IATVOTB :: Volume #6 江湖夜雨十年灯

#1027: Not having to turn head

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[ Loves pen building] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[爱笔楼]https://最快更新!无广告! Saw the Qin Zhengqiu flash, Wei Changtian stares staring, the finger also trembled slightly trembled. 看到秦正秋的一刹那,魏长天愣了愣,手指也微微颤了一颤。 From the Qin Zhengqiu situation, he experienced a very difficult war absolutely, did not achieve anything to trade with Chu Xianping, can reach the summit through peaceful means. 秦正秋的情况来看,他绝对是经历了一场十分艰难的大战,绝非是与楚先平达成了什么交易,通过“和平手段”得以登上山顶的。 Then this is then representing 那么这便代表着 Chu Xianping must die. 楚先平应当已经死了。 In the heart does not have the reason sinks, Wei Changtian does not know that at this moment are what feelings. 心中没来由的一沉,魏长天不知道此刻自己是何感想。 A rational point thinks, Chu Xianping independence entrance, his death has seemed are not related with oneself. 理性一点想,楚先平早已“自立山门”,他的死好似已跟自己没有关系了。 And Chu Xianping also made Qin Zhengqiu pay such big price, at least followed Qin Zhengqiu to come a mind/square inch mountain these expert big probabilities dead in the mountain together, even it can be said that helped oneself busy. 并且楚先平还让秦正秋付出了这样大的代价,最起码跟随秦正秋一同来方寸山的那些高手大概率都已死在了山中,甚至可以说是帮了自己一个大忙。 Perhaps from this perspective, oneself must thank. 从这个角度而言,自己或许还得谢谢. Wait. 等等。 Chu Xianping he really for a mind/square inch mountain that to become an immortal does come? 楚先平他真的是为了成仙才来的方寸山吗? Suddenly, a thought flashed through the mind, the heartbeat also as if stopped a racket. 突然,一个念头闪过脑海,心跳也仿佛停了一拍。 Wei Changtian stares, does not know why oneself will have such a guess of nothing basis. 魏长天一愣,不知道自己为什么会产生了这样一个没有任何根据的猜测。 Possibly thought all these somewhat do not seem like Chu Xianping to calculate the exhaustive attitude. 可能只是觉得这一切有些不像是楚先平算无遗漏的作风罢了。 Deeply inspires, shakes the head, these immaterial the matter presses in the heart, once again looked that to has arrived at Qin Zhengqiu under auspicious clouds. 深吸一口气,摇摇头,将这些“无关紧要”的事情压在心底,又一次看向已走到祥云之下的秦正秋 Wei Changtian has arranged a simple small strategy, hid him and Xu Suisui aura, therefore the former must not detect their existence at present. 魏长天早已布置了一个简单的小阵法,将他与许岁穗的气息掩藏了起来,因此眼下前者应当并未察觉到他们的存在。 Then waited. 那么接下来就是等待了。 Waits for that is not knowing the genuine and fake becoming an immortal secret appearance. 等待着那不知真假的“登仙天机”的出现。 „.” “.” Signals with the eyes to Xu Suisui, hints her not to make noise. 许岁穗使了个眼色,示意她别出声。 Wei Changtian then penetrates the quarry stone the slit, 魏长天便这么透过乱石的缝隙, Motionless is staring at Qin Zhengqiu. 一动不动的盯着秦正秋 But the latter raises head to look at everywhere auspicious clouds, seems like in must go to look hesitant in the clouds. 而后者则仰头看着漫天祥云,似乎是在犹豫要不要去云中看一看。 Wei Changtian has looked in the clouds, therefore clear Qin Zhengqiu, even if goes will still have achieved nothing. 魏长天早已去云中看过,因此清楚秦正秋即便进去也会一无所获。 Only if also has the change a while, otherwise this secret then is just one does not know the lie of what goal. 所以除非等会儿还有变化,否则这一场“天机”便只不过是一个不知有何目的的谎言。 Actually Wei Changtian also very hopes that this is a lie. 其实魏长天还挺希望这是一个谎言的。 After all as the matter stands he does not need to do one with Qin Zhengqiu at least again. 毕竟这样一来他最起码不用跟秦正秋再干一架。 Only pitifully, the development of story actually with opposite that clearly he hopes. 