IRNTDGL :: Volume #4

#386: freeload price

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Snow did not have......” “积雪还没化啊……” The youth leave are very far, the form disappears when the dim light of night gradually, but meaningful words and finally then look actually as if also in front. 青年离开很远,身影渐渐消失在夜色之中,但意味深长的话语和最后回头时的眼神却仿佛还在面前。 The Ji Family father and daughter maintain the respectful posture to stand in the cold wind for a long time, until cannot see the Lin Jie back again, set out to look at each other one. 季家父女保持着恭敬的姿势站在寒风中许久,直到再也看不见林介的背影,才直起身对视了一眼。 Ji Zhixiu is speechless, is looking at distant place these guests who successively leave specially from the main entrance, the diverged noise is making the big manor belong to is spacious and silent, suddenly corners of the mouth curved, intent has referred to the said/tunnel: Ordinary man is innocent, talent can arouse jealousy ーー Boss Lin I and have spoken this.” 季织绪无言,专门望着远处那些从正门陆陆续续离开的宾客们,散去的喧嚣正让偌大的庄园重新归于空旷和寂静,突然勾起嘴角,意有所指地道:“匹夫无罪,怀璧其罪——林老板曾经我和讲过这个。” Ji Bonong walks toward the manor, helpless said/tunnel: Spoke with me must hit the riddle? The meaning of Boss Lin is so obvious, you are feared that I can't understand?” 季博农往庄园内走去,无奈地道:“和我说话也要打哑谜么?林老板的意思这么明显,你是怕我听不懂?” He sighed: Will of the people greedy is always unquantifiable......” 他感叹道:“人心的贪婪向来是难以估量的……” Ji Zhixiu with coming up, the smile is deeper: But feared that their strengths actually do not match with it.” 季织绪跟上去,笑容更深:“但就怕他们的实力却并不与之匹配啊。” ーー —— The guests diverged, continue to live it up entire three days of A16 Manor thoroughly to be before long peaceful, as if today's put on a show of peace and prosperity is only the false appearance. 宾客散去,持续热闹了整整三天的A16庄园不一会儿就彻底安静下来,仿佛今天的歌舞升平都只是假象。 Ji Bonong walks on the half-open corridor in manor, looks above outside garden, although did not have the wind and snow, actually sinks as before secretly the jet black sky. 季博农走在庄园内的半开放式走廊上,看着外面花园之上虽然没有了风雪,却依旧暗沉漆黑的天空。 To him, this piece in the past familiar scenery already completely different. 对于他来说,这片往昔熟悉的景色已经完全不同。 He looks down to the own palm, becomes the Transcendent later strength gathering in the body, ether that flees floods in each corner, seems moving restlessly excitedly was anticipating anything is the same. 他低头看向自己的手心,成为超凡者之后的力量汇聚于身体里,窜动的以太充斥在每个角落,似乎都在兴奋而躁动地期待着什么一样。 Ji Zhixiu is embracing the brass box that is loaded with five books follows after behind, the steward directs the servants to tidy up the sound of reorganization to be clear in the following main hall, outside the sound of snow slowly melting seems in the ear bank. 季织绪怀抱着装有五本书的黄铜盒子跟在身后,管家在后面的厅堂之中指挥着仆人们收拾整理的声音清清楚楚,就连外面积雪缓缓融化的声音都好似就在耳畔。 These sound big or small all fuses in together, sounds has an agitated terrifying feeling. 这些或大或小的声音全都融合在一起,听上去有一种令人烦躁的恐怖感。 Ji Bonong took a deep breath. 季博农深吸一口气 It seems like...... he also requires time to adapt to this strength. 看来……他还需要一点时间来适应这份力量。 Is...... a practicing acquiring a skill opportunity. 或者是……一个练手的机会。 He lives in the footsteps suddenly, the corners of the mouth brings back the contemptuous smile, said calmly: Wants these five books the words, please custom three days later comes to purchase, price high results, nothing can be discussed that I did such many year of business, has not opened the custom of special mess hall.” 