IMBFC :: Volume #22

#2191: In the riddle contains a bigger riddle

Dina very natural accepted the An Lin’s hug. 缇娜很自然地接受了安林的拥抱。 The accurate point, she hopes that An Lin can hug her for a long time. 准确点来说,她希望安林能够抱她更久一点。 This warmth, this familiar feeling, she felt before for a long time is very very long, had once had, and makes her fondly remember extremely. 这种温暖,这种熟悉的感觉,她感觉很久很久以前就曾有过,并且让她极为怀念。 An Lin giant, really very thank you.” 安林巨人,真的很谢谢你。” Young is very happy, later had the true friend.” “小娜很开心,以后拥有真正的朋友了。” Dina the head by the An Lin’s shoulder, on the face exposes the smiling face finally again. 缇娜将脑袋靠在安林的肩膀上,脸上终于再次展露笑颜。 An Lin rubbed the small mild-mannered golden hair, said: I am you very good very good friend, sorry, making you receive so many pain, my finding will certainly let the means that you restored.” 安林揉了揉小娜柔顺的金发,道:“我一直都是你非常好非常好的朋友,对不起,让你受了那么多的苦,我一定会找到让你恢复的办法的。” Who knows present elf female hears word to shake the head unexpectedly, said with a smile sweetly: All right, these things passed, so long as you later are good to me, do not leave me to be good.” 谁知眼前的精灵女子闻言竟然摇了摇头,甜甜笑道:“没事,这些事情都过去了,只要你以后对我好,别离开我就行。” An Lin saw that beautiful the thrilling smiling face, the mind follows absent-minded several points. 安林看到那美得动人心魄的笑容,心神都跟着恍惚了几分。 This girl, is sensibly clever makes one love dearly. 这妮子,懂事乖巧得让人心疼啊。 Young should be noticed that this world is so fearful, thought the help restores to remember, what will bring not good matter to him, does this refuse to restore? 小娜应该是看到这个世界那么可怕,觉得帮助恢复记忆,会给他带来什么不好的事情,这才拒绝恢复吧? „It is not good, you to me are extremely important, this matter you must listen to me.” A An Lin face opens the mouth to say firmly. “不行,你对我而言是极为重要的,这事你得听我。”安林一脸坚决地开口道。 Saying, he also thought the knowledge to investigate a body of Dina again. 说着,他还再次用神识探查了一遍缇娜的身体。 Dina realm indeed to realm that creates the world Spiritual God, moreover is very ancient creation world boundary, can describe with immeasurably deep. 缇娜境界的确是到了创世神灵的境界,而且属于十分古老的创世境,可以用深不可测来形容。 However, her strength actually dispirited, is dries up very completely, looks like a dry well that does not have the source water, has one to cultivate spatially is, other anything does not have. 但是,她的力量却十分萎靡,完全是枯竭的,就像是一口没有源水的枯井,空有一身修为,其余什么都没有。 Very strange, is very strange. 很奇怪,真的很奇怪。 If not for shares the same roots, the appearance and aura are so also clear, An Lin suspected that the present elf young girl was his young. 若不是血脉相连,容貌和气息又如此真切,安林都怀疑眼前的精灵少女是不是他的小娜了。 Young, you now regarding the control of god mirror world jurisdiction, whether is complete?” An Lin thinks, decided analyzes from other aspects. “小娜,你现在对于神镜世界权限的掌控,是否是完整的?”安林想了想,决定从其他方面去分析。 God mirror world jurisdiction? What thing is that?” Dina blinks to say. “神镜世界权限?那是什么东西?”缇娜眨了眨眼睛道。 „......” An Lin said, you do not know the jurisdiction, how you pass through the world to rescue my, moreover avoided to the pursuit of high deity?” “……”安林道,“你连权限都不知道,你是怎么穿越世界来救我的,而且还躲避了至高天神的追击?” I am inexplicable on the sensation to your position, then broke open two barriers recklessly, drags into my world you without hesitation, and closed the channel of the world, all these are the instinct as well as some stress reaction obligation......” “我就是莫名的就感知到了你的位置呀,然后就不顾一切地破开两界壁垒,毫不犹豫地把你拉入我的世界,并且关闭了世界的通道,这一切都是本能以及某种应激反应驱使……” Dina is saying, the double pupil starts to shine: „The An Lin giant, you are very to me important, otherwise I not for you will handle this matter!” 