IATVOTB :: Volume #6 江湖夜雨十年灯

#1012: Warning from Chu Xianping

Newest website: 最新网址: Chu Xianping first did one step selecting moon/month of sword spectrum give the spirit gate temple? 楚先平先一步把挑月剑谱交给灵门寺了? Even if in the heart is prepared, when but Wei Changtian hears these words, the whole person was shocked inevitably. 即便心中已有准备,但当魏长天听到这句话时,整个人还是不可避免的愣住了。 Because in the middle of this really covered the too multi-information. 因为这当中实在涵盖了太多信息。 In the teahouse the flash needle falls may hear, only has outside the room that the laughing sound that hears from the distant place vividly to reverberate. 茶室之中一瞬间针落可闻,唯有屋外那自远处传来的欢笑声在轻快回荡。 Like this crossed about more than ten breaths, finally Li Zimu took the lead to break silent. 就这样过了大约十几息,最后还是李子木率先打破了沉默。 Young Master Song.” “宋公子。” Is staring at Song general, sees only her to ask in a soft voice: „, Chu Xianping he had detected stared by you?” 盯着宋普,只见她轻声问道:“如此说来,楚先平他可是已经察觉到被你们盯上了?” Yes “是” Song general bitter and astringent nod of: For this reason, Young Master clear/pain can make the deal with our abbots.” 宋普苦涩的点了点头:“正因如此,楚公子才得以与我们方丈达成了交易。” That does not know that is what trades?” “那不知是什么交易呢?” Li Zimu asked again: Since Chu Xianping is willing to hand over selects moon/month of sword spectrum, the expensive/noble temple must pay does not decide simply.” 李子木再问:“既然楚先平肯交出挑月剑谱,贵寺要付出的也定不简单吧。” Li Miss, this I do not know.” “李姑娘,这个我就不知道了。” Song general the expression was very helpless, in the recombination his status, wants to come not to lie. 宋普的表情很是无奈,再结合上他的身份,想来没有在说谎。 After he replied one, then diverted from Li Zimu the attention to Wei Changtian on, cautious then said: 他回答一句后便将视线从李子木转移到魏长天身上,小心翼翼的接着说道: I receive the order, to Young Master Wei belt/bring words “我只是收到命令,给魏公子带句话” Belt words? 带句话? Wei Changtian catches the eye to look, at once then responds. 魏长天抬眼看去,旋即便反应了过来。 Is Chu Xianping?” “是楚先平?” Un.” “嗯。” Song general deeply attracted one, replied truthfully: Young Master Wei, Young Master clear/pain said that also asked you to look for him not.” 宋普深深吸了一口,如实回答:“魏公子,楚公子说还请您莫要在找他了。” Also, he hopes that your later a half year do not leave Shu, regardless of heard during this period anything, checked anything.” “还有,他希望您之后半年时间都不要离开大蜀不论在此期间听说了什么、查到了什么。” Young Master clear/pain said that this is for hello.” “楚公子说这是为了您好。” Young Master Wei, the villain does not dare to deceive your half a point.” 魏公子,小人绝不敢欺瞒您半分.” „.” “.” Do not look for him again? 不要再找他? In six months do not leave Shu? 半年之内不要离开大蜀? Heard Song general the words, Wei Changtian cannot help but narrowed the eye, does not know that Chu Xianping what is this. 听到宋普的话,魏长天不由得眯了眯眼,不知道楚先平这是什么意思。 If the first matter understandable words, that second matter somewhat were also unintelligible without doubt. 如果说第一件事还可以理解的话,那第二件事就无疑有些不知所云了。 Warning? Reminded? 警告?还是提醒? What did Chu Xianping know? What in the half year will have? 楚先平知道了什么?这半年之中又会发生什么? The hesitation moment, Wei Changtian looked up to expression very anxious Song general, suddenly smiles. 沉吟片刻,魏长天抬头看向表情十分紧张的宋普,突然笑了笑。 Song brother, you do not need to worry.” “宋兄,你不必担忧。” Since the expensive/noble temple has been selected the moon/month sword to score, our transactions give up are.” “既然贵寺已经得到挑月剑谱了,那我们的交易作罢就是。” After all on present this situation, I then wants to ask him unable again.” “毕竟就眼下这种情况,我便是再想找他也已是不能了。” Many, many thanks the young master forgave!” “多、多谢公子体谅!” Heard Wei Changtian saying that relaxing of Song general felt relieved instantaneously. 