起惊雷般的炸响声,让狂风呼啸,沙尘倒卷,声势异常惊人。Does not need many wordsagain.
不需要再有过多的话语。Does not needto confirm anything again.
不需要再确认任何的事情。Both sidescarries the anger, carriescoldintent, be relentlesslaunched the attackto the opposite party, making the fistextreme speedrumble, composed the continuousfistshadow.
双方一个携着愤怒,一个携着冷意,向对方毫不留情的发起了进攻,让拳头极速轰出,组成了连绵的拳影。So the fierce combat, so the momentum, makingpreviouslyfighting bravely of Xu Qianqian and Xu Yanyan and the othersseemedturned into the childeach familycommon, makes one with amazement and shock.
如此激战,如此声势,让先前许芊芊及许艳艳等人的奋战都好似变成了小孩子的过家家一般,令人骇然及震惊。Alsoisin such a case, understood a mattertoboth sides of war.
也就是在这样的情况下,对战的双方都明白了一件事。„Canbe good!”
“能行!”Su Mingunderstandsoneselfhaswithhigh-class professionaldirectbattle the matter of strength.苏明明白了自己已经拥有和上级职业者正面交战的实力的事情。„Thisis a powerful enemy!”
“这是个强敌!”Gao Xuunderstoodat presentthissuddenintrudernotweakfactsimilarly.高旭同样明白了眼前这个突如其来的闯入者并不比自己弱的事实。At that moment, the line of sightcollision of two peopleinone, rubbedintensesparks/Mars.
“嘭——!”Does not know that the mutualcollision of severalfistandfist, making the situationhave the change.
不知道第几次拳头与拳头的互相碰撞,让形势出现了变化。Gao Xuas ifcould not withstandto be the same fromoppositestrengthfinally, figuretrembled, such aswas struckby the violent, cannot help butdrew backonestep.高旭似乎终于承受不住来自对面的力道了一样,身形一颤,如遭暴击,不由自主的退了一步。Su Mingmustmanageunforgiving, receives the left hand, grips tightly the rightfist.苏明得理不饶人,收起左手,紧握右拳。„Drinks!”
“喝!”along with a low and deep shout, rightfist of Su Minglikefire, violentrumbledin the Gao Xudirectionin the past.伴随着一声低沉的喝声,苏明的右拳如火,猛烈的向着高旭的方向轰了过去。Thatfist, aroused the heavilysonic boom.
那一拳,激起了重重音爆。Thatfist, making the airbe extruded the wailat the scene.
那一拳,让空气都被挤压得当场哀鸣。Mustcomeheavyandfearfulfist strikecompared withpreviouslyanyfist, making the Gao Xuwhole bodyfine hairtower.
The understanding of Gao Xuinstinctthis, has tofinally the under footonewrong, sudden retreatcomes.高旭本能的理解了这点,终于是不得不脚下一错,暴退开来。„——!”
“——!”Strengthentiretribe that on the fist that in the bellow, Su Mingwieldscarriesinair, startedfistwindunexpectedlydirectly.
The fistwindlike the storm, assailedtoGao Xu in sudden retreat, letGao Xusubconsciousholding upboth hands, kept offbefore the body, as if the kite of line was the same, was givento carry offby the fistwind, hit a giantrock.
The rockis accordingly broken, changes to the innumerablecrushed stones, buriedGao Xu's form.
“先生!”Witnessedthis, Xu Yanyanbeautiful facechanging colors, cried out in surprise.
亲眼目睹这一幕,许艳艳花容失色,惊呼出声了。Xu Qianqiancould not bearlooktoSu Ming.许芊芊也忍不住看向了苏明。„UnexpectedlyrepelledthatGao Xu?”
The Xu Qianqianheartshakescrazily.许芊芊心头狂震。Where do theyknow?
她们又哪里知道呢?Su Ming's right hand, withhisleft hand, the mightcannotplace on a par.苏明的右手,与他的左手,威力可是不能相提并论的。Gao Xustruggledfrom the crushed stonerubble, sets out, whilesurpriseduncertainlookstoSu Ming.高旭就从碎石瓦砾中挣扎了出来,一边起身,一边惊疑不定的看向苏明。Saidaccurately,shouldsaylookstoSu Ming's right hand.
更准确的说,应该说是看向苏明的右手。„Thatright hand...”
“那只右手...”Gao Xudetected the quirk of Su Mingright hand.高旭察觉到苏明右手的古怪之处了。Thisis the matter that cannot hide.
When Su Minguseleft hand when power that displays, withuseright handpower that displays, the disparityexcessivelyare really many.苏明使用左手时发挥出来的力量,与使用右手时发挥出来的力量,着实差距过多。Justrightso manyfists, Gao Xucould not detectanomalyagain, thatwasstrange matter.
刚刚都已经对了那么多拳了,高旭再察觉不到异常,那才是怪事。„Who are you?”
“你到底是谁?”Gao Xugazed atSu Ming's lookto filldignifiedly.高旭注视着苏明的眼神充满了凝重。only, reply of Su Mingsuchobedientlyhe?只是,苏明会这么乖乖的回答他吗?„I, ifin the honestreport the person of name, thatwill not dress uplike this, idiot.”
“我要是会老老实实的报上姓名的人,那就不会打扮成这样了,白痴。”Su Minglight the words that throws, makeGao Xu's complexionsomewhatugly/difficult to look at.苏明淡淡的扔出去的话语,就让高旭的脸色变得有些难看。
Since becominghigh-class professional, whois nottoGao Xurespectful?
自从成为上级职业者以后,谁不是对高旭毕恭毕敬的啊?For these years, Su Mingis first surface that is working asGao Xu, scolded the person of hisidiotdirectly.
这么多年来,苏明是第一个当着高旭的面,直接骂他白痴的人。Was insultedby the fellowof unknown originface to face, eventemperdesolatelikeGao Xu, did not endure.
被来历不明的家伙当面辱骂,即便性子冷淡如高旭,也忍不了。Oris the positionhighperson, morecares aboutownface, cannot accommodateothersleast bitinsult.
或者说,越是地位高的人,就越是在乎自己的脸面,容不得别人半点侮辱。„Courts death.”
“找死。”Gao Xuthenlookice-coldextend the hand, gripped the backin the backblade.高旭便神色冰冷的伸出手,握住了背在背后的刀。
The imposing manner of hiswhole bodyalsosuddenlychanges, becomingwas just colder, is sharp, danger.
他全身的气势也蓦然一变,变得比刚刚更加冷冽,更加锐利,亦更加的危险。Su Ming's visionalmostsubconsciouschanges to the blade in Gao Xuhand.苏明的目光几乎是下意识的转到高旭手中的刀上。Thatisbladeis red, on the hiltis carving the head picture of Qilin, the semblanceextremelyconspicuoussword.
那是一把刀刃通红,刀柄上雕刻着麒麟的头像,外表极其显眼的战刀。ThisisGao Xudepending onbecoming famousalchemical weapon————Qilin Blade.
这就是高旭赖以成名的炼金武器————麟刀。Draws outthisGao Xu of becoming famousweapon, feeling is also becomescompletelydifferent.
拔出这把成名武器的高旭,给人的感觉亦是变得完全不同。Hissense of presenceat leastrose suddenlytentimes.
他的存在感至少暴涨了十倍。Hisconstrictionisto assumeto soar.
他的压迫感更是呈直线攀升。Becauseonly, thisis the appearance that heis earnest.
只因为,这才是他认真起来的模样。Hemostexcelsissword technique, rather thanskill at martial arts.
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