IATVOTB :: Volume #6 江湖夜雨十年灯

#1030 Part 2: The end point of 1 journey

to congratulate Jing honest shaking the head, sighs with emotion heartfeltly: In brief Shu has Young Master Wei, presenting the mysterious thing is not strange.” 贺景诚实的摇摇头,由衷感慨道:“总之大蜀有魏公子在,出现何等神奇之物都不奇怪。” Un, the day of Shu common people certain is very good.” “嗯,大蜀百姓的日子一定过的都很好。” Cuier nods, drops the car(riage) curtain: „At least had these iron rooms, the cultivation then cannot again like that tired, does not need to fear that came across the drought.” 翠儿点了点头,落下车帘:“最起码有了这些铁屋子,耕种时便不需再那般劳累,也不必怕遇到旱灾了。” Yes.” “是啊。” to congratulate Jing the line of sight looks out into the distance, an imposing old city outline then appeared in the vision end. 贺景视线远眺,一座气势雄伟的古城轮廓便出现在了目光尽头。 This moment time still early, Sun has not raised completely. 此刻时间尚早,太阳还未完全升起。 But then in this dim dawn, the Shu Prefecture city actually also as if sends out even if making the vigor and fresh that one yearns. 可哪怕便是在这朦胧的晨光里,蜀州城却也仿佛散发着令人向往的活力与新鲜。 Cuier said right. 翠儿说的没错。 Nowadays, the day of Shu common people truly has is very good. 现如今,大蜀百姓的日子确实过的很好。 But as for this good actually good to what degree. Perhaps spreads in a proverb that to sneak a peek at 12 from the present Shu folk. 而至于这个“好”究竟“好”到了什么程度.或许从现在大蜀民间流传的一句俗语之中可以窥见一二。 The cultivation does not need to ask the day again, peddler not to need again pays respects Guan, practicing not to need to seek the immortal again. 耕种不必再问天,行商不必再拜官,修行不必再求仙。 Shu Prefecture city, Wei Yang palace, throne room. 蜀州城,未央宫,金銮殿。 „. Your majesty, about first railroad construction, the opinion of slightly feudal official is so.” “.陛下,关于第一条铁路修建一事,微臣的意见便是如此。” Also asked your majesty to decide as soon as possible.” “还请陛下尽早定夺。” Jinding jade column, double-eaved roof nine keels. 金顶玉柱,重檐九脊。 About hundred dynasty officer hands hold the tablet held by officials during imperial audience board to be built on the palace, solemn magnificent and expensive Ning jade Ke sits above in Longtai. 近百朝官手捧笏板立于殿中,端庄华贵的宁玉珂坐于龙台之上。 Touring Wenzong just conducted summary speech as Shu Prime Minister, most important is constructs railroad the incident. 身为大蜀宰相的游文宗刚刚进行完“总结发言”,其中最重要的便属“修建铁路”一事。 If today the construction bureau has made takes the steam engine as the power train. 如今天工局已经制造出了以蒸汽机为动力的“火车”。 Then naturally then constructs the railway rail , to promote officially this type of new transportation vehicle. 那么接下来自然便是修建铁轨,正式将这种新型交通工具推广开来。 Constructing the railway rail is not difficult. 修建铁轨并不难。 But considering the factors in various aspects, this first railway rail plans route especially to be essential. 但考虑到各方面的因素,这第一条铁轨的“规划路线”却尤为关键。 Tours route that Wenzong suggested from the Shu Prefecture city to the Datong city, just also enumerated the advantage that many did that. 游文宗建议的路线是从蜀州城至大同城,刚刚也列举了许多这么做的好处。 However this matter wants certainly Ning jade Ke to make a decision finally. 不过这事儿肯定最终还是要宁玉珂拿主意。 The latter pondered over the moment, said unexpectedly slowly: 只是后者思忖了片刻,竟缓缓说道: Sir roaming, this matter relates significantly, after waiting Us first to ask husband him, said.” “游大人,此事关系重大,还是待朕先问过夫君他之后再说罢。” Asked husband to say again 问过夫君再说 As the imperator in empress and Shu, how Ning jade Ke this saying listens how strangely. 身为女帝、大蜀的最高统治者,宁玉珂这话怎么听怎么奇怪。 But toured Wenzong unexpectedly slightly not surprisedly, had said slightly feudal official understands after”, then bowed to return the team. 但游文宗居然丝毫没有惊讶,道过一声“微臣明白”后便躬身退回了队伍。 Other royal courtiers are also a tranquil appearance, as if has been unalarmed by strange sights to the words that Ning jade Ke just spoke 其它朝臣也都是一副平静的样子,似乎对宁玉珂刚刚说的话早已见怪不怪了 Without memorializing?” “还有无奏事者?” Safe/without matter draws back toward!” “无事退朝!” In the shout of young court eunuch, Ning jade Ke sets out to go down dragon Tai, bypasses a screen then to vanish to disappear. 