只可惜,故事的发展却与他期盼的截然相反. !” “呼!” Possibly is waiting for the arrival of Qin Zhengqiu, possibly waits till that moment that the secret was born by chance. 可能就是在等待着秦正秋的到来,也可能恰巧等到了天机降世的那一刻。 Saw only has not waited for Qin Zhengqiu to go to the clouds, then sees that surges an all day auspicious clouds to turn toward the both sides to separate suddenly, revealed a broad incomparable immortal pavilion unexpectedly. 只见还未等秦正秋去往云中,便见那翻腾了一整天的祥云突然向着两侧分开,其中竟露出了一座恢宏无比的仙阁。 The eye stares fiercely in a big way, Wei Changtian is good to hang not to jump directly from the hiding place. 眼睛猛地瞪大,魏长天好悬没直接从藏身之处蹦出来。 Where does this immortal pavilion come? 这仙阁是哪儿来的? Why hadn't oneself what previously seen in the cloud? 为什么自己此前在云里什么也没见到? Looks at that imaginary such as such as really Qiong Yu Yao step, feels as if can concentrate for richly the essence, exceeds one absolutely is really mad, in the Wei Changtian heart emits the innumerable questions in a flash. 看着那如幻如真的琼宇瑶阶,感受着仿佛可以凝为实质、绝对超越一品的浓郁真气,魏长天心中一瞬间冒出无数疑问。 But after he quickly then these brains of issue throwing, the left hand also pressed gently above the Longquan sword hilt. 但他很快便将这些问题抛之脑后,左手也轻轻摁在了龙泉剑柄之上。 Without a doubt, he must make the choice now immediately. 毫无疑问,现在他要立刻做出选择。 That becoming an immortal chance clarified in this immortal pavilion. 那登仙机缘摆明了就是在这仙阁之中。 But Qin Zhengqiu now also in same place, but it is estimated that will enter the immortal pavilion to find out immediately. 秦正秋虽然现在还楞在原地,但估计马上会进入仙阁一探究竟。 Therefore do oneself want to intend to block him immediately? 所以自己要不要立刻出手拦住他? To be honest, this issue seems should not make Wei Changtian hesitant. 说实话,这个问题好似并不应该令魏长天犹豫。 After all he comes a mind/square inch mountain the goal is this. 毕竟他来方寸山的目的就是这个。 Let alone Chu Xianping has helped him create the most advantageous condition now, his have no reason not to begin. 更何况如今楚先平已经帮他创造出了最有利的条件,他没理由不动手。 However 但是 Struggling in heart actually, Wei Changtian do not think from where clearly. 心中的挣扎究竟从何而起,魏长天自己也想不明白。 However has not waited for him to make the decision, in the scruple that flash, the mutation then happened once again. 不过还未等他做出决定,就在迟疑的那一瞬间,异变便又一次发生了。 „The say/way of view day, holds the day of tour.” “观天之道,执天之行。” Universe cares about the hand, ten thousand metaplasia body.” “宇宙在乎手,万化生乎身。” Instinct, person.” “天性,人也。” Will of the people, machine.” “人心,机也。” Sets up a day of say/way, to decide person also “立天之道,以定人也” „.” “.” The clear and distant sound of praise from the immortal corner, rumble resounds in the mind/square inch summit. 清晰且悠远的颂声自仙阁落下,隆隆响起在方寸山巅。 But what some being out of sorts, in filling mysterious and profound between the lines, the bottom color of this sound also somewhat is outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted, suddenly makes one unable to distinguish the men and women unexpectedly. 但有些违和的是,在充满了玄奥和高深的字里行间,这声音的底色却又有些阴柔,一时间竟让人分辨不出男女。 More essential, this beyond day does sound stem from who the mouth? 更关键的,这“天外之音”是出自于谁人之口? Heavenly Dao? 天道? The brow tight wrinkle, Wei Changtian is staring at the in the air immortal pavilion stubbornly, the rapidness of more and more heartbeat. 眉头紧皱,魏长天死死盯着空中仙阁,心跳的越来越快。 Without a doubt, after this scene absolutely is he passes through, has seen most inconceivable one. 毫无疑问,这副场面绝对是他穿越后所见过的最不可思议的一个。 