IRNTDGL :: Volume #4

#387: ……

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When Greg goes out of the front door of manor, somewhat is still ignorant. 格雷格走出庄园的大门时,依旧有些浑浑噩噩。 He stops the footsteps then to look, the strange red light that seeing these manners to vary on the guest face that deceives unable to feel, at first sight seemed like the banquet to end the later happiness, but everyone seems in fact doing a lot of talking to suck the blood greedily, wanted to bite that meat. 他停下脚步回头望去,看见那些神态各异的宾客脸上都蒙着一层自己都感觉不到的诡异红光,乍一看似乎是宴会结束之后的高兴,但实际上人人都仿佛在贪婪地磨牙吮血,想要咬住那块肉。 The cold wind has blown, Greg hit to tremble, turned the head to look fiercely to the manor deep place, deeply attracted in one breath. 冷风吹过,格雷格打了个寒颤,猛地转头望向庄园深处,深吸了一口气 He in that flash, felt extremely intense ether fluctuation a moment ago, source at least 78, but also is an instance, these fluctuations all only had one in a big way. 他在刚才那一瞬间,感受到了极其强烈的以太波动,源头至少有七八个,但也就是一个瞬间,这些波动就全都只剩下了一个最大的。 Then now, that biggest, could not feel. 然后现在,就连那个最大的,也感受不到了。 But Greg can imagine, in a moment ago, many some Transcendent of being able to repress, will put out a hand to that five books inevitably, then...... is killed violently completely. 但格雷格可以想象到,在刚才,势必有许多按捺不住的超凡者,对那五本书伸出了手,然后……全部毙命。 Thinks to know casually, Ji Bonong dares with the bookstore cooperation, not to fear publicly some people snatch, this group of people, had been affected the reason by that five books completely.” “随便想想就知道了,季博农敢公开和书店合作,就是不怕有人来抢,这群人,已经完全被那五本书影响了理智。” Three days later...... in A16 Manor perhaps is reign of terror. 三天后……A16庄园里恐怕又是一场腥风血雨。 Greg shakes the head, then cannot bear the forced smile. 格雷格摇了摇头,然后忍不住苦笑。 In fact, he suspected had oneself been affected also by Bookstore Owner? How otherwise to start to produce to Tower of Secret Rites does not trust...... 实际上,他又何尝不怀疑自己也已经被书店主人影响了呢?否则怎么会开始对秘仪塔产生不信任…… Said, since I run the wing to look Boss Lin comes out, has not seen Fage.” Greg observes the situation, muttered: This fellow, since obtains that God Level some memories, knows after oneself are the Path of Flame Sword test piece, is not quite right, where now goes to?” “说起来,从我跑去侧厅找林老板出来之后,就没看见费奇了。”格雷格环视一圈,喃喃自语:“这家伙自从得到那个神明级的部分记忆,知道自己是火剑之路的试验品之后,就不太对劲,现在又去了哪里?” Charlotte...... wait/etc, fellow person?!” “还有夏洛蒂……等等,那家伙人呢?!” His sudden vigilance, is suddenly sober, goes against the tidal current of crowd to run, turns the head to seek for Charlotte's form unceasingly. 他突然警觉起来,陡然清醒,逆着人群的潮流跑回去,不断转头寻找着夏洛蒂的身影。 Also with him in the same place, vanished while time a blink that he was distracted obviously a moment ago. 明明刚才还和他在一起,趁着他走神的功夫一眨眼就消失了。 Damn! Made her run unexpectedly......” “该死!竟然让她跑了……” Greg criticizes in the heart. 格雷格在心中暗骂。 As soon as matter ended, he contacted with Winston again, Tower of Secret Rites immediately the dispatch personnel will come to that code name Snowflake the Wilde assistant seizes. 事情一结束,他就再次和温士顿联络了,秘仪塔马上就会派遣人员过来对那个代号“雪花”的王尔德助手进行抓捕。 In this at crucial moment, he actually letting escape. 偏偏在这个关键时候,他却把人给放跑了。 