IATVOTB :: Volume #6 江湖夜雨十年灯

#1028: The truth of the world

I am in the book the truth of big villain document Chapter 998 world cough unexpectedly!” 我竟是书中大反派正文卷第998章世界的真相“咳!” Exercise “操” When Wei Changtian was foul-mouthed when is lifting the Longquan sword crawled from the ground, Xu Suisui only felt oneself as if stopped the breath. 魏长天骂骂咧咧的举着龙泉剑从地上爬起来时,许岁穗只感觉自己仿佛连呼吸都停止了。 The feeling of feeling relieved took away all her strengths instantaneously, the severe pain that various body places welled up like surging tides also made her several want the faint. 如释重负的感觉瞬间抽掉了她所有力气,身体各处如潮水般涌来的剧痛也令她几欲昏厥。 But another side, Wei Changtian turned head to look at her one eyes, at once then falls the vision on front this neuter fellow. 而另一边,魏长天则只是扭头看了她一眼,旋即便将目光落在了面前这个不男不女的家伙身上。 Yes, just that time to incurring, although made him carry the severe wound, but has not actually actually arrived the degree of not being able to stand. 是的,刚刚那次对招虽然令他身负重伤,但其实却并未到站都站不起来的程度。 After all in the gold/metal Buddhist relics contains is also a inner strength, is undifferentiated with Qin Zhengqiu. 毕竟金舍利中蕴含的也是一品内力,与秦正秋并无差别。 In addition Chu Xianping had previously exhausted latter's strength enormously, therefore Wei Changtian's ten thousand Jianluo arched pressed that move to select unexpectedly the moon/month sword. 再加上楚先平此前已经极大的消耗了后者的实力,故而魏长天的“万剑落穹”竟压过了那一招挑月剑。 But he pretends to faint, without doubt is wants to deceive this supposes this huge conspiracy secretly person. 而他之所以假装昏死,无疑便是想要骗出这个设下这场巨大阴谋的幕后之人。 If becoming an immortal secret real, why the person of not monopolizing chance leak, instead can tell Qin Zhengqiu and Chu Xianping this matter? 如果登仙天机是真的,为什么泄密之人不独享机缘,反而要将此事告诉秦正秋楚先平 Why this immortal pavilion does not appear early does not appear late, after when exactly Qin Zhengqiu reaches the summit, appears immediately? 为什么这仙阁早不出现晚不出现,恰好等到秦正秋登上山顶后就立刻出现了? Why will the Heavenly Dao speak? And can also remind Qin Zhengqiu also to hide in the summit specially? 为什么天道会说话?并且还要特意提醒秦正秋自己也藏在山巅? The above all sorts were disclosing too many strange, causing Wei Changtian has to suspect that all these is a conspiracy. 以上种种都透露着太多诡异,使得魏长天不得不怀疑这一切都是一场阴谋。 He is thinking first stands firm Qin Zhengqiu, then uncovers this secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator. 他原本想着是先稳住秦正秋,然后再揪出这个幕后黑手。 But sudden launching an attack of Qin Zhengqiu enables him not to have the means that can only attempt to tempt this person in this way. 秦正秋的突然发难使得他没有办法,只能通过这种方式来尝试诱出此人。 Now looks like, own plan was actually successful. 如今看来,自己的计划倒是成功了。 Does not know that Qin Zhengqiu is dies lives 就是不知道秦正秋是死是活 Who are you?” “你是谁?” The Longquan sword dies to stubbornly resist that as before above the throat of white clothing youth, the Wei Changtian's line of sight crosses his shoulder, swept one distant place that to lie down the person's shadow in crushed stone. 龙泉剑依旧死死抵在白衣青年的喉咙之上,魏长天的视线越过他的肩膀,扫了一眼远处那个躺在碎石中的人影。 Did not need to look, he has not died.” “不用看了,他还没死。” The white clothing youth as if guessed correctly in his heart to think, said with a smile lightly: You and he will die quickly.” 白衣青年似乎猜出了他心中所想,轻笑道:“不过你与他很快就都会死的。” Yes?” “是么?” Wei Changtian takes back the line of sight, stares at the white clothing youth several breaths, then put the Longquan sword unexpectedly slowly. 魏长天收回视线,盯着白衣青年足足数息,然后竟将龙泉剑慢慢放了下来。 