IMBFC :: Volume #22

#2194: The face recent water goes against

Because likes?” An Lin was ignorant. “因为喜欢?”安林懵了。 Likes hitting me, hit me? Acts in a self-serving manner?” “喜欢打我,就打我了?这么为所欲为的吗?” Dina hears Yanxian stares, then tittered one to say with a smile: Right, acts in a self-serving manner , does the An Lin giant, you want to hit back?” 缇娜闻言先是一愣,然后噗嗤一声笑道:“对,就是这么为所欲为,这么了,安林巨人,你想还手吗?” An Lin looked to smile through tears, on the face is also hanging some tear stains young girls, inexplicably was one loves dearly: Considers as finished...... looks in you that lovable share, I forgave you for the time being......” 安林看了看破涕为笑,脸上还挂着些许泪痕的少女,莫名地又是一阵心疼:“算了……看在你那么可爱的份上,我就姑且原谅你了……” Hee hee, such good? I also want to slap several, then after all the good forgiving opportunity, I must treasure well.” “嘻嘻,这么好?那我还想多打几巴掌,毕竟那么好的原谅机会,我得好好珍惜呀。” Dina is smiling, raised fairly such as the small hand of jade. 缇娜笑着,又扬起了白皙如玉的小手。 An Lin flustered immediately: Lovable good small elegant sauce, you forgave me. The lovable forgiving jurisdiction, a day is only most one time!” 安林顿时就慌了:“可爱善良的小娜酱,您就饶了我吧。可爱的原谅权限,一天最多只有一次!” Oh.” Dina does not continue to investigate, is joining hands behind the back nods cleverly. “噢。”缇娜也不继续追究,背着手乖巧地点了点头。 Young, are you really all right?” An Lin somewhat worried that asked one. “小娜,你真的没事?”安林又有些担忧地问了一句。 Really all right, otherwise you can think the knowledge to help me inspect.” Dina said. “真没事,不然你可以用神识帮我检查。”缇娜道。 That does not need, to walk, we find the way to go back. If I want the means to help you restore to remember, helping you make the god mirror world give full play to the vitality.” An Lin pats the chest to say. “那就不必了,走吧,我们想办法回去。我要想办法帮你恢复记忆,帮你重新让神镜世界焕发生机。”安林拍着胸膛道。 Dina nods gently, a pair of beautiful pupil is staring at An Lin. 缇娜轻轻点头,一双美眸凝望着安林 That...... An Lin giant......” “那个……安林巨人……” Before, me can put forward a small request?” “在回去之前,我能不能提个小小的要求?” An Lin said refreshedly: Puts forward a big request not to have the issue.” 安林爽快道:“提个大大的要求都没问题。” Un, is...... before leaving the god mirror, can give me a hug?” Dina small sound said. “嗯,就是……在离开神镜之前,能不能给我一个拥抱呀?”缇娜小声道。 An Lin stares slightly, what is this requests? 安林微微一愣,这是什么要求? He will certainly not reject such request, the present elf young girl will support into the bosom, is feeling the familiar temperature, is smelling that forest delicate fragrance, only feels safely satisfied. 他当然不会拒绝这样的要求,将眼前的精灵少女拥入怀中,感受着熟悉的温度,嗅着那林木般的清香,只觉得安然惬意。 Dina also opens the both arms rarely, closely is hugging the present man. 缇娜也罕有地伸出双臂,紧紧抱着眼前的男子。 „The An Lin giant...... I...... I feels now now ultra happy!” 安林巨人……我现在……我现在感觉超开心!” I am also.” “我也是。” I feel my ultra happiness.” “我感觉我超幸福。” „, I am also......” “呃,我也是……” Two people are supporting in the boundless boundless desert like this. 两人就这样在苍茫无垠的大漠中相拥着。 The red glowing sun, the sunset glow, the wind curls up just like a gold/metal grain of sand dust, lets support two people moment, beautiful must seem after the innumerable years, spanned the meaningful picture scroll of space and time. 红日,晚霞,风卷起的宛如金粒般的沙尘,让相拥两人的一刻,美得好似历经了无数岁月,跨越了时空的隽永画卷。 ...... …… Right, young, can you directly conduct two to span now, return to Grand Beginning Continent?” An Lin somewhat worries to say. “对了,小娜,你现在能够直接进行两界跨越,返回太初大陆吗?”安林有些担忧道。 Sure, previous time I am the instinct span, seek your aura to span. This time had to experience, moreover knew the Coordinate, can directly conduct to span!” “当然可以,上次我是本能跨越,寻着你的气息进行跨越。这次有经验了,而且知道坐标,可以直接进行跨越啦!” Said the specialized appearance well, don't you really to creating the world jurisdiction have the concept?” “说得好专业的样子,你真的对创世权限没有概念吗?” „...... Did not remember something slightly, had the little concept.” “唔……稍微想起了一些东西,有一点点概念了。” What remembered?” An Lin is somewhat excited, pursues asks. “想起什么了?”安林有些激动,追问道。 Aiya, later you told that slowly, we go back quickly!” Dina makes noise the urging to say. “哎呀,以后再慢慢跟你说啦,我们快回去吧!”缇娜出声催促道。 The elf young girl a fingertip stroke, two gates of square shape appear in An Lin’s immediately neatly at present, extremely. The gate is glittering golden radiance, the interior is releasing the profound vast aura, is the Grand Beginning Continent’s aura. 精灵少女当即指尖一划,一个方形的两界门就出现在安林的眼前,极其的干脆利落。门闪烁着金色光华,内部释放着深邃浩渺的气息,正是太初大陆的气息。 Dina is somewhat disconsolate, is somewhat sigh with emotion, finally changed into wiped the smiling face. 缇娜有些惆怅,有些感慨,最终化为了一抹笑容。 Walks, An Lin giant.” “走吧,安林巨人。” Good, we go home.” “好,我们回家。” When An Lin first enters into two gates, two people enter in the gate like this. 安林当先迈入两界门,两人就这样走进门内。 A dizzy world spans, the Grand Beginning Continent’s scene reappears at present. 一阵天旋地转的世界跨越,太初大陆的景象重现在眼前。 An Lin appeared in the mainland near white Qionghai, that was he by the place that Dina drew, this place was very good to locate, Dina only needed to operate simply is OK. 安林出现在了白琼海附近的大陆上,那是他被缇娜拉进去的地方,这个地方很好定位,缇娜只需要简单的操作就可以了。 He presented here, is shocked by the present scene. 他出现在这里,就被眼前的景象惊呆了。 The land cracks, the rock class/flow surges, nearby entire length and breadth endless region, does not have any complete place. 大地开裂,岩流涌动,附近整个广袤无尽的地域,没有任何一处完整的地方。 Sea of white Qionghai Grand Beginning Continent center, by the circular clear appearance, turned into the flower petal appearance of making threatening gestures. The innumerable milky white sea water form the rivers to diverge toward all around of mainland, the sea level rapidly drops, before that war made its landform change. 就连太初大陆中心之海白琼海,都由圆形圆润模样,变成了张牙舞爪的花瓣模样。无数乳白色海水形成河流朝大陆的四周发散,海平面迅速下降,之前那一战让它连地貌都改变了。 The vault of heaven bursts, the shatter space that until has not healed innumerably at this moment with enough time, from the interior will flow out chaos turbulent flow that contains the strength of big annihilation innumerably. Everything bumps into these turbulent flow, anything, will be annihilated completely. 苍穹破裂,无数直到此刻都没来得及愈合的破碎空间,从内部会流出无数蕴含大湮灭之力的混沌乱流。凡是碰到那些乱流,无论是什么事物,都会被湮灭殆尽。 Thoroughly here has turned into no one to dare to approach certainly. 这里已经彻底变成了无人敢靠近的绝地。 Fight had ended, my sensation did not arrive at the collision of fight.” An Lin looks at the moon/month tung oil tree god city, that male city at this moment seems like complete, this makes in his heart relax. “战斗已经结束了吗,我感知不到战斗的碰撞了。”安林将目光转向月桐神城,那座雄城此刻看上去还是完好的,这让他心中又松了一口气。 