IATVOTB :: Volume #6 江湖夜雨十年灯

#1011: Termination transaction!

Newest website: 最新网址: Slave congratulates Husband ~ “奴家恭喜相公啦~” Shu Prefecture city. 蜀州城。 When Wei Changtian accompanied Liang Qin about one double-hour, finally when the very happy arriving fore room, prepares to see that spirit gate temple guest, long-waiting Yangliu Shi first then with a smile teases: 魏长天陪了梁沁将近一个时辰,终于美滋滋的走到前堂,准备去见一见那灵门寺来客之时,等候已久的杨柳诗第一时间便笑着打趣道: Beaming, with seemed changes individual was just same.” “春风满面的,跟刚刚好似变了个人一样哩。” That affirmation.” “那肯定的。” Beckoning with the hand of a laugh, in Wei Changtian not mincing matter heart joyful: After all became the father.” 笑呵呵的摆了摆手,魏长天毫不掩饰心中喜悦:“毕竟都当爹了。” Yes “是呀” Yangliu Shi looked at that side the yard to look, in the eye somewhat envied: Slave also wants to have a look to trace slightly deep.” 杨柳诗望小院那边看了看,眼中有些羡慕:“奴家也想去看看小泓溯呢。” Ok, waited to handle here matter you to look and that's the end.” “行了,等处理完这边的事你去看就是了。” Wei Changtian knows that she is thinking anything, then said with a smile in a soft voice: Said again, we will have the child sooner or later, relax.” 魏长天知道她在想什么,便轻声笑道:“再说以后我们早晚也会有孩子的,放心吧。” Un “嗯” Yangliu Shi cheeks slightly one red, quickly restores as usual. 杨柳诗脸颊微微一红,很快又恢复如常。 After having teased several simply, two people then also changed certainly to the proper business the topic. 简单调侃过几句后,两人当然便也将话题转到了正事上来。 Husband, that person is still waiting in the teahouse at this moment.” 相公,那人此刻还在茶室里等着。” Slave just now chatted several with him, sounded the spirit gate temple to really check the Chu Xianping whereabouts “奴家方才跟他聊了几句,听起来灵门寺应当是真的查到了楚先平的行踪” Is walking in the direction of teahouse shoulder to shoulder, the Yangliu Shi low voice report said: 并肩往茶室的方向走着,杨柳诗小声汇报道: Many his then not agrees said that wants to come to wait for you to put out second half this sword spectrum to be willing the opens the mouth.” “不过再多的他便不肯说了,想来是要等你拿出后半本剑谱才肯张口。” Is only the slave thought that this sword spectrum cannot easily to them, want to confirm the information the genuine and fake also to need some time after all, best, when we caught Chu Xianping to give again.” “只是奴家觉得这剑谱不能轻易给他们,毕竟想要验证情报的真假还需要一段时间,最好等到我们抓到了楚先平再给出去。” Un, this I naturally understand.” “嗯,这我自然明白。” Nods, Wei Changtian turns head to ask: „Did Li Zimu arrive?” 点点头,魏长天扭头问道:“李子木到了没有?” Arrived.” “到了。” Yangliu Shi puts out a hand forward a finger/refers: On outside the teahouse, the slave has talked about with her the matter probably.” 杨柳诗伸手向前一指:“就等在茶室之外,奴家已经将事情大概与她讲过了。” Ok, was laborious you.” “行,辛苦你了。” „.” “.” Is speaking, two people across a secret alley, then arrived at a leaning institute situated in mansion corner quickly. 说着话,两人穿过一条隐秘的小路,很快便来到了一个位于大宅角落的偏院。 Although here is not a darkroom, but usually in some people will not communicate, therefore at present besides in Li Zimu outside institute then again no one. 这里虽不是暗室,但平日里不会有人来往,因此眼下除了等在院外的李子木之外便再无一人。 Young master, Madame.” “公子,夫人。” Sees two people to come, Li Zimu the approach has given regards immediately, then also asked low voice: 见到两人过来,李子木立刻迎上来问过好,然后又小声问道: Young master, That side Madame beam.” “公子,梁夫人那边.” Un, had produced, baby boy.” “嗯,已经完产了,男婴。” „, Congratulates the young master!” “呀,恭喜公子!” Ha, ok, went.” “哈哈哈,行了,进去吧。” Yes “是” „.” “.” From institute to institute, altogether dozens steps distances. 从院外到院内,一共不过几十步的距离。 But also after these dozens steps walk, Wei Changtian, Li Zimu, the smile on Yangliu Shi three face have then disappeared thoroughly do not see, as if child happiness does not exist general. 但也就在这几十步走完之后,魏长天、李子木、杨柳诗三人脸上的笑容便已彻底消失不见,就仿佛“得子之喜”并不存在一般。 ~ “吱呀~” The door shoves open, three people walk into the teahouse, in the room the only person also sets out immediately. 