INIIDF :: Volume #9

#811: The capital of flower

The native place that the Wano Country six townships, the flower is located in five townships to surround and protect the center. 和之国六乡,花之都所在的乡里位于五乡拱卫之中心。 Lin Qi, Robin and You Mier, Brook, Merry pass through the border rivers from the rabbit bowl to north, enters the flower range. 林奇罗宾、尤弥尔、布鲁克梅丽从兔碗向北穿过边境河流,进入花之都的范围。 Enters the flower from the rabbit bowl, the change is very big. 从兔碗进入花之都,变化很大。 First, most direct-viewing feeling, is the first feeling- is almost passing through border river bridge beam, steps the flower the flash of rimland, can feel the slight climate difference. 首先,最直观的感受,也是第一个感受-几乎在走过边境河桥梁,踏上花之都边地的一瞬间,就能感觉到细微的气候差异。 Rabbit bowl, as if in early fall season. But the entire flower of under foot native place, covers in a genial spring breeze, as if throughout the year can always see that season that the oriental cherry falls gently. 身后的兔碗,仿佛还是在初秋季节。可脚下的整个花之都乡里,都笼罩在一种和煦的春风中,仿佛一年四季都时刻都能看到樱花飘落的那种季节。 Robin takes back looks the line of sight of rabbit bowl a river separates , to continue shoulder to shoulder with Lin Qi and You Mier, arrives at the chin to hesitate saying: white dance and rabbit bowl are the autumn islands, a late autumn early fall. Listens to the old Kang's beforehand description, after white dance north bell, seems like year to year the floating snow winter island. According to Ace had gone to nine li (0.5 km) recollection that arranges the coolie hat village, there perhaps is summer Dao the climate, the north Greece , US perhaps are the spring island or summer of Dao cusp of spring and summer, possibly is the winter island after similar bell......” 罗宾收回回望一河之隔的兔碗的视线,与林奇、尤弥尔继续并肩前行,抵着下巴沉吟道:“白舞和兔碗都是秋岛,一个深秋一个初秋。听老康之前的描述,白舞北边的铃后似乎是常年飘雪的冬岛。按艾斯曾经去过的九里编笠村的回忆来看,那里恐怕是夏岛的气候,最北边的希美或许是春夏之交的春岛或夏岛,也可能是类似铃后的冬岛……” However flower that the general is, is the spring island of climate scenery optimum person.” Lin Qi is walking, stretches out the palm, catches does not know a piece of oriental cherry that from where floats. “而将军所在的花之都,是气候风景最宜人的春岛。”林奇走着,伸出手掌,接住不知从何飘来的一片樱花。 Yo humph humph humph, doesn't Mr. Lin Qi as if like the Wano Country general?” Brook pursues from the rear area, as soon as he flings the black blade autumn waters, exposes light cold frost on blade, but also the blade turns over to the sheath. In the rear rabbit bowl boundary, lies down the bandits and thieves who lying this way and that a roadside of place braved, some eyebrows send the tree top to hang the cold frost, some are pale in the dream. “哟嚯嚯嚯,林奇先生似乎不太喜欢和之国的将军?”布鲁克从后方追来,他一甩黑刀秋水,将刀刃上的一层薄薄的寒霜抖落,还刀归鞘。在后方的兔碗边界,横七竖八躺了一地的路边冒出来的盗贼,有的眉毛发梢挂着寒霜,有的在梦中脸色发青。 Robin said: He is not does not like the Wano Country general, community that but does not like all royal family natures.” 罗宾道:“他不是不喜欢和之国的将军,而是不喜欢所有王族性质的群体。” Do not look at my,” a Lin Qi hand extends is tracing gentle thunder clouds You Mier, the latter wants to hide toward Robin by, back then also almost became the Revolutionary Army teacher is coming.” “别看我这样,”林奇一只手伸着去摸文静的雷云尤弥尔,后者想往罗宾旁边躲,“想当年也是差点成为革命军的导师的来着。” Robin smiled, rubs to hide from own You Mier soft cloud body. 罗宾一笑,揉了揉躲到自己身旁的尤弥尔柔软的云体。 Brook thinks, said curiously: Empress young lady, isn't Miss A'Yu, king?” 