他忽然顿住脚步,嘴角勾起轻蔑的笑容,语气平静地说道:“想要这五本书的话,请按规矩三天后前来购买,价高者得,其余免谈,我做了这么多年生意,可没有给人开小灶的习惯。” His sound reverberation on the corridor, waited for a while, suddenly had a low and deep hoarse male voice to respond to his ーー 他的声音回荡在走廊上,等了一会儿,突然有个低沉嘶哑的男声回应了他—— „, President Ji big ambition......” “呵,季董事长好大的野心啊……” The man who wears the black Magician robe appears from the shadow suddenly, comes in the end of corridor. 一个身着黑色巫师袍的男人忽然从阴影中出现,现身在走廊的尽头。 Like receiving what signal is ordinary, several point out frankly the wind sound/rumor to resound, all around presented several Transcendent in the different ways instantaneously, but these Transcendent all are the Ji Bonong familiar faces, when the banquet splendid attire appearance has not removed, meaning that simply do not cover up. 紧接着,如同收到什么信号一般,唰唰唰地几道破风声响起,四周瞬间以不同方式出现了数位超凡者,而这些超凡者无一不是季博农熟悉的面孔,甚至连宴会时的盛装打扮都还没有去除,根本没有要遮掩的意思。 Ji Bonong observes the situation, said with a smile: „Didn't everyone leave? Is too big, wants staying overnight my humble home that the snow gets down?” 季博农环视一圈,笑道:“各位不是离开了吗?是雪下的太大,想要留宿寒舍吗?” Little played the fool, Ji Bonong.” “少装傻了,季博农。” Is Black Magician of head takes off the own long gown hood, reveals the fierce greedy facial features, is supervisor Orde, his vision stares is staring at the box in Ji Zhixiu hand: What first breaks the rule is you, Roll Resources can only control by the mortal, but you actually want to dominate above Transcendent now......” 为首的黑巫师自己的长袍兜帽脱下,露出狰狞贪婪的面容,正是监察者奥德,他的目光直勾勾地盯着季织绪手中的盒子:“先破坏规矩的是你,罗尔资源只能由凡人掌控,而你现在却想要凌驾于超凡者之上……” In the Black Magician spacious sleeve robe falls next Sacrifical Blade, grasped adopted the fight stance in the hand, said in a low voice: These five books, you do not have the qualifications to take!” 黑巫师宽大的袖袍中滑落下一柄祭刀,握在手中摆出了战斗姿态,低声道:“这五本书,你没资格拿着!” Ji Bonong sneers: „Am I entitled, may not be one's turn you to decide.” 季博农呵地冷笑:“我有没有资格,可轮不到你来决定。” Orde narrows the eye: Then, you must defy the instruction of center publicly, has betrayed mission of Roll Resources since being established?” 奥德眯起眼睛:“这么说来,你是要公开违抗中枢的指令,背叛罗尔资源从成立以来的使命了?” Ji Bonong deep sigh in one breath: Mission? What you said is works as the dog to your Transcendent? One generation, one generation, another generation, each Roll Resources chairman, is your dogs! Lives under your surveillance, can never have that day of turning over, only then arranged Destiny and by optional control small and weak.” 季博农长叹一口气:“使命?你说的是给你们这些超凡者当狗?一代,一代,又一代,每一任罗尔资源的董事长,都不过是你们的狗!活在你们的监视下,永远也不能有翻身的那一天,只有被安排的命运和被随意掌控的弱小。” He looks at the fist that oneself get hold of: I received enough......” 他看着自己握紧的拳头:“我受够了……” Orde cold -ly snorted and said: Enough? This lofty position and almost endless wealth, how many 's long-awaited life, you also find it not enough, isn't could it be your is greedy is causing trouble? It seems like that you had been really misled the brainwashing by that bookstore, I must remove your damn harmful insect for the center!” 奥德冷哼道:“受够了?这崇高的地位和几乎无尽的财富,多少人梦寐以求的生活,你却还觉得不够,难道不是你的贪婪在作祟么?看来,你是真的已经被那书店蛊惑洗脑,我必须替中枢除掉你这个该死的害虫了!” He finishes barely the words, the person had flushed, changes to a shadow, flashes in Ji Bonong behind held up Sacrifical Blade to read aloud the incantation, at the same time, several other Transcendent, started respective ability to display toward central two people, approaching flash ーー 他话音未落,人已经冲了出去,化作一道黑影,闪现在季博农的身后举起了祭刀念诵咒语,与此同时,其他的几个超凡者,也发动了各自的能力朝着中央的两人施展起来,在靠近的一刹那—— You said right, really greedy of will of the people are unquantifiable.” “你说的没错,果然人心的贪婪是难以估量的。” Ji Bonong raised the head, on the face is surging just like the earthworm black insect common meridians, splits the corners of the mouth to show the terrifying smile: Incessantly is you,...... I.” 