IACHMND :: Volume #4

#338: End! 【Finally chapter】

Three Great Heavenly Venerable engage in fierce battle star sea, the place visited, void shatter, the stars disappear. 大天尊鏖战星海,所过之处,虚空破碎,星辰泯灭。 The Ni Kun krypton life to fight, fiercer the more one fights, the war is stronger. 倪坤氪命以战,越战越勇,越战越强。 Lu Xiyan only attacks does not defend, although is almost hard to hit Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord one time, but her collapses extinguishes the myriad things the fearful offensive, made Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord not dare to disregard her existence, ten tenths energy, 30% must be used to deal with her attack. 陆昔颜只攻不守,虽然几乎难以击中灵霄天尊一次,但她那崩灭万物的可怕攻势,亦令灵霄天尊不敢无视她的存在,十成精力,有30%要用来应对她的攻击。 Under is in inverse proportion, initially when can also occupy winning side Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord, can only maintain the power balance gradually reluctantly. But how long this power balance cannot maintain, then falls quickly leeward, defends attacks few, even is hard to counter-attack. 此消彼涨之下,初时还能占据上风的灵霄天尊,渐渐只能勉强维持均势。而这均势也未能维系多久,很快便落入下风,守多攻少,甚至难以反击。 Ni Kun even also has leisure voice attack Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord games intent: Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord, hasn't your losing battle presently, escaped?” 倪坤甚至还有余暇发声打击灵霄天尊意:“灵霄天尊,你败局已现,还不逃跑么?” My Spirit Firmament life, has not to draw back, having me is invincible, only knows while winning the pursuit, cuts completely the foe, never knows how defeats escapes.” “我灵霄一生,有进无退,有我无敌,只知趁胜追击,斩尽仇敌,从不知道如何败逃。” Good breadth of spirit! However even if your lifetime has not met a defeat, today must defeat without doubt. Everything has the first time, is inferior to try the first defeat to escape today?” “好气魄!不过纵然你毕生未逢一败,今日也是必败无疑。凡事都有第一次,不如今天就试试第一次败逃?” „, Your two people, although leads the winning side, but wants to kill me, perhaps is not that easy. Perhaps before killing me, you then first passed away.” “呵,你二人虽领上风,但想要杀我,恐怕不是那么容易。说不定在杀死我之前,你自己便先老死了。” Spirit Firmament you think, I am using the life span, received exchange for the temporary eruption? If thinks that you made a mistake, I use the life span to receive in exchange, will be the solid strength forever, one, a card will prove forever forever. Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord, do not deceive themselves again, you support again by strenuous efforts, drags not dead my. If you do not run away, is doomed.” 灵霄你是否以为,我是在用寿命,换取短暂的爆发?若这么想你就错了,我用寿命换取的,是永固的实力,一得永得,一证永证。灵霄天尊,不要再骗自己了,你再是苦苦支撑,也拖不死我的。你若不逃,在劫难逃。” Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord disdains cold snort/hum: Blustered.” 灵霄天尊不屑冷哼:“虚张声势。” Be that as it may, in the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord heart actually also suspected secretly. 话虽如此,灵霄天尊心中却也不禁暗自怀疑。 To leave to walk, is easier said than done? 只是想要抽身而走,又谈何容易? He no doubt can one trillion li (0.5 km), but the Ni Kun two people can deadlock his internal energy similarly, closely associated. Even if escapes to the star sea other shore, is still hard to get rid of Heavenly Lord to chase down. 他固然能一步亿万里,可倪坤二人同样能锁死他的气机,如影随形。即使逃到星海彼岸,也难以摆脱天尊追杀。 Once lost fought intent, was in defeat escaping, that is unable to recall again, will pressure the enemy to the extreme by the Ni Kun two people inevitably. 而一旦失了战意,陷入败逃局面,那就再也无法挽回,势必会被倪坤二人穷追到底。 Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord will not try our luck, does not think that can escape chasing down of Heavenly Lord. 