Since I will die immediately, you can make me die to understand?” “既然我马上就会死,那你能不能让我死个明白?” Cancels the bloodstain of corners of the mouth conveniently, Wei Changtian smiles suddenly: I think that you should have this self-confidently?” 随手抹去嘴角的血迹,魏长天突然笑了笑:“我想你应该有这个自信吧?” Ha, interesting!” “哈哈哈,有趣!” The white clothing youth seems interested in the Wei Changtian's response very much, returns with a smile said: Good, what do you want to ask? I may answer you.” 白衣青年仿佛对魏长天的反应很感兴趣,也笑着回道:“好啊,你想问什么?我都可答你。” You asked that I asked that I must ask you asked that how?” “不过你问我一问,我也要问你一问,如何?” Good.” “好。” The Wei Changtian not ink marks, open the mouth to ask directly: 魏长天毫不墨迹,直接开口问道: Who are you?” “你是谁?” I then am this side world only real immortal.” “我便是这方世界唯一的真仙。” The white clothing youth look is tranquil: „The words of name previously had, but the time was too long has forgotten.” 白衣青年眼神平静:“名字的话此前是有的,不过时间太久已经忘记了。” „.” “.” Real immortal? 真仙? Heard these two characters the flashes, Wei Changtian cannot help but shocked, in the mind also remembered in the middle of the thoroughfare radiating in all directions dragon once born suddenly a legend of real immortal 听到这两个字的一刹那,魏长天不由得愣住了,脑海中也突然想起了馗龙当中曾诞生过一位真仙的传说 „Before you were 2000 , the person of that thoroughfare radiating in all directions dragon became an immortal?” “你就是两千年前登仙的那个馗龙之人?” Thoroughfare radiating in all directions dragon. For a long time has not heard this name.” “馗龙.好久没听到过这个名字了。” As if somewhat fondly remembers, the white clothing youth looked at a setting sun of horizon distantly. 仿佛有些怀念,白衣青年遥遥看了一眼天边的落日。 Yes, I then am that person.” “是,我便是那个人。” „.” “.” Heard the white clothing youth to acknowledge, surprised that extremely Wei Changtian this time has not displayed, but lowered the head is pondering anything probably. 听到白衣青年承认了,魏长天这次倒没有表现的太过惊讶,只是低着头好像在思考什么。 But the former is takes back the line of sight to look to him, said with a smile: 而前者则是收回视线看向他,笑着说道: Ok, this/should I asked you.” “好了,该我问你了。” Since I had said my status truthfully, whether you can also tell me, who are you?” “既然我已经将我的身份如实说出了,那你是否也可以告诉我,你又是谁呢?” Daning Wei Family only son, “大宁魏家独子, Wei Changtian. ” Quick that Wei Changtian replied. You know I asked was not this.” 魏长天。”魏长天回答的很快。“你知道我问的不是这个。” The white clothing youth shakes the head: I am asking you, in the three years occupies that person of this body, is who?” 白衣青年摇了摇头:“我是在问你,这三年间占据这具身体的那个人,是谁?” This was another issue.” “这是另一个问题了。” Wei Changtian curls the lip, directly asked again: Therefore the so-called becoming an immortal secret is false? You want me and Qin Zhengqiu, in this life two people who were most likely to become an immortal directs here to kill, in order to avoid did win your immortal position?” 魏长天撇撇嘴,直接再问:“所以所谓的登仙天机是假的了?你不过是想将我与秦正秋,当今世上最有可能登仙的两人引到此处杀了,以免夺走你的仙位?” „. Yes.” “.是。” Wei Changtian's rascal act has not promoted the sentiment of white clothing youth to fluctuate, he was just, then replied with a smile: 魏长天的“无赖”行径并没有引起白衣青年的情绪波动,他只不过是顿了一顿,便笑着回答道: You are very intelligent with that Chu Xianping, your grandfather actually cannot only see this point pitifully, perhaps otherwise you also really can live.” “你与那个楚先平都很聪明,只可惜你外公却没能看出这一点,否则你们或许还真能活下来。” Ok, you can answer my just issue now.” “好了,现在你可以回答我刚刚的问题了吧。” Ok.” “可以。” Possibly the sleep/felt obtained to conceal not to have the significance, Wei Changtian then to speak thoughtlessly at this time again to reply: 可能觉得到这时候了再隐瞒下去也没有了意义,魏长天便随口答道: I come from the average person in another world.” “我只是来自另外一个世界的普通人。” Another world I knew.” “另外一个世界么我知道了。” Stems from Wei Changtian's to expect, the white clothing youth is not probably accidental to this answer. 