布鲁克想了想,好奇道:“女帝小姐,还有阿玉小姐,不也是‘国王’吗?” Does not like, but has not arrived clarifies the degree of vertical location contradiction.” Lin Qi must say, the social class difference in different world, I, although does not like, but essentially- pass/test do I hang the matter? He thinks, said with a smile: Moreover, Snake Princess is the Kuja strongest soldier is competent, which perspective no matter from, ’ has a distance withking.” “是不喜欢,但也没到摆明立场地抵触的程度。”林奇难道要说,异世界的阶级差异,我虽然不喜欢,但本质上-关我吊事?他想了想,笑道:“况且,蛇姬九蛇最强的战士胜任,不管从哪个角度来看,都与‘国王’有段距离。” Therefore Mr. Lin Qi does not like essentially is bloodlines aristocrat?” “所以林奇先生不喜欢的本质上是‘血脉贵族’?” After all the so-called royal family, with Celestial Dragons is not a matter. Celestial Dragons is the king of kings. I will not like Celestial Dragons obviously, that will not naturally like the royal families in country. Similarly, since the royal families are Celestial Dragons that matches lowly, that does not like their degrees not being naturally serious to Celestial Dragons.” “毕竟所谓的王族,不就跟天龙人是一回事么。天龙人就是国王们的国王罢了。我显然不会喜欢天龙人,那自然也不会喜欢一个个国家的王族们。同样,既然王族们是低配的天龙人,那不喜欢他们的程度自然也没有对天龙人那么严重。” Yo humph humph humph, said really straightforwardly, Mr. Lin Qi.” Brook is very sigh with emotion, suddenly remembered anything, „, said that many years ago, I as if am also because the attack Wang Family/prince posted a reward, afterward made Pirates. So that's how it is, I poured almost forgot this matter! Yo humph, yo humph humph humph......” “哟嚯嚯嚯,说得真直白啊,林奇先生。”布鲁克很是感慨,忽然想起了什么,“啊,说起来,好多年前,我似乎也是因为袭击王家才被悬赏,后来做了海贼的。原来如此,我倒差点忘了这回事!哟嚯,哟嚯嚯嚯……” „?” Robin and Lin Qi looked at his one eyes, has not listened to him to say. “哦?”罗宾林奇都看了他一眼,从没听他说过。 Brook said: These years on spirit ship, patronized is going all out to remember with the recollection of partners, instead was some most remote past events fades from the memory...... to say at first gradually, I before probably some West Blue island the member on royal palace convoy guard?” 布鲁克道:“在幽灵船上的那些年,光顾着拼命记住和伙伴们的回忆了,反而是最初最久远的一些往事渐渐淡忘了……说起来,我以前好像还是西海某个岛上的王宫护卫队的成员?” You use the question the tone, is counted on that we did reply you?” “你用疑问的语气,是指望我们回答你吗?” Lin Qi complained, Robin thinks, asked: Miao Zexin island?” 林奇吐槽的时候,罗宾想了想,问道:“缪泽辛岛?” Well?” Brook is somewhat surprised, how does Miss Robin know?” “咦?”布鲁克有些意外,“罗宾小姐怎么知道?” Robin said with a smile: How to say again, I with Lin Qi also same am the West Blue family background. Initially passed by Miao Zexin island time, the seashore is occupied by a venerable to play «Binks' Sake» to the sea, but also talked over once one to go to sea to be the Pirates explosive warhead friend. Should that be your friend?” 罗宾笑道:“再怎么说,我跟林奇也一样是西海出身。当初路过缪泽辛岛的时候,海边住着一位老先生会对着大海演奏《宾克斯的美酒》,还念叨着曾经一个出海做海贼的爆炸头朋友。那应该是你的朋友吧?” Yo humph humph humph,” Brook cheers up, the step of skeleton becomes lively, „, although did not remember his name and appearance, but should be the friend of mine! Really wants to go back to play one with him ~ “哟嚯嚯嚯,”布鲁克高兴起来,骷髅的步履变得轻快,“虽然不记得他的名字和样子了,但应该是我的朋友吧!真想回去与他共奏一曲~” The explosive warhead skeleton hand according to the hilt, the front roadside sees one group of people suddenly. Finally the opposite party is not what bandits and thieves, but is some emaciated Wano Country natives, when they passed by, takes a look at them with very surprised vision, sees the skeleton appearance Brook, with white clouds You Mier of fluttering, rubs the eyes dumbfoundedly, as if thinks oneself misread. Compares, their outlandish clothes are not on the contrary prominent. 