IRAS :: Volume #16

#1525: I possibly know that who he was!

A chess. 一手棋。 Three chess. 三手棋。 Five chess. 五手棋。 , Mouse lightly. 吧嗒,吧嗒,鼠标轻点。 In villa, being carefree and content under Zhang Ye. 别墅里,张烨下的悠然自得。 ...... …… Go platform. 围棋平台。 The observing crowd called suddenly. 观战人群突然叫起来。 Changed!” “变阵了!” PETER left to incur!” “PETER出招了!” Good chess!” “好棋啊!” This was too fierce!” “这一手太厉害了!” Ended, HEOR was passive!” “完了,HEOR被动了!” His opening was too casual, he move, PETER definitely first leaves the move!” “他的开局太随便了,他不出招,PETER肯定先出招啊!” What to do look at him.” “看他怎么办吧。” ...... …… On television. 电视上。 Xiang Rong look one tight, came.” 向荣眼神一紧,“来了。” Host said anxiously: How will HEOR deal?” 主持人紧张道:“HEOR会怎么应对?” The Xiang Rong solution said: PETER this chess is very wonderful, the chess surface all of a sudden was also complex, it to this position, is lets the HEOR very awkward place, if occupation high section Chess player, here should walk 25 formats the basic forms, hits with it hardly, will be more careful, at least will not suffer a loss, we looked how HEOR will process 向荣解说道:“PETER这一手棋很妙,棋面也一下子复杂了,它冲在这个位置,是个让HEOR很尴尬的地方,如果是职业高段棋手的话,这里应该会走25定式的基本形态,跟它硬打,小心一些,至少不会太吃亏,我们看HEOR怎么处理” Quick, HEOR began. 很快,HEOR就落子了。 Almost does not have what unnecessary hesitation. 几乎没有什么多余的犹豫。 But this child one falls, Xiang Rong is also pressed the eyebrow. 可是这个子一落,向荣也蹙起眉。 Under this what law? 这什么下法? Host: „Did HEOR return to hit?” 主持人:“HEOR回打了?” Xiang Rong: He does not have.” 向荣:“他没有。” The next quarter, PETER compels again one step. 下一刻,PETER再逼一步。 ...... …… Chinese Chess Institute. 中国棋院 Hu Liang exclaimed in surprise, strive to excel murderous aura.” 胡亮惊叹,“好强的杀气。” Li Yi said: Good chess, this is the PETER dog fiercest place.” 李义道:“好棋,这就是PETER狗最厉害的地方。” Wu Changhe more looks at pissed off, this does HEOR do!” 吴长河越看越生气,“这HEOR干什么呢啊!” Hu Liang also said: Why doesn't he return to hit?” 胡亮也道:“他为什么不回打?” Under Wu Changhe wishes one could one's own to come up, how I know!” 吴长河恨不得自己上去下,“我怎么知道啊!” At this time, HEOR began. 这时,HEOR又落子了。 The people looked that expects too much! 众人一看,都是恨铁不成钢! Occupation 7th Dan said: Under new person the law, did fire burn to main house gate he has not known? Here should hit the small its class, kills hardly!” 一职业七段道:“新人下法啊,火都烧到家门口了他还不知道?这里应该打小其流啊,硬杀啊!” ...... …… Sanya. 三亚。 Chen Qiqi urgently said: Such gets down, certainly must lose.” 陈琪琪急道:“这么下去,肯定要输了。” Chen Ni­ann­ian said: At is not opponent!” 陈念念道:“根本不是对手啊!” Chen Ying said: Strength disparity is a little truly big, HEOR is the ordinary amateur Chess player fighting method, does not have the fresh idea, does not have the style, reviews PETER there dozen dramatically, the skilled artist is unceasing, Little Tian, how do you see?” 陈瑛道:“实力差距确实有点大,HEOR就是普通业余棋手的打法,没新意,没招式,反观PETER那里打的有声有色,妙手不断,小田,你怎么看?” Tian Weiwei actually frowns does not speak. 田伟伟却蹙眉不语。 Chen Ying said: How?” 