Greg stops in the manor pantingly somewhere, hammered a nearby wall fiercely, the complexion is very ugly, in the meantime, in the heart cannot bear dispirited. 格雷格气喘吁吁地在庄园某处停下,猛地锤了一下旁边的墙壁,脸色十分难看,同时,心中忍不住颓丧起来。 The teacher life and death unknown, but his matter cannot complete...... 老师生死不明,而他连这点事情都做不好…… While he even has a completely discouraged feeling time, the flash of raising the head, sees that appearance chilly such as the aristocrat young girl of lotus to smile in opposite corner, raised the skirt swayed to salute toward him gracefully. 正当他甚至有种万念俱灰感觉的时候,抬起头的一瞬间,就看见那容貌清冷如莲的贵族少女正在对面角落里微笑着,朝他优雅地提起裙摆行礼。 That book between chests and bellies did not have the arm blocking at this moment, showed the complete ーー that books edge impressively is the fascia flesh, is connecting all around clothing with the flesh, most central was a mouth that covered entirely the advantage tooth, inside stretched out a tongue of sturdy furcation, probably the snake same about rocked, seems waiting for an opportunity the prey that sought to pierce. 胸腹间的那本书此刻没了胳膊遮挡,赫然展现出了全貌——那书籍的边缘全都是筋膜血肉,连接着四周的衣物和肌肤,最中央是一张布满了利齿的嘴巴,内里伸出一根粗壮分叉的舌头,像是蛇一样左右晃动,似乎在伺机寻找刺穿的猎物。 Has the corrosive thick liquid to drop from that tongue on the ground, makes the sound, made person scalp tingles. 具有腐蚀性的粘稠液体从那舌头上滴落在地上,发出嗤嗤的声音,令人头皮发麻。 Greg gawked, the complexion brushes white, the subconsciousness retroceded half step. 格雷格愣了愣,脸色刷白,下意识后退了半步。 But why does not know, his attention was captured on the finger that the ーー young girl was empty by flash suddenly, suddenly put on magnificent strange ring, the gem of scarab modeling is extremely noticeable. 但不知为何,他的目光突然被一个闪光吸引——少女原本空无一物的手指上,突然戴上了一个华丽诡异的戒指,圣甲虫造型的宝石极其引人瞩目。 Charlotte spits the tongue, reveals the Portal method on that drawing carves: Had another chance to meet, remembers that gave regards to Joseph for me, the next time, he may not have such good luck......” 夏洛蒂吐了吐舌头,露出那上面绘刻的传送阵法:“后会有期了,记得替我向约瑟夫问好,下一次,他可就没有这么好的运气了……” Her that is under the chilly voice of young girl, fused another old voice strangely. 她那属于少女的清冷声音下,诡异地融合了另一道苍老的声线。 You!!!” “你!!!” Greg has gotten back one's composure, opens the eye fiercely, before putting out a hand, to/clashes several steps. 格雷格回过神,猛地睁大眼睛,伸出手前冲几步。 But front young girl has disappeared on the spot. 但面前的少女已然消失在原地。 ーー —— Fage had left Zone A, returning to oneself to roam about year to year No. 136 street that looked for a lane in slum to sit down at will. 费奇早已经离开了A区,回到了自己常年流浪的136号街,随意地找了一个贫民窟的巷子坐下。 He pushes up the own sleeve, looks oneself sway from side to side the deformation translucent arm unceasingly. 他捋起自己的袖子,看着自己不断扭动形变的半透明手臂。 The flesh of shining same flows erratically just like the water surface, and still in the outward diffusion the ray, these rays like having the entity walks randomly in the midair generally, seems with some gap junction. 流光溢彩的肌肤宛如水面一样流淌不定,并且还在向外扩散出光线,这些光线就像有实体一般地在半空中游走,好似正在和某个缝隙连接。 ......” “呼……” Fage is shivering, raised the head, reveals most also already the face that assimilates. 费奇颤抖着,抬起头,露出大半张也已经同化的脸。 The huge strength is gathering in the middle of this body, is moving restlessly anxiously, if this is not the case he controls strongly, perhaps will seem like a balloon that at the scene packs the water same explodes. 