IBJWMC :: Volume #2

#123: Xu Family's woman

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Young lady!” “小姐!” Young lady!” “小姐!” That split second when Xu Yanyan was held under duress by Xu Qianqian, presented all family Hunter then cried out in surprise. 许艳艳许芊芊挟持的那一瞬间,在场所有的家族猎人便都惊呼出声了。 Without the means. 没办法。 No one can think, Xu Qianqian will ambush behind Xu Yanyan unexpectedly. 没有一个人能够想到,许芊芊居然会潜伏到许艳艳的身后 She does not have the choice to run away, but chose started to Xu Yanyan. 她没有选择逃走,而是选择了对许艳艳下手。 Gao Xu almost understood Xu Qianqian's plan immediately. 高旭就几乎是立即明白了许芊芊的打算 so that's how it is.” Gao Xu quite calmly said: Knows that is unable to escape in our front big probabilities, therefore makes a feint intentionally?” 原来如此。”高旭颇为冷静的道:“知道在我们的面前大概率是无法逃掉的,所以故意虚晃一枪吗?” Yes. 是的。 Since the beginning, Xu Qianqian has not planned to escape. 打从一开始,许芊芊就没打算逃。 It is not does not want to escape, but cannot escape. 不是不想逃,而是逃不掉。 As opponent, Xu Qianqian too clear Xu Yanyan this person of method, without beginning also on forget it/that's all, once begins, definitely not to the opportunity that oneself will escape. 作为对手,许芊芊太清楚许艳艳这人的手段,没动手也就罢了,一旦动手,肯定不会给自己逃跑的机会。 In addition has a Gao Xu such fearful enemy to exist, Xu Qianqian felt, once oneself make war with them, that odds of success absolutely is extremely low. 加上有高旭这么一个可怕的敌人存在,许芊芊觉得,自己一旦与他们开战,那胜算绝对是极低的。 Therefore, over the two days, Xu Qianqian has not only been collecting the Xu Yanyan and the others information, but also has been pondering, if really met the crisis, what to do oneself should. 为此,这两天来,许芊芊不仅一直在收集许艳艳等人的情报,还一直在思考,若是真的遇到了危局,自己该怎么办。 Finally, Xu Qianqian also really found out means. 最终,许芊芊还真想出了一个办法。 That under the condition in compelling having no other choice but, finding the way to hold under duress Xu Yanyan. 那就是在逼不得已的状况下,想办法挟持许艳艳 You do not think that she does die?” Xu Qianqian is putting up Xu Yanyan's neck with the dagger, coldly said: Words that wants her to maintain a livelihood, that unties alchemical device.” “你们也不想她死吧?”许芊芊用匕首架着许艳艳的脖子,冷冷的道:“想要她活命的话,那就把炼金装置解开。” This is the most effective collapsing way that Xu Qianqian can think. 这是许芊芊能够想到的最有效的破局方式。 Gao Xu deep looked at Xu Qianqian. 高旭深深的看了一眼许芊芊 He also really has to eat this set. 他还真不得不吃这一套。 How even if he is as deep as a well again, he has pledged allegiance to Xu Yanyan's father, was the Xu Yanyan father's subordinate. 就算他再怎么高深莫测,他都已经归顺了许艳艳的父亲,算是许艳艳父亲的下属了。 Such being the case, oneself immediate superior the safety of daughter's, Gao Xu truly cannot neglect. 既然如此,自己顶头上司的女儿的安危,高旭确实不能忽视。 Really is well done.” “真是干得漂亮。” Gao Xu gave a Xu Qianqian commendation. 高旭就给了许芊芊一句称赞。 Can take such collapsing action under this aspect, certain will may not be able to accomplish. 能在这个局面下做出这样的破局行动,没有一定的毅力可办不到。 Naturally, Gao Xu may not have to plan that makes Xu Qianqian work. 当然,高旭可没打算让许芊芊得逞。 