IACHMND :: Volume #4

#337: Your say/way, executes your heart!

In shatter confused space. 破碎错乱的空间之中。 Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord presses on step by step, a blade tight as blade, kills Lu Xiyan to be thrown into confusion, is unable to make ends meet. 灵霄天尊步步紧逼,一刀紧似一刀,杀得陆昔颜手忙脚乱,左支右绌。 On the body and spirit, is expert in body refinement Lu Xiyan, be stronger than Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord, 论体魄,专精炼体陆昔颜,要比灵霄天尊更强, But this and is not meaningful, even her body and spirit is strong, cannot resist the blade of without a gap to cut. 但这并没有任何意义,即使她体魄再强,也抵不住无间之刀一斩。 On the lethality, the Lu Xiyan myriad things collapse the say/way of extinguishing, not necessarily is less than Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord the blade of without a gap. Even by the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord body and spirit, if were stabbed a sword by her, the consequence absolutely be cut a blade more serious than by Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord her. 论杀伤力,陆昔颜的万物崩灭之道,未必不及灵霄天尊的无间之刀。甚至以灵霄天尊的体魄,若被她刺中一剑,后果绝对要比她被灵霄天尊斩中一刀更加严重。 But this does not have the significance. 但这还是没有意义。 Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord is extremely really deep in the accumulation of say/way of space, if Lu Xiyan causes completely the skills, is hard to threaten Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord truly. But Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord is unflustered, paces easely, actually can appear in the Lu Xiyan most uncomfortable position, the without a gap blade also mysteriously appears and disappears, each blade can cut on Lu Xiyan. 灵霄天尊在空间之道的积累实在太过深厚,任是陆昔颜使尽浑身解数,也难以真正威胁到灵霄天尊。而灵霄天尊从容不迫,悠然踱步,却总能出现在陆昔颜最难受的方位,无间手刀亦是神出鬼没,每一刀都能斩在陆昔颜身上。 Her body cycle black-yellow energy cover, can the blade of slightly sluggish without a gap check, strives for the dodging time to her, she does not have the blade of without a gap the thing does not cut to dismember a body by that now early. 要不是她身周覆着一层玄黄气罩,能稍微迟滞无间之刀一刹,给她争取一点闪避的时机,她现在早被那无物不斩的无间之刀大卸八块了。 Lu Xiyan is supporting by strenuous efforts, Ni Kun has not worried. 陆昔颜在苦苦支撑,倪坤却并没有着急。 He has personally experienced the might of blade of without a gap. 他亲身体验过无间之刀的威力。 Knows that blade, although does not have the thing not to cut, but injures the suspicion to be slightly insufficient. 知道那口刀虽然无物不斩,但毁伤略嫌不足。 Wants body refinement expert that kills him and Lu Xiyan this grade of body does not extinguish, only if can cut scattered about them, sends into exile the fragment in the different space and times, suppresses one by one to refine, drives them only then to commit suicide. 想要杀死他与陆昔颜这等身躯不灭的炼体强者,除非能把他们砍得七零八落,将碎块放逐于不同时空,镇压起来一一炼化,方可置他们于死地。 Otherwise even if several blades, were cut the next several components, pours still has nothing at the worst. 否则就算中个几刀,被砍下几块零件,倒也没什么大不了的。 Therefore Ni Kun is unhurried, stands and waits for a long time in that space rupture that steadily, in oneself are, in double pupil crystal light brilliant, is focusing on Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord every action and every movement. 所以倪坤一点都不慌,稳稳伫立在自己所在的那块空间碎片中,双瞳之中晶光灼灼,紧盯着灵霄天尊一举一动。 Lu Xiyan hits exceptionally difficultly, actually also knows Ni Kun this act must have the intention, does not request reinforcements, clenches teeth to support painstakingly. 陆昔颜打得异常艰辛,却也知道倪坤此举必有用意,也不求援,咬牙苦撑。 Is confused because of the space, Black-Yellow Karmic Virtue Tower of Ni Kun top of the head is unable prompt to be Lu Xiyan supplemented qi of black-yellow, after the companions Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord over a hundred blades, black-yellow energy cover of Lu Xiyan body week finally is worn down. 