出乎魏长天的预料,白衣青年好像对这个答案并不意外。 „Aren't you surprised?” “你不惊讶么?” Wei Changtian knits the brows: Said you had also once seen other such as my ordinary person?” 魏长天皱了皱眉:“还是说你还曾见过别的如我一般的人?” I have not seen, but has heard.” “我没见过,但听说过。” The white clothing youth smiles: Ok, you continued to ask.” 白衣青年笑了笑:“好了,你继续问吧。” „” “哦” Wei Changtian inspires gently, this time thinks is very long, asked slowly: 魏长天轻轻吸了一口气,这次想了很久,才慢慢问道: „Are shackles did not exist, but your immortals to cut mortal becoming an immortal probability but the trick under supposing?” “一品桎梏是不是原本并不存在,只是你们仙人为了降低凡人成仙几率而设下的伎俩?” „.” “.” The eyes stare slightly in a big way, the white clothing youth looks at Wei Changtian, showed the surprised expression for the first time. 双眼微微瞪大,白衣青年看着魏长天,第一次露出了惊讶的表情。 After long time, he nods finally gently. 半晌之后,他终于轻轻点了点头。 Yes, but is not self- gets up.” “是,但并非是自我而起的。” „Since this side world presented the first immortal, he then did that.” “自打这方世界出现了第一个仙人之后,他便这么做了。” Also is hits that to start, had a shackles saying.” “也是打那开始,才有了一品桎梏一说。” In the future all immortals, including me, does this.” “往后所有的仙人,包括我,也都是如此做的。” After all had been through repeatedly the hardships to become an immortal, who is willing easily then to be substituted by others?” “毕竟历经了千难万险才得以成仙,谁又愿意轻易便被别人替代呢?” How therefore you do achieve?” “所以你们是怎么做到的?” Wei Changtian for the world military person had not interrogated why the white clothing youth must do that but narrows the eye to pursue asks: Since you supposed shackles, why also still some people can become an immortal? Will the immortal also pass away?” 魏长天并没有替天下武人质问白衣青年为什么要这么做,只是眯着眼睛追问道:“既然你们设下了一品桎梏,为何还仍有人能成仙?难道仙人也会老死?” Immortal and day same longevity.” “仙人与天同寿。” The white clothing youth shakes the head, only used a few words then to answer Wei Changtian all questions. 白衣青年摇了摇头,只用了一句话便解答了魏长天所有的问题。 Why will still become an immortal as for some people. Oh, we use the Heavenly Dao destiny to suppose the shackles, but these destiny actually must have the stopover.” “至于为何仍会有人成仙.唉,我们用天道气运设下桎梏,但这些气运却也总要有个落脚之处。” „.” “.” Heavenly Dao destiny? 天道气运? As if there is stuffy thunder crack in the mind, the Wei Changtian flash thinks together previously thought not the clear matter clearly, understood the truth of this world finally. 仿佛有一道闷雷炸响在脑海,魏长天一瞬间想明白了很多此前想不明白的事情,也终于了解了这个世界的真相。 Originally „the child of Heavenly Dao radically is so-called shackles sideline product. 原来“天道之子”根本就是所谓“一品桎梏”的“副产品”。 Because the immortal does not want to be replaced by the successor, therefore extracted most Heavenly Dao destiny in this world, shifted on a person completely. 因为仙人不想被后来者取代,所以抽取了这世界上的大部分天道气运,全部转移到了一个人身上。 Then, others are very then difficult to break through to one, let alone became an immortal. 如此一来,其余人便很难突破到一品,就更别说成仙了。 But that person who carries this world most destiny, is „the child of Heavenly Dao. 而身负这世界绝大多数气运的那个人,就是“天道之子”。 For example Xiao Feng. 比如说萧风 Because there is a big destiny to add the body, the child of Heavenly Dao will certainly not have so-called shackles, and its road of big probability practicing will open access, until was killed by the immortal. 由于有大气运加身,天道之子当然不会存在所谓的一品桎梏,并且其修行之路大概率会一路畅通无阻,直到被仙人弄死。 