IATVOTB :: Volume #6 江湖夜雨十年灯

#1030 Part 1: The end point of 1 journey

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[ Loves pen building] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[爱笔楼]https://最快更新!无广告! Three years later. 三年后。 Early spring. 初春。 Guys, Le'an mansion. 大汉,乐安府。 Husband! You are quicker!” 相公!你快一些!” A carriage stops outside the institute, Cuier turn head shouted, the sound is clear. 一辆马车停在院外,翠儿回头喊了一声,声音清脆。 Quick, to congratulate Jing then with a laugh from the institute, in the hand was also raising not a big burden. 很快,贺景便笑呵呵的从院中走了出来,手里还提着一个不大的包袱。 Three years ago, shortly after Wei Changtian walks, two people then get married. 三年前,魏长天走后不久,两人便成了婚。 Regardless how He opposed, to congratulate Jing still resisted opposition, marries Cuier to be the wife. 不论贺家如何反对,贺景仍力排众议,娶翠儿做了正妻。 But again, he then passes the palace examination in the imperial civil service examination, successful candidate, and making an exception can return to the Le'an mansion to be an officer. 而再之后,他便在御试中金榜题名,中了进士,并且“破例”得以回到老家乐安府为官。 For three years of to congratulate Jing of officer conscientiously and wholeheartedly is the people, is deep the common people to love. 为官的三年贺景兢兢业业、一心为民,深得百姓爱戴。 In addition Su start/open knows that he and Wei Changtian seem some relations, therefore then made an exception to promote him when this spring once again for the household section vice-minister, entered Capital to take office at a later date. 再加上苏启知道他与魏长天好似有些关系,因此便在今年开春时又一次破格将他提拔为户部左侍郎,择日入京上任。 Merely three years, then became from an ordinary juren from the third rank official employed in the capital, to congratulate Jing the officer way is unimpeded, unprecedented. 仅仅三年时间,便从一个普通举人便成了从三品的京官,贺景的官途可谓是一路畅通,前所未有。 But he also knows all these because of anything, therefore has not then worried into Capital to take office, but is the plan first goes to Shu Prefecture with Cuier before then together. 而他也知道这一切都是因为什么,所以便并未着急入京就职,而是打算在此之前先与翠儿一道去一趟蜀州 First, to get married for three years, he has been busy with the official business, rarely has the time to accompany Cuier to enjoy the beauties of nature, this time was makes up. 一是成婚三年,他一直忙于公事,鲜有时间陪翠儿游山玩水,这次便算是补上了。 Second, to visit Wei Changtian, said in the heart to thank face to face. 二是想要去拜访一下魏长天,当面道出心中感谢。 „Can gift install?” “礼物可都已装好了?” Held Cuier to board the carriage, to congratulate Jing asked low voice: Your majesty holds me to the letter/believes that Young Master Wei takes along, hasn't forgotten?” 扶着翠儿上了马车,贺景小声问道:“还有陛下托我给魏公子捎去的信,没忘记吧?” Relax, put away.” “放心吧,都放好了的。” Cuier covers the mouth to say with a smile: I am not like that the careless person.” 翠儿掩嘴笑道:“我又不是那般粗心大意之人。” That is good that to be good.” “那就好那就好。” to congratulate Jing has held Cuier's hand gently: „ Cuier, 贺景轻轻拉过翠儿的手:“翠儿, In the three years was laborious you, this time we then enjoyed the beauties of nature, looks on this day under the beautiful scene well. ” 这三年辛苦你了,这次我们便一路游山玩水,好好看一看这天下美景。” Un, according to Husband.” “嗯,都依相公的。” Cuier's happy smiling, at once some low voice feelings of anticipation: Husband, you said how the time crosses such quick, unexpectedly this over the past three years.” 