因空间错乱破碎,倪坤头顶的玄黄功德塔无法及时为陆昔颜补充玄黄之气,连挡了灵霄天尊上百刀后,陆昔颜身周的玄黄气罩终于被消磨一空。 Therefore when the blade of without a gap cuts once again, does not have black-yellow energy cover to help the Lu Xiyan sluggish blade potential again, that disregards the space length, is almost the blade leaves must without a gap blade, cuts finally, in Lu Xiyan held on the arm of sword, cuts the paper to break open her Asura Battle Bone generally, cuts off her arm simultaneous/uniform elbow. 于是当无间之刀又一次斩来时,再无玄黄气罩陆昔颜迟滞刀势,那无视空间距离,几乎是刀出必中的无间手刀,也终于斩在了陆昔颜持剑的手臂上,裁纸一般破开她的修罗战骨,将她手臂齐肘斩断。 But the Lu Xiyan early knowledge cannot avoid this blade, while blade, has kicked, if the tip of the toe the lance point pokes generally to the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord lower abdomen, collapses together extinguishes myriad things the strength of annihilation, broke open the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord body-protecting clear Guangbao tower unexpectedly. 陆昔颜早知躲不开这一刀,在中刀的同时,已经一脚踢出,脚尖若枪尖一般搠向灵霄天尊小腹,一道崩灭万物的湮灭之力,竟是破开了灵霄天尊护身的清光宝塔。 But missed one eventually. 可终究还是差了一着。 Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord welcomed the tip of the toe that lance point is poking to tread the previous step, clearly changed to the Lu Xiyan body side not, avoided this struck. 灵霄天尊迎着那枪尖般戳来的脚尖踏前一步,又是莫明转到了陆昔颜身侧,避开了她这一击。 Unproductive struggling.” “徒劳的挣扎。” In the faint dignified speaking voice, a Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord blade truncates to the Lu Xiyan slender jade neck, must cut to fall her severed head. 淡漠威严的说话声中,灵霄天尊一刀削向陆昔颜修长玉颈,要将她首级斩落。 Lu Xiyan uses the movement full power, flashes before instantaneously thousands of times, but in any event, is unable to evade operation potential locking. 陆昔颜全力施展身法,瞬间闪现千万次,可无论如何,都无法避开刀势锁定。 Without the protection of Black-Yellow Karmic Virtue Tower, is only her cultivation base, is impossible to avoid the attack of Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord. 没有玄黄功德塔的保护,单凭她的修为,不可能躲开灵霄天尊的攻击。 newly promoted Heavenly Lord and accumulation are deep, established Heavenly Lord and between half-step that Golden Immortal background is too deep to see the bottom, the disparity is so huge. 新晋天尊与积累深厚、底蕴深不见底的老牌天尊半步金仙之间,差距就是如此巨大。 Saw that Lu Xiyan must be cut. 眼看陆昔颜就要被斩中。 Suddenly, wipes to break open the chaos and epoch-making radiant blade glow to shine, cuts to the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord nape. 突然,一抹似能破开混沌、开天辟地的璀璨刀芒亮起,斩向灵霄天尊后颈。 In the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord eye flashes through wipes startled accommodates, receives the blade to return suddenly cuts, with that blade glow to putting together a blade. 灵霄天尊眼中闪过一抹惊容,猛然收刀回斩,与那刀芒对拼了一刀。 Lu Xiyan this opportunity, is separated from Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord internal energy locking finally, flashes before, one grasps the arm that oneself break falls, presses toward the wound, met the arm instantaneously. 陆昔颜得此机会,终于脱离灵霄天尊气机锁定,闪现出去,一把抓回自己断落的胳膊,往伤口上一按,瞬间接好了手臂。 Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord looks at does not know when arrives at his behind Ni Kun, always faint dignity, when regardless of as if in the rude eyes, will not emerge finally wipes surprisedly: 灵霄天尊看着不知何时来到他身后的倪坤,总是淡漠威严,似乎无论何时都不会失态的双眼之中,终于浮出一抹惊疑: „Do you come? Why can you also display the blade of without a gap?” “你是如何过来的?你为何也能施展无间之刀?” No mistake. 没有错。 Ni Kun has been separated from that the confused shatter space prisoner's cage that he and Lu Xiyan separate, arrives space that Lu Xiyan was, and wields the blade of without a gap seamless into, nothing did not cut. 倪坤已经脱离了那将他与陆昔颜分隔开来的错乱破碎的空间囚笼,来到了陆昔颜所在的空间,并且挥出了一记无隙不入、无物不斩的无间之刀。 