缇娜说着,双眸开始发亮:“安林巨人,你对我来说果然很重要,否则我就不会为了你做这种事情!” She now is more assured the present man is very to her important, otherwise she will not be meeting with him anxiously, but also draws being enthralled mirror world him recklessly. 她现在更加笃定眼前的男子对她来说很重要,否则她就不会那么急着与他见面,还不顾一切地将他拉入神镜世界。 Instinct urges......” An Lin to look the ponder, you are capable of that breaking and closing two channels, showed that you have the jurisdiction as before, or some jurisdictions, but how forgot to use......” “本能驱使……”安林面露沉思,“你有那个能力打破和关闭两界通道,就证明你依旧有权限,或者说有部分权限,只是忘了该怎么用……” Walks, young, you lead me to have a look at this god mirror world, I have a look at what means to make you restore to remember.” “走吧,小娜,你带我看看这个神镜世界,我看看有什么办法可以让你恢复记忆。” An Lin thought that restores the Dina memory, is the matter of primary importance, as the matter stands, all riddles believe that can untie. 安林觉得恢复缇娜的记忆,才是最重要的事情,这样一来,所有的谜团相信就都能够解开了。 Dina will not reject the An Lin’s request, her pair of wings inspires, draws An Lin to start in the god mirror mainland to fly, flies south from north, flies the west from east. 缇娜不会拒绝安林的要求,她双翼一振,拉着安林开始在神镜大陆上飞行,从北飞到南,从东飞到西。 The god mirror world is very very big. 神镜世界很大很大。 All the way An Lin sees actually is only left over the wilderness, as well as in the wilderness almost the sand dust by various race activities vestiges that covers. 安林一路上看到的却只剩下荒漠,以及在荒漠上几乎被沙尘覆盖的各种种族活动的遗迹。 Those who most made him shock was the vestige in human state, that was a highly civilized place, the magnificent magnificent construction attacked the vault of heaven, various artificial divine creative force made one praise to the heavens, some lifeless equipment are still revolving until now. 最令他震撼的是人类国度的遗迹,那是一个高度文明的地方,许多华丽壮观的建筑直插天穹,各种人工造物让人叹为观止,一些无生命的设备直到现在还在运转着。 But what is like other races, these places had no vitality. 但与其他种族相同的是,那些地方都没有任何生机了。 The life sign of any high wisdom life is zero, these fossil one thing that on the White Feather Race vestige looks they turned into An Lin. 任何高智慧生灵的生命迹象都为零,它们都变成了安林白羽族遗迹上面看的的那些化石一样的东西。 Desperate, dismal, is the main tuning of this world. 绝望,悲凉,是这个世界的主调。 After difficult to imagine Dina loses recalled, walks randomly in such a world, pleasant is desperate and dismal, only has her to survive lonely, what kind of feeling this can be. 很难想象缇娜失忆后,游走在这样一个世界,入眼全是绝望和悲凉,唯有她一人孤独生存,这会是怎么样的感受。 All race lives turned into the thing of similar fossil, but An Lin also discovers characteristics, is the life that turns into the fossil, quantitatively, is extremely scarce. 所有种族生灵都变成了类似化石的东西,不过安林也发现一个特点,就是变成化石的生灵,从数量上来看,极其稀少。 A thousands of person city, he discovered that the appreciable fossil only has several hundreds merely, where did others go to? Vanished baseless? Or had these people by the sandstorm corrosion flesh and blood, been changed to the dust? 一座千万人城池,他发现可感知的化石仅仅只有数百,其余人都去哪里了?难道都凭空消失了?