IACHMND :: Volume #4

#334: Storm Spirit Firmament Palace!

As a Ni Kun claw wields, the black ominous tiger of planet size lays out the great claw toward Spirit Firmament Palace, Spirit Firmament Palace blooms instantly ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) multi-colored sunlight, continuous, pliable but hard to break compact, if the overlapping trap, keeps off before the tiger claw. 随着倪坤一爪挥出,星球大小的黑色凶虎向着灵霄宫拍出巨爪,灵霄宫霎时绽放万丈霞光,连绵不绝,柔韧致密,若层层叠叠的罗网,挡在虎爪之前。 Scoffs! 嗤啦! The tiger claw pats the multi-colored sunlight trap, hits entity substance general unexpectedly probably, exudes sound of the grating sharp voice. 虎爪拍上霞光罗网,竟像是击中实体物质一般,发出一阵刺耳的裂帛之声。 The tyrannical ban of Heavenly Lord level, under this tiger claw, collapses at the first blow unexpectedly. 天尊级的强横禁制,在这虎爪之下,居然不堪一击。 The tiger claw pats the place of falling, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) multi-colored sunlight sprinkles the snow just like the boiling soup, fast ablation. 虎爪拍落之处,万丈霞光宛若沸汤泼雪,飞快消融。 Ni Kun dominates one, the claw potential quick three points, the tiger claw pushes directly into again, tears the overlapping multi-colored sunlight trap, strikes outrageously on Spirit Firmament Palace. 倪坤叱咤一声,爪势再快三分,虎爪长驱直入,撕裂层层叠叠的霞光罗网,悍然拍击在灵霄宫上。 Bang! 轰隆! As if in planet disruption common loud sound sound, Spirit Firmament Palace loudly shock. Terrifying instead shakes the strength, made a black tiger great claw cuns (2.5 cm) collapse, the black tiger of entire planet size, was wail one, returned to original state into the chaos air current. 仿佛星球碎裂一般的巨响声中,灵霄宫轰然剧震。恐怖的反震力,令黑虎巨爪寸寸崩溃,整头星球大小的黑虎,亦是哀鸣一声,还原为混沌气流。 But the Spirit Firmament Palace periphery's ban, eradicates under this claw thoroughly, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) multi-colored sunlight disappears to collect. 灵霄宫外围的禁制,也在这一爪下彻底破除,万丈霞光消敛一空。 The surrounding bans one broken, Lu Xiyan raises Asura Sword immediately, wields together precise incomparable blood-color sword astral, tearing is void, cuts to the Spirit Firmament Palace front door. 外围禁制一破,陆昔颜当即擎起修罗剑,挥出一道凝炼无匹的血色剑罡,撕裂虚空,斩向灵霄宫大门。 When sword astral cuts falls, on the Spirit Firmament Palace front door suddenly departs giant beast head of taking the form of legendary wild animal, opens the big mouth, bites to blood-color sword astral. 剑罡斩落之时,灵霄宫大门上陡然飞出一只形似狻猊的巨大兽首,张开血盆大口,一口噬向血色剑罡。 Clang! 铛! In clear pleased collision of metal sound, beast head is loudly stave, sword astral odd/surplus potential does not rest , to continue to cut the front door. But nine beast head leap one after another, series bites to blood-color sword astral. 清悦的金铁交击声中,兽首轰然破碎,剑罡余势不歇,继续斩出大门。但又有九只兽首接连跃出,连环噬向血色剑罡。 Clang clang clang...... 铛铛铛…… After nine collision of metal sound, sword astral was worn down finally by nine beast head of taking place of the fallen. The Spirit Firmament Palace front door is safe and sound. 九声金铁交击声后,剑罡终于被前仆后继的九只兽首消磨一空。灵霄宫大门安然无恙。 Later, sees the number by thousand beast head, departs from the Spirit Firmament Palace front door on, changes to unequalled titanophoneus heads, roared to bite toward Ni Kun and Lu Xiyan. 之后,就见数以千记的兽首,自灵霄宫大门上飞出,化作一颗颗硕大无朋的巨型兽首,向着倪坤陆昔颜咆哮噬来。 These beast head, have the liger and dragon snake, Qilin, the great Kun, gluttony and hou crafty...... 那些兽首,有狮虎、龙蛇、麒麟、巨鲲、饕餮、犼狡…… All is the unusual animals that during the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord life cuts to kill, was extracted primeval spirit by him, refining up to make gate god, seal above the Spirit Firmament Palace palace. 