Facing the interrogation of Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord, Ni Kun first gives Lu Xiyan to make up together black-yellow energy cover, this shows a faint smile, said easely: 面对灵霄天尊的质问,倪坤先给陆昔颜补上一道玄黄气罩,这才微微一笑,悠然道: I am the talent, any magical ability magic arts, looked that understands, will ponder over, will begin on the essence. The say/way of being expert also you are the same as Spirit Firmament, your skill, was naturally learned by me.” “我是天才嘛,任何神通法术,看一眼就懂,一琢磨就会,一上手就精。恰好专精之道也跟灵霄你一样,你的功夫,自然就被我学会了。” Nonsense!” Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord sinking sound said: „The Grand Dao sensibility, non- commonplace does magical ability, how could get it done in one action?” “胡言乱语!”灵霄天尊沉声道:“大道感悟,非等闲神通,岂能一蹴而就?” Hehe.” Ni Kun smiles not to speak, has not told Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord, in his inner universe Heavenly Court, Torch Dragon God that controls power of time. “呵呵。”倪坤笑而不语,并没有告诉灵霄天尊,他内宇宙天庭之中,有一尊掌控时光之力烛龙神 Before he paid attention to Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord every action and every movement by All-Seeing Divine Eye, before estimating Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord trod step by step, the profound wonderful movement that can actually mysteriously appear and disappear, estimated the blade of without a gap Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord seamless into, nothing did not cut. 之前他以慧眼神目关注灵霄天尊一举一动,揣摩灵霄天尊步步踏前,却能神出鬼没的玄奇身法,揣摩灵霄天尊无隙不入、无物不斩的无间之刀。 Torch Dragon God in Ni Kun inner universe Heavenly Court, then spouts wind of time, changes into the time domain, covers assumes inner universe Heavenly Court top primeval spirit Heavenly Emperor, the accelerate time, comprehends the say/way of space Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord shows by the primeval spirit Heavenly Emperor deduction. 倪坤内宇宙天庭之中的烛龙神,则喷出时光之风,化为时光领域,笼罩坐镇内宇宙天庭顶层的元神天帝,加速时间,以元神天帝推演参悟灵霄天尊展现的空间之道。 In the outside world, Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord was only and Lu Xiyan more than 100 moves. But in inner universe, primeval spirit Heavenly Emperor already the Ni Kun All-Seeing Divine Eye study the say/way of space, the deduction comprehended for over a thousand years, naturally does not get it done in one action, but is the accumulation is deep. 在外界,灵霄天尊只是与陆昔颜过了一百多招。而内宇宙中,元神天帝已将倪坤慧眼神目学来的空间之道,推演参悟了上千年,自然不是一蹴而就,而是积累深厚。 This inside and outside universe fashion vary, is Ni Kun in the time domain, cultivation 1 million years later ability. 这内外宇宙时流不一,乃是倪坤在时光领域中,修炼百万年后才掌握的本领。 Present he, even can fights, while the acceleration time in inner universe, senses Grand Dao, deduces magical ability. 现在的他,甚至可以一边与人战斗,一边在内宇宙中加速时光,感悟大道,推演神通 Naturally, does that also meets the die sooner die sooner. 当然,这么做也是会折寿的。 In inner universe, how long in the time domain primeval spirit Heavenly Emperor stayed, his primeval spirit on old many years. This short over a hundred moves of deductions, have made Ni Kun lose more than 1000 years of natural lives. 内宇宙中,元神天帝在时光领域中呆了多久,他的元神就老了多少岁。这短短上百招的推演,就已经让倪坤失去了一千多年的天寿。 But all these are worth. 但这一切都是值得的。 So long as can defeat Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord, he and Lu Xiyan have the future, climbs that hopefully and Golden Immortal realm of universe same longevity. 只要能战胜灵霄天尊,那他与陆昔颜就还有未来,就还有希望去攀登那与宇宙同寿的金仙境界 Therefore don't said the millennium natural lives, then in Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord this war, disappearing longevity 100,000 years and 1 million years, even 2,000,000-3,000,000 years of age, so long as can win, is the blood gains. 所以莫说千年天寿,便是在与灵霄天尊这一战中,消寿十万年、百万年、甚至2,000,000-3,000,000年的寿数,只要能赢,就是血赚。 Spirit Firmament, your method, had been looked through by me, you did not have the opportunity.” 