翠儿幸福的笑了笑,旋即又有些期待的小声感慨:“相公,你说时间怎得过的这样快,竟这就过去三年了。” Sometimes I idle the safe/without matter to remember, always thought that Young Master Wei as if was walked yesterday.” “有时我闲来无事想起,总觉得魏公子仿佛便是昨日才走的呢。” Does not know how Young Master Wei passes now, Le'an always cannot inquire too many news.” “也不知道魏公子现在过得如何,乐安这边总是打听不到太多消息。” Right, heard that side Capital City also has the newspaper?” “对了,听说京城那边也已有报纸了?” „After we moved goes to Capital City, daily whether there is I must buy to come to see with the Young Master Wei related matter “等咱们搬去京城之后呀,我怎么也要日日买来看看有无与魏公子有关的事” „.” “.” The carriage drives slowly, is carrying to congratulate Jing and Cuier drove out of the Le'an prefectural city, goes toward the east side. 马车缓缓驶动,载着贺景与翠儿驶出了乐安府城,向着东边而去。 After a three years ago turbulence, the political power of guy nowadays already very stable, the common people can also enjoy a good and prosperous life, when all restores to go all out the prosperity. 经过三年前的一阵动荡后,大汉的政权现如今已十分稳定,百姓也得以安居乐业,一切都恢复到了大乾时的繁荣。 Although many people did not approve the guy validity, even still felt oneself goes all out the person. 虽然有不少人仍不认同大汉的“合法性”,甚至仍觉得自己是大乾人。 But at least, having Su start/open such a all are the people consider the emperors, everyone actually really could not find too restores the reason of old towards. 但最起码,有苏启这样一个“一切为民着想”的皇帝,大家却也实在找不到太多复辟旧朝的理由。 Right, when Su start/open continued him to make the Linchuan governor-general attitude, should be an emperor who the current world most showed solicitude for the subject. 没错,苏启延续了他做临川府尹时的作风,应该是当今天下最体恤臣民的一位皇帝了。 But initially the most important reason that this Wei Changtian will actually also choose Su start/open. 而这其实也正是魏长天当初会选择苏启的一个最重要的原因。 But he has never said with others. 只不过他从未与别人讲过罢了。 A month later, to congratulate Jing and a Cuier roadside walks plays, leaves the guy, after clear/pain, entered presented the boundary newly, named became constructed the border town. 一个月后,贺景与翠儿一路边走边玩,离开大汉,经过大楚,进入了新奉地界,一个名为“成建”的边城。 Also does not know that is because were extremely that few reason previously this rushes about continuously, entered the same day of city, to congratulate Jing caught the cold. 也不知道是不是因为此前极少这样连续奔波的缘故,入城的当日,贺景就染上了风寒。 Had asked after inn partner, Cuier knew that in the city the best hospital called Jishitang, then goes by car to give to congratulate Jing to get medicine immediately. 问过客栈伙计之后,翠儿得知城中最好的医馆叫“济世堂”,便立刻坐车去给贺景抓药。 But outside Jishitang the crowded scene also indicated the inn partner said right, this hospital truly very receives the common people to trust in to become Jiancheng probably. 而济世堂外人来人往的景象也表明客栈伙计说的没错,这座医馆在成建城中好像确实挺受百姓信赖的。 Madame, here person are many, you might as well wait a bit the moment on the vehicle, small gives the master to get medicine is.” “夫人,这里人多,您不如在车上稍等片刻,小的去给老爷抓药便是。” Stops the carriage, the cart driver sees inside and outside this Jishitang some unexpectedly so many people, unavoidably was worried that a Cuier female was dashed easily. 停好马车,车夫见这济世堂内外竟有这么多人,不免担心翠儿一个女子容易遭人冲撞。 Worry of some Cuier also this aspects, then nod, looks that the cart driver half step entered the hospital. 翠儿也有这方面的担忧,便点了点头,看着车夫快步走进了医馆。 „A ginseng money! Elevated gastrodia two money! Chinese hawthorn five.” “人参一钱!