IACHMND :: Volume #4

#335: Finally weapon! The regret of Spirit Firmament!

When the last batch of star ships, were grasped void by Ni Kun, pinches to explode, the boundless starry sky probably shatter mirror surface splits open generally, two people fight puppet, returned to the corridor in Spirit Firmament Palace. 当最后一批星舰,被倪坤手握虚空,一把捏爆,无垠星空像是破碎的镜面一般迸裂开来,两人一战傀,又回到了灵霄宫里的廊道之中。 Defeated the protection of corridor to ban the law, Ni Kun, Lu Xiyan and war puppet incarnation continues the stride vanguard, broke open several formation one after another, finally arrived at the palace deep place, before a closed front door . 击破了廊道的守护禁法,倪坤陆昔颜、战傀化身继续大步前行,又接连破开数座阵法,终于来到宫殿深处,一座紧闭的大门前。 This front door, naturally also has to ban to protect. However Ni Kun, Lu Xiyan and war puppet incarnation strikes jointly, will then ban the bang broken, crushes the front door, steps into the gate with stride. 这座大门,自然也有禁制保护。不过倪坤陆昔颜、战傀化身只是联手一击,便将禁制轰破,粉碎大门,大步踏入门中。 After the gate, is one thousand zhang (3.33 m), the hundred zhang (333 m) wide palace. 门后,是一座千丈长、百丈宽的殿堂。 In the palace, the space, is proliferating the invisible ban every inchs. 殿堂之内,每一寸空间,都遍布着无形禁制。 Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord, then deep sleep above the throne of palace deep place, if outside is how earth-shaking, even if Ni Kun one line has attacked hence the palace, he still slumber did not awake. 灵霄天尊,便沉睡在殿堂深处的宝座之上,任是外面如何翻天覆地,即便倪坤一行已攻至此殿,他仍然沉眠不醒。 He cannot awake. 他不能醒。 This time not compared with previous temporary recovery. 此次不比上一次的短暂复苏。 This time, Dao Tribulation already to critical moment, once wakes up, will then fall short. 这一次,道劫已至紧要关头,一旦醒来,便会功亏一篑。 Ni Kun is narrowing the eyes, is staring at the palace deep place, that slumber above the throne, the whole body accumulates the contamination, sends out hanging of decayed aura to decay the old man, took out a white bones quality of material and clear snow white ring slowly, the set on the finger. 倪坤眯着双眼,凝望着殿堂深处,那沉眠于宝座之上,浑身积满污秽,散发着腐朽气息的垂朽老者,缓缓取出一枚白骨质地、晶莹雪白的指环,套在了手指上。 They are away from Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord, is about 920 zhang (3.33 m). 他们距离灵霄天尊,约有九百二十丈。 These 920 zhang (3.33 m) spaces, seemingly are not worth mentioning, even if he and Lu Xiyan, the war puppet incarnation collaborates, must spend previous a long time, can proliferating the invisible ban of space, wears down every inchs. 这九百二十丈的空间,看似不值一提,但即使是他与陆昔颜、战傀化身联手,也要花上很长一段时间,才能将遍布每一寸空间的无形禁制,消磨一空。 This is the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord final defense line. 这已是灵霄天尊最后的防线。 Ni Kun does not want to delay the time again, slowly dismantling banned. 倪坤并不想再耽搁时间,慢慢拆解禁制。 Therefore he took out in the time domain, the sacrifice refine the innumerable years final decisive battle weapon. 所以他取出了在时光领域之中,祭炼了无数年的“最终决战兵器”。 He lifts to wear the finger of ring, to Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord distant one finger/refers. 他抬起戴着指环的手指,对着灵霄天尊遥遥一指。 Above the ring golden light flashes, a young metal statue of both arms, has not flown to shoot from the ring, flies to shoot toward Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord. 指环之上金光一闪,一尊没有双臂的小金人,自指环之中飞射而出,向着灵霄天尊飞射过去。 Ban in 920 zhang (3.33 m) space, not, because that young metal statue, lends the Heavenly Lord Chen Long aura to leave a loophole. 九百二十丈空间里的禁制,并没有因为那小金人,散发着辰龙天尊的气息而网开一面。 All bans start instantaneously. 所有的禁制瞬间开启。 The young metal statue first was one hits in one raging fire vastness, was burnt the fire of ignition world. 小金人先是一头撞进了一片烈火汪洋之中,遭焚世之火灼烧。 