灵霄,你的手段,已被我看破,你没有机会了。” Ni Kun one step treads, such as Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord is unexpectedly ordinary, arrived at behind Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord directly, scooping up the hand is the blade, the illness/quick cuts. 倪坤一步踏出,竟也如灵霄天尊一般,径直来到了灵霄天尊背后,撮手为刀,疾斩而出。 Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord cold snort/hum: Boasts shamelessly. You grasp, is only the fur/superficial knowledge.” Proceeds a blade to cut, behind blade light Ni Kun flashes before always doing nothing but, breaks open black-yellow energy cover, cuts to the Ni Kun nape of the neck, forcing Ni Kun has to receive the blade standard to keep off. 灵霄天尊冷哼一声:“大言不惭。你掌握的,只是皮毛。”往前一刀斩出,刀光竟自倪坤背后闪现,破开玄黄气罩,斩向倪坤脖颈,迫使倪坤不得不收刀格挡。 A Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord blade compels to draw back Ni Kun, stands and waits for a long time motionless, where no matter Ni Kun and Lu Xiyan are, only brandishes a sword cuts randomly. 灵霄天尊一刀迫退倪坤,伫立不动,不管倪坤陆昔颜身在何方,只挥刀乱斩。 He faces forward to brandish a sword, but the blade light actually cuts in all directions one after another from Ni Kun and Lu Xiyan, continuous such as sea the blade of without a gap, Ni Kun and Lu Xiyan surrounding, obliterates black-yellow energy cover of his two person weeks layer upon layer. 他朝前挥刀,可刀光却从倪坤陆昔颜四面八方接连斩出,连绵如海的无间之刀,将倪坤陆昔颜包围,将他二人身周的玄黄气罩层层磨灭。 In Ni Kun pupil crystal glittering, the standard keeps off to dodge to penetrate the black-yellow energy cover blade light, while stimulates to movement inner universe Torch Dragon God fast, emits wind of time, covers primeval spirit Heavenly Emperor, the combustion primeval spirit natural life, accelerates the fashion, the analysis comprehends the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord method. 倪坤瞳中晶光闪烁,一边格挡闪避穿透玄黄气罩的刀光,一边飞快催动内宇宙烛龙神,喷吐时光之风,笼罩元神天帝,燃烧元神天寿,加速时流,解析参悟灵霄天尊的手段。 Although Lu Xiyan resulted in Ni Kun to supplement black-yellow energy cover, but under Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord erupted suddenly, still only then the ability to parry, did not have the strength to hit back. 陆昔颜虽然得了倪坤补充玄黄气罩,但在灵霄天尊突然爆发之下,仍然只有招架之功,毫无还手之力。 She is not discouraged, clenches teeth to insist, waiting favorable turn. 她也不气馁,咬牙坚持,等待转机。 After the moment . 片刻后。 In the Ni Kun eye crystal light suddenly/violently to dodge, shouts at one, the right hand pinches the tiger claw, a claw pulls out. This claw just wielded, then has defeated the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord body-protecting clear Guangbao tower, submerges his chest. 倪坤眼中晶光暴闪,叱喝一声,右手捏虎爪,一爪掏出。这一爪刚一挥出,便已击破灵霄天尊护身的清光宝塔,没入他的心口。 What?” Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord is stunned. “什么?”灵霄天尊愕然。 Ni Kun stops doing to pull out, in the palm, are many one group of clear light groups. 倪坤抽手一掏,掌心之中,已多出一团晶莹光团。 His five fingers one wrong, pinches to explode that clear light group, this said with a smile: 他五指一错,捏爆那晶莹光团,这才笑道: „The blade of without a gap, after all is not my method, I use your style to cope with you, is very difficult to be in the upper hand. But I can your method, integrate in my magical ability. Does my disregard to be away from and disregard the position and origin to Black Tiger Gouging Heart, how Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord think?” “无间之刀,毕竟不是我的手段,我用你的招式对付你,很难占得上风。但我可以将你的手段,融入我的神通之中。我这无视距离、无视方位、出则必中的黑虎掏心,灵霄天尊以为如何?” The Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord corner of the eye slightly one twitches: You grow was too quick, today must kill you!” 灵霄天尊眼角微一抽搐:“你成长的太快了,今天必须杀了你!” The space that during the speeches a both hands fiercely racket, loudly in the loud sound sound, Ni Kun and Lu Xiyan are, was made light one piece immediately, becomes two people is ordinary like the slip of paper person. 说话间双手猛地一拍,轰然巨响声中,倪坤陆昔颜所在的空间,顿时被拍成薄薄一片,将两人变得如同纸片人一般。 