INIIDF :: Volume #9

#812: Ha?!( 5000 characters)

Perhaps Brook, should make Merry change stretch/open face to you.” 布鲁克,或许应该让梅丽给你换张脸。” Lin Qi several people have not concealed slightly walk in the flower on avenue, outlandish clothes the attraction vision next, Brook that skeleton face really is a little actually easy to cause the unrest, key goods did not have the determination, always liked toward passing by side the kimono younger sister collected, wanted to scare to death others well-mannered. 林奇几人丝毫没有掩饰地走在花之都大街上,“奇装异服”吸引的目光倒是其次,布鲁克那副骷髅脸实在有点容易引起骚乱,关键这货还十分没有自觉,老是喜欢往路过的和服妹子身边凑,彬彬有礼地想要把别人吓死。 Brook is startled, „? Changes stretch/open face? Can Merry achieve this thing?” 布鲁克吃了一惊,“诶?换张脸?梅丽可以做到这种事吗?” The ship elf on Lin Qi shoulder is startled similarly, probably it did not know oneself have this skill. 林奇肩膀上的船精灵同样吃了一惊,好像它自己也不晓得自己有这种本事。 Mirror fruit has illuminated the person, can the mirror apply mechanically on oneself,” Robin recalled, „, but can also use the mirror according to other animal, the appearance of person the animal camouflages the mirror correspondence.” “镜子果实照过的人,可以镜像地套用在自己身上,”罗宾回想了一下,“但也可以用镜子照在另外的动物身上,将动物伪装成镜像对应的人的样貌。” The pedestrian on road hurries to avoid, Lin Qi window-shops to be the same, said calmly: „Should the skeleton words, be able to treat as the animal? Rather human is also one of the animal.” 路上的行人慌忙避开,林奇逛街一样,若无其事道:“尸骸的话,应该也能当做动物吧?不如说人类本身也是动物的一种嘛。” Mr. Lin Qi, said like this was too much.” Brook said at will, „. Moreover, is not willing to change the clothes to be the same with Mr. Lin Qi, I do not want to change external appearances only.” 林奇先生,这样说就有点过分了哦。”布鲁克随意道,“况且,就和林奇先生不愿意换衣服一样,我也不太想改头换面呢。” Lin Qi said with a smile: Pouring is also.” 林奇笑道:“倒也是。” Brook said: Remodels words, if meets Captain Yankee, what to do he can't recognize me?” 布鲁克道:“换了个样子的话,假如碰见扬基船长,他认不出来我怎么办呢?” Robin asked: That is your beforehand captain, is he also living?” 罗宾问道:“那是你以前的船长,他还活着吗?” Brook said: Perhaps is also living? In some place of sea.” 布鲁克道:“也许还活着呢?在大海的某个地方。” Lin Qi feeling: Then to today's words, the age was also big.” 林奇感慨:“那到今天的话,岁数也不小了。” Brook also sighs with emotion, „.” 布鲁克也感慨,“是啊。” The stall keeper in roadside, the vendor correct use flint ignites, sparks/Mars, attracted the thunder clouds You Mier attention. 路边的一个摊贩,摊主正用火石引火,啪嚓啪嚓的火星,吸引了雷云尤弥尔的注意。 A hand extended, on the palm of Lin Qi also braves sparks/Mars, gradually turns into the electric current to surround, the electric arc jumps madly. You Mier who wears the eyeglasses raised the head, saw that Lin Qi is smiling, probably in asking wants to eat?”, You Mier nods, collected, finally the hand of Lin Qi lifts upward, therefore it also flutters upward, the hand of Lin Qi winding electric arc directs toward another side, therefore You Mier circles...... 一只手伸了过来,林奇的手掌上也冒起火星,渐渐地变成电流环绕,啪啦啪啦地电弧乱跳。戴着眼镜的尤弥尔抬起头,看到林奇在笑,好像在问“想吃吗?”,尤弥尔点了点头,凑了过去,结果林奇的手往上抬,于是它也往上飘,林奇缠绕电弧的手又往另一边引,于是尤弥尔又绕过去…… Is they! In that side!” Suddenly, the front unrest, troops of one team of officers modeling welled up, the crowd evades the powder. “就是他们!在那边!”