But the Qin Zhengqiu expression also misses are not quite many, is only frantic that in the vision were many some not to hide. 秦正秋的表情也差不太多,唯独就是目光里多了些毫不隐藏的狂热。 Two people then look up the immortal pavilion, listening to the billowing sound of praise from the horizon to fall in torrents to the ear bank, a brain blank. 两人便这么抬头望着仙阁,听着滚滚颂声从天际倾泻至耳畔,大脑一片空白。 What instinct and „the will of the people, to be honest, Wei Changtian actually cannot understand. 什么“天性”、“人心”,说实话,魏长天其实一句也听不懂。 The final two words that however that sound said that made him stare in a big way the eyes fiercely. 不过那声音说出的最后两句话,却令他猛地瞪大了双眼。 „. This side world day reason not many, only may allow one person to obtain enlightenment to become an immortal.” “.此方世界天缘无多,只可容一人得道登仙。” Therefore, your three people who is willing to enter the Saint refinedly, then becomes a cabinet minister.” “所以,你们三人谁愿脱俗入圣,便入阁中吧。” „.” “.” Bang!!!” “轰!!!” Almost beyond this day the sound in the flash that drops, is centered on Qin Zhengqiu to the astral wind in the extreme turbulently turns toward whirls around in all directions crazily, giant stone cracking-up forcefully, will then swing the entire mind/square inch summit unexpectedly shortly spatially. 几乎是在这天外之音落下的一刹那,汹涌到无以复加的罡风便以秦正秋为中心向着四面八方疯狂翻卷,竟将一块块巨石硬生生的撞碎,顷刻间便把整个方寸山巅荡空。 Wei Changtian knew that nowhere may hide again, then also rises with a spring from the pile of stones fiercely, dark blue lang draws out the Longquan sword, kept off before the Xu Suisui body. 魏长天自知再无处可藏,便也猛地从乱石堆中一跃而起,“沧啷”一声拔出龙泉剑,挡在了许岁穗身前。 Similarly Ling very cold the inner strength goes out to the bang forward, will be innumerable the quarry stone that flies violently to be cut off, the billowing windblown dust crossed more than ten breaths to clear fully slightly. 同样凌冽的内力向前对轰出去,将无数激飞的乱石阻隔开来,滚滚尘烟足过了十余息才稍稍散尽一点。 Wei Changtian with Qin Zhengqiu to the summit that being situated in is empty, in lower hem corner in Zhoufeng flap flap makes noise immediately. 魏长天便就这么与秦正秋对立于空无一物的山顶,衣角于骤风中猎猎作响。 Grandfather.” “外公.” The look is very complex, Wei Changtian grasped making a fist, as if wanted to say anything. 眼神很复杂,魏长天握了握拳,似乎想要说些什么。 However waits for him to say two characters, Qin Zhengqiu then sudden hits to block the way: 然而才等他说出两个字,秦正秋便突然的打断道: Leads her to descend the mountain.” “带着她下山.” As if in the heart incomparably struggles, the Qin Zhengqiu sound is especially hoarse. 似乎心中无比挣扎,秦正秋的声音格外沙哑。 But Wei Changtian has not nodded has not shaken the head, but is gazing at him silently, after long time, slowly proceeded to tread one step. 魏长天没有点头也没有摇头,只是这么默默注视着他,半晌之后慢慢往前踏了一步。 Grandfather, descends the mountain with me together.” “外公,跟我一起下山吧。” „.” “.” The muddy pupil bottom flashes through one to hesitate, the Qin Zhengqiu body trembled trembled. 浑浊的眸底闪过一丝迟疑,秦正秋身子颤了一颤。 His difficult opening mouth, in the hand the long sword also hung little. 他艰难的张开嘴巴,手中长剑也一点点垂了下来。 Long, Changtian, I.” “长、长天,我.” Grabbed the dishevelled white hair stubbornly, Qin Zhengqiu was in the boundless pain probably, the whole person and kept shivering because of this pain. 死死抓着蓬乱的白发,秦正秋好像陷入了无边的痛苦之中,整个人都因这份痛苦而不停颤抖。 The kinship and heart demon are competing for in the mind repeatedly that last pure brightness, making him be at the brink of collapse. 亲情和心魔反复争夺着脑海中那最后一丝清明,使得他已然处在崩溃的边缘。 