天麻两钱!山楂五枚.” You take well, remembers that every day fries the clothing/taking twice, five will take the medicine in the future.” “你拿好,记得每日煎服两次,五日后再来拿药.” Many thanks Li Miss! This is my previous time takes 20 articles that the medicine owes for the old mother, this time sent to you.” “多谢李姑娘!这是俺上次替老母拿药欠下的二十文,这次给您送来了.” Might as well, if you did not have plenty of money on several th then buy on credit again, was not important.” “无妨,你若是手头不宽裕便再赊几日,不打紧.” Where can! I owe anyone unable to owe Li Miss your money! Must be hit to be struck by lightning by the day!” “哪能呢!俺欠谁也不能欠李姑娘您的钱!要遭天打雷劈的!” Good, I accept ten articles, the remaining ten articles you take this year to buy some wheat seeds “好,那我就收下十文,剩下十文你拿回去今年多买些麦种” „.” “.” Aiya, Li Miss is really the heart is friendly! Also is long with angel! Can practice medicine in Jishitang is really our to become Jiancheng good fortune!” “哎呀,李姑娘真是心善啊!长得也跟天仙似的!能在济世堂行医真是咱们成建城的福分啊!” Who did not say! Does not know why Li Miss is not willing to get married, previously so many people came to act as a matchmaker to her, heard that all was turned down by her.” “谁说不是呢!就是也不知道李姑娘为啥不愿嫁人,此前那么多人来给她说媒,听说全都被她婉拒了。” Possibly Li Miss has the loved one.” “可能李姑娘已有意中人了吧。” Which man but has not seen Li Miss to follow near.” “但也没见李姑娘跟哪个男子走得近啊。” Good, let alone, to you.” “好了好了,别说了,到你了.” Talked in whispers the reverberation in the fore room, although several people are sitting at this time examine, but only had Li Wutong front team to arrange most is longest. 窃窃私语回荡在前堂,虽然此时有好几人都在坐诊,但唯有李梧桐面前的队排得最长。 But the cart driver is newly-arrived, naturally then thinks that is this appearance beautiful female medical skill is best, then also arranged at team of tails, waited for two quarters to be one's turn him. 而那车夫初来乍到,自然便以为是这个长相姣好的女子医术最佳,便也排在了队尾,足足等了两刻钟才轮到他。 Miss, my family master dyed the cold, wants to catch a side to treat the cold medicine.” “姑娘,我家老爷染了风寒,想抓一方治风寒的药。” Sees the female to sit for the first time examines, the cart driver does not know how should call Li Wutong, only heard that the latter has not gotten married, therefore is called miss simply. 第一次见女子坐诊,车夫也不知道该咋称呼李梧桐,刚刚又听说后者没有嫁人,于是干脆叫做了“姑娘”。 But Li Wutong has not cared, inquired carefully after an illness, then shouts to behind pharmacy: 而李梧桐也没在意,仔细询问了一下病症后,便冲着身后的药房喊道: Ma-huang two money! Cassia twigs four money! Windproof, angelica dahurica and Sichuan polygonum respectively one money.” “麻黄二钱!桂枝四钱!防风、白芷、川乌各一钱.” Quick, the medical pouch that wraps securely passes to the fore room from the pharmacy, Li Wutong hands over in the cart driver hand, said in a soft voice: 很快,包好的药包自药房传到前堂,李梧桐交到车夫手中,轻声说道: „The master slow fire fries the clothing/taking to your family, every day clothing/taking twice, in three days must be then good.” “给你家老爷慢火煎服,每日服两次,三日之内应当便好了。” Many thanks miss.” “多谢姑娘。” The cart drivers rushed to receive the medical pouch: How many silver doesn't know this medicine?” 车夫赶忙接过药包:“不知这副药多少银子?” 30 articles.” “三十文。” Ok? 30 articles?” “好嗯?三十文?” Hand of taking out money, the expression of cart driver suddenly becomes somewhat strange. 掏钱的手一顿,车夫的表情突然变得有些古怪。 