忽然,前方一阵骚乱,一队官兵造型的人马涌了过来,人群避散。 Robin and Lin Qi complexion is usual, this matter when they have not made any camouflage to enter the flower, has expect. 罗宾林奇面色如常,这种事在他们没有做任何伪装进入花之都的时候,就有所预料的了。 Brook sees these person of threatening, as without recognizing Mr. Lin Qi and Miss Robin appearance, is then thinking can rescue a life to rescue their life, acts on own initiative, draws out the black blade autumn waters of waist, a wisp as if cold air winding in which from Yellow Springs, at the same time, emits the quiet green human form that the naked eye is unable to see in Brook behind, puts out a hand to move on the blade of Brook gently, unexpectedly like provoking the string springs the sound...... 布鲁克见这些人来势汹汹,似乎没有认出林奇先生与罗宾小姐的样子,便想着还是能救一命就救他们一命,主动出手,拔出腰间的黑刀秋水,一缕仿佛来自黄泉的寒气缠绕其中,与此同时,在布鲁克身后冒出肉眼无法看见的幽绿色人形,伸手在布鲁克的刀刃上轻轻拨动,竟如同拨弄琴弦般弹出声响…… Catches......” the warrior of front that team of general hangers-on not to raid, is stranded intent to be strong suddenly, seven eight plants slantingly in the roadside, whistling rests greatly. “抓……”前方那队将军门下的武士还未袭来,便忽然困意浓烈,七倒八斜地一头栽在路边,呼呼大睡起来。 Crowd in an uproar, surprised uncertain, simply had not had anything clearly. 人群一阵哗然,惊疑不定,根本没明白发生了什么。 Goes to that side to have a look.” Robin is pointing at another street, probably is very lively.” Her ear moves, probably is inclining the head and listening attentively anything, suddenly said with a smile: „Is there roaming Kuo?” “去那边看看吧。”罗宾指着另一条街,“好像很热闹。”她耳朵动了动,好像在侧耳倾听什么,忽然笑道:“那里就是游廓?” Colored street, is this inappropriate?” Lin Qi looks at her, a hand was embezzled by the white clouds, You Mier narrows the eyes to focus, probably was very happy, sucks in electric arc that on Lin Qi is making. “花街啊,这不合适吧?”林奇看她,一只手被白云吞没,尤弥尔眯着眼,好像很高兴,吮吸着林奇手上制造的电弧。 Robin blinks, „before , hasn't gone to Huanle Street together?” 罗宾眨眨眼,“以前不就一起去过欢乐街吗?” Has this matter?” “有这回事?” Brook.” Robin reminder. 布鲁克已经去了。”罗宾提醒。 Walking.” Lin Qi holds the hand of Robin, two people smile, walks toward the flower street that roaming gallery that Geisha and roaming woman, prostitute converge. “走着。”林奇牵住罗宾的手,二人相视一笑,朝游廓那条艺伎、游女、妓女云集的花街走去。 You Mier pursues the hand of Lin Qi to forward floating, Merry jumps to You Mier the cloud, raises head a big or small mouth, looks eyeful curiously everywhere. A piece of oriental cherry falls gently, falls on its sailor hat, probably is very heavy quickly across its illusory image body, falls to the pure white clouds in gently...... 尤弥尔追着林奇的手飘向前,梅丽跳到尤弥尔的云上,仰头张大小嘴巴,满眼好奇地到处看。一片樱花飘落,落在它的水手帽上,却又好像十分沉重般很快穿过它幻影似的身体,轻轻落到纯白的云朵上…… ...... …… The flower, swims the gallery region surrounding 花之都,游廓区域外围 Some alley 某条小巷 Elder sister, should not be angry.” Chignon that the grass green long hair grips a Wano Country style selects the female to squat high, the small hand of little girl grabs a similar hair color, „don't I disguise as the Geisha is not good? Definitely does not do, but is close to them inquiring an information occasionally.” “姐姐,你别生气了。”草绿色的长发扎起一个和之国风格的发髻的高挑女子蹲着,抓着一个同样发色的小女孩的小手,“我不假扮艺伎还不行吗?