全都是灵霄天尊一生之中斩杀的异兽,被他抽取元神,炼作“门神”,封印在灵霄宫殿之上。 Once Spirit Firmament Palace is attacked, what regardless of attacks is which position of palace, these gate god can the stress send, launches the counter-attack. 一旦灵霄宫遇袭,无论袭击的是宫殿的哪个位置,这些“门神”都能应激而发,发动反击。 The might of each beast head, has the strength of Heavenly Lord striking, swallowing void, Crushing the Stars is easy. 每一只兽首的威力,都有天尊一击之力,吞噬虚空、粉碎星辰轻而易举。 Number by thousand the beast head group of having the prestige of Heavenly Lord striking bites to come, commonplace Heavenly Lord in this and other under wild offensive, must be thrown into confusion, even the slightest misstep then injured. 数以千记拥有天尊一击之威的兽首群噬而来,等闲天尊在这等狂暴的攻势下,都要手忙脚乱,稍有不慎便要受伤。 But Ni Kun is unhurriedly, the thought moves, Black-Yellow Karmic Virtue Tower raises slowly, dangles qi of black-yellow, covers him and Lu Xiyan. No matter what that several thousand beast head throws in all directions crazily strikes , can only bite to nip the lines after lines of ripples qi of black-yellow. 倪坤不慌不忙,念头一动,玄黄功德塔冉冉升起,垂下条条玄黄之气,将他与陆昔颜笼罩在内。任那数千兽首四面八方疯狂扑击,亦只能将玄黄之气噬咬出道道涟漪。 Not only blocked besieging of that several thousand beast head, has qi of black-yellow, spreads to the beast head group , the tentacle brushes the outwash generally. 不仅挡住了那数千兽首的围攻,更有条条玄黄之气,蔓延至兽首群中,触手一般刷来刷去。 White lion beast head has brushed to qi of black-yellow, in the wild scarlet double pupil, emerged immediately wipes the pure brightness, the offensive slow one slow. 一头白狮兽首给玄黄之气刷过,狂暴猩红的双瞳之中,顿时浮出一抹清明,攻势缓了一缓。 Subsequently also has the qi of black-yellow outwash together, that white lion beast head look pure brightness, the top of the head also emits the steaming black air/Qi. 继而又有一道玄黄之气刷去,那白狮兽首眼神更加清明,头顶亦冒出腾腾黑气。 When third qi of black-yellow has brushed, that white lion beast head quickly grasps the meaning of something, thorough comes soberly, exuding one fully is roaring of hatred, is reverse Spirit Firmament Palace to throw. 待得第三道玄黄之气刷过,那白狮兽首一个激灵,彻底清醒过来,发出一声满是痛恨的咆哮,反向着灵霄宫扑去。 This is not an exceptional case. 这并不是特例。 In having broken bans, purification to be able under everywhere qi of black-yellow scrubbing, Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord exerts the ban in beast head to eradicate. 在拥有“破禁、净化”之能的漫天玄黄之气洗刷之下,灵霄天尊施加于兽首之中的禁制纷纷破除。 These beast head books die in the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord subordinate, has to kill a enmity with him, primeval spirit is also banned to imprison, refining up to make gate god, becomes Spirit Firmament Palace part, the painful suffering, can not extricate. 那些兽首本就是死在灵霄天尊手下,与他有杀身之仇,元神还被禁制拘役,炼作“门神”,成为灵霄宫的一部分,痛苦煎熬,不得解脱。 At this time bans one broken, primeval spirit regains the freedom, these beast head transfer the goal immediately in abundance, must before primeval spirit dissipates, retaliates Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord to kill a enmity. 此时禁制一破,元神复得自由,那些兽首顿时纷纷调转目标,要在元神消散之前,报复灵霄天尊杀身之仇。 Quick, that thousands of beast head then complete treachery, crazy combustion primeval spirit, launched the final impact toward Spirit Firmament Palace. 很快,那数以千计的兽首便全部倒戈,疯狂燃烧元神,向着灵霄宫发起了最后的冲击。 Rumbling...... 轰轰轰…… In the earth-shaking explosion sound, beast head takes place of the fallen the hit on Spirit Firmament Palace, submerges the palace in big explosion continuously. 