IMBFC :: Volume #22

#2195: Was hit the self-closing to high deities

Young, I listened to them saying that was you comes out in the most crucial time, rescued An Lin, really thanked.” Xu Xiaolan looks at the present elf young girl, agitated has the gratitude. “小娜,我听他们说了,是你在最关键的时刻出来,将安林救走了,真的十分感谢。”许小兰看着眼前的精灵少女,语气激动中带着感激。 „The An Lin giant is my master, this is I should do .” Dina turned into the appearance of little elf, sits on the An Lin’s shoulder, grinning say/way. 安林巨人是我的主人,这是我应该做哒。”缇娜变成了小精灵的模样,坐在安林的肩膀上,笑嘻嘻道。 Xu Xiaolan sees to reappear Dina happily, the heart heartfeltly. 许小兰看到重新出现的缇娜,心底由衷地高兴。 Young, did your god mirror world evolve successfully? What realm the present is, didn't my how sensation arrive at your realm?” Xu Xiaolan curious say/way. “小娜,你的神镜世界进化成功了吗?现在是什么境界啊,我怎么感知不到你的境界了?”许小兰好奇道。 This, I create the world boundary now reluctantly, is the strength debt somewhat is big, is the false creation world boundary.” Dina scratches the head, says with a smile. “这个,我现在勉强算是创世境吧,就是实力亏空有些大,算是个假的创世境。”缇娜挠挠头,笑道。 Xu Xiaolan hears this saying, the bonus is she is experienced, could not bear hold breath cold air, fluttered: What did you...... you say? You create the world boundary?” 许小兰听到这话,饶是她见多识广,也是忍不住倒吸了一口凉气,颤声到:“你……你说什么?你已经是创世境了?” A year does not see, did Dina from the Return to Emptiness peak, turn created the world boundary? 一年不见,缇娜就从返虚巅峰,变成了创世境? Cracks a joke?! 开什么玩笑啊?! „The young matter is quite special, she experienced very special matter in the god mirror world, moreover she also loses now recalls.” An Lin opening the mouth answered, right, young, introduced with you, this was Xu Xiaolan, was my say/way companion.” “小娜的事情比较特殊,她在神镜世界经历了很特别的事情,而且她现在还失忆了。”安林开口解释道,“对了,小娜,跟你介绍一下,这是许小兰,是我的道侣。” „The An Lin giant does not need to worry, my memory slowly is restoring, the Xiaolan elder sister I remembers.” Dina follows Xu Xiaolan to greet smilingly. 安林巨人不用担心,我的记忆正在慢慢恢复着,小兰姐我可是记得的。”缇娜笑盈盈地跟着许小兰打招呼。 Xu Xiaolan thought that the matter of Dina, subverted her cognition completely. 许小兰觉得缇娜发生的事情,完全颠覆了她的认知。 She starts fully is worried that asked about the Dina situation, but also the use source strength checked to the body of Dina, completely like a big sister who cared for the younger sister. 她开始满是担忧地询问缇娜的情况,还动用本源力量给缇娜的身体做检查,完全就像一个关爱妹妹的大姐姐。 What a pity, she cannot get to the root of what reason, three people have first to return to moon/month of tung oil tree god city. 可惜,她也找不出什么原因,三人只好先返回月桐神城。 An Lin returns to the message of moon/month of tung oil tree god city to spread, the life of entire city goes out of town voluntarily welcome, all officers are moved to tears. 安林返回月桐神城的消息传出,全城的生灵都自觉地出城欢迎,所有的将士们都激动得热泪盈眶。 They know that An Lin was rescued, but when An Lin returns again, raised raging tide that is inconceivable. 他们知道安林被人救走了,但当安林再次回归的时候,还是掀起了一阵难以想象的狂潮。 Welcomed the emperor Sir to return!” “恭迎天子大人回归!” „The An Lin war-god will fight the undefeated forever, glistens unparalleled!!” 安林战神永战不败,辉耀盖世!!” The powerhouses are shouting loudly excitedly. 强者们激动地高喊着。 Over a hundred million lives spontaneous goes out of town to greet, this weaponry was too big, the scene magnificently, taking a quick look around is the major races soldiers, cannot see the end. 上亿生灵自发的出城迎接,这个阵仗实在太大了,场面壮观不已,一眼看去全是各大种族的战士,根本看不到尽头。 They are arranging orderly, or bends the waist to salute, either lifts up high both hands to cheer. 他们有序地排列着,或弯腰行礼,或高举双手欢呼着。 