肯定不做,只是接近她们偶尔打听点情报而已。” „Are you coaxing the child?” The hard sugar coldly looks own younger sister, who is elder sister? Who is a younger sister?” “你在哄小孩子吗?”砂糖冷冷地看着自己妹妹,“姐姐是谁?谁是妹妹?” You. I am a younger sister.” Monet gets hold of the elder sister soft small hand, discovered that remained syrup of candied fruit, takes out the handkerchief, with ability of snow snow fruit clear water, sugar stain polishes. “你。我是妹妹。”莫奈握紧姐姐柔软的小手,发现残留了一点糖葫芦的糖浆,取出手帕,用雪雪果实的能力化出一点清水,糖渍擦干净。 Whatever the hard sugar the younger sister scratches, snort/hum, was staring under Monet kimono satisfied the chest of drum drum, scolded: You long are so attractive, is dances, shows off the appearance, making these disgusting men look?” 砂糖任由妹妹擦,满意地哼了一声,瞪着莫奈和服下鼓鼓的胸脯,呵斥道:“你长这么漂亮,就是去跳舞,卖弄色相,让那些恶心的男人看的吗?” Good good, was I am wrong.” Monet receives the handkerchief. “好啦好啦,是我错了。”莫奈收起手帕。 You leave well, before that matter I was disgusting!” In the big eye of hard sugar little girl is flashing the incompatible appearance cruel with anger, she clenches jaws saying that son of a bitch runs actually quickly......” “你别好啦好啦,之前那件事我还恶心着呢!”砂糖小女孩似的大眼睛里闪动着不符外貌的残忍与怒火,她咬牙切齿道,“狗东西跑得倒是快……” Such, has been able to calm down?” The water buffalo that disguises as the carpenter collected. “都那样了,已经能够消气了吧?”假扮成木匠工人的水牛凑了过来。 The hard sugar stared the past, the water buffalo will shrink immediately in the future two steps. 砂糖瞪过去,水牛立刻往后缩了两步。 Monet shifts the topic: That side you, but also doesn't have the news? With their attitudes, so long as arrives at this Wano Country that the outside world is closer, will definitely cause 莫奈转移话题道:“你那边呢,还没有消息吗?以他们的作风,只要来到这个远比外界封闭的和之国,肯定会引起” The snow female words have not said, outside transmits a noisy unrest. 雪女的话还未说完,外面就传来一阵乱哄哄的骚乱。 Three people heard that the sound goes out of the alley, what seen is a big charming degree compared with the man who in the newspaper must surpass, an attractive bright-colored degree also wants the exaggerating woman compared with the newspaper, with a child on skeleton, cloud and cloud. Such a line with the person who the flower is incompatible, is cheerful and lively like this, openly goes through on the street, penetrates roaming Kuo who this renowned chief among flowers is. 三人闻声走出小巷,看到的是一个高大帅气的程度比报纸上还要超过的男人,一个漂亮明艳程度比报纸上还要夸张的女人,和一具骷髅、一朵云以及云上的小孩子。这样一行与花之都格格不入的人,就这样有说有笑、堂而皇之地穿行在街上,深入这远近闻名的花魁所在的游廓。 Ha?!” “哈?!” Although was still discussing Lin Qi and the others a moment ago, but the corner saw these people to pass by suddenly, three people are startled. 虽然刚才还在讨论林奇等人,可冷不丁地转角就看见这几个人路过,三人还是吃了一惊。 Especially Lin Qi. 特别是林奇 Nearest time, was only separated by with him several meters street, even if there is passer-by impediment of surprised much discussion, even if Lin Qi is chatting with his nearby woman the attention toward them has not come...... the hard sugar, Monet, water buffalo to see his face, the profile, actually cannot bear feel one from the heart trembling feeling. 距离最近的时候,只与他相隔了数米的街道,哪怕有着许多惊疑中纷纷议论的路人阻隔,哪怕林奇正在与他旁边的女人闲聊并未朝他们这边注意过来……砂糖、莫奈、水牛看到他的那张脸,侧脸,却还是忍不住地感觉到一股发自心底的战栗感。 The water buffalo can you not hit to tremble! Very bothersome! 