Lucky, the flames of war have not spread to the moon/month tung oil tree god city, this is most is worth happily! 万幸,战火没有蔓延至月桐神城,这是最值得高兴的! Goes to there to understand the process of whole thing. 去那里了解一下整件事情的经过吧。 An Lin is planned to think like this, until he sees the azure light to fly together recklessly toward him, that familiar aura. 安林原本是打算这样想的,直到他看见一道青光不顾一切地朝他飞来,还有那熟悉的气息。 Xiaolan!” An Lin opened the both arms happily, greets the hug of female. 小兰!”安林开心地张开了双臂,迎接女子的拥抱。 „!!!” On the face transmits a momentous great strength suddenly. “啪!!!”脸上突然传来一股排山倒海的巨力。 Bang!!! 轰隆!!! An Lin was flown tens of thousands meters by a palm of the hand racket. 安林被一巴掌拍飞了几万米。 Dina is dumbfounded in the one side. 缇娜在一旁目瞪口呆。 Xu Xiaolan looks at An Lin, the eye socket full is the tears. 许小兰看着安林,眼眶满是泪水。 Is this, every is this one time, why encountered the danger, you always want to face...... you unable to let me and you stand? Even the death, I do not fear!” “又是这样,每一次都是这样,为什么遇到了危险,你总是要自己面对……你就不能让我和你站在一起吗?就算是死,我也不怕啊!” An Lin was hit somewhat ignorant, he rubbed the somewhat inflamed face, recently the face made mistakes, always by slap in the face. 安林被打得有些懵,他揉了揉有些红肿的脸,最近脸犯什么错了,老是挨耳光。 Sorry, my does not have the means that Nüwa is only willing to save you, is not willing to save me...... we to escape is.” An Lin moves toward Xu Xiaolan, the vision sincere say/way. “对不起,我这不也是没办法吗,女娲只愿意救你,不愿意救我……咱们逃得一个是一个啊。”安林走向许小兰,目光诚挚道。 Xu Xiaolan hears this saying, air/Qi wants to give a An Lin big slap in the face. But the hand hung in the midair stopped, but the tearful eyes look at An Lin tearfully. 许小兰听到这话,气得又想给安林一个大耳刮子。但手悬在半空还是止住了,只是泪眼汪汪地看着安林 „Aren't you clear? I rather die with you, does not want, when you most dangerous leave you to go, how you do not understand, how you do not understand......” “你难道还不明白吗?我宁愿和你一起死,也不愿意在你最危险的时候离你而去,你怎么就不懂呢,你怎么就不懂呢……” Has kept aloof before the world, as if not contaminate the goddess of this mortal world, at this moment actually bursts into tears, while the grievance is complaining tearfully. 在世人面前一直都高高在上,仿佛不沾染尘世的神女,此刻却一边流泪,一边委屈哭诉着。 An Lin looks at the present azure clothes female, in the heart full is complex. 安林看着眼前的青衣女子,心中满是复杂。 The Xu Xiaolan’s idea, how he can....... Understands is a matter, how he does is a different matter. He can make Xiaolan accompany him to take risk, but cannot make Xiaolan die before him. 许小兰的想法,他怎么会不懂。只是……懂是一回事,他怎么去做又是另外一回事。他可以让小兰陪着他冒险,但不能让小兰在他面前死去。 An Lin does not know how should comfort the present female, has closely to support it in the bosom, feels each other temperature also to have the fiery heartbeat. 安林不知道该怎么安慰眼前的女子,只好将其紧紧拥在怀里,感受着彼此的温度还有火热的心跳。 Dina looks two people who at present support, swing the ripples just like the gem limpid pure eye pupil gently, some absent-minded, are somewhat absent-minded. 缇娜看着眼前相拥的两人,宛如宝石般清澈纯粹的眼眸轻轻荡起涟漪,有些失神,有些恍惚。 Finally, changes wipes the moving smile. 最终,还是化作一抹动人至极的微笑。 The trend of the world, was successfully changed in this moment. 世界的走向,在这一刻成功被改变了。 She saw the different future. 她看到了不一样的未来。 Then, she also needs to try hard. 接下来,她还需要努力呢。 Diligently to a world perfect result! 努力给世界一个完美的结局!
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