听到魏长天这么说,宋普瞬间如释重负的松了口气。 He just really feared that Wei Changtian is in a rage to begin to kill people. 他刚刚是真怕魏长天一怒之下动手杀人。 Is good looks like the latter to be insufficient because of the present to give vent to indignation with oneself 好在眼下看来后者应当不至于拿自己来泄愤 Young master, this matter is really my spirit gate temple is not right, if you will have what need in the future my temple help place, performs, but the messenger looks for the villain.” “公子,此事确是我灵门寺不对,若您日后有何需要我寺帮忙的地方,尽可差人来找小人。” Villain exhausts certainly ability!” “小人一定竭尽所能!” The tone is somewhat rapid, Song general rushed to take a stand again and again, wants to relax to relate with Wei Changtian's again. 语气有些急促,宋普赶忙连连表态,想要再缓和一下跟魏长天的关系。 But Wei Changtian sipped a tea gently, said with a smile: 魏长天则是轻轻抿了口茶,笑着说道: Yes? I also some really incident want to ask Song the brother to help now.” “是么?那我现在还真有一事想请宋兄帮忙。” Song didn't brother, in the expensive/noble temple have named forest Fan the child of Heavenly Dao?” “宋兄,贵寺之中不是有一个名为林凡的天道之子么?” He now how?” “他现在怎么样了?” Forest “林” The look stagnates, although Song general the face color on shock disappeared, but cannot escape the Wei Changtian's eye. 眼神一滞,宋普脸上的震惊之色虽然转瞬即逝,不过还是没能逃过魏长天的眼睛。 Clearly, Song general should knows anything, but is not willing to say. 很明显,宋普应该是知道些什么,但又不愿意说。 But Wei Changtian has not threatened to press for an answer, but will put the sword spectrum on table gently proceeds to push pushing. 魏长天也没有威胁逼问,只是轻轻将摆在桌上的剑谱往前推了推。 Song brother, I do not know how the expensive/noble temple will handle from the sword spectrum that Chu Xianping there obtains, does not know that you can have the opportunity to practice this marvelous ability.” “宋兄,我不知道贵寺会如何处置自楚先平那里得到的剑谱,也不知道你能不能有机会练此神功。” Although my transaction with the expensive/noble temple has given up, but I actually want to make a transaction with you again.” “虽然我与贵寺的交易已然作罢,不过我却想与你再做个交易。” „The matter that so long as you can know you said that that this sword spectrum you can carry off today.” “只要你可以将你知道的事情说出来,那这本剑谱今日你便可带走。” How didn't know under Song brother intent?” “不知宋兄意下如何呢?” This “这” Looks at front sword spectrum, 愣愣的看着面前的剑谱, Song general has not intertwined too for a long time. Young master asked by all means and that's the end.” 宋普并没有纠结太长时间。“公子只管问就是了。” „.” “.” Almost after two quarters, Song general footsteps in a hurry left the mansion from the secretly thought/passage. 差不多两刻钟后,宋普脚步匆匆的从暗道离开了大宅。 Wei Changtian stands in the secretly thought/passage entrance, gazes after his form to vanish does not see, then folds to walk toward the teahouse. 魏长天站在暗道入口,目送着他的身影消失不见,然后便折身往茶室走去。 Just Song general has said the matter that he knew. 刚刚宋普已经把他知道的事都说了。 The spirit gate temple really has a sweeping the floor monk named forest Fan, but four months ago on bewildered missing. 灵门寺确实有个叫林凡的扫地僧,只是四个月前就莫名其妙的失踪了。 Missing of ordinary disciple should not cause too attaches great importance, but shortly after it is missing, the information of children of 13 Heavenly Dao were divulged. 原本一个普通弟子的失踪并不该引起太多重视,但就在其失踪后不久,十三个天道之子的情报就被泄露了。 Then the social ease of spirit gate temple toward forest every missing incident transforms greatly, immediately then sends out many scouts to seek latter's trail. 如此一来灵门寺对林凡失踪一事的态度自然大为转变,马上便派出很多探子去寻后者的踪迹。 Has not waited for them to find, forest Fan the life sign broke to pieces. 只是还未等他们找到,林凡的命牌就碎了。 forest Fan died, then means that the Heavenly Dao destiny was won, spirit gate temple where will be resigned, immediately then continues to trace the murderer. 