Then is the extraordinarily cold domain that even the time can freeze, the billowing cold current just like the tentacle, twists in all directions to the young metal statue. 接着又是连时光都能冻结的奇寒领域,滚滚寒流宛若触手,四面八方绞向小金人。 With hits the limitless thunder purgatory, to have the stars sea of trillion star ships one after another, the space storm that was also formed by innumerable space rupture sweeps across crazily, was flickered hundred years of wind of time eight sides to assail. 跟着又接连撞进无边无际的雷霆炼狱、有亿万星舰的星辰大海,又被无数空间碎片结成的空间风暴疯狂席卷,又遭一瞬百年的时光之风八方吹袭。 Also the side little world, the vault of heaven and ground change to a pair of Yin-Yang grinding pan, must clamp the young metal statue in middle mill to become Fen...... 又有一方小天地,天穹与地面化作一对阴阳磨盘,要将小金人夹在中间碾磨成粉…… The space has the ban every inchs. 每一寸空间都有禁制。 Each ban, is sure-kill huge formation. 每一道禁制,都是一座绝杀大阵 Vertical has exceedingly high magical ability Heavenly Lord, in this continuous sure-kill huge formation, must be hard to start. 纵是有通天神通天尊,在这连绵不绝的绝杀大阵之中,亦要举步维艰。 But that does not have the young metal statue of both arms not to stop, the body week is sending out strength of the strange space, resembles and ban in the different space and times, if how the ominous horizontal swift and fierce ban, is not also able to prevent it as soon as flickers. 但那没有双臂的小金人毫不停顿,身周散发着一种奇异的空间之力,似与禁制处于不同的时空,任是如何凶横凌厉的禁制,亦无法阻挡它一瞬。 The say/way of Ni Kun being expert, is space Grand Dao. 倪坤专精之道,正是空间大道 The final decisive battle weapon that he refines, naturally implemented his say/way. 他炼制的最终决战兵器,自然贯彻了他的道。 Does not have the arm young metal statue to fly over 920 zhang (3.33 m) void fast, shuttles back and forth the excessive heavy banned impediment, before flying the throne of Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord deep sleep . 无臂小金人飞快飞越九百二十丈虚空,穿梭过重重禁制阻隔,飞到了灵霄天尊沉睡的宝座前。 Then, does not have the arm young metal statue to collapse fiercely, changes into an infinitesimal point, inflates one group of dazzling light balls again, erupts loudly. 然后,无臂小金人猛地坍缩,化为一个无限小的点,再膨胀成一团耀眼的光球,轰然爆发开来。 That is comparable to supernova outburst big explosion. 那是堪比超新星爆发的大爆炸 When explosion happened, even has the Black-Yellow Karmic Virtue Tower protection, even if has closed the view, transported the merit to protect the eyes, Ni Kun and Lu Xiyan still become white one piece at present, was almost impossible to regard the thing. 爆炸发生时,即使有玄黄功德塔保护,即使已经闭上眼帘,运功护住了双眼,倪坤陆昔颜眼前仍然变得白茫茫一片,几乎无法视物。 Before the body, in that 920 zhang (3.33 m) space, all bans are immediately, infinite photo-thermal are attacked cleanly. 身前那九百二十丈空间中,所有的禁制更是在第一时间,就被无穷光热冲击得干干净净。 After defeating the innumerable say/way bans , the surplus energies, shell on black-yellow energy cover that in the yellow and black pagoda dangles, attacks makes noise, surges black-yellow energy cover, seemingly possibly collapses momentarily. 击破无数道禁制后剩余的能量,轰击在玄黄宝塔垂下的玄黄气罩上,直将玄黄气罩冲击得哗哗作响,激荡不已,看上去好像随时可能崩溃。 Is good to have been through repeatedly the innumerable say/way bans to resist layer upon layer weakens, big explosion power weakens much, black-yellow energy cover had not been defeated eventually. 好在历经无数道禁制层层抵挡削弱,大爆炸威能削弱不少,玄黄气罩终究未被击破。 But entire Spirit Firmament Palace, evaporates to perish under this big explosion completely. 但整座灵霄宫,都在这一次大爆炸之下蒸发殒尽。 The surplus energy diffusions to the void crevice that in Spirit Firmament Palace is, is flooding the void crevice of chaos air current this unexpectedly, rumbled emptily a piece small-scale void. 剩余的能量扩散到灵霄宫所在的虚空夹缝中,竟将这充斥着混沌气流的虚空夹缝,轰成了一片空空荡荡的小型虚空。 