Right, according to the view of white clothing youth speculated, when this world often has the child of Heavenly Dao will soon be immortal, the immortal will then find the way to massacre him. 没错,按照白衣青年的说法推测,这世界上每每有天道之子即将“得道成仙”之时,仙人便会想办法杀掉他。 And seems like the immortal unable to begin directly, must pass some indirectly way. 并且看起来仙人还不能直接动手,必须得通过一些“间接”的方式。 Wei Changtian does not know why this is, but wants to come the truth is so. 魏长天不知道这是为啥,但想来真相便是如此。 Most destiny as centralized as one person, cuts off possibility that others became an immortal, the immortal then only need stare at the child of this Heavenly Dao, then after it grows to certain stage writes off it, adds the Heavenly Dao destiny again with another person, starts once again. 将大部分气运集中到一人身上,断绝了其余人成仙的可能,仙人便只需盯着这个天道之子,然后在其成长到一定阶段后将其抹杀,再把天道气运加与另一人身上,周而复始。 Compares in the situation that everyone can become an immortal, this to the immortal truly is preserves immortal position the best way. 相比于人人都能成仙的情况,这对仙人来说确实是保住“仙位”的最好办法。 But regarding these children of Heavenly Dao, as well as military person who is restrained shackles innumerably, this is also brutal. 但对于那些天道之子,以及无数受制于一品桎梏的武人而言,这又是残酷的。 Naturally, in the long river of history, would the accident/surprise happening. 当然了,在漫长的历史长河中,总会有意外发生。 When the child of some Heavenly Dao escaped planning of immortal by luck, successfully replaces the latter to become new one immortal, then after understanding the truth of the world . He will then also make the same choice. 而当某个天道之子侥幸逃过了仙人的算计,成功取代后者成为“新一任”仙人,进而了解了世界的真相之后.他便也会做出相同的选择。 Wei Changtian does not know how should appraise this type slaughter dragon becomes Evil Dragon finally the circulation, but thought that somewhat sobbed. 魏长天不知道该怎么评价这种“屠龙者终成恶龙”的循环,只是觉得有些唏嘘。 He does not know can oneself become an immortal, if after really can become an immortal, can also this. 他也不知道自己能不能成仙,如果真能成仙之后又会不会也这样做。 Perhaps, now thinks that these were a little too early. 或许,现在想这些有点为时尚早了。 After all on the current situation, since Xiao Feng dies, oneself have become that by „the child of Heavenly Dao the immortal stares 毕竟就目前的情况来看,自打萧风死后,自己就已经成为了那个被仙人盯上的“天道之子”了 That. Selects the moon/month sword what's the matter?” “那么.挑月剑又是怎么回事?” Raised the head, Wei Changtian is smiling bitterly shaking the head of: Also is you are used to plan my method?” 抬起头来,魏长天苦笑着摇了摇头:“也是你用来算计我的手段?” Right.” “没错。” On this subject, the white clothing youth not again intertwines „a person to ask the matter, but is the tranquil acknowledgment: 话说到这个份儿上,白衣青年也没有再纠结“一人一问”的事,而是平静的承认道: Selects the moon/month sword, although may the helping other break through shackles, but will actually also block to practice person of sword the road of becoming an immortal simultaneously.” “挑月剑虽可助人突破一品桎梏,但其实也会同时阻断练剑之人的登仙之路。” Was only has not once thought that you can resist unexpectedly so seduce, on the contrary was your grandfather.” “只是没曾想你竟能抵得住这般诱惑,反倒是你外公.” Therefore, my grandfather has actually been doomed unable to become an immortal?” “所以,我外公其实早已注定无法成仙了?” Wei Changtian tone complex hits to block the way: You deceive to come here him, but also causes so the phenomenon, to tempt homicide I?” 魏长天语气复杂的打断道:“你将他骗来这里,还弄出这般异象,就是为了诱他杀我?” Yes, person who I must kill, from beginning to end then only then your.” “是,我要杀的人,自始至终便只有你一个。” The white clothing youth meaningful looked at one toward the mountain under: However you can also live now, is actually because I misread a person.” 白衣青年意味深长的向着山下看了一眼:“而你之所以现在还能活着,其实是因为我看错了一个人。” „.” “.” Chu Xianping. 