水牛你能不能别打哆嗦了!很烦啊! In hard sugar heart surging anger, sound actually such near that but that jaw shivers. Is I am trembling? 砂糖心中涌起怒火,可那股牙关打战的声音却如此之近。是我自己在发抖? On roaming Kuojie noise, returns like surging tides, Monet complexion slightly white, the back stuck to the wall to sit slowly, confirmed after Lin Qi and the others had passed by, exhales long, the forced smile sighed: Sees with one's own eyes him, knows that this man some multi- terrors......” really embarrassed, oneself link unexpectedly looked that a he courage does not have. 游廓街上的嘈杂声,如潮水般回归,莫奈脸色微白,背部紧贴着墙壁缓缓坐了下来,确认了林奇等人已经路过之后,才长出了一口气,苦笑地叹道:“亲眼看到他,才知道这个男人到底有多恐怖……”真难堪,自己竟然连多看他一眼的勇气都没有。 It seems like a baby, observes a fierce dragon in secret, looks at a while again, the opposite party will open the indifferent eye to withstand her, killed her, tears into shreds her, ate her. 就好像是一个婴儿,暗中观察一头凶恶的龙,再多看一会儿,对方就会睁开冷漠的眼睛顶住她,杀了她,撕碎她,吃了她。 The water buffalo looks deathly pale, the huge plump body wishes one could to shrink one group at this moment, he has turned head, seeing on the face to spread the full heroin powder, as if Senior of local kabuki walked, muttered: I said that do not come? I said that gives up taking revenge to consider as finished? That Lin Qi now at all is not existence that we can provoke......, even if few lords come back to life, definitely must die for the second time......” 水牛脸色惨白,庞大肥硕的身躯此刻恨不得缩成一团,他扭过头,看见脸上涂满白粉,仿佛本地歌舞伎似的塞尼奥尔走了过来,喃喃道:“我就说不要来吧?我就说放弃复仇算了吧?那个林奇现在根本不是我们能够招惹的存在啊……就算是少主复生,肯定也得死第二次……” Monet wants to refute him, opens mouth, does not have the strength. The hard sugar wants to angrily rebuke he, actually easily does not dare to open the mouth, feared the sound that own jaw trembles passes on. 莫奈想反驳他,张了张嘴,却没有力气。砂糖想怒斥他,却轻易不敢开口,怕自己牙关打颤的声音传出来。 Senior's kabuki white Zhuang of complexion on compared with his face is white, actually the look treads firmly one step, in brief, since came, since met them, first had a look to say with the past again.” 塞尼奥尔的脸色比他脸上的歌舞伎白妆还要白,却眼神坚定地踏出一步,“总之,既然来了,既然碰见了他们,先跟过去看看再说。” ...... …… Small purple! This poor monk met you! This poor monk lead you to leave roaming Kuo! Comes and this poor monk lives in the same place!” “小紫!贫僧来接你了!贫僧带你离开游廓!来和贫僧住一起吧!” Hahahaha! Also really dares to say! This color monk was insane! Do you buy freedom for the chief among flowers richly?” “哈哈哈哈!还真敢说啊!这色和尚是不是疯了!你有钱替花魁赎身吗?” Naturally has! My money placed slightly purple that side, I have bought freedom to her! Small purple, you came out finally! They do not know unexpectedly our relations, explained for me quickly “当然有!我的钱都放在小紫那边了,我早就给她赎身了!小紫,你总算出来了!他们居然不知道我们的关系,快替我解释” That sum of money, you did not say must give to the girl? The girl has squandered, thank you.” “那笔钱,您不是说要送给小女子的吗?小女子已经花光了,谢谢您。” Ha! This old man really thinks unexpectedly small purple fell in love with him! Laughed at me! Hahahaha......” “哈哈哈哈哈!这老头居然真的以为小紫爱上他了啊!笑死我了!