灵霄天尊不会心存侥幸,不会以为能逃过天尊的追杀。 Especially he said that the way certainly, lifespan has also only remained 50 ten thousand years, is really can escape by luck, will not have the future. 尤其是他道途已绝,寿元亦只剩五十万载,便是真能侥幸逃脱,也没有未来。 In view of this, why also to make senseless running away? 既如此,又何必作无谓的逃窜? He had lived for 7 million years, from enter the Dao, the life is then invincible, first Hao hero, even if dies, is imposing, fights vigorously dead. 他已活了七百万年,自入道起,便一生无敌,一世豪雄,纵然是死,也要轰轰烈烈,力战而死。 Cannot before the junior, lose the dignity. 总不能在小辈面前,失了尊严。 The space is trembling, the galaxy was shattered. 空间在震颤,星河在破碎。 A star, was annihilated by blood-color sword astral. A galaxy, collapses during the void distortion for the dust. 一颗恒星,被血色剑罡湮灭。一个星系,在虚空扭曲之中崩为尘埃。 Drips blood the rain to sprinkle, changes into the blood-color Milky Way that roared together, when swept across, cancelled thousands of asteroids. 一溜血雨洒落,化为一道咆哮的血色天河,席卷之际,抹去数以千计的小行星。 Evil God, is leading subordinate army to loaf in star sea, is seeking for the target of hunting. Has the complementary waves that Heavenly Lord together clashes suddenly, spreads to come from trillion inside and outside, in the wink of an eye, then covers that Evil God and subordinate trillion armies. When that complementary waves go far away, the Evil God army has not existed, even the dust has not left behind one grain...... 有一尊邪神,正带着麾下的大军在星海中游荡,寻找着狩猎的目标。忽有一道天尊对撞的余波,自亿万里外扩散而来,瞬息之间,便将那邪神及其麾下亿万大军覆盖。待那余波远去,邪神大军已不复存在,连尘埃都没有留下一粒…… How long has not known. 不知过了多久。 Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord sighed, fell on a shatter planet fragment. 灵霄天尊叹息一声,跌坐在一颗破碎的星球碎片上。 On his chest, there is a bowl big cavity. 他胸膛上,有一个碗大的空洞。 The empty edge, is glittering the blood-color ray, if there is a life to inflate generally unceasingly expands, when the blood-color ray expands, the flesh silent disappears, expands emptily slowly. 空洞边缘,闪烁着血色光芒,如有生命一般不断膨胀扩张,血色光芒扩张之际,血肉无声泯灭,空洞缓缓扩大。 He finally a Lu Xiyan sword. But by his present condition, has been incapable of pursuing that to collapse extinguishes myriad things the strength of destruction. 他终于中了陆昔颜一剑。而以他现在的状态,已无力驱逐那崩灭万物的毁灭之力。 The graying at the temples, in the full long hair, mixes with the faint trace efflorescence, the corner of the eye is also adding many wrinkles Ni Kun, stands erect in void, in the five fingers, is grasping one group radiantly, if galaxy light group. 两鬓斑白,满头长发之中,亦夹杂着丝丝霜白,眼角亦添上许多皱纹的倪坤,屹立在虚空之中,五指之间,握着一团璀璨若星河的光团。 The Ni Kun appearance, had turned into the scholarly middle age appearance. 倪坤的外貌,已变成了儒雅中年模样。 But the look was still limpid, one such as newborn baby youngster. 但眼神仍旧清澈,一如赤子少年。 Two people look at each other tranquilly, all maintains total silence. 两人平静对视,俱都不发一语。 The Ni Kun five fingers close up slowly, pinches to explode that galaxy radiant light group, light scraps/condescend, since he refers to the seam overflowing, just like shining starsand, inundates the dance in void. 倪坤五指缓缓合拢,将那星河般璀璨的光团捏爆,点点光屑,自他指缝中溢出,宛若灿灿星砂,漫舞于虚空之中。 Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord look one gloomy, is senile at the visible speed, the faint dignified aggressive middle age, turned into the white first white eyebrows in an instant, the beautiful fine beard fallen, drooping old man that the tooth loosens. 灵霄天尊眼神一黯,以肉眼可见的速度衰老,淡漠威严的霸气中年,转眼就变成了皓首白眉,美髯零落,牙齿松脱的垂垂老朽 As his aura drops, the body decrepit, the blood-color ray of chest empty edge, expands immediately fast. 随着他气息跌落,身躯衰朽,胸膛空洞边缘的血色光芒,顿时飞快地扩张开来。 