Some explosion energies, leak following Ni Kun two people of the channels of coming, bang floating empty mountain that is in the under Chen dragon palace, is less than half that perimeter ten thousand li (0.5 km) floating empty mountain evaporation. The remaining mountain massifs are also split up, change to shatter hills. 还有一些爆炸能量,循倪坤二人进来的通道外泄出去,轰在下方辰龙宫所在的浮空山上,直将那周长万里的浮空山蒸发小半。剩下的山体亦四分五裂,化作一片破碎的群山。 This is the Ni Kun sacrifice refining up for many years final decisive battle weapon might. 这便是倪坤祭炼多年的“最终决战兵器”的威力。 Outside Spirit Firmament Heaven, surrounded three Golden Immortal, saw this secretly, expressed the exclamation. 就连灵霄天外,围观的三尊金仙,看到这一幕后,都不禁发出了惊叹。 This power, is as good a Building Heavenly Lord lives self-detonation.” “这威能,已不逊于一位天尊自爆了。” Said, my life, but also has never seen the Heavenly Lord self-detonation scene.” “说起来,我这一生,还从未见过天尊自爆的场面呢。” Heavenly Lord self-detonation, is truly rare. When I had not become Golden Immortal in the past, has killed personally Heavenly Lord also has three. But dies in my Heavenly Lord, even if knows perfectly well not to beat, still always tries our luck, tries to escape or with method resurrecting of reservation, no gives up self-detonation......” 天尊自爆,确实罕见。我当年未成金仙时,亲手杀过的天尊也有三位。但死在我手下的天尊,即使明知不敌,也总是心存侥幸,试图逃生或是用预留的手段复活,没有一个舍得自爆的……” Solemn Heavenly Lord, only if 100% dead, even if there is otherwise a possibility, does not hate self-detonation to go. Then, Spirit Firmament won't die under this move?” “堂堂天尊,除非十死无生,否则纵有一丝可能,也是舍不得自爆赴死的。说起来,灵霄不会死在这一招之下吧?” Spirit Firmament is not weak. However this strikes, when broke his Dao Tribulation sufficiently forcefully......” 灵霄还没有那么弱。不过这一击,当足以强行打断他的道劫了……” When several Golden Immortal discussed. 几位金仙议论之时。 Is empty, does not have in void of thing survival. 已空空荡荡,无一物幸存的虚空之中。 Finally restores the visual Ni Kun two people to open the eyes, looks to the front. 终于恢复视觉的倪坤二人张开双眼,看向前方。 The front is void, float a light cocoon that proliferates the fissure. 前方虚空,悬浮着一只遍布裂痕的光茧。 In the light cocoon, that hung decays the old man to open the eye of pollution slowly, exhaled foul air that filled with the decayed aura. 光茧之中,那垂朽老者缓缓睁开了浑浊的眼睛,呼出一口充满腐朽气息的浊气。 The one breath puts out, the light cocoon is also stave. 一口气吐出,光茧随之破碎。 The old men very draw out the rickets lower back slowly, the tyrannical aura, soars to the heavens from him on, contamination all over the body vanishes, withers the thin and small torso, if the gasification general is tall and straight majestic, old such as the face of skeleton also becomes full ruddy. 老者缓缓挺起佝偻的腰背,强横的气息,自他身上冲霄而起,遍体的污秽消失一空,枯萎瘦小的躯干若充气一般挺拔雄壮起来,苍老如骷髅的脸庞亦变得饱满红润。 The sparse white hair falls off, gives birth to the full smooth glossy black hair. The pale long eyebrow-hairs change to the dark green azure straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards, withered white Xuyi gets makes elegant beautiful fine beard. 稀疏的白发脱落,生出满头光滑油亮的乌发。苍白的寿眉化作苍青的剑眉,干枯的白须亦变作一部飘逸的美髯。 In an instant, hangs old man who decays, then turned into a figure to be big, the appearance was dignified, vision such as the majestic middle age of electricity. 转眼之间,垂朽的老者,便变成了一位身形高大,面相威严,目光如电的雄壮中年。 His look looked at Ni Kun and Lu Xiyan faintly, under the internal energy cross coupling, all secrets are unable to cover up again, come clearly into view general, was seen clearly by his one eyes. 他眼神淡漠地看了倪坤陆昔颜一眼,气机交感之下,一切天机再也无法遮掩,历历在目一般,被他一眼看清。 