陈瑛道:“怎么了?” Tian Weiwei wonders saying: HEOR offensive superiority probably also.” 田伟伟纳闷道:“HEOR的先手优势好像还在。” Um?” People hear word looked, gawked. “嗯?”众人闻言一看,也都愣了。 Chen Qiqi: Real!” 陈琪琪:“真的啊!” Chen Ni­ann­ian is stunned, what's the matter?” 陈念念愕然,“怎么回事?” Tian Weiwei said: Does not suit.” 田伟伟道:“不对劲啊。” ...... …… Republic of Korea. 韩国 Several occupation Chess player sit in a circle. 几个职业棋手围坐。 Why?” “为什么?” Cannot understand.” “看不懂啊。” „Is this new person or Expert?” “这到底是新人还是高手啊?” ...... …… CCTV. 央视 Host: This?” 主持人:“这?” Xiang Rong said: I could not understand.” 向荣说:“我也看不懂了。” Host: „?” 主持人:“啊?” Xiang Rong wonders saying: If high grade professional, the HEOR chess deals is very ordinary, he has not returned to hit, simply has not paid attention to the provocation of PETER, instead fair underground here, later several step deal also is very as if careless.” 向荣纳闷道:“如果在高段位职业赛上来看,HEOR的棋应对的很普通,他没有回打,根本没有理会PETER的这一步挑衅,反而中规中矩地下在了这里,之后的几步应对似乎也很草率。” Host: „Was that several bad chess?” 主持人:“那就是几手坏棋了?” Xiang Rong said: But, is not.” 向荣却道:“可是,并不是。” Host stares: Isn't?” 主持人一愣:“不是?” Xiang Rong looks at the screen, this is the strange place, these chess are very ordinary, do not have any characteristics, does not have any fresh idea, but you looked that HEOR has not suffered a loss.” 向荣看着屏幕,“这就是奇怪的地方,这几手棋很普通,没什么特点,也没什么新意,但是你们看HEOR并没有吃亏。” ...... …… After ten minutes. 十分钟后。 The tactical situation is intense. 战况激烈。 On the card has fought at close quarters. 盘面上已经刺刀见红。 The PETER dog presses on step by step, every step is to kill to incur, almost every several other steps can make one chess that makes the person thump the table and shout praise, may review that side HEOR, from beginning to end actually links one move the skilled artists who is worth the person saying not to hit, the disparity is very disparate, probably momentarily possibly crashes to be defeated. PETER狗步步紧逼,每一步都是杀招,几乎每隔几步就能打出一手让人拍案叫绝的棋来,可反观HEOR那边,自始至终却连一招值得人说道的妙手都没打出来,差距很悬殊,好像随时都可能崩盘落败。 On weibo. 微博上。 Ended.” “完了。” Definitely lost.” “肯定输了。” Oh, does not look does not look.” “唉,不看了不看了。” I know that except for that person, nobody can win the PETER dog.” “我就知道,除了那个人,没人能赢PETER狗。” What under PETER is really attractive.” “PETER下的是真漂亮啊。” Yes, looks at this cutting, the god comes the pen simply!” “是啊,看这个切,简直神来之笔!” ...... …… After 20 minutes. 20分钟后。 Japan. 日本 Go. 围棋界。 How long HEOR could not insist.” “HEOR坚持不了多久了。” Perhaps central disk must admit defeat.” “中盘恐怕就要认输了吧。” Under him was too simple.” “他下的太简单了啊。” Should not be the new person, but is not any Expert.” “应该不是新人,但也不会是什么高手。” Um, is ordinary Chess player.” “嗯,就是个普通的棋手罢了。” Oh.” “唉。” ...... …… After a half hour. 半个小时后。 United States. 美国 PETER-GO team. PETER-GO团队。 Is about to win?” “快赢了吧?” How to have won?” “怎么还没赢?” This HEOR is very tenacious.” “这个HEOR还挺顽强啊。” How did this chess make into this?” “这棋怎么打成这样了?” ...... …… Then does not know when from starts, many people were suddenly silent! 