When the chest and belly completely all annihilates in the blood-color ray, Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord sighed disappointed, dangled the head. 当胸腹尽皆湮灭在血色光芒之中,灵霄天尊怅然一叹,垂下了头颅。 My this life, pours splendidly also......” “我这一生,倒也精彩……” The blood-color ray inflates quickly, in an instant, the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord entire body, then annihilates thoroughly in the blood light. 血色光芒更快地膨胀,转眼之间,灵霄天尊整个身躯,便彻底湮灭在血光之中。 On this day. 这一天。 Spirit Firmament Heaven Heavenly Court thunders, Jiuzhou shake, the sea has the tide, the day has the scarlet rain, wind wails. 灵霄天天庭轰鸣,九洲震荡,大海起潮,天降赤雨,风似哀嚎。 A time ended. 一个时代结束了。 ...... …… Finally finished.” “终于结束了。” Ni Kun is also the deep sigh, lifts to look, Spirit Firmament Heaven projection that regardless of looks at that being in northern spirit star sea where, can see. 倪坤亦是深深叹息,抬首仰望,看着那无论身在北灵星海何处,都能一眼看到的灵霄天投影。 Since many years, the Spirit Firmament Heaven shadow, has covered in his top of the head throughout. The line, his carrying a heavy load vanguard, goes through many hardships, until now, with ending of Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord, the shadow of that terrifying, does not exist finally. 多年以来,灵霄天的阴影,始终笼罩在他头顶。一路行来,他负重前行,历尽艰辛,直至今日,随着灵霄天尊的落幕,那恐怖的阴影,终于不复存在。 Lu Xiyan arrives at side him, grips his palm, the wrinkle of looks at his graying sending temple and corner of the eye, loves dearly: You were old......” 陆昔颜来到他身边,握住他的手掌,看着他斑白的发鬓和眼角的皱纹,心疼道:“你都老了……” Where was old?” Ni Kun hehe smiles, son until death is a youngster. I, never old......” “哪里老了?”倪坤呵呵一笑,“男儿至死是少年。我啊,永远都不会老……” Suddenly, the front shakes void, three indistinct forms, appear in the face of the Ni Kun two people. 忽然,前方虚空一震,三道飘渺身影,出现在倪坤二人面前。 That three illusory form, resembles, resembles in the star sea other shore, the figure is unreal, only three pairs of implications the eye of immeasurable star sea, making one see unforgettablily. 那三道虚幻身影,似在此间,又似远在星海彼岸,身形虚幻不实,唯有三双似蕴含着无量星海的眼睛,令人一见难忘。 This is only three projections. 这只是三道投影。 Bountiful by Ni Kun two people of present cultivation base, is hard to catch their internal combustion engines, determines their true body to be. 饶是以倪坤二人现在的修为,都难以捕捉他们的气机,判定他们真身所在。 Congratulations.” And a human eye including the happy expression, is nodding the head to the Ni Kun two people slightly. “恭喜。”其中一人眼含笑意,对着倪坤二人微微颔首。 The Ni Kun eyebrow peak raises: „Are three seniors?” 倪坤眉峰一扬:“三位前辈是?” People called me thousand star Heavenly Lord.” That said including the happy expression form tone genially: This is white/in vain luminary Heavenly Lord, this, is all generations Heavenly Lord.” “人们叫我千星天尊。”那眼含笑意的身影语气和善地说道:“这一位是白曜天尊,这一位,是万劫天尊。” Although the title is Heavenly Lord, but the Ni Kun two people are to look, these three are not ordinary Heavenly Lord, strove to excel compared with Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord did not know many. 虽然称号都是“天尊”,但倪坤二人自是看得出来,这三位绝不是普通天尊,比起灵霄天尊都要强了不知多少。 Waits for half-step Golden Immortal of Crossing Tribulation failure are stronger than Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord that obviously only has a possibility. 灵霄天尊那等渡劫失败的半步金仙更强,显然只有一个可能。 They are Golden Immortal Heavenly Lord. 他们都是金仙天尊 At that moment Ni Kun bows with hands clasped submissively, originally is three Golden Immortal seniors. Does not know that three your honorable self do visit, do do?” 当下倪坤拱手一揖,“原来是三位金仙前辈。不知三位大驾光临,有何贵干?” Thousand star Heavenly Lord said with a smile: Safe/without matter. Sees you to defeat the powerful enemy, congratulates 1 or 2 especially.” 