IMBFC :: Volume #22

#2190: How long to pass

Two greatly black pigs are galloping in the desert, flings the intermittent mist and dust. 两头大黑猪在沙漠中奔腾着,甩起阵阵烟尘。 An Lin after the shock, is lost in thought. 安林在震惊过后,陷入了沉思。 Short one year, what exactly had? 短短一年的时间,到底发生了什么啊? Young has, you these days, lived in just that ruins?” An Lin cannot bear the exit|to speak ask. “小娜,你这些日子,就是一直住在刚刚的那个废墟里吗?”安林忍不住出口问道。 The Dina thinking moment, said: Sometimes lives in that ruins, sometimes lies down in a sand dune directly sleeps.” 缇娜思索片刻,道:“有时候住在那个废墟里,有时候就直接躺在一个沙丘里睡觉啊。” An Lin: „???” 安林:“???” You continuously the house, doesn't the bed want?!” The An Lin shock said. “你连房子都不住,床都不要?!”安林震惊道。 Wants the bed of house to do?” Dina is puzzled, referred to not being able to see the end the desert, said that this land can, when my bed, other small creature do not dare to be close to me in any case, looked for a place to lie down casually not on the line.” “要房子的床干嘛?”缇娜一脸不解,指了指看不到尽头的沙漠,道,“这个大地都能当我的床啊,反正其他小动物也不敢接近我,随便找个地躺着不就行了。” An Lin opens mouth, somewhat had nothing to say in reply. He understands suddenly why Dina will throw in him the desert directly, originally in the eye of this elf, the desert can work as the bed? 安林张了张嘴,有些无言以对。他突然明白,为何缇娜会直接把他丢沙漠里了,原来在这个精灵的眼里,沙漠就能当床? Creates the world goddess solemnly, wandered about destitute to unexpectedly sleeping outside the situation in wilderness? 堂堂创世女神,竟然流落到露宿荒漠的地步了? Is the monsoon is big sometimes, getting out of bed time, the entire body will be covered by the sand, this is somewhat troublesome.” Dina supplemented one. “就是有时候风大,起床的时候,整个身子都会被沙子盖住,这点还是有些麻烦的。”缇娜又补充了一句。 An Lin hears the heart and liver to tremble. 安林听得心肝一颤。 Did my mother, this call somewhat troublesome? 我的妈呀,这叫有些麻烦? The Dina brain was really bad!! 缇娜果然脑子坏了!! Looks the appearance that Dina this acts like a madman, An Lin loves dearly, feels helpless. 看着缇娜这疯疯癫癫的模样,安林是又心疼,又不知所措。 An Lin knows that this matter cannot be anxious, he must know where Dina turns into this appearance the root, then attempts to help her restore. 安林知道这事儿不能急,他得知道缇娜变成这个样子的根源在哪里,然后再尝试着帮她恢复。 Two people gallop as in the desert. 两人依旧奔腾在沙漠中。 Dina likes riding the pig probably very much, sometimes also stands in the pig conducts the back, looks into the red glowing sun to submerge the horizon, the boundless desert crosses a magnificent scene of red glowing sun golden splendor. 缇娜好像很喜欢骑猪,有时候还站在猪背上,眺望着红日没入地平线,苍茫沙漠渡上一层红日金辉的壮观景象。 Rides the creation world goddess of pig, and also has fun, like these urchins who the childhood played together, oh...... 骑猪的创世女神,并且还乐在其中,像极了小时候一起玩耍的那些野孩子,唉…… Young, I am not clear, why you must choose in the desert live, but not in a beautiful scenery place life.” An Lin continues to say. “小娜,我还是不明白,为何你要选择在沙漠生活,而不在一个山清水秀的地方生活。”安林继续道。 Beautiful scenery?” Dina crooked head, „does this world, have the beautiful scenery place?” “山清水秀?”缇娜歪了歪脑袋,“这个世界,有山清水秀的地方吗?” An Lin was also shocking: How not to have? The god mirror world is so big!” 安林又震惊了:“怎么会没有?神镜世界那么大!” This really did not have.” Dina replied earnestly, all was the desert.” “这还真没有。”缇娜认真答道,“全都是沙漠。” An Lin uses the strength in within the body again, releases the god knowledge. 安林再次动用体内的力量,释放神识。 