在小太监的喊声中,宁玉珂起身走下龙台,绕过一道屏风便消失不见了。 A royal courtier also goes out of the throne room in abundance, in threes and fours spoke, while walked toward in palace outside. 一众朝臣也纷纷走出金銮殿,三五成群的一边说话,一边往內宫外走去。 But when the people have not gone down that long white marble long step, outside the palace, the naked eye obvious white light beam actually shoots up to the sky together suddenly, attracted everyone's attention instantaneously. 而就在众人还未走下那长长的汉白玉长阶之时,宫外,一道肉眼可见的白色光柱却突然冲天而起,瞬间就吸引了所有人的注意力。 That is.” “那是.” The civil officials are mostly bewildered, looks that the light beam the direction was shocked. 文官们大都一脸茫然,看着光柱的方向愣住了。 However the military officers are tranquil, then some people explain immediately: 不过武官们却是平静许多,立马便有人解释道: Sir does not need to be startled, this breaks through the phenomenon that the second rank boundary inspires, quick will then dissipate.” “诸位大人不必惊慌,此乃突破二品境所引动的异象,很快便会消散的。” Un? Said is in the city some people breaks through second rank?” “嗯?这么说是城中有人突破二品了?” Right, from this position must be Young Master Wei your family place.” “没错,从这方位来看应当是魏公子府上。” „, Which retainer wants to come to be Young Master Wei.” “啊,想来应是魏公子的哪位门客吧。” Ha! Great good fortune! Great good fortune!” “哈哈哈!大幸!大幸啊!” „.” “.” From intense becomes relaxed, one group of royal courtiers look up the light beam to dissipate, then bustled about respectively. 心情从紧张变得放松,一群朝臣抬头看着光柱消散,然后便各自忙碌去了。 Since is in Wei Residence some people breaks through, there is nothing to be worried. 既然是魏府之中有人突破,那就没啥好担心的。 However they guess actually also not entire right. 不过他们猜的却也并非全对。 This light beam truly from Wei Residence, but the person of breakthrough is actually not the Wei Changtian's retainer. 这股光柱确实是自魏府而起,只是突破之人却不是魏长天的门客。 Rather 而是 Master and master.” “师、师父.” Places the crowd center, Ah Chun timid is pinching the finger, somewhat anxious looks to Wei Changtian. 身处人群中央,阿春怯怯的捏着手指,有些紧张的看向魏长天 I and I seemed like second rank.” “我、我好像二品了.” „.” “.” Expression one stiff, with looking at the alien same looks at Ah Chun, after Wei Changtian good long while, coughs a sound said: 表情一僵,跟看外星人一样看着阿春,魏长天好半天后才干咳一声道: „, Good.” “咳,不错。” „The ratio was the master slightly was eventually slow in the past.” “不过终究还是比为师当年稍慢了一些.” This saying, Ah Chun has no question actually, was nearby people turns the supercilious look on the contrary in abundance. 这话一出,阿春倒是没有任何质疑,反倒是一旁的众人纷纷翻起了白眼。 younger sister Qin'er, you said that Husband how this isn't concerned about face?” 沁儿妹妹,你说相公怎得这样不要脸呢?” Elder Sister Liu Shi, Husband isn't he like this? Elder Sister Yao'er, you said that is?” 柳诗姐姐,相公他不一直都是这样子么?瑶儿姐姐,你说是不是?” „? I and I thought that Husband is good.” “啊?我、我觉得相公还好啊.” Goose goose goose! Static Yao you! Does not dare to say each time Husband is not! I also feel Husband his face thick-skinned very!” “鹅鹅鹅!静瑶你呀!每次都不敢说相公的不是!我也觉得相公他脸皮厚的很呢!” Yes! Elder Sister Wan'er you also feels like this! Right!” “是吧!婉儿姐姐你也这样觉得的!对吧!” Yeah! With, him wanted me to wear that anything silk stockings couple days ago. Qin'er, what do you blush?” “可不是么!就拿前几天来说,他非要我穿那什么丝袜.沁儿,你脸红什么?” „, I and I also put on.” “啊,我、我也穿了.” ? What color?” “唔?什么颜色的?” White, white “白、白色的” Yes? I am the black. Liu Shi, do you also pass through?” “是么?我是黑色的.柳诗,你是不是也穿过?” I? I 34 years ago usually put on.” “我呀?我三四年前就经常穿了。” "Ah?" “啊?” „.” “.” Bewildered, the topic shifted the strange aspect, hearing the one side to ride Wei Qiaoling of big black dog to be puzzled, as if wanted to ask that actually silk stockings were anything. 莫名其妙的,话题就转移到了奇怪的方面上来,听得一旁骑着大黑狗的魏巧玲一脸疑惑,似乎想要问问“丝袜”究竟是什么。 