哈哈哈哈……” roaming Kuo, before gorgeous building, on a frock hits kneeling that the senior monk of patch is shedding bitter tears on the ground, after the chief among flowers that two buildings he implored urgently came out to satirize his one, then returned leisurely, disappeared again. The underworld gang goons of prostitute hall entrance roar with laughter again, the passers-by who surround continually also ridiculed that laughing that falls into the desperate senior monk. 游廓,艳丽的楼前,一个僧袍上打着补丁的老和尚痛哭流涕的跪在地上,二楼他所苦苦哀求的花魁出来讽刺了他一句后便又款款回返,再也不见踪影。妓馆门口的黑道打手们再一次哄堂大笑,连围观的路人们也嘻嘻哈哈地嘲笑那个陷入绝望的老和尚。 Zoro looked up a chief among flowers that turned around to return to the room, shot a look at the senior monk who kissed the ground to weep bitterly, the ear was laughing and discussion of crowd, said that what this senior monk had only self to blame, what evil person had the evil person grinding saying that the person of these words was hit by nearby person probably, what this senior monk and arsonist and wood dealer plot, makes the ill-gotten wealth to the expense of family member too high funeral in the fire lost the family member greatly...... 索隆抬头看了一眼转身回屋的花魁,又瞥了一眼伏地痛哭的老和尚,耳边是人群的大笑与议论,说什么这老和尚咎由自取,什么恶人自有恶人磨说这句话的人好像被旁边的人打了,什么这老和尚与纵火犯、木材商合谋,对火灾里失去亲人的家属太高丧葬的费用大发不义之财…… Oh.” Zoro sighed, cancelled a moment ago the thought that lent a hand to assist. “唉。”索隆叹了口气,打消了刚才出手相助的念头。 Ha?!” “哈?!” The nearby transmits calling out in alarm of Brook, the face of skeleton whiz one rubs to the line of sight, Mr. Zoro, how can you here? Didn't look for the warrior with Mr. Luffy together?” 附近传来布鲁克的惊叫,骷髅的脸嗖地一下蹭到视线里,“索隆先生,您怎么会在这里?不是跟路飞先生一起去找武士了吗?” Brook, doesn't this matter need to ask?” Lin Qi followed. 布鲁克,这种事就不需要问了吧?”林奇跟着走了过来。 „?” Zoro looks to Lin Qi, Robin and thunder clouds You Mier, you also arrived.” “哦?”索隆看向林奇罗宾与雷云尤弥尔,“你们也到了啊。” Robin said with a smile lightly: „The Zoro getting lost, actually instead first arrives at the flower compared with us.” 罗宾轻笑道:“索隆迷路,却反而比我们先到花之都呢。” Lin Qi said: Counter- formal contract good here is the convergence place , although this boy becomes lost also has the view the getting lost, but will instead bump into to arrive in the correct position.” 林奇道:“反正约好这里是汇合的地方,这小子迷路也是有说法的虽然迷路,但反而会误打误撞抵达正确的位置。” Hey!” Zoro becomes angry out of shame, „, when I can't hear?” “喂!”索隆恼羞成怒,“当我听不见吗?” Brook said with a smile: Mr. Zoro changed this clothes, really seems the local warrior to be the same.” 布鲁克笑道:“索隆先生换了这身衣服,真的好像本地的武士一样呢。” Zoro said: This type of clothes, the village in my native place, many people celebrate a holiday will put on.” 索隆道:“这种衣服,在我老家的村子,很多人过节的时候会穿。” „?” Robin is surprised. “哦?”罗宾惊讶。 Nearby, Lin Qi is looking up to two building balconies that the chief among flowers departed a moment ago, Zoro also same looked. 一旁,林奇正抬头看向花魁刚才离去的二楼阳台,索隆也一样看了过去。 In the balcony, a hairstyle seems a kimono man who hangs the green foxtail before forehead, is staring at the tall and slender eye that their has not been awaking probably forever stubbornly, although the decoration wig before by forehead was blocked majority, but can still see a point dumbfoundedly he, full is the eyeball of blood threads. The death due to insanity court attendant is hand-held the wooden railing, is staring on the street stubbornly that big man in crowd. 