爆炸头骷髅忽然手按在刀柄上,前方路边看到一群人。结果对方并非是什么盗贼,而是一些面黄肌瘦的和之国本地人,在他们路过的时候,用十分惊奇的目光打量他们,看到骷髅模样的布鲁克,和飘动的白云尤弥尔,不禁瞠目结舌地揉了揉眼睛,似乎以为自己看错了。相比起来,他们三人的“奇装异服”反倒没有那么突出了。 The flower did here public security seem like? Brook thought. 花之都这里的治安似乎好了一些?布鲁克心想。 As if the flower is the domain that the big snake oneself rules, has the person of rebelling ability, had killed off? Robin seemingly maintains composure, in fact walks, in all around range that they pass through, grows the eye and flower ear of flower off and on, observes about the environment calmly...... 似乎花之都是大蛇本人统治的地盘,有作乱能力的人,都已经被杀光了?罗宾看上去不动声色,实际上一路走来,在他们经过的四周范围内,都断断续续地长出花之眼与花之耳,冷静地观察左右环境…… Capital city is not far. Front has a village.” Robin looks up, before that people scatter in all directions, makes the Wano Country highest mountain peak that meets, the position of capital city surrounds in the front dozens li (0.5 km) oriental cherry atmosphere. But in this capital city front, they via it place, as if has a small villages and towns. “都城已经不远了。前面就有个村子。”罗宾抬头看去,那座众人四散前约好碰面的和之国最高山峰,就在前方数十里樱花气氛环绕的都城的方位。而在这座都城前方,他们途经之地,似乎有着一个小村镇。 Reason that seems like, is the aura that because the Robin Observation-type (Kenbunshoku) sensation arrives is very scattered, is very weak, even some slightly strong point animal was inferior. 之所以是似乎,是因为罗宾见闻色感知到的气息很零散,也很微弱,连一些稍微强壮点的动物都不如。 Lin Qi one group of enter this and flower the capital city neighboring declining small village. 林奇一行人走进这座与花之都都城相邻的破落小村。 Ebisu town/subdues, is the lucky star town/subdues, is here name. 惠比寿镇,也就是福星镇,是这里的名字。 Without inquired specially, the information that from the street clothing by Lin Qi Observation-type (Kenbunshoku) and Robin ability, the casualness can sun in the beggar and garbage heap that plays listless the little rascal, in the tattered hut to barely manage to maintain a feeble existence tattered the old people who...... in the mouths of these natives catches to want. Let alone with fashionable dresses up by their, the skeleton head that as well as Brook that the Wano Country local area style is incompatible does not cover up, You Mier is growing face the modeling of clouds, entered the village to attract all attention of surrounding person. 没有专门去打听,以林奇见闻色罗宾的能力,随随便便就能从街边衣衫破烂晒太阳的乞丐、垃圾堆里没精打采地玩耍的小鬼们、破烂小屋里苟延残喘的老人们……这些本地人的口中捕捉到想要的信息。更何况以他们的这副与和之国本地画风格格不入的“时髦”装扮,以及布鲁克那毫不遮掩的骷髅脑袋,尤弥尔长着人脸的云朵的造型,一进入村子就吸引了周围人的所有注意力。 „! Is the white bones monster......” “哇!是白骨妖怪……” „Is this...... the chief among flowers in legend?” “这是……传说中的花魁吗?” Really fierce!” “真厉害!” Puts on the child of tattered clothes, some do not have including the pants shoes, what is the same is emaciated, the appearance of clothes malnutrition, hides near the room in roadside, exclaimed in surprise intensely is looking at passing by the road Lin Qi, Robin, Brook and You Mier. Brook holds front an eye to wink winks, Merry that just awoke. 穿着破烂衣服的小孩,有的连裤子鞋子都没有,但相同的是都面黄肌瘦,衣服营养不良的样子,躲在路边的屋边,紧张而惊叹地瞧着过路的林奇罗宾布鲁克和尤弥尔。布鲁克的抱着头里一双眼睛眨啊眨,是刚睡醒的梅丽 Perhaps is their dressing up, perhaps is the knife that the Brook waist is hanging, perhaps was the azure black iron rod that side Lin Qi drifted, the villagers sees them to pass by, but evaded to draw back, having the surprised uncertain vision to observe them. 或许是他们这副装扮,也或许是布鲁克腰间悬挂的刀子,更或许是林奇身旁飘浮的青黑铁棒,村民们看见他们路过,只是纷纷避退,带着惊疑不定的目光观察他们。 