房门推开,三人走入茶室,屋中唯一一人也立刻起身。 Young, estimates also about 30 years old, an ordinary cotton garment, the boundary must be fourth rank. 年龄不大,估么着也就三十岁左右,一身普普通通的布衣,境界应当是四品 Although the person of Buddhism, but does not have the trace of least bit Buddhist priest from top to bottom, wants to come the lay family disciple who is the spirit gate temple makes under floor specially matter. 虽说是佛门之人,不过浑身上下却没有半点僧人的痕迹,想来是灵门寺专门做“台面之下”事情的俗家弟子。 Villain Song general, has seen Young Master Wei.” “小人宋普,见过魏公子。” The line of sight has swept the Wei Changtian three people fast, the man first said submissively: Long Young Master hears the given name, must see the reality today is most honored.” 视线快速扫过魏长天三人,男人抢先拱手说道:“久闻公子大名,今日得见实乃三生有幸。” My goodness, but also is very polite. 好家伙,还挺客气的。 Wei Changtian beckons with the hand to hint Li Zimu to close the door, oneself , then the footsteps kept arriving in front of Song general, high and low sized up it, this said with a smile lightly: 魏长天摆手示意李子木关门,自己则脚步不停走到宋普面前,上下将其打量了一番,这才轻笑道: Perhaps Song brother, this first time was not you saw me.” “宋兄,恐怕这不是你第一次见到我了吧。” Young master intelligent apprehension.” “呃公子明察。” Song general was a smart person, knows that something everyone were well aware, necessity that has not covered up. 宋普是个聪明人,知道有些事大家都心知肚明,没有遮掩的必要。 Therefore he gawked slightly, at once then acknowledges naturally: Villain previously presented the life of my temple abbot, followed the young master from presenting the Yuan came Shu Prefecture, but also looked at the young master to forgive.” 因此他只是稍稍愣了一下,旋即便大方承认道:“小人此前确是奉我寺方丈之命,一路跟随公子从奉元来了蜀州,还望公子恕罪。” Ha, might as well, Song the brother please sit down.” “哈哈哈,无妨,宋兄请坐。” Laughed two, Wei Changtian has about probed to be clear about this Song general weight, therefore after sitting down, on coming straight to the point cut into the subject directly. 大笑两声,魏长天已经大约试探清楚了这个宋普的斤两,故而坐下后就开门见山的直接切入正题。 Song brother, “宋兄, Heard that you this time look for me , because the expensive/noble temple has checked the Chu Xianping whereabouts? ” Yes.” 听说你此番来找我,是因为贵寺已经查到了楚先平的行踪?”“是。” Song general shot a look at one also to collect Li Zimu and Yangliu Shi who the skirt sat down slightly, but has not actually requested to discuss with Wei Changtian alone, but then replied in a soft voice: Is open about the facts the young master, my temple was also days before just checked, once were confirmed then immediately makes the villain inform the young master.” 宋普微微瞥了一眼同样敛裙坐下的李子木和杨柳诗,但却并未要求与魏长天单独谈,只是顿了顿便轻声回答道:“不瞒公子,我寺也是前几日才刚刚查到的,一经确认便立刻令小人来告知公子了。” „? Yes?” “哦?是么?” Wei Changtian narrowed the eye: Said that Chu Xianping did appear near the spirit gate temple?” 魏长天眯了眯眼:“这么说楚先平是出现在灵门寺附近了?” Right.” “对。” Song general nods as before naturally: „The place that at least this morning, he stops over was not too still far from my temple.” 宋普依旧大大方方点了点头:“最起码今日上午,他落脚的地方仍距离我寺不算太远。” Ok, Song the brother, I thought you are the refreshed person, my also not ink marks.” “行,宋兄,我看你是爽快人,那我也就不墨迹了。” Nods the head slightly, during the Wei Changtian speeches then fishes out a booklet to put from the bosom above the tea table. 微微颔首,魏长天说话间便从怀里摸出一本小册子搁在茶桌之上。 Song brother, this was second half this selects moon/month of sword spectrum.” “宋兄,这便是后半本挑月剑谱。” I have not been able to give you now.” “不过我现在还不能给你。” Said actually not I do not believe you, because mainly this thing is extremely precious, I must first confirm this matter's genuine and fake are not.” “倒不是说我不信你,主要还是因为此物太过贵重,我总得先确认了此事的真假不是。” Like this, I will then send people to go to the spirit gate temple instantly, at the appointed time leads my person to go to the Chu Xianping hiding place to look from your people.” “这样罢,我即刻便会派人去往灵门寺,到时由你们的人带我的人去到楚先平的藏身之处看一看。” So long as my person saw Chu Xianping, I then deliver to you sword spectrum immediately, the later matter also no longer needed the expensive/noble temple to work with the heart.” “只要我的人见到了楚先平,那我立刻便将剑谱交予你,之后的事也不再需要贵寺劳心了。” How do you feel?” “你觉得如何?” „.” “.” First sends for the spirit gate temple, saw after Chu Xianping, completes the transaction. 