You believe firmly that you can escape from here?” Gao Xu lightly said: Do not blame me not to remind you, even if you escape for a while, cannot run away first.” “你就那么确信你能逃出这里吗?”高旭淡淡的道:“别怪我没有提醒你,就算你逃的了一时,也逃不了一世。” The present aspect, is far from absolutely advantageously how to Xu Qianqian. 现在的局面,对许芊芊绝对谈不上是多么的有利。 Her father had left Longyao City, went to Yinze City, in a short time is impossible hurries back. 她的父亲已经离开了陇曜市,前往了胤泽市,短时间内是不可能赶回来的。 Her grandfather also as one of the Longyao City strongest professional, before the war ended must assume the forefront, even after is the war ended, has big pile of mess to wait for him to tidy up. 她的爷爷也作为陇曜市最强的职业者之一,在战争结束之前必须一直坐镇最前线,哪怕是战争结束以后都有一大堆的烂摊子等着他收拾。 It can be said that the Xu Qianqian biggest two backers, are at present unreliable. 可以说,许芊芊最大的两个靠山,目前都是靠不住了。 This defense line had been controlled by Gao Xu, his some are the method copes with Xu Qianqian make a move. 偏偏,这条防线又已经被高旭所掌控,他有的是方法对付许芊芊出手 Therefore, Gao Xu has not felt anger how. 因此,高旭并没有感到多么的愤怒。 Barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, this time escaped, next time must fall into own hand. 苟延残喘而已,这次逃了,下次还是得落入到自己的手中。 Xu Qianqian naturally must think of this point. 许芊芊自然不会没想到这一点。 She knows, since arriving at this defense line, the situation that oneself face became very not wonderful, the danger might arrive anytime, making her just like falling into a spider web was the same. 她知道,自从来到这条防线以后,自己面对的形势就变得非常不妙了起来,危险可谓是随时有可能到来,让她宛如落入了一张蜘蛛网中一样。 But, even if falls into the prey in spider web to struggle desperately, let alone is oneself? 但,就算是落入蜘蛛网中的猎物都会苦苦挣扎,更何况是自己呢? Therefore, Xu Qianqian also such said. 所以,许芊芊也这么说了一句 No one can win.” “没有谁能一直赢下去。” Xu Qianqian in the eyes appears have not extinguished flame and sharp qi. 许芊芊眼中浮现的就是未曾熄灭过的火光及锐气。 This made Gao Xu narrow his more and more thinly, inside has the hesitation, there is murderous aura. 这让高旭的眼睛眯得越来越细,里面既有犹豫,也有杀气 Obviously, the calm performance of Xu Qianqian, making Gao Xu have some new faces to her. 显然,许芊芊的冷静表现,让高旭对她有了一些改观。 Has such frame of mind, this young girl not necessarily cannot find the method of collapsing, even in turn their army. 有这样的心气,这个少女未必不能找到破局的方法,甚至反过来将他们一军。 If were left by such talent safely, in the future may really become the oneself and the others archenemy. 若是被这样的天才安全离开,未来可能真会成为自己等人的大敌。 ( That wants no wonder in any event to Xu Qianqian make a move.) (难怪那位无论如何都想对许芊芊出手。) Gao Xu is thinking, while fell into silent. 高旭一边这么想着,一边陷入了沉默。 Surrounding family Hunters does not dare to act rashly immediately. 周围的家族猎人们顿时不敢轻举妄动了。 Young lady...” “小姐...” The private forces people also start to struggle setting out, looks at this, is pleasantly surprised. 私兵部队的众人也纷纷开始挣扎着起身,看着这一幕,又惊又喜。 Xu Qianqian does not plan to waste the time. 许芊芊不打算浪费时间。 Said again one time, relieves alchemical device.” Dagger of Xu Qianqian in the hand drew close to Xu Yanyan's throat, said: You should know, I am under go well.” “再说一次,解除炼金装置。”