阳台上,一个发型好似一个挂在脑门前的狗尾巴草的和服男子,正死死盯着他们那好像永远没睡醒的细长眼睛虽然被脑门前的装饰假发挡住了大部分,但仍旧能看到一点他目瞪口呆、满是血丝的眼珠。狂死郎手扶着木质围栏,死死盯着街上人群里的那个高大男子。 He wears the clothes of open sea person, the side is also drifting a azure black iron rod. 他穿着外海人的衣服,身旁还飘浮着一根青黑色的铁棒。 His appearance, oneself only look at to post a reward the command in your family place of general big snake one time, will not actually remember incorrectly, will not admit mistakes. 他的样子,自己只在将军大蛇的府上看过一次悬赏令,却绝不会记错,也不会认错。 Is he! Reward 5 billion present age's largest Pirates, wants the terrifying compared with Kaido Ripple User...... Lin Qi! 是他!悬赏金50亿的当世第一大海贼,比凯多还要恐怖的波纹使者……林奇 Ha!? 哈!? Did big fellow who this dangerous character, the open sea ranks among the best, how run up to Wano Country suddenly?! 这种危险人物,外海数一数二的大家伙,怎么突然跑到和之国了?! The look of opposite party, as if can see through own all camouflages, seems heavy blows to cut through own back of the head from the pupil, death due to insanity youth Qiangcheng not rude, the temple soaks, drips the next wisp of cold sweat. 对方的眼神,似乎能将自己的一切伪装都看穿,好似一记重拳从瞳孔穿进自己的后脑,狂死郎强撑着才没有失态,鬓角不知不觉间濡湿,淌下一缕冷汗。 Also wants the fearful pressure compared with Kaido unclearly, the invisible pressed on oneself, the death due to insanity court attendant could not soon have controlled pulls out wearing a sword of waist, so long as this can oneself even if a wee bit security senses...... are good because, that Lin Qi as if looked up oneself one eyes at will, then took back the line of sight, continued to chat with his side several people. 隐然比凯多还要可怕的压力,无形地压在自己身上,狂死郎已经快要控制不住地抽出腰间的佩刀,只要这样才能给自己哪怕一丁点的安全感……好在,那林奇似乎只是随意地抬头看了自己一眼,便收回了视线,继续与他身边的几人聊了起来。 Rumble, the death due to insanity court attendant swallowed one to embezzle, hangs the pupil to look, the railing does not know when had been grasped by oneself bursts. 咕噜,狂死郎咽了一口吞没,垂眸一看,围栏不知何时已经被自己握得破裂。 The senior monk who was cheated all properties by the chief among flowers still cries loudly before the gate, the death due to insanity court attendant mind chaos, no mood will be wordy with him, waves, lets hand/subordinate driving out, oneself , then the footsteps slightly will go back in the room randomly. 那被花魁骗走所有财物的老和尚还在门前嚎哭,狂死郎心神大乱,没心情跟他啰嗦,挥了挥手,让手下将之撵走,自己则脚步略乱地回去屋中。 Is the death due to insanity court attendant probably real status Kozuki Oden warrior hand/subordinate is coming? 狂死郎好像真实身份是光月御田手下的武士来着? Lin Qi looked up one, took back the line of sight time is thinking this issue, but on him only brought the both arms of B.I.B., without B.I.B. the words of surface armor, cannot transfer the Stand memory to consider as finished, was not the matter at the worst, Lin Qi has not cared in any case. Suddenly at this time heard the crowd that diverged gradually to coax the chaotic sound again. 林奇抬头看了一眼,收回视线的时候想着这个问题,不过他身上只带了B.I.B的双臂,没有B.I.B的面甲的话,调用不了替身的记忆库算了,反正也不是什么大不了的事情,林奇也没怎么放在心上。忽然这时听见原本渐渐散去的人群再度哄乱的声音。 Quite smelly!” “好臭啊!” Who! Puts this smelly dog to enter the street that this cannot be tarnished!” “谁啊!