Although Ni Kun that move of Black Tiger Gouging Heart hits, but Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord is primeval spirit how powerful? Ni Kun is unable a move to grasp thoroughly his primeval spirit, a moment ago that group clear light group, was only a Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord primeval spirit fragment, insignificant. 倪坤那一招黑虎掏心虽然命中,但灵霄天尊元神何其强大?倪坤根本无法一招就将他元神彻底抓出,刚才那团晶莹光团,只是灵霄天尊的一点元神碎片而已,无足轻重。 However the injury is even slight, Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord is also the growth heart of Ni Kun startled, never expected that he can unexpectedly comprehend the Dao, the war is stronger, immediately kills the heart to stick out suddenly, a palm of the hand cranks up the slip of paper person the Ni Kun two people, must crush them. 不过即便伤势轻微,灵霄天尊亦为倪坤的成长速度心惊不已,没有想到他竟能临阵悟道,越战越强,当下杀心暴起,一巴掌把倪坤二人拍成纸片人,就要将他们粉碎。 But Ni Kun has resulted in the Spirit Firmament say/way, how also to be unexpected his? 倪坤既已得了灵霄的道,又怎会不防着他这一手? Before Spirit Firmament, has used this move to hit Lu Xiyan, displays again, does not work. 灵霄之前已经用这一招打过陆昔颜,再次施展,就不灵了。 Does not wait for Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord to crush two slip of paper people, was made the picture by his palm of the hand the space, then has crushed loudly, two big palms of the hand find out from shatter space rupture , a bang racket, cranked up the slip of paper person Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord. 不等灵霄天尊粉碎两个纸片人,那被他一巴掌拍成画片的空间,便已轰然粉碎,两只大巴掌自破碎的空间碎片中探出,轰地一拍,把灵霄天尊也拍成了纸片人。 Simultaneously collapses blood-color sword astral who extinguishes the myriad things to get angry to split together, thorn to slip of paper person Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord. 同时一道崩灭万物的血色剑罡怒绽而出,刺向纸片人灵霄天尊 Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord angrily roars, rises with a spring, regains the condition, the brandishing a sword standard operates this sword, but the tiger claw of Ni Kun has come, submerges his chest, pulls out together the primeval spirit fragment again, pinches the smashing. 灵霄天尊怒吼一声,一跃而起,恢复状态,挥刀格开这一剑,可倪坤的虎爪又已呼啸而来,噗地一声没入他胸口,再次掏出一块元神碎片,捏成粉碎。 The Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord double palm gathers, the Zhongping of palm were spatially many a star, under rubbed, the star changed into a golden throwing knife, and referred, cut to Ni Kun. 灵霄天尊双掌一合,掌心之中平空多出一颗恒星,一搓之下,恒星化为一口金色飞刀,并指一点,斩向倪坤 Spirit Firmament, you have said that Heavenly Lord to war, what spelled is to the control of respective Grand Dao, other magical ability is useless, now do you use such move? Whether doesn't dare to display your say/way before me?” 灵霄,你自己说过,天尊对战,拼的是对各自大道的掌控,别的神通毫无用处,现在你自己怎又用上这样的招数了?是否已经不敢在我面前施展你的道了?” Ni Kun laughs a fist to rumble, explodes the golden throwing knife that star turns into broken. 倪坤大笑着一拳轰出,将那恒星化成的金色飞刀碎爆。 Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord cold snort/hum, looked that a Ni Kun that has caught a graying double temple, said indifferently: Some of your also how many can lifespan spend freely?” 灵霄天尊冷哼一声,看一眼倪坤那已染上点点斑白的双鬓,淡然道:“你还有多少寿元可以挥霍?” Are many, not work you worry.” A Ni Kun pinch of hand is a blade, a blade cuts, chops before the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord forehead instantaneously. “多得很,不劳你操心。”倪坤撮手为刀,一刀直斩,瞬间劈至灵霄天尊眉心前。 Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord backhands a standard, fends off a Ni Kun blade, a blade potential swiftly booklet, cuts in the thorn to Asura Sword of his chest, fends off Asura Sword. Simultaneously the left hand keeps off, the standard opens a claw that Ni Kun suddenly grasps. At this time Lu Xiyan another fist bang came, by his turning the head make way. 灵霄天尊反手一格,挡开倪坤一刀,刀势又倏忽一折,斩在刺向他心口的修罗剑上,将修罗剑挡开。同时左手一挡,格开倪坤突然抓出的一爪。