However has not waited for her to open the mouth, expression incomparably awkward Wei Changtian then first step beckons with the hand to hit to block the way: 不过还没等她开口呢,表情无比尴尬的魏长天便先一步摆手打断道: „! Do not gather round here! Returns to the room!” “咳!都别在这儿围着了!回屋去吧!” „.” “哦。” Females all smiling throws a look, then got a kid to go out of the backyard every. 众女皆笑盈盈的投来一个眼神,然后便人手领着一个娃走出了后院。 “呼” Sees the people to leave, Wei Changtian then relaxes gently, once again looks to is Ah Chun of second rank military person. 见众人离开,魏长天这才轻轻松了口气,又一次看向已然是二品武人的阿春 Ah Chun.” 阿春。” Master I in!” “师父我在!” Un, since you now are second rank, that was the master then should also teach to you several fierce styles defends self.” “嗯,你现在既然已是二品,那为师便也该传授给你几门厉害的招式防身了。” This swordsmanship named falls arched, mysterious incomparable, back then thinks the master so natural talent also used three talents to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study.” “此剑法名为落穹,玄奥无比,想当年以为师这般天资也用了三天才融会贯通。” „! The master used for three days! That this swordsmanship was very certainly fierce!” “哇!师父都用了三天么!那这剑法一定很厉害了!” Snort, naturally is fierce incomparable, favored!” “哼,自然是厉害无比,看好了!” „.” “.” The sword shadow high and low flutters, cut to fall on several pieces of trees unknowingly the green leaf. 剑影上下翻飞,不经意间斩落了几片树上绿叶。 The cool breeze falls from the deep blue vault of heaven, blows since the leaf blade high, delivers Wei Residence was stopping by carriage. 清风从湛蓝的天穹落下,将叶片高高吹起,送到了魏府门外一辆停着的马车旁。 to congratulate Jing and Cuier drill the carriage, looks at the Wei Residence two characters on doorway tablet, hesitant one then wanted to knock on a door. 贺景和翠儿钻下马车,看着门匾上的“魏府”二字,犹豫了一下便欲去敲门。 However has not waited for them to touch the knocker, then first step broadcast a surprised sound. 然而还未等他们摸到门环,身后便先一步传来了一个惊讶的声音。 Young Master He? Cuier miss?” 贺公子?翠儿姑娘?” Un?” “嗯?” Two people of hears sound turn head looks, then sees is also standing a man and a woman about several steps. 二人闻声回头看去,便见就在几步开外同样站着一男一女。 The men look unfamiliar very much, had never before seen. 男子很脸生,此前从未见过。 That female who however spoke actually somewhat looked familiar. 不过说话的那女子却是有些眼熟。 Really is you!” “真的是你们啊!” Approaches one step, Li Zimu explained with a smile: Young Master He, the Cuier miss, previously I once went to go all out Capital City along with Young Master Wei, at that time had seen your one time.” 走近一步,李子木笑着解释道:“贺公子,翠儿姑娘,此前我曾随魏公子去过大乾京城,当时见过你们一次的。” „!” “啊!” After a Li Zimu reminder, to congratulate Jing and Cuier then remember immediately followed initially side Wei Changtian, another female besides Yangliu Shi. 经李子木一提醒,贺景和翠儿立刻便想起了当初跟在魏长天身边,除了杨柳诗之外的另一个女子。 So that's how it is, cannot recognize for a while, but also looks at the miss no wonder.” “原来如此,一时未能认出,还望姑娘莫怪。” Rushed to clash Li Zimu to arch cupping one hand in the other across the chest, to congratulate Jing probed to say low voice: Does not know the miss.” 赶忙冲李子木拱了拱手,贺景小声试探道:“不知姑娘.” „my name is Li.” “我姓李。” Li Zimu introduced oneself with a smile, turned head to look to man: This is my Husband.” 李子木笑着自我介绍一句,又扭头看向身边的男子:“这是我的相公。” Soup dust.” “汤尘。” The men also smile, sent out own name promptly. 男子也笑了笑,及时报出自己的名字。 to congratulate Jing does not dare to neglect, immediately once again cups one hand in the other across the chest: „, My to congratulate Jing, has seen Young Master Tang.” 贺景不敢怠慢,马上又一次拱手:“啊,鄙人贺景,见过汤公子。” Tang Chenyi returns a courtesy submissively: Young Master He was polite.” 汤尘亦拱手回礼:“贺公子客气了.” „.” “.” Three years pass by, Tang Chenqu Li Zimu. 三年过去,汤尘娶了李子木。 But in addition other living the life of child of Heavenly Dao also had some changes. 而其他尚且活着的天道之子的生活也发生了一些变化。 