楚先平 This is the only name that in the Wei Changtian mind presents. 这是魏长天脑海中出现的唯一一个名字。 The white clothing youth special is not clear, but was not difficult to understand in light of the linguistic environment that words saying meaning. 白衣青年并没有把话说的特别清楚,不过结合语境却不难理解其中意思。 Therefore, Chu Xianping comes a mind/square inch mountain to not to actually become an immortal, but to save oneself 所以,楚先平来方寸山其实根本不是为了成仙,而是为了救自己么 Wei Changtian does not know that Chu Xianping this has deceived deity. 魏长天不知道楚先平这算不算骗过了“神仙”。 But he truly once again deceiving oneself. 但他确实又一次“骗”过了自己。 „Is he also living?” “他还活着么?” Wei Changtian blurted to ask such a few words. 魏长天脱口问了这样一句话。 The white clothing youth had not replied, possibly does not know, possibly felt he has replied were many enough. 白衣青年没有回答,可能是不知道,也可能是觉得他已经回答的够多了。 Wei Changtian, you can also ask that I asked finally.” 魏长天,你还可以问我最后一问。” Turned head to look soon to sink to the horizon the setting sun, the white clothing youth approaches with a smile one step: I have asked finally wants to ask you.” 扭头看了看已经快要沉入地平线的夕阳,白衣青年笑着走近一步:“我也还有最后一问想要问你。” „.” “.” Finally asked. 最后一问. Actually, in Wei Changtian this moment heart still had the doubts that many have not explained completely. 其实,魏长天此刻心中仍有许许多多尚未完全解答的疑惑。 For example why can't the immortal begin to kill people directly? Can use others the hand? 比如说为什么仙人不能直接动手杀人?非要借他人之手? For example why the immortal can dispatch the Heavenly Dao destiny obviously, actually doesn't add simply on oneself? 比如说仙人为何明明能够调度将天道气运,却又不干脆加在自己身上? For example since must preserve the immortal position, why that won't select the moon/month sword to take early? Couldn't such world military person become an immortal? 比如说既然要保住仙位,那为什么不将挑月剑早拿出来?这样天下武人岂不是就都成不了仙了? What also for example are the results of beforehand these crossing over? 又比如说之前那些穿越者的结局是什么? Above these Wei Changtian can actually guess correctly some reasons mostly faintly, but is not specially transparent. 以上这些魏长天其实大都能隐隐猜出一些原因,但又不是特别明了。 However at present this is unimportant. 不过眼下这都不重要了。 To him, now this/should caring perhaps only has a matter. 对他而言,如今该在乎的或许只有一件事。 „Can person, murder the immortal?” “人,能弑仙么?” Is staring at the eyes of white clothing youth, the Wei Changtian's tone is especially tranquil. 盯着白衣青年的双眼,魏长天的语气格外平静。 But the former does not seem surprised he to ask such a question, light reply: 而前者似乎也不惊讶他会问这样一个问题,淡淡的回答: Cannot.” “不能。” I know that you have many is not the method of this world, but cannot then unable.” “我知道你有许多不属于这个世界的手段,但不能便是不能。” Immortal only may be substituted, will not be killed.” “仙人只可被替代,绝不会被杀死。” At least in this side microcosm, no one can achieve.” “最起码在这方小世界,谁也做不到。” „. Ok, I try a while.” “.行,那我等会儿试试。” It looks like disciple of not not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth being proud, Wei Changtian smiles. 就像是一个不知天高地厚的自负之徒,魏长天笑了笑。 You? Don't you have ask finally?” “你呢?你不是也有最后一问么?” Un.” “嗯。” The white clothing youth nods, the vision is somewhat complex. 白衣青年点点头,目光有些复杂。 Wei Changtian, these among 2000 I see, have killed am likely to become an immortal too many person.” 魏长天,这两千年间我见过、杀过太多有望登仙之人。” They greatly are either friendly, greatly is either wicked.” “他们要么大善,要么大恶。” Only has you, sometimes good sometimes wicked, unlike others.” “唯有你,时善时恶,与其他人都不同。” Properly speaking, your so person is not possible to arrive at now present this.” “照理说,你这般人是不可能走到如今如今这一步的。” Therefore I want to ask you. Why?” “因此我想问你.为什么?” Why? 