许芊芊将手中匕首更加贴近了许艳艳的喉咙,道:“你应该知道,我是下得了手的。” The people suppress like Xu Qianqian, truly not naive show mercy. 人狠如许芊芊,确实不会天真的手下留情 The person who even if in the bosom this was held under duress by oneself is own cousin, the opposite party wants to kill itself, that must have by the consciousness that oneself massacre. 即使怀中这个被自己挟持的人是自己的表姐,对方想杀自己,那就得有被自己杀掉的觉悟。 two people has been the enemy, show mercy will advance the abyss. 两人早已为敌,手下留情不过是在将自己推进深渊。 Taking this into consideration, is really necessary, beginning that Xu Qianqian can be relentless, with former twice direct and straightforward is like Xu Yanyan make a move. 有鉴于此,真有必要,许芊芊会毫不留情的动手,就跟之前两次干脆利落的对许艳艳出手一样。 However... 然而... Hehe...” 呵呵...” After being held under duress, smiled on silent getting down Xu Yanyan suddenly. 被挟持以后就沉默了下来的许艳艳突然笑了。 The laughter is very light, is very pale, unlike this woman past laughter of completely. 笑声很轻,很淡,与这个女人以往的笑声完全不同。 But, the hearing this laughter, why does not know, Xu Qianqian felt disturbed. 可是,听到这个笑声,不知为何,许芊芊感到了不安。 What do you smile?” “你笑什么?” Xu Qianqian made an effort, making the dagger fall into the body of Xu Yanyan neck slightly. 许芊芊一个用力,让匕首稍稍陷入了许艳艳脖子的皮肉里。 Icy cold touch so clear, but Xu Yanyan is smiling as before, is very light, is very tranquil. 冰凉的触感是如此的清晰,可许艳艳依旧在笑着,很轻,很平静。 I said, my good younger sister, what matter you to make a mistake?” “我说,我的好妹妹,你是不是搞错了什么事情了?” Xu Yanyan anomaly tranquil said such a few words. 许艳艳异常平静的说出了这样的一句话。 You think that I will fear death?” Xu Yanyan said with a smile: I have really not known, originally you look down on me.” “你以为我会怕死吗?”许艳艳如此笑道:“我还真不知道,原来你这么小瞧我。” Was saying in Xu Yanyan's voice, anger that combustion gradually may hear clearly. 这么说着的许艳艳的声音里,渐渐的燃烧起了清晰可闻的怒意。 I must replace you to become Xu Family's most outstanding talent.” “我是要取代你成为许家最优秀的天才。” I must let my grandfather as well as my father continue to take me as arrogantly.” “我是要让我的爷爷以及我的父亲继续以我为傲。” I must prove oneself are not worse than you, showed that oneself value in others imagine above.” “我要证明自己不比你差,证明自己的价值远在别人想象的之上。” If discarded this life to achieve my goal, you felt, I will be afraid?” “如果丢掉了这条命就能达成我的目的,你觉得,我会害怕吗?” When these words resound from the Xu Yanyan mouth, in Xu Qianqian heart anxious changed into the essence finally. 当这一句句的话语自许艳艳的口中响起之时,许芊芊心中的不安终于是化为了实质。 I am Xu Family's Young Lady.” Xu Yanyan laughs, said: You think, ruthless person, only then your?” “我可是许家的大小姐。”许艳艳哈哈一笑,这么道:“你以为,狠的人,只有你一个吗?” hearing this, in the Xu Qianqian heart trembles, fierce makes an effort, began to Xu Yanyan. 闻言,许芊芊心中一颤,猛的一个用力,对许艳艳动手了。 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” The flesh cut sound resounds immediately, makes the blood light for the first time presently. 血肉被切割的声音立即响起,令得血光乍现。 