Shen correct/however returned to Li, becomes four stars in the bowl of the big dipper to study the leader in palace. 沈然回了大黎,成为了魁星学宫的领袖。 permits all with ran irrelevant the travelling world, couple days ago also just the signalling came back speaking of white hall. 许全跟支离跑去游历天下了,前几天还刚传信回来说到了白殿。 clear/pain secure escaped chasing down, now then lives with Qin He together in the Shu Prefecture city. 楚安逃过了追杀,如今便与秦荷一同生活在蜀州城。 That ranks first, the leaf that but had never before made an appearance is unreliable, heard that has become young generation that works as in this life besides Wei Changtian most dazzling. 还有那个排名第一,但此前从未露过面的叶玄,听说已经成为了当今世上除魏长天外最耀眼的年轻一辈. Green leaf long fell on the place, out the mansion four people of smalltalk, Li Zimu then made clear to congratulate Jing and Cuier this time the intention of Shu Prefecture. 绿叶悠悠荡落在地,府门外的四人客套了一阵,李子木便搞清楚了贺景与翠儿此番来蜀州的用意。 First introduces in the mansion the main hall to sit down two people, she then informs Wei Changtian immediately. 先将两人引入府内正厅坐下,她立刻便去通知了魏长天 Then in a while, the latter frank laughter then fluttered from far to near. 然后没过多大一会儿,后者爽朗的笑声便由远及近飘了过来。 Ha! to congratulate brother! Cuier miss! For a long time does not see!” “哈哈哈!贺兄!翠儿姑娘!好久不见!” Young Master Wei!” 魏公子!” „.” “.” Somewhat excited standing up, to congratulate Jing and Cuier saw this familiar man again, was announcing they this time stretched across ten thousand li (0.5 km) journey finally to arrive in the end point. 有些激动的站起身,贺景和翠儿再一次见到了这个熟悉的男人,也宣告着他们此番横跨万里的旅程终于抵达了终点。 The laughter resounds in the room, swings the window seam with the wind, curls up the green leaf of ground, returned to the branch the latter. 笑声响起在屋中,随风荡出窗缝,卷起地上的绿叶,将后者送回了枝头。 The annual ring bypasses one after another, spring summer Huan passes several fall and winter. 年轮绕过一圈一圈,春夏换过几次秋冬。 In the six years all are similar to one immediately not only soul-stirring, and common light story. 这六年间发生的一切便就如同一个既荡气回肠、又寻常平淡的故事。 Has the love without rested to hate, to have looking back of waning place, has the livelihood and stars, has the black hair and white hair. 有未休的爱恨,有阑珊处的回首,有日月与星辰,有青丝和白发。 However like to congratulate Jing and Cuier's journey, although arrived at Shu Prefecture, saw Wei Changtian, but their life had not actually ended. 不过就像贺景和翠儿的这趟旅程一样,虽然来到了蜀州,见到了魏长天,但他们的生活其实并没有结束。 Therefore, the river of time will also still continue to flow. 因此,时间的长河也依然会继续流淌。 Looking at it like this, this seemingly mammoth six years, as if then are also only one spoon of spray, not being able to go back passing. 这样看来,这看似波澜壮阔的六年,仿佛便也只是一勺浪花,一段回不去的过往。 As for these six years in this world means that anything places person possibly the clarity that is difficult to speak, must leave the later generation to narrate and comment. 至于这六年于这个世界意味着什么身处其中的人可能很难讲的清楚,或许要留给后人去评述了。 However to the Wei Changtian individual, before the story starts, he is lonely, selfish and faint. 不过对魏长天个人来说,在故事开始之前,他是孤独、自私、淡漠的。 But to final of story, he minimum had understood anything is the love, anything is the responsibility, anything is grateful. 而到了故事的最后,他最起码已经懂得了什么是爱,什么是责任,什么是感激。 Regardless of the one flower spray splashes high, gives it truly the significance, eventually carrying/sustaining its river sea. 一朵浪花不论溅起多高,真正赋予它意义的,终究还是承载它的河海。 Therefore, is ordinary good mediocrely , no matter can see the future, must always march forward. 所以,平凡也好、平庸也罢,不管能不能看得到未来,总还是要继续向前的。 After all the road is very long, the new story has not started. 毕竟路还很长,新的故事还没开始呢。 to congratulate brother, Cuier miss.” “贺兄,翠儿姑娘。” This line, good work.” “这一路行来,辛苦了。” ( The book, ends) (全书,完) ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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