为什么? Wei Changtian looks to the white clothing youth, as if understands the latter is asking anything, as if is not quite clear. 魏长天看向白衣青年,似乎明白了后者在问什么,似乎又不太明白。 Thinks, he gave one to seem the irrelevant answer. 想了一阵后,他只是给出了一个好似毫不相关的答案。 I thought that the damn person then kills.” “我觉得该死的人便杀。” I thought that not the damn person then does not kill.” “我觉得不该死的人便不杀。” This is not the good and evil, is only this/should and should not.” “这不是善恶,只是该与不该。” This.” “就这样。” „.” “.” Good, I knew.” “好,我知道了。” The white clothing youth gawked, at once smiles: Do not murder the immortal? Begins.” 白衣青年愣了一下,旋即笑了:“你不是要弑仙么?动手吧。” „. Un.” “.嗯。” Nods gently, Wei Changtian holds up the Longquan sword slowly, the gold/metal Buddhist relics that has not consumed also grasped in the right palm. 轻轻点了点头,魏长天缓缓举起龙泉剑,那枚尚未耗完的金舍利也握在了右掌。 Breaks the sword to flutter innumerably, the silver sword dragon across the body of white clothing youth, the air was torn, billowing voice reverberation sky over the mind/square inch mountain. 无数断剑飘荡而起,银色剑龙穿过白衣青年的身体,空气被撕裂,滚滚声浪回荡在方寸山上空。 The expression has no change, Wei Changtian non-stop wielding to cut a sword another sword, god beast empty shades appear and vanish in him behind. 表情没有任何变化,魏长天不停挥斩出一剑又一剑,一只只神兽虚影在他身后浮现又消失。 A inner strength that in gold/metal Sheli contains although cannot make him break through, but actually gave his short strength. 金舍利中蕴含的一品内力虽未能令他突破,但却赋予了他短暂的一品实力。 Has never had the boundless strength floods in each meridians, surges in the dantian. 从未有过的磅礴之力充斥在每一条经脉,激荡在丹田。 Wei Changtian believes, now under this day no one can live absolutely hand/subordinate a move in him. 魏长天相信,现在这天底下绝对无人可以在他手下活过一招。 At this moment, he has replaced Qin Zhengqiu, becomes true first under heaven person. 这一刻,他已取代秦正秋,成为了真正的“天下第一人”。 Only pitifully the person eventually is a person, but the immortal eventually is the immortal 只可惜人终究是人,而仙终究是仙 Bang “轰” The depressed thunderclap falls from the immortal pavilion, the multi-colored sunlight of setting sun as if covered the trim world fiercely, the terrifying pressure that is hard to state clearly made the entire mind/square inch mountain shiver. 沉闷的雷声从仙阁当中落下,落日的霞光仿佛猛地笼罩了整片天地,难以言明的恐怖威压令整座方寸山都在颤抖。 The surroundings several hundred li (0.5 km) can see this to seem must destroy day of a phenomenon that extinguishes the place, countless person raising the head, in the heart all surged the unprecedented fear. 周围数百里都能看见这好似要毁天灭地的异象,无数人愣愣的抬着头,心中皆涌起了前所未有的恐惧。 This is the true heavenly thunder. 这是真正的天雷。 Wei Changtian, why do you know in the mind/square inch mountain?” 魏长天,你知道为何是在方寸山么?” The white clothing is still spotless, the youth referred to upwardly, the corners of the mouth still hung that to smile faintly. 白衣依旧一尘不染,青年向上指了指,嘴角仍挂着那丝浅笑。 Left the day because of here recently.” “因这里离天最近。” Sixty year cycle may fall heavenly thunder a time, if your time can shoulder, then finished before below sixty year cycle, you must then be able to replace me.” “一甲子可落一次的天雷,若你这次能扛过去,那在下一甲子结束之前,你应当便能替代我了。” Is only you cannot block.” “只是你挡不住的。” Pitifully, you were very interesting.” “可惜了,你真的很有趣.” Sighed gently, the expression of white clothing youth was very sincere. 轻轻叹了口气,白衣青年的表情很真诚。 But Wei Changtian is also sharp in this time dangling sword, the giant silver sword dragon also dissipates loudly. 魏长天也在此时垂下剑尖,巨大的银色剑龙亦随之轰然消散。 Although the heavenly thunder has not fallen, but he can actually feel itself, regardless of made anything to make a futile effort. 