庞大的力量正在这具身体当中汇聚,不安地躁动着,如果不是他竭力控制,恐怕就会当场像是一个装满水的气球一样爆炸。 Yarnall's thorough death, causing her strength to flow out. 亚纳尔的彻底死亡,导致她自身的力量全部流泻出来。 Although most strengths erupt between the space and time and Dream Realm crevasses, formed the space and time turbulent flow, created Norzin stratum large surface area collapsing. 虽然大部分力量在时空和梦境的裂隙之间爆发,形成了时空乱流,造成了诺金地层大面积坍塌。 But another part of strengths, by high potency same attracts mystically, obtained Fage of some Yarnall strengths to well up toward before. 但另一部分力量,则被更高浓度的同等神秘所吸引,朝着之前就获得了一部分亚纳尔力量的费奇涌来。 But when she died the some strengths of dissipating incessantly were the strengths, power ーー time of her inherent control. 而她死亡时逸散的这部分力量就不止是力量了,还有她与生俱来掌控的权能——时间。 In other words. 换而言之。 After Yarnall died, the strength and power had all been inherited by Fage. 亚纳尔死亡之后,力量和权能已经全都被费奇继承。 Even, in the space and time lost only God Level Bell Rotatoria to wriggle at a loss, at this moment induced the new power ownership, all revolted, then supported Fage. 甚至,时空中失去了唯一神明级钟轮虫们原本正在茫然蠕动,此刻感应到了新的权能归属,全都叛变,转而将费奇拥立。 At this moment, Fage body these just like the ray of entity, are with the relations of these Bell Rotatoria. 此刻,费奇身上那些宛如实体的光线,正是和那些钟轮虫的联系。 ーー —— The void in wave rippled, appears a person's shadow that wore the heavy/thick tattered black robe. 虚空之中水波荡漾,浮现出了一个身穿厚重破烂黑袍的人影。 How possibly? How will Yarnall possibly die?! She is Controller of time, so powerful domain concept......” “怎么可能?亚纳尔怎么可能会死?!她可是时间的掌控者,如此强大的领域概念……” In the Void Contemplator sound filled panic-strickenly. 虚空冥想者的声音里充满了惊骇。 The meeting of this Path of Flame Sword, several other Angel has all arrived, only Yarnall, had died as Sandalphon of contact person, can shuttle back and forth inferior (Asia) in void to tie the husband to become the new contact person at will, comes to look for Yarnall. 这次火剑之路的聚会,其他几位“天使”已经全部到场,唯独亚纳尔迟迟不到,原本作为联系人的尚达奉已死,能够随意穿梭在虚空之中的亚结夫就成为了新的联系人,前来寻找亚纳尔。 But he follows the information that gives void to come, induced Yarnall's falling from the sky, searched for two days of time, did not have the result as before. 但他才顺着虚空所给的信息过来,就感应到了亚纳尔的陨落,搜寻了两天时间,依旧没有结果。 How even if inferior (Asia) ties the husband to be puzzling again, still has to believe. 就算亚结夫再怎么百思不得其解,也不得不相信了。 It seems like can only go back...... this Bookstore Owner truly to need to treat cautiously, this six months, died unexpectedly one after several other God Level, Yarnall also......” “看来只能回去了……这个书店主人确实需要慎重对待了,这才半年时间,竟然接连死了几位神明级,就连亚纳尔也……” inferior (Asia) ties the husband to be about from leave void, suddenly during receives the information that was void transmits. 亚结夫正准备从虚空离开,突然接收到了虚空之中传来的信息。 Un? This is, Bell Rotatoria how suddenly...... their God Level also in?!” “嗯?这是,钟轮虫怎么突然……它们的神明级还在?!” inferior (Asia) ties husband's tentacle to rip open suddenly void, following the way of that void information, arrived in a small lane. 亚结夫的触手骤然撕开虚空,顺着那虚空中信息的路径,来到了一个小巷子里。 