He previously also often made some trivial matters of getting medicine, therefore has a general understanding of the prices of various types of common medicinal herbs. 他此前也经常做一些抓药的琐事,因此对各种常见药材的价格有个大概的了解。 Therefore. Was this too also cheap? 所以.这也太便宜了吧? „Does miss, how only receive 30 articles? This medicine feared that isn't Chen medicine who uses?” “姑娘,怎得只收三十文?这药怕不是用的陈药吧?” Knits the brows, the cart driver knits the brows immediately: Miss, my family master does not miss silver, you match the most expensive new medicine by all means are, no need.” 皱了皱眉,车夫当即皱眉道:“姑娘,我家老爷不差银子,你只管配最贵的新药便是,不必.” You said anything!” “你说什么呢!” After discontented shouting sound transmits, but also without and other Li Wutong explained, then some people defend against injustice to say indignantly: 不满的嚷嚷声自身后传来,还没等李梧桐解释,便有人愤愤的打抱不平道: Snort! You with your masters are not to become Jianfu the person!” “哼!你跟你老爷都不是成建府人吧!” „The entire to become Jianfu who does not know that Jishitang never uses Chen medicine! Who does not know that Li Miss is kindhearted!” “整个成建府谁人不知济世堂从不用陈药!谁人不知李姑娘菩萨心肠!” I look at you am the asking for it!” “我看你就是讨打!” Has not hurried to give Li Miss to apologize!” “还不赶紧给李姑娘赔罪!” Right! Hurries to give Li Miss to apologize! Otherwise we could not forgive you!” “对!赶紧给李姑娘赔罪!否则我们饶不了你!” „.” “.” In a flash, one group of people then surround, the wanting cart driver who the public sentiment is roused to action apologized. 一瞬间,一群人便围拢上来,群情激奋的要车夫道歉。 Where the latter has seen this grade of scene, where also knows that this female doctor was so loved in this to become Jiancheng unexpectedly, cannot help but directly at the scene. 后者哪里见过这等场面,又哪里知道这个女大夫竟在这成建城如此受人爱戴,不由得直接愣在了当场。 Is good stands to break through for him because of Li Wutong quickly, this avoided the situation further deteriorating. 好在李梧桐很快就站出来替他解了围,这才避免了事态进一步恶化。 But when the breeze in Jishitang gradually subsides, Cuier outside room actually suddenly runs down the carriage, caught up with a female who wears the powder skirt, shouting of panting: 而就在济世堂里的这场小风波逐渐平息之时,屋外的翠儿却突然跑下马车,追上了一个身着粉裙的女子,气喘吁吁的喊道: This, this miss! Waits!” “这、这位姑娘!等一下!” „.” “.” The suspension of movement turns head, when sees Cuier's flash, in the eyes of powder skirt female obviously flashed through surprised. 停步回头,当看到翠儿的一刹那,粉裙女子的眼中明显闪过了一丝惊讶。 To be honest, who at present trades to do is estimated that will also be surprised. 说实话,眼下换做是谁估计也会惊讶。 After all two people grew really look like. 毕竟两人长得实在是太像了。 This miss.” “这位姑娘.” Adjusted to breathe gently, Cuier approached a point. 轻轻调整了一下呼吸,翠儿走近了一点。 She just waited on the vehicle bored, then lifts the car(riage) curtain to look at the pedestrian on street. 她刚刚等在车上无聊,便掀开车帘看街上的行人。 The result did not have once to see unexpectedly such very similar female with. 结果没曾想竟就看到了这样一个与自己长得十分相似的女子。 Recalls all of a sudden for three years ago matter, Cuier then gets out to pursue immediately. 一下子记起三年前发生的事,翠儿立刻便下车追了上来。 However after now waits for her really to pursue to this powder skirt female, suddenly actually does not know should say anything, finally then clenches teeth to ask simply directly: 不过现在等她真的追到这粉裙女子之后,一时间却又不知该说点什么,最后便干脆一咬牙直接问道: May I ask the miss. But surnamed You?” “敢问姑娘.