惊天动地的爆炸声中,兽首前仆后继撞击在灵霄宫上,将宫殿淹没在连绵不断的大爆炸中。 When sells cloud leisurely/scatter to all beast head smoke, the Spirit Firmament Palace front door and outer wall, have become tattered and torn, proliferates the fissure. 待到所有兽首烟销云散,灵霄宫大门及外墙,已变得千疮百孔,遍布裂痕。 The original third banned defense line, has perished together with that several thousand beast head. 原本的第三道禁制防线,已然与那数千兽首同归于尽。 A Lu Xiyan sword cuts again, this blood-color sword astral free from obstacle, strikes to cut the broken front door again. 陆昔颜再次一剑斩出,这一次血色剑罡再无阻碍,一击斩破大门。 But has not waited for two people to clash, a glittering big hand, then finds out from the front door, changes to a great hand of Eclipsing the World, one grasps toward the Ni Kun two people. 但还不等两人冲进去,一只金光闪闪的大手,便从大门之中探出,化作一只遮天蔽日的巨手,向着倪坤二人一把抓来。 Ni Kun hey smiles, welcomes a glittering great hand fist to rumble. 倪坤嘿地一笑,迎着金光闪闪的巨手一拳轰出。 When the fist leaves, the purple electricity across the sky, illuminating the penetrating is dark. 拳出之时,紫电横空,照彻黑暗虚空。 After purple electricity, everywhere divine thunder tumbles, thunderclap shakes the world, the electric light like the dragon, the bang hits ruthlessly in the golden light great hand. 紫电过后,漫天神雷翻滚,雷音震世,电光如龙,狠狠轰打在金光巨手上。 Under everywhere divine thunder bang hits, the golden light great hand trembles to continue, emits the steaming golden phosgene, probably is been ordinary by the snowball that the hot sun evaporates, the volume shrinks fast, but forwards firmly, non-stop the fallow land grasping to grasp. 漫天神雷轰打之下,金光巨手震颤不止,冒出腾腾金色光气,像是被烈日蒸发的雪球一般,体积飞快缩水,但还是坚定向前,毫不停歇地抓握而来。 Bang! 嘭! The fist of Ni Kun, shrinks hundred times of golden light great hands to bump with that outrageously hardly. 倪坤的拳,与那缩水百倍的金光巨手悍然硬碰。 Under clashes, the Ni Kun fist is entirely still, the golden light great hand is crack one, the palm splits open a fissure, at once radiates fast in all directions. 对撞之下,倪坤拳头纹丝不动,金光巨手则是咔嚓一声,掌心绽开一条裂痕,旋即飞快地四面八方辐射开去。 In an instant, the dense and numerous radiation fissures, then proliferate the entire only golden light great hand. In the flaking sound of rustling sound, golden fragments, fall off from the golden light great hand, quick is shedding. 转眼之间,密密麻麻的辐射裂痕,便遍布整只金光巨手。悉悉索索的剥落声中,一块块金色碎片,自金光巨手上脱落下来,很快便是大片大片的脱落。 Only one instantly, the entire golden light great hand, then has only collapsed for the fragment thoroughly, is only left over a bare wrist/skill, shrank fast. 只一个刹那,整只金光巨手,便已彻底崩为碎片,只剩下一只光秃秃的手腕,飞快地缩了回去。 After that wrist/skill retracts, in entry that Spirit Firmament Palace opens wide, walks one all over the body glitteringly, big form that as if the gold casts. 当那手腕缩回之后,灵霄宫洞开的门洞中,走出来一尊通体金光闪闪,仿佛黄金铸成的高大身影。 That is one fights puppet. 那是一尊战傀。 It was one dies in the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord subordinate, the strength shows disdain for same rank Two Tribulations Heavenly Monarch, the essence excels at body refinement cultivation technique. After dying, was built up with various refiner material sacrifices by Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord personally, changed to strong war puppet. 其生前乃是一位死在灵霄天尊手下,实力傲视同阶二劫天君,精擅炼体功法。死后被灵霄天尊用各种炼器材料亲手祭炼,化作了一尊强大战傀。 Even the opponent is Heavenly Lord Chen Long that and other newly promoted Heavenly Lord, it can also fight directly with it. 即使对手是辰龙天尊那等新晋天尊,它亦能与之正面交手一番。 However, is such strong war puppet, after Ni Kun bumped one move hardly, the entire only right hand vanishes does not see, is only left over the bare wrist/skill. 