或者说那些人早已被风沙腐蚀骨肉,化作尘土? An Lin discovered that more investigates this world carefully, the riddle product. 安林发现越是仔细探查这个世界,谜团就越积越多。 His making an effort hammered a surrounding space, discovered that the space hard degree was almost the same as Grand Beginning Continent unexpectedly, this is very shocking matter. 他使劲锤了一下周围的空间,发现空间坚硬程度竟然跟太初大陆相差无几了,这是很让人震惊的事情。 At least the rank of proof this world, is close to Grand Beginning Continent. 至少证明这个世界的等级,非常接近太初大陆 A few days later. 几天后。 An Lin goes to the center of god mirror world. 安林来到神镜世界的中心。 Also is the center of boundless desert. 也是无边沙漠的中心。 He discovered giant incomparable sea, the sea is the jet black profound color, the interior has the energy of high density extremely to hover, the entire sea has violently poisonously, does not have any life can survive in this sea. 他发现了一个巨大无比的海洋,海洋是漆黑深邃的颜色,内部有极高密度的能量在游动着,整个海洋都有着剧毒,没有任何生命能在这个海洋上生存。 Coast of sea of darkness some place. 在黑暗之海沿岸的某个地方。 An Lin saw skeleton of the extremely giant dragon. 安林看到了一个极其巨大的龙之骸骨。 This dragon sole bone is 2000 li (0.5 km) to be long, forms mountain range that greatly wound, the bone after the endless years, is still indestructible. 这头龙单单骨头就有两千里长,形成了一个巨大蜿蜒的山脉,骨质历经无尽岁月,依旧坚不可摧。 The An Lin earnest sensation, found shocking this dragon creates existence of the world boundary unexpectedly, what did this prove?! 安林认真感知了一下,震惊地发现这头龙生前竟然是创世境的存在,这证明了什么?! Showed that the life of this world, the magnificent degree of practicing civilization, is close to Grand Beginning Continent, after all created the world Spiritual God to have continually, this was An Lin has seen absolutely and hears so many macrocosms, has never discovered! 证明这个世界的生灵,修行文明的辉煌程度,非常地接近太初大陆,毕竟连创世神灵都曾经拥有过,这绝对是安林见过和听闻那么多大世界,从未发现过的! What did the god mirror world experience?! 神镜世界到底经历了什么啊?! How did that a world destroy?! 这样一个世界怎么就毁灭了?! It is not right, wasn't this, the key point is short in a year, how the god mirror world actually to experience so many with emphasis? Spoke the truth growth such complete world, the time not possibly passes at all to differ so many with Grand Beginning Continent! 不对,重点不是这个,重点是短短一年间,怎么神镜世界却经历了那么多?讲道理发育这么完全的世界,时间流逝根本不可能跟太初大陆相差那么多的! An Lin is pondering fast, actually wants to explode to the end cannot find out the reason. 安林在快速思考着,却想到头炸都想不出原因。 Dina saw that the skull hurts An Lin that feels nervous, quickly comforts to say forward: Doesn't matter, the An Lin giant, we did not go to think these, actually in the past had anything, was unimportant, more importantly young is passes now good.” 缇娜看到脑壳疼得发慌的安林,急忙向前安慰道:“没关系啦,安林巨人,我们不去想这些了,其实过去发生了什么,都不重要,重要的是小娜现在过得好不好。” She stretches out slides the tender small hand to pull An Lin fairly, smiles saying: Young lives also is very here good, has the An Lin giant to chat, we can also have the delicacy of this world, seeks for the discovery likely crazy sand Boshu that delicious good food!” 她伸出白皙滑嫩的小手牵着安林,笑眯眯道:“小娜生活在这里也很好呀,有安林巨人可以聊天,我们还能吃遍这个世界的美味,寻找发现像狂沙拨鼠那么好吃的美食!” An Lin hears this saying almost old blood to spurt. 安林听到这话差点一口老血喷出来。 Seeks for the good food like crazy sand Boshu? 寻找像狂沙拨鼠一样的美食? What did small your years experience?!! 小娜你这些年到底经历了什么啊?!!
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