可是姓尤?” „.” “.” The eyes stare suddenly in a big way, the expression of powder skirt female immediately becomes incomparably vigilant, deeply after looking at Cuier one eyes, turned the head to walk into an alley unexpectedly directly. 双眼蓦然瞪大,粉裙女子的表情立刻变得无比警惕,深深看了翠儿一眼后竟直接转头就走入了一条小巷。 Cuier gawked, rushes to pursue. 翠儿愣了一下,赶忙追过去。 May wait for her to stand when the lane entrance, in the lane actually does not see a person's shadow. 可等她站在巷口时,巷中却已不见一个人影了。 Vacant standing in same place, Cuier does not know that female why a blink the time disappears. 茫然的站在原地,翠儿不知道那女子为何一眨眼的功夫就不见了。 Clearly, latter's response, she truly must be surnamed You. 很明显,就后者的反应来看,她确实应当姓尤。 As for is Wei Changtian in that miss of looking, Cuier is unknown especially, does not understand why the opposite party will run. 至于是不是魏长天在找的那位尤姑娘,翠儿不得而知,更不明白对方为啥会跑。 In brief now the person has truly disappeared. 总之现在人确实是已经不见了。 Also was standing same place a while, Cuier shakes the head, turns around to be about to leave. 又在原地站了一会儿,翠儿摇了摇头,转身准备离开。 However before, her was loud to the empty alley just before leaving shouted one- 不过就在临走之前,她还是大声冲着空荡荡的小巷喊了一句- Especially miss! Young Master Wei has been looking for you!” “尤姑娘!魏公子一直在找你!” „.” “.” Three days later, to congratulate Jing the cold was good, he and Cuier then also left to become Jiancheng. 三天后,贺景的风寒好了,他与翠儿便也离开了成建城。 About the matter of powder skirt women's, the Cuier nature and to congratulate Jing said. 关于粉裙女子的事,翠儿自然与贺景讲了。 Actually to congratulate is Jing is also in doubt the former that especially miss, then inquired that Cuier also has not to notice other detail. 贺景也拿不准前者究竟是不是那位“尤姑娘”,便询问翠儿还有无注意到别的细节。 Cuier recalls for quite a while, finally remembers that female to send seems wears a peach blossom hairpin. 翠儿回忆半天,最后才想起那女子发间好似戴着一根桃花簪子。 to congratulate Jing has not said anything again, but bears in mind this matter silently, after planning to wait till Shu Prefecture, told Wei Changtian. 贺景没有再多说什么,只是默默将此事记在心里,打算等到了蜀州后告诉魏长天 Then, two people to travelling to the East for a half month, left in early March finally presented newly, bridge over the Mang River and a pengo wall, entered the original province boundary of Daning. 就这样,两人又向东行了半个多月,终于在三月初的时候离开了新奉,跨过蟒河和一片戈壁,进入了大宁的原州地界。 Five years ago original province city massacre, because is extremely frigid, therefore two people have hearing early. 五年前“原州城惨案”因为太过惨烈,故而两人都早有耳闻。 But now five years passed by, the original province city was still stretch of ruins, but usually in has the Daning common people to come this mourning occasionally in the relatives and friends who in that tragedy elapsed. 而现在五年时间过去了,原州城仍旧是一片废墟,只是平日里偶有大宁百姓会来此悼念在那场惨剧中逝去的亲友。 However is away from original province city not far Pingjiang County even more to be actually lively, becomes Daning Xijiang from present a recent border town newly. 不过距离原州城不远的平江县倒是越发热闹,成为了大宁西疆距离新奉最近的一座边城。 Husband, I think this Pingjiang leaves the original province city to be like this near, the common people do not dare to stay here.” 相公,我原本以为这平江离着原州城这样近,百姓都不敢留在这里呢。” Walks with to congratulate Jing shoulder to shoulder on the long street, Cuier said with a smile: Cannot think that like this is unexpectedly lively.” 