季博农抬起头,脸上涌动着宛如蚯蚓黑虫一般的经络,裂开嘴角露出恐怖的笑容:“不止是你们,还有……我。” Rips to draw ーー “撕拉—— Side the sound biography that flesh tears hears suddenly, that was hoodwinked Pandemonium Level Transcendent of eyes greedily, the abdomen seems put on the abdomen by the invisible palm, the blood splash on the entire corridor, the internal organs flows place instantly. 一声血肉撕扯的声音骤然传入耳边,那其中一个被贪婪蒙蔽了双眼的恐慌级超凡者,腹部仿佛被无形的手掌穿腹而过,鲜血飞溅在整条走廊上,内脏刹那流淌一地。 The expression on that Transcendent face has not transformed, half fierce half are astonished. 超凡者脸上的表情还没转换过来,一半狰狞一半惊愕。 He looks at own abdomen large cave/hole, swayed two, but also without crashing, the body was ripped in next instantaneously is split up, the limbs falls respectively on the ground. 他看着自己的腹部大洞,摇晃了两下,还没坠落,身体就在下一个瞬间被撕得四分五裂,肢体啪嗒啪嗒分别掉在地上。 In the corridor had the blood rain to be the same probably. 走廊里就好像下起了血雨一般。 Orde pupil reduces, other Transcendent were all frightened, movement simultaneously, but because in that brass box the seductions of five books, none of them is choosing to escape at this moment. 奥德瞳孔紧缩,其余的超凡者无一不被吓到,动作同时一顿,可因为那黄铜盒子里五本书的诱惑,他们没有一个人在此刻选择逃跑。 Ji Bonong, had really turned into Transcendent! 季博农,果然已经变成了超凡者 In Orde heart flashes through such a thought. 奥德心中闪过这样一个念头。 Thinks also to know, this inevitably is that bookstore owner achievement, but the information indicated the time also less than half evening that Lin Jie and Ji Bonong live alone, can make him achieve unexpectedly to be able a insta kill Pandemonium Level transcendent's degree. 想想也知道,这必然是那位书店老板的成果,而情报显示林介季博农独处的时间也就不到半个晚上,竟然就能让他达到能够秒杀一个恐慌级超凡者的程度。 Attaching great importance to of center, is really not the rumor...... 中枢的重视,果然不是空穴来风…… „Is this your taking advantage?” “这就是你的依仗么?” Orde gets angry shouts: You really betrayed the center! You died! The center will not tolerate Transcendent to control Roll Resources, no matter you, are that Lin Jie, died!” 奥德怒喝道:“你果然背叛了中枢!你死定了!中枢不会容忍一个超凡者掌控罗尔资源,不管是你,还是那个林介,都死定了!” Doesn't the snow that Boss Lin said refer to your such Old Age vestiges? I do not need the center to tolerate, making them although angry......” 林老板说的积雪不化就是指你们这样旧时代的残余吧?呵,我不需要中枢来容忍,让他们尽管愤怒吧……” Ji Bonong stands in same place, invisible strength sweeps away again, cuts in two at the waist Transcendent, stretches out the arms saying: Starting today, Roll Resources will be separated from the center, moving toward is free and independent! Did you see? The free time, must come, we control ourselves!” 季博农站在原地,无形的力量再次横扫过去,将一个超凡者腰斩,张开双臂道:“从今天起,罗尔资源将脱离中枢,走向自由和独立!你看到了吗?自由的时代,就要来了,我们自己掌控自己!” War has set, in the winter is going to pass, spring is going to approach, when this is the matter that no one is able to prevent, the sunlight shines, the snow will certainly melt.” “战局已经定下,冬天将要过去,春天将要来临,这是谁也无法阻止的事情,阳光普照之时,积雪必将消融。” The Ji Bonong spirited voice falls, Hunter then innermost feelings hysterical/frenzy of the thorough instant erupts the own strength in blood the greedy induction of stimulation and, in an instant was swallowed the reason by Sordid Blood thoroughly, changes to Wild Beast that cannot see clearly the appearance rushes over. 季博农激昂的话音一落,其中一个猎人便在鲜血的刺激和内心狂乱的贪婪诱导下彻底霎时爆发自己的力量,刹那间被污秽之血彻底吞噬理智,化作一头看不清面目的野兽冲了过去。 His strength and speed achieved the pinnacle, even avoided the Ji Bonong offensive. 他的力量和速度都达到了极致,甚至躲开了季博农的攻势。 The Ji Bonong attention was shifted the flash. 季博农的注意力被转移了一瞬间。 