千星天尊笑道:“无事。只是见你战胜强敌,特来恭喜一二。” White luminary Heavenly Lord ill-humoredly snort/hum: You two kill Spirit Firmament, harmed me to lose innate baleful energy, this Heavenly Lord heart was narrow, this account has inscribed to you!” 白曜天尊则没好气地哼了一声:“你们两个打死灵霄,害我输了一道先天煞气,本天尊心胸狭隘,这笔账已经给你们记上了!” Ni Kun is not terrified, only smiles saying: That does not know how the younger generation should repay a debt?” 倪坤也不惶恐,只微笑道:“那不知晚辈该如何还账?” White luminary Heavenly Lord said: Present you, but also my account.” 白曜天尊道:“现在的你们,还还不起我的账。” Ni Kun said: When that must wait , can the younger generation two people also probably this account?” 倪坤道:“那要等到何时,晚辈二人才能还得起这笔账?” White luminary Heavenly Lord said: You became Golden Immortal to say again.” 白曜天尊道:“等你们成了金仙再说吧。” Ni Kun smiles, to bow with hands clasped submissively: Never expected that the senior has to the younger generation unexpectedly so hopes, the younger generation thanks politely. Receives the senior auspicious words, the younger generation fulfills certainly the senior great expectations!” 倪坤爽朗一笑,拱手一揖:“没想到前辈居然对晚辈有如此期许,晚辈拜谢。承前辈吉言,晚辈一定不负前辈厚望!” Snort, do not think that Golden Immortal is very easy.” “哼,别以为金仙很容易。” White luminary Heavenly Lord said: Big universe, infinite star sea, the immeasurable world, does not have several hundreds of millions to accumulate, since then only had 11 Golden Immortal Heavenly Lord. Your northern spirit star sea, had presented many Golden Immortal seeds, but still does not have one to be successful. You two, how, we will not say in the future certainly.” 白曜天尊道:“偌大宇宙,无穷星海,无量世界,无数亿来积累下来,迄今只有十一位金仙天尊。你们北灵星海,也曾经出现过不少金仙种子,但至今无一能够成功。你们两个,未来如何,我们也说不准。” Thousand star Heavenly Lord also shake the head, sighed: 千星天尊亦摇了摇头,叹道: Spirit Firmament also once by the Golden Immortal seed that I favored, what a pity, his potential was eventually insufficient, cannot walk out that. Your potential, in my opinion, win in Spirit Firmament, but whether can become, can only look at your chance perceptions.” 灵霄也曾是被我看好的金仙种子,可惜,他终究潜力不足,未能跨过那道门槛。你们的潜力,在我看来,更胜于灵霄,但是否能成,只能看你们自己的机缘悟性。” At this point, he shows a faint smile, said: In any event, you finally are after the bitter comes the sweet. Spirit Firmament has died, his time ended, is your time to arrive. And goes to enjoy the victory heartily......” 说到这里,他又微微一笑,道:“不过无论如何,你们总算是苦尽甘来。灵霄已死,他的时代落幕了,属于你们的时代已经到来。且去尽情享受胜利吧……” Then, beckoning with the hand, the form is gradually pale, finally vanishes without the trace. 说罢,摆了摆手,身影渐渐淡去,终于消失无踪。 Hope one day, you can discuss without doing with us in the future.” White luminary Heavenly Lord hopes saying that the figure also desalinates vanishes. “希望将来有一天,你们能与我们坐而论道。”白曜天尊期许道,身形亦随之淡化消失。 From appearance, had not sent a language all generations Heavenly Lord, smiled to look at Black-Yellow Karmic Virtue Tower of Ni Kun top of the head, said easely: This tower is good, treasures well. In the future when you cross Heavenly Lord Dao Tribulation, it could help your helping hand.” 自现身起,一直未发一语的万劫天尊,笑看了一眼倪坤头顶的玄黄功德塔,悠然道:“这塔不错,好好珍惜吧。未来你渡天尊道劫之时,它或许能助你一臂之力。” After leaving this bewildered words, all generations Heavenly Lord also vanishes without the trace. 留下这句莫明其妙的话后,万劫天尊亦消失无踪。 looks at front empty void, Ni Kun is surprised the different way: Golden Immortal is Heavenly Lord...... so as deep as a well?” 看着前方空荡荡的虚空,倪坤诧异道:“金仙天尊……都是这般高深莫测么?” Comes bewilderedly, spoke several words bewilderedly, without saying gave a gift, to direct several anything, commended several orally, vanished without a trace. 