与贺景并肩走在长街上,翠儿笑着说道:“想不到竟这样热闹。” Haha, wants to come is because after the original province city was destroyed, this city then became with presented contact caravan the reason of stopover in Daning newly.” “哈哈,想来是因为原州城被毁之后,此城便成了于大宁与新奉之间往来商队落脚之处的缘故。” to congratulate Jing worthily is the person who the successful candidate, has been an official, the access road/simply said left immediately essential: Where many business where is since the ancient times lively, now between five countries the trade is close, Pingjiang can have vividly this is not then strange.” 贺景不愧是中过进士、当过官的人,立马便道出了其中关键:“自古以来哪里多商哪里便热闹,如今五国间通商密切,平江能有此繁华便也不奇怪了。” „, So that's how it is.” “啊,原来如此.” Nod that Cuier is suddenly enlighted, looked that to celebrating the scenery look also worships. 翠儿恍然大悟的点点头,看向贺景的眼神也更加崇拜。 But in the meantime, the latter actually stops the step suddenly, seems is listening to anything carefully. 而就在此时,后者却突然停下步子,好似在仔细听着什么。 Husband, how?” 相公,怎么了?” Cuier has doubts looks to the roadside, this discovered not far away has a small school. 翠儿疑惑的向路边看去,这才发现不远处有一间小小的学堂。 Inscribes reaching knowledge and understanding the wooden plaques of two characters to exude the light golden light under the sunlight, the wooden window is opening wide, has the reading sound of child to flutter faintly from middle. 刻有“致知”二字的木匾在阳光下泛着淡淡金光,木窗敞开着,隐隐有孩童的读书声自当中飘出。 Is the Moonlight of Spring River that Young Master Wei makes.” “是魏公子作的春江花月夜。” Shook the sleeves, to congratulate Jing said in a soft voice: „To come the mister to teach the rules of poetry.” 抖了抖衣袖,贺景轻声说道:“想来先生正在教诗律。” „, Young Master Wei is really fierce, the done poem is teaching the small school unexpectedly like this.” “哇,魏公子真厉害,作的诗竟连这样的小学堂都在教。” Cuier is not a writer, naturally does not know Wei Changtian now in the position of the world poetic world, therefore listened to to congratulate Jing to say with amazement. 翠儿不是文人,当然不知道魏长天如今在天下诗坛的地位,因此听贺景这么说不禁大为惊讶。 Another side to congratulate Jing has not explained anything, but smiles, then passes through the school front door with Cuier, continued the roaming to enjoy local conditions and social customs of this Pingjiang city. 另一边贺景也没有解释什么,只是笑了笑,然后便与翠儿走过学堂大门,继续去游赏这平江城的风土人情了。 Quick, their walks away slowly. 很快,两人就这样慢慢走远。 But in small school that at the same time, named reaches knowledge and understanding, a roughly 8 or 9-year-old young boy some worships sighs with emotion low voice with the companion: 而与此同时,名为致知的小学堂里,一个约莫八九岁的小男童则正有些崇拜的与同伴小声感慨道: Hey, this Wei Changtian is quite fierce, in poem that we recite I thought that is him to do best!” “喂,这魏长天好生厉害啊,咱们背的诗里我觉得属他作的最好!” Listened to my mother saying that this Wei Changtian wrote poetry not only fiercely, fought fiercely also very!” “听我娘说这个魏长天不光作诗厉害,打架也厉害的很呢!” I also heard that the emperors must listen his!” “我还听说皇上都要听他的呢!” Real? He was very certainly intelligent!” “真的么?那他一定很聪明了!” This also said with you, does not know who he is more intelligent with the mister.” “这还用你说,就是不知道他跟先生谁更聪明一些。” I thought that is a mister.” “我觉得是先生。” I thought that perhaps the mister is inferior to him.” “我觉得先生或许不如他.” „.” “.” Talked in whispers mixes in endorsing the sound, there is a cool breeze to cross the window, in the swaying hall the child early childhood. 窃窃私语中夹杂在背书声中,有清风过窗,拂动堂中孩童垂髫。 