Xu Qianqian under the anxious stimulation of movement in heart, no longer hesitated, cut open Xu Yanyan's throat. 许芊芊就在心中的不安的催动下,不再犹豫,切开了许艳艳的喉咙 However, almost in that split second that Xu Qianqian began, Xu Yanyan also moves unexpectedly. 但是,几乎是在许芊芊动手的那一瞬间,许艳艳竟是也动了。 She does not attend to arriving at the dagger on oneself throat unexpectedly completely, does not attend to the cut open neck completely, does not attend to jumping the present blood splash, fierce turning around, whatever the sharp dagger has cut half throat, held up the knife in hand. 她竟是完全不顾抵在自己喉咙上的匕首,亦完全不顾自己被切开的脖子,不顾迸现的血花,猛的转过了身,任由锋利的匕首切过自己半个喉咙,举起了手中的小刀。 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” Next second, is the physical body tearing sound gets up together. 下一秒钟,又是一道肉体的撕裂声响起。 Xu Yanyan does not attend to a blade that the life and death punctures, center the Xu Qianqian abdomen, making the hilt submerge. 许艳艳不顾生死刺出的一刀,正中了许芊芊的腹部,让刀柄都没入其中。 Coughs...!” “咳...!” „...!” “呜...!” Two young girls made the painful sound simultaneously. 两个少女同时发出了痛苦的声音。 Young lady!” “小姐!” Young lady!” “小姐!” The private forces person as well as surrounding family Hunters look at all these, one by one lost one's voice to call. 私兵部队的人以及周围的家族猎人们看着这一切,一个个的都失声叫了起来。 What a pity, no matter Xu Qianqian or Xu Yanyan, could not have heard. 可惜,不管是许芊芊还是许艳艳,都已经听不见了。 Bang!” “嘭!” two people caused heavy losses to the opposite party simultaneously, kicks a foot simultaneously, in kicking ruthlessly the opposite party, trampled to fly the opposite party. 两人同时重创了对方,又同时踢出一脚,狠狠的踢中了对方,将对方踹飞出去。 Therefore, two Xu Family's Young Lady will like the kite of line to be the same shortly, one by one pounds to fall on the place, rolls out. 于是,两个许家的大小姐顷刻间有如断了线的风筝一样,一一砸落在地,滚了出去。 Under their bodies, the blood spreads, pitiful incomparable. 在她们的身下,鲜血一路蔓延,凄惨无比。 The surrounding people see with one's own eyes this, one by one eye of zi wanted to crack. 周围的众人们亲眼看到这一幕,一个个的均都目眦欲裂了起来。 Young lady!” “小姐!” Lie and Yin shouted to make noise, with private forces others together, rushed to Xu Qianqian. 烈和音都大喊出声了,与私兵部队的其余人一起,奔向了许芊芊 They cannot succeed. 他们没能成功。 In that split second that they leave, a form flashes through rapidly. 就在他们动身的那一瞬间里,一道身影迅速闪过。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!”... “嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”... As the shadow flashes through like the illusory image extreme speed, the one by one private forces elite such as suffers lightning entirely, flew upside down. 随着黑影如幻影般极速闪过,一个个私兵部队的精英通通如遭雷击,倒飞了出去。 The illusory image then stops, appeared Gao Xu's figure. 幻影这才停下,现出了高旭的身形 Looks to pour in the pool of blood, the neck was cut open half, the head as if may fall anytime, the whole person suffocates, directly enters is on the verge of death status/condition Xu Yanyan, at this moment, even character desolate like Gao Xu, was startled. 看着倒在血泊中,脖子都被切开了一半,脑袋似乎随时有可能掉下来似的,整个人都奄奄一息,直接进入濒死状态许艳艳,这一刻,即便性格冷淡如高旭,都被惊到了。 