An Lin has accomplished a task with ease facing this grade of scene, starts to greet his allies to wave to return a courtesy. Although he can deal with this grade of scene, but does not represent has no feeling at heart, on the contrary he is extremely affected. 安林面对这等场面早已游刃有余,开始对着迎接他的战友们挥手回礼。他虽然能够应对这等场面,但不代表心里就没啥感觉,相反他是极其感动的。 Crowding around and love of these allies, are not the affirmation to his actions. 这些战友们的拥簇和爱戴,不就是对他所作所为的肯定吗。 One who recognizes your worth, these words, even if using on An Lin is still suitable. 士为知己者死,这句话就算用在安林身上也适用。 When his status exposition, the confirmation is the dark authority deity, these lives choose as before firmly with him stand in the same camp, trusts him as before, even presents him for the commander-in-chief, An Lin knows in that moment, goes all out to be worth for them. 当他身份暴露,确认是黑暗权柄天神,这些生灵依旧坚定地选择与他站在同一阵营,依旧信任他,甚至奉他为最高指挥官,安林在那一刻就知道,为了他们而拼命是值得的。 The An Lin’s return made moon/month of tung oil tree god city welcome the revelry. 安林的回归让月桐神城迎来了狂欢。 Fights to defeat Buddha, Michael, Ling Gumo reveres and the others to support with An Lin excitedly, they spoke frankly soul-stirringly to former that war, soul-stirring, almost must cry, Dina created the miracle luckily, successfully rescued An Lin. 斗战胜佛,米迦勒,凌古魔尊等人更是激动地与安林相拥,他们都对之前那一战直言惊心动魄,荡气回肠,差点就要以泪洗面了,幸好缇娜创造了奇迹,成功将安林救走。 Also because of this matter, Dina is also being raises the entire mainland. 也正因为这件事,缇娜也算是名扬整个大陆了。 Can in four big rescue An Lin to the high deity eyelid, this score can be said as super goes against heaven's will, the strength can comment on greatly give an exaggerated account of things by some, basically summarizes with one finally immeasurably deep. 能够在四大至高天神的眼皮底下救走安林,这份战绩可以说是超级逆天的,实力被一些大能评说得天花乱坠,最后基本上都用一句深不可测来总结。 After An Lin returns to moon/month of tung oil tree god city, extinguished the members of god squad to report later account on own initiative, he also understood finally after being clear, exactly had anything. 安林回到月桐神城后,灭神小队的成员主动汇报了之后的事情经过,他也终于了解清楚之后到底发生了什么。 After four big encircle to the high deity kills the An Lin failure, very indignant. 四大至高天神围杀安林失败后,非常的气愤。 However, they have not vented the anger on the moon/month tung oil tree god city, but shifted the anger to the light to the high deity. 不过,它们没有将怒火发泄在月桐神城上面,而是将怒火转移给了光明至高天神。 The bright deity naturally must escape. 光明天神自然就得逃了啊。 Three big to high naturally must pursue! 三大至高自然就得追啊! Four big to taking a higher position like this hits while runs, speaks the truth relied on the bright deity strength, is inescapable three big to chasing down of high deity. 四大至高就这样边打边跑,讲道理凭光明天神的实力,是无法逃脱三大至高天神的追杀的。 But in the critical moment, the bright deity by the absolute instruction, made about half Celestial clan armies revolt unexpectedly suddenly! 但在紧要关头,光明天神竟然以绝对的指令,突然让近半的天人族大军造反了! Right, Celestial clan that once gave loyalty to the land deity as well as deities, they will direct the spearhead at that three suddenly to the high deity, and by from exploding the way, wins the time for the bright deity! 没错,就是曾经效忠大地天神的天人族以及天神们,他们都突然间将矛头对准了那三位至高天神,并且以自爆的方式,为光明天神争取时间! Originally even if existence of deity rank from exploding, is unable to delay the time. 本来就算是天神级别的存在自爆,也无法拖延时间。 But at that time, had several million Celestial clan armies! 但那时候,足足有几千万的天人族大军啊! Huge quantity, when simultaneously from exploding, has the qualitative change that is inconceivable sufficiently, three deities participated from exploding not to mention in ranks. 