But that mister then sits before the same time the screen, in the hand holds an ancient book, the expression is temperate. 而那“先生”便就坐在一面屏风之前,手中捧着一本古书,表情温和平静。 Since the children do to compare with this person and Wei Changtian, explained that the ability and wisdom of this person in the children heart is extremely high. 既然孩童们会拿此人与魏长天作比,就说明在孩子们心中此人的才智极高。 Fact also truly so. 事实也确实如此。 This reaches knowledge and understanding book hall to be open for business is about three years, the scale is also very small, child study that but sends must compared with other good of letter hall on many. 这致知书堂才开张不过三年,规模也很小,但送来的孩童学的总要比别家书堂的好上许多。 Even sometimes has in child Tong to come across some terrible business, he only with then can make person universality of contradictions in a few words, office that so long as according to him said that what issue then can be easily solved. 甚至有时有孩童家中遇到些麻烦事,他只用三言两语便能令人茅塞顿开,只要按他说的办,什么问题便都能迎刃而解。 Then, this age not big, estimate, only then the mister of 30 year-old then also settled on by many prestigious family wealthy and powerful families. 如此一来,这个年纪并不大、估计只有而立之年的先生便也被很多名门大户看中了。 Some people want to ask him to come to your family place the children to do to oneself private teach the mister. 有人想请他来府上给自家子女做私教先生。 Some people want to ask him to be the adviser. 有人想请他做谋士。 Also some people want to form a partnership to do business with him, the qualification does not need him to leave tiny bit. 还有人想与他合伙做生意,本钱不需他出一分一毫。 Without a doubt, which the above these regardless , the reputation of money and harvest that makes inevitably compared with open the school to come here a lot. 毫无疑问,以上这些不论哪一个,赚的钱、收获的名声势必都要比在这里开学堂来得多。 But this person declined entirely, during three years defend this small school to impart knowledge and educate people. 但这人却统统回绝了,三年间就守着这小学堂教书育人。 He also married a very ordinary wife. 哦,他还娶了一个很普通的娘子。 In the city a household of ordinary families' miss. 是城里一户寻常人家的姑娘。 The appearance is not outstanding, the figure is far from exquisite, not with the knowledge that he matches. 长相算不上出众,身段谈不上玲珑,更没有与他相匹配的学识。 However is the genial and steadfast duty. 不过为人和善、踏实本分。 Most critically, the miss waits him to be very good. 更关键的是,姑娘待他很好。 „Did Husband, get out of class?” 相公,下堂了么?” The curtain lifts gently, a female of cotton garment searches a head, said low voice: 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, should have the lunch.” 门帘轻轻掀开,一身布衣的女子探进一个脑袋,小声说道:“子时了,该吃午饭了。” Teacher's wife is good!” “师娘好!” Teacher's wife!” “师娘!” Has seen teacher's wife!” “见过师娘!” Has not waited for the mister to open the mouth, in the hall the child then shouts to make one group, could see that likes about this teacher's wife very much. 还未等先生开口,堂中孩童便嚷嚷作一团,看得出对这位师娘很是喜爱。 But the mister also beckons with the hand with a smile, the children throw down the books immediately, flew also to resemble to run the school. 而那先生也笑着摆了摆手,孩童们立刻丢下书本,飞也似的跑出了学堂。 „! Gets out of class!” “哦!下堂啦!” Goes home to eat meal!” “回家吃饭喽!” „.” “.” With one crowd of running away pony, soon, in the hall then only remains a man and a woman two people. 跟一群脱了缰的小马似的,不多时,堂中便只剩一男一女两人。 Husband, eats quickly before it's too late.” 