Even if he has not thought, Xu Yanyan can be so ruthless to oneself unexpectedly. 就算是他都没有想到,许艳艳居然可以对自己这么狠。 Xu Family bloodline, really no is a mediocre person.” 许家血脉,果然没一个是庸人。” Gao Xu then also held in high esteem to Xu Yanyan, pulled out one bottle of alchemical potion from the bosom, pulls out the decap stopper, sprinkled on Xu Yanyan's neck. 高旭便也对许艳艳刮目相看了,从怀中掏出了一瓶炼金药剂,拔开瓶塞,洒在了许艳艳的脖子上。 chī chī...” 嗤嗤...” Since intermittent light smoke braves from Xu Yanyan's neck, resembling there was being fired is the same. 一阵阵青烟从许艳艳的脖子上冒起,似那里在被灼烧一样。 Eh......” ...啊...” Xu Yanyan made the painful incomparable sound, the wound actually restored in the by visible speed. 许艳艳发出了痛苦无比的声音,伤口却是在以肉眼可见的速度恢复。 Mister...” “先生...” Xu Yanyan felt the life that will soon drain to be rescued, the in the eyes focal distance gathered at Gao Xu's body immediately. 许艳艳感受到即将流失的性命被救了回来,眼中的焦距顿时聚集在了高旭的身上 This is highest level Recovery Potion, although will not patch the blood that you lose, but patching flesh has the effect.” Gao Xu looks at Xu Yanyan, the appreciation said: You do very well, worthily is the that one daughter.” “这是最高级回复药剂,虽然不会修补你失去的血,但修补血肉方面有奇效。”高旭看着许艳艳,赞赏道:“你做得很好,不愧是那一位的女儿。” These words, to Xu Yanyan, without doubt are the greatest commendation. 这句话,对许艳艳来说,无疑是最大程度的称赞。 Therefore, even Xu Yanyan, cannot help but from the heart smiled at this time. 因而,即便是许艳艳,这个时候都不由得发自内心的笑了。 Gao Xu stood up, shifted to Xu Qianqian. 高旭站起身,转向了许芊芊 gu...!” “咕...!” Xu Qianqian is struggling to stand from on the ground, the knife of abdomen by its pulling of effort, being made its stuffy snort/hum one, shivers, diligently puts out one bottle of alchemical potion. 许芊芊正挣扎着从地面上站起来,腹部的小刀被其用力的拔出,令其闷哼了一声,颤抖着手,努力的拿出一瓶炼金药剂 Bang!” “砰!” Suddenly, alchemical potion in Xu Qianqian hand comes shatter. 突然,许芊芊手中的炼金药剂破碎开来。 Gao Xu moved sideways at an exceptional pace the Xu Qianqian front, a racket broke to pieces alchemical potion in his hand. 高旭以惊人的速度闪身到了许芊芊的面前,一把拍碎其手中的炼金药剂 „......!?” “......!?” The Xu Qianqian pupil also followed to shiver. 许芊芊瞳孔也跟着颤抖起来了。 Gao Xu static looks at such Xu Qianqian, made declaration. 高旭静静的看着这样的许芊芊,做出了宣言 „Very regrettable, you could not escape.” “很遗憾,你逃不掉了。” Saying, Gao Xu to Xu Qianqian's head, is putting out a hand. 说着,高旭对着许芊芊的脑袋,伸出了手。 That hand, is enlarging in Xu Qianqian in the eyes unceasingly. 那只手,在许芊芊眼中不断的放大着。 Is ———— dying? ————要死了吗? In the heart flashes through such thought at the same time, Xu Qianqian unexpectedly accidental/surprised became must tranquil. 心中闪过这样的念头的同时,许芊芊竟是意外的变得平静了下来。 ———— is also good, I was truly tired. ————也好,我确实累了。 Xu Qianqian remembers this life experience all sorts, cannot help but closed own eye. 许芊芊想起这一生经历的种种,不由得闭上了自己的眼睛。 Until... 直到... Scoffs!” “嗤!” Light sky-splitting sound, suddenly attack. 淡淡的破空声,骤然来袭。
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