Lin Qi remembers that here seems the town that in the cartoon Zoro and old Kang passed by, is received SMILE fruit failure to poison, the villages become the non-swimmer who can only laugh......, but at present in this village, villagers not in beyond control laughing illness like cartoon, but seems like worrying of the living condition in compared with cartoon, as if no SMILE fruit failure the reason that is used to have a full stomach. 林奇记得这里似乎就是漫画里索隆、老康路过的镇子,原本是个受到SMILE果实失败品毒害,全村人都成为了只会大笑的旱鸭子……而眼前这个村子里,村民们倒没有像漫画里那样无法控制的大笑病症,只是看上去生活状况比起漫画里的更为堪忧,似乎也是没有SMILE果实失败品用来果腹的缘故。 Several...... to enter the flower?” Originally to the declining village that in they keep at a respectful distance, a diminutive granny walked, the gray hair is very disorderly. “几位是要……进入花之都么?”原本对他们敬而远之的破落村子里,一个矮小老婆婆走了过来,花白的头发十分杂乱。 Lin Qi and the others stopped the footsteps, looks down to her. 林奇等人停下脚步,低头看向她。 Mother-in-law spoke to the monster!” “婆婆跟妖怪说话了!” Good danger!” “好危险啊!” The nearby as if transmits the kids to hold breath a whisper sound of cold air. 附近似乎传来小屁孩们倒吸一口凉气的嘀咕声。 „Will monster warrior harm mother -in-law?” “妖怪武士会伤害婆婆吗?” Does not want......” “不要啊……” Yes . What matter has?” Brook asked, in his explosive warhead, Merry finds out the head to see curiously, the granny holds several fully is being the gentle breeze clothing of patch, urged sincerely: Your this appearance going in flower, will be very dangerous...... the clothing, although is crude, the good and evil can cover up 12......” “是啊,正要去呢。请问有什么事吗?”布鲁克问,他的爆炸头里,梅丽探出脑袋好奇地看到,老婆婆捧着几件满是补丁的和风衣物,诚恳地劝道:“你们这副样子进去花之都,会很危险……衣物虽然简陋,好歹可以遮掩一二……” Robin said curiously: Granny does not think that we are the unprincipled people?” 罗宾好奇道:“老婆婆不认为我们是坏人吗?” The grannies said with a laugh: In this world, where also has compared with the flower in also bad the person?” 老婆婆笑呵呵道:“这世上,哪里还有比花之都里还坏的人?” „Very insightful.” Lin Qi said that „, but, the clothes do not need.” “很有见地啊。”林奇道,“不过,衣服就不必了。” Observation-type (Kenbunshoku) can hear very much clearly, the villagers mood of many observation sinks in secret, is whispering anything, nothing but thinks that Lin Qi and the others shut out these clothes too broken is too dirty and so on. 见闻色能很清楚地听到,许多暗中观察的村民们心情一沉,嘀嘀咕咕着什么,无非就是认为林奇等人嫌弃这些衣服太破太脏之类的。 But quick, the sound of many more intense sucking in cold air/Qi continuously, because the villagers see that although put on strange big man's head to the explosive warhead white bones monster to pat the racket, then put out a hand according to unexpectedly, took out continuous food from the explosive warhead- many meat! Many water! Many grain!!! 但很快,更多更密集的倒抽冷气的声音此起彼伏,因为村民们看到那个虽然穿得奇怪的高大男人对爆炸头白骨妖怪的头上拍了拍,然后竟然伸手按了进去,从爆炸头里头取出了连绵不绝的食物-很多肉!好多水!好多粮食!!! Bang, bang, bang. Lin Qi makes Merry help, brings some food to place in front of the granny from Mirro-World its main body Merry. 砰,砰,砰。林奇梅丽帮忙,从镜世界它的本体梅丽号上取来一部分食物放在老婆婆面前。 But, a little you may speak incorrectly.” Lin Qi said to the granny, we may in these people compared with the flower, be they feared badly we are right.” “不过,有一点你可说错了。”林奇对老婆婆说,“我们可比花之都里那些人坏多了,是他们怕我们才对。” Was saying side he grasps the float azure black iron rod, wields toward the village main road that takes behind conveniently. 说着他抓起旁边悬浮的青黑铁棒,随手往身后走来的村子大路一挥。 Bang! 