林凡死了,便意味着天道气运被人夺走了,灵门寺哪里会甘心,立刻就转而继续追查凶手。 Again then, they found Chu Xianping. 再然后,他们就找到了楚先平. Returning really is this “还真特么是这样” Mumbled one in a low voice, Wei Changtian is smiling bitterly shaking the head. 低声嘟囔一句,魏长天苦笑着摇了摇头。 Clearly, forest Fan is Chu Xianping kills. 很明显,林凡就是楚先平杀的。 And Chu Xianping also got so far as selected moon/month of sword spectrum. 并且楚先平还弄到了挑月剑谱。 Even now has given spirit gate temple the sword spectrum. 甚至如今已经将剑谱给了灵门寺一份。 The transaction of Chu Xianping with spirit gate temple is anything, Song general does not know, Wei Changtian cannot guess correctly. 楚先平跟灵门寺的交易是什么,宋普不知道,魏长天也猜不出。 However the fact showed, Chu Xianping is like oneself, does not care to select the moon/month sword, once will spread to the influence why not under this day will know. 不过事实证明,楚先平跟自己一样,也并不在乎挑月剑一旦流传开来会对这天下有何不可知的影响。 Goal that also Chu Xianping chased down the person of that several thoroughfare radiating in all directions dragons or initially, is not being better late than never, but to attain sword spectrum. 又或者说,楚先平当初去追杀那几个馗龙之人的目的,根本就不是“亡羊补牢”,而只是为了拿到剑谱罢了。 Big of seeking, the appetite is big. 所谋之大,胃口不小啊. In the heart is whispering, puts out a hand to shove open the teahouse door. 心中嘀咕着,伸手推开茶室房门。 Li Zimu and Yangliu Shi in room set out immediately, the expression is very serious. 屋中的李子木和杨柳诗立刻起身,表情皆十分严肃。 Husband, what then do we want to make?” 相公,接下来咱们要做什么?” Yangliu Shi asked low voice: Can send for a spirit gate temple?” 杨柳诗小声问道:“要不要派人去一趟灵门寺?” Un, to Su start/open the signalling, adjusts the person from the guy.” “嗯,给苏启传信,从大汉调人吧。” Wei Changtian nods, thinks after one next, asked to Li Zimu: Just you also heard.” 魏长天点点头,想了一下后又问向李子木:“刚刚你也都听到了。” You thought why Chu Xianping can urge my a half year Shu?” “你觉得楚先平为何要劝我半年不出大蜀?” Servants do not know for the time being, but “奴婢暂且不知,但是” Has the words to speak frankly.” “有话直说。” Yes.” “是。” Li Zimu complied with one, at once sincere replies: But the servants must be able to check.” 李子木应了一声,旋即正色回答:“但是奴婢应当能查出来。” Un?” “嗯?” Wei Changtian deeply looked at her one eyes: „Do you want to go to the spirit gate temple?” 魏长天深深看了她一眼:“你要去灵门寺?” Solely is not the spirit gate temple, several other places.” “不单单是灵门寺,还有其它几个地方。” Li Zimu lowers the head: And also needs the young master to borrow the servants several types of things.” 李子木低了低头:“并且还需公子借奴婢几样东西。” What thing?” “什么东西?” With Chu Xianping and Qin Zhengqiu two people signalling child and mother jade.” “与楚先平秦正秋两人传信的子母玉。” In hundred in third rank experts and three third rank expert.” “百位中三品高手、三位上三品高手。” Child of the Heavenly Dao.” “一位天道之子.” The one breath said three conditions, Li Zimu, added slightly finally: 一口气说了三个条件,李子木稍稍一顿,最后又补充道: Complete selects moon/month of sword spectrum.” “还有完整的挑月剑谱。” „.” “.” Four requests, are one by one exaggerating. 四个要求,一个比一个夸张。 Is good with Chu Xianping and child and mother jade of Qin Zhengqiu communication. 楚先平秦正秋通信的子母玉还好。 This they were very in any case long had not replied in writing, Wei Changtian did not know them throwing the child and mother jade, therefore might also as well to Li Zimu. 反正这俩人都很久没回过信了,魏长天都不知道他们是不是早就把子母玉给扔了,所以给李子木也无妨。 But in 100 in third rank and three third rank, although are many, the influence that but runs by Wei Changtian now wants to take is not difficult. 而一百个中三品、三个上三品虽然很多,但以魏长天现在掌管的势力来说想要拿出来还是不难的。 Even does not need to adjust the person from other place, only the benefit society of Shu can collect. 