More than 3000 years ago, nine disciple Ling Shuzi attack a named Central Land world, the promotion low-rank little world, cut to kill about to half-step Heavenly Immortal that led that side world promotion, actually died in that half-step Heavenly Immortal dao companion, under the Asura Path predecessor Asura King Yang Zheng sword. 三千多年前,九弟子灵珠子侵袭一方名为中土世界,行将升格的下位小天地,斩杀了引领那方天地升格的半步天仙,却又死在那位半步天仙道侣,修罗道前任修罗王杨铮剑下。 When dying, Ling Shuzi destroyed Central Land World Spirit Root, making Central Land march into ultimate tribulation...... 垂死之际,灵珠子摧毁了中土天地灵根,令中土步入末劫…… After 3.000 years, the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord temporary recovery, has an emotional tie with the deaths of nine disciple, peeps Yixiantian machine, pointed out that the deaths of nine disciple are related with Yang Zheng, instructed the disciple disciples found Yang Zheng to investigate this matter. 三千年后,灵霄天尊短暂复苏,心系九弟子之死,窥得一线天机,指出九弟子之死与杨铮有关,指示门下众弟子找到杨铮追究此事。 second disciple Zhu Wudao then leads Spirit King Black Tortoise and left Right Hall Leader, pursues and exterminates Asura King Yang Zheng, compels into the deathtrap Yang Zheng. 二弟子诸无道遂率领玄武灵王、左右殿帅,追剿修罗王杨铮,将杨铮迫入死地。 Today. 今天。 Disciple who Yang Zheng only remains, present age Asura King Lu Xiyan, bringing her dao companion to kill to visit. 杨铮仅剩的弟子,当代修罗王陆昔颜,带着她的道侣杀上了门来。 But her dao companion Ni Kun, comes Central Land...... 而她的道侣倪坤,亦正是出身中土…… second disciple Zhu Wudao, in Desolate Dangerous Land, was cut to kill by this men and women. 二弟子诸无道,于荒芜绝地,被这一对男女斩杀。 First disciple Chen dragon, died in this pair of male and female subordinate. 首徒辰龙,亦殒落在这一对男女手下。 Four disciple Miaozi, five disciple Dean called the mountain, was cut to kill by Ni Kun. 四弟子吕妙子、五弟子丁鸣山,也被倪坤斩杀。 Other disciples, and Heavenly Court numerous immortals, perform by Ni Kun are imprisoned, until now, but also is being the coolie, made Ni Kun top of the head that yellow and black pagoda, every time became more powerful. 其余所有弟子,以及天庭众仙,尽被倪坤拘役,直到现在,还在做着苦力,令倪坤头顶那座玄黄宝塔,每时每刻都变得更加强大。 Saw clearly all these Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord, closed the eyes slowly, sighed disappointed: Person tribulations......” 看清了这一切的灵霄天尊,缓缓闭上了双眼,怅然一叹:“人劫啊……” This is his achieving Dao person tribulations. 这便是他成道的人劫。 This tribulation source results from nine disciple Ling Shuzi that he most loves, intensifies in him instructed that the disciple disciple captures Yang Zheng. 此劫源起于他最宠爱的九弟子灵珠子,激化于他指示门下弟子追捕杨铮 Without Ling Shuzi the tour of Central Land, when if even does not have he regained consciousness initially shortly, instructed that the disciple captures Yang Zheng, perhaps, matter will then not develop this step. 若没有灵珠子中土之行,甚至若没有他当初短暂苏醒时,指示弟子追捕杨铮,或许,事情便不会发展到这一步。 But...... 但…… Will not have perhaps. 不会有或许。 Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord oneself keep aloof, submit and prosper, oppose and die, regards the lower world numerous immortal and mortal all living things such as the character of ants, decided the style of his disciple disciple. 灵霄天尊本人高高在上、顺昌逆亡,视下界众仙、凡俗众生如蝼蚁的性格,决定了他门下弟子的行事风格。 Essentially, this tribulation, stems from Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord. 本质上,此劫,源于灵霄天尊自己。 If he is severer, teaches nicely the disciples...... 若他严厉一些,把弟子们教得善良一些…… Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord shakes the head, disappointed sighed, in the heart emerged wipes the regret. 灵霄天尊摇了摇头,又怅然一叹,心中浮出一抹悔意。 Because this person of plundering, he cannot cross Heavenly Lord Dao Tribulation, is forced to regain consciousness ahead of time. 因这人劫,他没能渡过天尊道劫,被迫提前苏醒。 Although died, has not said the way to cut off very much luck at the scene, halts in this. 