In that jet black small lane, partly sits in the high thin youth of ground puts on sloppily, the body that but exposes actually just like the brilliance that overflows, the innumerable rays passed through from the slit of time, connect these Bell Rotatoria body. 那漆黑的小巷子里,半坐在地上的高瘦青年穿得邋遢,但裸露出来的身体却犹如流溢的光彩,无数的光线从时间的缝隙里穿过,连接到了那些钟轮虫身上 Although the appearance and Yarnall of youth do not have the half a point to be similar, but the aura of strength and power will not counterfeit. 虽然那青年的模样和亚纳尔没有半分相似,但力量和权能的气息不会作假。 inferior (Asia) ties the husband to relax, comes before the youth, said: I know that you did not have dead ーー to branch out part of strengths to occupy the body of this mortal in the final moment, giving up something minor to save something major, was really enough decisive, Yarnall.” 亚结夫松了口气,现身在青年面前,道:“我就知道你没有死——在最后关头分出一部分力量占据了这个凡人的身躯,弃卒保车,真是够果断的啊,亚纳尔。” Looks suddenly appears in strange God Level of present wearing black robe, Fage first stares, then raised the brows, assigned out the memory about this fellow from Yarnall's memory, showed the understanding smile: Yes...... this time was too thrilling.” 看着突然出现在眼前的身穿黑袍的陌生神明级,费奇先是一愣,而后挑了挑眉,从亚纳尔的记忆里调出了关于这个家伙的记忆,露出了会心的微笑:“是啊……这次可是太惊险了。” Fage stands, patted the own clothes, disguises calmly typically: inferior (Asia) ties the husband, how is you to look for me, Sandalphon? You may not seem like meet the signalling the character.” 费奇站起来,拍了拍自己的衣服,假装若无其事地道:“亚结夫,怎么是你过来找我,尚达奉呢?你可不像是会传信的性格。” inferior (Asia) ties the husband, although the flash feeling is somewhat strange, but said itself from Fage and Sandalphon name starts, put down that suspicion. 亚结夫虽然一瞬间感觉有些古怪,但从费奇说出自己和尚达奉的名字开始,就放下了那一点怀疑。 He goes forward two steps, the void territory will cover here, takes away the place of initial contract them. 他上前两步,将虚空的领土覆盖此处,将他们带去最初的契约之地。 Sandalphon died...... first did not say this.” 尚达奉死了……先不说这个。” Meeting missed you, hurry up, this time we must make the Dream Realm barrier crash surely thoroughly, that Bookstore Owner, this time you almost died in his hand, certainly can also feel that had/left his true strength, this helped to us very in a big way...... is the time cooperates to wipe out this threat truly!” “聚会就差你了,快点,这一次我们必定要让梦境的壁垒彻底崩塌,还有那个书店主人,这次你差点死在他手上,一定也能感觉出他真正的实力,这对我们来说帮助很大……是时候合作起来真正拔除这个威胁了!” ーー —— Truth Union, Mechanical Samsara. 真理会,机械轮回 The lower-level region of avalanche turned into the ruins completely, at this moment innumerable Scholar are dressing the exoskeleton equipment to conduct the cleaning up work, busy, one side broke to pieces the dregs completely resolution unclear experimental equipment and building fragment these unceasingly radically lifts to put. 崩塌的下层区域完全变成了废墟,此刻无数的学者正穿戴着外骨骼装备进行清理作业,忙忙碌碌着,不断地将那些根本就碎成了渣完全分辨不清的实验仪器和建筑碎片抬起来放到一边。 When this must move to......” “这得搬到什么时候啊……” Scholar that works in the corner complains low voice to companion: My project has not completed.” 一个在角落里工作的学者小声向身边的同伴抱怨道:“我的项目还没做完呢。” The companions sighed: Is content you, next door Kleist's their laboratory in this stretch of ruins.” 同伴叹了口气:“知足吧你,隔壁克莱斯特他们的实验室就在这片废墟里呢。” He pouts, stamps the feet: All data did not have, their entire project must come again.” 