莫明其妙地现身,莫明其妙地说了几句话,也没说送点礼物、指点几句啥的,就口头赞许了几句,就又消失得无影无踪。 Is as deep as a well, rather is idle extremely bored...... 与其说是高深莫测,倒不如说是闲极无聊…… Lu Xiyan said: Golden Immortal and universe same longevity, endures with and is only 11 people that they discussed without doing, was trillion years of chatty old face, should truly be extremely idle, was extremely boring.” 陆昔颜道:“金仙与宇宙同寿,堪与他们坐而论道的又只有十一人,还是亿万年的腻歪老面孔,应该确实是极闲,极无聊的。” Single can like this.” Ni Kun nods: Therefore must have dao companion, will otherwise turn into the bored person who is as deep as a well......” “单身的就会这样。”倪坤点点头:“所以说必须得有道侣,不然就会变成高深莫测的无聊人士……” Extremely remote place. 极遥远处。 Three are as deep as a well , the idle extremely bored single people, pulled out the corner of the eye simultaneously. 三个高深莫测,又闲极无聊的单身人士,同时抽了抽眼角。 Thousand star Heavenly Lord disappointed sighs: I do not want single! But 11 Golden Immortal, only then three female immortals, but also has the fellow daoist of being on close terms with...... on me to look to endure with dao companion that I match?” 千星天尊怅然叹息:“我也不想单身啊!可十一位金仙,只有三位女仙,还都有着过从甚密的道友……我上哪儿去找堪与我匹配的道侣?” White luminary Heavenly Lord is actually in the heart disdains: Was too young! dao companion where has cultivation to be interesting?” 白曜天尊却是心中不屑:“太年轻了!道侣哪有修行有趣?” If his future achievement Golden Immortal, I must fight with him.” The heart most is the broad all generations Heavenly Lord heart ponders: Tower must destroy to him!” “若他将来成就金仙,我必与他一战。”心胸最是宽广的万劫天尊心忖:“塔都要给他打碎掉!” The Ni Kun two people do not know the ideas of three Golden Immortal. 倪坤二人自是不知三位金仙的想法。 Exchanged several slightly about the Golden Immortal bored view, Lu Xiyan said suddenly: Should pick up the daughter?” 稍微交流了几句关于金仙无聊的看法,陆昔颜忽然道:“是不是该去接女儿了?” You remembered finally have a daughter.” The Ni Kun applause nods: Just like thousand star Heavenly Lord said, the Spirit Firmament time has ended, our time have arrived. Is the time picks up the daughter, leading her to return to Central Land.” “你总算想起还有个女儿了。”倪坤赞许地点点头:“正如千星天尊所说,灵霄的时代已经落幕,我们的时代已经到来。是时候接回女儿,带她回中土了。” Also returns to Central Land? The Spirit Firmament Heaven without owner, happen to I makes Heavenly Emperor, you for Dao Ancestor. The words saying that do not bevel the Spirit Firmament disorder, but also world ringing universe?” “还回中土灵霄天无主,正好我做天帝,你为道祖。话说你不是要削平灵霄乱象,还天地一个朗朗乾坤吗?” First returns to Central Land, holds a memorial service master who I elapse, looks at my old friends, tells them Central Land not to have the good news of foreign aggression again...... in any case to present us, Central Land and Spirit Firmament Heaven, is only the one pace. Un, but must have a look at my two disciple......” “先回中土,祭奠一番我逝去的师父,看一看我的老朋友们,告诉他们中土已再无外患的好消息……反正对现在的我们来说,中土灵霄天,也只是一步之遥。嗯,还得去看看我那两个徒儿……” When speech, in the Ni Kun look, full is the color of recollection. 说话时,倪坤眼神之中,满是回忆之色。 What is thinking?” “在想什么?” Thought the past matter. Unknowingly, we have arrived at this......” “想过去发生的事情。不知不觉,我们就已经走到这一步了……” „, The old age talent recalled the past, the young fellow looks forever to the future. You did not say that forever is the youngster? How did an old man recall likely?” “嘁,老年人才回忆过去,少年人永远看向未来。你不是自称永远是少年么?怎像个老头子回忆起来了?” Right that...... you said.” “……你说的对。” That be not gawking, meets daughter.” “那就别愣着了,去接女儿吧。” Good.” “好。” Ni Kun and Lu Xiyan smile, to lead the way hand in hand, step into the endless starry sky. 倪坤陆昔颜相视一笑,携手前行,踏入漫漫星空。 【The book ends 【全书完】
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