甚至都不用从别地儿调人,单是大蜀的共济会就能凑出来。 But child of the Heavenly Dao. 可一个天道之子. The child of Heavenly Dao now Wei Changtian can order only then permits all and Shen correct/however. 现在魏长天能命令的天道之子就只有许全和沈然俩人。 And strict Shen correct/however follows Xu Suisui to mix, the person is also presenting the Yuan at present. 并且严格来说沈然还是跟着许岁穗混的,人眼下也在奉元。 Therefore if Wei Changtian complies, can only be sends permits all to go. 因此魏长天若是答应,就只能是派许全去。 Then, if any windfall loss also was very rather big. 如此一来,万一要是出个啥意外损失未免也忒大了。 However, permits all is not the most difficult office. 然而,许全这边还不是最难办的。 Because Li Zimu must select moon/month of sword spectrum unexpectedly completely. 因为李子木竟然还要完整的挑月剑谱。 My goodness. 好家伙。 Although after Wei Changtian does not care to select moon/month sword „the Pandora's Box was opened, will have what consequence to be possible this not to mean that selected the moon/month sword not to have the value. 虽然魏长天并不在乎挑月剑这个“潘多拉魔盒”被打开后会有什么后果可这不意味着挑月剑就没了价值。 This point is looking for the Qin Zhengqiu three people then to be inferred from the present major influences crazily. 这一点从如今各大势力都在疯狂寻找秦正秋三人便可见一斑。 Wei Changtian clear Li Zimu must make the chip with the sword spectrum, trades some information. 魏长天清楚李子木一定是要拿剑谱做筹码,去换一些情报。 But is not a little controllable. 但是不是有点太不可控了. If I promise you completely.” “如果我全部答应你.” The hesitation moment, Wei Changtian had not said that the line is not good, but asked to Li Zimu: Your how long can check?” 沉吟片刻,魏长天没有说行还是不行,而是问向李子木:“你多久能查出来?” At the latest three months.” “最晚三个月。” Li Zimu replied: If the servants can borrow in the transmission strategy of Liangzhou and Qingzhou, perhaps can also be quicker.” 李子木回答:“若奴婢能借用一下在凉州和青州的传送阵法,或许还能更快一些。” „.” “.” The cool breeze across the window seam, takes to bring in some flower fragrances. 清风穿过窗缝,带进来些许花香。 In the room fell into a silence. 屋中就此陷入了一阵沉默。 Yangliu Shi stares the big eye to have a look at Wei Changtian, to have a look at Li Zimu again, surprised of whole face. 杨柳诗瞪大眼睛看看魏长天、再看看李子木,满脸的惊讶。 Perhaps she has not expected such rapidness that the situation can develop, cannot think of Li Zimu's request unexpectedly such harshly. 可能她没料到事态会发展的如此之快,更想不到李子木的要求竟然这么“苛刻”。 In the subconscious, Yangliu Shi thinks that Wei Changtian must not comply. 潜意识中,杨柳诗认为魏长天应当不会答应。 After all gives so many resources one time, even if Li Zimu will be different to Chu Xianping revolting, so long as leaves accidentally/surprisingly, its consequence is incomparably serious. 毕竟一次给出这么多资源,哪怕李子木不会跟楚先平一样“叛变”,但只要出一点意外,其后果便是无比严重的。 Let alone Li Zimu pledged that can check, can she certainly check? 更何况李子木承诺能查出来,她就一定能查出来么? Liu Shi.” 柳诗。” When Yangliu Shi in the heart the anxiety is uncertain, another side Wei Changtian actually opens the mouth suddenly. 就当杨柳诗这边心中疑虑不定之时,另一边的魏长天却突然开了口。 Calls Zhang San and permits all sees me immediately.” “去叫张三和许全立刻来见我。” "Ah?" “啊?” Yangliu Shi subconscious gawked staring, turns head to look instantaneously to Wei Changtian. 杨柳诗下意识的愣了愣,瞬间扭头看向魏长天 However the latter actually turns a blind eye, but was saying to Li Zimu calmly: 不过后者却对此视若无睹,只是对着李子木平静说道: With every effort is, in any event, remembers that first preserves own life.” “尽力就是,不论如何,记得先保住自己的命。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完) https:// https:// Please remember this book first round domain name:. Book interest pavilion cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。书趣阁手机版阅读网址:
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