他努努嘴,跺了跺脚:“所有的数据都没了,他们整个项目都得重来。” That Scholar stares, then takes pleasure in others' misfortunes: Real false, I remember that they have done for two years to test probably, if this comes again...... 学者一愣,然后幸灾乐祸起来:“真的假的,我记得他们好像已经做了两年实验了,这要是重来……啧啧啧。” He thought all of a sudden the waist is not sour the leg is not painful, but can also dig ten tons instrument again. 他一下子就觉得腰不酸了腿也不痛了,还能再挖十吨仪器。 ......” “喀啦……” Is living with Scholar that the companion chatted suddenly, saw the ruins of front not far away to move indistinctly probably, had anything to come out from below probably to be the same. 正和同伴说笑的学者突然顿住,隐约好像看见面前不远处的废墟动了动,就好像有什么东西从下面要出来了一样。 Behind him one cold, heart cannot...... 他背后一寒,心道不会吧…… „!” “啪!” A slender hand braved from the ruins fiercely. 一只纤细的手从废墟下面猛地冒了出来。 „!” That Scholar backs up panic-stricken two steps, fell on the ground, nearby companion holds up the guns immediately vigilantly: What thing?!” “啊啊!”那学者惊恐地倒退两步,摔在了地上,旁边的同伴立刻警惕地举起枪支:“什么东西?!” ...... Ricker?...... Jarvis?” “唔……里克?还有……亚尔维斯?” The woman of black long hair stands slowly, the racket oneself covered entirely the tattered white coat of dust, pushed eyeglasses on bridge of the nose, a pair of azure eye pupil narrows the eyes, like the gems of two no impurities. 黑色长发的女人缓缓站起来,拍拍自己布满了灰尘的破烂白大褂,推了推架在鼻梁上的眼镜,一双天青色的眼眸眯起来,如同两枚毫无杂质的宝石。 Two Scholar are dumbfounded: Ma, Maria President?! You are also living...... not, will you come out from this below? Don't you break through God Level in seclusion?” 两个学者目瞪口呆:“玛、玛利亚会长?!您还活着……不,您怎么会从这下面出来?您不是在闭关突破神明级么?” „Is, I am truly breaking through God Level, but the comparison is special, now came out...... to look like me not in these days, Andrew handled extraordinarily matter.” “是是,我确实在突破神明级,只不过方法比较特殊,现在出来了……看来我不在的这段时间,安德鲁做了不得了的事情啊。” Maria looked all around, raised the head, the vision right above threw down the sinister and vicious line of sight to Andrew, put out a notebook to shake shaking, narrowed the eye to say with a smile: I found the interesting thing in Lower District.” 玛利亚环顾了一圈,抬起头,目光对上了正上方投下阴鸷视线的安德鲁,拿出一本笔记本晃了晃,眯眼笑道:“我在下城区找到了有趣的东西哦。” ーー —— Lin Jie snort/hum the song, is treading the snow to turn back bookstore. 林介哼着歌,踏着积雪一路走回了书店 Does not know for these days I not in the day, what matter Mu'en does have?” “不知道这几天我不在的日子,莫恩有没有什么事情?” Although rubs in the manor eats to rub drinks very happily, but the bookstore comparison has the security sense...... gold/metal Woyin Nest to be inferior to the own kennel after all, these words saying really well. 虽然在庄园里蹭吃蹭喝很开心,但终归还是书店比较有安全感……金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝,这句话说得真不错。 He is thinking, while puts out the key to open the door, enters in the gate to say loudly: I came back! Mu'en......” 他一边想着,一边拿出钥匙打开门,走进门内大声道:“我回来了!莫恩……” The Lin Jie footsteps live in the halfway, face dumbfounded looks that whole body ties up the bandage to lie down the old acquaintance on deck chair. 林介的脚步顿住半路,一脸懵逼地看着那全身绑着绷带躺在躺椅上的老熟人。 Joseph lifts a hand to greet with effort ; Hi, Boss Lin.” 约瑟夫费力地抬起一只手打招呼;“嗨,林老板。” Vol. 4 第四卷 …… ……
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