先派人去灵门寺,见到楚先平后再完成交易。 Has not trusted the transaction of foundation such both sides, the approach naturally is very so normal. 对于这样一桩双方都没有信任基础的交易而言,如此做法自然十分正常。 In situation that after all in anything cannot confirm, cannot count on Wei Changtian at the scene on the silly handing over sword spectrum. 毕竟在啥也不能确认的情况下,总不能指望魏长天当场就傻乎乎的交出剑谱吧。 Young master said also my temple abbot to think.” “公子所言亦正是我寺方丈所想。” Nods with a smile, Song general must think Wei Changtian will propose this trading mode, therefore does not have excessively to ponder immediately. 笑着点点头,宋普应当是早就想到了魏长天会提出这个交易方式,所以当下也没有过多思考。 The counter- upright strict that side is the domain in spirit gate temple, if Wei Changtian really reneges on a promise they not to fear when the time comes. 反正大严那边是灵门寺的地盘,如果魏长天到时候真的出尔反尔他们根本不怕。 Even if the worst case scenario can also have no consideration for face directly, at the worst both sides cannot obtain the thing of wish. 哪怕是最坏的情况也能直接撕破脸,大不了双方谁也得不到想要的东西罢了。 I do not fear you to break a promise, you did not fear that I break a promise. 我不怕你毁约,你也不怕我毁约。 Since both sides did not fear oneself will end up losing everything fate, agreed that this trading mode, that following matter seemed simple. 既然双方都不怕自己会落得个“人财两空”的下场,也都同意这个交易方式,那接下来的事儿似乎就很简单了。 After all on the present situation, truly is the real sword spectrum that Wei Changtian puts out, the spirit gate temple also truly really checked the Chu Xianping whereabouts. 毕竟就眼下的情况来看,魏长天拿出的确实是真剑谱,灵门寺也确实真的查到了楚先平的行踪。 However 不过 Young Master Wei, my.” 魏公子,那我这就.” „, Sorry, asking the young master to wait a bit the moment.” “呃,抱歉,请公子稍等片刻。” Suddenly, saw only Song general voice, then a face apology put in the sleeve cuff the hand. 突然,只见宋普声音一顿,然后便一脸歉意的将手伸进袖口。 Wei Changtian and Yangliu Shi and Li Zimu look at each other one, knows that his is inducing the child and mother jade. 魏长天杨柳诗和李子木对视一眼,都知道他这是在感应子母玉。 Does this matter in such important negotiation process, obviously this news is very sufficiently urgent. 在如此重要的谈判过程中做这种事,足以可见这条消息十分紧急。 The however three people also only consider a coincidence at first. 不过三人起初也只当是一个巧合。 Until they saw Song general the complexion to start gradually become not right. 直到他们看见宋普的脸色开始逐渐变得不对劲. From surprised, to anxiously and again to flurried. 从惊讶、到紧张、再到慌乱。 When on very calm Song general forehead has previously seeped out the faint trace sweat unexpectedly, the Wei Changtian's expression becomes also meaningful. 当此前一直十分镇定的宋普的额头上竟渗出丝丝汗水之时,魏长天的表情也变得意味深长。 Song brother, how?” “宋兄,怎么了?” Also crossed more than ten breaths, saw Song Pujiang the hand to pull out from the sleeve cuff, Wei Changtian then tranquil asking: „Did expensive/noble temple renege on a promise?” 又过了十几息,见宋普将手从袖口中抽了出来,魏长天这才平静的问道:“贵寺可是反悔了?” This “这” Song general swallows the saliva, having a look at Wei Changtian, to have a look at Li Zimu and Yangliu Shi, after hesitant good long while, finally replied difficultly: 宋普咽了咽口水,看看魏长天、又看看李子木和杨柳诗,犹豫了好半天后终于是艰难回答道: Duke, young master, frankly “公、公子,实不相瞒” In just, Chu Xianping he already complete selects moon/month of sword spectrum.” “就在刚刚,楚先平他已将完整的挑月剑谱.” First and first step gave me the temple abbot “先、先一步交给我寺方丈了” ( This chapter ends) (本章完) https:// https:// Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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