This he does not pay great attention to the detail time, only pays great attention to the range, the god knows spreads over a thousand li (0.5 km) fast, finally also is really a big desert. 这一次他不注重细节,只注重范围,神识飞快扩散上千里,结果还真都是一大片沙漠。 An Lin is unwilling , to continue the expansion god knowledge, goes directly to over ten thousand li (0.5 km). 安林不甘心,继续扩张神识,直达上万里。 Finally, observed over ten thousand li (0.5 km) wilderness. 结果,观察到了上万里的荒漠。 His crazy expansion god knowledge, 100,000 li (0.5 km), 1 million li (0.5 km), several million li (0.5 km)...... 他疯狂扩张神识,十万里,百万里,数百万里…… Before trading does, such broad range, the god mirror world by him has looked at to spread, but now, he cannot see the end as before. 换作以前,这么广阔的范围,神镜世界早就被他看了个遍了,但现在,他依旧看不到尽头。 These are unimportant. 这些都不重要了。 More importantly, An Lin displays the limit that the god knows, the seen scene unexpectedly is the desert, is completely the desert!! 重要的是,安林施展神识的极限,看到的景象竟然都是沙漠,全部都是沙漠!! The Grand Beginning Continent biggest desert, god mirror world desert 1/10 that is less than him to observe, in other words, Dina said is very likely , is the desert...... 太初大陆最大的沙漠,都不及他观测的神镜世界沙漠的十分之一,也就是说,缇娜说的很有可能是真的,全都是沙漠…… How to turn into this?” The An Lin look is somewhat absent-minded, in his impression ten thousand clans stand in great numbers, full of vitality, where various scenery marvelous sight innumerable god mirror world? “怎么会变成这样?”安林神色有些恍惚,他印象中万族林立,生机勃勃,各种风景奇观数不胜数的神镜世界哪里去了? At this moment, the working from before light until after dark pig is carrying An Lin and Dina, rushed to a place. 就在这时,两头黑猪载着安林缇娜,跑到了一处地方。 That is an extremely giant city, by the city that the sandstorm covers, An Lin can see various types of roofs, as well as tall tower, as for the ground of lower half as well as city of house, had been covered by the endless sandstorm in the place bottom. 那是一座极其巨大的城池,被风沙掩盖的城池,安林能够看到各种房顶,以及高塔,至于房子的下半部分以及城池的地面,已经被无尽的风沙掩盖在地底。 Yes, this is one by the city that the sandstorm covers. 是的,这是一座被风沙掩盖的城池。 An Lin and Dina got down the bastard, walks into the city. 安林缇娜下了野种,走入城池之中。 This city is very giant, has over a hundred li (0.5 km) depth. 这座城池十分巨大,足足有上百里的纵深。 But corresponds with grand, is here is bleak. 但与宏伟相对应的,是这里非常荒凉。 Bleak, was really bleak! 荒凉,实在是太荒凉了! Any thing does not have, pleasant is ruined and decline. 什么东西都没有,入眼全是破败和衰落。 An Lin moves toward one not by tall tower who the sandstorm buries, in sees also some the traces of life activity, he saw some special existences, can through the outline discernment, that be the White Feather Race’s appearance as before. 安林走向一座没有被风沙掩埋的高塔,看到里面还有一些生灵活动的痕迹,他看到了一些特别的存在,依旧能够通过轮廓辨别,那是白羽族的模样。 The White Feather Race quantity in high tower has several hundred, they as if were petrified generally, the body is the hard decayed material, the wing break, on the face full is desperately and looks up to the vault of heaven confusedly, the vitality has completely been cutting off. 高塔上的白羽族数量有好几百,他们仿佛都被石化了一般,身体都是坚硬腐朽的物质,翅膀断裂,脸上满是绝望和迷茫地仰望着苍穹,生机已经彻底断绝。 Each White Feather Race is so, they crowd around in the same place, or the pray or are bursting into tears to the sky, the body was corroded by the strange strength, turned into fossil general existence. 每一个白羽族都是如此,它们拥簇在一起,或是祈祷或是对着天空流泪,身躯被奇异的力量侵蚀,变成了化石一般的存在。 That is dismal desperate, as if very ancient scene. 那是悲凉绝望,又仿佛十分古老的场景。 This scene makes An Lin feel very disturbed. 