然后不知道从什么时候开始,很多人突然沉默了! In Go platform. 围棋平台上。 Shit!” 我靠!” What condition?” “什么状况啊?” This “这” How can also hit?” “怎么还能打下去?” ...... …… Chinese Chess Institute. 中国棋院 Wu Changhe is dumbfounded, this, who is this?” 吴长河目瞪口呆,“这,这是谁啊?” Li Yi has also been shocked, how can like this?” 李义也惊呆了,“怎么会这样?” The Hu Liang staring bead damn seems to be same, „does HEOR also maintain the offensive superiority? Impossible! How can like this?” 胡亮瞪着眼珠子仿佛见了鬼一样,“HEOR怎么还保持先手优势呢?不可能的啊!怎么会这样?” ...... …… Sanya. 三亚。 Chen Ni­ann­ian yelled: OMG!” 陈念念大叫:“我的天啊!” Chen Qiqi also inconceivable [say / way]: What is this?” 陈琪琪也不可思议道:“这是什么?” Tian Weiwei and Chen Ying several 9th Dan Chess player shock looking at each other. 田伟伟陈瑛几个九段棋手震惊对视。 Chen Ying Inhale, we were mistaken!” 陈瑛吸气,“咱们都走眼了!” Central disk crosses.” “中盘已经过了。” Why?” “为什么?” What had?” “发生什么了?” ...... …… The aspect did not have any change. 局面一直没有任何变化。 From the opening, to the central disk, arrives after again. 从开局,到中盘,再到之后。 The skilled artist who the PETER dog hits as before is full , the appearance that HEOR hits as before is average. PETER狗依旧打的妙手百出,HEOR依旧打的样貌平平。 Without the skilled artist! 没有妙手! Without the complex format! 没有复杂定式! Without any school! 没有任何流派! But many person suddenly shocking discoveries, the HEOR offensive superiority, unexpectedly maintains from the opening the present, had not been vacillated, instead had not been surpassed by PETER. You must say how many HEOR has won? That does not have but actually, the 1.5 points goal superiority, he actually has been being in the lead! 可是很多人突然震惊的发现,HEOR的先手优势,竟然从开局保持到了现在,一刻也没有被动摇过,一刻也没有被PETER反超过。你要说HEOR赢了多少?那倒也没有,就那么一目半目的优势,他却一直都在领先! This, the silly person also discovered that does not suit! 这一下,再傻的人也发现不对劲了! ...... …… On television. 电视上。 Silent very long Xiang Rong has opened the mouth finally. 沉默了很久的向荣终于开口了。 This start to talk, he stuns the world! 这一开口,他就语出惊人! Xiang Rong inspired, this is Expert, moreover is an everybody Go Expert that is hard to imagine.” 向荣吸了口气,“这是个高手,而且是一个大家难以想象的围棋高手。” Host startled [say / way]: What? Expert? But doesn't his chess as if have characteristics?” 主持人惊道:“什么?高手?可是他的棋似乎没有特点啊?” Xiang Rong asked back: What do you think applauding chess?” 向荣反问道:“你觉得什么才叫好棋?” Host said: I remember that Man-Machine War of past years, Zombie Flow appeared, shocked me, I knew Go also to be able such under.” 主持人说:“我就记得当年的那次人机大战,僵尸流横空出世,真的震惊到我了,我才知道围棋还可以这么下。” Xiang Rong asked again: Why can that use Zombie Flow?” 向荣再问:“那为什么要用到僵尸流呢?” Host one dull, not why, because is fierce?” 主持人一呆,“没有为什么啊,因为厉害啊?” Xiang Rong actually shakes the head, says with a smile: If really fierce, lives not to be encircled by the opposite party, didn't that need to do everything possible the trapped piece turned into lives Zombie Flow? What is Zombie Flow? Is because the chess misses one move, fell leeward, therefore needs to change the live one fighting method the trapped piece.” 