虽然天雷还未落下,但他却能感觉到自己不论做什么都已是徒劳无功了。 Even maintaining life item could not save him. 甚至身上的保命道具也救不了他。 When this feeling with former that several times life and death crisis different, even if cloud secure Sihuan that Buddha has not really taken to him the so helpless feeling. 这种感觉跟之前那几次“生死危机”时都不一样,哪怕是云安寺幻阵那个“真佛”也没有带给他这般无能为力的感受。 If must describe. Possibly is faces god helpless. 如果非要形容一下的话.可能便是面对“神”的无奈吧。 Therefore, this? 所以,就这样了么? Closes the eye slowly, in the Wei Changtian mind flashes through the innumerable pictures. 缓缓闭上眼睛,魏长天脑海中闪过无数画面。 Xu Qingwan, Yangliu Shi, Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caizhen, Wei Qiaoling and that big black dog 徐青婉杨柳诗魏贤志秦彩珍魏巧玲和那条大黑狗 People and scenes appear at present, like the bubble breakage, only left behind a colorful froth in the heart. 一个个人、一幅幅场景浮现在眼前,又如泡影般破裂,只在心底留下了点点五彩斑斓的水沫。 If according to the repertoire of previous generation hot blooded network article, after recollection, he then must display what startled day style, turns defeat into victory at the last minute. 如果按照前世热血网文的套路,回忆过后,他便应当施展出什么惊天招式,在最后一刻反败为胜。 But the fact is actually, Wei Changtian will have included god to strike all methods to try. 但事实却是,魏长天早已将包括“神击”在内的所有手段都试过了。 Now thinks, if listened to the warning of Chu Xianping, does not come a mind/square inch mountain, perhaps oneself can also live again for several years, perhaps can also have several children, perhaps can also witness the cross time steam engine birth. 现在想想,如果听了楚先平的警告,不来方寸山,自己或许还能再多活几年,或许还能多生几个孩子,或许还能见证跨时代的“蒸汽机”的诞生。 But nowadays regrets again these do not have the significance. 但现如今再后悔这些已没了意义。 Even Wei Changtian did not regret. 甚至魏长天并不后悔。 He is only a little regrettable. 他只是有点遗憾。 The regret cannot leave behind a content result to the journey of this short crossing over. 遗憾没能给这趟短暂的穿越之旅留下一个美满的结局。 Bang!!” “轰!!” The thunderclap was bigger, as if immediately crack in ear bank. 雷声更大了,仿佛便就炸响在了耳畔。 Wei Changtian opens eyes, wants before to look at this world at the point of death again, but the institute of eye and purple thunder that actually only then blocks the sky. 魏长天睁开眼,想要在临死之前再看一看这个世界,但目之所及却只有遮天蔽日的紫雷。 He shakes the head, holds up the Longquan sword, treads the previous step, faces the billowing heavenly thunder to be determined to wield the last sword. 他摇了摇头,还是举起龙泉剑,踏前一步,面对着滚滚天雷决意挥出最后一剑。 But, in the continuous thunderclap gap, he heard weak shouting in the meantime suddenly. 可也就在此时,于连绵不绝的雷声间隙中,他突然听到了一声微弱的呼喊。 Wei Changtian 魏长天 I and I can help and help your one time finally “我、我终于能帮、帮你一次了” Turns the head to look following the whence of sound, Wei Changtian saw the whole body is Xu Suisui of blood. 顺着声音的来处转头看去,魏长天看到了浑身是血的许岁穗 Her chest inserts a to break the sword, grasps firmly the sword hilt single-handedly, is raising high high, the eye confuses the crescent moon, seems is smiling. 她胸口插着一柄断剑,一手攥住剑柄,一手高高抬着,眼睛迷成月牙,好似是在笑。 But in the midair, the scale is glittering bright golden splendor 而半空中,有一枚鳞片正闪烁着熠熠金辉 Bang!!!” “轰!!!” When a Wei Changtian face delay by myriad golden light was covered, he understands finally just had anything. 魏长天一脸呆滞的被万千金光笼罩其中之时,他终于明白刚刚发生了什么。 If Xu Suisui has enough points exchange really dragon Elin, she not when takes now. 如果许岁穗有足够的的点数兑换真龙额鳞,那她不会等到现在才拿出来。 Therefore before then, her points are certainly insufficient. 所以在此之前,她的点数一定是不够的。 Then, how Xu Suisui sufficiently collected system in this mind/square inch summit? 