这时陆昔颜又一拳轰来,被他侧首闪开。 Suddenly, Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord actually falls into the defensive, the standard keeps off to dodge Ni Kun and Lu Xiyan attack continuously repeatedly, occasionally can stop doing to return one move. 一时间,灵霄天尊竟然落入守势,频频格挡闪避倪坤陆昔颜连绵不断的攻击,偶尔才能抽手还上一招。 Just like Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord said, to their realm, the commonplace magical ability magic arts, almost did not have any function. 正如灵霄天尊所说,到了他们这个境界,等闲神通法术,几乎没有了任何作用。 Then can absorb the star big day conveniently, rubs the throwing knife, presses the projectile, strikes can Crushing the Stars and destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, but really almost does not have the function to Heavenly Lord. 便是能随手摄来恒星大日,搓成飞刀,压成弹丸,一击就能粉碎星辰毁天灭地,但对天尊真的几乎毫无作用。 Grasped innumerable floral formula magical ability Heavenly Lord, when to wrestling, becoming seems mortal martial artist general, the blade comes the sword toward, fists and feet adding together. The movement even did not have mortal martial artist splendidly like that attractive. 掌握了无数花式神通天尊,对搏之时,变得好似凡俗武人一般,刀来剑往,拳脚相加。动作甚至还没有凡俗武人那般精彩好看。 Because the attack of Heavenly Lord can disregard the space length, and even disregards the making a move position. Walks the position almost not to have the significance, can only go against the shield station pile, whose body-protecting magical treasure competes to be firmer, whose attack is sharper, whose response is quicker, who is deeper in the accumulation of Grand Dao level. 因为天尊的攻击都能无视空间距离,乃至无视出手方位。走位几乎没有意义,只能顶盾站桩,比拼谁的护体法宝更坚固,谁的攻击更犀利,谁的反应更快,谁在大道层面的积累更深厚。 The accumulation of Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord, went far beyond the Ni Kun two people. 原本灵霄天尊的积累,是远远超过倪坤二人的。 His body-protecting magical treasure is not bad, the defense of that clear light Linglongta, is less inferior than Black-Yellow Karmic Virtue Tower. Therefore he once got the winning side, hits Ni Kun Lu Xiyan, only then ability to parry. 护身法宝也不差,那清光玲珑塔的防御,并不比玄黄功德塔逊色。所以他一度占据上风,打得倪坤陆昔颜只有招架之功。 What a pity, the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord say/way, with the Ni Kun say/way is the say/way of same space, making Ni Kun can during the fight, results in the say/way of Spirit Firmament, and does not hesitate combustion lifespan, the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord deep accumulation, changes into oneself to have, and weeds through the old to bring forth the new, stands on the shoulder of Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord this giant, looks farther ahead, touches the say/way of more profound mysterious space. 可惜,灵霄天尊的道,与倪坤的道乃是一样的空间之道,令倪坤可以在战斗之中,得灵霄之道,并不惜燃烧寿元,将灵霄天尊深厚的积累,化为己有,且推陈出新,站在灵霄天尊这尊巨人的肩膀上,看得更远,触碰更加高深玄奥的空间之道。 Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord had thought that accumulates the advantage with the protracted war slowly, changes into wins the potential, cuts to kill the Ni Kun two people. 灵霄天尊曾经想过,用持久战慢慢积累优势,化为胜势,斩杀倪坤二人。 But now, is actually Ni Kun in the protracted war, slowly gets out of the disadvantage, makes into the power balance, even gradually gets the winning side. 但现在,却是倪坤在持久战中,慢慢摆脱劣势,打成均势,甚至逐渐占据上风。 The price that Ni Kun pays is no doubt serious, forever young young man, two temples have caught a point elderly person who was unable to eliminate again, lifespan such as the opening the sluice gates flood discharge pass generally fast, in 1000 and 10,000 years and 100,000 years...... 倪坤付出的代价固然惨重,永远年轻的少年郎,两鬓已染上了再也无法消去的点点斑白,寿元如开闸泄洪一般飞快流逝,一千年、一万年、十万年…… Balance that may win, in his does not hesitate under all combustion, reversed to him and Lu Xiyan that side slowly. 可胜利的天平,就在他这不惜一切的燃烧之下,缓缓倒向了他与陆昔颜的那一边。 Asked a ticket 【求勒个票】
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