放这条臭狗进入这条不可玷污的街道!” Drives out quickly!!!” “快撵走!!!” Crowd unrest, but they yell to drive out any smelly dog, actually hides is quicker than anyone. Zoro and Brook looked at the past, discovered that unexpectedly was the whole body contamination, especially the mouth, full was the puppy of excrement, runs over Brook to say toward here staggering: „Does puppy also want to look at the chief among flowers? Yo humph humph humph.” This joke is not obviously funny, Brook causes the popular anger, may see his honour, everyone complexion changes, in the future will draw back two steps. 人群骚乱,可他们叫喊着撵走什么臭狗,却躲得比谁都快。索隆布鲁克看过去,发现竟是条浑身污秽,特别是嘴巴,满是粪便的小狗,踉踉跄跄地朝这边跑了过来布鲁克道:“小狗也想看花魁?哟嚯嚯嚯。”这个笑话显然不好笑,布鲁克引起众怒,可看到他这尊荣,所有人面色一变,往后退了两步。 Zoro prepared for preventing only female in this dog dashing person on one's own side, just wants to grip the blade actually to get nothing for one's effort, remembers is robbed by a repugnant fellow with a writing, therefore another speechless. Just, the puppy of that mouthful excrement hit not a visible wall to be the same probably, is away from they several people of 20 meters positions to stop. 索隆本来都做好阻止这狗冲撞自己人里的唯一的女性的准备,正想握住刀却抓空了,想起和道一文字被一个讨厌的家伙抢走,于是又一阵无语。刚好,那条满嘴粪便的小狗像是撞上了一堵看不见的墙一样,在距离他们几人二十米的位置停了下来。 Fortunately fortunately. Zoro relaxes, after all he does not want to brandish a sword to this type of ghost thing. 还好还好。索隆松了口气,毕竟他也不想对这种鬼东西挥刀。 Robin said suddenly with amazement: What is it making?” 罗宾忽然惊讶道:“它在做什么?” Well, how also to kowtow?” The Lin Qi surprise looks at that to stop puppy 20 meters away toward them, kowtows unexpectedly repeatedly, the dog head pounds on the ground, exudes thump thump thump the sound. “咦,怎么还磕起头来了?”林奇诧异地看着那停在20米外的小狗朝着他们这边,竟频频顿首,狗头砸在地上,发出咚咚咚的响声。 Brook strange say/way: Is kowtowing to us?” 布鲁克奇怪道:“是在对我们磕头?” Zoro said: Why can grasp to have a look?” 索隆道:“要抓过来看看为什么吗?” This......” several people think, looked at the puppy of that mouthful whole body excrement, although a little has doubts the behavior of its fan, but considers as finished. “这……”几人想了一下,看了看那满嘴满身粪便的小狗,虽然有点疑惑它的迷之行为,但还是算了吧。 The puppy knocked several heads, longing as transferred two, escapes departure that also resembles, causes a crowd unrest. 小狗磕了几个头,恋恋不舍似的转了两圈,逃也似的离开,又是引起人群一阵骚乱。 However, at this time Zoro noticed, the path that puppy ran was very strange, like such, hit anything a moment ago once for a while probably, hit one time, will keep kowtowing, then continued to run, after continue kowtow...... does not kowtow with great difficulty, Robin is shaking the head to relieve the eye of flower sent to the corner, the puppy crashed in the restroom of others family/home, was hit. 不过,这时索隆注意到,那小狗奔跑的轨迹很奇怪,就像刚才那样,时不时地好像撞到了什么,撞到一次,就会不停地磕头,然后继续跑,继续磕头……好不容易不磕头之后,罗宾摇着头解除了送去街角的花之眼,小狗冲进别人家的厕所去,被人打了出来。 ...... …… That sum of money, you did not say must give to the girl? The girl has squandered, thank you.” “那笔钱,您不是说要送给小女子的吗?小女子已经花光了,谢谢您。” The chief among flowers brilliant red lip puts out smoke, takes the tobacco pipe in two buildings, after leaving behind frivolous and indifferent a few words, turns around to return to the room, stays behind weeps bitterly the senior monk of entreaty in the prostitute hall entrance. 