向荣却摇摇头,笑道:“如果真的厉害,活子就不会被对方围死,那也就不用想方设法将死子变成活子的僵尸流了啊?僵尸流是什么?是因为棋差一招,落了下风,所以才需要将死子变活的一种打法。” Host is stunned. 主持人愕然。 Xiang Rong said: Similarly, Universe Flow is also this truth, the strength that if partial hits hardly does not lose opponent, why is that not partial responsible for outside duties hardly increases the direction layout? Do the multi- points blossom are not safer? How instead to lose does an attack method only pay great attention to the situation? That is because hits opponent hardly, therefore many talented people will consider Universe Flow, makes up for the inferiority that partial Little Fan encircles hits hardly in the situation. Therefore, this is the production of school and fighting method, is Chess player own inferiority and opponent -based the superiority one of the of research the method of strengthening the one's own winning percentage, is a tactic of being opportunistic.” 向荣说道:“同样,宇宙流也是这个道理,如果局部硬打的实力不输对手,那为什么不局部硬打外加大方向布局?多点开花不是更稳妥吗?怎么反而丢了其中一个攻击手段只注重大势?那是因为硬打打不过对手,所以很多人才会考虑宇宙流,在大势上弥补局部小范围硬打的劣势。所以,这就是流派和打法的产生,都是棋手基于自身的劣势和对手的优势而研究的一种增强自己胜率的方法,是一种取巧的战术。” Host asked: That HEOR school?” 主持人问:“那HEOR的流派?” Xiang Rong said: He does not have.” 向荣道:“他没有。” Host: No?” 主持人:“没有?” Xiang Rong said: Because he does not need, he does not need covers his short board with a fighting method and school, he did not need these gaudy and unexpected things.” He is pointing at the screen, is pointing at HEOR and match of PETER dog, „can't you look? This is the absolute strength, does not need any Go strength of concealing, HEOR to start from the first chess of opening, in pressing PETER is hitting, the general situation, or kills hardly, defense, makes up leaks, you cannot see HEOR to have one move of any special skilled artist, but you cannot see him to have any fault, his each chess under the place that should most present, this is fearful technique and strength, in world active duty occupation Chess player, any person cannot achieve this point!” 向荣说:“因为他根本不需要了,他不需要用一种打法和流派来掩盖他的短板,他不需要那些花里胡哨和出其不意的东西了。”他指着屏幕,指着HEOR和PETER狗的对局,“你难道看不出来吗?这是绝对的实力,根本不用任何掩饰的围棋实力,HEOR从开局的第一步棋开始,就一直在压着PETER打,无论是大局,或是硬杀,或是防守,或是补漏,你看不到HEOR有什么特别妙手的一招,可你也看不到他有任何失误,他的每一步棋都下在了最应该出现的地方,这是一种可怕的技术和实力,全世界现役的职业棋手里,没有任何一个人可以做到这一点!” Host said: „Aren't you good?” 主持人啊道:“您也不行吗?” Xiang Rong shakes the head. 向荣摇头。 Host is startled. 主持人吃惊不已。 Is HEOR Expert? HEOR是高手 Unprecedented Expert? 一个前所未有的高手 Who is this? 这到底是谁啊? Is this fellow who where braves? 这是从哪儿冒出来的家伙啊? Then, Xiang Rong said two words, two made all people listen to the shocking words! 然后,向荣说了两句话,两句让所有人听了都震惊的话! First, Xiang Rong thinks that said in a soft voice: PETER must lose.” 第一句,向荣想了想,轻声说道:“PETER要输了。” Host is scared. 主持人傻眼。 Will PETER lose? PETER会输? Do you know? 你怎么知道? Do you such affirm? 你怎么这么肯定啊? Second, Xiang Rong has smiled, I think that I possibly know who he was.” 第二句,向荣笑了,“我想,我可能知道他是谁了。”
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