相公,快趁热吃吧。” Your recent several days cough was also fierce, I then cooked some pear gruel “你最近几日咳嗽的又厉害了,我便熬了些梨粥” Is speaking, takes out a small earthenware jar from the gift box, several plates of side dishes. 一面说着话,一面从食盒里取出一只小瓦罐,几碟小菜。 The fragrance of meal lingers in the air, high noon the warm sunlight is just satisfied. 饭菜的香味萦绕在空气里,正午温暖的阳光正惬意。 Good.” “好。” The mister smiles, abundant one bowl of gruel were first placed in front of the female, then gave itself also to be abundant one bowl. 先生笑了笑,盛了一碗粥先摆在女子面前,然后才给自己又盛了一碗。 Two people sit relatively, chatted several daily family activities, sipped gruel to eat the vegetable/dish, the cool breeze change page, had the itinerant peddler to hawk on out of the window street, in sound far and near full was the human food. 两人相对坐着,一面闲聊几句家常,一面喝粥吃菜,清风翻动书页,有货郎在窗外街上叫卖,远近的声音里满是人间烟火。 If must describe this couple love the scene, the man one breath then can say many literary references and idioms without doubt. 如果要形容一下这幅“夫妻恩爱”的场面,那男人无疑一口气便能说出许多典故和成语。 But the female has not studied, it is estimated that could not say. 而女子没读过书,估计是说不出来的。 However she actually knows oneself have recognized at present this man, can therefore be willing is good to the latter. 不过她却知道自己早已认准了眼前这个男人,所以才会心甘情愿的对后者好。 Even if the man never told her own to come from where, had done the earth-shaking matter 哪怕男人从未告诉她自己来自何处,曾经又做过何等惊天动地的事 In March/three months the hawk flying grass is long, the early rice has emitted the green and glossy tender point. 三月莺飞草长,早稻已冒出了绿油油的嫩尖。 The carriage not so fast but so slow neither travel on the smooth major road, the both sides is completely the green and glossy rice paddy. 马车不快不慢的行驶在平整的官道上,两侧尽是绿油油的稻田。 The irrigation ditch directs the river water of distant place to the place, strange steel hut braves the steaming steam, in rumble in the sound the water of introduction rice paddy irrigation ditch, looks at sits the Cuier big feeling in car(riage) is surprised. 灌渠将远处的河水引至地头,一个个古怪的钢铁“小屋”冒着腾腾热气,在“轰隆隆”的响声中又将灌渠之水引入稻田,看得坐在车中的翠儿大感惊奇。 Leaves the guy two months, she and to congratulate Jing finally arrived in the destination of trip, Shu Shu Prefecture. 离开大汉两个月,她与贺景终于抵达了此行的目的地,大蜀蜀州 But enters the Shu place, along the way the scenery of seeing then with elsewhere entirely different, novelst then must be these can direct the water of irrigation ditch iron room. 而一入蜀地,沿途所见之景便与别处大不相同,其中最新奇的便要属这些能引灌渠之水的“铁屋子”了。 Husband, what is this?” 相公,这都是些什么呀?” Lies near the glass, Cuier asking: How to have never seen in elsewhere?” 趴在车窗边,翠儿愣愣的问道:“怎得在别处从未见过呢?” Must be called the steam engine.” “应当叫做蒸汽机。” to congratulate Jing estimated that had previously heard the steam engine, can therefore say the name at present actually. 贺景估计此前听说过蒸汽机,所以眼下倒是能说出名字。 However he has not seen the material object after all, therefore actually does not know actually this thing has what function. 不过他毕竟没见过实物,故而其实也不知道这东西究竟有何作用。 „To come such as the windmill to be then ordinary, is to make the pumping irrigation to use.” “想来便如风车一般,是作抽水灌溉之用的吧。” Steam engine “蒸汽机” Cuier is puzzled: But at this moment obviously calm, why can this steam engine also pilot?” 翠儿还是不解:“可此刻明明无风,这蒸汽机为何还能引水?” This I do not know.” “这我就不知了。”
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