然而,就是这么一尊强大战傀,与倪坤硬碰了一招之后,整只右手都消失不见,只剩下光秃秃的手腕。 Sees that war puppet to go out, Ni Kun transfers the qi of black-yellow washout to go, tries to purify Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord to exert at its ban, instigation. 见那战傀走出,倪坤调动玄黄之气冲刷而去,试图净化灵霄天尊施加在它身上的禁制,将之策反。 However this war puppet refining up for hundred years after the Spirit Firmament Heavenly Lord sacrifice, refine into the innumerable refiner materials, the nature nearly in magical treasure, with beforehand these beast head was entirely different existence, how if qi of black-yellow washed out, it remained unmoved, raised the left hand unemotionally, rumbled toward a Ni Kun two people of fist. 然而此战傀经灵霄天尊祭炼百年,炼入了无数炼器材料,性质更近于法宝,与之前那些兽首乃是截然不同的存在,任是玄黄之气如何冲刷,它都不为所动,面无表情地提起左手,向着倪坤二人一拳轰来。 Ni Kun shakes the head, qi of black-yellow changes into energy cover, blocks to fight the puppet fist, simultaneously toward fighting a puppet claw grasps. 倪坤摇了摇头,玄黄之气化为气罩,挡住战傀拳头,同时向着战傀一爪抓出。 When the claw leaves, he with fighting the space between puppet twists unexpectedly compresses, distance of both sides one becomes nearly touches cheeks, the Ni Kun claw takes advantage of opportunity , submerges fights the puppet chest, later stops doing to pull out, in the palm are many one group of glittering and translucent carving light groups. 爪出之时,他与战傀之间的空间蓦地扭曲压缩,双方的距离一下变得近乎贴脸,倪坤手爪顺势噗地一声,没入战傀心口,之后抽手一掏,掌中已多出一团晶莹剔透的光团。 Ni Kun grasps up the group, the five fingers one wrong, bang, in the light group the palm pinches to explode. 倪坤手握光团,五指一错,嘭地一声,将掌中光团捏爆。 The light scraps/condescend jump fly, sprinkles just like the star rain. 光屑迸飞,宛若星雨洒落。 Fights the puppet body to return safe and sound, Ni Kun that claw, has not damaged its body. But after the light group explodes is broken, its body immediately unexpectedly one stiff, in the eye the ray is dim, slowly dangling head. 战傀身躯毫发无伤,倪坤那一爪,并未损伤它的躯壳。但当光团爆碎后,它身躯顿时蓦地一僵,眼中光芒黯淡,缓缓垂下头颅。 Ni Kun shows a faint smile, in the forehead, departs a sparkling stone light, submerges fights in the puppet forehead. 倪坤微微一笑,眉心之中,飞出一点莹光,没入战傀眉心之中。 Fights the puppet gloomy eyes, immediately glitters the brilliant crystal light, slightly one nodded the head to Ni Kun, returns to the body to crash in Spirit Firmament Palace. 战傀黯淡无光的双眼,顿时又闪烁起灼灼晶光,对倪坤微一颔首,返身冲进了灵霄宫中。 Ni Kun splits up a thought that changes into virtual primeval spirit, occupied this body that fights puppet, will turn into an own incarnation. 倪坤分化出一个念头,化为虚拟元神,占据了这尊战傀的躯壳,将之变成了自己的一尊化身。 Rumbling...... 轰轰轰…… The continuous explosion sound and collision sound, transmit from Spirit Firmament Palace, obviously in Spirit Firmament Palace still had extremely powerful defensive measure, from preventing has changed into the Ni Kun incarnation war puppet. 连绵不绝的爆炸声、碰撞声,自灵霄宫中传来,显然灵霄宫中仍有极强大的防御措施,正自阻挡已化为倪坤化身的战傀。 In Lu Xiyan hear of Spirit Firmament Palace fights intensely, cannot repress, says one: I also got up!” 陆昔颜灵霄宫中战得激烈,按捺不住,道一声:“我也上了!” Melts the light to escape into Spirit Firmament Palace, with fighting the puppet incarnation fights shoulder to shoulder. That explosion sound and collision sound for a while noise ebullition. 化光遁入灵霄宫中,与战傀化身并肩而战。那爆炸声、碰撞声一时更加喧嚣沸腾。 Ni Kun smiles, shoulders both hands, top of the head Black-Yellow Karmic Virtue Tower, walks out Spirit Firmament Palace easely, walks into the Spirit Firmament Palace main hall. 倪坤笑了笑,背负双手,头顶玄黄功德塔,悠然跨过灵霄宫门槛,步入灵霄宫正殿。 