Grandfather!” “外公!” The Wei Changtian seeing that sound enhanced suddenly, treads again the previous step. 魏长天见状声音突然提高了许多,也再次踏前一步。 My mother has been waiting for you!” “我娘一直在等你!” Tianluo Sect! My that several uncles! They you went back in!” “还有天罗教!我那几个舅舅!他们都在等你回去!” You have not seen too small trace deep!” “你还未见过小泓溯呢!” Walks the grandfather!” “走吧外公!” Descends the mountain with me!” “跟我下山去吧!” I and I “我、我” The astral wind weakens gradually, Qin Zhengqiu vacant raising the head, the under foot hesitates, is struggling, finally walks in the Wei Changtian's direction step by step. 罡风渐渐变弱,秦正秋茫然的抬起头,脚下踟蹰着、挣扎着,终于一步步往魏长天的方向走去。 20 zhang (3.33 m) and 15 zhang (3.33 m) and ten zhang (3.33 m) and eight zhang (3.33 m). 二十丈、十五丈、十丈、八丈. Qin Zhengqiu every step walks very difficult, looks like treads in the mire, sways. 秦正秋的每一步都走的十分艰难,就像是踏在泥沼中,摇摇晃晃的。 But the Wei Changtian's breath even more is also rapid, has not grasped the right hand of sword to grip stubbornly tightly. 魏长天的呼吸也越发急促,没有握剑的右手死死攥紧。 To be honest, he has not thought that Qin Zhengqiu was actually really persuaded by oneself. 说实话,他没想到秦正秋竟然真的被自己说动了。 After all this and some latter previous actions really disparities. 毕竟这与后者此前的所作所为实在有些差距。 But in any event, if can peace solve this matter, that naturally best result 但不论如何,如果能“和平”解决此事,那当然是最好不过的结果 Exchanges one bottle from the system jade reveal powder, Wei Changtian preparation and other Qin Zhengqiu depended under is nearer then gives him to take, at least can guarantee in a short time him not again by the heart demon control. 从系统里兑换出一瓶“玉露散”,魏长天准备等秦正秋靠的再近一些便给他服下,最起码可以保证短时间内他不会再被心魔控制。 However 不过 Changtian.” 长天.” Suddenly, is distanced when both sides merely is less than three zhang (3.33 m), Wei Changtian has even lifted the left hand wants intent to dispatch the porcelain bottle, Qin Zhengqiu suddenly stopped the footsteps. 突然,就在双方仅仅相距不到三丈,魏长天甚至已经抬起左手欲意递出瓷瓶之时,秦正秋突然停下了脚步。 Was the grandfather is wrong “是外公错了” But the grandfather actually could not turn head.” “但外公却也回不了头了.” Bang!!!!” “轰!!!!” The long sword as if cut off the passing all pictures, in the Wei Changtian astonished vision, the dazzling golden sword glow rises suddenly loudly, is then coercing in a flash old selects moon/month of sword intent to submerge him. 长剑似乎斩断了过往的所有画面,在魏长天惊愕的目光里,刺眼的金色剑芒轰然暴涨,转瞬间便裹挟着苍老的挑月剑意将他淹没其中。 Loaded with the jade reveal loose small porcelain bottle to throw high, at once then changes to the fragment powder in broken bits, was blown off by the hysterical/frenzy hurricane disappears 装有玉露散的小瓷瓶高高抛起,旋即便化作细碎的齑粉,被狂乱的飓风吹散不见了 Silent. 寂静。 Dies the general silence. 死一般的寂静。 As if seethed the billowing black smoke by the endocrater that in the meteorite hit produces, the countless breaking sword scatters in the entire mind/square inch summit. 仿佛被陨石撞击而产生的巨坑中翻腾着滚滚黑烟,不计其数的断剑散落在整个方寸山顶。 In the sky all auspicious clouds had been swung spatially, the setting sun golden afterglow by that dreamlike immortal pavilion, falls on Wei Changtian and Qin Zhengqiu motionless body, reflects the temperate multi-colored sunlight in the blood. 天空中所有的祥云都已被荡空,夕阳金黄色的余辉透过那如梦似幻的仙阁,落在魏长天秦正秋一动不动的身体上,在鲜血中反射出温和的霞光。 Facing a Qin Zhengqiu close sword, Wei Changtian did not hide. 面对秦正秋近在咫尺的一剑,魏长天躲不了。 However in the final moment, he detonated the stars scabbard, with the aid of a inner strength that in that gold/metal Buddhist relics contains, displayed one time truly ten thousand Renyin. 