那么,许岁穗是怎么在这方寸山巅凑够了系统点的呢? Also she must make anything or, can change plot 又或者说,她要做些什么,才能改变“剧情”呢 Looks at the in the air whole face astonished with the fear and body in gradually the white clothing youth of dissipation, feels has far exceeded the cognitive that within the body is surging the strength, Wei Changtian knows oneself will soon become an immortal. 看着空中满脸惊愕与恐惧、身体在逐渐消散的白衣青年,感受着体内涌动的已经远远超出认知的力量,魏长天知道自己即将成仙了。 Although the gold/metal Buddhist relics have not helped him break through one truly, but actually forge had/left product Jing a strength. 金舍利虽然没有助他真正突破一品,但却“伪造”出了一品境的实力。 But real dragon Elin enhanced the first-level big boundary based on this again, that is the real immortal. 而真龙额鳞又在此基础上再提高了一级大境界,那就是真仙。 Wei Changtian does not know after the inner strength in gold/metal Buddhist relics exhausts, can own boundary drop. 魏长天不知道当金舍利中的内力耗尽之后,自己的境界会不会跌落。 But at least at this moment, he truly becomes an immortal, and replaced the white clothing youth 但最起码此时此刻,他确实成了仙,并且替代掉了白衣青年 The thunderclap stops suddenly, the dark cloud diverges instantaneously, finally wipes the setting sun to hang in the Western Paradise corner leisurely. 雷声戛然而止,乌云瞬间散去,最后一抹斜阳悠悠挂在西天一角。 Does not have any earth-shaking war, life and death crisis immediately such by one type bewildered the way relieved. Hence, even after Wei Changtian, will drop immortal position, but will definitely not have any opponent in this world in the next several years again. 没有什么惊天动地的大战,生死危机便就这么以一种“莫名其妙”的方式解除了。至此,即便魏长天以后会跌落“仙位”,但今后的数十年间在这世上也绝对不会再有任何对手。 But all these prices are 而这一切的代价就是 „.” “.” Slowly turns the head to look that to does not have aura Xu Suisui, that familiar words then leap forward the mind from the memory deep place. 慢慢转头看向已经没了气息的许岁穗,那一句句熟悉的话便从记忆深处跃入脑海。 Wei Changtian! Later we are the comrades! The revolutionary friendship firm cannot break!” 魏长天!以后我们就是同志啦!革命友谊坚不可破!” Comrade Wei, the old lady blows one to you!” “魏同志,老娘给你吹一个!” You look quickly! I have the hair!” “你快看!我有头发啦!” You believe me! I will not harm your!” “你相信我!我不会害你的!” Wū wū! Why you come! You have promised me immediately!” “呜呜呜!你为什么才来!你答应过我马上到的!” I made a mistake, should not be angry, I am afraid.” “我错了,你别生气了,我害怕.” You know that wū wū, no one feels better to me, if after we go back, you cannot ask for the wife, wū wū, I definitely marry you!” “你知道么,呜呜呜,从来都没有人对我这么好过,要是我们回去后你讨不到老婆,呜呜呜,我肯定嫁给你!” You feel relieved! I can deal with!” “你放心吧!我能应付来的!” Wei Changtian, I can help your one time finally 魏长天,我终于能帮你一次了” „.” “.” The golden light clears, real dragon Xuying also disappeared in the orange summit. 金光散尽,真龙虚影也消失在了橘黄色的山顶。 Dusk previous quarter completely, will wipe the setting sun to fall on the Xu Suisui corpse slantingly, several geese are flying toward the sunset afterglow place. 黄昏将尽的前一刻,一抹夕阳斜斜落在许岁穗的尸体上,几只大雁正在往落霞余晖处飞去。 A wisp of small remnant soul circles side Wei Changtian, seems like is making the final farewell with him gently. 一缕小小的残魂盘旋在魏长天身边,似乎是在轻轻与他做着最后的告别。 Protects the remnant soul cautiously in the palm, then one wields in the side conveniently. 小心翼翼将残魂护在手心,然后随手在身边一挥. Scoffs!” “嗤啦!” The jet black crack emerges out of thin air in his body side, then like sheared a blade in a landscape painting. 漆黑的裂缝凭空出现在他身侧,便如同在一幅山水画上割了一刀。 Walks, I bring home you.” “走,我带你回家。” Wei Changtian not hesitant, but said in a soft voice, then turns around to step into at once void. 魏长天没有犹豫,只是轻声说了一句,旋即便转身踏入虚空。
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