In the main hall, everywhere is the fight trace. The ground proliferates the pothole, the wall full is the fissure. Thousands of human form and beast shapes fight the puppet wreckage, spreads in the main hall in surrounding area thousand li (500 km). 正殿之中,到处都是战斗痕迹。地面遍布坑洞,墙壁满是裂痕。数以万计的人形、兽形战傀残骸,散布在方圆千里的正殿之中。 Ni Kun following the fight trace, the sound of fight and front hears unceasingly forwards easely, passes through the main hall, arrives at a corridor entrance, just marched into the corridor, all around environment quickly changes, arrives in starry sky unexpectedly. 倪坤循着战斗痕迹,以及前方不断传来的战斗之声悠然向前,走过正殿,来到一条廊道入口,刚步入廊道,四周环境倏地一变,竟来到一处星空之中。 In the starry sky, that whole body glittering war puppet, has changed to a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) giant. Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) giant who Lu Xiyan also turns into the superhuman, is brandishing the great sword single-handedly, toward cuts blood sea blood-color sword astral in all directions. Another seven arms, or the fist or the claw, or refer to or the palm, makes the lines after lines of tyrannical feat of arms. 星空之中,那浑身金光闪闪的战傀,已化作一尊万丈巨人。陆昔颜亦化成三头八臂的万丈巨人,一手挥舞着巨剑,向着四面八方斩出血海般的血色剑罡。另外七条手臂,或拳或爪,或指或掌,打出道道强横武技。 Besieges to fight puppet and Lu Xiyan, is ten million of giant star ships. 围攻战傀和陆昔颜的,是数以千万计的巨型星舰。 That tens of millions star ships, almost overspread the entire starry sky, from alls around and high and low eight sides, rumbles lines after lines of to annihilate the light beam of stars toward Lu Xiyan and war puppet sufficiently. Blazing the white light beam, the jet black starry sky will reflect bright as snow. 那数千万星舰,几乎铺满了整个星空,从前后左右、上下八方,向着陆昔颜和战傀轰出一道道足以歼灭星辰的光束。炽白的光束,将漆黑的星空映得一片雪亮。 Dozens are ten thousand li (0.5 km) star ship, entity shell that his lord bombards, impressively is compressions to the star nuclear of fist size, each star nuclear, crushes side high level great world sufficiently with ease. 更有数十艘长达万里的星舰,其主炮轰出的实体炮弹,赫然是一枚枚压缩至拳头大小的星核,每一枚星核,都足以轻松粉碎一方上位大世界 The bonus is Lu Xiyan brave, fighting the puppet incarnation is tyrannical, under this tens of millions star ships besiege , can only hit to explode the star ship one after another, killing the enemy the efficiency is very low. 饶是陆昔颜骁勇,战傀化身强横,在这数千万星舰围攻之下,亦只能一艘一艘地打爆星舰,杀敌效率十分低下。 Internal formation is stronger than the exterior ban, fair.” “内部阵法比外部禁制更强,合情合理。” Ni Kun shows a faint smile, puts out a hand a finger/refers, qi of black-yellow turbulently, changes into energy cover, covers on Lu Xiyan and war puppet. 倪坤微微一笑,伸手一指,玄黄之气汹涌而出,化为气罩,笼罩在陆昔颜与战傀身上。 black-yellow energy cover helps one another, Lu Xiyan the spirit inspires immediately, disregards all attacks, grazes before a ten thousand li (0.5 km) great ship of emission star nuclear artillery projectile, a sword cuts to explode that great ship. A that war puppet incarnation also fist bang exploded a battleship. 玄黄气罩相助,陆昔颜顿时精神一振,无视一切攻击,飞掠至一艘发射星核炮弹的万里巨舰前,一剑就把那巨舰砍爆。那战傀化身亦一拳轰爆了一艘战舰。 Ni Kun has not seen a play, the body in a flash, changes into a height 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) giant, the big hand separates spatially grasps, 1 million li (0.5 km) void balled paper was rubbed to make one group by him generally, in thousands of star ships explode the fragment powder entirely. 倪坤也没有看戏,将身一晃,化为一尊身长十万丈的巨人,大手隔空一握,百万里虚空纸团一般被他揉作一团,内中数以千计的星舰统统爆成齑粉。 Asked a ticket!】 【求勒个票!】
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