不过在最后关头,他还是引爆了星辰刀鞘,借助那枚金舍利中蕴含的一品内力,施展了一次真正的“万刃引”。 False immortal rank that 10,000 long sword gatherings become falls arched, puts together the real immortal rank that goes all-out to the previous sword selects moon/month. 一万柄长剑汇聚而成的伪仙级别的“落穹”,对上一剑同样拼尽全力的真仙级别的“挑月”。 Such after incurring does not know can be that one time calculates does not have the future, but was absolutely unprecedented. 这样一次对招不知算的算得上后无来者,但绝对是前无古人了。 As for finally. 而至于结果. Seeming to regard as evenly, can regard as 好似可以看做平手,也可以看做 Wei, Wei Changtian “魏、魏长天 The distant place , the whole body is Xu Suisui of blood struggles is crawling little to Wei Changtian, on the face full is the tears. 远处,同样浑身是血的许岁穗挣扎着一点点爬向魏长天,脸上满是泪水。 Although she is away from two people to incurring the center is quite far, although that under Wei Changtian arrange/cloth the strategy of shielding the aura plays an iris action, but she was just hit to fly by that intense impulse to be very far. 虽然她距离两人对招的中心比较远,虽然魏长天布下的那个屏蔽气息的阵法起到了一点阻隔作用,但她刚刚还是被那强烈的冲击力撞飞了很远。 The both legs must break, chest also painful fierce. 双腿应当都断了,胸口也痛的厉害。 But Xu Suisui can actually ignore own injury, then grabs the soil with both hands, crawls one by one toward Wei Changtian that side, under the body pulled off a long bloodstain. 许岁穗却丝毫顾不得自己的伤势,便这么用双手抓着泥土,一下一下往魏长天那边爬去,身下拖出了一条长长的血痕。 Asked you, do not die “求求你,不要死” Do not die “不要死” I can rescue your “我能救你的” You cannot die.” “你不许死.” As if many strengths, the Xu Suisui weeping sound has not seemed especially weak. 似乎已没有多少力气了,许岁穗的哭声都显得格外虚弱。 But does not know that is because the spirit extremely presented the illusion absent-minded, in some moment, she saw that in suddenly that immortal pavilion went out of a person unexpectedly. 而也不知道是不是因为精神太过恍惚出现了幻觉,就在某一刻,她突然看到那仙阁之中竟走出了一个人。 This person wears the white clothing, appearance is youth who cannot distinguish the men and women, then same fall gently like the real immortal slowly in the mind/square inch summit, looked at her one eyes distantly. 这人身着白衣,模样似是一个辨不出男女的青年,便如同真的仙人一样缓缓飘落在方寸山顶,遥遥看了她一眼。 „.” “.” The eyes stare suddenly in a big way, Xu Suisui was shocked. 双眼蓦然瞪大,许岁穗愣住了。 However that immortal has no interest in her probably, after having looked at one, arrives at side Qin Zhengqiu, bent the waist to put out a hand to press in the latter chest. 不过那“仙人”却好像对她没什么兴趣,看过一眼后就走到秦正秋身边,弯腰伸手在摁在了后者胸口。 The corners of the mouth float off a happy expression, the white clothing youth then stand up quickly, that tranquil smile makes Xu Suisui suddenly feel afraid very much. 嘴角浮起一丝笑意,白衣青年很快便又站起身,那平静的笑容让许岁穗突然感到很害怕。 And Does not want.” “不、不要.” Opens mouth, Xu Suisui seems like entreating anything. 张了张嘴,许岁穗似乎是在哀求什么。 But the white clothing youth still had not actually visited her, but has fluttered the gulf, arrived at side Wei Changtian. 但白衣青年却仍旧没有看她,而是飘过深坑,又来到了魏长天身边。 He bends the waist, lowers the head, the fair nape of the neck has no time brightly and cleanly, then like in world most perfect white jade. 他弯下腰,低下头,白皙的脖颈光洁无暇,便如同世间最为完美的白玉。 The next quarter, a jet black long sword actually spanned suddenly above this Baiyu. 只是下一刻,一柄漆黑的长剑却突然横亘在了这“白玉”之上。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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