这种场景让安林感到十分的不安。 „Is this end the world? The god mirror world encountered anything, short one year, the change so will be why big......” An Lin to mutter opens the mouth to say. “这是末世吗?神镜世界到底遭遇了什么,为什么短短一年,变化会这么大……”安林喃喃开口道。 Dina looks at the present scene, the pure open smiling face also disappeared gradually, feels a sadness inexplicably. 缇娜看着眼前的场景,原本纯真开朗的笑容也渐渐消失,莫名地感受到一股悲伤。 After she hears the An Lin’s words, is somewhat puzzled. 她听到安林的话后,又有些不解。 What short one year? Has passed obviously for a long time is very very long, if the day rose the sunset is a day, how many years young does have here? Hundred years? Ten thousand years? 100,000 years? 1 million years?” “什么短短一年?明明已经过去很久很久了啊,如果说日升日落为一天,小娜在这里已经有多少年了?百年?万年?十万年?还是百万年?” Was too for a long time was too long, does not know that the long time to young how much time...... had the memory to start from young, here all were this......” “实在是太久太久了,久到小娜都不知道过去了多少时间……从小娜有记忆开始,这里的一切一直都是这样……” Dina is saying in a soft voice, seems telling a very remote matter. 缇娜轻声地说着,仿佛在诉说着一件很久远的事情。 Here forever is such a scene, the desert, the red glowing sun, the strong winds, the dust storm, I from the end of the world, arrive at another end of the world, had not found to be able with the life that I spoke, all was one crowd of ordinary desert lifeform.” “这里永远都是这样一幅景象,大漠,红日,狂风,尘暴,我从世界的一端,走到世界的另外一端,都没有找到能够与我说话的生命,全都是一群普通的沙漠生物。” I was blown by the sandstorm here, by the big solarization, bored went hunting, looks to eat, then makes several silly friends, day after day, year after year, cannot see the end forever......” “我就在这里被风沙吹,被大日晒,无聊了就去打猎,去找吃的,然后再交几个傻乎乎的朋友,日复一日,年复一年,永远看不到尽头……” Actually I for a long time am very numb, is numb because of such infinite redundant life, I think that this is living......” “其实我很久就已经麻木了,因为这样无限重复的生活而麻木,我以为这就是活着……” She put out a hand to cover oneself chest, lowered the head saying: „Does the An Lin giant, you know? After I suddenly discovered my bloodlines had the induction, I was happily bad.” 她伸手捂住了自己的心口,低头道:“安林巨人,你知道吗?当我突然发现我的血脉有了感应之后,我高兴坏了。” At that time I suddenly discovered, originally I am not lonely one person, originally I in another world, person of interconnection......” “那时候我突然发现,原来我不是孤单一人,原来我在另外一个世界,还有相互联系的人……” An Lin looks at elf female, the female does not seem to want to make An Lin see she distressed weak appearance, is lowering the head, but the corner of the eye has the clear teardrops to drop, the dropping ground vanishes instantaneously does not see. 安林看着身边的精灵女子,女子似乎不想让安林看到她狼狈软弱的模样,低着脑袋,但眼角已经有晶莹的泪珠滴落,滴落地面又瞬间消失不见。 Even if currently has the question, An Lin will not closely examine again at this time, he supports into elf female the bosom, closely is hugging. 纵使现在有万般疑问,安林也不会再这个时候追问,他只是将身旁的精灵女子拥入怀中,紧紧地抱着。 Young, was all right.” “小娜,没事了。” My this did not come, I have been accompanying you, you bored......” An Lin warm word will not be persuading. “我这不是来了吗,我会一直陪着你的,你再也不会无聊了……”安林温言劝说着。 He can feel elf female that type to be lonely and anxious. 他能够感受到精灵女子那种孤独和不安。 Asked that who can live in such environment forever? 试问谁能够在这样的环境中永远生活? Suffering that Dina suffers solely is not suffering on body! 缇娜遭受的折磨可不单单是身体上的折磨! An Lin’s image by anything extrusion sharp pain. 安林的心像被什么东西挤压绞痛着。
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