轰! It is not strong, but is actually similar to spider web crowded Haki to burst out. Starts violent wind in the village, enough blows under all human feet to shake is actually insufficient to throw down. Innumerable star point Haki fall on each accurate is observing side of here villagers, pounds a finger size the ground, wall and stone the round hole. Middle wisp of sword air/Qi leaves behind together the straight cutting mark in the village road center, extends from the village entrance, many fear the light buttocks children who and exclaim in surprise to stand on tiptoes to start, unexpectedly no one can notice that this gully extends far. 并不浓烈,但却如同蛛网般密集的霸气迸发。在村子里掀起一阵猛烈的风,足够吹得所有人脚下微晃却又不至于摔倒。无数星点般的霸气精准地落在每一个正在观察着这边的村民们的旁边,将地面、墙壁、石头砸出一个指头大小的圆洞。当中的一缕剑气在村子路中央留下一道笔直的斩痕,从村子入口一路延伸出去,许多又怕又惊叹的光屁股小孩们踮起脚,竟没有人能看到这道沟壑延伸出去有多远。 Big military might that swings the bat , the handsome brave extraordinary man leads the form of skeleton mister, the chief among flowers elder sister and lovable white clouds to continue toward the flower going far away, the villagers in Ebisu town/subdues walked one after another, everyone looks that these people keep in front of the granny that pile of food of ground, looked at ground to pass through the village, extended outside the village not to know that far cutting mark, understood the meaning as if by prior agreement: Food is assigned by the granny, no one allows to act unreasonably. 挥棒的高大威武,又俊勇非凡的男人带着骷髅先生、花魁姐姐、可爱的白云的身影继续朝着花之都远去,惠比寿镇的村民们陆陆续续地走了出来,所有人看着那些人留在老婆婆面前地上的那堆食物,又看了看地上这条贯穿村子,延绵出村外不知多远的斩痕,不约而同地明白了意思:食物由老婆婆来分配,谁也不允许乱来。 Really is Buddha......” holds one bunch of worn-out clothing, the granny is passing one to kneel in front of this pile of food, the old eyes drips the muddy tears to look to could not have seen that several people of back, „hasn't Wano Country, how many years seen so the chivalrous person?” “真是佛陀啊……”抱着一堆破旧的衣物,老婆婆噗通一声跪在这堆食物面前,老眼淌下浑浊的泪水望向已经看不见背影的那几人,“和之国,已经多少年未曾见过如此侠士了?” The villagers encircle, food that no dares to put out a hand to go to front of the granny this pile to pass by the person who presents as a gift conveniently a moment ago, but heard muttering of granny, asked: Mother-in-law! Isn't the ugly third son a chivalrous person? That person frequently in loose change of midnight in village!” 村民们围上来,没有一个敢伸手去动老婆婆面前这堆刚才路过的人随手相赠的食物,只不过听到老婆婆的喃喃自语,不禁问道:“婆婆!丑三小子难道不是侠士吗?那个人经常会在半夜在村子里散钱诶!” The grannies sighed one, shakes the head, has not said anything, to villagers 11 since food. 老婆婆叹了一声,摇摇头,也没说什么,给村民们一一分起了食物。 The distant place, leaves the Ebisu town/subdues, Merry departs from the Brook explosive warhead, jumps to stumble to the shoulder on, black elder brother!” 远处,离开惠比寿镇,梅丽布鲁克的爆炸头里飞出,蹦跶到肩膀上,“黑哥!” Lin Qi turns head, sees the little fellow sparkling eyes, the worship visits him: You well!!” The forehead was shot by Lin Qi counting on the fingers. 林奇扭头,看到小家伙亮晶晶的眼睛,崇拜地看着他:“你好好喔!呜!”额头被林奇屈指弹了一下。 Robin chuckle. 罗宾轻笑。 Brook raises head to look at the close at hand flower, secular atmosphere of lively old city heads on, words that Mr. Lin Qi and Miss Robin go in like this, is very definitely easy to cause the unrest!” Wears a straight suit, wears the black ceremonial hat, but also withstand/top the fellow of vice- white bones head not to have voluntarily, the footsteps vividly leap up into the city, „, many pretty Miss Wano Country ~ really lively!” 布鲁克仰头望着近在眼前的花之都,一股繁华古城的世俗气氛扑面而来,“林奇先生和罗宾小姐就这样进去的话,肯定很容易就引起骚乱呢!”