Orde lifts the hand suddenly, the black Magician robe sleeve falls, hand above the ring strange becomes bell ーー that by the pale bone carving 奥德忽然抬起手来,黑色的巫师袍袖滑落,手上环着一圈诡异的由惨白骨头雕刻而成的铃铛—— This was the sacrificial offering thing from some Lower District ancient times strange tribe, was I levels of transcendent item, can produce Destruction Level ting irresistibly. 这是来自下城区某个古代诡异部落的祭祀用品,是次I级的超凡物品,能够产生连毁灭级都无法抵抗的铃声。 I will make you know, your wishful thinking daydreams!” “我会让你知道,你的痴心妄想不过是白日做梦!” Orde sneers is shaking the bell: You only match for the nourishment that I promote!” 奥德冷笑着摇动铃铛:“你只配成为我晋升的养料!” The entire corridor was twisted, starts to fall into the illusion, just like the innumerable leaf of mirrors, is reflecting the ray, making one unable to distinguish clearly the actual situation. 整个走廊都被扭曲,开始陷入幻觉之中,犹如无数扇镜子,反射着光芒,让人分不清虚实。 Promotion......, then these five books? Do you prepare to give the center? If you really give loyalty to the center, should report me directly gives them, rather than alone comes, Orde.” “晋升……哈哈,那么这五本书呢?你准备上交给中枢吗?如果你真的效忠于中枢,应该直接把我报告给他们,而不是只身前来,奥德。” Ji Bonong taunted: By this kind of time had not forgotten that gives own to find the excuse greedily, you may really be incurable.” 季博农嘲讽道:“到了这种时候还不忘记给自己的贪婪找借口,你们可真是没救了。” Such trash, it is necessary to exist in the world?” “这样的垃圾,有必要存在于世界上吗?” He muttered: Little makes this world withstand.” 他喃喃自语:“还是少让这世界承受吧。” Lay down on the ground by Ji Bonong is torn into shreds Transcendent that a moment ago, but somewhat aura has not swallowed, sent out rending roaring, swayed the sound that sent out along with the bell clearly, was exceptionally grating. 躺在地上被季博农刚才撕碎但是还有几分气息没有咽下的超凡者,纷纷发出撕心裂肺的咆哮,伴随着铃铛清脆摇晃发出的响动,异常刺耳。 Orde narrows the eye, prepares to enjoy joyful wailing, then suddenly stopped the movement, in that flash pupil enlarges ーー 奥德眯起眼睛,准备享受更令人愉悦的哀嚎,然后突然停止了动作,在那一瞬间瞳孔放大—— Ji Bonong vanished suddenly. 季博农突然消失了。 Or said, he turned into another thing. 或则说,他变成了另一个东西。 His body inflation is gigantic, is turning away from the nighttime sky, casts a shadow in Orde's body, the quality superior formal clothes is torn, he turned into colossus ーー suddenly 他的身体膨胀硕大,背对着夜空,在奥德的身上投下一片阴影,质量上等的礼服被撕裂,他骤然变成了一个庞然大物—— The eyes of Ji Bonong become huge incomparable, the innumerable worms tumble in his eyes, boiling water that probably boils. 季博农的双眼变得巨大无比,无数只蠕虫在他的眼睛里面翻滚,像是沸腾的开水。 You...... your you?!” “你……你你你?!” The Orde panic-stricken desire certainly, the brain definitely is unable to ponder. 奥德惊骇欲绝,脑子完全无法思考。 It is not, this is not Transcendent...... damn, what that did Bookstore Owner make?! 不是,这绝不是什么超凡者……见鬼,那个书店主人到底做了什么?! Ha, hahahaha......” the Ji Bonong sound becomes joyful, the probably innumerable timbres overlap: „Am present I, that mortal in your eye? The supervisors, you looked my so many years, saw clearly?” “哈,哈哈哈哈……”季博农声音变得愉悦,好像无数音色重叠起来:“现在的我,还是你眼中的那个凡人吗?监察者,你看了我那么多年,看清楚了吗?” Then he opens the abdomen slowly, his body becomes flat, elongates, is similar to a leather bag, after separating the abdomen no longer is the internal organs, but is innumerable both hands ーー 然后他慢慢张开自己腹部,他的身体变得扁平,拉长,就如同一张皮囊,分开后的腹部不再是内脏,而是无数双手—— You look again carefully......” “你再看仔细一点啊……” ーー “啊啊啊啊—— Orde sends out the scream of collapse, returns to consciousness just before dying by the reason that five books seize finally, he wants to escape distressedly, innumerable both hands that but were extended by the Ji Bonong body in pull back. 奥德发出崩溃的尖叫,被那五本书攫取的理智终于回光返照,他狼狈地想要逃跑,但是被季博农身体里伸出的无数双手拉了回来。 Ji Bonong is sneering, about the own body. 季博农冷笑着,合起自己的身体。
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