虽然很幸运地没有当场殒落,却也道途断绝,止步于此。 Now, he bumped into the Golden Immortal threshold slightly half-step Golden Immortal. 现在,他只是稍稍碰到了金仙门槛的“半步金仙”。 Sounds very fierce, but half-step Golden Immortal, is only a joke. 听起来很厉害,可半步金仙,只是一个笑话而已。 Remaining half-step, cannot step forever. 剩下的半步,永远迈不出去了。 Higher realm, could not see forever. 更高的境界,永远也看不到了。 Then including lifespan, also has not increased for one second. 便连寿元,亦没有增加一秒。 Not only has not increased, instead decreased, even the Heavenly Lord proper 10 million years of natural life because of the Crossing Tribulation failure did not live. 不但没有增加,反而因渡劫失败减损了许多,连天尊原本应有的一千万载天寿都活不到了。 When Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord Crossing Tribulation, but also only lived more than 700 to long live. Normally, coordinating various types to extend the method, he can also live again for 3,000,000-4,000,000 years. 灵霄天尊渡劫时,还只活了七百多万岁。正常情况下,配合各种延手段,他还能再活3,000,000-4,000,000年。 But he now, can only live again more than 50 ten thousand years. 而他现在,只能再活五十余万载。 Any long life method, is unable to become effective to him. 任何延寿手段,都无法对他生效。 Stops on the way, hopeless Golden Immortal, lifespan large buckle. 道途中止,无望金仙,寿元大幅折损。 The loss is so serious, does this let the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord not regret? 损失如此惨重,这让灵霄天尊如何不悔? However, lamented again, also no helps. 不过,再是悔恨,亦于事无补。 Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord cuts in the heart that to wipe the regret, opens the view, faint dignified eyes, looks to Ni Kun and Lu Xiyan. 灵霄天尊斩去心中那抹悔意,张开眼帘,淡漠威严的双眼,又看向倪坤陆昔颜 You are very good.” “你们很不错。” His tone is saying lightly, during the sound reverberation in this is void, shakes the trim void rumbling to shiver: 他语气平淡地说着,声音回荡在这虚空之中,震得整片虚空轰轰颤抖: I have never imagined, two then erasable small insects, can while my deep sleep, grow to today's this grade of position conveniently unexpectedly, changes into my person tribulation.” “我从未想象过,两只原本随手便可抹去的小虫子,竟能趁着我沉睡,成长到今天这等境地,化为我的人劫。” Ni Kun shows a faint smile: Drinks carves, is it possible that first decides ; Fine beginning but ending in break-up, must have the reason. Spirit Firmament you accept the disciple is not lax, teach improper, teaches one group of cold blood cruel apprentices, establishes Heavenly Court that ignores the common people, incurs this tribulation, is purely has only self to blame.” 倪坤微微一笑:“一饮一琢,莫非前定;兰因絮果,必有来由。灵霄你收徒不严,管教不当,教出一群冷血残忍的徒弟,建立一个漠视苍生的天庭,招致此劫,纯属咎由自取。” You said right.” Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord nods: „ This tribulation truly is I confesses. But, this Heavenly Lord instinct so, if no this instinct, is impossible to arrive today this step. But you...... “你说得没错。”灵霄天尊颔首:“此劫确实是我自招。但,本天尊天性如此,若无此天性,也不可能走到今天这一步。而你们…… If the opportunity lives I is so long, when your friends and family members, all when you care about, all annihilation during long time, you, will become will be the same to me.” “若还有机会活上我这么久,等到你们的朋友、亲人,等到你们在意的所有一切,皆湮灭在漫长的时光之中,你们,也会变得与我一样。” Right?” Ni Kun lifts the hand: Later did not say certainly. But now, my blood is not at least cold, is the warm-blooded youngster!” “是吗?”倪坤抬手:“以后说不准。但至少现在,我血仍未冷,还是热血少年!” Bang! 轰! The five fingers close up, grip tightly the fist, the black hole common fist, depending on tearing the star mighty force, goes toward the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord bang. 五指合拢,紧握成拳,黑洞一般的拳头,挟撕裂恒星的伟力,向着灵霄天尊轰去。 The true decisive battle, started. 真正的决战,开始了。 Asked a ticket!】 【求勒个票!】
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