庞大至极的数量,在同时自爆的时候,足以产生难以想象的质变,更别提还有三位天神参与到了自爆的行列中。 The temperature deity, slaughters the deity, the star lonesome deity, they for bright and die. 温度天神,杀戮天神,星寂天神,他们都为了光明而死。 That flash, the entire Grand Beginning Continent’s sky, seems surging the Celestial clan and deity from exploding energy. That is incomparably magnificent , the incomparably solemn and stirring scene, the broken day allied armies, saw even, felt that the heart trembles, without the reason were many for several points to admire. 那一瞬间,整个太初大陆的天空,仿佛都激荡着天人族和天神的自爆能量。那是无比壮观,又无比悲壮的场景,就算是破天联军们,看到后都感觉心头直颤,没来由地多了几分钦佩。 Can for without hesitation the bright deity goes, these Celestial clans indeed are fierce. 能毫不犹豫为了光明天神赴死,这些天人族的确是厉害。 Also the Celestial clan armies are sudden, is duty-bound not to turn back from exploding, making three big kill the action to encirclement of high deity, received the serious hindrance. 也正是天人族大军突如其来,又义无反顾的自爆,让三大至高天神的围杀行动,受到了严重阻碍。 The bright deity found the flaw, the limit stimulation of movement bright authority strength, in a big way got rid of three to kill to encirclement of high deity...... 光明天神找到破绽,极限催动光明权柄力量,摆脱了三大至高天神的围杀…… Three big to high authority deity, double ruo zhuo failure. 三大至高权柄天神,又双叒叕失败了。 They are breathless, want to besiege moon/month of tung oil tree god city to give vent to indignation, finally, the foundations of their say/way, because uses too for a long time, the condition starts to drop vanishes, turned ordinary to high authority deity. 它们气急败坏,想要围攻月桐神城泄愤,结果呢,它们的道之本相因为使用太久,状态开始回落消失,又重新变成了普通的至高权柄天神。 Originally, even if ordinary to the high authority deity, extinguished moon/month of tung oil tree god city still to have more than enough to spare, finally Nüwa transmitted moon/month of tung oil tree god city Xu Xiaolan, Emperor Si Yumo can also display to create the world boundary strength shortly, Heavenly Lord of the Way and Its Virtue also appeared above moon/month of tung oil tree god city. 本来吧,就算是普通的至高权柄天神,灭月桐神城也是绰绰有余了,结果女娲又把许小兰传送到了月桐神城,司宇魔帝还能短暂发挥创世境实力,就连道德天尊也出现在了月桐神城之上。 Was then good, if makes war, the result is the victory and defeat is difficult to predict the situation. Originally fully suffered three of setback in a big way to the high deity, ceases all activities directly, returns to white Qionghai. 这下好了,万一开战,结局又是胜负难料的情况。本来就饱受挫折的三大至高天神,直接偃旗息鼓,返回白琼海。 Un, the accurate point, is they are attacked some self-closings, disregarded directly, ties array not to come out. 嗯,准确点来说,是它们被打击得有些自闭,直接不管不顾,结了个阵法就不愿意出来了。 Zhongtianmen collapsing, the world tree cut off, the three-phase samsara is really huge to plan to be broken, the life world destroys, the foundations of two Great Dao were compelled, their losses have a fracture continually were indescribable, is completely is frightened out of one's wits the attack. 中天门坍塌,世界树被斩断,三相轮回真天大阵计划被破,生命世界毁灭,两大道之本相被逼出,它们的损失连伤筋动骨都无法形容,完全就是魂飞魄散般的打击。 Finally? 结果呢? They used the foundation of say/way, the bright deity cannot detain continually, even An Lin and Xu Xiaolan cannot kill, and finally, could not break including month tung oil tree god city...... 它们动用了道之本相,却连光明天神都留不住,连安林许小兰都杀不死,到了最后,连个月桐神城都破不掉…… They used the ultimate condition, they accomplish nothing. 它们用了终极状态,它们一事无成。 Their not self-closing, whose self-closing? 它们不自闭,谁自闭?
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