穿着一身笔挺西装,戴着黑礼帽,还顶着副白骨脑袋的家伙一点自觉都没有,脚步轻快地蹿入城中,“哇,好多漂亮的和之国小姐呢~真热闹!” „If not here, simply doubtable Wano Country was everywhere with white dance, the rabbit bowl same desolated place.” “如果不是这里,简直让人怀疑和之国是不是到处都是和白舞、兔碗一样的荒芜之地了。” Robin and Lin Qi walk into the flower shoulder to shoulder capital city, Brook go through in front very curiously among the stall keepers of street, quick causes an intermittent startled scream-, let alone his clothes, is only that honour enough scares to death the ordinary passer-by. 罗宾林奇并肩走入花之都都城,布鲁克在前面十分好奇地穿行在街边的摊贩之间,很快就引起一阵阵惊慌的尖叫-别说他的衣服,光是那副尊荣就足够吓死普通的路人。 The resident who the lively street, laughed heartily wear a look of came and went, besides special local conditions and social customs, was also no different from the cities of other places, with small village that passed by a moment ago, white dance who and diving port came out, the surroundings of rabbit bowl prison, as if were two entirely different world. 热闹的街道,面带欢笑的居民来来往往,除了特殊的风土人情之外,与其他地方的城镇也没什么不同,与刚才路过的小村子,以及潜港出来的白舞,兔碗监狱的周围,都仿佛是两个截然不同的世界。 „! Is the excrement must blame!” “哇!是屎怪!” Suddenly, the street transmits an unrest, the child creates a disturbance the sound that disturbs, is mixing with cursing angrily of man, woman's scream transmits. 忽然,街边传来一阵骚乱,小孩子起哄捣乱的声音,夹杂着男人的怒骂,女人的尖叫传来。 Walks even more to capture the passer-by surprised attention Lin Qi and Robin, is holding appreciatively the small thing in the vendor surprised uncertain vision, heard the sound, Robin then looked at one. 一路走来已经越发吸引路人惊奇的目光的林奇罗宾,正在摊主惊疑不定的目光中把玩着小物件,听到动静,罗宾回头看了一眼。 The flurried crowd scatters in all directions, small form four feet are well-grounded to dash about wildly, the body is also splashing some sewages, passes through in the crowd, caused cursed angrily and screamed innumerably, several energy surplus Wano Country boys pursued that dirty shadow to throw the stone to play actually, pursue it to expel toward the capital city of flower outside from the streets and lanes, a guide was in chaotic situation innumerably goes far away. 慌乱的人群四散开来,一个小小的身影四脚着地狂奔,身上还溅着一些污水,在人群中穿过,又引起了无数怒骂与尖叫,倒是几个精力过剩的和之国男孩追着那个脏兮兮的影子扔石头玩,追着它从街头巷尾往花之都城外撵去,一路引起无数鸡飞狗跳地远去了。 What situation?” Lin Qi stands up, inserts oriental cherry accessories to the Robin black hair on wears good. “什么情况?”林奇站起身,将一个樱花配饰插到罗宾的黑发上戴好。 As for the currency of being used paying up, is Lin Qi these came from a grain of gold that in the sky island gold twists conveniently from the small Lucheng fort, in the vendor stared round in the eye gave him. 至于用来结账的货币,是林奇从小绿城堡里那些来自空岛的黄金上随手捻下来的一粒金子,在摊主瞪圆了的眼睛里交给他。 Robin touched sends the oriental cherry accessories, was astonished however looked at Lin Qi. 罗宾摸了摸发间的樱花配饰,讶然地看了一眼林奇 Lin Qi speechless say/way: Did not say that excrement must blame, my Observation-type (Kenbunshoku) is fierce, won't go to story excrement?” 林奇无语道:“不是说‘屎怪’吗,我见闻色再厉害,也不会去‘见闻’屎吧?” Robin is pointing at already the crowd that subsides gradually, said with a smile: Is a dog, was expelled.” 罗宾指着已经渐渐平息的人群,笑道:“是一条狗而已,被赶跑了。” Walks,” Lin Qi holds the hand of Robin, before butchering big snake, first strolls everywhere.” “走吧,”林奇牵起罗宾的手,“趁着宰了大蛇之前,先到处逛一逛。” Un.” “嗯。” The vendors were dumbfounded, looked at the gold/metal grain in hand, looked at the good-looking man beautiful woman who went far away with the white clouds of drifting, decided that treated as anything not to see and hear. 摊主目瞪口呆,看了看手里的金粒,又看了看远去的俊男美女与飘浮的白云,决定当做什么也没看到、听到。
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