花魁红艳的嘴唇吐出一口烟,在二楼拿着烟斗,留下轻佻而冷漠的一句话后,转身回到屋内,留下在妓馆门口痛哭哀求的老和尚。 The gate closes, the chief among flowers sighed, put one side the smoker conveniently, knelt to sit on the cushion, poured out one cup of green tea, listening to outside noise, the look to drink the tea desolately. 门一关上,花魁叹了口气,随手将烟枪放到一边,跪坐在坐垫上,斟了一杯清茶,听着外面的喧闹,神色冷淡地饮着茶。 Crash-bang bang. The sound of footsteps transmits, compared with the usual calm, somewhat seems to be disorderly, chief among flowers brow slightly wrinkle. On her face the desolate facial expression scatters, exchanges usually in the gentle faint smile, catches the eye to see that the death due to insanity court attendant sits down opposite of the tea table. 哗啦砰。身后脚步声传来,比起平时的沉稳,似乎有些凌乱,花魁眉头微皱。她脸上冷淡的神情驱散,换上平日里柔和的浅笑,抬眼看到狂死郎在茶几对面坐下。 Death due to insanity court attendant, old name Denjiro, one of the father Kozuki Oden once retainer warriors. 狂死郎,原名传次郎,父亲光月御田曾经的家臣武士之一。 For more than ten years, he camouflages the flower the underworld gang eldest child, the vacancy of after replacing leopard Wulang disappeared, stays behind, gathers the underworld gang influence secretly, makes a connection with the personal connection to be close to the usurping the throne general black coal big snake, when for mother Kozuki the prediction day of 19 years ago is making the preparation. Waits for is passing through Kin'emon that and the others 19 years of time come, is waiting for hope that saves Wano Country. 十几年来,他伪装成花之都的黑道老大,取代了豹五郎消失后留下的空缺,暗地里聚拢黑道势力,打通人脉接近篡位将军黑炭大蛇,为母亲光月时在十九年前的预言之日做着准备。等待着穿越十九年光阴而来的锦卫门等人,等待着拯救和之国的希望。 The teacup braves the steam, the leaf ups and downs in the cup. Old name Kozuki day and chief among flowers small purple lifted the view to look at a death due to insanity court attendant, he was pale, the full cold sweat, somewhat seemed to be scared witless. 茶杯冒着热气,叶在杯中沉浮。原名光月日和的花魁小紫抬起眼帘看了一下狂死郎,他脸色苍白,满头冷汗,似乎有些魂不守舍。 Since he has not opened the mouth, small purple are not many asked, continues to hold the green tea, hangs the pupil not to speak. 既然他没开口,小紫也不多问,继续捧着清茶,垂眸不语。 Silent long time, the death due to insanity court attendant calms down the god, suddenly said: That matter, I will have a look again.” 沉默良久,狂死郎定了定心神,忽然道:“那件事,我会再去看看的。” Small purple tranquil say/way: Previous time returns empty-handed, disappointed. Next time, perhaps was the genuine trap. Knows prediction that mother leaves behind, is not only then we. The big snake, Kaido, they knows.” 小紫平静道:“上次只是空手而归,失望而已。下次,或许便是真正的陷阱了。知道母亲留下的预言的,又不是只有我们。大蛇,凯多,他们都知道。” Prediction......” death due to insanity youth muttered, remembered again for 19 years ago the day that burnt down the Oden city, sometimes the madame stayed behind about 19 years later predictions. “预言……”狂死郎喃喃,再一次想起十九年前那个火烧御田城的日子,时夫人留下的关于十九年后的预言。 He said difficultly: Whatever, we cannot give up. day 他艰难道:“无论怎样,我们也不能放弃。日” I called slightly purple.” The chief among flowers smiles softly, death due to insanity Mr. youth.” “我叫小紫。”花魁柔柔地一笑,“狂死郎先生。”
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